Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1885, p. 3

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lmi0 mm in m v c at eo hvn0m acton ladies wanting ah extra quality i f ncto paper and enwlonw should call ct gio hyudb acton 1 i i business men wanting cheap en slow 8 paper pens iuk poncils muolai brt- ting papier ledgejrs day books blank notes receipts callat geo hvndit- fa krp the largest anbeststockoistaltiionejry irttown j wedding auibinhday lsvnts uncles from 25c to 3 the cheapei fin acton for the above line of jewels j geojiiynds dealer sn jewelrjvbtationery schoolibooks and fancy goods spdc o cheapest atojrc 9h jxtmtjfeef tuirsiuy mousisq novmbknl2 1885 crumbs for breakfast fcjeal provided by the ever thoughtful fre press reporters christmas entertainments jire loomlijg u in ihedisauoe a 8abbii behold ntertaihneiit ana christmas free in tile methodist ohd h is taentione4 for hhoqit he srd decetol ee thegt rpagamgetaeptjtfctquolpli jhasjustnuderfonea horough renovation and presents a wusidejrably ito tooved an pcarance isii tit about time lor aotoutf turn at q t k depot improvmout attd enlargement we hope mr esteemed a items the mount forest eprewfai anjfthe ctou jhlemlt will today coioluilo ujbury tbje hatchet end th sir silly war a id have ft right down gooc thaui sgiving jandshakje over the grave c f their uupleasa jtnesses of the past few weeks u- i t ii itock aey v iliss the reformer wants milton to jfolloir actons example and establish a j night school i lj dont fail to attend thanksgiving w- yicsthis morning in one or otherof the churches dr c e staceylate of cheltenham has settled in acton as drflwebster successor we imagine about all the indian summer of 1s5 therell has been ex perienced you are still in error friend km thb fhei piess has nevejr yet mentioned ililtop viiuirator i iiie thrfc huh teachers of actoiij pub he school will dioutiuue at the close op j the present year milton has now three uewspapers three doctors three milkmen three bakers and three butchers the last sitting of the fourth divisioh court for 13s5 wsjs held here yesterday judge miller presiding advertisers fully realize the benefit df advertising in the free press and patoniije its columns accordingly messrs hemstreet bastedo have pail out over s500 for wheat doling the paai six weeks milton suit hunt up your isnowshovels and gat them into gooff repair for the snow btom which is shortly sure to come we have a large dumber of blaiik rt ceipts which we would be more than please j to fill in for patronsjvyho owe us it is said that a carload of ready jmadle smiles has been- received and distributed among the coming candidates for municipal honors messrs wcrdeii bros have remove their barber shop to the office of the old glove factory it makes a neat and comfor table shop parents keep yokir hoys and girls ajt home after dark tne street is no place for theni street educajtion- will almost cer tainly niin them messrsjxhesterlt hill of detroit anld w j nichn6f new york will please ac cept our thanks for budgets of interestinjg american papers has our local board of health takep into consideration the majter of isolating smallpox patiehtt should one be founjd within our iorfn limits kev dr tprrance of guelpb will ot knojr- church pnipit next suhdav the i t cupy- his address will have reference t missionary schemes of the church easter of next year falls on st marks day 7april2uth ite latest possible idats the last time this occurred was in 173 and it will not so fall again until 1943 j batchley georgetown paid 911 for fun on hahowefh and james bulliy ant georf e lmd eufus beid added 11 and costs to the amount expensive f nn mr cb griffin has just completed very neat stable on his lot on mam streejt we understand a handsome residence will also be located there some time in the nef r future j messrs speight it sonhave completed their newfurniturewarerooms at the foot ofjwillow street ana have the place now filled with fine new furniture from bottopi to top the continuous et weather of the psjst a morith has caused tle street crossings almost ilisappear from sight from pedestrians point of riew they are generally too low mr j s hattor and family rhovfed from acton to toron td i4astweek george town hmaul is ths t so its queer didnt hear anything abbutit in fact we dont really believe mr hatton has eyer resided in acton owirig to fhe delay h ading this fi 11 it waffearedby manvithat che fall vlh at wouldmake but ft poor show when thosn w fell vtbese fears have not been realiz howeveri the open season having broughl it on wonderfully i i a f- m tiiaiiksgiving day i veiy muddy streets and roads- bemember boyp raffles are illegal council meeting next tuesday eyeum boarct of education next monday ovening j muton cornet banilgive a concert th evening i the milton champion window weife smashed last week j eemomber to ipraise god froiuvhoin all blessings flow today the acton pump works on jbiver street are now in full blast the iate of taxation in portage la pnxirie m4n is il mills on the dollar j- i talmagebn iugersolusm by ke dnvid rogers in the town hall tonight look out for the new adv of johh kelson of the east end store next week a milton boywas fined 5m last weejt for disturbing a salvation army meeting we are in receipt of adelaide ajistra liarpaprs frommrj h f hill tlianki dr- may lectures under georgetow mechanics institute anspieces on thislh sufficient oapitalj take what suits the weeks bakings which are principally looa and all interesting death of another pioneer another old settler in the perton of neil keith esq of the second line ssqueaidg j about three mill s from acton p issedawav last wednesday mr keith settled on tke farm where he i ied between thir lyfive and forty years ago he leaves a wif i land large family mrs joseph anderso u of this place is a daughter the f unera pn baturi day was well attended new grain buy irs messrs bayv aixl a co mill pa rook wood havesecui ed matthews stc c ahouse at tho east end of the g t r yard i and are prepared to purchase large qui atities ol wheat and will pay the highnst market price for the same adtonis new a firstj class grain marl et and wo hope t ilkee many more farmers vi sit it with theirj min we can assure them they wjill bt fairly dealt with and this is in itself an important matter another business change mr h b mo jarthy las dispejsed of his boot shoe lnsiuess to mr ji william williams who l as had harge of he order ed work departn lent 1 ir will aims is a firstclass prac icai si oemaker land hai to do 4 well business we believe he will i be patronized as tl e boots of his ms duf acturej have always beei consiilered sujerior andj fully satisf actor we wish mr j iwilhama the success he deserves ton alsensible exchange wjith a vai sung wi mlpayiugi of experience hit 3 the na il on the heavy end when it sayb it- is w orth ren if mberiugj that no paper is printed especial rj for one person any mo e thai a bote j is built especially to pease oue guest h people who become gret tly disj leased with somej thing they find ii a newspaper shpuld re member that the very tt iug that lispleases them is exactly the thiu that wujl please somebody who has just 0s much iiuerest iu the paper as the have farewell supper at the conclusion of bjusiness a the regu lar meetingt a ctoh lodge io jf last friday evening he meipbers adj urned to the oyster parlor i of mr where a temptin spread was laic of bro george 1 icfarlane who in remove to michigan a- pleasant spent by the brethren ajid they retired at a j i amount george toddard i in honor about to hour was lepartingi a cheer the good associa- ven lodg- u you can secure ubt as good a phdto gragh at the metroj ojitan studio act 3n on dull day as bni bright one as we ise the new lighthmg pi otess which regni rt j pared to shstaia the ppqferji ojpjy iractlon itf a f econil for expoanie gthdio im seasonable hourj wishirg their brother everysuecess ai id saying ing word tar friend stoddard for showing he made on sho t notice worthy and creditable i ction a number of the bus ness men of the town of waterloo have formed themselves into an association to lok after phe busi ness interests of he town there seems to be work for such an association to do out side of what fan be expected jof the council the associatior will c ommnniejate with and facilitate tin cominj of persons desi rous of opening i p new factories or indus tries stimulate a feehiig of union and progress arrange for more frequent markets and for the systematic cash trade in farm ers produce fci chronicle the busi ness people of ou own town could dp much to advance their jwn and the tow as inter ests by organizat ion of a similar toon j the tramp nuu ance j last week eigh t tranipp werfa gi gingsinthe celli and last monc ay night five of the lazy a id goodfornothing gang preseuttd themselves for bed add board at the municipality 3 expense wei think the council are mal iug a mistake y giving tramps meals- a 3 well as bed specially when they get a ood mattress and plenty of blankets for lie impudent fellows seem to think the autl orities consider it a favor to have thenf pal 1 upon them the idea of lodging and feeding tramps and tllen allow ing them to pre ceed oil the road without asking them evei to saw a stick of wood in fetarn is prep isterousi if you seelfit to bed them gentlemen for treasurys sake let them work for their meals or jet none miltons new pa ser we have befor us s- copy of the milton refonjier anew paper just established in the county town it is a fourpage eight- column sheet and is fairly welf printed the paper will be- conducted ap a local newspaper and a its name implies it will advocate the prir ciples of the liberal part the reformer will be a fearless exponent of temperance pinciples arid will accord hearty support tei the prohibition partyin this county- the publishers are messrs w d brothers fnd w white for many years foreman o the milton nqos both are gentlemen of integrity and possess a good knowledge of business we are pleased to sea a paper established in milton which willgive loyal support toj the scott act and prohibition but we can hardly hope to see success attend the venture for thl field it more than full and we still think the better ourse for tho publishers of the jrfnncr would have been if possible to purchase ore of ithe existing papers however we shall see what we shall sve and in the meantime newspaper busnc3s iu milton i will iwe imagine be of ntheran iuterestfmg char acter bsiiii thaaiiglving semoei thi nksgiving services will be held ii 1 town oday as follows mk hooibt cucnch sorvico at half pas ir ten th is morning conducted by revi b philii is pastor pbkjbtosman cuthiiii service at eleven am rev dr tqwanoe of guelph wil i oooupy the pulpit j chcuchoresulxi at halfpas i leu am by rev w j pigott ba ln- oombtnt bu fist cmincii service willbe held a i eleven am a sermon appropriate to th occasion will be preached j j the salvation army will have service 1 jaiorm ig and evening i the o pheus societys entertainment posters have been issued announcing the outertiiubentof the orpheus society t be given in tho town hall next tuesda evening a very interesting programme ii presen ed and tho members of the uociet are un leasing in their preparations for ai entertainment of firstclass character w are inf mned that the audience will be more than surprised at the excellent representa tions lo appear oh the btage the pro gramme will include vocal and instrumen tal misio readings military and other chorus and will conclude with the laugh able musical extravaganza sold again and go the money ten dollars reward bypostera issued yeaterday reeve storey offers the above reward fc information which will lead to the cohvictiou of the parties who evidently consider it sport to smash street lamps one or two of the lamps in the west eud have been repeatedly broken and the perpetrators have on one or mor occasions gone so for as to interfere with tl e lamplighter in the discharge of his duies this caunot be allowed in acton and the first thing the guilty parties know t ley will be before a court of law to answer for their lawless conduct there is also complaint made that a lot of rowdies who go to the meetings of the 8alvation army und hang about the doors of the barracls persist in disturbing the meetings and also annoy and sometimesinsult citi zens who have occasion to pass the reeve requests us to state that unless this unseemly conduct is discontinued the oft fenders will be prosecuted without leniency rev mkwhitcbmbes lecture the fneepness has been brought to task for saying that there was a good audience at the lecture last wednesday evening well all we have to say in answer is that if the andieuce present was not a good one wo don t know what the term means for a more attentive or wellbehaved audience has neerbeen seen in the hall it is true the atte ndance was not as large as we have frequently seen there but this was no doubt owing b the extreme inclemency of the weather that evening the lecture was a review of the early settlement of the north- west t le development of the cduntry aiid the two rebellious the lecturer gave an interesting account of the difficulties he encountered in reaching the troups and some of the perplexing and amusiug inci dentsby the way hisaccouutoftheseveral engager leuts with the rebels was however rather e iisappointing from the fact that he was not an eyewitness but gained his knowledge in about the same manner as his audience vizl by a close reading of the newspaper reports published at the time his eulogies of- the volunteers and their heroic t nd soldierly actions throughout the rebellion as expressed to him personally by general middleton were right loyally applauded by the audience the second lecture in the course of lectures iu counec tion with st albania church has not yet been anjnouiicd a nmoauvini nmoarvi us n moafeviiia nmaakvlnfl nmgarvl b nmaabvlnfl j nmoarvlnd jkijloarvis nm the place 1 the place metropolitan studio aetou turns out first claps work at moderate prices get your pumps repaired before winter sets in the acton pump co can tlo it for you his mes uucle was aro mr s f limehouse sparks from oar 0101 correspondent threshers are around again oue of our merchants has a boy to run ages 1 sam fthe daddy of 21 children und again last week meredith is building the stonework of a rac 3 into the woollen mills mr ilarshul is gradually improving we soon expect to see him arouud mrw snider has taken up the fish busi ness ard is doing quite well at it last veejk mr john newton- jr lost a cow 1 hey found it in the stable with its neck broken mr w nickell grocer now wears a new apron its perhaps a necessity see cradle column a young man a stranger preached very practical sermon here yesterday in the methodist church our teacher mr w t stone received a telegram yesterday telling him of the death of his uncle in st lucie west indies ht was here in july on a visit and had just gone out from england uuder government employ as a diver ibv 9th 1885 rock curse that pump dont swear bro but get a new one from the acton pump co for tlie best grades of stone and rolwr flour of all kinds leave your ordure at l g mattliejws ba iery the metropolitan studio acton is c w hills old sta id under new ma itigement he made it a po nt to t urn otjit first class work only the present propeiet jr js prfe loii or rockwood news fronidur own correspondent mr john black had the misfortune week or two ago to lose two seattle on the railway one of them a valuable thorough bred some person left a gate open and the catties strayed to the railway crossiug and were struck by apasbeiiger train mr john wright baker has improved his shop very much lately j it has beei renewed both inside and outside mr wright has occupied his present stand fo many years and by careful personal atten tion to business has won the confidence and respect of the public tt the acton pump works aire now in fuljl blast orders solicited satisfaction guaranteed at the- metro politan photo studio acton youwijl always be courteoasly received scotch enclibb and ouuadian suiting st feat variety at the bist end olothin tore jfyfe acton u pb brpalnts oils for and varniah for prepared paints turpentine for coal oil codl oil for firie fancy k0u stationery is at is at is at 1sat is at coods is at for for school books sat reliable drijiss c is at mcgarv ns drug and statiojieny siofq acton xmoarviss njlgahvllf xmoarvins nmuarvin nm garvin8 n mcjarvi ont s nmuarvins h nmgarvjns isfs nm garvins s nmgarvins 1 metropolitan studio the studio willl thanksgiving day we will work ilve vo metropbutn studio e fl bollert i m po rter of d py 3 d o d s 27 lower wyndljam st be open on lllaioltshinje eilijst- glass new goods just opened ocrubeit 14th l88o always please look for my advertise ment in this space you will see no boastful bombast but candid statement of valuablcand interesting facts my millinery pkiwutjiknt ia vyn- deifuly attractive just now it is at its best as all tile novelties nre in and the stock is very large lady rentiers are cordially invited to seeour display e r bollert klesant maktles and ulstehs in ladies and childrens sizes iutlotn silkfsaud vjjlvkt from a lowpriced garment to the most costly goods lades astracuan mantles iii splen did value e r bollert wc are doing a big trade indlless upous and sbow a really attractive stock tbe dhessmakiki deiarr mexy juder tbe lnaunjjemert of miss johnston is increasjng in popularity e r bollert mens overcoats all our own make boys overcoats all our own make the ordered cimust department offers great attractibns our stock of jijje suitiscs ovknikjatings tiioj- senincjs etc is wjgll worthy of your inspection e r bollert you should see the splendid goods we offer in ladies seamless meiuso and lajibswool uxuerclotiilni the sale of this special superior make is confined to me they are the best gootls offered to the public e r bollert mens and boys undefitxotmsg at all prices and the best value ihat can he had in the trade fine gcld brooch earrings fjine cold brooches -oo- 1 englisligoid gem rings i i j silversoscotch pebble jewelry selected personally while in england b savage cuelph e r bollert also just received a full line of ladies and cents kuk joods in persian lamb seat and- astrachan see them before you buy come and see me my steie is at- tractive my stock large my prices low my clerks nttentive arid every feature of the dry goedstradureceives special attention t3fi sell meap for cash only c e r bollert r importer c 27 lower wyndapi street guelph ontario ecelsijor i bakery j tt svixg purchased tho above bakery 11 from mit d mws i hope to give satis action to the numerous customers who patrt nisie it j tliaukmg them for past favorflt 1 will eude ivor ta attend to customers promptly and hligingly and trust that they will one and nil extend to us their patronage j 1 1 se nothing but the best roller flour andkeep it in stock j freh bread buna c every dayi also steam bread cakes bf all kinds v new tf or i tea bisouitb soda and c atmeal scones on hand or made tj order at shortest notice american agricultur 100 columns and 100 engravings each issue 44thyeae l50ayear eud three 2cent stamps for sampli fco english or german and premium list owl oliickt nnil best agricultural jontnnl tbe world address publishers american agrioulturjt 751 broadway new top the ayriculluritstr and for one year fof2 toe american exposition opens at new orleans nov 10th 18 ajdj tinnes until april 1st 1880 i the illinois cektb1l k b the short line between the north aud south place on sale roundtrip tickets at very low winter tourists to florida texas mex cl california can purchase tickets via new ir with btopoyer privileges to visit the exp at as low rates as by any other route 1 and winter excursion folder giving rou rates and a very complete pamphlet styli points from the amorican exposition a a hanson thosjdobwin genlpasagt genlnorthpo chicago 121 ijandolpl wadding ciikes a specialty biscuits and cojifectioneiy ojf all kinds sugar gingejr snaps boston mixed wholesale butter ml ski taiea iubxolitosro or breaa at maifcet prices statham flour rs t wm agient h f mstreet- acton our ipjilililt 0pihllt is tis the i jst j 2nd nd 3rd october wapp wefikv- ddtfall t6 o se oeo the choicest stocks of mi mm 1- v5jp j 1 f i- lis fakgy bti goojspecialjiips we have 100 we have 60 reula mv for 30 cents each regular value for giods are 45 cents place your orders cro vvded with work anxious to secure the dtio come scarce as tihe seaso misses sailor velvet covered bats these i ack ostrich plumes foi 75 cents eaoh lvalue for these goods are 250 eiahy as we arb already jyery body seems to be ce noyglties whicli be- advances h all are respej3ftfully invited g bj the lion nos 5 and 7 vtyadiam st7 suolpli 100 and we offer the above reward to any one tin s plow is one of the very best in the inarkc t and has taken more prizes this sea son th an any other plow sold in this section at he whitby plowing match a oonple of wee ks ago four of the fleury plows were aware ed first prizes and the ploughmen handing them each received prizes ohe of the se plows has won six prizes- in siic- cessio i at the annual matches of the aseo- ciatioi j fin it prizes were also awarded at toron barri colliugwoiod walkerton milton and t assagaweya fall exhibitions- th s fleury is the favorite plow j a stc ok always on hand apprehension and conviction of thje party w 10 atically tearing down our signs on the uiciu now capped these atrocities by breakipsj dyn a worth 50 si oswald st aiasoy scotlaad gjviiiasuch infoi has for the pj rojids leading lftrgi atiou as vfitt jeftd to the bt two mouths been syslem- rom gnelpiji and who has sigii oil tlik elmira itoad milliners ai h we offer specinl iuducementsinthei over 1500 imported mijtles thaijjii we offer wonderful vato in kaiitlj choths lovely 0ttpman pods atlj50 we have received melton cloths at 12 procure call esjii gpne bargais a riot her jc he fleury self- binder rece ved first prize at all the exhibitions shown i will havetheflernaohineaotrhqjid for e camination by farmers early next sea- their excellent qualities will iminedi- demonstrate themselves gallon 1 wm fiusmstbiebt r vagehfi- a4ton nov 4th 1885 consignment of those lovely as l 3c minb heavywintefe suipmob r jbuys tweed 6iiriap 1 m mek hjeayt tswijeb iwiusms 50 pieces was a arid suroime before vey are all i we could x 6 v j pnts i7 n mmmmmsmmm

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