r mm imfoitt jm j wis p- tacnwuv morniko octopkii 39 1885 trade qtjstions f e butcher who has out for you six ponuda of steak hurts tough aiuwnjj ypu only askied for two will jy is thai enough the rawer rills your bket quick ana than stirs up yourguu by with smile that brakes you sick remarking la thai all f- tha drygoods dork who tries to bell you auwithtu his store does all your tove for hirri repel by spying v anything morov the waiter who vourorder takes t inquiringly will waft and ask v hat else before he makes a mora to briug your plate the darbcr jwheu you tell him you want haiti cut vows yon need some bayrum tonio and shampoo and shaving bad indeed the undertaker lays y oil out bat hes the only one who thinks you know vhat youre about so he asks questions noue i the increase of insanty boston supports 800 insane says mr t b sanborn not 75ot whom will recover tbibis frightful insanity has increased 4p per cent in a decide and most of the cases are incurable vidua cause may be uric acid blood sets whatever the i the fact remains the brain on fire stroys its tissues aud then cornea sob form of fatal lunacy j nothing is so pitiahle as a mind c most brain troubles begin in the stoma then if the blood is hied with caused by failurejof kidney action and consequent destruction of the blood life albhmen you have the fuel and the flame and a brain in full blaie as when one raves or in slow combustion as in milder forms of insanity bev it p hophias of st johnsbary vt a few years agovas confin ed in an asylum lie took a terrible cold while aiding in putting out a fl re in a neigh bor burning house nd for twentyfive years that cold was slowly filling his blood with uric acid and finally the deadly work was done the case looked hopeless but he happily used warners safe cure andjjrs- covered that was three years ago and having ridden his blood of all surplus ilric acid hehas remained well until this day it is indeed a terrible thing bo lose ones mind bntit i3 a more terrible thing tr suf fer such a condition wheu it can be so easily prevented ibjniu ratlin this ovil luabtti no lectid brings a titultl tude otmiserics kud is tie scourceof much illness burdock bind bitters oures con atipatioii i by toiling anit regulating the bowels to a natural a lion bit thrum euro this loftjoouyiug trouble use hagyards yollow oil iiitbrually and exter nally yellow oil mrcs oronpj asthma pain iu thoside kh iumatism neuralgia liar acho deafness aid all soro ivnd pain ful complaints the loleru iosstblythocholettmay not reach our locality this scasoi nevertheless wo should take eviry precaution against it ijr fowleraextraoiof wild strawberry jsasuro onre for cvolera morbus colic cramp diarrhoea ai id dysentery null uftrtctu i when the liyordxs jnot act iipromptly tho bile accumulate to excess iiijtho blood causing yellow eyis sallow skin sick stomaoh diarrhoea etc and the sufferer hi termed bilious lurdock blood bitters regulates the liver stomach bowels and bfckjd curing biiioi siioss kccpymr loiuc vuhmiihi keep your he use guarded against sudden attacks of colioj cr imps diarrhoea dys entery aud chulert infantum they are liable to come vhen least expected tho safest best and mo it reliable remedy isdr fowler extract o wild strawberry itctnirllles tyuiptoins and rare the symptonsaio moisture like perspir ation intense i cbi ig increased by scratch ing very distnssit g particularly at night seems as if pin woims werectawlingin and about the rerftum the private parts are sometimes affected if allowed to continue very serious rb mitt may follow snvavnks oistmextisiplcasaqt sure core also for tetter itch salt ilheum all scaly crusty skin di jeas is sent by mail for 50 cents 3 boxes 125 in stmnps ad dress db sway je son philadelphia pa sold by rv gists 50 merit prove n dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recon meddationsfor articles entirely worthies gregors speedy c to purchase it unt it will cure you of pepsia liver com ki m l use the safe pleasant and effectual worm giller mother gaves worm exter- minatpr nothing iequals it- procure a bottle and take it home why go limipng and whming about your corns when a 25 cent bottle of holloways cornure will remdye them give it a trial and yon will not regret it fluid lightning dos not take a day or an hour to remove neuralgia headache toothache lumhagor bheumatismi but willdoitirisiantly and without carrying your head in a poultacfor a day or using greasy linimenta try a 25c bottle from 1 dr mcgarvijj druggist a strange disease i there is scarcely a symptom belonging i to chronic complaiht but that is common 1 to the poor dyspepticj and he of ten feelb as if he had every disease in the catalogue i burdod blood bitters curbs the worst form of chronic dyspepsia many forget that the hair and scalp need f cleansing as well as the hands and feet extensive use of ayers hair vigor has y proven that it is the best cleansing agent for the hair that it prevents as weu as re- moveb dandruff coolsand soothes the scalp and atimulates the hair to renewed growth audbeauty an elasticistep buoyant spirits and clear complexion are among the many desirable results of pure blood the possessor of healthy blood has his faculties at com- mand and enjoys a clear and quickpercep- tion which 1b impossible when the blood is heavy and sluggish with impurities ayers sarsaparilk te thejbest blood purifier and vitalizer known 1 the virtue of carbolic acid for healing cleansing andpurifyiug is well known- but from the many modes of applying it the public is uncertain how best to use it to meet that wast mcgregor parkjes car s bolic cerate is prepared and may be used with confidence do not be misled take only mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate sold at dr mcgarvins drug store b c bruce druggist tara says i have no medicine on my ehel yes- that sells faster or gives better satisfaction than dr thomas eclectricjoil and the sale is con- stantly increasing the past year being the largest i have ever had one of my cus tomers was cured ot catarrh by using three bottles another jvas raised out of bed v wherehehadbeerjlaidup for a lgng time j with a lame back by using two bottles 1 have lots of customers- who would not be without it over night some persons have periodical attgks of canadian cholera dysentery or diarrhcea and have to use grfat precautions to avoid ibe disease chaiige of water cooking and green fruit ifs sure to bring on the attacks to such persons we would re- commend dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial asbeing tiie best medicine the market for all snip met complaints if a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will bo experienced s hoiimsatfs pillsl cure for indigewon indigestion and constipation withtorpidity of tho liver are title sources of misery to 4houands whos jjend each day with ac- cumulated pufferhgb all of whioh may be avoided by takingjholloway4s pills they strengthen and ihyigorate ajl the secretive aftd nutritive functions jtiieir aotion is essentially purifyilg btrengoaenlng they may be aafelyltaken vithotttinterfer ing with ordinary ipursuits or jreqhiring i diet j they quickly liddiness in the head t and nervous fears workithecurewthont not so with mc lire you are not asked lits merits are proven call at j e mc3aryins drug store and get a free trial hot leand if not convinced theworst forms of dys- jlaint etc no irntterw how long staiidin it costs you nothing sold in 50c and bottles see testimon als from persons i l your own town 29 prominent ftmoag the greatest medica discoveries by tb many cures it has alleot- ed mcqrqorssjiedijgitre leads the van subjected to the ir inutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients olaracierizinp the worthiess specihs daily jioffcred to the public every in redieut possesses a pecul iar adaptability t the various complaints for which it has i ecu compounded and its efficacy is being a tablished by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we hav a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be fqind noj only a relief but an absolute cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood freb trial bottles at j e mcgaivmsbrn store 31 if you have i cough or cold do not neglect it rriany without a trace of that hereditary diseas j have drifted into a- con sumptives rave by neglecting what was only a shgbtjcolcl had they used bickles antilconsumptu e syrup before it was too late their lives vould have been spared mr a w jleu- mitchell writejj i think bicklbs anticonsuinptive syrup the test prepaiation on tlie market for coughs andsevei e colds about six years ago i caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and fdr three months had a cough i had a physician attending me but gradually gr iw worse until i was on the verge of con sumption aud had given up hopes of bein cured when i was induc ed to try bickl ss syrup before i had taken one bottle i found myself greatly re lieved and by the time i had finished the second bottle i was completely cured i always recommi nd it for severe colds and consumption a marvelous story told ih tw letters from the son ws2s aentlemeni hy father tesidea at glover vt he has bee i a great sufferer from scrof ula and the inel osed letter will tell you what a marvelous effot ayers sarsaparuia wm much restrictu remove noise and and dispel low these halsamio -rl- rrf- i mmmnm w n artnefship the firm of nelsuu mciije l co is about to be clearing safe of cker 14000 worth of lo- nelson mcrae co rjiammoth goods millinery mantles and khittied goods hats a ordered clothin headymade clothing 1 id caps fufs boots a id shoes dissolved a general dry vcede wool and our stock is all ngvanjd has becii pureliased in kcts for cash and vcliave decided to clpar it qitatcoit nnder tjhe besi mar- and rcnieuiber this is a gejuiine sale as tuu partneisliip of tlie undersigned censes on the 21st november we requits of all accounts before the abojve date aud ye request bills to present them beforcite time named aetouokober 2fth 1885 nelson mcrae co opisoeatt mixed bl0am bxpresii 7nam pftb mail 1102 am rhrougliex biim v settlement 1 having due crand trur k railway g01ko west exprebs 1s47a kxpress 1102 am mall 615im special seopm kecom coach 110 pm j accoin coachecottm hftiicauo expreui does not stop botiweouctuelph aiid torout r tike of c5lo8iso mails golug wcsti 1040 ajnona s30 pm doing bast 1040 onr and 520 pta enrflfsumall aroses at 10 am on wednewy canadian pacific railway to ah points east and est tonpesseu tlile table toronto ottawa mpntreal quebec boston j immense stocks of new knd fashionable goods at the right house wiuter trade m all lliedepnrtmcr civehis tens of tboiwairds the most complete satislattion in qualities prices styles and genuiue cheapness thvmilliuery mantle dressmaking sbirtrnaking iij ii n o i ii fl iiteststy les and newest designs and more arriving every weektt and yc n will bf p eased with your selections vl an you see ihem quilt and ladies and muses uuderclotbing and cirptl depart mints arc now all well stocked nilh the latest st les and ncwest keep the stoclis up as iust i tbej are sold off be sure to call it the right house when you are shoppiji at home and better pleased when you sen how well they wear cheap and beautiful- an enormous stock of fur capes and tri hamilton october bih 188o aiv assortinijutof down skirts and quilts jirst art ived au enormons stock of sewed mtis ins just arrived rilnming h nniviii lately kincmiett eatl close to iuglison street the name is hellp hel what is the matter at hasletts old stand t bi o john nelson sells 16 lbs pearl tapioca tor si 25 lbs good rice 2 cans salmon horseshoe brand for 25 cents for t x f mats linoleums floor oilcloths ccecded in inrciasing such a stock as hel as no doubt will iir lesigns and mo tgomaf wtkjcisrs tions fioni the k of ictoria in almost cvciv kind of goods which are woven knitted braided felted or tanned and the stoics tire crowded with ladie9hjiaking their autumn sele enormous pilesof iw goods which have already arrived every department is well assorted in fact literally crimmed witjh the most fashionable and c leapest stool new andniost desirable goods ever imported for this far tamed house whose customers extend from the atlantic t 3 the pacific ocean and into the pacific ceau at vict watkuishaehrctlt ovtr three months this seaton in jeurching auiongst ltic best mauufiicturers of euroj e so as to olitain the newest designs he most service ible qualities and the very best value that could be purchased for the cash down mid now he is ottering hjs enoimmis sft ck of qvlt 200000 worth af prices in many instauces clieper lhairtliej wholesale dealtrswili sell them for by the piece lie will liavcjitri opening day this season- as his staff of abut fllty clerks hilvq ill they can do waiting ot enstomers and there is no time to diessup for tin opening day the millinery department the- mantle the dress goods ttit uiderelolhiug the gloves hosiery ribbmii corsets hand kerchief collars prints flannels cuffs embroideredmuslins laces ribbon blankets qnilta table covers cloths tweeds damasks reps lace itrlainn darnns- curtainstiray cottons white cottons canton flanuel ducks ticks denims carpets rugs matsj linoleums floor oilcloths jcrumb cloths carpel sveepers and vvry many other articles of superior qualities and beautiful designs in new nd fashionable goods are selling at such 1 w prices as mijstensure nn unusually hjrge autumn and nuts ot this favorite hobfe waiuins has just returned from eurcpewheic he si c toronto to dptroit cljipago and manitoba stjjouis ex pacific ex localex toronto 8 lqam 1 05 pm i 15pm strotgvjueiun9 13 2 00 525 stthoraas 12 35ini 525 8 55 dotroit- 6 50 8 45 7 65am chicago 0 00 am 8 0a am 5 45 pm wlbniptig- 7 00 i daily except monday toronto to montreal quebec and boston limited ex jmontreal ex 8 25 am 8u0pjn 5 25pm t 4 38am 00 8j8 tt30am osopm 8 45iifl 8 45am brampton to strcetsville junction bramnton 9 47 am 0 54 pm streetsvillo jct 10 10 7 15 brampton to orangeville and owen sotind brampton 0 17 am 5 55pm i orahgeville 11 00 7 10 i owen sound 330 pm 10 20 i purchase yonr tickets by this new and pqptjiiar llifb 1110m j e mcgaryin ticket aeent acton- ontario gctto- t waters bros the picture gallery 6ueu4i for artizw material oil and water culornygrayoh canvas drawing paper plaques cards fccr oil paintites steal engravings 0aromos so i frames of all kinds mouldings room and picture cornices and cordice poles spring rollers and window shadesj- fancy goods suitawe for wedding and birthday presients c visitors can have their pictures framed while in the city so bring theni with von to waters bros near the post office gnelph ont health is wealth notice to farmers 3ycorrl30n booteeoyd tjrain its in carlot8 of the the implement men of g lelph aie uow receiving weekly consigutne followi ig lines of fall and wiuter machines viz honey fanning mill the tjestin canada syiyds ter champion and dominion plows straw oitters for hand or horse dowor the cheapest teas and sxjgilts hi thtoto has had injus dase i think his blood must have contained the humor for at least ten years but it dli i not show except in the form of a scrofulous ore on the wrist until about five jears ago from a few spots which ap peared at that time it gradually spread so as to cover his ent re body i assure ypn lie wis terribly afflicte and an object of pity trhon ho began using your medicine now there are fe v men ol his age who enjoy as good health as ho has j i c mid easily namo fifty persons who would test fy to the facts in his case yonrstrily w jlthttllps rnolathe father pleasure and a duty for me to state to you the benefit i have dorivedvf om the use of ayejcs sarsaparilla she months ago iwas completely covered with a terrible ham jt and scrofulous sores the humorcansed an incessant and intolerable itching and tji 3 skin cracked so as to cause j the wood to low in masy places whenever i moved my sufferings were great and my- life aiurdenj i commenced the use of tho 8ar3 apablii i in april last and have used it regularly n ice that time my condition began fo improve at onee the sores havo all healed anc i feel perfectly well in evory respect beini now able to do a good days jrtrfcalthpagl 73 years of ago many inquire what has wron pit such a euro in my coso and ttell thepjai i have here tried to tell you aveb8 sabs ipaeola glover vt oct 211882 j tours gratefollyi i i hnuii pmiiurs i j v- saeflapabiixa cures scrofula i galoot cozoplalnts erysip j btagworm blotches tumovs and eruptions of 1 1 clean the blood of all lmpu- di tstton tumulates tbo action ot i i nd thus rirtoref fitauty aud- t io whoto ftstem vt- li bmmmmt cases of mens shirts abd drawers j- also full linlwiof f dkess goods yj5lveteens all srudks gllev kunllif winceys hobieht 1 dily goods kd a general assortment- at the low est prices t termscash crusher either in burr tono or bun pfete etc etc ye tuliiuwledf which we shill sell for cash or on oil time at lower prices coiisiiieringtbeuperioity of lie tioni tin n aiiw other bouse in the trade viih ihiiiiks the kind maimer in which olir rival iigtllts iand sylvester drt- b c westtfltenve an bbain tbeat ment a guaranteed specific for jhysteriapdiszi- uess convulsions fits nervous neuralgia headache nervous prostration caused by the nse of ajcphol or tobacco wakefulness mental depression softeuingof the brain resulting in insanity and leading to miser- decay and death premature old age barrenness loss of power iu either sex involuntary losses and sperma torrhoea caused by over exertion ofthebrain scfalmse or overindulgence each box ton- tains one months treatment one dollar e boi or six boxes lor five dollars r sent by mail pre paid on receipt of prices- wo guarantee sixboxes to cure any case with each order received by us for six boxes accpmpaniedwitb five dollars we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund tho money if the treatment does not effect a cure guarantees issuedonly by johlf c west co bole proprietors 181 1b3 west madison st chicago hi soldbvjemcgarvin the key tq health tjnlockb all the clogged avenues of the bowels kidneys and liver carry- mg off giadually without weakening tho system all the impuries and foul humorboifhe secretions at the same time correcting acidity of thx stomach curing biliousness dys- pepsia headaclies bizziness i hear tbtiro constipation dryness i of theskin dropsy dimness tf vmvm jaundice salt sheum ysipelas serofula fluttering of the heart nervousness and gen- oral debility nil these ind many other similar complaints yield to the happy influence of btjbdocs blood blttpeea v v 4quicbx co prbprletok toroltfc idiirahle amount if dealers hnvo used usdukug the piistj season and for the vtry coui frieadvi rlisinjr they in- velieen pleased tp bcslosy upon lis though they one and all prophesied our immciiaic downtall we beg to slate that wejarc still alive ahd health himi shall fiifleayor tomet the requirements oft he fm iners in the futurs as it luis beu our pleasur to do in the past jind thank our patrons fo- ihe kind and libera manner in which they lave treated is d iring the past season if you want a panning or in act if von want or wait for our lit i le n in a few days jjrlj ieiisr ds hill if you waut h grain orushorif you wn 7 a ast end mi ct mhattoft london ande st ijbiiwf ground nclentificauj from clear and pure pebble or oftfaty glass especially mmifqduredforthepvrpoao they arefwuhdutexiiejition 1m adapted to rep foreftio ravages of age and to return paffef vision they are- especially jemimended by ths niod eminent faculty j 4 i 1 every pair of spectnclcg and isyefirl asses is martiab w- hollo wxts pills and ointment an implerpen of ny kind call atour warerooms 29 cork d wpggnn l ok but for our fall circuliir which will beiasaed j morrison boo throyd 29 cork street cuelph lit a firstclass p 6w st health the phrify the blojad hfveh stojicjh eo iv a ll i hey a book of 100 pages tho best book for an advertiser to con- suit bo he expert- oneed or otherwise- it contains listaof newspapers andebtimates of the cost of adveiltisliigrhe advertiser who wants to spend ono dollar finds in itthe in- formation heregulres while forhim who will investone hundred thousand dollars in ad vertising a scheme is indicated which will meethls every requirement or can demode to do so by slight changes eashii arrived at bycof repoiidence 149 editions have been i issued bent postpaid to any address for 10 cents write to geo b eowell oo newspaper adverti8wq btjeeaul aospiucestprlntmghouseso new york manhood how lost how restored k wb have reacritly published a new fl edition of dr culverwells cele brated eesay on the radicalland permanent curexwilbout medicine nf nervons debility mental aud physical incapac ity impediments of marriage etc resultmc from excesses i gaprice in asealedenvelope oiulj- g cent or two postage stamps the celebratedauthor iu this admirable es say clearly demonbtiates frrau tbirty years successful practice that alarming consequences may be radically curfld without tbo dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife nnitttrnpout nmn1fi nf pnro o n 1 7- iorreot all disorders of the kidjievs anp- bovfebft they inyigorale and tektore to health dubihiated constitutions and areiuvaruahle inalh complaints incidental to fejriales of all ages for childrcnandihe rgcd are priceless may cuse hinrself cheafiy privately and radicallv this lecture should be- in the bauds ot evea youth and everyman n the land address t he 78 aud m4 spld at is ljd 2s b ftadptall jarpurihaser sltod idiloofcto wfc vay it iojintmei is an iiifallable ibmidy for bad lekst badrftieasts old wounds sores and ulceii is famous for gi at and rhenmatlsirij for disorders of the ch stit has no edua fqtt 3 re tsaoats biv01t0hitis cough colds glaiulular svypllirigi and all skin diseases it has no rival and or ceutraoted and stiff ifljnw it cts jjko a charm maiiufac tured oply fc thoi ovs iwtloways kst t ytvw ojppw jbteept jjlftte 63 tixfol street xipadoa ftni luif ypnow tlippghouttlib i oi ji nn the p5pjuia bppa if afjdress si ojfprd- itraet lobabu they- are ipurii ipif post office box i50 ot oyery the cnltcrne medical o 41 ann st new 1orlt wm m iyell0w oil lqmeh pfcbemam worm powdehs arapjembnttotako contawthrfrpwn a safo bui ocoj erecbi 1ue in cuiircu ff aujt fi i m yota w- r 1 eveeyti m vi- fee press act0j sum oxbtleab thiterl inrariabty in 123 per tear will tinned till all ad oitionjofthopub 4v space ouo columnj half column quarter coiumuj one inc casual advertij fiist insertion arf sequent insertioi re z koned by the fl scale of jsolid kol advertisementl will be inserted injly- transit in advance changes for cl iu the oulce by they will be left i r busii ber of college i office and frederick st ofth 1 surgeons of accoucheur officer hit hotel aet6n n bbpe etses oi om l be l j3l lit new systeim inonly cajletl teeth wiulonl strator aha i college if rons may in any opetl actou the s each mo paini vitiiiz ior faihies office of j east j toronto 0 teeth s rates iea ing canha liavebeen air for the i ing the pas j may say johalj tariol veterinary iu kenhy- dence iutlj soundnessj all calls ed tb tel m barrustej aucers oil wjtmj m b hilt4 ovkljce and 86 1 b ainj orace llugtou 1 alley t john wiui 50 yea for the orders f or nt i protppf also able te terest lice halted jainea at tent y per imsxsism