Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1885, p. 3

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m itftnl ftde l bakery to give liners who irs i will promptly will one l der flour ryday pits scones t notice icialty all kinds ju mixed ces s im jifactn ls tobe ikiidlea inlvpcr- lybind- improved h ifn- jrinnse neces- and oniers pity and jindcrs trodoced aachine i the cut thresh ifcar iep lower to jnot tod listanosa but for tired to lodged if- down lis has fors and and the farraing quired i features icxacting hor i correct leva ting ged by as the of farm- binders fcyroonsi p lug from ink in all lit needs i there is ght iron used lint and kgiage in jrior isnt m v r lades idy i kelph rpapeu hi fdtpajerv t ft vo toroslo the error- ou weal 1 c i cure yon at remedy insoath envelope au d new kndu stock lire ko2 tluaakty ol ip to i00 agio the imo01re mm at ek h yvds ctu lxvanuntoanextrikijuauv note paper anv lnvews should call at geo mtida acton jbusiuesb menlsvanting cheap envelopes paper p lwty mucilage blot- ting paper litem books blank mes receiptseall at geo hynda we keep the largest nud bosttock of stationery in town j wedding and birthday presents spec- tactos f rom 85c to 8 tufc cheapest store acton for tile above line of goods ge ilvnds j dealer in jewelry stationery school books and faiicy good tncnsdaif mwuifca skftembkr 171885 crumbsj for bre provide past byi the ever thoughtful free press eeporters the weeks rajkinqb rtnol whloh aref principally local and all interesting resldenco pi irohasedi mr j 8 ration lias sdld his private residence to 1 fjvjl 8 dcaooi i publio soliool 1225000 mr toronto he council moetiug next tuesday evening the open season for trout fishing enibd on tuesday i a foot ball club has been organized inr georgetown i thelateststyleoflttwu party is known a an indian powvyow 7 about time to reorganize the local inusi- cal and literary societies the harvest for the ice cream freezer and soda fountain is over quite a large number of our citizor8 visited barnum at guelph last friday nearly everybody in town has been or intends to bo at toronto exhibition ibis week the amidal educational sermons will be delivered in the methodist church net sunday j- there is in opening on acton rhatket for a couple of honest and enterprising grain buyers milton model school opened last week vwith nineteen students in tramug all natives of haltou the salvation army had another jubilee on saturday evening the junior officers farewelled our merchants are unusually busy st now fin getting in their fall stocks bead their advertisements mornings freshly grow and cold noons are sunny warm and still evenings chilly are and damp in september the uewkdvertisenient of messrs mor rison it boothroyd general dealers in agri cultural implements gnelph iscrowdedout of thisissne not withstanding tbo number of new bouses that arp erected here every season it is stilla fact that thefe are ucr empty houses in town the ontario agricultural college guelph reopens on thursday october 1st the examinations for admission take place on the following day bra davisf of the advocate has eleven boys and each boy has a sister how many columns are there of the davisedition mitchell advertiser we hope the people of this section will do tlieirufmost to make the township fair a success nearly everybody can tshow something if they will mr john m stephens brought a well- filledeir 61 corn of the laxawaxan variety to this ofiice last week which measured over eighteein inches in length i biviiion court was held yesterday several interesting cases were before the coirtbtup to the time of goingto press theyihad notbeen concluded itis a jmpt that onebushel of gram fed now will make more pork than two in cold weather this is a big difference early pork sells the best here then is a double yain thrilling cereal tciles will be pedomin- ant in the local newspapers of the country in another week or so its touching points will run thus esquesing c fall fair prize list best bush fall wheat john brown 2nd do geo jones 3rd do vin smith dc i we have had a long and severe winter a late spring and a comparatively shortand cool summer and now we are threatened with ah early autumn with the prospect of another long winter back of that we are not grumbling at the weathflr remember but only recording a fact as it has existed a couple of our citizens might have l been seen the bthermorning in the grey dawn wending their way homeward after having spent a good part of the night th a beetree in a neighboring grove in securing the products of the summers labor of a stray hive of busy bees they got a lot of line honey our editorial table has been honored during the past week with one of the most elegant and artistically arranged bouquets that we have received during the season the flowers were plucked from the garden of miss lottie speight corner of willow and agnes streets and miss speight was the lady who so artestically arranged it iuspeotor iii the aum of hattou intends removing to milton suh mr deacon th new inspector evidently iot uidb making milton his ho ue may ho find lyerything perfectly congenial there the central exhibition everything so far peiuts forward to the central exhibition whioh mil bo held in guqlph on tlio 28th 29th and 80th of eop- tornber bein one of the nost successful that has evei taken place fc t some years mr maokenie thosocrotay states that the entries mado already far exceeded the expectations sabbath breaking a limehc use correspondent writes to the bu sy people of loton six days seem to be to short for work last sab bath two gen lenien were engaged on a farm here in mtasuring and marking stone while the peo pie were returning from church with the text ofthe bermonjin their minds thou gcd seest mej georgetown herald wl 6 are the sunday fracturers what looks business lik there is lothing so unliubinessliko or so calculated to produce a wrong impres sion on the r ceiver fot a triait claiming to do a live bus nesb toconduot jiis correapon denceon she its of cheap paper or anything in the line ol paper that cornea handy it costs but a title more to get nicely printed note heads a id envelopes apd the result of using such supplies cannjt de otherwise than satisfac tory animals ast ray if any aninals have strayed awjay from thir owner i the free press will very likely findth m if advertisei in its columns this will pa better thau loiing twoor three weeks scouri ig the countryl and then we venture to fa y that not one quarter of the houses into vhich the free phess makes its way each v eek will l bo jvisitedr those who have stray dattle aund them also will do well o comply withj thestatuesand keep themse ves safe as there is a heavy penalty for t lose who harbqr strange cattle debt on th ticulars theceadle aiati oinn 111 paris on the 11th hist the wife of a a allwprth editor of the paris rtvkw ofa son ssrizc in esquesing on the 13th inst kihe wije of mr jamesj snyder of a brfn cleaves in erin on the llffi sept the wife of mr edward cleaves of a daugh ter enoouraginf the weather there nev rt has been aiything written morecomplimentery to the ninth month than the foil awing by lonjj fellow the morrow was a bright 8 ptember morn the earth w is beautiful as if newborn there was t lat nameless splendor every where that wild ehilaratiou in the air which inaki s the passers i 1 the busy street congratulati i each other as they meet which we p oduce at this time in the hope that september will brighten up and de serve the coi npliment j winter am lsements revmr igobt has handed iu the foibw ing inform tion a series of first class popular lect iresiand amusements of scieu- title literary and musical character will be undertaken by the membeis of st albans church duri ig the winter months as was publicly an aoutioed some time ago the object is not so much to m ake money as to afford thfe v hagfers m acton an opportunity of enjoying he benefit of a rare intellectual treat the price of attending all these lectures in ourae will be placed at a price within theteach of all whence youifpatron age is respe stf oily solicitel the lectures will be delh ered on the first wednesday in each month the first of w lich will he duly announced sad ratal accident j about eleven oolook last weduesday night mr robert miohie of esqueaing was found iu the stewarttown pond beneath the h n w kailway bridge his body was terribly bruised aud mangled and notwithstanding tho earnest efforts of dr todd the unfortunate man died in a few hourb ho wab iu georgetown durijig the afternoon slightly tuidor the influenoe of liquor and it is supposed tht in making his way homeward in the darkueks on the railway traok ho made a misstep and fell off the bridge into the pond distance of fifty four feot a wife and several children mourn ihb suddeu doatllc herald the agricultural fairs while thb mobt of people nowadays make it a point to visit the industrial provincial or other large exhibitions they should net lobe bight of the townbhip and county shows the looal fairs really do more for tho improvement of agriculture than do the large ones to make thorn useful all the farmers should exhibit at thorn and of their best the good done at these fairs whore the majority of visitors know one another through their social opportunities allowing farmers and farm erswives to meet one another j and talk over matters of mutual interest is inoaloirj able by all means go to the local fair aud exhibit tho best you have if someone takes tl6 premium you expeoted all the better find out why you failed make a day at the fair giving it to learning from what is exhibited by others and to teaohing by v hat you have to exhibit be sure and take the childrou esquesing fall exhibi tion takes place at georgetown on the 2nd oct nassagaweya on tho6thhaltbn county at milton on 8th and 9th guelph central on the 28th to 80th of the present montli halton riflemen the milton champion has compiled the following very creditable slowing as the result of a couple of our coniity riflemen at the recent dominion matches s ergeaut w j proudof boyne distinguished him self at tho dominion rifle association at ottawa last week in the i lanuf acturere match 500 yds seven shots herwou the fifth prize 10 with a scbro of 33 in the macdougall match 400 and 600yds 5 shots at each he won tho sixth prize 10 with 45 points in the ouimeut match coo yds seven shots he won the tenth prize 910 with 29 points in the minister of militias match 500 and gc0 yds seven shots at each he won the nineteenth prize 85 with 53 points he was fifth in the grand aggre- gatewinning 910 aud a bidge with 258 points and at the conclusion of the gover norgenerals match he stood fourth on the wimbledon team for 1886 his score with the martini 83 when added to his aggre gate with thb snider making his grand total 341 points ho also won the second prize 10 iu the revolver match with 31 points capt panton milton was also at the matches but was not particuiaisy forr tunate and succeeded iu carrying off only two prizes the nineteenth 85 in tho mac dougall match with 43 points and the sistyfirst in the mauufajciurerb match with 28 points his total score in all the snider matches 227r was rime points too lowto winhim a place amoug the sixty who competed in the governorgenerals match for places on the wimbledon team over 800 of the crack shots of the dominion took part iu thematches j serious fire one of the departments of beardmore co tannery completely destroyed j i -00- pirst grand millinery mantle land fancy j i 1 j goods display for the f i autumn season of 11885 -00- the readers of this paper ate tioat cor dially invited to visit my extensive millin ery and mantle ishowrooui during our first great display which takes plaoe on i- thursday friday ami saturday sept 24th 25th and 26th -00- we shall place on exhibition pattern hats pattern bonnets pattern mantles rr- pattern dolmans pstrlch feathers fancy birds wings j mantle ornaments i fancy trimmings dress mantle silks dress b mantle plushes dress mantle velvets i dress m antle sijrahs hoi and dry sun soaldingfienjbitioasj swelling of th 3 a ik es vague feeling of ui rest frothy or bnc djib flnlds apid stomach n ao ling loins champs grow ng s srvoubness strange sorecese c the bowels unaoconntabl i jai guid feelings short breath and plenritio pains oito iaidft hendaphj backache frequent jatti oki- f the blues fluttering atic disti ess of the heart albumen and but fitful rheumatio loss of appetite constipation filt4 of the bowels abundant paljo i br water chills and feyet skin then versal bkigms b lasts in the water pi ins and nenralgia i losh and strength rt ating with looseness scanty flow of dark burning patches of ave itott birights dlseakejoi the ktdneys the above bj mi items are not developed in any order bu aj pflar disappear and re- apear until the di seise gradually gets a firm grasp on th j on ititution the kidney- poisoned blood br al s down the nervous system and finally p lenmonia diarrhoea bloodlessness 1 ea j disease appoplexy paralysis or ooivdl8onb ensue ancf then death is ine vital le talis fearful disease is not a rare onraritf is an every daf dis order and olaii ns mbre victims than any other complaint i it must be tre itet iii time or it willgaih the mastery dopf neglect it war- ners safe c urff has cured thousands of cases of the roiit you if you will use it promptly and as di rected it is th e oiul f bpeoiflo for the uni- business i take this nieani people of a iton have disposed of disease change of intimating to the and vicinity that i niy photo business and -00- i- we shall keep up our display and will be happy to welcome- visitors dunng the central exhibition on mohdayi tuesday and wednesday sept 28th 29th and 30th f and to avoid the rush which is sure to take place on those days i invite nil who can to bo present on the first days of our opening when every attention will be shown- them e r bollert importer of dry goods 27 lower wyndham street guelpji ontario grandiexhiailtion -of- havemuch pleasure in introducing mr a a ruby of ottawd djs my successor mr ruby comes from one of the leading galler ies of ottawa anuhii work will bear the closest scrutiny ind j feel satisfied he will give satisfaction iioj all customers and susj tain tho high rebwt on which the gallery has for years enjoyed card of thanks i cannot leave lictfan without tendering my most cordial it hanks to my numerous customers in actpi and vicinity xvho have for the past ten ye jrsso liberally patronized me in saying go dbye i heartily wish all success and will 1 iways be happy to hear of the prosperity c f acton and her citizens c w hill acton sept 8th 185 common sen e tutatlient laf catarrh and harvest ho me festival under th saustiices of the members of st albans churchctor a choral musi cal service vill be held at the church on jfhursday c ct 1st at 3 pm thb sermon will be prea ched by the blev mr adams mva georgetown ther church will be decorated v ithtihe fruits and flowers of the season in the evening an entertain ment will i e given at the town hall con sisting of sirred harmonies innder the ef ficient lead jrsbjip of john hill esq con ductor and paul jarvis esq orgainist fol lowed by fleesj and ball ids during the evening re freshments will be served by the young iadips of the 00 igbgation pro ceeds demoted towards liquidating a small pais sonage jior further par se 3 posters and handbills voluntebrs at he front the met ibers of comp iny no 6 lome rifles hift here on tuesday morning for their usual biannual camp drill for two weeks at fort niagara acton company went to g orgetown by c t r thence to burlingtor by ft n w ry herethey companies- of the were joined by the other battalion iad proceeded together by boat to niagaira the boys hokedwell in their fine new u liform thej took with them their serge troisers and old tunics to sleep in each mai had in his knapsack a change cf shirt change of boots needles and thnar tir plate anid pup knife fork and spot n box blacking and brush soap towl and bom with oris days rations of cold ment br cl vese and bread as ho ra tions were issued on the day of marching into camp by this tibe the volunteers will be jsetled down ii regular military life the free phehs wishes jthem a ipleasant t me in camp the gpave pmtiisnddenly on friday septemhr 11th james piatt car service agent of the canadian pacific railwayj in his 32nd year i deceased wasconsin of mr j t ellia agent g t r limehouse wilet at her fathers residence near ballinafad on the 11th september tisha beloved daughter o mr- andrew wiley aged 22 years and nine jnontlts her end waa pettee f the altars havill maibx at the rcaidence of the brides father godericb on the 9th sept by rev mr bfeprrison ttr james t havill of the 3alt jieporter to miss m a mairn of qtderioh j mr havill is brother of mtugeo havill of this place the fbeb psess extepds congratulations i v gninmoobe at the residence of tw j bride coiner church abd frederick streets acton on the i5th september j by sev k phillipsi mr i grey hainil- ton to mrs elizabeth mo re sadand e eav r affliction the fkends in actonind vicinity of rev t l wilkinson and faiiily will be pained to learntlat tbey hayelust suffered a most severe me iiat ion of sic kness and death aboutfrwc weeks ago thsy moved to park dale taking uptheir residence lat 44 lans downeae shortly ifter their arrival several f the children r taken with an illness w lfcli ultimabily resulted in a malign ant iy e of diphl heria before the end of he wei ik florence the youngest child about six sfcars of age succombed to the di8eastari4 on sunday ast charlie about nineliet the other children and mr and m fs wi kinson ha s ail been victims of the same disease bni althoughat tinjes theirl vesj w re despair id of we are happy to learu thjsy are npwrncovering a couple of hosj litakju lrses are ai tending the afflicted family aodjhejioighbtrs are very kind to them but 0 iug to the lature of the disease they 1 ire j 00 uparativel y isolated and the face cf aifiiens br acquaintaribe is very rarely beeh we sincei ely trust they will all bpeedijy recover cfeneral sympathy goes out to the family iii their sore afflictiop and painful illness 0 loss a 30ot 2000 i at ten minutes ast five yesterday morn ing our citizens were suddeoly aroused from their slumbers by the fire bells alarming peals and the screeching of beardmores tannery whistle in a moment the word was passed around that- the big tannery is m firbv on uvo former occasions- in previous years the same alarm had been heard at which times this mammoth es tablishment was c ompletely destroyed and citizens generally at once name to tho con clusion that a sinj ilar result would again be experienced nevi rtholess every ablebodied citizen and some who were not hurried to thescene anxious to see the devouring element controlled and willing to assist in any way to accomplish that end the fire was found to be in the iron barkcrushing building at the southeast corner of the group of buildingi 1 and by thetime assist ance arrived flames were bursting through the roof thi engine was at once putlnto motion the punos started and the hose attached apd brought to play upon the fire with the effect of keepingit confined to the one building a bucket brigade was also formed and a line extended from the pond to the bark storehouse and surrounding piles giving an ample supply of water to protect the bark from tho incessant shower of cinders everything was done system atically and within an hour tho fire was under control everyone worked arduously and in sympathy with each other and all deserve credit for their exertions special praise is due messrs john penney jr of the firm of kenney- bros merchants and c sands of the rolling department for their excellent manipulation of the nozzle in the very teeth of the flames from the first to the lust they performed their work like experienced firemen credit is also due to mr a bremner tho manager for his systematic organization of those present to contril the fire the iron roofing and sheeting of the building were most effectual in confining the fire there is no certain knowledge of the ori gin of the fire but it is surmised that it was caused by frictiqn of some of the bark mill machinery the day before and that th heated journal smouldered below the floo until it broke out in flames at thehou above mentioned a careful estimate places the loss on buildiqg and machinery atbout 92000 fully insured the bark piles are valued ajt about 812000 the firm will proceed at once with th 3 erection of a newbuilding mr beardmore lefji on tuesday to atteh 1 the interhatioiiai tanners convention 4 hew fall and winter goods if air johargijd elements toul air continuously air elements will curq ously the pil the pal mts oils ar n ii ihea paints of all shaded kept in slore 3uy your coal oallatmcgai your fancy ixoods 3uy your drus at you can get thm prices chool books kind jo npt forget turpentine readymixed stock at mcgarvins drug oil alt mcgar vins drug store nn8pru and stationery store for v i cgfaryins ihugf store where pure and reliable at reasonable stationer school requisites of all kept at mcgjirvins drug and stationery store lanfitfs orugand i he place act js on r t bargains greater than barhtjms gircijs 3qo hliilolls 3qo fa of newr- i ic wntierdres now qpfn for inspection at the- consumption with diseasecreating w 11 kill when breathed charged with remedial wfien breathed oontinu- ow inhaler at thr great commercial mrt the golden ii grtjtblfibi chicago faurxj m ferrfley is preparedtotal e orders for frnit of all kinds in season ai d has extrti f abilities for ftllihg orders to tl le satisfaction of all all orders left with hip wiirbe promptly attended to nevr in the history ot ovivtrade has such a display of new ooods been made every dollars worth jbeing imported straight from the manufacturers thousands of dollars of few- silks and thousands of dollars of new jire8b goodijjman ties feathers flowers and fancy goods two thousand pieces canadian scptcjh and english tweed natty little boys made on our premisesi only 81 a suit mens tweed and serge stiitd substji made and well trimm suit only 5 750 an 1450 suitable gentleman and a perfect fit guaranteed as we haife the leading outtbe in ctario tjhis clotjiing depar well worthy the atte any man we are nc doing the largest trade in west of t oronto our hat and cap riient is full of all th disagreeable abou it has never seriti your 1 writen to thepilloir oat suits tially full 311 r any eutls ion of ontario is au elegantly made hair pillow oharged with remedial elements the vapor of which the patient inbaisnli light long whilst sleeping as usal it cannot get out of qrder and is pel fqctly safe to the most delicate it will ast f or years and serve any number of rjei sons in a family in suc cession it batter j flown the stronghold of catarrlx bron ft itlb asthma and con n mption 4 and makes s pern aj iotot cure by a contimi- oub application of hialing and curative air directly to the rhs lased parts sufferers from any of the tjb vemntioned diseases are urgently requejtsd to send us their ad dress and a 50jge pamphlet will be mailed to them r e which will giye a complete history of this wonderful discov ery and the princijil 38 upon whichfit works togothef with al ng list of testimonials from those whohav 3 used it and who now rejoice in perfect nc alth do not delay for the longer a disease is allowed to rub unc lacked the slower and harder it is to effect 4 cure there is no medjc ine taken into the stom ach no douching for snuffing nor anything 2 cjase of ladies jackets r 2 gases of ladies mantles 2 cases of indies ulsters- 2 qases of ladies dolmans cases of allwool flannels 2 cas6s of ulster mantie clotks his treatment i unknown to fail- and address plainly inhaler agency lokdok okt tion each lliji of the marked navy myrt it in bronze letters none other genuine helton dry 1q0ds house o v go straight to the haltotf dry oods house fok nice good cheap goods and goods you qan relyj on you will fiwd oi r prices are away below any other house m 10 cases wool sliirts and drsrers f men aad boys cbvarifiun eeaii vllotobtj 1 excellent position 0bt4ijned by the for ladies lifie assurance company ran novelties and atpfi i that will imako them nrmvuy whpncjver bought bielcro and those who always bi ght now buy the more jjd7v7m epart- lajtest uc n for workiijg people sendlocents nfifcr postage jafad we will mail you free a royal valuabl s sample box of goods that will put you in thb way of making ihdre money in a few davs than you evef thought possible at any ulinesb capital not re quired you ct n ive at home and work in spare time only ior all the time all of both sexes of a 1 ages grandly buocessful 50 oents to 5 e iy earned every evening thai all who wojnjt work may test thebusi- nesswe make thljs unparalleled offer to all who are not will satisfied we wjll- send 1 to pay for bjtte trouble of wirijting ns full paxtioulardirections etc sent free immense pay t bspldtely sure for all who start at once j pont delay address sirsson co p6rtl8ind maine- 1 a frer 15 years of careful and energetic managemeht the abovaconmanj im be ty so fortunate as to win for itself the second place in lumber ofpolieies issud and amount of work done in the whole list of 86 life cbmpar ies doing businesa in canada as sh wn by reports fpr the year 1884 i laoe your application in the hands oi p ij 8toney 1 general agent h x east knd pjl ihacyawd amson a k th1ug m- hk moore local ajgent stobe fail ovcoatings and sfitings a tweed suiti f g s 1 rom arge assoltment of worsted coatings ingb in alltlte latest resigns 6 i wor1i arepleaioail otaccnbujj their own purgative is iestrojcrol a sale uro and eftectai no nain cnuttrenorladftu i all the latest styles eurhish1ngs m fine lot of heavy 13 1 j trbuser in hats ups and gens 1 iviag j4 a 16ajirperleasi and leyotiaffaiy whole tjao to thu ui of t j aa pwpjmi to 8ipjl7fho waste of ubtomorsto tlwlr eittln 6atifmtiott m

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