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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1885, p. 2

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s ppmpw shsf 5s5 tmittehat mohnis dkckmin i018 notes and comments pi pf fr3 v 1- p si- 7 canou fanar cleared about 135000 from his lectures in caaadamidihetjuitod laud gavo it to molthey obu dhavewi states whiemisvory good epubidermg that by that means the pcoplju would m before coming over he had made up his mind not tor speak iu public jot money tho idea that smallpox hnay bo taken from montreal papers as hinted by soroo journals is all bosh tlie montreal yu- ne offers a prize of 4000 cash tor atiy case of smallpox caught from hijw bcnt direct from the oflioe queries by a rafcepayljr to tho editor of lii kwk lkiy deu sir will you perjnit me to say through the medium of votir valuable col- utnns to my fellosratepayors that i for one emphatically endorse tvery sentiment of pro bono pablicds us expressed ni sonrissue of 20th u 1 jcarmot compre- bond how hessrs pearson jand ismond can honorably apply the epitjiet presentation l the back part ikncntkmtjd toj that i was willluf to maki to tte tiotvd in ie lirnpleftto f brance pjwvidlug jthoy wo tw afnnjlr two iwrw of thethirw y aiirtm same timo an oth r lots ere sold soon as they real zed j8wont of stioh 9 whole li an choice thoy sifeniod satisfied aijd abkod mo to mako the propositic n to the 3bnuou whjclfl did and they ascepted it fact is that ninny ot those sanv s parties told mo plainly t hat they would i ever re- movb thoirfriends to the llacobele sted but but would retnoro thorn elsowhoro hence the uiagtrttniiut us huiiib ig which epithet he undoubtedly intended or mo now mr kdii or anyt ling mr can say or do to belittle ltyo in the the people of this place w harm as my record is before them been for over thirty years pearson eyes of ill not do fro much and has defy him to point to a sitirlo net of miue in which i over ijtteinptejl to defiaud the municipality therefore jl do hot think it fair to use my nujnie disrespectfully i havej that confidence in the citizens of aiton that they will not coincide with him inl is views i and my reason is thtu they have honored and moreover 1 il pi- inie iis their representative well as tlie county conn- i trust i iiavc yit to forfeit i am out of the municipal matt jrs and i intend to bht that will not pievent interest in anything that is for thlo benefit and prosperity jtf this village i have done so heretofore aiidi hope to do so in future i remain yours acton dec 1th 188 c n mcgakiin arena of keep out me tetania lively the cemetery question i i to i ho jmitor of tho fukf lris sir i see that mr pearson has conde scended to answer my letter aud it is the most remarkable production ieverreud for humbug to tlie valuable and desirable me with their confidence for a ntjmibcr of acquisition toeur cemetery of 13 acres years by electin donated by whomsoever itjinight be as a in the village as free gift if nothing accrues from it i think ty council and allour people will agree in jsjiying that it this confidence would have been a dereliction of duty on the part of the councillors audi they would have been recreant to their trust hael they not accepted it on those conditions as the land must eventually be a source of revenue to our he exchequer inekitably giving bright of way thereby ipaking a public thoroughfare oi the resting place of departed loved ones a spot so sacred to the hearts of those left behind should hot for piie mo ment bethought jf and is it not pvesiimp tjon ontheir part to eiuteivor to repudiate the written opinion of men i so eminent in their profession as messrs wake lash v cassels a co obviously one at least of our representa tives at tlie council board docs not deem loyalty to the interests of his constituents a requisite quality in ac mncillor for he states distinctly that he will vote nay to protect himself aud to free himself from all responsibility alas poir yorrick if our heroic councillor pear ion is so tremu lous for fear of running so small a risk in their interests and so resolute iu his deter- jj miution not to immolate himself on the ltar pfduty to them it may be pre- sumed he will at least- have the grace to hesitate before again prest nting himself to pose as the champion of t iieir rights in the management of municipal matters i would also remark hon very preposter- oubof mr ismond to lay such emphasis upon hir selfsaerificing generosity in yielding to the solicits tior sof tlie reeve to accept the position of commissioner of streets and siaewalks- ioek hejneanto imply that because he did nqt find it neces sary to solicit or intrigue i or above position that if true gave him car te ulanclie terms to do as hepleased during hii ocjeupancy of the office if so that warning would give a color of extenuation if there were even one other member in theoouncil whom mr ismond deemed it barely poisibleavpald ac- cept the office would he i are bu sfe blnsh- ingly modest in accepting it is it riot idl- 1 1 advised to apportion such handsome emolu ment as 20 cents an hour oa coimmisaioner he being pledged to- the electors to serve them in the most self ab legating manner if honored by election i is it honorable thereafter to stipulate for wages or to ac cept any i have it from la mostauthientic source that the stipend wliich is allotted to our- commissioner for the inuniber of days which he claims to havejvenjus the whole of is considerably large in amount than similar officers of the cbinty or township get fpr their services fothe whole year and this in the face of his protestations of disinterestedness n nomination day believe me yours respectfully s a secokk ps as it is notcustopiaty in this acton of ours for ladies to express their aiews upon municipal matters through the medi um of the press j no matter how deejily we mayifeel upon the subject it may be ima gined that i have been dictated to by some of- the powers that be j m so doing but i would here asseverate solemnly that not one word of above letter jwas i dictated tome by any individual i actbndec 2nd 1881 1 the above letter rwasj received too late for insertion last weeken fuee pbehs j doubcil mooting and dont find a word war taia about the grjivel nowjspq oijnoiuo stupid juiot tsiwo ie pfiv- i itca of previoub bneotlug read knf up- io provod and was not his quotisilon rood nt 1 ho same mottlngat whlnh ho says lift was present and does ho not take the frei rrb8 and within 86 hours after that com- luwo a nittoo mado their report tho paper gave a lull report ot tho proooedinrb luoluding thu tport he quotobjyet ho says he never heard the f it or knew auythiug about it whore wo the whoppers bgs to remind you tiiat iveerry gliristmas is close afc liand as uiial he will make verbosity without point if your readers will take out hit qnotatiuus from my letter aud erase then bilhngsgato interspoised there would bo very little nrgumeut left hut vliat little is left 1 think icai satisfac torily prove against him out bl his qwu mouth except when he says 1 lend off with a whopper 1 ami very much pleased to learn that ws have iniouriuids a person so flitted as- tt produce a letter occupying two and a halflcoluninspf your pfper- but sorry he had to make upjthe half f it with quotations from mine iiijorder to make it appear lengthy in fact it is remarkable for its length but jts attenuated form is rather nauseating to your readers sue i as it is i am pleased to learn is the prot uction of his own fertile brain he says he is selfimportant enough t toj tell the tmthf now we will s if such is the case he says mr ivells nev r present- ed a petition to the conncil beciuse there meeting of tho was no i would ask dill mr wells go to the council chamber at th2 time spjken about did he have a petition with him i bjlievc mri wells to be a gentleman worthy of respect will hekindlyj rise ami say wl ether mri pearson is correct or n t iand uso as w hbw mr pearson obtained such in adtuisr siou from hiihas pullished it his last because it was generah understjod by the public from r wells own wouls that he was violently and grossly insulted by messrs pearsbu and ismond this i will leave mr wells to ausiver if he thinks fit again mr pearson says the petition was never before he couniul and jn another breath ho saysi the council sent it back for more signatures will this brilliant and sarcastic gentleman say how tie council could by anyireak of jugglery se id back a petition whicli had nev r been pi eseuted tq them please unravel t bis mystery to your own satisfaction even it you do not to the satisfaction of the people whuro is the whopper again does not thi bylaw set forth in its piemable that it is by the requestofapiititiou tc yet he has the audacity to se y there never wus preserited i rj w- wl i i i 3fe h p 1- it mw- 1 m r pearson says it is quite right for a sou loillor tovote againat an account when prsieuted aud quite right for the same person wheuiu the finarioo committeo to vote tho payment of the samo account if is wrong in the first instance it iscertain- wrong in the second where is tho jhbisteuey i am taunted with heiugout of the county at d taking it mixed how witty and sarcastic this is a burroom phrase with which i am sorry he is so familiar how- ejeri have heard it inoideutily before and kijiow its purport nqw mr pearson- let me say to you i am not iuthe habit of tak ing it either mixed or straight and if somo1 others were as prudent iu this rt spectphey would be without tho sympathy ol thoso who do take it mixed for thore- itiiies tho secret of your opposition and tl c oppositidn of the snuill clique you re present as he has admitted haviuj douei wrong ii supplying materials to the cororation i would udvise him iu future to read his declaration of ofnee iu winding up his epistle he tries to show a little sarcasm or billiugsgate which is unworthy of the posi tion he now holds or to that to which he aspires aud to which i have no occasion to reply i wisli to state facts without using invectives uuwovthy of a gentleman f it is quite uunecessary to reply to hia effusions towards the doctor as he is capable of answering it if he thinks proper as ray space is limited aud very properly sy i will try aud not overstep your limit iiinay have something to say hereafter i remain yoms again pno bono iliiuco acton dec 7th 1835 as pro bono publieos letter exceeds the limit laid down inour last issue by 18 lines nonpareil he will kindly remit the sum of 144 which is the amount due at our regular advertising rates en fnek press- t i whete everybody is invited to call and see the most tfomplete j asrliment of ohris tmaspresnt suitable for xldi a ad youn o o qc i o o ce o o i- s5 a c i i r a rs o o r y- a couucil that night new advertisemots s cattle ast kay trayedfrom tho premises lot i eon eb- quesing about tho uiiiiuje of luuo two heifers rising tlireo past one white aud red uiijt- oa horns turned iu tne other red any party giving infortnation whicli wift lead to tho re- coven of tncsanio will ho buitably rewarded donalti mciiarty ehquesiug ueejnd iwj farms u anted to buy two-20d-acrofdiiiistliree-10acrefanhbtwo- itoncrofnrnis mid oueydiert farm wanted for customers who are wkitiiifj till wo got uieiu suitable places intending purchasers uauies and addressos will a giveii to owners of tho farms at present wo have 430 applications for forms from nil parts of canada the united states hud europe apply to up no charge unless sale be effected john j daley guelph iretwier wanted never said it was received by wliythal to burke thkr wishes were not t pendens will he rqeeivctl bv the liuderfiijjned i up to the ilst for the office of caretaker of the four departments of the public school full particulara respecting the duties of said officer etc uikin application to w v bkovx cbulnnau property committee the 1 ash iox able west end cuelph i oij bugham co most compl iiisheaftfltiart6 i in vim 6 sj a 22 ci a- ij ot 0 rl ts i aj w a- co w 25 h- a o r m z o co h m 5 xmas tr3e pirfesents ool teachers arid scholars will find jat m store the assortment in actpla frolxi which to purchase ther r vvishmg you all a merry xmas and stand- uemeimbijrshl acton pet tiou keep vou adtfe for it ia liable to fjiiaiige al whv everybody gees to th largcineuts because made hey roiiv car wish eitlarsjed dinct to thefotudio and thus secure bettor work aidsiipilortiu thepasi and imw most save aoents profit yniiphiendsjwill appreciate i nice jhoto of newiaiie oftowinm s it will be ijv i r i r 1 ii i v pncks attention to lusiuefcsanl ki youisclt pettei than any xmas card come the first convenient day as we are becoming more and more busy every day ls the hon days kr- l-4- that presentation humbug p to the editor of the fbee pbess sin i notice in your jlas ti isue that mr pearson is endeavoring jo brmg my name before the public in an unenviable way by gating that i foisted a piece of property on the corporation at 830 1 per acre which is not worth 910 thereby defrauding the cor poration new siriie must know that he is telling an untruth when he makes that statement i would ask mrpearson to try any onfe owning land adjoining mine and see wht they will take for it via the manse property the maitthews property or the matthewsburns property you will see what price they will put upon it take the same quantity of land without build ings that will giveyqu an idea of the un- truthfulness of the statement he jnakes another misstatement when he says why did i jiot reserve a roadway qnt of my own property according to a a diagram that accompanied the petition he would lead you to bjblieve that i knew all about the petition arid diagram i will jnst siy lierethat i was never consulted by the committeo who selected the property not one ever asked me to go with them to show them the property neither did they ask me where i wanted the road the only person who spoke to me about it was mr vorren andheneverbhowedmeadiagram i told him it wonld be riiore desirable to have my road direct from the entrance to which he coincided he farther says lrfnsseeibowtho committee proposed to iflbisi the dr i suppose you are aware ofibfiwraditioiisof myj proposid if not i yittteqyoa how it oapievabout a gtiod mmy ratepayen and ittoeti iatepayfirs coribjitemotolianliiof t iectedin ifapiuuiiei lytbatttey lw w itimii ho did go ratepayeiisi the council bnt he can explain was not doije so as he further e dmits that thore sufficient names to ic to give expression of the majority ic is that true xlien there was a petition let us take the vote on the 18th of may what does it sayf 51 for the bylaw 23 againstjit majoiity31 and 11 was the total votes f polled which was less than the number of signatures to the petition di 1 not thej petition represent thewishe3 of the people what u whop per he says a petition with 82 bona tide signatures of owners was never obtained will he plerise produce the petition aujl count the owruirs of property ejnd telltis how far it wis short of the vote i chal lenge hi in to produce i then we will sejei where the vhoppert are mr justiee b p-t- says hand and glove to i ssistthe to procure tli e six acres he immediately afterwards siys he skulked away and did notr vote at all a nice way to j go hand and glove vith the people j i he says eo ch member of the pouncil gqt a letter from messrs mowat molellan is co stating they had been iustriicted to take proceedings against them this was oki the7thof thatj is evidence hat proceedings havo beeti instituted any person crank or otnerwise can get- ii lawyer to wi ite a threkbgning letter if he pays for it hiy dont uieybffon a similar letter was received by lie clerk some tirn6 before that stating the same hing fronj another lawyer and what was tie result nothing the fact islibey rievergot any encouragement that they could successfully attack the 3ylaw aid they very well know it otherwise they would have moveii before this time suppose ipava lawye to write you a letter sts ting if oh buy i store and attempt to sell goods i will entc proceedings against you what would yot say the aiiswer would be go on i an ready for you sncjh notice are no i worth the aper they are written upon hefurther i ays the cemetery bylaw tjj f selection of i he property were larried b r the people a rjdhe stuc up like i little mai i for their int erests his transae tiops shoy plainly that he has left out a vsry impor tant adverb which shpold reaij a very lituemajivjj in regard tothe we have pjeasure in stating that our stock tor the seasons trade surpassesin cxtejisive varie ty and choice selection anything we have ever formerly laid before our customers bucham co o0 suits 7i vests cleured out they must giving up this branch pit ha id widj admit h uatijficu i tells meti silks satins and velvets iii this department no house here can successfully compete with us iu point of variety real sterling value aud downright cheapness ladies who are in the hapit of buying elsewhere are not aware- of the inducements wo offer in this departm cut to pur chasers inspection invited bucham co i tv dress coods this depaf trident jis a large one with u3 ahd- always presents a choice of really desirable goods to select from seldom met with even in the largest cities j ladies will do well before buy- iu icy visit otir establishment jandlook throiigli compare prieefr c j bucham co fafihiphabl jwmt fbnd mantle and millinery iv time get ifmetropokitan studio for- their photos listclass work at moderate prices en- size tolife size iiriiig any pitlure you ne xearj sartja claus- headquarters the post office storer aicfon havinu moved my bakery aud feed businessiulo this coiiituotiious store where i have adtlej a choice stock of gijceries all new and fresh i beg to tender my i most sincere thiuius to the people nf acton aud surrounding ccuntry for their very liberal i i t rei solicit a share of your patronage in my j my aim to merit this by sq jare dealing reasonable ants ofmy custoulere please call and see me as we are becoming more and more busy every day as the approach ruby metropolitan studio 40 overcoats to be be sold as we are nelson moie tv co f ltare values shawls clouds scarfs c goods neuonmcbae is co ill vool lioodr- wool eip beautiful grocery department teas 2oc up kjiguistif all muds syrup good 50c per gallon and up raisins cur rants peefs fiip oaunetl foolsof all kiuds coffee itice tapioca sato spidtsof all kinils essences pickles in bulk cmioco meat r nuts candies tobaccos and i everything kept in a fitstclas3 groceiy fruits vegetables and flour and feed department spiral a special speoia nelsolt nelson mcrae co acton mji latablishmetst jstjoxxqiemet announcement aerv dest holler and stone flour bran shorts chops oats peas barley oat and corn meal three kiuds of each buckwheat flour two kinds cracked wheat thorlevs food linseed oil cake meal linseeeli whole and ground package goods crushed oats wheat and barley yellow mvhite and flaked maize samp ilomiuy 8 k buck- -wheat- flour r wheat germs prepared pea i flour kice flour choice ferina is ahead of any cither flour manutactureid i my brc i ade arrangements to continue the business of fc- cj tilder the same firm name until the first of c huve m jickae jamvaijy 1886 oiir clearing sale continues aud we buelv bakjnc department v i- ul white brown andsteiemcd rolls cottage spbutje cake jelly rolls cakes and buns all knieis mjubo pies pies wedding cakcst6 order u g mathews are giving r are values for welrespectfully ask 111 indebted to thelfiim to call and settle their accounts bjfore the fiist of january as they must bo provided for in some way by that time iall tht farmers and others f hating crippled horses will do well to call on i geo stoddard who is prepared to remove ringbones spavins curbs and splints without injuring the horse fatisf action guaranteed or no chttrgc wobtomisd- novembu- 24th i80 nbvisthetwp ready m ido clothing fax good i keteon bfckae go 5 auiuiiivvr nelson morae co new goods just opened jreech8 olevishmd actpu jl gautioni fine gold brpoch erriligs fine cold brooches english gold gem rings j over 600 pairs boys and mens boots io secure bargains in boots aud shoes and and shoes clearing them out from 50cup- j wartt iiglueeoacvf i4is sivsirfsm sbe v-sfs- rf ri m g- ilsf i ptri b riiph pup basi butti caist v berr v kni ls i asm r v spbc ifjmu btiyi facte ours irjs i into silve 13 vci v4l santa am it ft a thurbj ceul provide i i blfcij ixriij xes ttaces adyj fkek pkj geo cipal lifil j a imp society ii alii teams ten leal christirl snol di s dor tnd keep you fhej m as dell the to think i loji bios pil thol deposits pleutifu oai merry bellsi thai uess wood ke mercha and the churchj of the l th lesolutil sa uticl thj niia tnj promi the fchool oft the mrj ij m auotl kr moia mrj c celeij track til h selected personallly whqe in england a ar gteihb vi cuelph k ihssfe -rl- place to asl ambit begea ft

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