Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1885, p. 1

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f j5 nm pm pm am dpli loba mkx w ji yuil 7- poll rjni am i jun i jimv prttja ine hi s ht fre press acton tfqiaitaiib- it no it 1 ton xu fress 18 rvblisbku every thursday morning at the power printing house ontario j suuscription rates oxk ylwli- tlx six months 30 cts tllltl months 23 cts invariawv inladvauee if not paid in advance su15 per war vliubi charged no paper thscou- iimul till allarrciursro paid- except rtt the optiontof the publisher advertising rates- i m i 6 mo sco0oj so00 siu 2000 2000 1200 000 1 3 jo 3 mo 1 1 nio one calrinm half column quarter coluin one inch casual advertisements 8 cents per line for tho lirst insertion a id j cents per lino for each sub sequent insertion cash tiro number of line eaooo lioo 700 200 s700 850 50 100 reckoned bv the space occupied uieasurod by scotojof solid korotarcui advertisements without specific direct will be inserted ilt ibrbid and charged ac lngly trausitofy advertisements must bo pojld in advance chaoses for contract advertisements must be reefed h t moore editor and proprietor in the office bvj 9 am on mondays otherwise thev will bo left over until the following weej acton a general acton ontalbio thursday october 22 1880 acton eankinc cot storey christie co ijankers- ontftrio banking business transacted money loaded on approved notes 1 notes 018001111166 and interest allowed on deposits i j e m special agency allan aoiou oat sell telephone company messages rece ved aud transmitted at lower rates than telegraphing busiijiess directory wh lowry m b m c p s graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and 1 esideiice at the head of frederick street acton e webster md cm member e of physician surgeon itreat- idini- uralgia bvthe j mental tins in 14eath vower lenas- brain oi con- iraoox lail vre- is boxes ivd by i dollars larantee jc net john i s3 west ikiarvia jlx of thej college of physicians and surgeons of oiitario accoucheur i omcf miujstreet residence agxews hotel acton x b special attention given to the dis- eases of women aid children l bennett dentist 8 georgetown ontario a c mcklnlay ld s surgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the new svstem of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon strator and practical teacher in royal- college of dental surgeons toronto pat rons jnaydepemduponreceiviug satisfaction ii any operations- performed will visit acton the second and fourth wednesday of eich month office agnews hotel ainlessdental operations p x vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas for painless- bental operations at the i office o c b hayes it d s tovalfs block guelphrout upper wywihaiu strffeet x i t igga- ivory dentistsouth jtv east gorner kiug and yonge streets toronto ontario finest and bet set teeth soto 5 j gold fillings onethird rates leave order for teeth in the morn- iug cn have them the same day i we have besn administering hnrds vitalized aixjprthe painless extracting of teeth dor- iiig the past year regardless ofwhat others mav say j i torn lawson graduate of 0n- j tario veterinary college toroiito veterinary surgeon adton ont pici in kenny broobpot and shoe store-j-resi- dedce in the respi horses examined ias to sctandness and certificates given j all calls night or day promptly attend ed to terms easy i steamships line tickets issued to all points ofgreat britainand tho contiuetit nt very lowest rate3 buy tlie tickets here if sending for friends canadian pacific r r the cheapest points easi i j e acton and best route to all and west see time tables honoy sayed by dealing with mcgarvin ontario the new school etooks the he beatty cbpy book i- t ezeroise books l slates peaoila sohoolbags full stock sohool sup plies at day sells cheap wellington marble works quebec stguelfh john hi hamilton proprietor pornierly mcquillan hamilton deajer in marble granite and everything f pertaining to cemetery work received first prizes at provincial exr hibition guelph the westernfair aiid all local exhibition for excellence of material your and superiority orders are solicited of workmanship pases c for an 15 con- lexperi- lerwlsei lumates iserwho itthe lifr ifhotrill- in ad- ferhwill htmade ibycor iissnel toeents f co jkeac i w york reu bd a new ls cele- idical and micinel of 11 incaac- resnltina ti 0 cent prable s- years jequeuces dangerous i thctuifej mple cer- hieh very in may be j ralically i ol cviy itwvbrk m turners orap of- not buy test of it 1 ott t ie stan- iy be a hue for se thsxo i market about to aye oyer sase our m clean a- licmilun barristers solicitors notaries convey ancer c 3private funds to loan orate town hall acton wm a mclean iivoh mcmillk hilton allan baird barristers solicitorsac toilonto d geokgetowx oi-hcm- creelmans block georgetowii audsg king street easttoronto w t auaxl j siuiton ba j baikd ea oa1n latdlaw co banitisixns jr goliciioiisr oitices over imperial bank ungton street east alley toronto johx bux q c jj c a mamen vvliiivm iklulaw geoege k1tpeie xatrance 24wel- exchange lumber shingles and lath rphe undersigned desires to inform the public a that ha has iibw on hind and will keep in stock a i nil line o pine audhenilock as well as other kinds of lumber also first aud second class pine shingles lath coal wood thursday tfoiinrnq octoheii 22 1665 poetry having purchased tho coal business of mr c s smith 1 am prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i have also a good 6tock of wood- hardwood abii cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered i james bitown plan inc mill having made arrangements j with messrs w h toroy sori for the continuance of the pi auing mill in thevbuild- ing formerly occupied by the acton plow company we would iuformthe public that we arg prepared to take contracts for building also i dressiitg- flooring sheetin icojldzltcri 850 with neatness and disiatch kindly soliciting a share of public pat ronage ve are respectfully yours thus eb1sage manager p atents slbcured for inventions henry grist ottawa canada 20 years practice no patent no pay m- hemstreet llcuxsel atctioxeek for the counties of wellington andhalton orders left at the fkee presfe office acton or at my residence in actouj will be promptly attended to terms reasonable moxey to loax alsp money to loan ou themefet favor ableterms and at the lowest- rates of in terest in sums of 8500 and upwards tiu-elpli- business col lece j guelph ontario 1 e knowles j a murray licensed auctioneers for the counties of halton and wellington orders left with jaines matthews acton will receive strict attention terms reasonable xohn day the second scholastic year commenced september 1st each de partment is in charge of a specialist to impart a practical training for the efficient conduct of tjuness affairs is the sphere and work of the institution its graduates are already holding responsible positions in the commercial centres in the dominibn energetic young men uud women are thor oughly prepared for positions as book-kefep- ers shorthand writers correspondents br telegraph operators students received at any time for circular and catalogue giving fill information address i m maccormick 14gm j principal oysters fruit and confectionery cheap for everybody j m fernley wishes through the fiiek pkess to invite oil to his attractive corner for hie goods they may reljuirein his line i oysters fresh constantly on hand i j frtlit ah the different fruils in sea- sou fre3h and cheap j confectioneryi from the best manufacturers every week i iendin this line of goods and givcustomers pure confectionery for less money than any other dealer the olpfabhioned house 0 all the tender and comfortably things til at now an then bvteet memory brings t lores uothiug dearer that love srecojlls tjiau the oldfashioned house with its whit swashed walls i not a biansicn today though a marvel of art can ever usurp its place in my hear t for there my earliest prayers werejsafd am i slept a night in a trundle bed i neath coverlids roacliing from feet to plnn by a mother hand tuoked gently in and a goodn ght kiss ou my tired brow oh earth holds no such blobsing now the garden was fragranfrin flowor beds wheremarig61ds lifted their velyetheads and warmed by sunshine refreshed by dew the baohelcjrbutton and touchmenot grew i j in the rivor that curved like a ahephbrde crook i ve fished for mimiows witlvbent pin ljook or with little bare reel oft waded through and bravely paddled our own oanoe svasa home of welcome no one could doubt i v those latch string hung invitingly put and mafty a stranger supped at its board while blazing logs in the chimney roared c this is an age of reform aud change and things repthetit modern and strange- improvements thatuayorof silver and gold are superseding th cherishod arid old but i turn f r ni pa aces built for show with mansarl roofs and stories below if frescoed 1 alson iued dadoed halls o the oldfuihioncd house with jits white- waaled wfllb of me was sufficiently god for such gibing doyou know with a stdden droop of tie eyes that you always make me feel as if i am doing something w ohg dpi well i shall opportunity uow toredee n yourself t have just been visiting some giveyou aj golden of those wretched was our story frivolous -o- ts call any time and youll be welcomed j mifernly in postcjfliceljuildink sept ljth 1883 hills tin stove d good assortment of stoves cheap for uas tinware of all kinds bottom prices i at eavetroughing a specia ty excelsior bakery and put up on notice shortest first class material only f used a call solicited oieile square architect glkuhi oxt queens hoteli block market ssh id 10 cents 1 11 joufrce lods thif yjg more jrthougliir li liqt je- dwirku all of iticcessful evening the busi- pffei to iwill send ftiu us i sent free all who mdressl johnj daley j successor to thompson jatkspn money to loan on farm property at 6 pereent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly done charges low farms and city property for salei lift with farms for sale serf t to all parts of the dominion to intendingpurchasers ahd cir culated in europe european capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wanted for out lists correspon dence invited office near the post office guelptiont w tanlan barber shop j p worden a has opened a barber shop in the b iildjng nearly opposite storeys old glove factory mill street acton and solicits the patron age of the public in this vicinity every department of the tyusiness will be conduct ed in firstclass style give- us a call jpwolden kh wedding acton having p irchased- the above bakery from mt d mann i hope to give satisfaction to phe numerous customers who patronize it thanidug tliem ifor jpastiavors i will endeavoir taatiend to dustomers promptly and obligmglyahd trus that they will one and all extend to us their patronage i use nothiuj but thebest roller flour and keep it in stock fresh brea 1 buns c every day also steam bread cakes of all kinds ijtew 1ork tea biscuits soda and oatmeal scones on banc or made to order at shortest notice i ohillm guelph cloth ii s hall cakes a specialty biscuits and confectionery of all kinds boston mixed icing sugar ginger snaps cakesr ivholri ale flour 1 sws taken a at ttadi mrst statham butter ana 3iws taken in zzonange fc r broi a at market prices mcraes underoloth no mens shjrts and drawers all sizes boys shirts and drapers i all sizes childrens combination j all sizes shaw fc grundy llrchant tailors que sets ph she the rev lr sliaw contrasted greatly vith his suntmndings his spotless cloth itting so well his strong mailly figure his learcut gresian features and dark wavy lair thrown 1 ack with careless gralce from lis smooth bow i he was v siting one of those wretched euement hot ses nsedby the very poor and leforehim w is a forlorn group a widow wlio bad just buried her hus- land she had five helpless children the- nldest six th youngest a nursling baby atid 11 pair of twins among them the rags nnd worse i ban all the dirt of poverty avery wheie a pparent i an expres ion of almost sublime pity rested pn the- countenance of the minister j theoman with the apron throwr over her head recked herself to andtro and wailed forth her troubles i dont know what im agoin toldo for myself and tl e little mis though jny old man would h ive his drink he didrat beat us and brouj ht enough to keep boy and soul together but uow i know we cant do llothin but si arve and die have ypr no friends asked mr shaw in a low voice r some but as bad orwuss off than us- yes she sail looking up with a grateful bright expression there is one lord bless her w 10 has done a lot for nie miss i t aielutable sinks she scsnt medicine and the doctors to the old man apdiguv me c othes and s ithin to eat andmaiys the n an woman and child that blesses her for tikin caic of em why sir she even leaves little cirds with stamps oh em and job potter who can write sends em to her when we are in a very bad state j i after absm iug her of his sympathy and at he would do what he could for her the rrinister weided his way home as he tl ought of tl ose to whom he might appeal a vision of a bright face haunted him but w bile he lii gered ovfir the though most tenderly there was a shadow on his brow as if there wi is some slight jar that marred tli e harmony of his tliouchts mr shaw was the rector of one ot the wjalthy churches of the city ahii mabelle likj was one of the parishioners her face was madonn ilike in its tender curves and beauty thol ge blue eyes with just a tinge iof sadness tle perfect curve of the red lips a faultless cc mplexion and blonde hair that was like a hilo of light around the graceful he ad but i h when she talked it was like a damper a mist on a beautiful picture marring the tints that otherwise would have bemperfect i 1 bright an i witty but a butterfly- such a devotee to society that one longecl for the ex session ol a single serious thought that could leaven into something like cimmon sense this pe rsonification of frivolity with it all hbwev sr she was lovely aria lovable to every one and mr shaw liad lob strug gled against ail interest in heri the indul gence of whi h he felt would be fatal to his t future happi less and usefulness absorbed n these thoughts he found him- sele in front of mr leeshouse and obey ing an irripu ise he turned into the gate and was admittel- lis miss l se entered the parlor he thought he had seldom seen a fairer vision and was vejedtofeel his heart throb morejquickly and thrill wi th a pleasure that he felt mus be pontrollec she greeted him with that easy grace hat was one of her principal charmsi v ah mr 3haw i am so glad to seeiyou i had a real spell of ennui this morning this last no el is wretched as bpth hero and heroine die in- the most provoking way and because of some overstrained idea of duty and i ivas just wishing that pome one would come in and i could have aj cheerful little chat tc dispel the gloomy impression then ii n afraid smilingly at you will not like yonr present visitor i have not come in a very cheerful humor and besides i wsh to ask you favor a favor i that is too lovely consider it granted c ven to the half of my kingdom i am truly t lad that yon wish toaskafavor of me hecaiso idfitnot think yoiirapiriion poor families in sti est and i vould like it so much if you cculd interest ladies in their behalf yif it them an4 rjelieve them a lookof conteljnaticn oversprbad ivor pretty face as she exclaimed oh indeed you dont mean for inej to go thero how could i evei stand it 1 i cant boar such places ask me almost niuy thing else the dreadful men and women 7 the odor ugh with sr sh idder astme almost anything else a look of keen disapointmeuti dwted over mr shawns face she suddenly brighteu id and said i i do intend to do sonething good next week i have refused a german feium- phautly that i may altend the ichjarity calico ball to be given you knovy all the dresses are for the poor bo i shalldo some good and what is your dr sss to be iskfid mr shftw with rather ail indescribable in flection to his voice the loveliest blue silpsia with a flower ed cretonne front sleeveless waist mendici collar aud very bouffant draperies it beautiful dud i know nice to some poor woman anything like it yesheiaid in attoie quite saturated with irony i dont doubt its usisfulaess but dont you think you mght to add ifew more yards of illusion to thake some warm bodies for those who have no fires a id a few yards of ribbon to efcorate the little freezing aims now you are augly with me mr shaw hesitatingly dont think me utterly heartless but i ant gb tb s reet it would reallyj give mea little blue clill i could never consentto such a cruel thing as thathe said vith anuiiplensant smile i reajly feel tint i owe yoa an apologj for intruding such a disagreeable were enthusiastically si irred will be t- will seem very who never had v 4 price three oefff s lit lege of owning them always wont darling she caught them quickly away no no with a laugh it is m batiks with whom yon have fallen in loe forma belle lee has only had your toler ation j ah he said thats when i thong you were a butterfly now that i know you to be a saint i beg you to share your grace with me aud help mo in ail good things i am willing to take ybii or mss sanks or in defiauco of the law of t iie land i will take you both she hesitited then with a lovely blu and smile she laid her hands in is j one for miss banks one for mysel- he drew her to him and felt that oie sermon at least had been cast upon the waters which had returned to him after jinany days now is tne time te gather seeds to tho editor of tho fbek pbess sih everyone is beginning to adrxit thiat the chief beauty and often one of ihe principal values of a farm is its possession of jwindbreaks and sheltering pjntatiior s those who wish to prooure these jmd- hare thi misfortune toireside on farms destitute ef them will f that though it be tie slowest it is yet an oxcellent method to sow tree seeds for themselves seed s this year plenty in the forest and this is the month for gathering the following sycamores mountain ash english and native ashes basswood buckthorn and hawthorn locust oaks mckorys walnuts 1 p those floral itjubtjtes how is it that when someone dies neglected and alone a th unfeeling woild is round his memry thrc wn they tell his virtues every one their tongues are all uni d sucli praiies sooner spokei might have soothed him ere he died they bear him proudly to the grave while mourners line the way and fragrant sowers smotl er deep the cold unfeeling clay hes riding in a hearse that cost a hundred pounds or more he never tad so fine a ride in all hislife before his grave as full ot flowers exotipfl rich andrare with mr someones compliments what does the dead man care xxehowers are very hands me the colors nicelyblentr the papers give a list of those 1 who floral tributes sent if they had listened ere he aied they might have heard him moan- for flowers like these fliat fill his hearse when ho was sick arid lore i tbftrpses might have frodght hitri hope thelilies thoughts of may he might have gathered strength and been ahye and wellitoday j eramosa fali show jerizbjiibt subject particularly after your nejryes shattered vvith your novel gobd noni ing and he bowed himself out very ab ruptly witli a strange little pajn iii his heart he did not again allude to the subject to her but found other ladies who inter ssted themselves warmly in the work j everywhere that he v eht in his charity rounds he could see and feel the influence of miss sanks good acts she seemed to be an angel of mercy who never tired and who devoted her entire time tojclurity all that she did was marked by a practical good sense and a depth of thought aud reeling that he could udt fail to adknire still lie chanced never to meet her one day when entering the post office lie saw in advance of figure of ma belle lee of his presence and stapding idly b her he felt as if he had received i an trie shock as she asked is there thing for miss mehitabl i sanks aud then received and pocketed b sveral postal cards if he was astonished it the question was still more bo nt th effect which discovered presence produces on her her face and neck evpn to her golden curjs were crimson her eyes dilatec with an expr ssiou of consternation but wi h a little ihanghty gesture of recognition she hurrjed past in- acting upon an impulse with afw- jasty steps he soon overtook 1 er lie was lost in him thej graceful she was j unaware bind eliec- any- he his the roots of dyed in a painful bufiternuts beech chestnut pinei and other evergreens hard maple and iashleaved maple or as it is mow called maple if they wait to gather these till some dky day after the first frost it willbe found best the maple ash and such seeds as well as all kinds of nuts should be kept iiii a cool dry place till they can be sown seeds which have like the mountain ash a pulpy covering will need bruising by a hoe or macerating through the hands the pulpy matter them washed off and the seeds partialljdried when mixing with sand will facilitate the sowing process the fall is natures time for sowing seeds and ve shall not go far wrong if we imitate isr a light loam is the best but in t clay sell covering the seeds with sand doe s iwell it is well to cover the seed twice the depth of itself and tread it firmly dosvn- then cover ail with abpub two inches of leaves straw cornstalks or strawy j manure they must be so mulched to ensure success in the spring this if of afertilizjingiiature can be raked between the rows and will keep theweeds down and the sail moist if too bulky remove it altogether ijfext surh- mer from a small bed thus treated you will obtain thousands of plants of ajuy variety you have sown and these trajis- plau ted out the next- season will soon bs firie young trees far better rooted and therefore more likely to live when finally planted out than forest seediugs yours s rwj toronto oct itth 1885 she was the last jected a bewildering surprise person with whom he wtuldhave conn miss sanks in any way and her agitation as he walked ed his surprise a sudden bright suspicion catjsel his heart to beat almost to suffocation tell me miss mil belle he what have you to do with miss sanks letters 1 1 i really cant uud nstaud mr shaw what right you have to tsk such a question in all things spiritual right but in this instance you forgjrt self i tell me he said withieager regajdless haste are you miss sinlts i a sudden burst of tears was her only answer as she hastily palled down her veil groat reside her iubreas- said acknowledge your your- and walked silently bes a calm of perfect jpy descended upon him as he realised the truth he walked by her side until he reached her home and- then without invitation entered iitj with her t i as they reaohedthe parlor she tossed abideherhat and stocd before him more lilte a discovered culpri i than the littl8aiut she had proved to be there was a defiant as she turned her flushed face to him he took both of her hands in his so ma belle ma belle he murmured de him the peacock throne at delhii india has heen tho placed no doubt where diamonds havehexhibited their most glowing splendors that was a singular and wild fancy of auruugzebe i when in 1658 he deposed his father jthe sliah jehau and usurped his throne he caused to e constructed the famous takhtitaris or peacock throne representing jby appro priate jewels a peacock its headi overlook ing its tail overshadowing the person j of tl emperor when sitting on the throne the natural colors of the bird were repre sented by the rarest and most gdrgebtia- stones of the eastern world and the eyes of the bird were supplied by the two cele brated diamonds the kohinur or the mouutaiu of light and the kolr-i-tur- jthe mountain of sinai the gentleman who putup this very pretty piece of macliinery called himself aurungzebe that is the ornament of the throne and he seems to have occupied it uutil he was eightysoven years of age when byaudby after the reign of several successors the peac ck throne was brokenup and all its splendors scattered j horses heat diucoht brood mare joseph davidsodit boles cmcdougal it foal jasgrahara c mcdbugal j david- son filly foal n- mcarthur t boles ohp year old colt jno dickieson t boles r jkerr one year old filly r aikens manlt0 taylor jno taylor two year old gelding p bathgate z dickieson kitching two t iold ifiliy d reid jasj staikey span heavy draughts d 0 sorby gexeual plepose broodmare h doii bar n jmcarthur g kitching colt foal g jos obrien m snttoni fiiljr foal s barbareej ji mcnab n norrish one year old colt j argo b wilson one year old filly j loree son w batching r talbot two year pld gliding jkitch- ing j mcnab j taylor two year old filljvt boles ja watson r j kerr span for general purpose jno kitching h whartou h dunbar cabiiiage houses brood mare robert hamilton jas starkey w ramsay colt foal p gould r hamilton filly foal h swackhammer j bennett r hamilton oije year oldcolt mcdermott g wallace oneyiear old filly js wheeler jas argo bj wtdlace two j year old gelding jasi scotty j w beilham two year old filly jiroyce h swackhammer t tolton spaiii carriage horseis e devereaux h dunbar single carriage horse in harness starkey f torythe d h taylor hackney jas hume rw carter jnor blacls jumping iiprse jos kennedy hugh black roaustei hobset brood mare h swackhaminer t iboles b wallace colt foal b wallace filly w leish- marn w stoyel one year old colt j a watson whsmith jas mcdermott one year old filly w stovel w hem- street t boles j twoypar old filly j duffjeld h swackhammer span- road ster lioises p spragge h swackhammer ra ramsay single roadster in har- ness hooper s johnston g coghlan kate mccurdy trotting horse under saddle jas hume hooper ifc jojinston w laing battle pcbham aged bull p bathgate w- sunter g coghlan two year old- bull r aikens t wilsop one year old bull john curry geoj taylor bull calf dropped from show to show d rae john curry ttalbpti cow d rae t tal bot j tayior thiree year ohcow d rpe t talbot jlwo year old helf er thos pmrrs sparkle in her eye tenderly your heart yom face though yoi goodness under an exterior rule of humanity fault doiwithitt thinking for t lies insur- a long this is not the general but mr shaw if t is a entirely at your door have i anything to prise i ave been while that you were entirely beyond any control nevertheless ilwe only been obeying your instructions j d nt you you sometime since pn ached againsi tatious charity le not thy lef know what thyiriglt hand doetii is as beautiful as have veilec of in polity thought there was a force in it and i have duly practiced what you preached and now mr shaw bhe said with a eremure glance at hiin if you are done jwith m hands i wjll not trouble you to hold thi m any longer nohebaid gravuly i do bit wish to return tli em ma belle 1 ma jelle quieklr and tenderly give me th privi ii ember osten- hand i world of truth aud waters j taylor j gray one yesr old heifer t talbot d rae jgray heifer d jrae t rnddeli your a moral lever there yas a little old womanin the city of glasgow who much admined dr clial- mers and was a diligent listener to ah his sermons on sundays and week days whether they were doctrinal or practical theological or astronomical one day she came home in greatperplexity dr chal mers had dwelt much upon a moral lev r with which he wished to uplift hujhah na ture what a moral lever was thelrttle old woman could not divine a friend t ook the poker and placed it in the bars of the grate trying to realize the idea jand n ake the imagery palpable the old wonan paused mused at last the fire bmned she thought of the indignity done to the pulpit the subject the doctor and hei self by so gross a materialization and as ted do you mean totell me that dr chal mers wotdd preach a whole hour abojif a poker i i what he gave him jamie gibb a country postman wa s in the habit of getting a ride now aud again from a hawker who went his way one morning as jamie was perched upon the top of the hawkers cart tho smith who had just been handed a letter remark xl to 4kb hawker v ahd noo robin lioo r luohr does jamie gie ye in the year for the ride dpon 8ae often ohr interposed ji mie before the hawker ocjnld reply jgie him what i got frae yon lost christinas saje ye keu hoo muckle that is i m rjs a calf john jestin herd of durham cattle to consist of one bull and four females diploma d rae f gbade cow j norjish a stewart m- holmes three year old cowm holmes two year old heifer m holmes j npr- riish h black one year old heifer if hblmes j korrish working oxen in yoke d j reid john fieldmg d mccaig three year old steers in yoke m holmes fat cow ox or steer john jestin herd of grade cattle to consist of fpur females all the property of the exhibifor diploma m holmes sheep i costwold sheep shearling raim geo coghlan w h burrows rani lamb thomas waters jn6 taylor henry water pair of aged evres thos waters henry waters jno taylor pair of shearling ewes thomis watejrs john taylorl pair of ewo lambs thomas waters w h borrows henry waters leicester c agei ram edward tot- ton m suttoh- a stewart shearling rira nj norrish wm woodl m suitton ram lamb n norrish mj sutton pair of aged ewes m suttohwm- wood thoswuson pair shearling ewes alex stewart if suttonvwmwqddi pair ewe lambs siittou thoki wilson wm wood fm fat sheep a stewars n nornslip gould socihriown sheejp aged ram j mb- calg j a watsoui si matrie shearling raim d mccaig a mutxie p bathgate ivm lamb d mccaig a mutrie pftir aged ewes a mutrie d mccaig it bath gate jram lamb d mccaig a jmuttie air aged ewes a mutrie d mccaig k bathgate pair shearling ewes ai mutrie d mccaig p gonld patr ewe lambs d mccaig amutrie oxford c aged ram geo coghlan shearling ram geo caghlan jas kennedy lom lamb j keiinedy pair sheading ewes jas keunedy pair ewe lambs j ijenuody geo cogtiau contiuueil du utwtj paget yr

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