Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1885, p. 4

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pmmm siwb j fc ubb f ipttef nlotherc totrbday moifro ocronkr s3 185 i hjuis asjou go aloho pleasaiit straying best rest its s- coiue all you fairsyojuig housewives and listen unto ute t ieu those luxsky ones wliore from sorvau bondage free i and eomo advice ill rivq you iu a bimplo t little bottsj viu the simple jittlq chorus ofrciirls as yougoaloiij j oblmyougoaloug v every tlnurjfrheire it should be girls as you gd along youtakoafaucyiforla cake late jinthe afternooa and flour butter butgar eggs and milk aiid bowl and spoon and other necessary aids the kitchen table throng dont let them stay clear them way girls as you go along oh as you go along put each one back in its right place girls as yon go along anovthen youu find how easily a great deal caii be done without your being tired to death at bet ting df the snn i- and though sometimes in spite of care thingsseeui to tain out wrong twill always pay to smooth the way girls as you go along ojt i as yougo aloug then never leave your work behind girls as you go along margaret eytihgt in xooil housekeeping upwaro ijf induce you mcgregor to w 1iw8 i yts worm 11 terminator ikq spre and cftectual ki lo tried it witbj burns etc it it has is if any hav feonl llr ircrrlvjjl iiuy dr rtggist wlf will try j to to take anything iu place of 1 1 ia rke sr carbolic dorato it is a tuarvbl olj lu uliug for sores cuts mo family should be without u emml get mcgregor olid parkes andjluvye iro other i only 25c per bos at dr isijecia rfyfaoton j fyfkacton itfe acton 4 is the safest the cheapest two noted minstrels who have won fortunes and what they say about stage life from stagt wftispers billy emerson has recently made a phenomenal success iu australia and is rich emerson was bora at belfast in 1846 hebegan his career with joe sweeneys ininstrehj in washington in 1857 laer on ha jumped into prominence in connection with newcombs minstrels with whom he visited germany he visited australia in 1874 and on his return to america joined haverleys minstrels in san francisco at 500 a week and expenses with this roupe he played before her majesty the queen the prince of wales and royalty generally after this trip he lessed the standard theatrej san franoisco where for three years he did the largest business ever known to miriistrelsy in april last he went to australia again where he has beaten the record bitty is a very handsome fellow an excelleutjsinger dances gracefully and is a true humorist yes sir i have travelled all over the world have met allsbrts of people come in contact with all sorts of customers and had all sorts of experiences one must have a constitution like a locomotive to standi yes i know 1 1 seem to bear it like a major and i do but i tell yon candidly tliat with the perpetual- change of diet water and climate if i had not maintained my vigor with regular use of warner st safe enre i should have gone nnder long ago gflzgeb primrose whose name is known in every amusement circle in america is even more emphatic if possible then billy emerson in commendation of the same article to sporting end traveling men generallyamong whoip it is a great favor ite emerson has jrown rich on the boards and so baa primrose because they have not squandered the publics favors arvjiub druggist x uxntlon j- an uupatauelcd lonsationjis buiug creat ed all over ojjitano by the wonderful and unequalled tnanuer in which neuralgia toothache ithduniatisin backache heud- aclie is removed by but one j application of fluid iiigb tiling rwoffenbivo disgusting drugs need be takeui for days it is an in stant cure try a 25c bottle from dr mcgarvm druggist si rirrgor speedy iture it is pop ilarly ad mittod everywhere that mcgregors speody cure mos relit bie and by far remedy for constipation liver complaint indigestion impurblood loss of appetj ite ud ulijsimilir troubles it is not ueebssavy to lake a great quantity before any result is produced a few doses will convince you pi its merits trial- bottle giveu free at mcgarvins drug store uclklntjphcn s niplomsnaa cure the symptomsare nioisluiie likcperspir- ntion intense itching increased by scratch ing voryilistrcsslnk parricularly at night 6oems a if plu won us were drawling in and about the rectum the private parts are aometiuies affected ii allowed to continue very serious results nay follow swaynes oistmext is a pleasant sore cure also for tetter itch salt rhonm all scaly crusty skin diseases scnbymail for 5d cents 3 boxes 125 in stamps ad dress dr swayne srson philadelphia pa sold by druggists i 50 herli proven j dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregors speedy dire you are iiot asked to purchase it uutilits merits are proven call at j e mcgarvihs drag- store anil get a free trial bottle and if not convinced urtistfr design an elegaat tweed suit for worsted 5uits ttt jfyfej a jf j f ton tmi apton vfkj a jton mmmmm keep this in mind when jotf io to pu clot6ojjourlfivu cjothiifgi tmt eastes1d clothinq store i i i i is uusurpabsod for ixtput of stbok luodeiciite liirice lutl flurjibl workmajieliii hi ick liluo t brown 1600 or 1700 also brpdatgsjniillshndcaot beavers q melton nnps tweeds uud wprstods v w mm pytscfi k irsi -i- mm m iv paints oils yuriiishtisj tuipeiitinef ridyinn ej bviiits of jill sljiiulea kept n rttock lit mcljavviiis pu slove dlonl oil at cijarviiiv dritg store buy your iall at marvins jr your fantiy gf buy rour you can prices rtii large stock ot un clefclotlnng good fyfe acton t fy fe acton j fyfe acton r hello what is the matter at haslefcts john nelson sells 16 lbs pearl tapioca for jl 2 caiiasuinibn horseslioe t rand the cheapest teas and sugars gases of me t s shirts au also full links of dress goods velveteens all shades greyflalsajels wamiri and comfort corns cause in plerablepain 11 m fljsmsst smiisi houpways conrcure removes the trouble try it and see what an amo ant of pain is saved a8liuigeduea9p there is scarcely a symptom belonginjg to chronic complaints butthat is common to the poor dyspeptic and he often feels as if he had every disease in the catalogue burdock blood bitters cures the worst form of chronic dyspepsia sjwe throat to cure this dftoccufing trouble use hagyarcvs yellow oil internally and exter nally yellow oil cures croup asthma pain in the side rheumatism neuralgia eaacle deafness and all eore and pain- ful complaints thechoirm possibly the cholera may not reach our locality this season nevertheless we shonld takb every precaution against it drjfowiersextractfof wild strawberry is a surecure for cholera morbus colic tjramp diarrhoea and dysentery blllotune when the liver does not act promptly the bile accumulates to excess in the blood causing yellow eyes sallow skin sick stomach diarrhoea etc and the sufferer is termed bilious burdock btoolbitters regulates the liver stomach jjowels and blood curing biliousness j the cheapest j medicine iu use id dr thomas eclecfcric oil because so very little of it is required to effect a cure fbr croup diphtheria and disease of the lungs and throat whether used for bathing the chest or throat for taking internally or inhaling it is a matchless compound kf epoar nouc iaartled keep your house guarded against sudden attacks of colic cramps diarrhcea dys- eatery and cholera infantum they are liable to come when least expected the safest best and most reliable remedy isdr fowlers extract of wild strawberry hottovffifii oiitimenl and pillt short- negs of breath wheezing coughsj and colds thousands of testimonials can be produced to prove the power possessed by these corrective remedies in cases of asthma incipient consumption and all disorders of the chest lungs and air passages the ointment well rubbed upon the chest fend back peflfitjftts the pates of the skin is absorbed and carried directly to the lnngs where in immediate contact with ilai whole mass of ciasulatidg blciod it neutral- izesrtapeb those impurities which are tiiefoundatoh pt consuniptioa asthmft lttoochitifl pneumonia ancl similar com pmnts qr tho appearance of the first tbmnmg lymptoius the back and chest r should be fomented with itwdnm trine dried with a coarse cloth and yj juieat then well rubbed in he d wj check and jrabiueiibieni it will cure yuu of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it coats you nothing sold in 50c and 1 bottles sec testimon- als from persons in your own town 29 prominent among the createst medica discoveries by the jiiiany cures it has affect ed mcgieyor setjy cure leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public c every ingredient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has be 2n compounded and its efficacy is beiug estiblished by testimonials hourly received ae are therefore confi dent that wo hsve a preparation which we caii offer to the pnblic with the assurance that it will be found not only a relief but an absolute curt for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgarvinsdnr store 31 if you have a cough or cold do not neglect it many without a trace of that hereditary disease have drifted into a con snmptives grave by neglecting what was only a slight cold j had they used bickles j anticonsumptive syrup before it was too late their lives would have been spared mr a wleyy mitchell writes i think bickles anticonsumptive syrup the best preparation on the market for coughs and severe colds about six years ago i caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and fori three mouths i had a cough i had a physician attending me but gradually grew worse until i was on the yerge of consumption and had given up hopes of being cured when i was induc ed to try bickles syrup ibefore i had taken one bottle i found inyselfgreatly re lieved and by the time i had finished the 6econd bottle i was completely cured i ralways recommend it for severe colds and consumption winceys hosiery tyry goods and a general ass ortment w the ljwest prices at t termscash and chenp j fyfe acton i j fyfe aqjclos j fyfe affray ms fuid statiocierv store del drugi at jtfcgar yins drug stoye whre hem pure kinds kct nt mcgaivins ov mimmm vm baiiway ime tbiiij grand trunk railway ooivoeajit j ho1s0we8t mixcd gl0aiiif kxpress 1247 am eniroe3ll02 ani mail 645 pm slrwial 830pni accom coacli 800am anjd reliable at leasonajle school books stationer school reqliisites ot riig and stationery store lo iikrt forget the plaice mccm agltld n old stand 2o lis good lice lor si fori ice to mioerison fe th farmers ail express 17j0 am vtteiti mail 1102 am through ex l547 pmf aocomcdatli likpni chlcaaoljxprpgs does iot stop betcfcu ouclph and torofiloj mik or ciiobisg mails 1 goiiivei41040ftifi ami 580 pni goiiifj eostjliuo anl and 020 pm english inai closes a jo am on wednesday canadian pacific railway to alii points eabt aitd vest t e codknskd time tabijir moutreal quebec bob ton iboothrotd car lots f the 5 cents in the d erawers own i joien annduncemer i eat efd mill stx set e implement men of jguelph ue now receiylngweekly consignments in following lines of fall andjwinter jlacliiues viz i j r v i honey panning mills tlie best in- canada syh es- ter champion and dominion plows sylvestet strav cutters fo hand or horse ower drain cmshers either in hnrr stone pr isurr tolate eto etc which wo shall sell for cash or oiisbbft time at lower prices considering the super of tlie ool8 thaul any other houee in the trade wc nckoowitjge widi thanks the kind manner in which our rial iigenti toroiito to detroit chicago and manitoba btlbiiis ex pacific ex loculex toronto 8 lrani 1 oopvui i 15pni stretbtillajuuo 13 j 2 0q 5 25 sttllomas 13 35 pnl 5 23 8 55 detroit 5 50 h 45 7 55 km chicago g 00 am 8 05 bub 5 45jm avompes 7 00 daily except monday toronto to montreal qaebeobndbostoir limited ex montreal ex toronto h25ani s 8 ixlpm ottawa 5 s 4 38ani 0 00 i 8 18 odonnv 9 50 pm 8 45 pm 8 45aui brampton to sireetsville junction braainton 47aui c 54 pm strcet8ville jct 10 jo 7 15 i brainpton to orangeville and owen sound brampton 9 47 am 655pm orangevillo i1o0 7 10 owensouiid a30pb 10 30 purchase your tickets hy this new- and popular line nsom j e atcgakvin ticket agent acton ontario jritfy dealers have- used us diritig the past season land for the very considerable amon t of free advertising they have been plcasdd to bestow upu us though they one anil all prophesied our immediate downfall we beg to slate that wc arc still aliyc and healthy arid shall endeavor to meiit the requirements of the farmers iu the fuiure as it has been our pleasure to do iu the past anil thank our patrons for the kiud and itberaf t manner in which they x bavetrcatedui during the past season f earmer irrieisasrids if you waul a fanning mill if you wilit a griiq crusher if yon want a firstclass mow or in fact ifyou want an implement lot nny kind call at our wurerooms 29 cork or wait for our little rid waggon in a few days look out for onr fall circular wliich will be inbued morrison i boothroyd 29 cork street cueiph e- 8z 4 j k j sissolutio of pae the partnership heretofore existing belsvepp the undc 6igncdis goi nership ajs soon as the stock book debts and liabilities cin be ndjutted anci shapei onvand after the fltfst of octobelt lhini goods shall be sold cash or produce uml all parties ownjc us rrc respc ltfiill rcqnemcil td call ai i eir accounts at their earlicut cbnvehicncc a marvelous story t0b ih two lmers oentldneti my father resides at glover vt he ms been a great sufferer from scrof- nia andtlfeidclosecl letter kill tell you what a inarvelons effect ayefs has had in his case i think his blood muit uavo contained the j humor fer at least ten years but ttjliis not show except in the form of a scrof pious sore on the wrist until about fire years ago from a few spots which ap peared at that time it gradually spread so as to cover his entfre body i assure you lie was terribly afnictet andj an object of pityyirhon ho began niingyourmedicine kow there are few nisn of his lags jfho enjoy as good health as lie has i could easily name fifty persons wiio would testify to he facts in his case i yours truly w m puttum from the father stss a duty fori me to state to you the benefit i have derived from the use of ayefs sarsaparilla six monthsago iyma completely covered witb a terrible humt r afid scrofulous sores tlie humor caused in ipeessant and intolerable itobing and the skip i cracked so nsto canso- the blood to fl w in many places whenever i moved my t offerings wero great and my life a burdjm 1 jofaimenced this uso of tlio saitsabtirta in icpril last and have used it regularly sinf e that time my condition once the sores bar o perfectly well in every to improve at all healed and if eel atejis- sabtapaiixla cufn toful2 respect being now able too a good days worlalthonghiayearsofage many inquire whathas wi ongl it suci a cure in my case and 1 12 them as have here trici to tell you arans siesai jwvlx glov ir vt oct 211882 touvs grateful y hieah pailurs nd an sc wfo ions xjomplnh ts erysljt la eossmj elngworm blotches sore boflf fumofs and e nphons ot of aiiimjnj ie notion o vitality and the skin i itfclears the blood ritialdt i lig hon i tlmulatea the bowel am thru i rastores trshgthemj tb whol i system jxxparedbt drjc ayt r iilcnvkllyllsassl ttditfafmtt b six ho tiles for nsi to be i likolved put ilitnjprcpcr lut for settle we hold an lininenfe stock of- general dry goods millinery manxes readymade clothing carpets boots and shoes and furs our stock ib new and suitable for the fall andl winter business aiid in dfrdev to elect a clearance and rediicethe stock wet bsvtffiillfl fill b9 givhb wqremind the public that our millinery dejarteent is al superint4ced by firstclass hand and we have not file proper stock our dross and mantlsmauieg department aiperilteniud by a t if tchiss bjindinewly arrived and we giiarnutce satisfaction in style fit ami finish both in priifi style 5et up ajul the pubic can re j upon leading- wholesale and retail carpet dealers i i 48 king street bast hamilton i make a specialty of i iviic tuicoinan curtains fine liuiscls carpets fine tnpcstrv carpets fin woo carpetb fine cocoa jlattings best english orjp lolhs yds wide btat linolelints 4 yards wide nolf lace curtains j fine madras curtains fine titpestry curtains and st g0 to- waters bros the pigtufie gallery 6uelph i for artiili material oil aiitf water colors crayoiiv canvas drawing papers plaques crds c oil paintings j steel engravings apropos c ft ames op all kinds mpulduigs uoom and picture cornices and cornice poles spring lloilers and window shades fancy goods suitable for wedding and birthday presents tc c visitorsj can liave their pictures framed while in the city so brins them hi isbros guplpbont with yoibtb j wateii xear the post qflic4 health fine tapestry coverin fine furni t lire covemss finecurtainpolosf fine chain- bands best quality carpet sweep is best quality sprne rolln fine stair rods fine shade poles best quality best patternslowest prices r j mckay 48 king street east hamiltot i out ordered olothidg is nhtad of ill competition flqishnnd durability we respectfully solicit inspection and patronage siting birgains mcleod andei public can re g 3 batten sardsr tsndon and 246 sib si mos st ifiontreal ground sciaitifiutllij froin dvnr aiid piirij peliblv or oyucul ylutth w muwfifcturedfor the piiriione they lire wdholit exicpiioh bed adapted tote the ravages of ayr and to retain perfect vision reqomiienileclhy thjiiiotit iniiiihiti faculty- x every pair of spectacles and eyeglasses is inarkt d vis i j e mcgarvin sole agent for a cton immense stocks of ns and f i tshidhible radsatjebihthptisb t hopie and petted pleased wtieu vou see hciw wel j the wear an 1 sortmei ciieapand beaotifnl an enormous itockorifur capes ll hamiltodrootober 8thj 1885 llfffifflrls ichdly o rex- they are esmcially drugg out st o i for reaping and mowing machines use lardwe maghi ne l no gunt no grit and will wear longer than any otaer oil kfflk maswactijimrs mooll bros co toronto mccarviii i also foil sale at- a drug store and c t hill by d l schultz rockwoob j health fo r a ll holloway pi1ls and oif r o the iluify te blood correct till disorders of the i liveu stomach kidneys anu bowkls theyltwigorule and re store to health debilitated constitutions and k iuc identnl to females of all ages- for children- n j til they me priceless arc invaluable it and the aged is ah infallible remedy is fanioti8for gout foe aoa thte ointment j for bad legs bad bieastsold wounds bores aiid ulcers and rheumntismi for disordersof the chest it has no equal throats bronchitis coughs colds glandular swelling a ud all skiu diseases it has no rival and for contracted and tiff loints it acts like acliaiin j anned anid the stores are crovyded with ladies making their autumn selectionsfront the bt dowii skirtt jihitccinjunin i jfnrrivfea ately kjngsi all th e c wests nekve ant beaix tbeat- mext ft guaranteed specific for hysteria dixzi- iiess convnlsiqus fit kerrons neuralgia headache kervous prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco wakefulness mental depression softeniugbf the brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery decay and death premature old age barrenness loss of power in either sqx involuntary losses and sperma- tonhteaaused by over exertion of the brain selfabuse or overindulgence each box con tains piie months treatment one dcjlara box ot six boxes for five dollars sent by mail-iire- paid on receipt of price wegnjirautee sixboxeg to cure any case with each order received by us for six boxes accompanied with five dollars we t111 send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure guarantees issued onlv by john c vest co solo proprietors 1b1 m west madison stjchicaso 111- sold bv j emcgnrvuv the key to health trnlocks all tha clogged avenues of the bowels kidneyb and liver carry ing off gradually tjrithout weakening the system all tlie j impurities and foul humors of the secretions at- the eame time cfcrreotiiig acidity of the stojnae i curnigsiiioaenessj dys pepsia headaenes dizzinessj heartburn constipation brynesb of the skin jhropy dimness of vision jatmdiee salt bheom i erysipelas scrpfula fluttering of the heart nervousness and gen eral debility all these sjnd many other similar comphints yield to the happy infivence cf btjedocjk blood31ttbiis t aujjdbx co proprietors toronto a book of 100 pages the best bookfor an iiiiivk to eon- tisiffqsult bo he expert- l or otherwise it contains lists of n ewspapera and estimates ofthe cost madvertls jng ahe ad vertiser who wants to spend one dolfar finds in itthe in- xormatioh he rqnires while forhim 10 will invest one hunifred thousand dollarain ad vertising a scheie is indieated phloh will meet bis eviry requirement or can be made to do so brslijjht changes easily arrrreoj at byepr respondeneelli3 editions have been issued sent postpaid toany address for 10 cents wiilte to geo p rowem co newspaper advertising bdrkau lobpmce stprintinshouse sq new york it manufactuiedonly atthojias hollo wayjsestablishment 73 jtev oxfoil btroet late 523 oxford street london ene auc me sold at is ijd 2s 91 4s mi us 22s and 33s each box or poi and m hehalof allmetliclne vendors tlioukhout the world i purchasers slioujil look to the label on the pots aridboxes if the hddre 533 oxford street london thty are spurious is no manhood hw lost how restored iis ipalriiost every kind of goods which are woven knit td biaidcdj felted o puucu wfuui siuiw y ia i enbrmdus piles of newgoods which have already arrii ed every dcpartmei t is well assorted in fact litenill crammed with the most fashionable and gheapesf stock jf newrand most deiralilo goods ever imported for this f fcined housj whose u itomers extendlfrom the atlani io tothepaciflo ocean and into the pacific ccenu at yictorih watkins has tperit over tlitce months this season in sem ching amongit tlietesi i lanufacturers if europe so as bo obtain the uewebt designs the most serviceable qualities ad t lie wiyibest valde lbat could be purchased for the cas i down nnd iow he is o fering his euorfnons stock of ov ir 20000q worth at prices iu many instances cheaper than tile wholesale aeaierawlu sell tlieifi for hv the piece he vrill haveno o dening da r this season nsiis staff of abou fifty blerks have all they can do wartingn customers ai d tiere is hq timelto dress up foil an opening day tbes illiiierydep rtmerii 1 1 matjtles the dressgbodbjthe llnderclolhingi the gloves hosiery jlibbons corsclshan 1- jerchief8 oollafs prints fliiilncls cuffs emhroidered mtiinii la xaiwsbt x t blankets quilts tiible covirs cloths tweeds damasks reps lacecurtatnsdama k itiruins gray cottons wliiukiottoi canton vlarinel i ditcksv ticks rcniti e carpets rtig8 matsj linulautis floor oilcldths crumb cloths capet sweepers fud yeiy nany- other articles of snperlo qualities and beautiful designs inj nev nnd fas li inbfe aonds weselllug at buc l low prices as must ensure nt unusmlly large autqmn aid t ribw trade in all the pnrtrhents ot this favorite hoi tre wdkiri i jias jusjt r iturned from europe wherfe hi occeeded inpurchasing such a stocka8 he has no donbt w 11 give his tens of thousands of customers tho most complete satisfactioi n qanlitfii s prices styles and dnuiue oh sapness the mhlluory mantle dressmakihg shirtmakit nilti and ladies and miasfisrjnderciothing andgarp beparinieni are noj 11 well stocked with the latfest ityles and newest designs and more nrnvint every week keenllbe stocks up asfast jis tliej aro sold off bd sure tijcajl at th righfc hjn se wlien ybil are shopping jind yon willba pleased with your selections when yon see the n tl 4- i i a i llf r mil i3mi l 1ijj a vwimma- f anlrinf qaxai1 -vfnoltn- irtfif mmvalll we have recently imblished a new a edition of dr culver wells cole- iiiis urated essay on the radical and jtifcjp- permanent cure without medicine of nervous debility mental and physical incapac ity impediments marriage etc resultme from excesses jgpiice in a 6ealed envelope only c ent or to postage stamps thecelebrated auth6r in this admirable es say clearly demonstrates frdm thirty years successful practice that alarmiiig consequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or thefusd of theinife pbiutingout a mode of cure at once simple cer tain and otfecjual by means of which every sufferer no inattetwhat his condition may be nl cure himself cheaplyprivately and radically this lecture should be in the hands ot every youth and everymn in the land address v the culverwcll medical o 1 41 ann st sew york post office box- 450 irt andsljailts just ifrived an enormous stockjofsewedmusjids justarrive i mtrect eawli clore t hnghbon street thenomeis or i3sts m ztpi-a- st wonm powbjebs yaroleagmttofciktt contahj thlrown i purittioij ci bfo otr aituj ettoclwd dei7cr ot yroriaal 0010001 aouii ippitete wgsmmsi rim trs osk one l half i quarj oner ca first i seijud reckol scale i i advf will j ingtl in ayi ghal in th they i her of i offi fre u a- new s inonlyl eetb stratorl collegj ronstnl in any acton each i yi- forrpa office o j toveui tbrontol y leeth i rates i iurcan liavel air for t ingthej may saal johsl tar veterina in keuijj denbe in soundnea allcal ed to fe i3airis ancers i 0 vvma s hm omci audg w x allll b aikj olhced lington si alley lol soils b will iatef p hek 20yeavi w m forth i orders lefl or ntjm promptly v also mq able tern teres t in licens haltonanl james mai attention j xqhn offitki square i john su ifoney per cent loaned for secuirity properly farms and i with farml dominion f oulated in wantinj f d rection8t farms denoeinvil guelphdl alflj hasopene nearly opp miuls age of the i deps rtuen ftdiiinrstj

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