Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1886, p. 1

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mm u volvmexlr3fo liutatt jwjpicss every mi3rsdvx mousing j at the f3cepu33 3wr printing house actofy ontario pp mgiv i j- sk kk- mhv im ih -sm- v- kv 3 i- fe h subscription rated one yfar loo six hosthb mem rilllek jtontus5 cts invartiblv in ajvancc if uot paid in advnhot 1 v- jtjhahll no paper disco u fiiwih arrears ro paid except at tlu option of iliirpuwisher ldj wr jear will bo charged tiauim advertising rates hi ace 1 1 vk 6iocblurau 1 mxnq hilf cjlumn 1 1500 qnrcer oomjin 1 jjwfl oaj lajh 1 60j 6tq i5oo i000 liatf 3 mo liuo 700 aim l mo 7a 330 zm 10 i i casual advertisements 8 cents per lino far the tlrst tusertiou and i wuts nor hue for each sub vmieut iuertion cash the number of hues rtciioued by the space eccupicd uioasurcu by a s ale of soliaisouparcll vxlvortistiuouts without specific turotios will bo iuserksl till lorbkl uu4 rhawed accord- lujly transitory ailvcrtiseincuts inust hepalu in udvan e changes for contract aivcitiseiueutsinust be in tho oflle bv 9 am on mowlam otherwise thev will bo left over until the following week h v moork uditor au proprietor t tj1w uubu rv lfi i i tweo r i nlo rftrcn bwti l xewspapt a rtlsing bureau iu tlkj ntractsuaybeiusaeturlt 1nnkw vokk w iu3i nass di rectory if lbwry m b mic p- s gradusit of trinity college mern- lxr of college of physicians aud sufeou oilice anii residence at the head 6i frederick street acton j ce st ace 1 md cm graduate of trinity university fellow of trin- ity medical school member f the college of physicians and surgeons orricemill street late dr websters office itbesnkttl ds dentist georgetown ontario l i c mckiklay l d s surgeon -dentist- georgetown out uses the new system of nitrous oxide gas com monly called yltalizejtair for extracting teeth without paju having been demon strator and 4jracticsl teacher in- koyal college of dental surgeons toronto pat- rous may depend upon receiving satisfaction iu any operations performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each month omccaguews hotel ta1nless dental obekjiioks vitalized air or nitrous okide gas for painless dental operations at the office of j c b haye8 lds toveirslhock gielph oot tjpper wyndham street johs graduate of on- tario veterinary college toronto- vtterinarv surgeon acton ont office in jieiiuy bros boot and shoe storc-resi- deuce inthe rear horse8examined as to soundness and certificates given all cills night or day jorcinptly atteud- ed to terms easy j m clean mcmitjjlv bjjristers solicitors notaries convey ancers c private funds to loan 7 omce town hah actom wsi a mclevs hcchmcmillas s it e hltcheli solicitoe cosvetiscke tc 9rncs first door west of the champion office mam street milton at 15 jier cent monev to loan s hil50n allan i baikd barristers solicitors tc tonovro a3cdgeorgbtow orrfces creelmans block gedrgetovn and 80 king street east toronto tv t allan 3 6hut0s ba j baied ba b ais la1dlaw co i baueistees it solicttoes omcks over imperial bank 24 wel lington sfeet east entrance exchange alley toronto jcvbn bain q c c a mabiex wilumlublvv- geobge kappele 1 3 patents secjb red- for inventions henry grist oiiawacakada 20 years practice no patent no pay 17 m hemstreet t t licensed acchoneeu for the counties of wellingtonaud hajtou orders left at the free pbess office aijtpn or at my residence in aeton prill be promptly attended to terms reasonable monet to loan also mouey to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 9500 and upwards aotort bankirtti cuf storey christie go bankers acton ontario a geskha l ba nkisg b us1nehs thaasacted actonj ok takiov 1 htjrsdy jatijlly 28 188 i koitet 0aned 027 approved 80119 i i i i notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits jj s e m special acelicy acton qpx bell teiepkoaejcmpaay messages received and irsmitted a lower rates than telegraphing allan line steamships a i j tickets issued to h kint8 of grfca britain and the continent at very lowest rates bny the tickets here if sending for friendst canadian pacific rr the cheapest and bst route to ail points east aud wf si seetjme tables money savel ty- saling vtltk i j e mcgafevln acton j ontario wellington marble works quebec stguelih j john h hamilton proprietor formerly mcquillan hamilton i dealer in marble granite aud everything jieitainiug to cfetrietery work iteceived first prizes at provincial ex hibition gueljihy the western fair and all local exhibitions for excellence di material and superiority ofi workmanship tour orders are solicited lumber shingles and lath tfbe undersigned desires to inform the public i that he has now on hand and will keep in stock a full line of pine dud hemlock as well as pther kinds of lumber also first and second class pine shingles lath j coal wood having purchased the coal business of sir c s smith i am prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i cave also a- good stock of wood hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices iwood and coal delivered j james bkown plan inc mill having made arrangements jwith messrs w hi storey son for the continnanceof the plauing mill in the bond ing formerly occupied by the acton jplow- company we would inform the publw that we are prepared to take contracts for building -also- sasssta fx00bz7 sssstnrs- witi nkatsess and dispatch piimp8 ifumps in connection with the above we arealso prepared to reoeive orders for pumps from ring experience in the busiuess we feel con- tidetit that we can supply an article second tonone ordorsby ma nttentiin j kiudly soliciting a 1 will receive prompt share of public pat- g rti vr e knowles j a murray j licensed auctioneers for- the counties of haltonano wellington orders left with james matthews acton wilrf eceive strict attention terms reasonable john day architect gcelmi qst oriw queens hotel block market square winage we are respectfully yours til os eltltaglv manager -ielph- business college gtjelph ontario j cheap akb 6b0d sletths wellmade wellpainted bled 65c for 40c extra large three bench handsome 13 for 85c the 175 clipper for 9120 5 the 91 clipper for ooo f r the 9106 clipper for 60c 50 baby sled fine box handles carpeted 130 fox 81 babv sled laise roomy box carpet handles 1 3for2 the best value the best assortment oalland examine for yourselves dayiooestor cuelph day sells cheap excelsior rbakery tcton having purchaed tho above bakerji from mb d mann i hope to give satisfaction to the numerous customers who patronize it f i tlvaukihg- them for past favors 1 will eudeavor to attendto customers promptly and obligingly and trust that they will one and all extend to us 1 heir patronage i ube nothing but the best roller flour and keep it in stock fresh brad buna c everyday also steam bread i cakes of all kinds j new york tea biscuits soda and oatmeal scones on hand or made to order at shortest notice wedding cakes a specialty biscuits and confectionery of all kinds icing vsygar ginger snaps boston mixed cakes wholesale flour j sutter and sres taken in exchaarfc for sreai a marfcst prices mrs t statham aoton the second scholastic year commenced september 1st each de partment is in charge of a specialist to impart a practical training for the efficient conduct of business affairs is the sphere and woi k of the institution its graduates arealready holding responsible positions in the commercial centres in the dopiniou energetic young men and women are thor oughly prepared for positions as bookkeep ers shorthand f writers correspondents or telegraph operators 1 students received at any time frjr circular and catalogue giving full information address t m maccojimicjk ligm prinoipal mutual fire r insurance company i john jdaley sucesspftothoinpsoua jackson money to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages pnrjjased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing attifaibrancbjs properly and neatly don charged low yarms and city property for aalel list withfarmsfor sale sent to m parts of thfej dominion to intending purchasers and cir- cnlatod in enroie edropean capitalists wanting farms in ontario iltbp abnt rections through our european agencies farms wanted for oar- lists correspon- dence invited office near the post office gnelih ont i txanlan barbed shop j p worden oi the- oouinrr or wlltwspx r8tllbhep 10 i head office cuelph john street acton wm e smith proprietor mr smith has purchased the livery business of mr h bmccart hy which he has removed to his commodious stables n john street iu the centre of the business jwrtion of the town mr smith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confident that lie can give satisfaction to every patron t j anyone desiring a cobuncrcial i plea sure or ooapatyeigf can be supplied with a flrstcisss turnout on the shortest notice horses boarded and sold terms reasonable wm b smrth gtjelph cloth ha1j w rif has opened a rarber shop in the building nearly opposite storeya iacfltove factory mill street aeyon and sbltctts the patrbil- age of the public inthlji vicinityy jevery department of the btwi iwss will be conduct ed in firstclass style igive ns ja call insures building merchandizs manu factories and- all other descriptions of property on thefromkrra note 8 stein j pwstone cnas davidson president secretary jogn taylior ajent ttprancisnujan sitceessor iff t f chapipan booibinder st georges sjiuae guelph ontario 1 account bpdkso fall kinds mac e to order periodiials ptey fy 4escripioi caret rjljy ippsn t fql9giqljrp4rti mi ti1ci18dxy uornino jandady2s 1686 poetry tjnderolothrng ns shirts and drawers all sizes 1 j boys shirts and drawers all sizes childrens combination sets all sizes a leaf itm xtt firm vl wjbiosinj sxjor altd btjtter old farmer 1 uyj carad home one day with groco iesfrom the cepter aiidjumping from his queer old hay hfroalled ouwlike a 8tentor hb thero i 3ringpnttle im rometi istrustful iatn friend bartb 11 h scales drjnt tell the truth and im aiiojug to try tern 86 then his n ife the steelyards brought and funne r ray proceeded to weigh eaca arttold hed bought to see if pc eht was noeded to make it of the proper weight and io 1 th 5 trial ended thf sugar lac tod just one pound eight of what ha 1 been pretended rlnto his shay jiunpethfawner ray and whirle l around in a jiffy then out tho pute and down the way ho started ff as if he were riding f r his life ill teach the rascal 1 o cheat me sir 1 he muttered 1 11maue hinra speech ab sure as mv name aint ctcsar arrived befom the center store he roughly shouted wlipa sir f to dobbin tlicn turned towards the door to seek the guilty grocer there at his loslt friend barton stood so smiliuj fat and ruddy one felt at once he was too good to injure a lybody v oho 1 back mo ye farmer ray pleasantly 1 iioth fnend barton left snthin that vou brought here hey wall now i felt right sartm but here the farmer cut him short iv sir he oried youve hit it i did leave soi nethins that i bought and ive co ne bacft to get it 1 id like to know continued be though wel lhigh clicked with choler how much vhite sugar usually ypn sell flls for a dollar ten pounds hf theii you just weigh thii two dollar wuth crtmplete it purtends tob but if it is thon ill a ree to oat it i with this lie t drew the sugar down before him and awaited his answer v ith a threatening frown the grocer thus berated looked tip at lazed apparently although hi s mouth was working oddly enouuh and in his eye a humorou gleam seemed lurking what neighbor ray dye mean to say theres frs than twenty pounds there wall now th its funny anyway why neigh xr ill be bound there wnb twenty v hen i hed the string ill tell you how i know it youll grant tl iat this if anything is evwencs x show it yoh bfouuhl some hutter in today all into bal s made nicely just twenty pf thorn said to weigh a tiorindftp fee precisely wall wheii i iook em from the pail jes soa to bave the bother i pnt all twen y in one scale a icdghcd your sugar in t alter an 60 you s se it mut bo right an you hav e made an njtter mistake ho vever if you aint qnike convinced ill pit that butter h oh dont dc thatl i te7 you wnrjt quickly exc aimed the farmer i husnre ye there aint no need onllt iiacu ai 1t it growin warmer f he paused ar d stood and wiped liitk brow with his in mense bandanna a very dffere it person now jn look and tone and manner a sickly sinile replaced his frown and tyfs i 0 voice of thunder in which witi esthut icouhl drot down he owned i ed made a blunder youre right youre right tis plaiiasdayl i was mistakeiisairthe wall wall must be on my way 1 ive stayed w long already so saying he 1 mftibly took once mora from wherj 1 hed lately thrown it the sugar ard went out the door as if he hail not showu it wall said the grocer watching this retreat wit 1 qniet laughter i guesffthet 1 hotterballs p his will weigh a jbkhtjheieaftor wall said the farmer in his shay ponderiui i hecase the fact is i ive had a los son in weighing today i t im goiu t to put in practice our story from two lives iw a grullpjy t tailors nmph i will not deny it any loneer richard this life is 1 rowing miserable i i am sure i am got ting to hate it more and more every day i she spoke lu a quick nervous tay as if a little ashamed of her words ano yetihere was a look of stubborn defiance in her soft eyes she made 1 pretty picture standing there in the dark ireen wojds her brown hair catching littls gleams of gold from the sun shine that filtered idown through he inter laced boughs overhead the redrqses at her breast scare sly brighter- than her cheeks that had eud denly hushed hotly under such strange powerful emotion he had bean leauiig carelessly against ft tree looking at the slim girlish fit ure befote him with b mething like a smile upon hli handsomo si inburnt face but a her last words he cai ne swiftly to her aid 9 placing a hand on either shoulder- he looked keenly at herfor a i noment without spea king tho smile had u ded from his lips anc tis brow 1 oheeks had 1 rown pale with a vague feq and dread j v you wish to go back he said at ai as if in ansver to the mute que itiouing her teardin imed eyes she drew her breath qniokly and hj eyes droppe i before the utter mi fiery in own if i hav e made a mistake hnderstai that it was because i loved you 1 o he his hands ti ghtening about her shoulders i love you too welliaugve y nptaj d yet i never leceiyed ypu in any thing y n know that clean i bictured to you jtst what life at ared with me woulc be yet y u werewjllim and eager to come ugh to- becaflhi il ti foolish endi iieve that se could brighten tl erudest mtoabwierpfliityi beoauscflwasw gh to tiinuwjtlut ufe witiiyau bydh is drdary wilderness would be a para- 1 v spoke with emeedina bitterness minghia look of sad reproach with one of scornful angar and disdain vmd only one year of thia life has mt- ficl to convince you of yonr mistake am iqipt right he askedwith outward calm ne though his heart was beating with a strange new pain iilt has taught tae thia that even your lovjiand tender icaro panhotgatisfy the casyings of my heart vhat right had you to bring me here she asked with sudden p isaion you might have known that i ojtd nover learn ito be satisfied in this wwtchod place i must have been madl lie cried more tohimsoif thau to the woman be ore him- tlusia with sudden remorseful tenderness hejlrew her cldsetofhis heart and looking dosninto her tearstained face said jflbejieve me when i tell you that tlie one wfli of my heart has been to make yon hfwpy has my love been so selfish dear tlibjt it has failed to satisfy you can it bexliat in my own blind happiness i have cfijfiated myself into the belief that you too wefo content with the knowledge of your unliappinebs before me i would give my life toijmdo the wrong i did you in marrying ydu and bringing you to thib lonely placo yetfl cannot bolievo that you really meant almrou said a moment ago vhc last words were spoken with almost a jfb he had withdrawn his hands from h shoulders and stood tall and erect bo fore her his faeo grave and white with in ward pain v j it is too late to wibh for freedom you kiqow that sho exclaimed bitterly have been dreaming for a year ing that you cared for trie that you content and happy and now j broke off suddenly and leaned agamst fee his face woye the dazed look of ojwho bad received amortal blow the rld which only a little wliilq ago had looked fair and smiling 1 ad suddenly gijowu gray e venthe songs of the birds in tfie trees overhead seemed to his dulled senses but harsh discordant sounds the fault was mine as welfas youra 1 suppose and yet i cannot retractthe words ihave just spokenshe said coldly mov ag a step further away oh if you cpul idly be made to understand just how bitte w my heart rebels against this wretohi ojjtlstence she said in quick passiona ii i think i understand he sail kenly looking straight into her rebe ijons eyes arid i will da what is right jjnd best r there is nothing to hope for nothing sdo but to live out this miserablo lifor i said in a despairing tone give mq time to think he said lifting bis haggard face to her own it is all t o sudden so liard to believe and perhaps- tonight ijnay think of some plan to gie you back te freedom you so desire all that day he walked and thought s one in a dream feeling nothing of thut gladness ami freedom which belong to youl h j and health and strength seeing nought f the fairness of thut soft june day at d when at nightfal ho dragged himself slop- ly homeward it seemed to him that the vey llness of death hung over everythii g hero was no light in the little home far up ong tho hills no gleam of white dress rough the deepening gloom no one to cetliim at tho door and wlion he en- red there was only a qrtefnotetotellhi mj fi that which his heart had feared am reacted and fought against through thi long hours just ended j i am going away she wrote wl en 1 left you- thja morning full of anger and f ittornesa i little thought i should so soon obtain my- hearts great wish i found ray brother at the house waiting for me wait ing to taje me away from this wretched placebf ck to the dear old home and the old sweet hfe feeing for so i cannot waitt to bi j yqti gooabyo i dare not wait the sightojt your sorrowful face might causeme to alter my decision and richard i want to go back besides after what passed between us the has been whsr lip t- 0 ice tbffiee entg l for a tei his baggarjj -sl- fallen at hia feet ar 1 1 he wda 1 sweet tronbjeii he had been drea ling too had trickled down ay lay on ejieek j ho stirred uneasilv and murrfanrod some thing in his sleep bit did not vake when the sudden opening t f the door let in a gut of wind that scatter d the asl ea over tlgj hearth and fanned the fire into a fierce flame it was not intil a spfl hand was laid on his own and warm sweet kisses fe on his face that he 1 iwoke t fit d lief kneel- ing by his chair tho old roiaenjibbredilovo- light bhioing in lor eyes though it shone through a mist of te irs 1 1 have come baqk she said softly 111 4- litrle 4obs moftlittlb bolts j by and by is a ery bad boy sltnn him at once arid for ever for theywho travel with by arid byj doon btne to the liouae of itever f i cant v is a mea i little ceward a boy tfeat is hall of a man 8et oh him aplooky wee terrier iphat the world pnows andhonoraitl cn no use in trying keep tryinft until hi heeding his bewildei ed look and lifting hand lovingly to lay it agdnsl her warm cheekv oh my lo tre 1 mj tovel can yoa gnosshow my hoar i has hungered for- a sightj of your lace how th rough thei longjweary years ihavo rrayjd day and night that he wonlt sparo my life that i might como back snd say tdrgiva me richird i dared not pray for more richard the old lomq life laslost its charms and it was not long bef ire i learned to understand that 3 could nevisr bo bappjy without your love i have givnu tip every thing to be with yot again to share your poverty if you will let me dear i dreamed eveiy night that you had come back but i ah rays avroke to despair he said the look oi donbtj deepening in his ey 3 iwas mad whei i thr pinesb that day si e said ity layingher sof t beek ngaiist his hi uhu perplexity i wavay myhap- with sad humil- org vemprib gard one can y u ever arki for the pain and sorrow i have caused you i have dreamed so of tejnysb often he said looking at hit with anxious oyes tell me am i dret miug how f fi is no dream she answered softly oil richard my busbar d cm t you nn derstand that i am never to lea veydu that i have learned at list to love you the light of great happmesf broke over hi s if ace 1 he waiting ht b been he said holding he close there was no word of buffering she had c tused jyou are sure c uite sure jou have for that yoi y- drew her a teftpbtv confession a physlcian presen tsbome startlins facta dan ite thavthe dangjci in plbkfced is ttrtivbrsal the- following story whicu is attr lotinj wide attention from the press is so re markable that wo cannot excuse otrselve if we do pot lay it before our readers en v i to thesfliior rochuter ni y dcmontu siaon the tiirst day qfjnne 3881 i lay at my resideucej in thw city burronnded jby my friends and waiting for death jheaven bnly knowf the agony i- thpn en dured fpi words can iover describe ft and yotjif a few yjars previous ariy one hald told me thatl was to bebr6ufehts0 low and by soterr ble a disease 1 ishonltl 4 sctiflecl at the idea t had always been uncommonly itrong and healtty and weighed over 200 pounds anjd hardly knew in my own experience what pain or ckness i closer to his given me snre spo asked anxious for answer he breast j there is no ne d to te 11 yc u what your eart has learned it last lour derstand my love my love sam fones 3aib long and bitter o h s breast reproach for the lo6 me still earj be drunkiirds- tore hia chil- a gdod man like for a- man who steal if he is if you sow whis cy you a man who will weai dren is a brute the truth follov s from molasses from a j lg a good man is like a city st upon a hill you cant hidehiri some of yoa men have towed enough seed to damn the ivorld i have great coifempt has the time tq pi ay care s a man who gets drunk wil not too much afn id of t most of you do it care if your neighbor goes hungry so y uhave enongh jiive so your cl ildren may put their feet in your tracks at d be honorable theres a mermant tells the truth a id lies ths man who loijt lajnjjh i needs a livqr medicine the inoper und fgrowler uver goes to heaven i ueverknew 1 firstci who was worth the pwder and lead it would take to kill him the most beat tiful sight in this world is to see u man lea ling hi 1 wifo and children into the gates of h this morning life- could never be quite same to either of us again and if it givea you pain to know that i have miserable will it make you less unhappy to know hat i am leaving thib life happily gladly and- with no regre save thatwou will be alone and wretched- yet you jwill forget me in time you must forget me vit is better so i he read it over and over again every leti ter stamping itself on heart and brain in lines of tire could it be her hand that peuned those cruel words jbad she feign ed happiness while she secretly longed for freedom wan love but a jmookery after all yet what did itmatter it hisown hopes were lost since she had gaiiied her wish had bendt told her that his only desire was to muke her happy the past year has been but a dream a dream too fair and sweet to last he told hinjbolf in the first bitterness of his despair en of life again riot with the gladness of hopeful youth but with the strange mad unrest that follows despair the feverish energy that sometimes serves as a shield a ainst bitter memories he had not counted the days or even the months that had pasaedsince she left him he only knew that the days bad been long and lonely and that somehow hehadmaii aged to live them he remembered in a vague dim way that twicethe spring had code and gone since- she went away for twice he had counted the buds on her lilac tree and watched them buret into iragrant blooms twice lipd the roses bloomed and faded m her little garden and riow jhey were fading again yet to him all te wa- sona were the same because for ipaany monthatio bad known but one the cold cheerless winter of the heart j tho 11 this town whej- mighty lonesome ass billiardplayer nonsense i sayl you succeed but if- you should n eet i forgot byj the way hes a cheat and yond better take i theyre a pi ilry and whetieyer yo i see the poordolte say yes we dp care and twould be great mai ter i- if our life should q spoiled by anohfaults no matter boys were- very many people who wi this statement realize at times tbey are nnusually tired and cannot account for it theyieel dull painjs in various parti of the body and do not understand why or they are exceedingly hungry xuei day and ediire- ly without appetite the next vtbls was jubtthe way if jit i when the relentless malady which liacj fastened itself u oon me first began still jljihought nothing of it that probably jl hafl taken a cod which would soon pass a vay shortly af let this an d at times ue iralgic 1 toad i noticed a heavy pain in one side of m come one day and be little attention to id y head but ab itwonld gone the next l paid then my stomach would get out of 6 cabt and my food often failed to digest orating at times great in convenience- ye e ven as a phys cian i did not think tha t lese thjngs mei nt any thing borious i fancied i was tnffering trom malaria aud dctred myself accord- infly but i got nc better i next noticed a peculiarolor a id odor aboutthe fluids i was passing also jthftt there weie large quantities one da f and very little t le next and that a persis ent froth and sc am i ap peared upon the 1 urfacef aud a s sdiment y it 1 1 did not realize my seeing these sy bptoms y became ace istomed qspicion was wholly dis- tiiat had no pa in injtho ib their vioinity why settled aud danger for indi continually i fii to them and my armed by tbe fact affected organs b i should have bee stand i consulted the land i visited springs in arnc rlca and maine to gal nor 11a still n so blind i cannc t under preachers know a goc d deal more about their nocks than they da endanger their s llaries 1 whatsoever reap is true b th in god siyb it or not tnanac whethei your daoghtir may bi lovely but tbe irst tliug devil may on you heaven tell it might a men sbweth lie shall the bible and al- pact off a the be 5t lightningrod beatitifnland you know the drunken kouinla ghtnin ro fa coat a great and ar j often badly majde hey are not things to play in general i deal too much and set up t or fodl with ai d a had rod is worse than tiohe for it may attratthe lightning nnd then fail to cat ry it off- without damage the beit rod is of thresqnarter inch round iron drawn to a long sharp point which shquld be male bmcoth and gilded or coppered th sectio ibmust be fastened together with 1 crew fi rules and the fends i should be filed smooth and bright and be fixed in contact 1 it in quite safe if fasten to a pole a few feet higher than the build ing and set ne r a it and it bhonld extend cjwiutoralh inside fni dethje glow he skt ob- vi mgm dollars and rill be of tie patent rutoam6n anafjf ctti best medicalskill in jhe 4ii the famed mineral traveud from lgrei worse ten or twelve eei above he pole there is no need of lafs fit tin s as insulators iron eyes sere red int the pole or hooks fixed to bands to fit iroi ad- the p6e are quite as safe a 8 glass holders wliicb are useless when vet r the chief p int is t le a round connection this should b e cs rried into permanently imoist earth dr betr still into water we might giv i reasoi s f c r all this bat if one wishes to know 1 10 rhy and the where fore he shoul 1 study a h andbook ibf elec- tricity and hi willharn enough fib make him quite a match ft r the peripatetic lightningrod agent vhc as a rule are not desirable vis tors l eriectly safe and j effective rpdv nay lx pt t up in he way above described for tpn to twentyfiye no two physicians agreed as to my malady one said i was t roubled with spmi d irita tioir another dyspepsia anothr heart disease arioihir general debiliy an other congeitioi of the base pfthi brain and so on throu ha long list of common j diseao the syi iptoms of many of which i i really had la tha sway seveml years passed rduring which time i was steadily i growing woreo my condition had really j became pt able tne slight symptoms i at firslj tisperi iced wqio develped into j terriblandcoiitantdisordors my weight i had been reduc d from 207 to 130 pounds i a my jifij waa liarden to mysslt and friends i 1 conla retain io food on my stomach and lived whollyby injtctins was a living mass of pain my piilso was uncontrol lable in my 1 qny i frequently fell to the floor andclutol ed the ciarpet aind prayed for death mc rphine hal litlle or no effect 111 deadening tl e pain for six days and nights ihaxlt ho deathpremctfitorjrliic coughs constau tly my water was filled with tubecat is and albutbei i was struggling wit hjbrightbpisase of the kidneys lp its aat stagfes while suffer ug thus i reee vied a call from tnypa6tcr theeey dr jfpote atj that timbjebtor of 8ti pauljt j epijonal church of this city 1 felt thjtj it was our last interview bit in the cotttie of qonj venation- dr fooo uetailei io me the inanjy remarki ble cures p ca els hkimy own which hud come under bil ob erva tion as raoiicih4 ph sic an and t graduate of th e rfclioou i deride the idei i of any mediciieontside tho regular i chai- uelfi be ii the leaat berteficial 8 solicitioub ho vover was dr fqote ibat i finally proipie 5d i would vaiye nay pre- judice i bog mj its use on the nrst day f june 1881 ai d took it according to i dire s tions at fin tit sickened me j butj this i thought wa gpod ijpi for ono- in my d t bilitated cone itipn i continued jo takei ihe tokening sesattori iloparted irnl i wi finally able u 1 ritaih food nporj my stoni ach jnatev jdays i nbticecj a lecidid change f or le hotter as also did ny wie auctfriends my hicoonghs ceased and i experieace3 leiapam ithan formirly il a at this improved cquditiqu i i had believed bat a jfew sm any lnmon was so rejqii thatupon dayslbefqre ras mydjyingibed i vowed in the presienc i- ti my v jti family and iriends ahouldl roc ve i wo ild both pubhrjy aud privately uit ke known tnis reniibdy f or the good of hum tm ty wheroyor and whenever i jbdaaojjiqrianity and tliis letter is ln fulnlmeutol tbntvow m improvement xts ccutvanp1 ii fourth 1

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