Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1885, p. 4

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w f b3is mi fel timugu muiuusa kowknao ii the farmsrvs tl ioivnfo t the harvest fields arp stripjjei of grain the latesown corn is ahookod in dun aud huskod hcueath a chilly sup thorftggedstubbloohcckitlie plain the hills are dewlatendeptd th maples stand iiii prim array and through the forsstsmumo gray tho wiuda of heaven strike jtho wold eirao wi ll m yet while the harvest splendors fail the icaiivis sold the barter mi tie- and work and caret of crop he d trado are putrsido witlv plow aud flail the bins are filled the barns are stored thejorxsharda robbed of scanty fruit and irtthe garret cold and mu te the thrifty squirrels bhare the h rd i although the drought was long and sore anovioorched the field beside t is road till hall the crop was left unb ed nor aftermath repaid the inowei j though half tho rye was whiter- dlled and here th wheat was struot by blight tet all is good in heavens sight and still the waiting barn are 1 ued aad still through every eoipty 1 noid beyond the moments harsh s irprise at last a truer knowledge lies- the bense of some essentiai good s67 since the harsest moon has i aned by yonder ahifflng crescents j idge oujr hands axe8track upon a i ledge and much is lost and more is ained the pilgrim seed has takn root despite the land so hard and fray and flowered to this ttanksj iving day shallyet bring forth abundant j ruit dora he id goodale fcij il- m- ift ofharoiltouont are iw manufacturers of the greatest healing and ufitylug com pound known lor bovob burns cuts 8aldssalt rhei ini friost bites etc it is called bkgrvg parkeh carbolic ter ate be biiro au 1 got the genuine mcgregor tarkos uarbjo io cerate sold by dr n mcgnrvih at 25c a boxl hnulj ion hnjppenlbb theru is now 1 eing mjanufacturod lioveaii article for iustaitly removing paju of any acute external nature jiud it is certainly the most perfect cure for neuralgia head ache toothacht and thelike that has overj boeutriod it is called fluid lightning from the rapid i uauneriiu whioh it aots and is manufacture i by mcgregor 4 parke sold by dr n mcgaryiu druggists what guy von to ti piece of koas1 beef and mustard well thero is much to bo- said the question being sked of the banqueter ai tho average bo irdiug house calls up re miniscences of i loso contiguity to the horns and beefsteak three r outs south thereof he of course i rill pass unless it occurs to him that he nc eds a hinge for his trunk should there b j any suffering the effects of an mdulgence n such sinuous fare use mc gregors speec y cure a sure aud effectual remedy for dyspepsia constipation aud all recedented a large assiivlinitit in ladies lerni yu it huuvy wnjrni mukiw i tth with a halb thkiil value kxokrtkvt heavy ijersbys uoim foh l alle seiillmo atomylra alo ioti j bargair huuvyl whjiiii mukiw i p5p5ppfejspjps os i foktalile i auk winter dhksjjes ioing uumuraitlsv it i i drawers and ladies aud mlssos uudervest keitiiefa jiiul luces if nil tho usual kintls alolo foipauta tlio sci 874a und f i tjveeds are fine ilovyjuriilie jiiivli in very noatpiittorns the dlankets nie dure wool madjs by the to thu dkssgotlds from 12j0t lap to 125 per yarliii the newest shades and sly e canada and nre aellirtjr oltitt a surprising rt are selling at from 5to 15o per yard under new patterih floor oilololln miti it lg their actual valuei tho slock njl carpets and carpet materials is enormous from h linolmrns matting etc all vorjj iihiap citis street onht eloso to maghbon streev hamilton oyeuiucroth isso affections of the stomaoh and by dr n i 75 ji 14 sav wantin and coinfcrt hard and soft corns cannot withstand holloways corn cure it is effe otua every time get a bottle at onie and be happy one trial of mother graves worm ex terminator will convince you thi t it has no equal a3 a worm medicinb bu f a bottle and see if it does not please you iubbcb tliis is an epidemic wdrse aui more de- pressing than an ordinarv cold i md requires iurompt remedies tobreak it up hagy ards pectoral balsam is a trustwortjry remedy for all form of colds and theirj dangerous results r j we take pleasure inrecommenjding halls hair renewerto our readers it restores gray hair to- its youthful colok prevents baldness makes the hair soft and glossy does not stain the skin and is i altogether thebestknowii remedy for all hair and scalp disease i dffiect relief follows the use of hag- yards yellow oil in case of paa rheum atism neuralgia lumbago sciatica sore throat asthma croup and all soreness of the flesh yellow oil is an internal and external remedy that should be kept in every- household maljjua is the action of disease germs in bad air poor drainage swampy regions etc upon the system producing chills fever neuralgia and many dangerous dis eases burdock blood bitters regulates the bowekviiver and blood and wards off and cures malaria r wbllllj perhaps you are weak and weary all run don get tired with slight exertion feel faint and dizzy or dull and lauguid then yon need a good tonio j regulator to make pure blood circulate and give you strength try bnrdock blood bittersit will not fail you cured or deafness harry rlchardo oftoronto was deaif for eight yearfy and also suffered with chronic rheumatism after all else failed hag- yards yellow oil cured both afflictions yellow oil is a reliable internal and exter- ual remedy for all painful and inflam matory complaints l cucumbers and melois are forbidden fruit f to many persons so constituted that the liast indulgence is followed by attacks of cholera dysentery griping 4c these persons are not aware that they can indulge to their hearts content if they have oh hand a bottle of dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial a medicine thai will givo immedi- ate relief andis a sure cure for all summer complaints i dropti y cravel ihrlehts uliteasev these common and dangerous complaints- ate due to a bad condition of the fluids unhealthy changes in tte blood aud secre tions the liver being equally at fault with tbe kidneys regulate these conditions with burdock blood bitters o he of the best system renovators known to medical sci- encej ii j jiiiid lie in ng there are batfewthat have never suffered almost intolerable pain frnin toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them such au instant relief as fluid lightning is anuntohl blessiug in time of trouble i no disgusting bffensivemedicineb to bo taked or dys one application ofl fluid llabt- uing cures sold j at j e mcgamns drugstore i no henry clement alnionte writes for a long time i was jitrpublod with chronic rheummatisni at times wholly disabled i ried anything and jivory thing recomrriend- ed but failed to get iny benefit until a gentleman who was cired of rheumatism by dr thomas ecleciric oil told mo about it i began using it both internally and externally and before two bottles- were used iwas radically cured we fhid it ahouse- hold niedicinei audjlfo croup burns cnts and braises it has bo equal holbicayi pitojfthe chief wonder of modetu lames this i incomparable medi- cine i acreases the dppetite strengthens the stomch cleanses theliver corrects bilious ness and prevent flatulencyj it purifies the system invigorati3 the nerves and re- instatei sound healthl the enormous de- li if i mand for these pills throughout the globe might caufloastonhjhi lent were itnot known that a single trial io vinces the inobt soep tical that no- medicij te equals holloways puls in its ability complaints inel liver sold mcqrarvinj jvial bbttus free ltctalbcpi les symptonis and care the sy mpto nsatc moisture like perspir ation intense tchlngi increased by scratdh- ng very disti essingj particularly at night seems as if pli wmtas werccravclingin ahd about the rectum the private parts are sometimes aff cted it allowed to continue very serious rt suits may follow swavjjes oistjiext is a pleasant surd care also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin d seases sent by mail for 50 cents 8 ljokes il 25 in stamps drei dr s ayne son philadelrihia pa sold by druggists j 50 merit provtd dolkr upot dollar is frequently- spent on the faith of lecomuiendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregors spec dy cuie you aro not asked to purchase i until its merits are proven call at j e mcgnrvin8 drug store ami geta free trie 1 bottle and if not convinced it will cure y mat tie worst forms of dys- pepsialivet complaint etc no iratler of how long stending it- costs you nothing sold in 50c aidl jottles see tistinion- alsfroni peri ohs in your own town 20 prominent among the greatest j medica discoveries by the nany cures it has affect ed mxgreyo speedy- cure leads the van come tjcij thea east end groceryj fori which are w iiri vf iifi i ui i vitm w the right house thii season l without 8levcs were purchased for the etftli ajuluro selllni 0fu lt exkctly well wortfh other jerseys willi i would be good a alujj at 3 wv kwiteodukks abb also ofpbkl id at half price girls com- rth double thb price lndies heavy a th mantlesi dolmans and jackets are selling at astonishing lowtprices justeoe t m boat liful now styles it bhoit julkots tho long ottoman und tufted cloth maiitljs and dolmans the ulste a misses man ties in various styles ahd the maiitle aud ul bter cuithsi all the goiids ooiniiripig over 20000thvotli imve btiou liouyht for tin sash as watkius never i ives ii iwte or draft to anyone he pays tho casli down aid baves hevernl llioiisandldojlars ill dlsouuuts each year which enables him i to sell hu gmls much lower tliflh le eoujd if lie bought on time tho blankets and flannul ih -w-i- r xicosoavlet flaniioltit only ico by all menu d baves hevernl lliouanddqlai8 ill jjlsuumits each year which enables him to sell hu i havo an amazing salo v gray faijiiiel for only 15c the 25o grnyvlanuel is fino iius sccie higher pulcesjin cirayi wliitcred savy sky pink striped and chucked esini tuav vjlue tl itfools only in eslmonlhmry good vjlue tlio btooks of cloves ilisiery scarfs slinwls cloude slnjlgond just tlia ttfing fov unlierwear flaiiuols flannel shirts knitted shirts 1 oatea best ismo yard spools onlylttd tlio cnuadiun tweeds are excoulinglyehoap ro sure to see tho nice allwool itweods j m na skvsrtpl lirw mmm n fi- initcrs milts booiecs rite silk hand ei audi in black tro- going tsomjskxwva r tt dry for the cheapest ciroobrieb 2 caussnlmoiv25e 25 lbs ilice 1 i goods house subjected tothe minutest cheinica1 analysis ithas heen to contain on of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily pfferedto the public every iuredient possees a pecul iar adaptability to the varionb complaints for which itjhas been conipouuded and its- efibcacy is beiug established by testimonials hourly received a are therefore eoufi- dentthat vc have iprepiration whih we can offer to the poblic with the asshrance that it will be found not only a rtttef but an abiolutt cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial battles at j e jte ami m they are a bh boon to alt renaoralofau andgenue kway i jesseu or remove all to the human race ti the amiotedt and a ti ifkation of the blood tiai ta frtm the secretive h irienactiou ark the t le x4enaiye chrative ih mcgaivisdrusstort 31 bicklesl autic msumptive syrup is a combination of several medicinal herbs whichr exert u most wonderful influence in curing pulmonary consumption and all other diseases of the lungs chest and throat it promotes a free and easy expectoration and gives ease even to the greatest sufferer coughs dolds shortness of jbreath and af fections of the chest attended with weak ness of the digestive organs orwith general debility seem to i anishunder its use ncr other remedy actn so teadily in allaying inflammatipnor treaking up a severe cold even the most obs inate cough is overcome by its penetrating and healing properties when children ire affected with colds coughs inflammation of the lungs irotip quinsey and sore tliroat this syrup is of vast importance the number of deaths among cliildrenfrora these diseases is truly alarming it is so palatajble that a child will not refuse it that will benefits and is put at such a price not exclude the poor from its ft marvelous story told vs two letters cdflu tuc onu cedar st new rnuifl iht pun yorkoct2fi ctentumtn my father resides at giotcr vt hp has been a great sufferer from scrof ula and the lneldsed letter will tell yoa what a marvelous effect j ayers sarsaparilla has iiatl in his case i tlilni hjs blood must bare contained he humor for at least ten yean i bat it dldjnot show except in the form of a scrofulous sore on tho wrist until about fivo years ago prom a few spots which ap peared at that time it gradually spread so as to cover lils entire body i jassure you be was terribly auicted and an object f pity when he began using your medicine now there are few min of his age who enjoy as good betiuli ns he has 1 could easily namo uf ty persons who would testify to the facts in his case i yours truly vt m phujiim from the father ssjftl a duty for me to state to you the benefit i have derived from the use of ayers sarsaparili a slxmpnthsagolwaa compjetolycoyorcd wjh a terrible humor and scrofulous orej jlio humor caused an incessant and iutolcmbo itching aud tbe skin cracked so ns to caurs the wood to flow in many places whenever i moved myiufferlngswore greataiut nj life a burden i commenced- the usoot tlio sahspaeilla in april last and hare used it regularly since that time my cowlliion began to improve at onci the sores havo all heated and i feel perlectly iroll in overly rospect beinglnow able to do o good days vork althongh3 years of igo jiany inquire what has wrought such a are in my case and i tell thorn as 1 hare here tried to toll you i atetts sabsafabhila olovcr vt 0 211882 i yours gratof ally i tt bam puiuam i avees samajabim f cures crrornj slid ml scrofloni coiwjplaliits urynl- 1 elm pecatna blngfi rorm ulpti uei sorej bolu cumors i ind ernptions cf the i ikln it clears the blood of all inipi rltiw j aids dig stlon tun olatea thcnctlw of the 1iojrlt aid thus rotore vftauly aud tr jhensth whole sy item i pbepabel or m 9x ay ar cit lowell- ol i 1 if aumugglstt 91 six bottfe for vh viveilis5 6 lbs tiipioco pi- dry goods all kinds of flannels winceys ffiucy dress gooljs j i and tri nmingi gloves and hosiery a tine stock jofladies and geiitsgloves jmlizes ai materials in hosiery coal oil u water wlnte vnierioan and ganadiiin f termscash or produce only i peerless i oil as carriftd off all the prices aud is the best machine oil offered for sale- in ttye domin ionin pioof of this we will pay freight fcothways when it fails to please the purchaser f f six gold medals have been awarded this oil within the last three years noneoinuinelnlytriatmdeatthb citjrejensr oity oil tccrkis samuel rogers l co toronto for sale bv all tifslclass dealers j j 17ly ic hemp ts thi best wil ton in charming reinomlier the ninho l best maker in- off fafjt they asjttsrs i important announcement x r -v- fsa-wikv- mm liwayhml immwmm mmi table n grand trunk ti from the cradle to the craye j sbejogiht purniture dealers haying erected a line new showroon have just received a new and well assorted stock of furniture of nil kind and undertakers aoton s of the latest designs including parlor furniture bedroom suites bureaus sofas lounges fables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles dissolution op partnership the partnership heretoforeoxisting between the undersigned isj goinc to be dissolved ns soon ns the stock book debls and liabilities can be ndjusted nnd put into proper shape on and after the fiest qeootober 1685 no shall be sold but for cash or produce und all parties owirie us are respectfully requested to call apd settle their nceouiitsat their earliest convenience i we hold an immense stack of r- r general dry goods millinery mantles readymade jglothing carpets boots and shoes and furs our stock ib new nnd suitable for the fall and winter busiuek andi in order to citect a clearance and reduce tlie stock great bargaijls will to jlvea we remind the public that our kiuinery depattmeafr is ii8uperintendeclby it firtticlnss hand and we have eotthejproper stock i out dress and maatlomaaing bepaitmeat is supfriieniiei by u firstclass band newly arrived and we guarantee satisfaction in style fitunit finish our ordered glotailtg is ahtad of all competition both in finiahand durability i we respectfully solicit inspection nnd patronage and the getting bargains price style cet up lublie can rely upon mcleqd andepson co j fyfef acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe agton j fyfe acton j fyfe aclon keep this bn mind when you cjo to purchase your fall clot east end clothing is unsuypassed for extent of stock moderate prite artistic design and durable workman ling that store an elegaattweelisuit for worsted suits m also oyercoatings in all phades o melton kaps tweeds and worstcld and everything elsi tbatiui faniilv from the cradle to tho jrave loo for we ha equircs in the furniture line during their journey and wc can prepare tlicjii for the grave iron liauil a laisjc stock of cpifirs ojskieits etc of all kinds nuil sizes we will supply all on the sliorteit hearse drawn by a wellnaichvd teiipa a large stock of underclothing good and j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton ship 1400 1600 or 1700 beavers uiil all other funeral furnishings loticeand must reasonable terms i firstclass for hirti j a speight manager mckay bros cor king and john sts idowieis hedusise tlio percentage of pisfits ooaseiuenoe of tho i argo znerealse ot our business good grey flannel luc per yard ued iianuols 12jc perynrd fingering yarnoc per skein bovs top shirts 50c worth boc mens top shirts 75c childrens combination suits 80c v ladies grey vests fiftc gopd heavy tweed 35c pev yard good auwool twocd45c per yard navy blue napcloth 75c per yard heavy quality nap cloth 1124 pur jiiid black and bown ottoman cnnl 125 dress goods 10o worth 2ic allwool dress jgoods 15c nih ooc best value plain wincey- 10c mailorders tecklve pljompt an corner of king and john t mckay bros j cor king and johnsts pbicbs throughout the store tho inevitable o lndiejs all wool hiiki ir per pair ladies cashmere hose 25u pir pair ladies cnshmcn glove 20c per pair fur capus very cheap fur i rimming special value blact vslvetens 25c per pair colo edvelveteiiis lreit varioty fain y bordered handkerchicis25cperdoz job ot ladies collarsoc etli worth 20c com orters only 7oc each blankets boil value 9825 lace curtaiiib 00c per pair curl iin poles 50c each j hen p carpels 10er per yard i faith rl jattkntion bpos streets hamilton 63httoa crarleu loado i and 248 st james and pure vehblcj or 4 manufactured fw the pvipote shay are toihout except i torethti ruwfjei of age and tu recommended by th mod eminent faculty retain pi rfect vision every pair of spcctuclrs j e jicgarvuf i fimiv st montreal ptlcul yldpa especially on bed adppttd to re they i tire especially nnd eyeglasses is murkco ii l drtjwest notice to farmers cheap j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton corrison boothboyd the implement men of guelph aio now receiving weekly cousij following lines of fall and winter machines sonsy fanning hillstho best in calnada tsr champion and dominion plow 3 straw cutters pv hand or hpr fee gr ain crushers either in bu or hurr plate etc etc which we shall sell for cash or on short tini at lower prices of the koo1s than aiiyothci house in the nments in car lots of the viz sylves- sylvester power r stone msiiicring the superiority tirade whuli we acknowledge with thanks the kind maimer in dealers have used ns duiini the pa3t season and for thevevey free advcltisiujj they have liern pleased to laslow upon uh prophesied our immediate downfall wp buf to tratu that healthy and shall endeavor to meet the retpiiremenls of th it has ber11 our pleasure to do in the past and thank onv patio manner in which they have treated us luring the past season 1 our rival agents aud cousiderawe amount of hongii they one aud all we are still alive and fanners in tho future as a for 1 he kind imdliberal iieiar friicsris mi if you want a fanmiigmill if you want a grain crusher ifjy or in act if you want an iinplementof any kind call at our or wait for our little red waggon look out for ourfull circu in a few days morrison wanta firstclass plow warerooms 23 cork st lar which will he ibbiied 29 cork health fohial l i bpothroyd street cueipk hollo wats pills ptd to t tbe iilxj purify the blood correct all disordes livell 8tgmach kidneys and bovels they invigorate and restore to health debilitated tonstltutib ointment s v of the ooinokast uixoov exhress 710 am pais mail 1102 ain thiough jsxisaltm apooin loilopui ciiicago exprosij docs not and toionto i tijik op txoslntf mails ooing webt 1040 aniand 5a pm ooiiibleast 1040 ant and 520 pm kukiii mail closes at 10 dni ou ny oolnowdst koreas liu7 am express- hftj jvm mall 545 pm 8lcial 830 pm i accpm coach 800 am p between gnelph j eduesday iu canadian pacific jtailway to jar roiijrs r east iwltai- coxiirxmi timk table i i i i toronto to detroit ghictjgo aud manitoba stioni6 kit pacific kx local kx toronto 8 loaui jj os pm i 15 pm strotsville7uno 13 1 00 ti 25 stthoraas 12 35 pm 1 15 8 55 detroit 0 50 fj 45 1 s5 ibs chicago 0 ou niu h 05 am 5 45 pm winnipeg 7 00 daily except monday toronto to montreal quebec and boston limitod ex montreal ex torohto sa5aui i 8o0pm ottawa 5 a5 pm 4 38anl afontreal u to 1 8 18 quebec iaoam j jaopm llostou 8 45 pm 8 45 ain brampton to streets bramjitou 947am j 6 54 pm streetsvillejot 1010 j 7 15 brampton to orangeville and owen sound brampton 9 47 am orangtsville 1100 owen sound a a0 iii 1 purchase your tickets by this new and poejular ritoii il j e mcgiuvln ticket aint actori ontario go tl waters the 5 55 pm 7 10 10 2q line m 1 wei ovk teij iivaria ls5 perl liuucdtj option otl ouqcfahi halt cold quarter i oae inch casual j first ime sequent i scale of i advert will bet inglv in advtml chinge iu tbe ol tliey will bros picture gallery gueiph for artuw material oil and water color crayon cqnvp drawing paper pkvjiiet cards tc qu palatines toi eagravie8 cirromo c frames ofiil kinds i llouldnfgs room and i ictnre gornicej and cornice poles spr 3 window f ihijdes fancy goods s and birthday presents litable for wedding itc visitors can hive their pictures framed while in the with yuii to wall near the post office nfj hollers and city so briug them ber of i office frederic theco qitiqi office l xi dn e c wests kem axd bbaik tbeai- mkxt a gnaranteed spec 8c ifpr hysteria dizs ness convulsions fits nervous neuralgit hoauucbc nervouk pk stratron caused by thi use of alcohol or tobacco yakcfulness mentsl depression softeuinf of tbe brain resulting i i insanity and leading to r liserv decay and deutl preinatureold age bancmuess loss of power in either sex involuutai y liosses and spermi torrhoa caused by over exfertion of the brail selfauuse or dverindul ouce each box coi tains one mouths treatu lcnjti one dollar a boi or six boxes tor five doll irs isent bv mail pri paid ou rdceipt of price wlguarantee sixboxi s to cure auv casu with iacli order received o r us for sixtjbxes accomp mifetl vrith five dollar s we will send tho puvebas sroap- written guarantf e to refund the money if the treatnient does n t effect a cure guavnnte a issued only bv joh j c west isco solo pr prietors 181 i8 we t madison st chicago iu sbldbvjemcgarvm m will cur biliousness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice eilysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache and every species disordered liver v bowels tvffilburtu ppapeiu relieve dizziness dropsy fluttering- i oftheheart acidity 6f i thestomaqh drynes of theskfa f disease arising fn m off blood gq proprietors a new syafl monly cl teeth wi strator college rons ma in any acton month p vit iax offioeo1 toveubl rigc torontoj teeth rats jmgcanj have be afat i ingi5he t rairysa john tar t adterina in kehn denceinl souhdnel allcal wied to barrij aucers- 1 r i wuavf s 3hil1 oincj bookxif 100 page 7 v rho best hook fora i it opntainb lists of ne vspapers and estlmati a oftnecostof advertij ingtheadvertiaerwt o wantp 0 rrt- lnlln 4t 1 u ii forma invest verttsh g a scheme a iniiicntea w mch- rjr i spend one lollar finds in itthe 1 1- n herequire j while forhim who xr ii rta nrtm i nvil vlnal a wants forraatijbnhereqw lnveatdno hundred thousand dollars in a 1 meet his every requirement or i to cjoso ilighl chant a easily nrrireddt u w respond wee 149 edii loiis have beeirtssue j sent p 8tpahl to a iy addressfor 10 cen s write to geo p j irowell ft cl nevvslapeu advebmsing btjreaj 10sprdcestprlntii ehouse sgouew yoi t how lost ikuw ntstoittll wehayireifeutlypububhea a nevi ition otpt cnlverwells ele complaints incidental to females of all ages for children and the aged they are priceless theolnt la an infallahlo remedyfor bad lcrb bad bienstsj old wouk sores and uicers- it is fan tiua for gout jatld khcnmntism fov disorders of the chest it has no equal i is ant are invalualile in all 70s bobs the0at5 brokobitiis oqusss c0lbs glandular swellings avd all skin diseases ithasjno rival j lointsitiactslikflwcluirm maiiufaoturcd only at thomas hglloway j establisjimont 7ft new oxford street late 633 oxford s and for contracted nudbtiff wet toadoa sajf and me bold ut 1b lid 2s 0d4s cd 11a 22s and 38s each box drpol atfr behwlof all mediciue vendors lioublioiit j u purcbabers shoujd look to the label on the pots and box 633 oxford streef iondon they arc ipurious r3isjm mav the world if the address is not sv niayeurel this lecture i luu youth and everymai in the land- address the p6st oineo box 450 ti o- 8iay on the radical nervous dehihty mehtal and physical inc ptvot ity impediments of maninge etc resi itmo- from excesses i ftrrico in a sealed envelope ohlv 0 cent or two postage stomas tho celebrated aui nor iti this admirabl es say clearly demon itrates from thirty earbv successful practlcp lati alarming coiequ mces may be nulicallyenres without the sang rous use of luternal inedi iiniaor tho use of the uife pointing out a tnode of fcuro at once simple cet tain and effectual by means of which iivevv sufferer no matter what hfs condition m y4 himself chc aplyprivately andiaoj silly ecture shoujtf bein the hands ot evei7 fulverwcll medical j ann sis new fork i 1 52i ato wro w effect jbj una 86 1 w ati b oltic jr liugton alley john- c wiui jjp patl r- he 2 tea ifl i 1 si wh for tho j orders lj or at i ije promptlj 4 also rl 8 terestij m g xucensl ual ton j james jm f attentioil r m 8 is- tohij p ojpiicj square i lit jj jlonew per cenl loaned fl security a properlfl 13 farms m kith fail dominufl puluted 1 wanting rectionsl farms deneieitb gueiphfl wt hj mm- i fwiopfl nearly mul aigeof im depart ib ed iu h 1 t i- mmm

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