Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1885, p. 4

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lp ivi aissu titmgrit moiwrsd d i i v placid i am coutent serene i take my slab of gypsum jbrad and chunks of oloomrrarnje upon its tasteless aide 1 sprtiad the egg i oat was uevcr laid by any cackhni feathered lieu but from the lord knows vfhat tis made in newark ny uufeathertd men 1 wash my simple breakfast down with fragrant cbickory sb cheap or for the blackest tea iu town dried willow leaves i camly steep v i but if from mans vile arts i flee and drink pare water rob the pump i gulp down inf oeorieeev j and quarts of raw bacttia and hidobns rotatoria and wriftjlin polygkatricro and slimy diatomacre and hard shelled ophryoccroiuro and donblebarrellad kolpodtc nonloricated ambasedn and various animalcules of middle high and low degree for nature just beats creation in multiplied adulteration sobeijibiinlelu ir 1- oom cuts 1 w a lady writes i was enabled to remo re thecoms root and branch by jthe use of holloways corn cure otbjers who hejve tried it have the same experience fbost bites or chilblains reqiire similar treatment to aburu there is no bet ar remedy for either than hagyards yellow oil the wellknown household remedy or fain rheumatism and oil inflammatory complaints yocisvite disease when you neglect a regular aotion of the bowels and incurable disease may result jelegulate the bow els and the entire isystem with burdock bl ad bitters which acts upon the bowila stomach liver and blood tone up tho system by the use of ay srs barsaparilla it will make you feel lilea new person thousands have found hei 1th and relief from suffering by the use of 1 his great blood purifier when 1 all other me ems xqed bronchi bronchitis comes from colds and limita tions of tlie throat hoarseness coagb and sore throat are its i characteris ics these troubles may be remedied by a ti me- ly use of hagyards pectoralrbklsam jacob loochman buffalo k y says he has been nsing dr thoma i eclectric oilr fer rheumatism he had si ch a lame hack he could not do anything but one bottle has to use his own express ion cured him up he thinks it is the b st thing in the market i a hakbt relief for pi ins aches and accidental injuries is an i jmost univ arsal requirement such a rea y remedy i best found in hagyarbts yellow oil that surer rheumatism sore throi u colds on 1 all pain lameness and sorei ess whethe in- iernal or external kmmey voaip aint much is blamed upon tl e kidneys when people are ill f and suffer from weak and painful back etc if jou regulate the liver and blood with burdock blood bit ters the kidneys willsoon resume a right action burdock blood bitters cleanses the whole system kidneys included forty years experience in every dime on earth has proved ayers cherry pec toraltobo the most reliable remedy for colds coughs and all lung diseases ne glected colds often become incurabh ail- ments deal with them in time an pre vent their becoming deepseated ii i the system hmla lightning there are but few that have never suffered from toothache pains to them bf hamilton out are the manufacturer bt ithe greatest he aling and purifying pound known for sores burns j boaldssahrhemm frost bites ets it is balled mooregir a parkes oarboli car ate be sure an 1 get the gennine mcc iregor parkes carbo io cerate sold by dr is mogarvin at 85a a box f i smitten happefctfw there is now 1 leing manufactured hero an article for instai itly removing pain of any abute extenml r ature and it is certainly the most perfec cure for neuralgia head ache tothach i and the like that has ever been tried it is balled fluid lightning from the rapid nanner in which it acts and is manutactund by mooregor ft parke sold by dr n mcgarvm druggist what say yo to a neee ef rmit beef a mutant well there is much to be said the question being asked of the banqueter at the average boarding house oalu up re miniscences of close contiguity to the horns and beefsteak three outs south thereof ho of course will pasb unless it occurs to him that he needs a hinge for hib trunk should there be any suffering the effects of an indulgence in euoh sinuous fare use mo gregors speedy cure a sure and effectual remedy for dyspepsia constipation and all affections of the stomach and liver sold by dth mogarvin trial bottlts free itching pltetsrmpteini and care the symptoms are moisture like perspir ation intense itching increased by scratch ng very distressing particularly at night seems as if pin- worms were crawling in and about he rectum the private iparts are sometimes affected if allowed to continue very serious results may follow swaynes ointment is a pleasant sure cure also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for50 cents 3 boxes 135 in stamps ad dress dr s wayne son philadelphia 50 rufous glieaiiing sale at f ump om 0 to 50 pei vceht oltkt therigtit presii golds unrkoil dowii f rum fiitij t n 15 lrlss ooiu8 which k good val torsou selliug i nt 3 beautiful allwool fiemili dress goods viiiclisie cliv ty t arosellinu off at 30o pllus of exuelleiil drrsa uooh iollijiij off ut 12 15o aif 18e allwool bfuok frinoh uashmeras marked wwii fronrsoto 40c a 1 ti of 02 j black french uhshmers reduoed tn mb auoiiht line of luuekprajich cashrdlte which are uhbiipat fli 10 are scliiug off nt otilv8ic ladies mantles marker down tp awnt half their value sub them by till ninans mow islliu timo to i tot ohbap k uitlos mantlejauii ulster cloths marked down frnn 125 to 75c ohirmnte clollw marked down from a to 225 knitted woollen shawls ullohlfy soiled mark sd down to less than hiilf bripcs knitted woollen jerseys wjth and without si bves arc put dwn to halt price a lot of kid gloves marked do wu trrnn 87 jc t 25o i upcrtdr colored onrsets uhesp nt 1 ar do wn to 75cj a n ibnormous stopk f pi v towohing chesp at 7c is down to 5c piles of good 17incl grey cnlton ia golii at only ujc knitted wool clouds marked very low j piles of woidleu cloud n m nnj going off ut an imineuse reduction iu pi loos the mullusrv u ulark 1 away dbifn very cheap fur capes in nil sizes and iuureat var ety of purs selling off rit lboutlio their value nearly 200 pieces of beautiful velveteens celling off at grimily reduced prices they compose rich and cunrming colors i i nil the latest shades ti asks in great variety very cheap comet collars fivocjbr three linxs for 25o opern collars at7ao or three boxes for 20c grkc cjrooliot cotton only 5o each boll bi papers of pins for 10 coats best ocord 800 vard spools only 3c c r two for i 3 silks satin mervelleanx- otp at ao immensf reduction by the dress or man lb iengui beldlbua beat 50yard silk 8ools only 5c belding ufst 10 yard silk twlstl n1y 2e per spool charmjn tun colored kid gloves lust received from the ereni h makers beautiful new cnlotesl and blaeit mervelieaux arrived la ely aiboc harming g wi grain and cishinoro silks from the very best erenah makers all offer lg at a bg discount ht thidfais n m ii do isiigth j nit mo the silk phut a anil silk elyets t ler e nre enormous stocks of them in black and nil the latest shades at a jat ge fedncj ion by the dress or monti lensth the carpet department has ver 40000 jk worth of uarpots rngs mats oilclotlis linoleums carpet 8 weepers oiloloth st jye mats mattings stair rods doooratcd and plain colbred window blinds and roller 1 all sellit g off exceedingly ohenp king street east close to hughsori the nami 1 is f thomas dl wjrkxirs hamilton november 5th 1885 dtise lis boot shoe r d e howbon the cheapest place iu acton to buy boots slides is at housons andstill he is going to givo a further reduction of 10 per oentj ten per cejot oft all kjuda of boots and shoes rubbers and overshoes for the next 80 days -oo- gsooerlils r s xy s vv v h dealer in town but we quote you prices in plain figures assertions that amount to nothing note the following 20 lbs bright sugar 14 20 28 granulated choice currants rice 1 00 1 00 i 00 1 00 hlcb is vey different ptarltapiocs valencia rais 8 5 valencia kau na 2 cans salmon horseshoe 1 10 mixed candies -oo- v i almoaty intolerable pain neuralgia or like acute such on instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken or daysv oae application of fluid light ninft cares sold at j e mcgi rvins drugstore i 29 be attacked withchobi a br siimtne eoa plaint of any kind send it once for s bottle of dr j d kelloggs ysentery brdial andnse it according to directions it acts with wonderful rapidity in subduin that dreadful disease that weakens the st ongest man and that destroys 1 he young ai d deli cate those who have used this liholera medicine say it acts promptly and never fails to effect a thorough cure beit amd comfort to ttfrsarrermst browns household panacea has no oqual for relievine pain both interi al and external it cures pair in the side back or bowels sore thnat rheut latisui tobhacbe lumbarp ind any kind of a pain or ache it wjl most surely quick en the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful brow nja househdld pan acea being acknowledged as- the great pain reliever and of double the trength of any other elixir or jiniment in the world should be in every family handy for use jy hen wanted as it eally is tie best remedy in the world crarapb iu the stomach iftjd pains jan i aches of all kinds and is for sale by alldr ug ysts at s 5 cents bottle 44 1- i r caiibha kw rbeathi ikt perhaps the most estri ordinary success that has been achieved in modern u ledicine has been attained by tl e dixon tr iatment fordatarrh out ot doo patients treated during the past sixj mmihs folly ninety per cent have been cm ed of this smbborn malady this is none the less ttartling when it is remembered that not ivejper cent i patients prekerjtirg therasi lives to the regalar practiioi icri are beiefltted while the patent pelidines ant mother advertised cures never record a cure at all j starting yriih the clani now generally believed by ithe nvost ssientifie men that the disease is due to thej rresence of living parasites ip the tissue hrdix- on at once adapted this cttre to the r biter- rninataoafrthis acdorarjlkhedlhe claims the oatonrh iu prcasyrcuredfi ad the permanency is ttnqdestonpd as cur effect- l ed by him four yqirs ago arc cu fen vdll no one else haa ever attempted to cure catarrh in this mainer andnaoth ir treat- ment has ever oukied ganrh th appli- cationof the reaiedv is eirbple am 1 oaa be done at homer iftnd thapreeept s jasbn of the year ia the mosj favoiible for t speedy and permanent oure thernajorfty f oases vj oureda oiiei trealment kuerers i correspond iithiessrs a i dec s smr king street west tonintp iljilrat v pa sold by druggists merit proven dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mc gregors speedy cure yon are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j e mcgarvins drug store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing sold in 50c and 1 bottles see testimon- als from persons in your own town 29 prominent among the greatest medics discoveries by the many cures it has affect ed mcgregors speedy cure leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain one of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every in gredieqt possesses a pecul iar adaptability to the- various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefere-conli- dent that we have a preparation which we can off er to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a relief bjit an absolute eure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgarvins drug store 31 bickles apticonsumptive syrup is a- combination of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful influence in curing pulmonary consumption and all othr diseases of the lungs chest and throat it promotes a free and easy expectoration and givesease even to the greatest sufferer coughs colds shortness of breath and af fections of the chest attended with weak ness of the digestive organs or with general debility seem to vanish under its use no ether remedy- bets so readily in allaying inflammation or breaking np a severe cold even the most obstinate cough is overcome by its enetrating and healing properties when children are affected with colds coughs inflammation of the lungs croup quinsey and sore throat this syrup is of vast importance the number of deaths among chi dreff from these diseases is truly it is so palatable that a child flour feep a full line of flonr and feed kept codetautly m hind to none in acton 240 per 10d bran 60 cents per 100 we guarantee satisfaction to quality is our jeading feature j- e best every hovso owson is roiug to make the grocery business lively for tlie chi istmast season we do not merely say we can givo you better r cheaper goods than si iy other to mere 100 25 22 12j roller flou 6econd 1 ciistor next door 1o drug -j- come to thkft east end grogeryl and i cpry gotds for the l che apest groceries i 2 cans sal 111011 25c 25 lbs rice 1 16 ibbnpiocoj ho as tore jse suh alarming j will not re use it and is put at such a price that will not exclude the poor from its bnefits i a marvelous story told is two trtebs fr0ithes0nla aenilemcjti sly father resides at olorer vt he has been a great sttfferer from -scrof- ula and fhe inclosed latter will tell you what amamlooraffw ayer s sarsaparilla has bad in his ease i tbinkhls btood muit j have contained the humor for at least ten years wt it dmrnrt show except in the form- of aserofnloiis sore on the wrist until about five yean ago from a few spots waloh ap peared ai that time it gradually spread o as to cover hi entire body i aware yon ho waa terribly afflicted and an object of pitftjvrhen he bogarj ruing your medicine now there are fow men of hu age who enjoy as good lealth as he has i oould easily name of ty pcrioui who womd testify to the facta in his case rourstroly w bl fhttxin fr0iithe rffherf sinxs a duty for me to state to yon the benefit i have dejjitsd from tte use of ayefs six months agol was compl a terrible humor and scroti humor earned an itching tnd the she wool to flow tmored m life a hi rden i sabsav lbiixa ln it rtgnii rly since began u improve anheauladi respect- being nokr able to wxl although 78 ears of ag whathaiwroagliti moh acttf itutimjaiilavphere atxita siitim duba 211888 tia ilcovcrrilwiyi us sores iutoiorabie so as to cause i ilaees wheneror great and my thenso of j tho and hare used time my condition onoe the sores have lwuaetery a goo4dars many inquire umycase to toll you vfcoet pmmrs attsto bjmltascujlpaa jfcrofnla and an serofnu oil oonpalnta eryslp sceallaflsanmjhmlerariinsof the win jm oi art tbe h wdaiall trnpu- whawal k diikti sjatinuli tat the aeksiof the tonila and but rastcras vitality and wntth0t7itb uhjbir j dfjoayeiit 5o towel imim jallnwfflht dry goods j all kinds of flafinels winceys fancy ilresa qbixis nml triminiugs oblkbxast 4iised8oo4ui bxpress 7104m paamau ll02ftni through w1 grand trunk ritwayr i aoirbwst jj exn 1 bxiirtbs 11x12 aju 1 u aecom chicago andfoi 10l iiirtbs all jlucial 8i0pni actoin ciiach 800 in express dies not stop between guelph nto j j tihb ox closing jiaiis w oronto going vest 10jmand80pni qdina east 104daui and 50 pm english niail closaloj am on wednesday canadian pacific railway toulkpoikts east and wibst coxdknsed time tabie mammoth house georgetown see thaitheeb are bargains being given in e71ery de partment that tret goods in a gbieat insrances are betlirg sold less than cobt that the goods arp sold for cash or produ e only 83 no qjpodh charred that pur dress goods millinery mantlet that our stock of staples woollen goods flannels extensive that we have an immense stock of ready and boys that arc being cleared and sold at unheardof lojy pric that wo are astonishinp the people withjthe pricen of carpets id any toronto to detroit chicago and manitoba stirfmis ex pacific ex ivocalex toronto 8 10 am 1 05 pft 4 15 pm stretsvillejuny 13f 2 00 5 25 8tthomas 12 35 pm 5 23 855 petroit s 60 1 8 43 7 55 am chicago 8 00 am- 8 05 am 5 45 pm winnipeg 7 00 daily except monday toronto to montreal quebec and boston limited ex 1 montreal ex 9 25 am 8 00 pm 0 25pm 438am j00 8 18 g 30 am 050 pm 8 45 pm 8 45am toronto ottawa montreal quebec bos iostou bram itoh to streetsville junction brampton 9 47 am 8 54 pm streetsville jot 10 10 v 7 15 brampton to orangeyille and owen sonnd brampton 9 47 am orangevilk 1100 owon soun i 30pm pu chase your tickets bj this new and poputtar line fbom j b mcgarvin ticket agent acton ontarib 5 55 pm 7 10 v 10 20 go to- waters bros f the pigtufe gallery gueiph ujsterings nnd cloakibcs are superb wincehind tkeeds are very matte clothiug and ovprcoats both inmeus m- gloves and hosiery a fine stock of ladies imd gents gloves ill uizes niatevialh in hosiery t coal oil water white araerican and canad trmscash or produce only i jojatisr jl ind mcleod j fyfe- acton j fy fe acton j fyfe acton j fy j fy need and by that our fursand robes are extensive dud theap that our dressmaking and mantlemakink department is very busy thatnr ordered fjlofhing department jsyery busy- 1 that we want the people to come and inspect orir stock and be conv purchasing make money i f do not lose this opportunity for bargains as the stock must lie reduced t i 1 anderson co ft acton fye acton fe acton kliep this in mind when you co to putchase your fall clotking 1hat east end clqthingstrk is unurpassett for extent of stock moderate pr ipe artistic design and jdurable workmanship an elegant twesd suit for worsted suits 1600 or an lite 13bq3sr i from the cradle k j to this cffave o h j speigh furniture dealers and 1 aying erectid a fine new showroom linve just received a new ttest designs incl of furniture of all kds of the 1 undertakes aston id well assorted stock id i u5 parlor furniture bedroom suites bureaus sofas lounged tables chairs rb skers j bedsteads a id cradles 1 and everytbiu else that any family requires i 1 the furniture line during lb ir jmirhiy from trie cradle to the grave and t re can prepare tlicin for the gi ivu i too for we have on hat d a large stock of j of all kinds and sizes and all we will supply all on the shortest notice a hearse drawn by a well matched team for hjire utlier funeral f urn sbiug mckay bros f cor king and john sts re4uin the percentage of profits tiroufflioatiiie si ore theiuejritable oonseaiouee of the large xi torease of our s lelaeis j a id most rcasqiiallc terms firstclass mc cor spiilcht m anfir kay efllos kikgandjjf nsts o good grey flannel 156 per yard mea flannels j2ic neryard- fiugering yarn 60 per skein bovs top shkrts 6o0 worth 60c sens top shirts 75c iilefrens combination suits 80c ladles grey vests 50c good heavy tweed 35o per ya4 good allwool tweed 45o per yaril navy blue nap cloth 75c per ynfl rwyolhiy nangloth mh black and bitiwn ottoman cord hf- dress goods loo worth 80c nrd jadies all wool h allwool dress goods 16c unrtli 0c best value plain wlffoey 10c 1ia1l orubrs itkcblvk iu0nlt np faithfu attflntin w corner of kin and jor n streets ise 25c- pof 1 air jair ladies cashmere hose 25c per adiohcaalirner loves 20cpr pair 1 f capes very ch ap j pur trimming spoial value black vfllvetfens s 5c per pair lolored velveteens jrrcn t vaijiefe- ancy bordered h ndkcrcbiefsf be perdoz i ob lotxadiobl col wrs 5c enchj worth 20c oruforters only 75 each i lankcls nond vali e is25 lace curtains 6q0 xsrpair j c nrtain poles 50c each hemp carpets 10c por ynrd ffi 1 s black blno or brown alsoovercoatlnisin all shades otbeaers melton naps tjweeds and worsteds a large stockof underclothing good audchoa sl4c0 1700 dn b c wests nebve axd brats tbeat ment a guaranteed specific for hysteria imzri- ness convulsions fits nenrons neuralgia headache nervous prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco wakefolness mental pepression 8oftoninr of the brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery decay and death premature old 4gekarrennebs loss of powei in either sex involuntary losbosand sperma- tonhoeacaused by over exertipn of the brain aelfabuse or overindulgence each box con tains onempnths treatment one dollar a box or six boxes ior five dollars sent by mail pre paid on receipt of price we guarantee six boxei to cure auy case with each ordier received bj us for six boxes accompanied with five dollars we will send the purchaser ounvritten guarante to refund tho money if tho treatment does not effect a eure gnaranteesiesned only by johjt c west co sole proprietors 181 183 wes madison st chicago 111 soldbv jesicgarvii j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton jf j ft fe aqton j f notice to farmers fe acton feactoj miorribon booth o yd the implement men of guelph aie now receiving weekly consignments in car lots of tho folfowing lines of fall and winter machines viz honey fanning mills the best in canada sylves ter champion and dominion plows s rlyester stra cutters fo hand or horse poorer grain crushers either in turr etofee or tjurrlatey etc to t which woghall sell forcasli or oh short tiine flower prices considering jtbe superiority of the uoods than any other house in the trade tl we hcknowloilgi with tlrauksj the kind manner in which our rival migents and deaurs h ivo used us during the past season and for the very considerable amount of free advertising they have hern pleased to hestow upon us though tljely one and all prophesied our immediate downfall we beg to statu tlmt we arotitilt alive and healthy and shall endeaybr to meet the requiremeiits of tlie fnrinersiin the future as it hnsheeu our pleasure to do u the past and thaiikour patrons for ihe kind nndlibenil manner in wdeh they have treated us during the pa6t season if you waul a fanning mill if you want ftgrain crusher if you wauta irstelass plow or in act if yon want an implement oflnny kind call at our wareroorr s 2fl cork st or wait for our little rjd waggon lookfout for 0 ilafew4ays r- our fall circular whiciwill be issued morrison 8oothroyd 2 qprk street guelph he holloways pills and oin they the purify the blood i1veu stomach invigorate and restore to health debilitated constitutions complaints incidental to female s of all ages for child i they are priceless pills- correct all disorders of the kidneys and bowels ajid arc u- tpe yointment is an infallable temctly for bad legs bis bi easts old wonmls soresahd ulcers it is famous for gont and rheumnlien for disordeig of the chct it is ho eqtinl foe bae tse0at3 3eon0hltia coughs colds glandular swellings and all skin dlsei ss has 116 rival and for coi lointajtactsjikpnoliarm children and je aged tmelpr j invaluable in all tracted and stiff wftuufacf tired only at tho kta8 holloways gstablisb 73 hwr ecfjfa gtfept lat 633 oiferd street lo don bn and aie mm atjs lijw wiwlbfe woriri v rpurchsers should look to the label ontlie pflto aboies if he addreii is hot 588 oxford street lwdovtt ayeapurioiis ricot for arllm materials oil and water colois crayons canme drqicjng 7 aper plaques cerils dc paintisrs steel zgraysg h caromoo 8te frames of all onjds mouldings room and pfcture cornicesand cornice poles spring rollers and window shades fancy goods suitabio for wedding and birthday presents c 3 visitors can have their pictures framed while in the icity so bring them withyouito j it l waters beos near the post ofbce guelph onf health ir wealth key tq health unlocks all tho clogged avenues of the bowela kidneya and idirer carry ingcnf graduauywihout weakening the system all the impurities and fouli humorsfof the boorefionb at the same tim i eorreetins ad 3ity of the htomach curing biliousness dvb- v 8k fwl 3i of wba scroftoa muttering of seart wearoousness and n al debility all wsisj other similar complaints yield to the thilbton co proprietors tontnw itopntbins isu of hewn ofthecp8toradvertlgliisihe wants to snenrt one dodmr flndsinittnein a book of 100 pages the best book for an advertiser to con sult bo he experj enoed or otherwise flremndestiinatea ruser sdrer formauonhereqnlregiwbuefothimwuowui its2i ttnd dollars tad who eln- who will i editions liato been issued in to any address for 10 centti r adv35rti8ing 1burfatt u08 manhood how ls- how restorer wehaverfecentlypnblishod a ntw tear so ip pvmjcatf h 4 ti celebrated author in thib admirable bs sufferer no matter what hit onnflihs youth and everyman ihthe iaud 0t evflw aaarebs v r the culverwell medirnl 6 post office box 450 i kun t sewtorbj 1 1 i p si 3 fl oi tin ojpl i wiu in a im tihl ife pie nriitfot berj thfe ne mo r r tee 8ft j hi ac m j a foi on i v sfevi

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