Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1885, p. 1

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v i j id ib h is i i iii 01 hi r f jurat- nt the je id ijeatb ipower i brain is con- i albc upre- jrlkve letl bv tiouirs irantee 5 not john jwest jarrin h 4 tb9 kthe r i same th ey3- less aesa 01 aq of igen- vny i- the locar page fforan con- lipeii- incise h- re id a new cele- lical and iiicmej of i iiicapac- resuhin c tnt table eb- j j cars mperoh8 ixkuife l le cer- pth cv err i may ue lot every i iv lurk ls ilroirn leccai jlamkiaaimihrl ffte rlnn jfm tes fls rvbushkll every thursday morning vr thk- fjree press acton sub power printing house ontario cription rates scf 1 vnrs om vlfall j100 sl months thttkf months i t ts invariably in advance lf not paid in advance 1 i icr year will 1 charged no paper dntcon- tmiod till all ivtrcar nro paid ecopt nt tho opuonlof the putylishei adver rates- tyr i g mo j jtmo 1 1 mo g000 3500 20 w 700 ttoo 20 00 rioo 350 20 00 12 w 700 a50 coo f 50 atw 100 ono column i i half oouimn quarter column out inch h c um1 advertisement s cents per lino for tho fa t mertioh and 2 oent per lino for each sub sequent insortioii cabh the number of lines naoucdbv tho 4pace occupied measured bv a svle of solid noiipareil vdcrtisement1 without swiific directions will be nwrlod till torbid and charged acoril- uilx transitorj a ivertvseuiciits must bo paid in advavae i chailqci for contract advertisements must be in the omco bv 0 am on monday otuerwiso tliiv will kloft over until tho following week i h r mooke i editor and vrovnetor business directory wr h lovry m b m c pvs l graduate of trinity college mem- b r of college of physicians and surgeons ofllco and residence at tike head of frederick streets acton hl webster mdcjjl member of the college off physicians and surgeons of onurfo physician surgeen accoucheur agnkts b ohiof miustjreet rtsiitmi hotel actau n b special attention given to the dis eases of omen and children bennett dentist georgetown ontario 1j a dentist georgetown ontl uses tile new 3tem of nitrous qude gjas com monlj cilled vitalized air for fltractiug t eetn without pam haug beei demon strator and practical teacher n rojal college of dental surgeons tort nto pat rous maj dependuixjnreceimilg ssasfaction in an operations performed vill visit acton the second and fourth vsednesdaj of each mouth office agnews htel tainles dental italued air or nitrous oaide gas for piiiless dental operatiob at the othce of t cbhayes l d s to eil s dlock gut lph out upper vudharn street act5n banking coy storey christie co bankei1s- act u notes nu ontario i cmnkkal banking business tltansacttil b m0ne7 10a2tbb 01 approved notes discounted allowed on d and interest posits j e m special acency actoa oat bell telsphonq company messaj es recei ed and transmitted at lover rates than telegraphing allan line steamships ticketi isbiied to all points of great brit un and the continent at very lowest rates buy the tickets lerc if seuding for friends acton canadian pacific r r the cheapest and best route to all poiuts east and west see time tables 2io4e7 saved by dealing with j k mcgarvin ontario rigs a ivory dentists south east corner king and yomgestreets toronto onurio ernest andj best set teeth sj to s gold fillings onethird rates leave order for teeth in the morn- rug can have them the same day we li i e been administering hurdsj vitalized air for the painless extracting ofj teeth dur ing the past year regardless of what others nav s john lawson graduate of on uno- veterinary college toronto etenuan surgeon acton ont ofhc- in kennj bios boot and shoe store resi deuce in the rear horses examined as to ounduesa and certificates gnen all calls flight or daj prompfly attend ed to terms easj fcllak mcmillv barnsterfc bohcitors notariek couvev- mcers ac 3pnate funds to loan oittck toun hall acton i a milmv hroii v mcmilliv u hilton allan baird i barristers solicitors at tursio ovll geoncetok ohm i sicreelmans block g eorgetown and 8g king street east toronlo m t i ls i j shiiton b iu b vllil b 1 b ainlaidlawilco bvi uisrus soliciicji orriltjover imperial bauk 24 wel- r exchange wellington marble works qtjlbbpc st guelifh john h- hamilton proprieior formerly mcquillan hamilton i dealer ni marble granite and qver thing pertaining to cemeterj work recei ed first prizes at provincial ex hibition local exj and sat orders rpho uni stock a other kinds class fine i885b0und voluml si885 ont alt lo thubsday november 12 1885 britlan workman i band of hop 3 cottager and artizan childs own magazine friendly visitor little- wide awake new picture books bright and new cuelph day sells cheap ie guelph the western fair aud all lbitions ipr excellence of matenal eriority of workmanship your e solicited i lumber shingles and lath ersiriied desires to inform the public thatlhc has now on hand aud will kfep in line of pine and hemlock as well as of lumber also first aud second bhmgles lath i full 1 coal wood hauugpui chased the coal business of mr c s smith1 1 am prepared to supply all kinds of u i have also a ood stock ot odd 1 ash cedar and mill wood at reason- t drv1 nnrl r1 inlti nafl stove coi j hardwoo able pnea planing mill hugton stifet east entrance alie toronto i john bvc q c c a minris vll llui l uhlaw geonoe kihell p atenfts secured i for inventions henuy grist oii cisu 0 years practice no patent no pay w m hemstreet lltrvsi ii alcxionleji i w ill be easonable loi the counties of wellington jindhaltou orders lef j at the fni i pkess ojffice acton oi at my residence in acton pi ompth attended to terms money to low also money to loan on the itiost f a or- able termsjand at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 8500 aud upvards ood and coal deln ered jmes bkown halng made arrangements with messrs w h storey son for the continui nee of the plauing mill m the build ing fonaerly occupied by the acton plow compar y we would inform the public that w e are j repared to take contracts for building t i -lk- deesshtg fl00ei1tg sheethto moulding c wlth ketness and dispatch f1u mps pumps in connection with the above we ate also prepare 1 to receive orders for pumps from long extenenqe 10 the business we feel con fident that wa can supply an article second to none orders by mail will receive prompt at ten tit kindly soliciting a share of public pat ronage we are respectfully yours i thos ebiuge manager oysters fruit and confectionery 0heap for evepvybc dy j m fernley thursday iornino november 12 1885 poetrvy pitcher ob jug they toiltd together side by aide in tho field where the corn was growing they paused awhile to quench their thir grown tired of the hoeitfg i fear my friend i said to one that you will neer be richer yon drink i see from the little brown ju whiut your friend drinks from life pitcher c no is filled with alcohol he fiery drink from the still the other with water clear and cool 1rom the spring at tho foot of tho hill ih all oolites best gift my friend i fear you will neeribe richer unless you leave the little brown jugi and driuk like your friend from tile pitchrr my words have proved a prophecy for years since then have passed how do you think have fared our friends that toiled in the fields that day one ib a reeling drunken sot grown pooror instead of richer the other has won both wealth aud fam i and he always drank ant of the pitcher our story a seaside romance wishes through tho fuel piie3 all to his attractive corner foi goods they may require il his line o invite the oysters- fruit fiesh constantly m hand all the different fruits in tei- son fresh and cheap oin the t a d 1 1 1 confectionery dlect f best manufacturers every week this line of goods and give customers pure confectionery for lcs money than any other dealer call any time and youll be welcomed j m pernleyf in postoflice building isept 19th 1883 -cuelpn- business college guelph ontario t hl j a murray ti e knowkes it lxxx licenbed auctioneers for the counties of halton and wellington orders left with james matthews acton will receive strict attention teinis reasonable john day i architect i gjl fllh ont oinf lqueens hotel block market 5jiiaie tohn daley o ffeuccbsoi to thompson money perceut loaned for secunty properly farms anil to loan on farm p roperty at c mortgages purchased money parties iu mortgage conveyancing in all mid neatly done city property for with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intending purchas irj and cir ciliated id europe eiiropeai capitalists v anting farms in ontario wil i be sent di- rections tlhroqgh our europeui agencies farms wanted for oar lists dence invited office near tli guelph cit and other its brandies charges low ale list correspou- post office ttanln barber sho j p worden has openda barber shop in lie building nearly opposite storeys old gl ve factory mill street acton and solicits he patron age of the- public iu this vicinity every department of the business will bejeonduct- ed in first class style give us a call j p vv0rden jackson k becond scholastic year co nmenced september 1st each de partment is in charge of a specialist to a practical training for the efficient conducj of business affairs is the sphere and wotk of the institution its graduates are alr ady holding responsible positions in the commercial centres in tho dominiou energetic young men aud women are thor oughly prepared for positions as- bookkeep ers shorthaud writers correspondents or tele raph operators students received at any time for circular and catalogue giving full information address m maccormick i principal 11 cm f ajll the farmers and others i haviuj crippled horses will do well to call on ceo stoddard who is prepared to remove ringbones spavins curbs and splints without injuring the liorae satisfaction guaranteed or no charge geo stoddaed creechs old stand acton hills tin stove depot good assortment of stoves cheap for gash i but how can and miserable ned help feeling neglectid you scarcely lock at me when miss lovel is near and she yo ir preferred partner in all tlnngb nojv ycu walk with hor you siug with her ycu drive with her you datico with her and mikes me very wretched now molhe if youre going to be jei ou im not jealous ned ill thought iu didnt care most forme if j fancied jnu ca ed at all for any one else i dont think ic remonstrate with you at all i would just take off this touohingthe diamond on her hand aud hand it back to you 1 not jealous but you are not very kind mi ned my little net jou do not see things i e ee them one owes something to societ y esecially when one is at the seaside if you would only remember that iloveyw to well to find fault with anything you c in do and if you would become a little mc re of a society character yourself i would be perfectly happy why you scarcely take th a least attention from any one but ne ard so many are willing to offer attentions to ou now dour kigs me once i milst be off i am to drive on the beach with m lovel not jealous my pet not jealous ned no and she tunijed fr mi him but without giving the kiss jie hid asked for she h jealous though i ihe young fbl- lo w thought smihug as hi watched t le pietty straight figure goingiiway fiom tie wok in winch he had found her out to t lie stretch of sand against wrfich the waes w re rolling rpceding leaving now a mi ss of seavieed on it uowreturning bearing it away a veij coquette ofvu ocean now kind aud now cold and always fan in tjlio sunlight fyed tremame hurried over the beaih whistliug as ho went and he preseu tinware of all kin bpttom prices eavetroughing a specialty and put up on notice first class materia only used a call solicited j o hill 1111 st ds at shortest rincis ntjnan i successor to t f chapman book3inder st georges square guelpb ontario ace tunt books of ill kinds made to orde perioflioals of evej7 scrlplipri paref ally bound ridiugqea ly ei promptly done guelph cloth ha1ll caught up with his affianced who ilv mcraes underclothing mens shirts and drawers all sizes boys shirts and drawers all sizes childrens combination sets all sizes shawcrumdy mrohnt tailors oi elph ly in tjhe pretty dress of cream and black with 1 er wide suuhat puthea a little back on 1 er bl oude head w as looking vay beautiful a ad animated and smiling in ttfie face of lee s me the most incorrigible male flirt at tle beach 1 where now tremame the latter called out as with a nod iie pursued lis way foi a diive on the beach wilj see j hter and ned had gone liy resuming lis whistle mr stone smiled a little and spoke a ijew words te mollie she coloied slightly j ol- 1c wed the tall form of her lover a mom mt w ith her eyes theu gave a gracious ausw er aid half an hour later when ned and 1 iss i ovel met the pretty light carriage ou bsach iu which lee stone took his duly drive they received a pleasant nod fr 3m pretty molhe who was 1mb companion 1 nd who looked as though she was thoroug enjoying his society she certainly lost no time iu following my suggestion ned told hitnself half surprise and she has evidently found society of stone anything but boring what a handsome couple they malfe miss lovel baid with a certain gleam ber steady gray eyes ned colored suddpn ly he didnt quite know why perhaps you dont know that sjiss annes is my promised wife he said trifle coldly oh but so man engagements broken in a summer at the seaside ine never miuds that very much the languid belle said indifferently that night there was a hop at the hotel nd nod had made up his mind whilodn sa ijig tohea little more attentive to mol ut to his surprise he didntfiud molllie nnes shrinking uuder her mothers wing s hadjjeon her custom a number of iier id friends had arrived while they wen at inner aud they were aboutiier besides lee stone was quite pronounced iu his attentions to her aud while she gave 1 im ned a smile from the distanoe he fo ind it quite difficult to get near her then light tap on his arm informed him that miss lovel was asking him- why he wai so preoccupied aud as molliend stone w ent circling by joining the waltzers he foil aw ed them with miss lovel a rather pronounced flirtation i auglftd later when he and molhe 1 in the hotel terrace watching the moonl 1 in the sea and strand and one soli ary souple pacing slowly along beside the vaters both knew who they were f ir a lew moments before they bad seen ned rremaine place that palepiuk scurf a out the shoulders of miss laura lovel as be led hr aarosa the terrace v much en- grossed in his tabk it would seent to notice mollip or her companion oh everybody flirts more or less at a seaside hotel one has nothing else to do you know mojlio answered lee with a light little ripple of laughter end he looked down on the pretty face to which the moon light was so tender bis voice sinking to al most a whisper as he spoke to her i i is a cowardly pastime for a man hesa d softly and for a woman it is a cruel one agiiiu she laughed while arranging the brace et on her arm a touch of mockery was i the rippling laugh aud you is it pleasant to know that you are cruel or cowardly sli 3 questioned one is temptedto become pe rbonal when such remarks come from odo who is said to count his conquests with a cruel pride and to whom the world gives no higher aim than to fascinate and remain careless am i too plain forgive me i forgive you freely as i vyould forgive yon all things miss annes but neither you npr the world fully understand me i may ieem a trifler but were the woman i love to love mo in return no smile would be to me so sweet as hers no presence half so dear i mollie had been watching the couple on the sands going slowly back and forth in the moonlight now she lifted her sweet young face and looked at him with a sort of woiidering pity do we all wrong you then she ask ed gently have you failed iu your avoo- ing i can you not win where yon love his face flushed a little at her words and she watchipg it was struck by its strength and beauty how did it chance that she had never noticed either before i am not left the chance to woo or win her jhe skid slowly she is anothers promi sed wife al she said pityingly aud she gave him her hand iu a sweet womanly sympa thy 1 ever for an instant connecting his words with herself he lifted the small hand everently to his lips and drawing it throuj h his arm turnedjoward the beach as he did so he found himself i facing ned tremuine and laura iovel who were com ing in from the moonlight and be noticed that t le young mans face was quite white while there was a balfsoornful smile oh the lips of the fair belle of the seaside but the tw 0 couples passed eaoh other in silence the 01 e going down to the stretch of glitter ing sa id the other going in to the dancers a v eek later and mollie had just come 111 from a long hour peaceful and calm spent with lee in a quiet nook among the rocks that overhung the ocean he had been reading to her there some of the sweet est poems given to the world by genius hoi- heart had thrilled as he read and new strange feelings had stirred it when he closed the book he had looked up and found tier eyes filled with tears and now in her own room she was asking herself how it was that what she had but commenced for the purpose of aunoying ned had in one brief week slain all her old i resentment against miss lovel and made her thoughts tuin constantly not to ned tremaine who was her affianced husband but to lee stone wbp was termed the greatest male fliit at the beach what was changing in her life when she now met ned and laura it did not pari her as it used was it because a handsomer face a stronger and nobler face then neds was constantly near ready to turn to her with devotion ready to light if she smiled a servant bioko her panderings by bring ing her two messages one a bouquet of white flowers with a few feathery bprays of fern among their whiteness and one crim son rose gleaming red from their center aud in it was a note from lee askingi her to go for a drive with him by moonlight the other was a few angry lines from ned asking ifjshe remembered that she was be trothed tojpm while she allowed every gos sip at the hotel to chatter of her flirtation with lee stone 1 i have been patient waiting an oppor tunity of speaking to you he wrote but 1 4 you will nofgive nje one so i wrote to ask lee blood sht you if you wish our engagement broken to all it would ieem so she trembled a little as she read aud her sweet face changed color but she went to her desk drew from it every letter he had ever sent her formed them and his ring iu a package and wrote him the fol lowing note it was i who was first taught patience while my existenoe was forgotten for one who was what you bade me become a oharaoter why should i fancy tbat you wished an interview with me of late itia not so long since you could not spare a mo ment for mefrom miss lovel do i wish our engagement broken perhaps we j both wish it ned at least let us break it since i so displease you i send you your letteis and ring then although a choking sensation vas iu her throat she penned a brief note to leo i will be pleased to go with you that was all aud iu the star light the hioou rose late she went with him out over the beach find far alodg the country was it strange that be noticed bile no louger wore neds ring was it strange that be told her of his love add that she listened silently believingly with a strange flutter at her heart was it strange that when they drove baok lingering beside the sobbing ocean another ring should deck her ringer and another bond should lie upon her life well two others walked i upon the strand two whom the gossi is called lovers and yet when it was told that mollie annes was to place ber happiness in the keeping of the flirt of the beach one man who heard it tamed white as death and shrank from the sight of the beautiful woman beside him although men called her fair and many said she bad won him from bis faith yet mollie was too happy to regret although she still some- i times remembers puhuldphif call what do 1 otjwant to be p how all the dhl kabis in the world have been siadk 8 jhe only saeevav- prooiusxxill 2936 if i could bring together a ihousand boys and girls from one city and a thousand from anotlfer ai d so go all oyer this conn- try and ask eacl 1 one what do you expect to be when you trow up not one would say i expect t be a drunkard no 1 one wants to be a dn nkard when we hear the name it brings n in our minds a picture of a man in shabby clothes witn red bloated face and bloods ot eyes reeling along the streets saving loolish things quarrelling with those aboa him fighting and at last lying down help ess in the gutter that isadrea df ul sight th it nearlyall of us have seen ind drunkards must have been just the same in the days of solomon although they hi id no whiskey then and could only get dr ink upon win i heat what solomon says al oatthose drankards of his day whp tfat h woe who bath sorrow who hatb conten tions who hath babbling who hath wounts without cause who bath redness of eyes 1 they that tarry long at uie wine thev hat goto seek mixed wine but all the tli unkards in the world have been made they were not born so they have been made utof brightfaced children with clear nyes and puie sweet breath and strong steady 1teps and happy voices- children who im ver meant wbe drankards and who never vould have been if they bad taken solomoni advice he says there is only one way to be safe andjthat is not io begin to let tin 1 wine alone not even to look at it he lays lool not thou upon the wine when it is red when it giveth its color in the ip when it 1 moveth itself aright at the last it bitethlike a serpent and stingeth hks an odder this red wiui that sparkles 111 the cup and has a pleas mt taste is like a beautiful serpent that is moving its beautiful coils and getting real iy to bite you a cluster of ripe grapes is a beautiful thing and when you crush the g rapes in your mouth and swallow the del cious pulp you are taking what is harjnlei s and nourishing but if you squeeze out this delicious juiqe and let it btand a very j ew hours it begins tochange a part of it turns into the poison that is called alcohol all that could nourish and feed your body is destroyed and the juice becomes wine ust such wine as solomon said bites like a serpent if you eat in apple the juice that is ground out by y our teeth is exactly the same as that which is crushed out by a oider- mill it is who esome and nourishing and you like it b cause it is mixed with the spicy pulp but what is called sweet cider is the ss me juice that has stood few days until 1 1 has begun to work that means that a pirt of it has changed into the same poison thi it makes it no longer nour ishing but daiigerous the more of the poison that is i 1 it the more it sparkles and the better it i mits the taste of thosej who have learned hi tie by little to love itj so when people sa fto you what harm can there be in the juice of grapes or in sweet cider you ca 1 answer them no harm at all if you take them just as god made them butihi juiceb of the grapes and the juices of the appleb begin tochange as soon as they are cru shed out and the poisonous alcohol is form id and then there fs always harm in it if you weie dying of thirst it might be wortl while to take a drink from a spring that y ou lmew was impure and unhealthy bu t with so many good things toeat and dim 5 m the world do you think it is sensible to drink what may have poison in it just because you are not sure it has if you let all cider alone yeu will be sure never to drink the wrong kind or let your example lead a lyone else to do so that is about what 3 would say on the cider ques tion if i were a boy or a girl and when i had made up my mind isvouldstickto that of coursewhal ever any one else said qi did why one my neighbors at great trouble and expense h is all his water brought from a distance altl ough he has a well in his own yard tl evwater looks pare and tastes pure but he ki iows some wells have poison in them and he thinks it quite possible his may have and so he lets it alone is he not mor sensi ble than his neighbor who went on dnnling the water because he could not see anything wrong with it until half hib family were attacked with typhoid fever if you mean to take solomons advice and not even s op to look at this dangerous enemy that c n seem so harmless at first and yet sting 1 ke a serpent afterward you must remembf r and not go with those who drink wine dont be found among them keep away fro n them give them no chance to tempt you for if the childeen should grow up right for one generation we should have no more drunkards emily huntington miller in youths temperance banner pbice three cents when mamw a waa ltttji i when mamma vras a little girl or so they sow to me 1 she never used to romp and run nor shout and siream with noisy fan nor climb an ipple tree she always keptfher hair in curl- when mamma was a little girl rad when mamma was a little girl it seems to hit you see she never usedoo tumble down nor break her doll nor tear her gown nor drink herjpapas tea she learned to knit plain seam pnrlr when mammawas a little girl bnt grandma days it must be true how fast the seasons oer as whirl your mamma dear was just like yon whn she ws grandmas little girl 1 i i st nicliolas for oclobt better to w iggwwkwwst household donts dont stand vhen you can sit jus as well 1 dont put off he mending from weel to week dont you kncjw that vinegar will c ean the isinglass in he stove doors dont you know your oilcloth can be washed in buttermilk or kerosene dont give little children twolanguag is to learn first babytalk then afterward rue pronunciation dont hesitate- to put a piece of zinc on the live coals in the store it will clear out the stovepipe j dont throw away the nice woollen st ck- when the feet are worn ont but cut t lem down for the children dont fail to be clean and tidy in e rery nook and cornef but dont be a slave to a shining stove and carpet dont do unnecessary work because r grandmother did there was not halje so much to be done in her day dont cherishlthe idea thatyou will c itch cold if you feel a bit of fresh air or know there is an outlet for heated impure air dont throw avvay old suspender r ngs but sew them jto the corners or kit shen holders serving a better purpose than 1 xps to hong by dont flirt dirt from one piece of furniture to another and call it dusting but take it up carefully in a dusting cbth and jihalfe it from the windo v dont say n loky for milk ridey for ride baby will understand hand mai una your little dress as readily as if you said brmg his ittle dess to mamma dont talk seivants or family matte rfo callers and dont tell them the exact di te of 1 their last call they will be likely to 1 ie the interval ion er the next time donfi fail in pnversation tooceasioi tally pause and give lie listener an opportt nity to speak and dont mistake polite liste ling prolonged for 1 iterest in your subject a telling temperance lecture two colored barbers oe an old mai i and the other a young one the yonuj one took off his apr in and started oat 0 tho door yos gwan tio get a drink jim sjsked the elder dats what is gwan to do go and git yo drink i yoost tfer do de same tmg w leu i wnz young wl en i wuz fust rnarri a dah was a ginmill next to the shop win i wucked and i spent fifty and sebenty cents adayouteredollah an a half i earned wall one mawnin i went into dp butcbal shop and who sbood cam inj but de man vatkep de likker shop or twelve pounds pster- house steak b said he gqt it a id went out i sneakeid up to de butchah c nd looked tobee what ii loney ihadlef what do you waubatd the ibutfchah gib me tei uts wuf of libber wuz my remark t wuz all arli git yo drinki man wat sells poterhouse stei yo could pay fur now feo go youll eat libber 1 ut de de stuff will habf his ak de man behin d sf bar eats poterhouse de man in front eats- libber i aint tiuched tho stuff in flirty yeahs and i am featin poterhouse my self fozboro repi rtjer into year after fight than to run very true indeed au exchange tays did you eveb stop to think what it tireless letterwriterj good local paper is week after weekjrcbing yarj it goes on that whic 1 thou hast to do do it with all thy might said a clergyman to lira son one morning so 1 did tl lib morning said bill with au enthusiast a gleam iu his eyo ah what was it darling aud tho fa titers finger utrayed through hisoffspriugs curls why i wllollopedjackedmuuds said the youughop iful tijl he yelled like blalses you should ju it hear him holler dad 1 the father looked unhappy while lie ox- plained that t le precept did not apply to any aot like ihat and concluded mildly with you should not have done thatny child then he had awholloped me replied the young hoi ef ul better taid the sire for you to have fled from the- ivrath to come yes bat replied the hopeful by way of a final clinmer jack can run twice as fast as i can the good ri an sighejdi went to his study took up a pet and endeavored to compose himself for a sermon iogof the marriages births deaths and ill mings and goings of the people of our tow 1 the business success or failure accidents crops impiovements meetings revivals in fact events of all kuk is all is gri st that romes to the hopper of a good local japer why if you were to undertake to vrritel a letter each week to your absent friend in t ie far west on eabt atid tell half tlte new that your local papfer givesyon wj mid bo n give np in despair the supposed pleasa re be corhes tiresomb the letters growj sj forter farther apart ind finally quit wr the difference lejausewith the newspaper nknits his business people inj a jjveljf town reedgnisi this and take pleasure u giving tlio editor the news items you woulth never learn if you want an absent friend- to have tho ne v i of the town and a untry a perfect resuniuof the local even of the day do as a gre vt many have aire ad f done for absent friends sendhim the fbei pwsaji fiftytwo week 3 j postage paid fcr pi it makes a nice r asent people ueedj riot tell me that i aim bxoited on these quesii ins i know tbat i un i should be aslamed before god laid man if i was not n my nfinijbtry i n ee the horrid fruits of these whisky shops i bee that men andfv omen are perishing i a these pitfalls the r umber of the- viatinc s is so great thatit oyi ir whelms me my 1 rain is burning my beut is breaking the church is asleep and tie world too and t ley are bagging each other i am ytaif with holding in itaust cry 1 would ja therte countedinginj r in the judgment of men than be unlaiitfnl in the judgment at godi tiev dr ifilof f v v- l j

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