Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1885, p. 4

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m- thtjbsoatmobstonoykmbeuia ijsbsjj rang ti j lilj a kiss throtfq ith tfclepbione the telephone int icrry tone t lwtjriww t cia e mto bear am wht did i hekr dtfyou tihiuk nbtuk flnld lifihtbjrir does au hour to rein bve ne aralgia tootbftohcluhioso o uhemi ftfinn but will do it iuatat uy juv 1 withojtt barjyiutjt your head iujn poulticej greasy ltuimcn s tjjy dr mouarvih druggist ljvrrfantitlnlnt t -u- hjellol papa- it ii me you know 1 tho voice of my own little miss ypu rait away from homo to aud you uevor gave mo a kiss it was a mistake i was not awake before you went cjutol the house i thought that a kisa would not be amiss if i gave it sly as a mouse 1 v so here roes papa and one from mamma aid another when you can come home just answer me this is st nice to kiss wtien you want tughthedeartdefomer heluyuteplied with fatherly pride ive got them as snug as can bo ill give theru all back with many a smack wheueyr i comej home to tea some fntxxk confessions our remedied are unreliable dr valentine mott we have t lultiplied disease dr rnah pailadelpiia thousands a annually slaughtered iu the sick room- dr frank thesckncecf medioiae is fouuded on conjecture improved by murder sir astley cooper 1 i- d the medical practice of the present day is neither pi uosophical nor common sense dr evtns edinburgh scotland dr dio lewis who abhors drugs as a rule and practice s hygiene is frank enough however to say over his signature if i found myself th i victim of a serious kidney trouble 1 shonl 1 use warners safe cure because i am sa isfied it is not injurious the medical profession stands helpless in the presence of more than one such inal dy an old proverb says if a person dies without the service of a doctor they a cor oner must be called ia and a jury empanell ed to inquire and determine upon the cans of death but if a doctor attended the case then no coroner and jury are needed as- every body knowp why the person died kedical herald laib daonj for a dohp or using a 25c hottie from f ifsjfej unprecedented riiistpiiam4mfhi ams a navy wurjn makith liolh with a ivv jersisyh going ihill 1 tykll 1 jgjggj2sssffisiki fei4 i an wtthnuij a faint weaiy sick and listless feeliur with aching ba jk and shoulders i and irre gular bowels proclaim a diseased liver try burdock i lood bittere whfph cures all forms of liver 1 amplaint uiuc acid when the livtir and kid neya fail in th sir action this acid in excess is thrown into theblooxl causing rheuma tism aud other paiuhil conditions of blood poisouing y u may j cure this i conditioirl by a prompt rssort to the purifying regul ating remedy jurdock blood bitters mrs rober r hooper of ivintoss county of bruce in a letter says i have been troubled with dyspepsia aud liver com plaint for an amber of years aud am glad to say to the j ublic as well as friends that mogregors speedy j cure jfonglit me around aull i am now all riyht thanks to mogregors speedy cure hundreds of like testimonials are j frequently received abdaredaily proving that this i truly a won derf ul reined curing sluggish liver bil ious heajdacl e audostiveness where all else fails sold at br mcglrvins dru store trial bottles given free metatbgy lies sjrjupionis and cure tlie aympt iimsare moisture like perspirj ation intense itching increased by scratch ing very dist rcssing particularly at night seems as if p n worms were ct awjing inand about the rectum sometimes affected unntle in he pays tho 6bh di the blankets ami hleevekvero purchased fotiiiji ishland ke helling ow ajh 0 ut h w ot hbuj e3k y8 whioh would be godd l va1 iub at j v wrotfirclmibvrill- w1kvi- ulfrlvv kn tfed dltbsses auio awootpbiung at halp phlgfi oibwt iule tub eiuce mies m qlothi mantles dolmans wid jwikets nni long ottoman and tufted clolh slautlis and dolinaustue misses mari all tliu cooda comprisin over 4300m1 wotli imve ueii bouulit flir the oash as vvatkins ufeveit gives n note 01 i 9 could if m underwear a laivahhwirtiivnit ill ladies jerseya in h iialip thkiit value exuhilevt he amb 8ellimg atonrjzu0 v foutable dark wintjilt djfetisls qoing f0lll which ake woltth do selling at astonishing low pribds jutiee toeieuiiifulbw ot short jaokcts ilio tlea in various stvles and the mantle jandulswr cldths luwhl andbavc8ruverttuliouhniildillaiauilibuiiiiitsolidli your which enables lilm lo8iill hu goodh muohlowor tlni lie flanuels havu an amazing sato gray flinnel for on y 15u the z5a gray flannel is joo and good jus tlm ttalftij for y all moaiis see tho higher price in jniy whito lied navy sky pirik stripod and chjpked fljannels plaiiiiel shirts ku draft to anyone bought on time xicfi scarlet flaijnel at only 15o drawers aud ladjies iviul jlistos uudervesu ii oxtraordiimry good value tin kerchiefs and lnfcoa of all tho usual kinds contes best sooyard spoou only 5c i the ga al 5c for pants tlie tsu 87js mid f i tweeds are flno heavy durable gpoiuih ver pho dreis goods from- 12i l25 leir aottialvaliiei thostoek of carpets njid nbltiiinis matting otc ail very iihunp ai 00 lor paais i no c ijo unci fii iwouui canada and are selling otfal a surprising rate arc selling at from 3 to lfto per yard under jhei new patterni floor oilclolln sinta higajlln hirmiltou november 5th 1885 i old fee in h i- e -oo- the star grogery removed -oo- i mn warniajd comfort mother grave s worm exterminator has no equal for des troy ing worms in children andadults se z that you get the genuine when purchasii g padlix the sdje from whatever cause mary be quickly relieved by hagyards yel- low ofl which i sures all manner of aches and pains and u soreness and lameness of the flesh applisd and taken inwardly the ipiixs or lumbago aching back and hips with all weakness and soreness will speedily vanish and the treatment of hag- yards yellow oil a remedy which may be taken- internally and applied externally it is a positive sure for pair j avoid the ha sh irritating griping com pounds so ofter sold as purging medicines and correct the irregularities of the bowels by the use of ayers cathartic pills which are mild and gentle yet through and searching in tl eir action plear toy and lang f vcr infiammatio l of the longs or the pleura covering them is the result of sudden colds hagyards pectoral balsam relieves the sorechest loos ms and cures the cough and difficult breathing and allays all irritation arising from a ilds the font c ledixal points of regulating the system are the stomach the liver the bowels and the blood with a healthy ac tion of theseoi gansi sickness cannot occur burdock blooc bitters actspromptly upon these organs restoring them to a healthy action as a s ayers sarsaparilla acts- directly and promptly a single bottle will prove its merits many thousands of people are yearly saved from dangerous feyerp by the exercise of a little timely care in properly cleansing the system by the use of this remedy very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaint who might have been saved if proper reme dies had been used if attacked do not de lay in getting a battle of dr jd kelloggs dysentery cordial the medicine that never fails to effect a cure those who have used it say it acts promptly and thorough ly subdues the wain aud disease jacob h bloomer of virgil n y writes dr thomas eclectric oil cured a badly swelled neck and sore throat on my soum fortyeight hours one application also removed the pain from a sore toe my wifes foot was also much inflamed so much so that she could not walk about the hoosq- she applied the oil and in twenty four hours was entirely curetl s the virtue of carbolic acid for liealing cleansing andpnrifyingi is well known but from the many modes it applying it the public is uncertain howrhest to use it to meet that want mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate is prepared andimay be used with confidence do riot be misled take only mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate bold at dr mcgarvins drug store i holbjwayspdu the females friend so scon as the human functions are di- rderedithey bhouldbe fectified it is a hopeless delusion to- leave the malady to its own coarse a few appropriate doses gj houoways pills at particular- periods will prevent many a serious illi ess i they arrest all morbid influences a id prevent disease from extending and affe sting more fe distant argani their primarr aotioriufi upon the blpfid stomach live r kdneys and abdljminal or pelvic vise btx their secondary paction strengtbens the nervoub centres jnodrog can beat once so harm- lees yet so abtagonistic to isoi den affect ing flie femaljs sex tberfl08terfect reli- mav teflpaced npon tlieii pprifying egtuik renovaing virl ries j fliey 1y he le taken by females of all ages the private parts are if allowed to continue very serious results may f ollowi swaykes oistatest in a pleasant sure cure also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for 50 cents 3 bo tea 125 in stamps ad dress dr svayne son jphiladelplijai pa sold by druggists 50 jlcrlt proven dollar upoi dollar is frequently spent on the faith of rccompijendationk for artieles entirely woi thlessj not sd with mc gregorsspejdy cuii you aie not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at- j f mcgarvins drag store and get a free triil bottle and if dot convinced it will cure j ou of the worst forms of dys pepsia live complaint etc no matter of how long stuuding it costs you nothing soldin 50c nd 1 bottles see tcstimou- als from persons in your own town 20 j prominent among the greatest medica discoveries by the many enrev it has allect- ed mcgregors speedy cue leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis h has heen found to contain one of those injurious ii gredients characterizing the worthless i pecitiqs daily offered to the public ev iry ingredient possesses a pecnl iar adaptabillity to the varions complaints for which it has bcun compounded and its efficacy is b ing establislrcd by testimonials hourly rccei ved1 we arc therefore confi dent that w 3 have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a rdief but an absolute cum for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood frfee trial bottles at j e mcgaivinsdrue store j 31 if you h ave a congh or cold do not neglect it many without a jtrace of that hereditary disease have drifted into a coni stlmptives grave by neglecting what wm only a sjgh t cold had they nsed bickles anticonsumptive syrup before it was too late their 1 ves would have been spared mr a w levy mitchell writes i think biclies anti-consumptive- syrup the best i reparation on tbe market for coughs andj severe colds about six years ago i caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and for three months i had a cough i had a physician attending me but gradually grew worse until i was on theyerge of consumption and had given up hopes of being cured when i was induc ed to try bickles syrup before i had taken one bottle i found myself greatly re lieved and by the time i hod finished the second bottle i was completely cured i always recommend it for severe colds and consumptdem j e how son wishes to inform ins numerous customers that he has removed his husiueas from his old stand to tho store next door to met qiirvius drugstore where all will be served with good and reliable goods as cheap as ever vlf navy sky pirik stripol and chcjbked flannels jplamiel shirt s knitted shirt the stooks of dloves hosiery scarfs shawls- spuds goiters mitta bootief tji s lkhanffl- ladiautweodsareofiiiefcdihglyiohsap be aura to see the nico allwol lweej nent patterns tho hlankots are pure wool made by the bjst maker iij fast they incharrain f xioai ratcerns mo mannois are pure vy ooi mauo oy dug j per yard in the nowest shades ailjl styles and in block are going oitj id carpet materials is enormous from jchempts the best wilton kim street east close to hughaon streelt itemember the naina is ttlomimb lai wajrki i its ortant announcement -mo- caed of t3stes hi making tho hnnouncjement of my removal and soliciting the a from the father is story toid two uttibs from the soni toctwt oemleyun my lather resides at gloyer vt he his been arrest sufferer irora scrof ula and ttteinelofed letter will tell you wbt a marrelois effect ayers sarsaparilla has bad in his case i think his blood must have coutkined the humor for at least ten years but it did wit show except in the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist until about flje years iago from a few spots which ap- poared at that time it gradually spread so as to covorhts entire body lamoreyouhewas terribly afflicted and an object of pity when he began using yoar medicine now there are few men df his age who enjoy as good health as ho lias i could easily name flfty pemoiu wiio vould testify to the facts in hla case tosttjaly w m phillips ltisbotha pleasure and a duty foj- me to state to you the benefit i have deri ed from the use of ayers sarsaparilla six montl s agol was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores- alio humor a used an incessant and intohrawc itching a id the skin cracked so as to ciuiso the blood to flour in many places whenever i moved my sufferings were great ami my life a but ien i commenced the use of tho sabsafa iilla in april last and hare used it regoiatly eince jthat time my condition began to improve at once tho sores fiavo all healed and i feel perfectly well in every respect- being now able to do a good days work altlougb73 years of ago many inquire what has rrought tueh a care to niy easoj and i tell the n as i havehere tried to toll you atees aksapaeilla oyct vt qct 2l1888k tours gratefully hmix pnillirs aveefi saesapabilla pures scrornla and all llerofolons complaints erysip- elas eaema i ringworm blotcjbet sores biiljtumorsiand ernptlons of f tbe ffld it dears the blood of all iinjia- ritlef aid i digestkm stimnlajteb ui action of che bowels and ihus restores vitality awl strengthens the whole systebl i dpjdayer4co lowell ma 8oldfty 11 draggitti labitkuleafor f hl- patronage of nil my old customers in tlie new standi 1 beg to tender ray best thanks to all who favored me with their custom siuce- com mencing business in aeton i appreciate highly their favors iii this direction and in return will undertake to serve them tothe best of my endeavor j e howson next door to drug store -oittkaiwbt- mixedjo expreia 7joani pass hiall 1102 am through ex a47pni aocoul coach llq p ehicaao express doosnbi and jtoronto tiub or cl0 going wcstt040 aml v qoliib east 1040 am knglish mail closes at ia malls 630 pm abd s20 pm lloir ftm on wednesday canadian pac to all east ctniknskl t hello l hello 1 what is i the matter at hasletts old stand john sells 10 lbs pearl tapioca 2 cans salmon lip if tbe cl heap est teas o- nelson itov h 2u lbs good rice foe 61 seshoe liraudj tor 25 cents nd sugars in the tovth dissolution op p aetnership tlho partnershirj heretofore oxistrg betvyecn the undersigned is goin to be dissolved ns soon as tho stock book debts and liabilities can he ndjusted and riut into prcpei shape on and after the first ojfqctobelt 1885 no goods bhallj be sold hut foi cash or produce unci all parties owine us are respect folly requested to call and jsettu their ncconnts at their earliest convenience- i we h id an immense stock of j- general dry goods millinery mantles readymade clothing carpets boots and shoes and furs our stock is new and suitable for the fall and winter bueineek and in order t hct n clearance and reduce the stock oreat bargains trill hg givoil i we remind the public that pu r millinery department lbal superintended by firstclass hand and we have o the proper stock i i our sross and maatlomasing bepartmeat is superiutended by a fitciasw land newly arrived apd we guarantee satisfaction in style tit and fipish m our orders clothing is khtad of all competition both inj pride style eet upj huish and durability j i we respectfully solicit inspection and patrouage aud the- etting bargains i mcleod j fyfe acton j fyfe acton fyfe acton cases of men s shirts aijd drawers ad of all competition both in publjc can relyjiipo 4 anderson co f toronto to petroit cii ago and manitoba ifaciflcex localex 1 03itu 4l5pin 2 ofi 5 25 jjrampi on orange rille 0reu spuiid ibvf silouib ex toronto 8 10 au stretsvilleji n9 13 stthomas 12 35 pm detroit s 50 chicsgcj 0ooam winmptg 7w 1 toronto to montreal quebec andostou limited e tbroutd s 25am ottawa 5 2 pm mdiitreil odo qijeoeo r g mam boston 8 45 pm bijauipton to stn eville junction 9j47a tct 10 uo birttmijton to orangeyie and owen sound railway apinowesj ixiiressj vlzwam press 1103 ajn ii 545 pm eclal b30 pm ccom coach bxio am sjop between gnelpli eli w fie railway ixts 1 v lb tahle 5 55 h45 755 am 805am 5 45pto ksly except monday montreal ex 8 00 pm 4 38 am 818 9 50 pm 8 45 am go to g 54pm 7 15 9 47 ani 5 55 pan 11 i 7 10 3 30pn 10 20 purchase ypui ticket by this and po pi 01 1- j fi mcgaevin ticket agent jafston ontario ulab line bros waters 1 l tue picture gal for artisus mater colors crayfjnn papir ptarjuh curdi dref oil paintings steel engravings chrombis sfc iry gueiph ch oil and water ganvas drawing j fyfe atltoji j fyfe aotoli j yfe agtolv keep this in mind when you to to purchase your fall clothing that clothing east end is unsurpassed for extent of stock moderate price artistic desir and durable workniapj fulij links ol dress goods velveteens ail sua pes me klannkls winceys hosieliy as aj general asscktmentuf dry goods ajt the lowest prices termscash jhiisr 54st end mill stmbt 83 hatton jarden london and 246 st james st montreal ground scientifically from clefir aud imro pebble of optical- gltis especially they are withouf exception bed adupteil to re- fo retain perfect vision ilia are especially tt faculty j f every pair of spectacles ami eyeglasses is uiarketl b l j e mggaryin druggi hole agjjist for acton ont- manufactured for the purpose tore the ravages of aye- and recommended by th most emine speight undertakers antr p son acton carriage makers c are prepared to jurnish everything in their line from the best ca ket to the plainest coffin notiee and aij lowest terms or the shortest jarweroitfa position to satisfactorily fill orders very desorjptjonin reasonable tiincj sed we haye also asplcndid lot house lot fok sai tfliw ujulnijuned offers for sale liis 1j lot on moui utrew itisalartoh 1 calls eifter nigltor day prcjptiy attended to satis action guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearsejfor hire good workma ihip and firstclass inatcrialalwayk 3r purnitoiehotl i common and extra yuality hepii 9ifyon will pay us cash w will sell yon auj thing iu ourline cheap j a speight manager e- jauae ajidj ofiee con tains nine rooms also kitchen and vroolanod is well adapted foi- a tenement or toardijip lionse good stable on the premises libera trns wcamiwmli i r i i l r j i i l n t v- for waggons oarriiygea c o aktjfors and writers ai mateub oil otpeilwisk dsirous cjf having their literary prodnctipnaoritf oidi4vi8ed or dispose j r aflvantmeous tonus sboulot address tor ftijl inlormatlou frilmoqbftr5ttotutratiire miliroadjl6jfi9rk an elegant tweed suit for worsted suits hlack blue or iirovn also overcoatings in all shades 6t bearers melton iaps tweeds and worstejds a large stock of- fyfe acton fyfe acton fyfe acton underclothing good antl notice to farifilers storb ship 14x0 160b or 1700 cheap i j fyfe acto j fyfe aptoirl j fyfe actojjj iveorrisofn oothrott e now receiving veekly consigmments in car iob ofithe of fall ami winttr macliines i honey panning mills the best in ca nada sylves ter champion anddominioaplowir sylvesier straw cutterjs for hand or horse poorer grain crushers either in hujjr stone or 3prr plate c etc frames of mouldings itootn and all kinds picture cornices and cornice poles spjftng hollers and window shades fancy goods citable for weddintf and birthtiay present e3t viwtors i can framed while in the with you to wai near the post office j c lave their pictures cily so bring their eps bplos guelph ont dne c wests nfeftve axd bbjun tbeai- sient tt guaranteed speiitfic tor hysteria dte ness convulsions fit nervous neuralgii headache nervous pr stration caused by th use of alcohol or tobacc ayakefuiness mental pepressiou softeniuroi the brain resulting ii insanity and leading to misery decay and deatl 3ruiativr e old age barrenness loss ofpoirc r in cither sex in voluntal y xioses and sperm tojrho3a caused by over exertion of the brail senauuse or ovrindugence each bos sol tafns one months treatment one dollar abo or six boxes tor fiverdoll irs sent by mail pn paid on receipt of price we gnarantee sixboxc a to ciire any cae wirli each order received i- us for siix boxes aceouiiwnied with five dollar we willrendthepurdlia3 2ronrfrittengnttraht e- to refund the rijoneyhf he trcattueut does nc t effect a cure- guarante js issued onlv by joh cwest co sole proprietors 18i 183 wei t madison stl chicrujo 111 soldbr j e 5ic6arvip the key n health which we shall rell for cash or of the hood nc on short time at lower prices cclnsiilering the superiority than any other house in tlie trade we nikuqwlcdye with thinks the kind manner in whiij dealers htve used na during til free aclvcrliyiug they liave heenl prophesied our imniedialo du healthy and shall entleayoi it has been our pleasure torti i manner in which they have tie i h our rival agblitsand ptst season and for the very considerable amount of pleased to hestow upon us thonjjh they one and all kvnfftll- we lies t slate ihittjwe arc still atfvc and to meet the requirojiueuls t the fanners in the future as ikoiir jiatronsforihekind aridliheral last season if you wanla panning mill if or iu fact if you want tin iinpl or wait for our littlp red wago iu a few days in the past and thai lated u during the jfjitll41 jihjjjstids oil want a grain qi sinent of any kiiid l morrison they invij co rusher if yoji want afirstcaiis plow call at our yareronms 2fl jlork st- lookout for ur full circular which will te issued 8cothroyc 29 cork street cuelph i oitmient he a holloways th pills purifyttne blood correct all disorders of the uveb stomaoh kidneys and bowel8 igorate and restore w healtfy ijebjhtatejl constitutions and are invalual omplaints locideutal to females of alvages poi cidten and the aged unlocks all the clogged avenueuof the bowels kidnayp and liver carry- ingoffcradually without weakening the syster4 ail tlio h j hnmraof the sec time correctuigi stomach curing pepsia head heaitbura jqa of thosmn purities and fen ifcions at the same aciiity of the buiouemess dys- ihs imzzinesaj tipaiion drynesi ipsy tjimness 6 vision jaundice siailt eheumj brysipphis s6romlailuttering oi the hoanff itervpusness and gn4 feral del uity all these and manjj other siin qar complaints yield to th liarmy iifluenco t of buedocej blood jaritebs t miburx proprietor cmnh 1fw55papcw a book ofloo pages ijjybgrnrbifl x bestbookforai ffrimnmnitiw ailvcrmci to con itcqntalns lists of newspapers and estimate i ofuio costof advertisbigthe advertiser wh wants to spend one douar finds ih itthe in foiuonhereqnirei while forhlrnwfiowll l invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad verttsing a scheme 19 indicated which will meet liis eve tofosobyilig respondents 149 ed sent postpaid to write togeo newspaper ad rement or tanhenad seasuy arrived aabycot ons have been issnec addrebrffor wcenti rowelt co srtisinq burrlti hie in all i hey aie priceless filh the ointment is an infallable remedy foi bad lefibi bad bieasts old wounds gofes and ulceiu it is famous for gout and rheumatism for disoideie of theclost it has no equal fob sobs thpats bronchitis coughs colds glandular swellings and au ssnl diseases it has no rival aud foi contracted aud stiff loints it acts like a charm manufactured only at thomas hollo ways establishment 73 xm oxford street jlate 533 oxford sjtreet london pup 533 qiiord aud ate sold at is ljd 2s oct 4i odi lis 22s and 33 each box or potj and may i be hadetall lediciue vendors thoughout the world tpurchasers bhoold look to tl e label on the pots aqd boxes if the address ia not eoo tji stmjet loadou tjiey arospnnous lnr wcjrm pow aw pleasant to thto coatoituiorrw i furgat sfeessw freemans is a inlfo snro aud tstiitaaf rw t waraji ia cuudren oradnltt tssih y ife m f7ee pfl aj 0vk yealij invariaq fl15jktcj i losprtce stprmttnifhouse w rtwyor manhqojb now lost ii iw restore we have j eeently published a l ew edition of dr culverweilvc le- brated e isay on the radical i nd iaus permaneiitcurecwithoutmedicineiof nervous debility m n al and physical incar ac- ity impediments of marriage etc result inc- fom excesses jbbprice in a se il d envelope only 0 ant vt two postage stan ps j the celelnateaavthrin thib aimirahle es- pky oleariy demonstrates frcm hiirty ye irs suocessful practice hktaianniag consequei cea may be radically c ir d without the daugei ous ub6 of internal ined cl ib or the ubb of thekr ife pointingouta mod o cure at once simple ser- taiu and effectual i y means of which er ery sufferer no matter w aat his condition may be may core himself eh blyprivatelyandradict lly this lecture shot id ba in the hands ot e err youth and everyma a in the land address i the culver w ell medical o postbmjcbox i l- r casul 1 first inserl sequent ii reckoned scale of i adverti will be in ingly ti in advanl changej in the they will w ber of cl officsl frederil the colli oncl office l new sjs monly i teeth strator f college i ronsmst in any acton moatiil all vitl for pa office ol tovclpj w j1 veterij inkeii dencje j souiidu ed to 7 ban ahcers tbarsfj and 86 w ir a m jou for til orderf or ad prm iais able t teresl 4 if alm jatnq attenl m sflua mj loanl a hai nea mil ag dej ed 1 r 4 i 1

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