Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1885, p. 4

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mm ifesviv ym pill fkhj t asgte skp j ssifr-t- liwi 1 iilv 1 sikiv i ir t i kftsmi tncnanas morning slsrtbmkkr 17 ib5 oultttb vtsisrt- v j f5sf3fe nvii v lijjpfkyvi wmmm ssss 1 ltffclcs dp hkffi h few seasonable rhym581 the vat man pejoick8 the months rouontho torrid uea of summers almost over the nights arc growine cool again the fat man feels in clover vex km away though sol still glows his tropic strength nolonger he can muster well soon prrtby the palmloaf fau likewise the linen duster hesxocis tuk dcst qlt of the b1blk a0a1n the prsoui back to work refreshed now stirring sermons preaches the girls 4re coming home again iu bevies from thobeaches ox tlrehalfsueix about this sessou of the year the public heart with joy stirs j j the reason too is very cleat j this month will bjingns oysters quatrains j r dofe its hope that cheers us with its rays and makes lifes pathway bright its soap the washerwoman says that makes her labor light tis trce tis rrit mixed with the sweetness theres some gall in many young mens lives the prettj girls are angela all tjritil theyve wedded wives hes abwats on hasp when aid to any one you lend j and you are cheated lo how qnickly comes along a friend to say i told you so eabtt to rast ftf they are not all industrious men who rise at early mom the toper too is stirring then to get his needed horn iovely woins her voices music has been sung by poets not aiew but if theres music in her tongue theres often discord toor the happt jianv he tittle knows of clire or strife of stfrrows or lgrets who as he passes through this life an always pay his debts anotkef bapfy has blessed is the impecunious man who has a kind protector namely a servant girl wiocau stanioff a bill collector advice to htsrixds j 1 discretions valor is betterpart and tis the wisest- plan wheneer yonr wife is mad to start down town to see a man totth axitjage yesibsays how slow the moments fly ae says how swift jhb years go by epitaphs ox a tejtperasce han a noted temperance man hes here the green turf oer his head no man eer saw hint on rus bier till waiter he was dead 1 ox an ailatepe angler v he angled many a purling brook but lacked ihebnglers skill he lied about the fish he tookj and here hes lying still on a policeman pause stranger pause and drop a tear to jass would be a poor way to shbwrespectq- cop sleeps here instead of in a doorway ox an honest bakeb- no bread he needs he kneads no dough f he sleeps the 6leep that knows no wak- ing he did much baking here below but now hes gone where theres no baking on a hoc gabbier here hta a hod carrier under the sod hes happy theres no doubt of that he carried in life many bricks in his hod but never abrick in his hat on a dude go stranger go to yonder mound and grief s sad tribute pay there ah there he to thfe girls would say when living in a giggling way so when we placed him neath the ground we murmured softly stay there r the latest craze now the maiden sits in her easy ohair and drives away melancholy j- byplying h6riieedless and knitting a pair of scarlet silk hose for her chouy warning ai id comitort natlonalpillf will cvreconstijmtod bowels and regulate the liver worms cause much ron that freonkns surely cure worm syrup will bp health strengt cost a sure curb procure from bottle of dr ol seaasaeas sickness i imo ng child worm lowdors will loys sulphur scap should bo found with every toilok it is elcankmig and heal- iug if yotar childrsnarb stubborn or hard to administer meilibiuo bo dr jj ws pleasant appreciated sjnlphur soap is obtaining tho hi aliug virtues prof lows hauy form of of a sulphur bmii tit r l uo kxciir there is no excuse for the many pale sallow weary looking fomalen throughout our laud whouiburdock blool bitters will regulate theii troiibles and renew their 1 anovviftor at so small a sure thing for summer complaints- your druggist one 87joent fowlers extract of wild to directions cholera mor- nnd bowels strawberrjy tuidjuso according it is iufalliljlej tor diarrhoea bus cauker ofitho stomach and cholera infantum romonrif scarcely a family exists bht that some member is buffofing with bid blood and poisoned seqretkms from cortitipation giv ing rise to rheumatism scrofula erup tions catarrh land other con eating lurking bottles of burdock blood bitters would eradicate from blood- poisonj the system whatdoes a cheap and 22 lbs of raw sugar for 20 lbs eztra bright sugar for 16 lbs pearl tapicioo for 25 lbs choice ric for 8 lbs japan tea pust for 2 cans salniori horse shbe brand for plaints indi- which a few remember you can not at anly eet mre of any of the above neu- tioned articles so vc ids wanled ight for 1 than any other place in ilalto r but you can get bettor in anything eleo in our line than you can elsewhere franiely class fresh groceries hardware hoots nnd shoes paints glass and putty prepared paints tin two guarantee to give entire satisfaction i ortlijij shoes i the- finest of the season we have instofk all kinds high and low line and course wide or narrow heavy or o boots and shoosmade o 1 the latest niproved lasts and at the atest pricas which will continue to ploase quality is our leading beature remember tjhat i 60c tea wrth 65c f l i terms- caslx j e hqwson nxt door to post office givinq- up- business ihc s3saixuki alue i rat- loils at parties desirous of ijeou ring bargiintfwill find it to their at d select before tfjo stock become i reduced ifressa i- b mccar itixtaxixir3xrsssti hav boddis nsrid buiiiiiess in acton will offer his eiitire stock ng dqcided to giyo up 1 on hand all oi wich will be offered at prices whici astonish every customer parties indebted expanse bonl be deceived beware of any druggist who will try to induce yon to take anything in place of mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate it is a marvel of healing for sores- cuts barns etc no family bhould be without it it has no equal get jicgregor and parkrfs and haye no other only 25c per box at dr mcgarvins druggist bloodfood is the suggestive name often given to ayers sarsaparilla because of its bloodenriching qualities is there anytiiing more annoying than having your corn stepped upon is there anything more delightful than getting rid of it holloways corn cure will do it try it and be convinced much distress and sickness in children is causetf by worms mother graves worm exterminator gives relief by removing the cause give it a trial and be convinced try ayers pillsand be curevl misery is a mild word to describe the mischief to body and mind caused by habitual icon- stipatioi the regular use of ayers cat hartic- lills in mild doses will restore the torpid viscera to healthy action i mcgregors speedy cure it ispopularly admitted every where that mcgregors speedy cure is the safest most reliable and by far the cheapest remedy for constipation liver complaint indigestion impure blood loss of appet ite and all similar troubles it is not necessary to tseea great quantity before any result is produced a few doses will oopvinceyou of its merits trial bottle gifreilficee at mcgarvins drug store a imania a perfect brick when he sbtirws himself all the better for being hard- preaaed- boston transcript par everynan killed in war ten have bew bent over the gulf by the aid of the corkscrew gmcago ledger to the ltcscnc when all other remedies fail for bowel complaant colic cramps dysen tery etc thn dr fowleijs eistraot of vild strawb rry comes to the rescue thus writes w h croaker druggist waterdoyn and adds that its sales are large and incr asing a dr userons tonilulou one of the nost dadgerous conditions is a neglected ki iney complaint when you suffer from w ary aching bspk weakness and other urinary troubles apply to the back a burdock porous plaster and take burdock blood bitters the best system regulator kuovn for the lver kidneys stomachand bowels i frukful cnson the fruitfn season of the year is prolitic with many firms of bowejl complaints such as diirrhoea dyentery colic cholera morons cholera infantum o as a safeguard and positive cure for thoso distressing aiid often sudden and dangerous attacks nothing can surpass that old and reliabletmedicine dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry merll proveu dollar uporj dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not iso with mc gregors speedy cure you arc not asked to purchase it until its merits are proyen call at j e get a free tria 1 bottle and if it will cure yt u of the worshorms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc how long standing it cost you nothing soldin 50c at d 1 bottles als from persons in your ovv the great results which mcgarvins drug store and not convinced no matter of see testimon u town 29 have attended the regular us e of quinine wine by people of delicate constitution and those affected with a geuero 1 prostration if the system speak more tlian all the words that we can say in its behalf this anicle is a true medicine and a lifegiving principle a perfect renovator of the whole system invigorating at the same time both body and mind its medical properties are a febrifuge tome and antipuriodic small doses frequei tly repeated strengthen the pulse creqte an appetite enable you to qbtain ref resiling sleep and to feel and know that evry fibre- and tissue cf your system is being braced and renovated iu the fine quiu ne wine prepared by nor throp ljm in toronto we have the ex act tonic reqi ired and to persons of -weak- and nervous constitutions we would say never be witliouta bottle irj the house it is sold bv all druggists j a marvelous story told ih two letters from the son tfe gentlemen my father resides at glower vt he lias been a great sufferer from sjrof- ula and the inclosed letter wi x tell you fliiat a marvelous effect ayers saiaparilia brhad in hi i cate i think his blood mutt have contained the humor for at least ten years but it lid not show except in the form of a crofuloi s sore on the wrist- until about five years ag from a few spots which ap peared at tha time it gradually spread so aa to cover his e mire body laaureyouhewas terribly affile id and an object of pityj when ho began win sj yonr medicine jlfow thero are few men of h 18 age who enjoyias good liealth as ho baa i could easily name fifty persons vrho would te itlfy to the facts in his case yoursltruly w m phillips from tije father s a duty for ma to state to yon tha benefit i have derived from the use of ayeru sarsaparilla six months a 6 iwas completely covered i rlth a terrible hu nor and scrof ulons rorcs llio humor cause 1 an incessant and intolerable itching and i hb skin cracked bo as to c uso the blood to flow in many pjaceb whem tor i moted myinfferiilgs wore great and my life a border i commenced theuso of the sajisipahil jv in april last and have i setl it regularly i ince that time j my condi ion began to lmj rove at once the sores 1 avo all healed ai d i feel perfectly well in ei ery respect bei ig now able to do a good diys work altbouf h73 years of age many inq lire what has wro ight suoh a cure jin my ca8e and i tell them i i have here tried to tell ou ateeb 8abiapabiliia glover vt jet 211882 yours gratefully bisajt phillips atea8 s lsbapablita cures scrol alia and all scnifnlons complilnts riylp elas eczeina jzuogwonn blotclics sores boili tmnors and eruption of the skin t dears the blood of alllr ipn- rlties aids dljetrtlod stimulates tlioactlc not the bowels md thus restores vitality and itrtsgthens i he whole system drjcjyercolwellmass sou bf all hugglsti 1 six bottles for 5 heatith eo holloways pills and ointment the purify the blood correct livek stomach kidn they iniigofate and restore to health debilita complaints incidental to females of al they are p it a li i t i ills all disorders of the h and dowels il constitutions and are invnluabl in all ages for children and the aged iteless the 01 n is an infallable remedy for bad legs bad lire 1s famous forguut and rheumatism fo for aopi throats sb0hu2itx5 coughs golds glandular swellings and nil skin diseases it tmeht sts tild wounds sores ami ulcers disordprs of the chest it has no equal ml ulcjjri it joints it acts like a charm mabiifactured only at thomas nov ozford strcot lato 533 aud aiie sold at is ljd 2s 9d 4s od 11 j be had of all medicine ycuijl 3purchasers should look to t lie label on th 533 the east end i ollow ays establishment x osiord street lopdon- eng j2s and 33s each box or pot and may irstlioufjhout the world i pots aad boxes if the address is not oxford street lomyn they are spurious fashionable spring tweeds worsted bast end ci i- a fine assortment of sihng hats also on jhancl our garments are mao perfect fjltting- and in the latest artistic designs j ie speight 50n acton tjdertakers cazkagehakers c ias no rival and for contracted aiid stiff leading 48 an i have a full stock spring o mb will cr fine brussels fine tupcstrv chrpilts fin wool cajrpet fihe cocoa mat i best english i best linole i m 4 yards wide uolf iacscilrtains fijuojmadras cur tains fin tapestry curtains best qua liy best patternslowest prices p oe reaping and mowing machines ube lotmsigstor tailoring latitgs and serges at the itbisg store in ej- i ro prepared to furnish from the best casket or the shortest notiee j1 everything in their ljue to theiplarnest coffin and at lowest terms all calls either night or- day promptly attended o satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire aarwe aieln a position to satisfactorily til very description in reasonable time good used we have also a splendid lot or furm 1 oricifor waggons i carriages c of workmanship and tirstqlass material always tureboth cominon and extra quality cheap rlf you will pay us cash we wil1 se anything inourline cheap j a speight manager 03hatton qarlon london and 246 st james st ground scientifically from clear and manufactured for the purpose tliey ar tore the ravages of aye audio retai recommended by the most eminent fucul y every pftir of spectacles al j e mcgaryin sole agent fr acton ont c u ure pebble or optical glass specially without omgption best adupteto res- i perfect vision they arc especially eyeglasses is marked it l drugpist mcoo mcgarvin 4sp l bitters mammo r f please call and sbeoe under own advantage to call early railway time table nij rand trunk railvay ooisgkabt flixoa oio jiin- exprobli 710 km pass mail- 1102 hm through kx 547him gong west express 1241 ani express llojam mdil 5ldpni special 8b0 pm accoin conch ll30jpni accoin coach fi00 am chlcarokxpross docs not htop between guelph and toronto ii5ik oi closing iiails going west 10 10 am and 530pnf going liast 1010 am and 520 pm i english mail clones at 10 am ou wednesday of ottle lheir and thereby save h b tfcarthy wholesale and eptail icing street east hamilton mahe a specialty ugs ilcloihsrydswide line turccman curtains fine taf fine f fine fi estry coverings irniture coverings curtain poles e chain bands 3est quality carpet sweepers beat quality sprng rollers- fine stair kods fine shade poles 66j mckay 48 king street east hamilton rmerb nd mowing mi magi- toronto no gum no grit aad wiu wear longeithan any otier oil sole manufacturers- beos co folt skhu at s drtig store akidct hills l schultz rockwood by d cures diz dyspepsia pimples ilotches boils humor i salt rheum scrofula erysipelas jfyeranged ncss loss of appetite and all diseases ori stomach or- irregular th house georgetown jsfc cjl 2lm n carpet dealersj of- canadian pacific railway to all points eastf ancwbst coxdknhkil tjmk table toronto to detroit chicago and manitoba stlouisex pacific ex localex toiouto hiloam libpuu 1 10pm stritsviliejun9 10 i 19 20 stthomas 12 03 pml 5 23 8 35 detroit ir h 0 c 30 am cuiicago 7 30 am 7 53 5 43 pm winnippg 7 00 daily except monday toronto to montreal limited ex toronto te 25 am ottawa c 07 pm moitrcal- ji 12 quebec 0 yoiim hoi iton quebec and boston montreal ex 7 a3 pm 5 17 am 8 50 9 50 pm 8 0ujn brampton to streetsville junction bnmpton 7 22 aan streetsville jct 7 43 j 4 04 pm i 25 1 brampton toorangevi brjmpton 9 he and owen sound oriugeville 0f en sound 5 45 pm g 57 1020 11 u g 30pni purchase your tickets by this new and popuiiae line froji j e mcgarvlsy- ticket ajjerlt acton ontario i ealth is wealth dn e g wests nerve andbbaxn theat- menta guaranteed specific lor hysteria dizzi ness convulsions kits nervous neuralgia headache nervous prostration caused by the j use of alcohol or tobacco wakefulness mental depression softening of the brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery decay and death- premature old age barrenness loss of power in eitjiersx- involuntary lcfses and sperma- tqrrhcefjct used by over exertion or the brain selfabdse or overiudulgence each box con tains ohe rionths treatment one dollar a box orsixloxestorfive dollarsrseiit by mail pre paid on receiptor price we guarantee sixboxes tocureanj case witli each order received by us for six boxes accompanied vrith ftvd dollars we twill senuthepurchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if thcrtreatment does nof effect a cure guarantees issued onlv bv john c west co sole proprietors 181 is3 west maai6onstchicakoil sold by j e mcgarvin- iiuugbsiionbili6usnesi jaundice affections of the liver and kidneys trig from impure blood act ion of the bowels op qtfit biscomt sale n was quite nisiic ess and will cease 01 saturday night the rflftebnj day of august as advertised but there- arc sotiie summer and otlier jroods yet which ye next tferie weeiss tfefa al s startling bargains divsn to effect a olearaacs silliuery mantles and prints will be old awa down at unheard- of prices a line of silks and eids of silks to be sold at 25 ceiits por yaid worth tou times the pioney j likewise vo saje largi arrivals of fall immense stapmiats of wev foods at bkaordiaarily oflijap prices for the last three weeks watkins of the right honse hasbeeft receiving his immense fall importaiionslfrora burcjpp over 13q lare p been placed iii stock cnstoraers will fin d an immense assortment of gonda to make their selections frjmjai id the prices aro lower than ever many iqts of goods have been aght mnoh under their actual valt e and will be sold at extremely tow prices call early and ajetiic grand duplay of new goods u immense stock of oqlored press gosds shown in flew fabrics and shades a magnificent display of black dress staffs shown in bolil 0 oths bourette eioths canyas loth and other fancy new black cksbrucres in soft velvety fiuiss an immense stokof new cilored cashmeres see the i ew olored cashmeres at 55c they re extra wv and would be good valdeatk a tremendous atook new velvetwincludingthjsilk finishedplush makes t 4 5 assortmeu of new silk phshes huwn n choice shades also in black new patins and merrelliei x special attentidn is directedjtn the enormous stock of ladiesj ersey taota paletots mantles adpto these garments are all made by the best mantle manufacturers hi the world levery lady swld see tbem before the agsok nent broken ladiw jerseys branded aad phn also the fleeqyunel jerseys a tremendous stookof new mantle ani ulster cloths an eleeant assortment of lv ontalhtakand fancy laces new coloi md buokl giotcb new fancy flannel newwhii e scarlet and greyfflannels new lacecortains new stvlesu goodsin drapery and furniture materials new silk ribbons setmsohzei seatock of new catpets in wool tapestry brussels and wiju iugs do6r slats crumb cloths eusinfiton squares amoeum carpet sweepers and other flousefurnishir call and see the new carpets about 35 packages of otjief new gcfods will be opened up tfiis week ladies shoutd cau early and pee the new goods at nos 30 aid 32 king street east and the name is bamiltop september 3rd 188o ish to dispose of so tin t for the eemeniber our millinery dres 3 making and prdered clothing depart ments mcleed j andeirsdh c mammoth house georgetown i l m mcw aad wiater importations wimimiii i pf a book of 100 pages the uest book for an to con- lio experi- jpuceoi otherwise itcontains lists ofnewspapers and estimates ofthecostof advertising thoartvertiserwlio vertlsing a scheme is indicated which will meethia every reoiuirament or can be made to do so by slight changes easily arrived at by cor respondence 149 editions have vjeen issued sent postpaid to any address for 10 cents write to geo p eowelc co newspaper advertising bureau lospraeeskfrintmghjousesq new york mackinac 5ie bast delightful summer tour paupe stieamort law satm jonr trip pre wfmic between detroit and mackinac asd bvery week dy between detroi and cl writ for our v picturesque mackinao illustrated conteins7alifartiimln usuledxmt betroit cleveland steam nvtqq c d whitcomb gin pass aqt detftoit mich how lost how restrew we have recently published a new edition ol dr culverwells cele brated essay on the radical and porioaueiit emfc without meucine of nerv6us debility mental and physical incapac ity impediments of marriage etc resiiltini from excesses gprice iu a sealed envelope only c cent drtwojiostagestarnpb tho celebrated author in this admirable es say clearly demonstrates from thirty years successful practice that alarming consequences may be radically cured- without the dangerous uso of internal medicines or the use of theknife pointing out a mode of euro at once simple cer tains and effectual by means of which every 6nfferer no matter what his condition may be mav cure himself oheaplyprivatoly and radically this lecture should be in the hands ol every youth audevcryman iu the laiid address the culvcrwcll meilical o mn r 4laan scwvork post office box 4o0 orthebh m rr atbjfs- n minnesota north dakota mon- tanajdaho washlngion and oregon vfiam lake superior to puset scmitl aiiprlces ranging chiesytram 2 to s jier acre on5to 10 years time this is the best coimlry or securing good homes now open for settlement ffi is c b 3 3 o acres of govoinment fir jrst f be land free under the homestifid b i iks and timber culture laws nob 1081g433 acres ob hoke than halif of nil tie public lands disponed ofln 1ss wore in the northern pacific country books and ulapr sent fbee describing tie northern poelfle country the railroad lands lor sale and the fbtub government lands address chas b lame0kk landcomt h p k u st fanulte vo 7- rv ra cl 4 v r j m i ffll ovj il3 tiuil opt firsf sen rec seal al will iug in ci in thel nev moi teetj strd goll ron in ac eacl fori offil to inq ma vrel in linl all stl bi orj ail te

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