teht tffcitstoiv ho notes ant plr a week from to whiohriel was ajw diets who xrera pressing the biel tmfrss sttpwarajm 10 1885 0 commbnts board the v jttw is the datq- upon teuoed to be hanged her majesty hai i proved the project of bestowing medals ni da the canadian sol inthe workolsup on canadian exhilui plomaa honor i medals 31 silver jbjbronze and 80- honor able mentions atihe antwerp exhibition have avon three di iest honor 1 gold ws want 1 1156245 me 0 the regular i nonthly meetih g of thrboajrd of trustees ot ki c it is runiqiedr that mr jos uiokson geuera manager of tiie grand trunk has been appointed to jthe london eng board of directors and that mr john bell of a belleville will take feiis plaoe asmanagerjf we are pleased to note that no licenses will be i granted on t io toronto exhibition grounds this year the exhibition board will see the keepers at refreshment booths observe the law they are determined that whatever law ii in force shall be en- jforced r it is worthy of no e that m ho county or city hat the scott aa ecsr been fepisied and in every case in wh ch the act tas been defeated and a sea nd contest has taken place the act has eeal carried opon the second rote publi sentiment ib growing iug o 6 25 jos anderson repairs 5 00 james brown lumber- 1 1 65 a stophensoi repairing sto m 1 10 thos t moire paid rejmiriug clock 100 gei havill doiien tin cups 50 chis t hiujtope andblind s 48 everywhere in fwpr or aduotion the schools met aoton publio in council chi raberon mom ay evening present dr messrs w thomas c mbqre and geo r financ i committee presented their nftli report re jomraeuding pi yment of the following acoo mts w auld shingles shingling pairing eohool lowry in tie ohair and h storey v p i brown hynds hay deptf m j lience j e mcgarvp stationery seats for fpurth painting resiflouoe tiios eastou 242 45 the consndktee further bubmittod as the estimates for tho expendituri i of the board lor the curreo t year the folk wing teachers sail ries 1800 00 caretaker i eoretery 105 00 fuel v 12500 contingencies 154 45 i- leb8 government grant of the law though the scott act has been adopted in fredrictoni n b on two different votes another effort is to be made to secure its repeal the opponents of the measure claim to have the promise of a majority alganinst the continuance of the act it is as well not to boast until the vote is taken the commissioners have been at work for some time surveying the grounds on cana dian side of the niagara falls and niakiug arrangements fori their formation into a public park it is generally thought thatj the park on the canadian side will be thrown open free from road tolls and ex tortionate hackmeni on july 1st of next year 1 the liquor men actually blame the scott act for the perjury that they commit in order to escape its penalties false swear ing is necessary to enable them to violate the law as well- might the highwayman who murders his victim plead that he could not rob him without killing him first and blame the lairs for the protection of property because they compel him toresort i to violence in tak hg what is not his own igitacur an order in council has been passed by the ontario government authorizing the provincial board of health to appoint in spectors with power to board all trains and steamboats coming westward from mon- trealand to comiei all passengers to pro duce certificates oi vaccination or he vacci nated on the spot the importation of rags and second band clothing from mon treal is strictly prohibited all local boards of health are empowered i to jweceed with compulsory yaccinat ion where cases of the disease iiay be repot ted cleaning caietak v dr maodonalds death r are- j138 82 72 50 8 00 7 15 m562 45 moved by w h storey seconded by w p brown thatjhe above finance com niti the monicipil qouncfl be provide for u5pa45 for school for the currei t yeiar carrie 1 moved by thomas t moore seconded by wm brorn that the property com mittee be ant lorized to purchase mkps of the world north america and africa for the first d spartment and i clock for the 1684 46 122 00 report of the i be adopled and that requested to purposes ii r fourth depart liont carried movied by w h storey seconded by george hynds that the roperty com mittee be instructed to supply the bohoolb with wood until further notue cfarried boars then adjourned an immense fortune prospective jliuions in which an acton famuy claims legal heirship ii our municipal rulers j the business dransacted at the semi- montiuy meeting shaliiwe jl ye btliitakds the council met on tuesday evening members present the reeve and messrs henderson and stephenson minutes of last meeting read and con firmed the finance committee presented their thirteenth report recommending payment of the following accounts ebbage perryman plastering finishing and painting new school room per contract 546 50 thomas ebbage survey posts fer j cemetery ll 2450 geo wilson on acct cemetery 20 00 some time that dr resident your committee manage the si of the acquired cei as fairview cemi v- 9100 beport adopted col allan applied for grant to com pany no 6 who are about to go intocamp mr j henry smith asked permission to introduce billiard tables into acton the matter was laid upo the table for further consideration the cemetery oomjnittee presented their first report as folli pointed to control and d general snpervioh property known beg to submit their first report as f ollojws the survey of half of the first six acres has been completed and the lots numbered and at present the driveways are being eicavated and graveled your committee were fortunate enough to discover a gravel it on the rear end of the last acquired thirteen acres from whicb they will fieenablek to properly gravel all roadways in a satisfactory fnanner if is the purpose df your committee to survey two acres of the rear portion and we have workmen employed in cjtting underbrush and superfluous growth pre paratory to its survey in plots your cbnimittee expect having the first btrvey ready in aahjort timeivwhen plots will be publieiy offered for sale all of which i respectfully submitted wh iobet j henpsbson committee a stkfhznbcc beport adopted moved by d henderson seconded by anthony stephenson that the sum of fifteen dollatb be granted to col allan to mist fa protiding for company ho 6 20th bat while in camp at nia- ijrfcroarried i j conned then adjourned ago we referred to the fact richard johnson and family of acton- and vicinity were claimants of i large estate in england and that the doct or waa engaged in establish ing his claim to a proportion of the estate we are pleas d to state that the prospects for the famil r coming into possession of their share of the property at a no distant date are very encouraging much more so in fact than ii the case in the majority of similar claimiu the history of this estate the celebraied lawrencetownley estate is as follows i j the heirs cf the awrencetownley es tates in engl ind who have for 40 years been making spasmodic efforts to get pos session of the vast property iare now com bining together to make a general investi gation and ha v the matter settled the value of thee jtjates is found to be much larger than wis first supposed it is now placed at thee normous sum of s800000000 and eventhai is thought to be much below the actual vilue the british govern ment which lias held the estates for two centuries has by act of parliament passed- oij aug 4th cecided to pay aver to all legal heirs their proper pronortion of the moneys this has put he matter on a much better footing and an effort is being made now to secure all information about the heirs as required by tie act there are a large number of the descendants of the original owners in cat ada and the tlnited states in toronto al ne there fire about 20 fam ilies who will iave claims upon the estates the enormots sum to be divided how ever will mi ike ample provision for all claimants 3ie fajniiy have offices in london eng and an agent in toronto to collect information one bfphe heirs will leave for eng and in a few weeks to coni- pare notes wll h the agent thare mr wra northcotegeiire of 475king street west one of the heirs is acting asagentr receiv ing correspondence and sending informa tion to all n embers of the family who place themsel f es in communication with him he wil go to england inabout six weeks to helj straighten up the matter hon- henry northcote eldest son of the earl of iddeshigh is now in montreal and will visit tprt nto shbrtly to ijsee what -p- formation has been obtained tuere the estimates covers 40000 acres of land in england tleyare known as the town ley estates in the counties verdict through the inquest on th body of the late dr w h maodouald bftoro ito formerly of aotou was reshmed on monday eveniiiff coroner johtiboii itt the ohair dr w h ellis testified that ho m pub- ho analyst had received the stomaolr and a portion of the intestines of deoeased from dr sheard ho examined them for poisonband fotind none poibons which would produce the symptoms observed at tho post mortem examination were nar cotics such as chloral bhlproform prubsio acid and morphine he had made special tests for these poisons and afterwards a general test for any poison whatsoever but after all these examinations had not found a traoe of poison of any description hear ing that a bottle of atropeine the active prinoiple of belladonna had been found in the deceaseds room -he- had examined oarefullyfor any traoe lot the drug but with the same result as before if deceas- ed had taken a hypodermio iujeotion sufuoiently definite conolasious could not be arrived at from a mere examination of the contents of the atomaob i- the coroner then addressed the jury he said that the evidences went to show that dr maodonald did not die from in juries inflicted by any person that he did not die from the effects of poison adminis tered by himself or any one else and that his death took plaoe without any straggle at time of his death drj macdonalf had in his room a quantity of an excessively deadly drug atropeine and he was known to possess one or two hypodermic syringes the coroner could easily conceive that if dr maodonald had this syringe tin his room he could have given himself too much of this drug and it would be almost im possible to detect the spot to which the syringe had been applied but the doctors whomadethe post mortem examination hadbtated positively that there were marks of tp hypodermio byringe on the body v j the jurymen were then- left to them selves and alter being absent for a short time brought in a- verdict simply stating that the deceased had come to his death through somo cause unknown io them the result of prof ellis analysis will disperse the fears of foul play entertained by some and the evidence goes to prove almost conclusively that the deoeased did not come to his death by an overdose of any anesthetic applied to obtain rest the doctors death is one of thoie mysterious occurrences whioh seem to lie beyond the power of mortal man to solve notice tojiebtor8 a ll iauties indebted to the- w firm of a- moere maiohouso- ar hereby notified that all accounts must bo settled forth- with otharwlbo bey will bo placedlln other handg with lnstruqtloua to collect in th quickest poaslhlo wauuor addroaa or cull on john moolte biuloboubo 8oitoihbjar2rl1885 pi estray qtbaveq upon thepremlsos of tbesubboribor d on or about the 80th august allow pig about throe months old owner will plotise prove proporty pay expenses and remove i ame8 8nyder lot82 esqilcbing avg 31 1885 strayed 4 cia me into tho premisos of tho subsbribor lot j h in tlio otli con eequcbiug ono two-year- old grey hoifr ownor oan bvo the sauie bj proving property paying charges and taking her away jamebjmacphebsoni i esquoslng po for sale v r t ot 2 townl1ne erin in a high stato of j cultivation well watered- 12 lriuos fr uuelph firstolasb stone house bank born -oo- busy v buim wmy yej3 itxj8t look inairi -oo- l cultivation well watered- 12 lriuos from ctuelph firstolasb stone house 00x40 easy tonub to a good purchaser james matthews adtou aug 12th 188o acton po seed wheat seed wheat rphesubscbtoer offors i or bale a inew varie- x ty of fair wheat for seod itlylelded 40 bushels to the acre last year and the amount threshed from 0 acres this year is 03l bushels this is a nice beardless wheat straw btifl chaff white not givon to lodge and is very hardy one dollar il per bushel r- 1 jbradley cedar yale farm goorgetowi aug 21st 1885 special notice all parties indebted to thq underdgnod win please call and setuo their account imme diately ab i willromove froin aoton in a few days c w h1lij j pbotorapher house lot for sale the uudersigncd offers for sale his iiousojand lot on main streot it is a largebouse con tains nine roomb alsokitcbon and woodshed is well adapted for a tencuiont or boarding house good btablo on tho premises liberal apply to d w caipbell terms cheapest pirstolass music in the j united states look sit this list of some of the most popuw music published printedon the best heavy music paper good clear print full sheet music size and the same as gen erally retailed all over the united states at thirty to seventyfive cents per copy our price is five cxxts per copy or by mail one cent added for postage we give the retail price but remember our price is but five cents we will send catalogue of 1000 best selling pieces published free dont pay high exorbitant prices wheq yon can get the bame music for about oneeighth the price m de nad on application to the sedrctary see the following 1 i- 60nos alice whore art thont li ascher angels eter bright ondfair handel answers blumenthal bine alsatian mountains adams bridge carew bridge lindsay brook- j- dolores cherry ripe horn clang of the wooden shoon- molloy dream faces hutcbinsop esmeralda llevy istuumfstal chop sticks waltz black hawk waltz com flower waltz queens lace handkerchief raquet galop v delulu walsh cooke strauss richards j slack wilson richards 30c 33c fioc 50c 50c 35c 35c 35c 40c 35c 35c 25c 50c 50c 40c 40c 50c 40c 40c wanted wanted a resident agent ts every village towu and city in tho dominion also a few travellers to sell our new air gas ma- chines for making air gas 50 per cont cheaper than coal equally as good no fire or power re- uired mode in oil sizes from 15 burners to 1000 or privatehousoj stores hot ele factoriesmills streets mines otcaddrosjs cujadias vir gab machine mrlff co i 115 t francois xavier st 15ly i montreal p q iublph central exhibition will bo held on the exhibition grounds cityufguelpli 1 on f monday tuesday wednes day sept 28 29 ami 30 prizes will be given for stock produce ladies work fino arts lddv riders aild drivers speeding hi thehoreo riijgcollie d s c 4c for further particulars boo pxize i ists which ja8 millar prebidont it mackekzd3 sebretaiy home sweet home sbephenj boy i warblingsateve and l0ou other songs knd instrumental pieces equally as good as the ibovo only six cents per copy post free semi forotopy of our musical journal 9125 peryear sample copy twelve cents in sending orders always send cash post- office order or postal note as wo get so many stamps we cannot use them also in all cases mention the paper you saw our advertisement in so we may do justice to those papers that furnish us business address j h thomas publisher albany n y miscellaneous of york and lancashireapd the vane tempest estates properties at and managed elizabeth comprising ex eneive mining stella blaytra ryton winlsiton and stanley in the counties of yoik lancashire and durham they are nov in the handi o the imperit 1 government by the marqui i of london den townley of l mcashire eng jtobert lawrnnce in 1504 willed 330000 000 which sujn was neser paid ovej m try townley married john lawrence in 1 593 the vane tempest es tate came to t ip townley family through the marriages i t richard townley to the heiress of qord wiiliafhj widdrington in 1665 the marriage of john lawrence was against tt e will of his pirents owing to religious dfferehces and hej came to america livi ig in bostoni now york- halifax n t j and walpoje mass h died without i eing aware of the vast estates to which be was entitled to in england the family fir it commenced to investigate fhenaattothijughtj 8 senator pergu- ioh of nenndka int848j he died in 1859 and the investigation ceased for a time occaeit rial jesprtis to reopen it were made but w thont success millions of dollars have bj en spent m attempts to get possession of t ib estates poring the last j has been accomplished tdone during five months m than has beei years evidei ice has been pr wured which would enaple townley lines as their nanie been cofjeoted to proyo their i hums as soon land other infej rmation have k 3 j 2aisilitej2l u la the heirs the past 40 of both the timothy seed timothy seed prime and fresh athowsons fbui j m fernley is prepared to take orders for fruit of all kinds in season and has extra facilities fot filling orders to the satisfaction of all all orders left with him will be promptly attended to howsons is the place for cheap flour and feed choice stone flout 8200 choice boiler flour s240 bran per cwt 60c yoter list issa municlpaliti of the village of actpn countkof h alton notice is hereby i mitted or delivered to the peiiops men tioned in tho tbhjdand fourth sections of the voters list act the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or dojivei ed of the list made- pursuant to said act of 1 11 persons appearing by the last revised assessm mt boll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections foi members to the legislative assembly and atnuniclpal eloctions and thot said list was first posted np atmy office dt acton on the 3rd day of septem ber 1865 and remains there for inspection electors are called upon to examine tho said list and if anv omissions or any other errors are foundtherein to take immediate proceedings to havethesaid errors corrected according to law j e mcgal viff f j clerk 6t tho said ml niclpallty dated this 3rd day of sept 1885 try t h harding grocerfor flonr an feed i if y puwan t a nobby durable aud cheap suit j fyfes is the place to go if a tew grains ot common sense could be nfused into the thick noddles ottnose who perpetually and alternatelv irritate and weaken their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives they would use the mmrtedsirh ls accredited and hallhful laxative and md she wsls t florthrop4 lymans veffetable fig overy and dyspeptic cure which causes gooddigeationto wait an appetite and health on botht 32 t scotch english and canadian suiting uteht variety it the east end clotliin tore j fyfeaton best and coin tor i io the suffering i browns househdld panacea has no equal for relieving pam both internal and external it cures pain in thebide back or bowels sore throat theumatisih toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blond and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan- acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or linimtent in the world should be in every fanulyaudy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for crnmpe it the stomach and pains and ache3 of all k nds and 6 for sale by all drngtpsts a 25 cents bottle i 44 suits and k vetcoats at eztfomeiy low rates and made in lateststyles be sure to call and see them j fyfe acton iyers pills k i a largo proportion of the diseases which cause human suffering result from derange- meut of the stomach bowels and liver avebs cathabtio pills act directly upon these organs and are especially designed to coio jthe diseases caused by their deringo- mout including constipation indiges tion dyspepsia headache dysentery and host of other ailments if or all of whicl they are a safe sure prompt and pleas nt remedy the extensive useoi these pill by eminent physicians in regular prac tice ihowb unmistakably the estimation in whicl they are held by the medical profes sion r i- th se pills are compounded of vegotablo snbst mces only and are absolutely free from calou el or any other injurlbus ingredient a sufferer from headache writes t atees pills are lnvaluabletomokuid are inly constant companion ihate been a severe sutferer from headache ahd your pillsi ore the only thing i could i look to for rellefi one dose will quickly movetihy bowelaond free uiy head from pain jsicy are thhinost effective and the easiest physio i have ever found it is a pleasure to me to speak jln tlieir praise and i always do so when occasion offers iwlpaobo w l page jbro eranuln st klchmondjva june i1882 i ljava used avebs pnls in number less instances as recommended- by you and haven sver known them to fail to acoompllih the det ired result we constantly keep them on hot i at our home and prize them as a loasai t safe and reliable family medicine ok yspkp3ia they are invaluable jthayes mezi i texas june 17 1882 the hev fitajfcis b hahlowe from jtlatfa ga says for son past i have been subject to eonst from v wch in spite of the use of medi cines o r various kinds i suffered in sreashig incouvi uienee until borne month ago 1 began taking avebs pills tlmy have entirely corrected the costive halft aud have vi stly improved my general heilth avei s cathartic pols correct irregu larities of the bowels sflmulato thi ppo- ti to ami digestion and by their nrohpt and thorouj tf action- give tone and vlgoi to the whole physical economy ipnepaitbd bt drjcavercojlowella sold by all druggists wrjting some years const ipatlon i all experience the woitderfol heueflcial effects ot youn old aid middle- aged ears or any serofdlbssrsyph- i ilitic tadnt may be made healthyam strong j7ttuk 9da b r all druggists six bottlesfor f 5 ayers sarsaparilfa children with sore eys sore j sr pfwsppitf ihsbsn our magnificent stock a n drawing crowds of purchaseri efrery our blmfc gtcb drain at wo 05o 120 uxt are the best ever seen in we are showing a magi ifi ent black duche88h satin atl jperyaril gilir fo0- see magnet day streks bilki ilso canada ewit exter oapt no a allm costj are m grain and s aratioi ac iubwledg sd by farmers ma aufactur- ergajtenfa machinists and experts to be the b ei binder on the continent handles all kinds of cr ps with ease the only per fect fqldihg bi ader in use the o dy bind4 double rahgle finger and improved tihe only binder vi ith iron- the simplest bim ler inuge ions no adjustments neces sary i never lails to tie chats c ioser and oieanerthan ahycither binder c nstomeis unanimous ra praise of its cap icity and ease of management arding lowdown binders this clasaryeti itroduced ch as an elevating machine complicated handle the cut s or tiders which thresh- rain have no room for sep uire just as much power to ce standing grain not too ion rollers implicat ord shines 1st as- m ich mofi itfrpicl eli the iandn in operat tall a ad und favorable circuknstances they c ulbe mj de to do fair work but for avgemralmw bine which is required to ihindlej every iy iriety tall and shoi t lodged our silk and satin department has no equal outside of i o onto new lblton spbsb g00d3 20oyd new jallwbol f0ul1 cloths 20c a yard new jersey cloth suitings 40c a yafid canvas dbess g0cds very stylish 50c a yard new yak xaces fashionible newvelvettas 75o a yajrd every shade new striped and ocadei velvets- new plushes handsome 125 and immense stock of new btjrtfrans t6 match all new mate rials -oo- untjrimmedjmillin millinery mateir in very igreat yariey roo- t i 195 very ilyand al maek t33is ladies buying without firs feeing our stock will make a serious mistjaije cheap silks bucham fashionable west eid mantle and millinery i establi6hmeni cio bargains 1 bargains j-at- y dress eiee we cbmmi ot gooes pjles idpu stacks of the rto- today the ever before hearld gr44test slaughl lerirlg of in acton andpilssof beautiful dres 5 goods at 15 rbgclar prices 25 ani and sanding machii te has yi tbeen introduced beehtl eexpr farmer 3 alik united stat v t public me embracing all thepointi in a su icessf ul desired by thb farmer 1 actoi 3 he sin pleat the dealer no satisfactory lc w down thisbas ehce of manufactdrers and both in canada- and the i we offer to the farming required features exacting binder and all the most critical and br lntpobd junior is biiiffidn principles known to he correot and its constat ction for cutting lavatingf binding and se tarating is acknowl idged by and farmers alikf as the successful one manufptarers only tin io and i the junior was intiodnced to meet the wants of farm ers wbi h were not met in other binders light draft co npactness simplicity-e0m- binedw ith stn ngth ease of mov ng from field to ieldj ar d uniformityof wopk mall kinds apd cone itionsof crops junjpr every part thit needs and- all parts when there is made light wrou ht iron in the strehgtl i has it no- strain are steel an 1 midle able iron are largely used the 1 fewest ang and age in surest the lightest drauibt the handiest the mst jporjular binder of thp which we live is tjeil brantpord julll6r smith 29th 1885 cjtot bafcsry to give aafinq pircbased the above from mi d slixs i hope satisfac tion to 1 he numerous custor lers who patrbnizeit thanking them for past favork 1 will endeay r taattend to customers r romptly and ob igingly and trust fnat they will one and all extend to us their patronag b iusa nothing hut the best rrilh r flour and keep it in- stock fresh bread buns c everyday ajsp steam bread qakes of all kin ds new york tea bisouitjs sodaand oatmeal ibnes on halud or mad to order at shortes t notice wadding cjsikes 8 pec ialty bibcuits and confectionery of al icini sugar ginger snaps bobtoi cakis wholesale flodr butb and eges taken in exknango for breaa at market pri s 30 cents ivirst staths choicest and mo fro 6 bents up n imitense ranges of hosiery glov e 5p ar asols at less tb an cost price no o j1 stock the finest range gents up cleaillnoout alsoclearin 5 of white and they are the before offered in beautiful cents rlnts cilay xottons from 5 cheapest goods ever aoton i the balance of miiiljinery and filkllln- ery goods at half p jice 3- out gents fine straw hats at 20 per centlessithan c 3ijt over 1000 pairs of boots and sexes vvhicfl wfe are hnttwn ni iitad nni at r poo bin it n trn nari bound to gfcpelipet- cloth ha liiuds mixed m irish tweje suitings beautiful desiciis clear ou at less tj ian half pmoei no l value ijn sugars the cheapest place in for sugars f ask we coi ntdenee our annii ii stdekt akir gqn the first of 1 tligust we can only offer jfoir- jnese u- ki xm that tinle do notf arffiains vfcill of these bargains while they aro remember our famous town fiil to secure oing eoo tea nelson mc rae s jx i j ibgbsieftjjswfr ome i 1 2 different sh shawcrumdy merchant tailors guelph m co jpt j frfj- i m i des 1- itagketig qil cures eheumatics neuralgia lame back stiff joints and chilblains- m magnetic oil cures chapped hands prost bites burnj and scalds sciatica etc magnetic oil is a most useful remedy for both man and beast llagneticil is splendid for coughs and coldsi sore throat and cioup magnetio ou is sold by all druggists at 1i cents a pottle and is actually the best jmiment known insist on your druggist giving you the genuine magnetic oil i l this papers ewyorx tb crt pro noj air 4rhl this r i another 1 rii week id t forest fq goli eiferyj explanai iye i iducatil t4j mouuma attractil the wjl aideraiw jljeliei ibrtunati