Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 31, 1885, p. 4

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iw r fthcnsinv morxini dkcemukk 31 1885 giving of thanks on christmas day for christmas niornitin bright and clear we thank our heavenlyfathor for christmas happiness and cheer we thank our heavenly father for christmas candy- christmas toys we thank ouq heavenly fatlfisr for christmas love aud christmas joys we thank our heavenly father for jesus a liflle child yojliank our heavenly father for jesus loving kind nud mild j we thank our heavenly father for jesus christ the childrens friend we thank our jleioreuly father for christ who jeeps us to lifes eud we thank ourlheavenlv father rkoiumty is the nia n houth the bowels in a constipation mid j iseyi irybedy drunk p among the many stories lineolu used to ielate was the following trudging alon a lonely road one morning ou my v y to the county seat judge overtook mo with his wagon aud iuvited me to a sat we had not gone far before the ragou bogau to wobble said i judge i think your coachman has taken a drop too n uch putting his head out of the windov the judge shouted why yon infernal sconn idrel yon aro drunk turning round with great giavit coachman said be dad but that the the firs rightful scisiou your honors gi iwelmont if people knew the facts they woiild be surprised to learn how manypeoplo reel in the streets who never drink a irop are the victims of sleeplessue is of drowsy days of apoplectic teudincies whoso blood is set on tire by uric acid some day they will reol no more th jyvill drop dead just because they havent the moral courage to defy useless firofe sioual attendance and by uss of the wonderful warners safecure neutralize the uric acid in the system and thus get rid of the drunkenness in the blood the aituri an kara home r much distress and sickness in children is caused by worms mother graves worm exterminator gives relief by removiiig the cause give it a trial and be convinced m a st mars st boniface manitoba writes dr thomas eclcctric oil is a pub- lie benefit it has done wouderher and has cured myself of a had cold inon day can be relied upon to remove paii heal sores of various kinds and benefit a iv in- flamed portion of the body to whicl it is applied no cme ueed fear cholera or iiuy st turner complaint if they have a bottle of dr j d kellogg s dysentery cordial rca ly for use itwrrects all looseness of the owels promptjy and causes a healthy and r atural action this is a medicine adapted ok tbe young and old rich arid poor asid is i ipldly becomipgtlie most popular medici le for cholera dysentery etc in the mark t years of experience and sucoessf u trial have proved mcgregor parkers c rbolic cerate the most complete and satisf ictory compound forhealing old sores fest rings ulcers cots wounds barns frost bites or felons and for keeping out the ex ldaud to cleatise or prevent proud flesh sib ighin- or decay insist on having mcgr gbr v parkes carbolic cerate sold at 2c b dr mcgarvin h fluid lightning i3 simply a mar elldus rheumatic remedy i was for two t lonthi- a cripple unable to getout of the house from sciatica one bottle gave me i astant relief and placed me on my feet agi in i have driven fourteen miles today sorne- thing i could not possibly have don wen it not for fluid lightning for the t xpres purpose of procuring another bott e so says wm dixon gauanoque 64ly cents per bottle at dr mcgarvins i- 1 1 had for yearsfceen a miserable s ifierer aud regularity of tho hotels most esseutial laws of blood bitters regulates natural manner curing preventing burioua diseasb mu any liniment or ptlorj medicine that caniiot bo takens intornully is unsafe for prdiuary use hagyards yellow oil the prompt pain reliever is safe ami reliable for all aches and pains i udjean be swallow ed as well as applied the best on ghiurt- the best remody fir cough aud all throat and- lung troubles is lone that uoosens and dislodges tlie i tough mucous clears the bronchial tub is and allays irritii tiou this is what hagyaixls pectoral balsam docs in every ctse the secrel ol fur cost the reason why hazards yellow oil i so popular with the people as k household remedy for pain isn t ic fact that while many liniments only relievo yellow oil both relieves and cure rheumatism and all aches pains soreness and laiueiiess tmiike blood boil blotches pimples and festering sores are indications of im pure blood that should never be neglected or ill health aud perhaps incurable disease may result buidock j31ood bitters ties the blood by acting points of health the liver and blood mold lightning theroare bin few thai almost intolerable pa neuralgia or like acme pains to theui such au instant relief avfluid lightning is an untold blessing in apriufl ot life is one of thp burdock enpripious clearing sale druii goods malkul down from 5lc to in divss go aro selling offal joc piles of excellent- divas iooils sell i black frairhicushmyrrs reduced to ooe analhir lino o about- half tholir valiio see t item by nil iinaus vow is marked down from u to 225 knitted wrollrn slmwl put djtwn tl halt price towelling chfap at to i alot of kid uloveh innrked un n troui 87ac to 2oi ng chfapnt 7c is down toiic piles of fjmnl 17 n uoinuoft nl an linmenso kimiiioiioii in piigcs tle millii at from 20 to j50 peri cent offiajt the right iiltt which are good lig nltat liaclfii itluck french cn ho tinio to lul oliu ell irey poitnn iii ilcrv ik marked iiwm their yitliie jxearly 200 pieceu of ueauuful velveteens hilling off at greutly nhi t only 3u or tvo flir tic pupere of pinst for 10 unts bust i cord 200 yard spool beldlhtts best 60- yawl silkspools only 5c heljliiig bist 10 yard silk twflst only 2c bcnutiful new colored unit bliicit meivclionuv in rived lniej 1 til dhs of m i il jitti jmc tlij silk pfihlie hreasor manilo lenutli 1he carpet department lias uv stair kods neconited and ipluin colored window blinds hamilton jdeoembui old lssi value ior 30o sellinij off t 25t ueantilul allwool froiieli jiieia goods vhirli iro heap at 25 o mid 18e allwoil bliuik fruiiuji cashmeres mafkuil dwn from soe lo 40c a lot of 05 c limmu which are elieaiiai ftl10 are selling off nt onivwe lndikt mifntluh inarktd douii to iiitle cloilix sllifhtly snilcd nwirked iowii tn- lekitiliiiii luilf prices knitted woollenjeibeys with and without meeyim ure 1 l l i- r i fjujljj noil slinwl abnh t half able dam- imll 8ix siiperiorlcolniejl cornets clieup nt jjil are down to 7lic an knnrmoiis stock of jjnlng nt only iljc kiiilimlwiiiil cliudbinailcvd vuryhiw piles of woillen clouds down very udbiip fur capeh in nil mzrs and in yreiit variety cf furs selling off nt reduced prioeg they aompimo ricliaud clnriniiig colors in nil t he latest shades uks iji great variety very cheap comet collars in i three lmxi8 forsse- opera uollarsjit 7ac or three boxes fir 2lii gooi croehit cotton only 5- eac morvcllokiix tile ai mi immoiiho rciluction by the divbh or mnnlte letigth lifn makers silkhsitin pur spool oliariniiialiui col reil kid gltvesjut received from the frr ly also ciliirminjggrnd graiii and cislnnere silks from tho very best french makers all offering at a lie slk velvets there are iliormoiis stoekwof them in blaek iind all the latest shades at a large redu v 4000000 worth of carpelsj lings mats oilclnthn tiinoleiims carpet sweepers oilclotli stove mat and rollers all selling off exceedingly eheup kiiig street kast close to hughsim the natno js boot shoe rumpus o ime of trouble xo disgusting offensive intdiciues to be taken or uys ou application of fluid liuht- uinc cures sold at j e mcgarvins drug stoie j l 29 hchlbrpilo syn plouisand lure the symptouisarc uoisturo like perspir- puri- ou tho four cardinal stomach bowels have never suffered u from toothache j e howon tiikchkalkst place in acton to buy boots shoes sj going to give a further riductior of 10 per cent t hoots ivnd shoes rubbers nnd overshoes for the next 01 o o- s nt howsnns u pet cent off grooeeies h owson isuoing to make the grocery business livelj for the thrirtm we do not merely sity we cau give you better or cheaper goods thai dealer iu town but wo ijuote you pricraiu plain ligures wii assertions that amount to nothing note the following 20 his bricht sugar 14 20 28 granulated choi currants bice 1 00 1 0i i 00 i 00 is pearl yulel eh is very diffen tapioca cia raisins llioii hore shoe 11b mixe o- igdi-rutt- tlon blbe s miitlings nil still he 1 kinds 6f as season niiy th et nt to ui ere 1 00 25 22s no t i o 0e -nsrw- grocery and provision stored ouse to the people of acton and sunounding cc 1 candies tiou intense itching ng very distressing p seoms as if pin- worms about the rectum tl sometimes affected ij very serious fisults may oixtjikst is pleasai for tetter itch salt crusty skin diseases cents 8 bones 13 dresdr syaynki pa sold by druggist ncreased by scratch- iirticularly at night vereciavliugin and private parts are allowed to continue follow vswavnes t sure dure also rheumi all scaly sent by mail for o0 in stamps ad on pliiladelphta 50 merit pruvtn dollar upon dollar i the faith 6i rccommet eutirelv worthless frequently spent on datibns for articles isot so iwith mc you are not asked merits aro proven ins drug store arid get a free trial bottle and if not convinced gregors speedy cure to purchase it until its call at j emegarv it uill cure yoi of the pepsia liver complain hov long standing sold in 50c and 1 botjtles see testiiuoii alstinm persons in yoiir own town 20 cent ami iumcnrt lo the surrrrlus 1 browns householl panacea has no equal for relievinu pmii both internal and extsrnaj it cures pajn in the side back mat rheumatism and any kind of a or bowels sore tl toothache lumbago pain or ache it will mostsurelyquiek en the blood and heal is wonderful bro icea being acknowledged asjlhe great pain reliever and of of any other elixir from dyspepsia and tried all kuowr reme dies and the bestj medical skill of nyiac quaintance but stdl grevp worse until unable to eat anything without gre t dif fering or do any kind of work i b oan tei think there was no hopeforme ami that i must surely die when like a drt wnim mat catching at a straw i delermi led t give mcgregors speedy cure a trial i at once began to improve so rapidly t iat in twomouths i was as well as i ha 1 ever been in my life wai evuns leamkgiox sold by dri mcgarvin free trial i tittles tlohijicaya pilh in geueiiii dibility mental depression and nervous irritt bility there is no mediciuo whidh operates like a charm as these famous pills a i lisord- ered fetomacli and a torpid liver are fertile uources of gloomy thoughts aud hsmal forebpdiiigs these pills elevat the spints and in fact make the patiei t sen sible of a most delightful revolution u his whole system they may be comn ended most unreservedly as the very best amily medicine in existence though so wwer- fully efficacious they are singalarlj mild in their operation and may be giver with perfect confidence to delicate womei and young children they contain no mt rcury or any other noxious subbtance and annot do barm delicate females and all p rsons of sedentary habits will find these i ills a blessing dangers ordelny u welwere allowed to look into the ntore aul 6ee the fatal consequences that eollow neslocted cold how differently won idonr course be could ve realize our d inger how hpeedily we would seek a cur i but with munyit is only when the monst er dis ease has fastened its fangs upon our that we awaken to our folly whatf sllows a rieglected cold is it not diseases f tho- throat and lahgs bronchitis asthma con suniption and many other diseases f like nature it is worse than madness t neg lect a cold and it is folly not to have good remedy available for this fn quent complaint one of the most effictcious medicines for all diseases of the thro t aud lungs irbickles anticonsumptive i iyrap this medicine is composed of several medi cinal herbs which exert a moat won ierful influence in curing cousumptionaiijl other diseases of the iungir and chest i pro- raot03 a free and easy expeptoiation soothes irritation and drives the disease from the syiteni i lungs flour feed a flll line of flour aud feed kept constantly mi hand a loiioue in aiiton js2i0ptr 100 bran 00 emits per 100 post holler fli ur second 12- gtwe guarantee satisfaction to every customer as quality is our leading feature worst forms of dys- t etc no matter of costs you nothing comk to eabt end grocery v axd j e howson next door to drugstore untry the wp the liiidursiiied having leaded from mr j b jlearson store next touiynds jewelry store have fitted it up in the grandest style f r the above business which we havenow opened and are ready to sell goods at the lowest possible figure our goods are all new aud bought for cash therefore we can sell goods at the light price all kindi of produce taken in exchange for goods kelly brothers railway time table crand trunk railway iozko west oolko bast mikeclvfl bxpross 710 am lmlbdiinilj 1102 ttiu tliioukliiix fij7iiin aciom lotoiijm kxjircbb 1247 am exjirfchh 111u atn mail blitpttl sjeeial hqpm accom conch 600 am cliiciikrf express docn potstop between guelpli luidtoroutof tijib 6y closing mails jolng west 1040 nni and 53 pm ooiuc kaat lo am ami pm english mail closes at j0 amoii weuesday canadian pacific railway to all roixik east and west cojhekskh tihk taiilk toronto to detroit gliicaso and manitoba ex pacific ex local ex toronto 8 loaui i oopin 4 15pm 8tretsvillejnn9is 2cc 5 25 sttqitarb 11 115 pm 5 25 8 55 detroit 5m 8 45 7 55 am chicago a ooam 8 05 anr 5 45 pm winnipog 700 v dailf except holiday toiohto to mpjitreal quebec and boston limjtid ex 1 montieal ex toronto s 25ain 8 00 pm ottawa 5 i5pii 4 38am montreal u 00 l 818 quebec i 5 30 ajn 9 50 pm i koston 8 45pl 8 45 am brampton to streetsville junction uramntbn 9 17 am 6 54pm streetsyillo jct 10 10 7 15 brampton to oraiigeville and otfen sound hrampton 0 42 am 5 55pm orangeviljo 11 0 7 10 owen gpund 30 pm 10 20 purchase your tickets by this new- and popular line from j e mcgabvin ticket agent acton ontario acton planing mills williamson fiallsh4w riioltietoh builier and ccatraotor sash and blind factory john kelly bodger kelly p 8 everyone ask for kejly bros new store door dry goods house for the as its actidg power vns household pan- loublcthe streniith it liniment iu the cheapest grocer 2 cans salmon 2oc 25 lbs kice 1 10 i es i uvr- tupioeo all kinds dry goods of flannels winceys fsint uml triininint 1 v dress goods world should he in evry family handy for ubewhen wanted as il really is the best remedy in the world for cramps m the stomach and pains at d ache of all kinds ind tsfor sale by all druggists at 23 cents bottle 44 pc nineat among the greatest meriica lisuoveries by the ma iy cures il hnsallect- d mcgrtfori speedy cure leads the vau subjected to the minutest idiemiciil itnalysis a has been touod to cbutain one of those ijiirious ingredients characterizing the vorthless specifics daily offered to the inblic every myreflijnt possesses a pecnl- j ir adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been tompoumjed and its rfficacyiis being established by testimonials lourlv received yve i are therefore confi- lent that we have a piopaliition which uie n offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found uot only a ivnf hut in absolute cure for dyupepsia jlivir tom- plaiut ludigestioii consliiiatioii and im pure clood kree trill bottles at j e icgai vins drnn store 31 lltauuhl xeu tkeirilkt perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achievec in inoderii medicine has been attained by t le dixon treatment for catarrh ont of 2 000 patients treated during the past six n onths fully ninety per cent have been cu ed of this stubborn malady this isnonithe less startling when it is reinomhercfl that nut five per cent of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitio ler are benefitted while the patent medicines and other advertised cares iieer recori a cure at 6u starting wi h the chum now generally believed by the most scientific men that thp disease ii due to tlie presence of living parasites in 1 10 tissue i mr dix on at once adapted liis cure to their exter minationthis accoir plished he claims the catarrh is praticaily cured j and the permanency is unquest fined as curesffect- ed by him four years ago are cures bill no one else has ever attempted to cure catarrh in this manner and uojbther treat ment has ever cured citarrh the appli cation of the remedy is simple and can be done at home and tie present season of the year is the most fa rorable for a speedy and permanent cure tl e majority of cases being cured at one tn atmeut sufferers should correspond wjth messrs a h dix on son 305 kiufe street west toronto canada and eilclose si amp for their treat- aze on catarrh muiitfealfhar ijlov 17 82 g j fino stock the extensive dissolution sale is still colng onat th1 joves and hosiery i of lollies and gents gloves all sizes am materials in hosiery coail ojl water avlnteavherican and c4nadian termscash or produce only itoihltt is prepared to put on stompdoors vih- dows weather strips etc on short notice winter porches erected neatly and at reasonable prices we have one of iheurys celebrated chop ping mids and will chop all kinds of grain on tuesdays thursdays ami saturdays 1 t aa pamsnaw managers the ker to wealth mammoth house georgetown i unlocks all the clogged avenuesof tlie bowels klcncys anclliyer carry ing off gradualh- without weakening the system all tho impurities and foul humors of the secretions at the same time correcting aci3it7 of thi stomaeh curing eiliouecebs lya- pepsia headaeliepj dizziness heartburn constipation dryness of tlie skin- dropsy dimness of vision jamidiee salt fheum i erysipelas serbfula fluttering of the heart nervousness and qen- era debility nil these and many other similar couiplaints yield to the lirppy iiifluenee of burdock blood bitters j t jbllbrrx t co prorrietes toronto gautioni no goods chnrged- ami chakines are superb winceys id tweeds are very jjalsoisr from the cradle i to the crave j speight puraiture dealers and tjadei takers acton haying erected a linenew hhowrooni lmvc just received of furniture of all kinds of the latest digi parlor furniture bedroom suites bureaus sofas lou tables chairs nges rockers all the farmers and others having crippled bora e8 will dp well to callcn ceo stc ddard w is prepared to remove ringbones spavins curbs and splints without injurit j theliorge satisfaction guaranteed or no charge l asi stodj5ard v creechs old stand ractobt v bedsteads and cradles and everything else that any family requires in the furniture line during their journey from the cradle to the grave and wu can prep loo for we have on hand a luige st oowwxnb of all kinds iiinl sizes and all other funera we will supply all oil the shortest uolice and most hearse drawn by a well matched team for hire j a that there are barga nslbefng given in every dje pm1tment that the goods in a great many tnsrancesarebefng sold less than uofc that the goods arp s ld for cash or produce only that our dress goods millinerv mantles ustcrins that nnr stock of staples woollen goods flannels kxtetisive that we have an iiiimeiise stiuk of ucnrlv made clothing and overcoats both in men anil bovs that are being cleared and sold tit unheardof low prioea that we ure iiktonikhiiitf the peirple with thrt price of carpets that our furs and iiobcs arc extensive andheap tlintnur ircssmakiig and 5iuntlemiliii department is very busy that our ordeivil clothing lcirtinent is very busy that we want the people to come and inspect our stock and ho convinced- aril piirolihsiiifi make money do not lose this opportunity for bargains as thp stock must be reduced mdleop anpersqn co son- i iilw and well assorted stock including j fy fli aoton j fy fe acton j 7yfe acton j fyfe acton j fy fe a ct on j fyfe ac by re theui for the grave id of f caskets etc fiifniahings eonahle terms a lirstdasa speight manager mckay bros king and john st- mckay bros oh king and john sts c0h redusiajltlie percentage cf profits tkroughoattliestoroitbrlaevitatjle boaseaneace rf the large increase of oar business he a lth foll a l i j i holloways pills and ointment good grey elanneliluc per yard ked flannels 12ji per yard finjerihg yarn5c per skein bovs top shirts 50e worth ooo mens top shirts 7 fur trimming childmns combinattmi suits 80c ladies firey vests 60c good heavy tweed 35c per yard good allwon tweed 5c per yard navy blue nap cloth 7pc pjr yard heavy quality nap clth tj2j per yard black oud binwn ottoman oordlq5 dress gravis 10c worth oei allwooj dress goods 15d uorth we best valbe phiin wincey 10c mail ob debs receive prompt and faitb tadies all yool hose ion purpajr ladies cashmere hoseoc pertmir ladio cashniert- glove 20c per pair fur capes vcty cheap- special value black vilvetjeuk 25c per pair eiiis irreat variety d handkercliiefs25c perdoz job lot ladiet collars uc each worth 20c comforters on y75j ench value 325 50c per pair 50ceach 10c er yard blankets kond liice curtains curtain poles hemp carpets ful attention corner of king and john street hamilton keep this in mind when you jjo to purohnse yourfail iciotlimg that east end clqthipgstor is iii8iitiassti for exteiit of ktvckiuojprate pjicfl artistii ilsigliinci durablo woikiuansliip on j an elegant tweed suit for 14c0 worsted suits sm 16 00 or 1700 al8ovfircovtlxgs all shadow ot beavers melton kttps tweeds anil worsteds a large stock qt underclothing good and cheap j fyfe acton j fyfe acton jfyfe acton j fyfe act j fyfeaei j fyfe ac1 each ilig of the l myrtse t is 3mkked ixbkojvzelfctteks n-onie- oth8r genuine- prra wbtjsims manhood v mst mow restored thie pillsv purify the blood correct all disorders of tho vj livett stomach- kidxrys and bowels tllcy jnyigorutc and restore to health debilitated constitutions and are invaluablell complaints iiicidfntpl lo families of all ages r childreu and the aged jjiey ale phpajess n all the ointment is hn jnfajlable reipedy for ld jeps bnililheasts old wounds sores and is famous fotgnut and blieuumtisin ulcers i fovdlspiilpisofthecliesfithasnoequaj for borli throats beonohitis oouhsr fi0ld glandular vswellings nud hllskiii diseases it has n rival ami forcoutracted am it joints it acts like ii charm stiff manufactured only at thomas holloways establishment 58 jtrir oxford street late 688 oxford street london bn and arp sold at isljd 2sfld 4s 01 lis 22s and 38s each box or pot and niav bo had ol all meillcine yendors tlionshnut the world s slidnldlook tojtlie lanel on the pots wd boxes if the addrovt i 1533 oxfjrd street onrlon they arc scions r afl freemans a pleasant totko ontoln thoiroim putayo la a srto btirri and effectual degtfoyvr ot wortaa ia cjlin or adnltt a ivriliser to con sult be lif experi- j enceu or btlhrwlse itcoutiuns lists ol nuwspapers and estimates of the cost of advert is i g ihc nrl vertiser wlio wants to spehil one ilniian fimla in it the in- formation herequircg while forliiin who will invest ono hunrtreil thousand dollars in ad vertising a siheme is imlicnted which will meet his every nqaivenient or can be made to dosp iy elighl changes easily cirrired at by cor rcspoiuteive 149 editions liuvo been isued sent postpaiil to any afldnfn ir li cents write rt p rowkll co newspaper advertising hdrkatj 10sprucestprlutingaousesa- kew vork we haverecentlv fiiblibbed a nqw edition of di culfti wells cele brated essay on tbe radical and iii tt- 1ermanentfureiwjtlioiitnicaicine of nervpus debility mentftl amvlbvsical incapac ity imtioiimcuts of muiimge etc tesultine from ex esses ssapjiie iii a sealed euveloi e ouy c cent ortwo juistasustainjis thecelcbvated apthor ii this admirable es- say clonily doinonstrates- from thirty yoars successful practice that alaruiins cousonuencei limy be radically cured without tbo dangerous fibe of internal medicincs or the use of theknifof pointing oat a inodo of euro at ouie simple cer tain and effectual by means of which every sufferer no matter what his oudition may bo may curehimselfcheailyprivatelvand radically thislectureshouldbe in tbe hands ot every youth and eyeryuian in the land address the fhilverwcli sreilir nl o 11 ami si iv york post oflicc box 450 casjelj trj all who are sufferinfflrom the errors and indiscretions of youth ner vdus weak ness early decayiloss of manhood cti will send ybij a recipe that wiir enre you free of chaege this great remedy was discovered by a missionary in south america send b self addressed i envelope trtbe eevjosfiph tjiksian stati4xl nitu rotfam j i

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