Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1885, p. 1

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1 rl m i i s 2mtdtt jfrrif rtss is pimtsiuit 1 every thursday mjjrning fsee press power printing house acton ontario subscription rates oxu yeilnoi six mosths wets thrkk voxths stjcts 1 u variably- in fcd vaucc it not y fti a iu ddvnuco 13i per year will be charged ni paportliaebn- tinned till all arrears aro ai3 cxbept at tile option o tho publisher i advertising rates- 1 i tr ire- c- r k k i jiew tle land of ipc- w lent es- jrou bife cer- t be faily very w v svaci ouo colnmu half column quarter column ouo iuh c m i5q0 1m0o wax s0 3 no ssouo 1200 t00 200 1 mo 700 350 150 100 casual advertisements 8 ceuits ier liuo for the first insertion and 2 cents per line for each sub sequent insertioncasli the number oi lines reckoned by the space occupied iueasurod by a scale of solid nonpareil 1 directions advertisements without title acton banking storey christie act on i -bankers- outnrio cqyi t co a general banking transacted business money l0a1tsi on appeoyed notes notes discount allowed o j e spoii will be inserted till torbid and qhiurged acconb ttngly transitory advertisements must bo paid iu advance changes for contract advertisements must be in the ofsee by 3 am on mondays otherwise they will be loft over until the following week hi moore editor and proprietor business directory wh lkwrytu b m c p s graduate oftriuity jcdllege mem- ber of jcouege of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street actonr ce stacey md cm fellow ofc trinity medical school member of the college of physicians and surgeons office mill street late dr websters jcftice l l bennett ldsdentist georgetown ontario c mckinlay l d s surgeon i dentist georgetown qnt uses the new systoru of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon strator and practical teaqher iu royal college of dental surgeons toronto pat rons may depend upon receiving satisfaction iu any operations performed witji visit acton every other wednesday of each month- office aguews hotel painless dental operations vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas for painless dental operations at the- office of i cbhayes l ds tuvelts block guelph out upper wyudlium street r d and deposits allan line here canad the chea interest m special acency aetoa qttto bell telephone ccnpany messages received mid ranifmitted at lower rates than telegraphing tickets isijued to alt points of great britain and the continent at very lowest rates rbuy tho tickets steamships if sendingfor friends an pacific rifi pest points east acton and best route to all and welt see time tables yh 4 y i885b0und volumesm british workman band of hope r i i cottager and artizan childs oni magazine priendiy visitor little wide avake new picture bociks bright and new oxijjiio thuksday november 26 1885 t cuelph moaoy saved ty dbaling witji e mcqaeviini ontario wellington marble works quebec st guelfh john h hamilton proprietor i i formerly mcquillan hamilton i i i dealer in marble granito aujl everything pertaining to cemetery work received lirst prizes at provincial ex hibition guelph the western fair aud all local exhibitions for excellence of material and- superiority of iworkmaiship your orders are silicited lumber shingles iggs ivory dentists south east corner king and linge streets toronto ontario finest and jsestset teeth so to h gold fillings onctbird rate3 leave order for teeth iu the morn ing can have them the same day we have been administering hnrds vitalized air for the painless extracting of teeth dur ing the past year regardless of what others may say john lvwson graduate of on- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton 6nt omcff- lu kenny bros boot aud shoe store resi deuce in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or day promptly attend ed to- termseasy mclean a ml-milia- i- bainsters solicitors notaries corivey- aucers c j3private fnhds to loan oriice town hall acton wi mclean hrnii mcmillan hilton allan baird barristers solicitors ic toljoxto asi geokeeioiitf ovnces creelmaas block georgetowii aud 8g king street east toronto w x aus j shiitoii j iiurib iia t and lath he undersigned desires toinftmi the public that he has now oh hand an 1 will keep in stock a full line of pinq aud hemlock 6 well as other kinds of lumber also first and second class pine shingles ilath coal wood having purchased the coal business of mr c s smith i ain prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal 1 have also a good stock of wood- hard wood aish cedar and mill syood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered james brown day sells cheap excelsior bakery acton having purchased thetabovo baker from mr d manx i hope to giv satisfaction to the numerous customers wh patronize it thanking them for past favors i wil endeavor to attend to customers proraptl and obligingly and jtrust that they will on and all exteud to us their patronage i use nothing but tho best roller flour and keep ii in stock y fresh bread buns c every da also steam bread cakes of all kinds new york tea biscuits soda and oatmeal scones on hand or made to order at shortest notici wedding cakes a specialty f h tton fin rpsjs thdhsdav mousing novemiieh2o 1885 poetry the village chtjroh t yestreen i stood besides the village church around it oh what recollections dwell while slowly tolled aloft and from the door i heard the challenge rtnjf- tho hundredth psalnilong metre let us sing i went withiuand tookliiiy customed seat as thro the place tle solemn anthem r tho little children lifted up their voice while grand old men young men and maidens sang and with uplifted hand the preachpr stood aud cried for why tho lord our god isgood i 5 howrolled the triumph of that noble song with slow majestic cadence grand and deep j it thrilled among tliopeaceful touibstone3 where j the rude forefathers of tips hamlut sleep r the anthem hushed the echoes dieduway the preacher spoke will brother birapson pray tho prayer was sweet tho sermon rich aud long the text divided into sixteen heads he taught us all to lead a noble life and fear the grave aa little as our beds today t hoar his voice with musicring the bundreth psalm long metrelet us sing our story b ainlaidlaw aco baiekisteis solicitous oiticks over imiierial bauk 24vel- liugton street east entrance eichange alley toronto jou bain q c c a mastes wltxum laidlaw gechgk kuielk patents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa caxaiu 20 years practice no patent no pay j planing mill h arrangements with ang made messrs v h storey son for the contiuuaiicof theplauiug mill in the build ing formerly occupied by trie acton plow company ive would inf orm t lie public that we are prepared to take contracts for building -also- i buesshta floohina sh3tina moulding sec with neatness and dispatch pumps pumps ju connection with the abeve we are also prepared t receive orders for pumps from long experience in the business we feel con fident that we cau supply an article second to none 0 rdersby mail will receive prompt attentk n j kindly joliciting a share of public pat ronage we are respectfully yours thos ebbage marnier biscuits aiid coufectiouery of ajl kiudk icing sugar ginger snaps boston mixed cakes wholesale flour sutter and ees takon in sxoliango for broaa av haikot prices mrs t statham one sunday morning 11v an old coxtiubtjioh i do get so tired of work- work work said priscilla paine from mondav morn ing until saturday night aud -ueyelr- a bit of change i r priscilla tried on drosses and man tles at messrs fay codarbrooks faking a sort of live showblock of hersfcjf for the benefit of the customers and vheh busi ness was dull she helped in the drssjiiaking department slit had no home she had simply a hallbedroom in mrs neckers boardinghouse and a dreary spot enough it was f kitty chaffer who boarded ueitdoor had come on this bright suuday ijiorning m lato august radient in a cheap flounced silk a bet of imitation rubies and aibonnet with at least three different varieties of birds skewered upon it with gilt riuif dear dear said miss chaffer she was a saleswomen in a lace and millinery store how lucky that youve got your hat ou yes said priscilla i was going to church i i- church cried kitty elevating her nose in the air cturch on sue the young man looked- benignly at hr there is work for every day and 1 ou saidhe yes iacoeptyouroflerwillirgri borne of tho other girls of the cpn rela tion had volunteered also and a little baud of laborers was enrolled at once priscilla paine wab given a class of children in a crowded part of the city an eveniugcl asi- aud bhe set herself bravely to work it i saw my villago comrades trooping in ipossible that she exerted herself beyondlier the meuowbell 8t for one sultry september eveni ig she fainted at her post this will not do said thekindly voting clergyman you need change ancksfr and fresh breezes and country air i must contrive to do without thens said she come said he cheerfully therekndst somewhere be a solution to this riddle tly mother is the best old mother in the woild and you shall go out and help her at daisy farm for a week or two if i can earn my board there stud priscilla humbly so she went out to daisy farm and 3ir trenton came down at the expiration o montlil to find the shadowy pale pr 84 ua gone and a rosy sunburned maiden n ler stead gathering bright autumn leaves aling the woodland paths aro you ready to go back misb paire saidhe quite readypiibcilla answered lroop ing her head and blushing a little no she isutl stmdy caleb trfentou tho young raiuisters farmer brother made price thbeie gents hills tin stove depot good assortment of stxtvje cheap for cash tinware of all kinds bottom prices w- m hemstreet u si llcknsku auctioxeeu j for the counties of wellington andhaltou ordeeft at the fiiek pukss office acton orat my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable monet to loan also money to loan on jthe v favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest intmms of 500 and upwards g e knpwles j a murray licensed auctioneers for the counties of haltonand w orders left with james matthews acton jwill receive strict attention terms reasonable mfii john day architect glellh ont oaile i queens hotel block market square i r john j daiey successor to thompson jackson j money to loan ou farm property at 0 per- cent mortgages jjurchased money leaned ici parties in mortgages and other gurity conveyaucing in all its brandies properly aud neatly done charges low farms and city property for sale list with farms- for sale sent to all parts of dominion to inteudiugpurohasers and cir culated iu europe european capitalists wanting farms iu ontario wihbfl eiai di rections through our european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspon dence iuvited office near the post office guelph ont -g1jelph- ness collece guelph ontario the second scholastic year commenced september 1st each de partment is in charge of a specialist to impart a practical training for the efficient conduct of business affairs is the sphere and woik of the institution its graduates are already holding responsible positions in the commercial centres in the dominioh energetic young men and women are thor oughly prepared for positions as bookkeep ers shorbband writers correspondents or telegraph operators students received at any time for circular and catalogue giving full information address m maccormick 14gui l principal h tanlan barber shop j p wooden has opeueda barber shop in the building nearly opposite storeys old glove factory mill street acton and solicits the patrou- ageof the public in this vicinity flver department of the businesswill be conduct ed in first- class style give as a call jfwobiden fsjtririjtf all th farmers j and others having crippled horses will do well to call on geo stoddard ho is prepared to remove ringbones spavins j curbs and splints vitliout injuriugthe horse salisfaction guaranteed or no charge ceo stoddard creechs old stiand acton i at eavetroughing a specialty and pijt up on notice shortest first class material on used a call solicited j c hill mill si vv fesiahi wiawiisshtbi guelpef cloth hall ttirancis nunan iucceasor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges square guelph ontario s account book of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound baling neatly and promptly done mcrabs u f underolothilirq mens shirts and drawers all sizes boys shirts and drawers ail- sizes childrens combination tp all sites xgajaas shaw a grundy merchant tailors oulph l lj a lolj she when for a personal card a matter in which i adealt le public should have interest to the readere of the fiee phesh- j why doesthe government spend so much nioney and risk so many lives in trying to capture the counterfeiter suppose he does counterfeit government bonds and notes surply the government is riolj enough to stand any loss his act may confer 1 but tl e individual citizen could ill afford- to be put to continual financial loss if such desperadoes were let go un whipped of justice it is only the counterfeited it is valuable thing that is only in the light of morning as this nonsense church is all very well on a rainy day but ive got a better plan than that we are jail goiug torockaway beaoli me and harrj sander son janeellis aud tier young man nnd susy bliss and youlll just make the eveu num ber tickets are half price to day be cause it is going on for the end of the season and we couldnt have a lovelier day for the seasiore not if wed sent and engaged it beforehand come roake hule the excursion boat sails at ten and tupy ure all waiting next door but but cried bewildered priscilla its sunday i of course it is satirically i retorted kitty if it wasnt how do youi suppose i could get away from the store 1 dont believe its right to go on ah excursion today said priscilla fin albw voice fiddlesticks said kitty ti youre going to play pious i dont wantibu im not pious said pnscila at least she corrected herself not what you would call pious but mother always taught me to read my bible aud go to church of a sunday and if youll liot betiffended kitty id rather not join this pleasuring excursion of yours 4 just as you please said kti6sj chaffee and she flounced out of the door closing it behiud her wit h a bang that startled the little violinist iu the next room put of his sunday nap j priscilla burst into tears witen she was left alone and then it was that shej utter- ed the piteous littleexclamation that heads our sketch v i dont want to go to church at all now murmured pribcilla i igues ill stay at home aud read the minister always preaches secondhand sermons in hot weather and half the choir is gone away but then our littleheroine thoughtbetter of it and decided that she icould go whatever the oldrhinister pays will be better than my owii wicked thoughts she mused and almost the last words mother ever said to me when she lay in her last illness were be sure you dont forget your churoh priscilla mother thought a deal of churdi oh if only i could see mother once again 1 j priscilla was a little tatfir in churohr naturally enough and wlieu she- was snugly seated in her accnltohjied corner and ventured to look up she perceived that the old minister was not in his usual place a fairhaired young man with spectacles occupied the pulpit his topic was home missions tjhero was fire in his soul magnetism iunhis voice pnsoilla found herself ixttsing her eyes sparkled her heart began to beat itseeineil as if his cry for aid in behalf of his votk reached straight to her very soul how glad i am she thou ht that i did not go with x choffe js party to- dayl at the closo of the sermon he waited at the phnroli door j ifiyouipleasesirj said- sljie you say thaiybjaant workeis will- you let me work fpr ygo 7 1 have only j sunday knd bveningsvbat surely that is sohiethidr reply she isnt going back at all qer bert she is going to stay with mc for good and all if if you dont mind i whikpered priscilla caleb says he loves ane and i am quiet sure that i love him herbert trenton glanced keeuly frc mone to the other of these young people i am glad of it he baid kindly and priscilla never knew how nefir had been to the heart of tlio youu nian with the spectacles and the magnetic voice she had been married over a year going up to the oity to buy some lace her first babys christening robe she saw kitty chaffer behind the counter j so it is you is it said kitty and priscilla saw that she was palo and he ggard and bad a reckless light iu her eyes l hard iuh ormonious jangle in her voice b appily married eh and all that sort of thing well some folks have all the luck i al most wish priscilla that i had stayed at home from rocka way beach myself that sunday and gone to churoh witli you i did you evr hear how it turned out jwe had a regular frolic we young folk i i we went bathing in the surf andweiodeon the merrygorounds aud jane elliss young man and roe we played get married just for a joke aud will you believe it the lawyer aid it wjisji real marriage and jane hasnt spoken to him since nor to jne just as if i was to blame and hes took to drink and keeps bothering me for iloney and threatening to take me away with him he a man whom i perfectly hate and harry sanderson has got engaged to an other girl after giving me a ring ajd all because helsays he didnt approve of the way i acted and altogether addfd poor kitty bmsting into tears i wish i was dead aud out of my troubles and it all came from that sunday pleasuring here comes the shopwalker dont take any notice priscilla yes m kitty added smartly we sell a great deal of this- ori ental lace for babies clothes it washes and wears beautiful ten yards did you say and priscilla trenton riding home the station in the twilight with her on her lap and honest caleb at ler thanked heaven that she had ohost n the right path on that summer sunday morn ing when good and bad angels stoje to gether on her behalf the revenge he got prom a piano sandy mcgrogor is a stiotchman living in a long island town who is kne w l not fact well tobe veryliberal with his money very enemies in this toon i dinna oare for moosic mybel but ye ken whut n revenge ill get from the piano a toological chlnamlai ore en- are to the the of the sometimes strange difficulties countered by the youug ladies who endeavoring to teach christianity chinese in tho sunday sohool most conscientious as well as on i brightest and prettiest of these teachers was attempting- in a brooklyn school recent ly to inculcate upon the heathen t lind of a sleek looking mongolian thelessoutif charity towards all qbd laves every c ne shei said wo should love every on the chinaman looked meekly up into h n face and quietly asked does god lovts me yes the young lady replied ido you pointed from baby side he is a cynical old fellow not jliked and his sharp tongue has brought him many enemies a subscriptior being raised to buy a piano to put i a reading rooms of the town library and lie was appealed to he surprised everyone by giviug 50 the minister met liiiu one day aud asked how is it brother that you give the piauo and only 91 to the ohurc i wall ye see dominee ijiae i was the 50 to lot of deal of love every one was the next inquiry yes she answered do you love me vyeb will yon mally ino there was no direct answer to liisques tion but the teacher has since chi aged her puprl for a chinaman of less logical turn of mind ateip york tribune a duck of a girl should m closely watched or ten to one shell marry some quack no fastiiopable woman oan posklbly lead a quiet life jtist now there i amount of hustle about her jiisissrjss kimlsssssis purity and virtue that impurity and vice caorbe luowo nonein these days would counterfeit a cjonfesferate bond or note peoplfewho comm t fraud always do it by simulating the highest virtue by prey ing on tho cleanest eputatiou by employ ing the fair name of virtue with which to give respectability to vice let us explain seven or eight years ago so wo have beet informed many times in pubji 3 prints a new york state gentle man wis pronouhded as rnany millions have ben prouomiced before incurably sick of n extreme disorder by sugges tions which hebelieved were providential he was led to the use of a preparation which had beejh for several years employed by a select few physicians in new york city and one or two other ptominent places the result was that he was cured lie whom doctors without number and of conceded ability said was inc irable having secur ed possession of the formula fhsolutdy and irrevocably he determined to devote a por tion of his accumulated wealth to the manufacture and sale of this remedy for the benefit of the tnlany who suffer as he suffered in apparent hopelesfeess inhtes than three years so tremendous becftne the demand for tliis remedy and so exalted the reputation that he was obliged for liis purposes to erect a laboratory and ware house containingjjoar and a quarter acres of flooring and filled with the most approv ed chemical and manufacturing devices probably there never was a remedy that has won such a meritorious name such ex- traordinary sales has accomplished so much good for he race- unprincipled parties icao flourish only upon the ruins of olllers saw inj this reputa tion and sale an opportunity to reap a golden harvest noli legitimately not hon orably for which purpose they have made imitations and substitutions of it in every section of the counlry and many druggists who cau make a larger profitpn these im itation goods often comprordise thejir honor by forcing a sale v pon the unposted cus tomer yes uudoubtediy the manufacturers could wel afford to ignore such instances of fraud so far as tie effect upon themselves is concerned for tleir remedies have a con stant aud unremitting sale but they feel it to bq their duty to earn the public against 8uchimitatiohs and substitutions nonse cret and otherwisj the individual who buys them and the public who countenances their salo alone suffer iu mind body and estate therefor the authors of some of these fraudulent practices have bee a prosecuted and sent to prison for their cri mes but there hi another class who claim t i know the formula of this remedy and one sunday school journal we are told has- j rostituted its high aud holy calling so fa as to advertize that for twenty five cents it will send all new sub scribers a transcrij t of the warner formula 1 this formula by heay must be a won derfully kaleidoscopic affair for there is hardly a month pisses when some paper is uotflssued which ireteuds to give the only correct formula the manufacturers inform us that they would be perfectly willing that the public should know what the true formula of warners eafe cure is none that have been published are anything like it but even if every man woman and child in the united states were as familiar with thisformula as with their a b cs they could not com pound the remedy the method of manu facture is a secret it is impossible to ob tain the results that are wrought bysthis remedy if one does iiot have the perfect skill acquired only by years of practice for compounding and assimilating the simple elemontswhich enter into its composition the learned dr foster the honoredhead of clifton springs sanitarium once said that having roughly analyzed this remedy he recognized that the olements that com pose it were simple but he attributed the seoretof its power to the method of its compouhdihg sind this method no one knows except th 3 manufacturers and no one can acquire tj our advice to nir readers therefore -ftau- uot be too stroi gly emphasized as you would prefer vir ue to vice gold to dross physical liappim ss to physical misery r rhun the imitatoriuc refuse thereby to lend your aid financially t those who seek to get by trading upon anothers reputation and honesty a sale fior wareb and goods which on their meritsire fit only to he rejected as the veriest fef use you can neither afford to patronize sue a people nor can you afford to take their injurious compounds intoyonr system when you calji for warners safe- cure seo that tl e wrapper is black with lohite letters and that the wrapper and label bear an imprint of d i iron safe the trademark and that a safe is ifoteifj in- the mck of tfie bottle and that t perfect 1c promissory note stamp is over tl e cork you cant be im posed on if you observe these cautions we have tl e highest respect fpr the remedy we havo mentioned and the highest regard for the nanufacjtnrersi and we can- cot too highly ommena their dignified and considerate tot e in relation to those who would traduce their fair name andxuiijthe best interestof the publio in buch matters aud the pumpkin pie is a very nice pie for now and then- you know if its well made tis fairly good as bqaashand pumj kin go and the cherry pie is t very nice pie of fruit so tartrand ed and many a child will call this pie of eveiry sort ahead i but tho greatest piesj i all the land if yonllisten well to ne are the dear sand pies we children make in the summer by tl e sea our little ones sandibs oh the apple pie is afiery nice pie a very nice pie inde d aud some there are wlo say to me of all it takes the lead and tlie mince pie too j as good as good can if the crust is crisp and the raisinson is a very good pis irid brown enough two three i thetune the cjjld cow died of in scotland aud tl e north or ireland this saying is very con imon in the mouth of the peasantry tliou h allwno use it may not understand its oris in it arose out oi an oldsong and he had an old to giv9 her there was anoldmau cow and he had nothipg so he took ojit his fidcle and plafpdher tnn consider iood cow bousider this is no time of year for the grass to grow consider good cow the old caw died consider i o hunger and whet any grotesquely mqlai choly soug or tuneii uttered thenortli that is the tune the tjjountry people say old cow died of he didnt one day hen mr of north carolina it i was governo s said that he wai riding on horseback a dnga road about tei i miles from the capit il wheh a strange overtook him thet o men fell into gon versation and the stronger told vance h i see ithe governdi at his house but me did you se s sked vance yes d did you not 1 y much astonished e was very prettj ed nothing better continued vanci kiss her had been to raleigh to and that he had calkfl that he was not at h the governors wife was the reply her the man v replied no bat and l should have 1 well ive kissed he and i never meet hlr brit 1 do so an thereupon after enjoying the mans astoi ishment for a moment he told him that bje was the governpr weaknesses jjf great men alexander was tooeond of strong drink julius cresar was ipordinately vain ai d fond of dress demosthenes was always on theplatforpi when everything was serene and under wheu there was- danger peter the great was a glutton and t il driiukc rd nap leon was addifcted to lyiugj8o muc h so that the habit became notorious the earl of chatham always dress id and posed for effect sheridauwa never able to give up t le bottle tind the garaiug table george washington occasionally swe re when he was very mftd general santa ajiii had ti weakness or cockfightiug i disraeli started out a dandy andrema fl ed one to the last alexandre dumas his peu but qould not keep out of debt profele ms for atheists earned millions with if jou meet aii atheist do notlethm entangle you into the discussiqn of sde issues as to many points which he rai ses you must make the rabbis answer lido not know but ask him these se en questions first ask hirn what did mattir como from cau a deadthing createitself second ask him where did motion come from third ask him wherelife came from save the finger tip of omnipotence fourth ask hup whence came ihe ex- quisite order anddiisigu iu nature if ane told you that miliions of printerstj pes should fortuitously phape themselves nto the divine corriedytf dante or the pla s of shakespeare would you not think fait i a madman i 1 fifth ask him whence came consci ub- ness i sixth ask him who gave you free rill seventh and list ask him wh ince came conscience philadelphia archdeacon farra at as busy as a tlie right lthiug tl ree hqurs per del ti no during tire other twenty one ee means just about the bee labors about and has a staving ood a large the actor blast orders ass teftjiiii pump works are now in full solicited tnic llli ew tkeatheyij perhaps the most extraordinary bui ksais tliat has been achievedin modern med cine has been attained by tho dixon treatment for catarrh outof 2000 patientstr atedt- during the past six months fully n new percent have been cured cjf tliis stubborn malady- this iajnono the less startling- wheqt is remem ered that not five per centr of patients j tesenting themsolv s to the regular practitioner are benef tted while the paten i medicines j aud 0ier advertised cares never record v cure at all startju with the claim now generally believet by the most scie itific meu that the dis ase is due to the pre lence of living parasite in the ttssafe mr dix on at once adapt d his cure to their xter- mination this ccomplished he cairns the catarrh is p ratically curod and the permaueucy is uiquestonedj as cures ffect- edby him four ears agovare caret sdll no one else haf ever attempted tc cure catarrh in this n lanner and no other treat- meut has ever cu tfcd catarrh i the ippli- catiou of the ren my is simple and an be done- at home and the present sea ion of the year is the n ost favorable for a4 peedy and permanent ure the majofity of cftses being cured at ne treatment ba ferersj 5hoild correspoi d with messrs ajh dix- oni bon 305 rnngstreetvfestiptrpiifo cansxra and en iloo btajnp for theii freat- ze bncajan-h- mmtfmsiavm i7i82i iiim wvmtissy m ji- i i- 7 us

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