Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1886, p. 4

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bottle kt i illfitting boofa and sbjoes cause eorjitt ouowaja corju oureis the article te te yon are my stater jbew beu are youv tho one she can fravthe wit lhrd kartell minima to juaisicmo though tho hail bhewyaybn tot fully stopid and you cannot c aiice at all its just wurc yoi ftq hob x guess made jfttflho to too it the nail and she says that x rhen you are married sbiell teach yon i thing or two i dont thitjk id he taught by a girl if 1 wereajnan 1 ike yon what 1 not wring dready are you t jclc never hurrnd oft so sirtotwillbedowninamiuute aud be real angr i know violatiiig jhia contract pa said bobb y who had bean allowed to bit up a little wh ile after dinner with the distinct understanding that he was to ask no foolish questions can god do every thing r 1 i yesi can he make a two foot rule with only one end to it one more question like that said the old man andyou will be packed off to bed i bobby nodded sleepily for ton minutes and then said pavcauacainjelgoseveu days without wattr j yes j 1 jwell how many days conld hego if he hnd water j the neit thing bobby knew he was in bed li puce and cure ydur corna a wwchatce i in selecting a remedy for conghs nd colds tlija winojahoiee is to take one that looseus uie tough mucous clinging to the ait passages j8uoh a remedy is hagya ds pectoral balsam which promptly brtakt op hard colds and their troublesome eff eta rrhllt for lhnor there is no trouble in ascertaining f om any druggist the true virtues of hagyirds yellow oil for all paium and inflammatory troubles rheumatism nodraigia jnmbugo frostbites burns bruises sprains contract od cords stiff joints aohes pains and pore- neas la a 0nnkeru toadllua any man woman or fihild is m a daiger oils condition wheu uclecting a coustipat ed state of the bowels there can be no perfect health without a regular action of this function burdock blood bitters cure constipation by imparting a hjaalthyl tone to allthe sebretious a heanonable item during the breaking- up of winter jwhcu the air is cljtlly and the weather damp such complaints as rheumatism neuralgia lumbago sore throat croup and other painful effects of sudden cold are prevalent it is then that halyards yellow oil is found truly valuable as a household remedy jio blttaderbaa there isiiobjuuderinr in tho dark in the action of burdock blood bitters npou the system it is no scattering shotgun prescription- nocurealijbutit acts direct- enorii fessi uslje watkinbhiia heoii iiig tfinmglv ida iiuikmh5 stiwk seu velvet aail pine heivy wilton hughm bjreot tlie pjjme is hamilton january 4jl 1 t wmm i 7m is8u jjfl aw4i iwiiiimmw sj rf t ijivmfflrii f ir th l t t wo mnnl lis marking dv n ui goods in very inaiiy cases to uv les j t liaii uott priqasi- ho lia iu many of liis la lies and misses muiiths uutire and mkntluud ulstor cliithsdowti t0il0ut htilf prioe he is autlliiwr of lusbianucu ill nn ium illinoryis mil eked lowa to half priio silk dutiut mttvelluiiux bhwhe ottomuiis ito art put down in many puses to fur loss diuirhaif lvi o nantaiiifrauuhuadbralsh droits qoo4s bulling iff tit aliuii halt pnuo this affords a rare cliuuae to motliofs to clotho ibeir jittie iliuiglirrs uheuj uistkeddown fivut 4s5 to 325 miwehjttiul ladius fur capes tn jmat variety selllntsou do ubnut hull price riolily umbroidered tsi4 trtble uvl- to 850 ohairaloijibjijlo table coviihs down froiir70t 060- lywy fleautiful xl2jpiauii covers down fivim 8 t 4 50 aiotlier litnilsdine lo dowujfrohji7i0 toobo new uutl kisliioimblu driwi quods down from 60 ro 85e ptles of rc goods down ficin 18 cd lno maiitlo and ulnterl f 125to 7m otnd kilijlvbs iii ism ill sizth lnwhfrom 87i tf isc a lot ot very djme kids iji 8liuttoii ungilis in now style dowii frtnn 176 lo imd keiuotiod lame ot of pljj railway s reduceil from of them 81 cjoth downj jl very jh a fpimc 8kyj wi iblack silfc velvet audi itaaitt riiijtmis sjiilu off it li ilf jri e juriby pi intiel down from 874 70u jiisl ieethti flannels in wliitu ijted piiikormjke navy also yards wide undtfcw i fards wide lu vy rwillod sli ttiuij vlanneui white and groyi iiud liciyy navy and chucked flmiueis fvn ovet and uderbhirtb ill in all kmjla and colors f olm uis sliirt patit ny 8illlugflvery cheap lailios cirk0t8 ai d bustles in criinipt his and otluircelfi iriitml iiiiikhs soiling hut verv cheap ladies qents misses abd boys jjiiderulnlhiiig of nil hind selling iiff very oheupr tin wlnt nnd clieceil 8lirtiiigbgray cm tons slieotings diickf jdennns tijikiigs cantim wauuels cottopiijdes canadian twoimu oic lirj selling ff at extemoly low prices justsfli- the clrpitb iiijlemp twnply uiiiouawvallimi tapestry tiiu tings iuts piilos cornices etc all exceedingly oheup kemembor rlio rig stores nro on kingstreist esl otio doorv a shoe r umpus o u 11 e t he cheapest place in aotou to buy boots ftshoeia- at howstnb and still lie a going to give a fiiruierrtrducon of 10 pflrcent tm poi cent off nil kiudn of i- th4 cteat cheated somelumei ago a clever parisianworking engraver salted upon a financier of some- wnat equisotjal repute what think you of this v showing iim la loofranc note i i aink it 1b a 100f ranc note was the answer welii made it myself j seud outandchansbitandthewellseei the servant came back with the gold why did not you imitate a looofrancnota while yqu wore about it al000francnoto alooofranc note one must have one first to imitate j very well there is one and loise no time the engraver never made his appearance again the note he hadahown tee gujl was as good as the one of which ihe had cheated him ait the financier never dared say a word jlouowat pllli for the cure of de bility bile liver and stomach complaints this inappreciable medicine ia so weltknown in every part of the worldi and cures performed by its use are bo vronderfn that it now stands preeminent above all other remedies more particularly for tho cure of bilious and liver complaints disorders of the stomach dropsy and debilitated con- stitutinn a course of these digestive pill painlessly but surely regulates the organs of digestion and acts most beneficially on the secretory and txcretory organs gener ally jthoy expel from the secretive organs and the circulation these effete and morbi- fie matters whiah produce infhwmation f pain fever debility and physical decay thus annihilating by their purifying pro perties the virulence of the most painful and devastating diseases bill nye says dont attempt to cheat the editor oat of a years subscription to his paper or any other sum cheat the minister or the doctor cheat anybody and everybody but if you have any regard for the future consequences dont fool the editor lyou may be up for office sorae- time or want some public favor for your self or some friends and when your luck is a thing of beanty- and a joy forever the editor wid open up on you and knock yonrau castles intcta cocked hat at the first ti e hell subdue yqu and then youll blame your stupidity for a drivelling 1 idiot and hire some man to knock you down and then kick you for falling sill is an editor and knows all about it have yon tootbacht use fluid light- ninr have you rheumatism- use fluid lightning have yen a stiff joint use fluid light- ning have you senralgia use fluid lightn ning rhavcyoulambago use fluid ligt- ning are yoatrdubled with headache use fluid lightning have you any pain xjie fluid jlight- j it willcuije you the instant it is applied try it 35c per bottle at ir mcgarvint drag store sir t c wellr chemist and druggist port colborne oat writes ijorthrop tk lymans vegetable discovery atid dyspep tic cure sells welf and gives the best pi satisfuctioii for all diseases of the blood itnever fails to root out all diseasis from the system cares dyspepsia live cqnlj plaint etc pnrfiosl the blood aud wii make yon look the picture of health and happiness the lati6tremedy for coughs colds whopping cough bronchitis etc j is mc- gregcfrs lung compound there is no remedy in existence containing any one oi theactiveiagredientscomposmglhgregorv lung compound so do no say yon have taken everything nntil you havettted this for yonr cold or cough and your opinion will bo the same as all who have jttsed it viz tfatit isthobest sold in 50c ana h bottles by dr mcgarvin druggist jab3sh snow gunning cove k 8 writes v was completely prostrated with the a vbtna bnt hearing of dr thomas eulectne oiltl procured a bottle and it done me so much good that i get another and before it was used i was well my son was cured of a bad cold by the use oj half a botue it goes like wildfire and tnakeactues wherever it is uid 1 a bad brealutewa it is a conitnon thing nowadays tohear iv upon the four cardiual points of health tfie stomach tlie liver tho bowels and the blood and works its oures in a natural manner thronsh natures channels this is to certify that i have used mc gregqrs speedy cnro for dyspepsia and liver complaint and do honestly bay that if it cost me one huudred dollars 10000 u bottle 1 would not be withont it as it has done me more goodthau all the medicines i everuscd and iteol like a new man yours truly alex steel carleton j place out this medicine is for sale at 50c and si per bottle at dr mcgarvins drug gtore i laid tigbiolbs there are but few that have never suffered almost intolerable paiu from toothache neuralgisijir like irciite pains to them sucliu instant relief as fluid lighinmg is an untld blessing in time of tmumc nn idigusting iffeuaive medicines lo be taken or liy on uuplicalioq of fluid liehl- reat january f the- i keu ti 1 einf vma m urn li si- j mmwm iw m orhd trunk railwjay ooisoeast a ojcgwest mlxea8matn bxpresft v7lqini pass pnail uwmm tbrottjjfr exv7 piiir aecom r w- pj chloftfioexpretis dos not stop between g tiolpli tmborjclosisokails going west kk40 am ftijd iao pml going 8astrliw anitttid 5jsd pwi enrlishj moil closeji at 10 am on wodnfehdsj exir4ss ani exirds8ijll04 om msalj- 544 pm sioclkl 7 880 pin aceom coaclfs a m sflu canadian pacific railway to ain roisri bast 4nd vest boots and iihoosrubborsj und overshoes for the iiext nddayb owson isyoiug to make thogrnrrry busuitss lively for the christmns swjson wo do not merely say we can give you tatter ty oliqaper goiidsthiin lfnv other dealer in town but we ijijoti you priees iii plain figures whieh is very different to jfiere assertions that amount tti nothing note the f dlmvitik jg- o lid e or ilko ijir i 20 lbs briithtsnjiar 1 00 14 giauulated 100 20 choi currants i 00 28 rico jv 1 00 il8 p 5 v 2 cans si 1 lb mi jrtrl tiipinca tuctii itiisins ilinii iioreahoe xvd candies- flour feeld a full line of flour and feel kept cmihtantly nu haul hest kolhi flfur sepond in ndne in acton 2 40 per 100 brnn 00 cnts pej 110 e guarahtee satisfaction to quality is our leading feature j e ninir cures drug store sold at j e merit provtd mcqarvins 29 dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not so w th mc gregors speedy cure j you are net asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j e mrgarvinsdrng sort- and get a free trial bottle and if not couvioctu it will cure you of the worst formslof dys pepsia liver cnmplalnt etc no ujatter of how long standing it costs you uotinf sold in 50c and i bottles see testimoi als fioni persnnsin yiur owu town 2i uehtbk pile hrniptomsaad cure the sy nipt oins ire moisture like perspir- lion intense itching increased bv scratch- ug very listressiug p irticmlarly at night seems asif pin- worms wereciawlingin and ibout the rectum the private harts are sumettmes affected li allowed tojeontione very serious results may follow swathes ointment is a pleasant sure cure alto for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for 50 cents 3 boxes 1 25 in statu bistci bajstgr ii good foods at low prices i winter goods bedlj children a wool hbsereduct indies auwobl h ioj- 100 22 4 every customer as howson next door to drug 8t6r toronto toronto ottawa montreal quebec boston cospesskptilib tablej rmji vl toba cbalkx pui to detroit chicago andmanft bttjonlspx pjacificexj 8 10dm ll ospin 4 l5i 18 f 2 0p i 55 sutli ji 26 u 8 55 50 h 45 i7 55ajb goo am abam 5 13piui 7 00 j daily eoiceptmondja iton toroiito lstretavillejune bttbonids 12 detroit chicagol winnrpek l toronto to montreal quebec aid limited es i jiteintrial bxf 25 bu i 8 w p m 5 25pw 9 tk i- 6 so aim- ja i 8 45 pm 1 i brampton to btieetsville jmictiofa brampton 0 87am 1 6 8treetstllajetjojo jt j 7 brampton to or braraptoh 9 47 orangeyillo 11 0 owen sound a 30 pm purchase your tickets by this new and j popular line jp bgaville and owen j tt e mbgarvin agent acton ontarioj balagi tsveuyluing in ced ii in these days of ohap silcs discoint sales speoiul lincil fioult to makes irit a iiati n even with cheap goods jjlhcial occurs mich as a hip striking 1 iockv goods sold in irretbysome hardpressed debor to nioc bottle imperative this time we jjiluced to 33lv i gloves rediieed to o0e y naiiclith reduced to qj bs- il jt ad dres dr s wayne son philadelphia pa sold by drujjgists 50 best and toaiforllo thesufrlrlu browns household panacea r has no equal for relieving pinn both internal and external it cures pain in the side back bowtls sore thntut rhtjnmatein toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blood and heal as its aetipg power is wonderful browns flouseihold ai acea being acknowledged as jibe great paiu reliever mid of double thoj strcnyth of any other elixir or linimc it in the world should lie in every family sandy for use when wanted as it really ii the best remedy in fte-worliljor- cramps in the stomachand paius and aches of idl kinds ind is for gale by nil druggists a 23 cnt bottle 44 priuiacnt tiutong the greats medics discoveries by the many cures it hasaifoct- cd scqretjor speedy cure leadi tbc van subjected to the minutest ciieniici 1 aualysis it has been toutrd tto contain oasof those injurious ingredients characterizing the vorthless tpocirics daily offer d to the public every ingredient posses os a pecul ar adaptability to the various omplaintk for which it has been compoundd and its efficacy is beiqg eitablished by ttstimouials nonrly received sve are therefore confi dent that wu have a preparation cin offer to the public with the ithjatit will be fouudnotouly a ah absolute cure fr dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion- constipatioj and im pure bloid preo trial bottles vlegat vins drug store -a- liave struck it grand drives sales ci tt is only when pond for duty emaud reduced lo 10c ose reduced to 20cl ladiesf lined kldi mitls reduced to childrens lined kid mitts ladio jophlne ki heavy qiaii i ladies sj7 fur capes reduceiijtoal velvetecifsi rcducod from 10 to 25 per cent dress goods worth 30c j reduced to 25c black cashmiriv reduced 15 to 20 pijr cent good clitick wincey 10o wilrth ion ludies anil ihililrcns wo 1 mitls 15c worth 30c large wool chimin 30e worth 50c lnmies wool cuffs reduced t 12a ladies underwenr reductd ta 50c boys wool ve is reduced tou boys top shirth reduceil to 15c xew emhroideries jtint reei xiw prints elem blankets all rrduced comforters all reduced isail orers resalvo prompt aad ivied fruh 5 upwards dimins frdm 5c pjr yard to 20i newshhtjinev ehoicftpattirns ha to x 15e k 10c jw iinjliatiis nire pattern carpets nt speeinl reductions i arofttl af sntion mckay brothers cor king ahr john sts hamiltn kelly bros next door to hynds jewelry store kelly bros dbive 3sto rieh wm ll a manufacturers whole stock- of hosiery ladjles and qeiitlemeus tjnderwesn w661 shawls clouds and mufterp bought 66 23 cents on ihe dollar and to be sold at lees than resrular cost furs dbiye 3sto fubs f it i sonii brs apton plan ihg mills sjiamon aamshaw jbohtleton boildjsr and jjoatxactor sasli door inl blind factory i tlif- 4ihing liugb two fhe k 5 55 nm 710 10 20 i ts pijepared toipnt on storm door in- x dpws- weal er strips etc on short noticei- winter porches ereoted neatly apd at reasonable prides i yelhave6nei if flenryr celebrated chop- pine mills and nil chop all kinds ofgrain on tuesdays t lursdays arid saturdays iaramshaw managers ey tq healfth at rs t having bought tfie store we n w cceiij footing thari eyer to sell goods at vry lw prices oiir eic- penses being lesthaii anyouej will euableuiliiill yit ilitces us on a l6tr else in the trade it till kinds of roierifes which we assurance relief unt at j e 31 cittekh- kw tbeawest perhaps the most extraordinary success that has boen achieved in modern medicine has been attained by- the dixon i treatment or catarrh out of 2000 patiepts treated daring the past six months folly ninety p t cent have boen cured of lhis stubborn malady this is none the less startling when it is remembered that not five per cent of patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are benefitted while the patent medicines nnd other advertised cures never record a cure itt all starting with the slaimnow generally believed by the mos scientific men that the disease is due to tl te presence of living parasites in the tissue mr dix on at once adapted his cure to their oxter nination this accomplished he claims the catarrh is piratically curec and the lermanenoy is unqnestbned as nres effect- id by him four years ago are cures smh so one else has even attempt td to sure catarrh in this manner afad no i ither treat ment has ever cured catarrh the appli- oatipn of the remidy is simple and can be tnft fa in an 1 l ll 1 a- r with faint weary restless languor won btrengtb and appetite nearly gone and nor wllwfcmncarwe bisis general debdity fwhie burhk filoou bittew proiiipoy re tevea awovinvarualy ourse in mm injdi permanent cure the majorj ty of cases being cured at one treatment- sufferers should correspond with messrs alh di- oth 80k 805king street wei t toronto cariada and enoloee stamp for their treat ie bn ogtnrhifiiftarnot 17 zrmmmma sn and provisions very lojr io we are prepared to take all kind of produce i a ezohange for goo j i and pay the highest narkel price kelly brtoheits john kelly sougek kjellp p8 everyone ask for kelly bifoft new store from 1he cradle 110 the crave -o- j sreight purniture idealers and tudertakore acton having erected a finenow showroom have just teceived a new jind wellasbored stdk of furniture of all kinds of the iaiet desigiis includini parlor furniture bedroom suites bureaus sofas lounges tables cjhalrs rockers from the cradle and eeryihing else tbjat any family requires in thl cone astray wrong address arrived at last jer s queen now on the way from glasgow made clainji of 50 per cent off compromised at 57 i 2 pur cent off will clear at half price this lot consists of beautiful fur dolmans capes muffs caps boas v f i 3 in terung 475 currency 2375 du added 3160 o oclock pm closingi uurilig the next twomouths tlie linn will rinse at i oclock sii us to eive ployees an ertiu hour ti coinpontite for their lou imiirs bh ulent was net mi fiot to have all tlie mores clnsi at i his limir count of the opposition of one or two parlies to lead and will iiccotiliiiglv close every nihl 1 bedsteads and cradles i fuvniturehnjb during theijj jonrney 4 to the grave and we c m prepare thcin for the gra too for wo havo ou hand a targe stock of j funeral furnishings b all lands nndsizee and all othe mim snpplaim n the flhcutt splice and x lost reasonable terms a firstalas saii riigivp h i i r on wynilliatn sir- el follows li i onlyjust to sahsiueu ini 11 oclock on saturday night when other trades have h hall mbvd merit iljeif em- j ranve- liut ii fell througlj on ac- saturday night however tbje liiiu baiuever isiiiiirdiivs eicpiwl if notiafoter firm bedp af rani ladies who wofk tji loand holiday f jd williams cqfc ascnrrifid off al tbo prizes aiidlis ijhe best oil six u machine gil offered for sale irj the domin ion in proof of this wo will pay frcigbjtjbqth ways when it fails to pjleasij gold medals have been awarded this oil within the iast thiee yearj none g vilat made qtjee33st old oil samuel rogers go toronto unlocks all the ologged avenuei oi the 33dwels kidneyb and liver carry- lnpff gradually without weakening the system all the impurities aridtfoul humors of tho secretions at thje same time correcting aeijity of tht stomach curing silioueness dys pepsia headaches dizziness hdartbtirn constipation dryness of i the skiij diopsy rimriess of vilsioh jatmdioe bait ehenm erysipelas i sproftila fhittering of thp heart iterrousriess ara gen eral pebility rh these and many othervsiinilar complaints vieldhto tho happv influenre cf fitjridock blood biptesa t j juujlbx u co prorrf datmo n ch illli of the the purchaser at the i for sale bv j b pearson dr mogarvin j e howsonj d 8honlta roekwood i andcthil floral acten and ow to grdwj successful piuc thirty years tice that alarming consequenreg beautiful work of 15a pages colored plate andjioeo ulusijratlons ithdi the best flowers and vegetables oricei of p mid plant v arid ihem- primed in englistfand german price onlyt to cents 4ich ma r be daucted fronunay bo radically euredwiuiout thb dangerous irst irder it tells wnatyfc want for the garden and now togct jtj insteaij of running to the ociry at thflllt icif jli5 oonicntio buy what seeds happen to be left over meeinigwiih dlsappoiijtnient after eeks of iriitink tisb seeds iames vicksd5majm rodrw3 t e is si ikk ed ft- nw imivy ix buovjbejltttebs v none other genuine huinni wlwi tti eon- imslnft expert- siisiisa enoeil or pthprwlse nmins ltsts oi newspapers and estimates mis in ill orhl id who will invest oiiehnnoreil thnnband ituamiu nd cost of advert islv illat flutls tn fonlmtion be requires while forhltn who tits to 8e s the art verjl ie r who at flmls in itthe in- vertising a scheme ia intlicutfd wlilclt will meet his every rcqurnnhtnwiir eim be made to dpto bg iugmaangitenailvarrirtaatlijifor rttpontlenee i editions linvo bodn isneil 8entpostpalil touny uddrrnf mr lu cents vtrke to geo p rowkll ft co newspaper advebtisin berfau 10 eprnoe st rhijtuig house 80 lew i ork a w list how rkstorrd webaye recently published a new ctiip of prfculytrweus cele brated esny on the radical and heine of incapac ity impedime its of marriage etq resulting from exf esses j sap m a sealed envelore only 8 cent ortw6 postage tamps ili i the celebrated author in tbis adpirable ei- lonsot say elearly dtnonbtratee fr6in ipiirty years h e a uth- tpli iholloways pills the pi purify the blood correct all uveu stomach- kidneys they inrigorntu and rest ore to health dpliihtated ionsttuiions and are lnv coroplaiuts iiicidentul tofemnles of all agejs pin children and tlieaged j they are priceless alu j oindmest disordjrs of the and rowels the oint 1 nn infallible remedy for bud lius bud bteasts rl ifi i ti c i is familiih fnruoui nnd rlieuinatiein fol dispiileisoftliecbi8tit lias 10 equal uundular swellings hud all skin diseiees it hasji ointhitattshke miejnt old wuuila sores mdj ulcers it no rival eliarili manufactured only at thomas htloviais eitablishment 78 new osforl street lato bs3 jliferd street loadoa baar and 8ie sold ut 1 ijd 2ijn 4 6u h 2aarid ivcaoh btixrporj and mny be hadof al 1 m imioiiiti vendors if ionjlioi t the worlds v reurebabet8slipitrfe 5toxxfordstasit jmndjnoyarauribu jtluahle in all and for contraotedand still postoffico boj hi v jawiumiiucuijuiueb ur ue use oi cdektllle pointing oat a i lodeof cure at niice simple car tain- andebecjtual by- meanyof which even 1 every sufferer no molttcr what bis ouditiou uiay be lay ctjre himsc if cheaplypri vatelyandtradieatly this beciurej sbouldbe in tbensjidboi every lnnli1tj i- youth and everkman hi the land address the cul ref wrll meitiritt 0 powders ateplcacpiuot to coijtnm their own bhriitivo if c bis pffr lettfepei tif warms a chilli i america tobori isfcic audi ettcetusd nor ada ta a -axdi- 0au who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of yopth nervous weak nesb early dbcaylos8 of inaiffiood o i will seuctyot a recipe- that will cure ydu bek of c hge this gteat remedy wasjdistobyer d wj rfiissipnlary in south t-i-iij- ol tiolfaddiresafd envelope rl m is vhy thdbqj fsee jfre8 powie r ose teib 15 to tinned option ott one half qaarterl one inch 8tb3crp eux thbezltak invarijablyin advana yearwulbech ul all arreanl tho publishe advertis bface ul cohanr cotamn column casnai advertisemsnj first insertion and it sequent insertion cs- reckoneuby the space c scale of i solid nonpareil advertisements wit ul be inserted tol jo ngly transftoryadt n advabce 1 changes for cont in theffflce by 9 atnl they wil bo left pveruf this papers artuiiig bureau tlo so untramrny be 1 usines w ih lovfbl j qraduati ofl bor bf j3otiee of phj om and residet fredeiick streets ac cet stacetf trinity dmvl ity mefiical school i of physiciaub and 8 j ofrifimiu 8tr office li i jtia new system monly teeth stratoij collet ron in any acton monthl bennetll mckinl dentist of hit called vitalh thout pain and practid of dental iependiip operations every other office ag mjaydi tjaallesrjdel vituised air for piapless dentsj office rjf tovell 1 cb s- block upper wij 4- toijnlawsqnj jl 110 veterinaj vecenhary sorgeonj in kehny bros boo denpei the rear souhdtiess and cer usajl dills night orl fierms easy p ed to mtclean mc3 barristers solteij aucera 4c pn j office to wm a mcltis m emitci solicrron c orrice first do office main street at 6 percent hiltonali s barr tobovro w offices oreelmi aujlgt king street w t kl v 3 sh b 01 hngtoji alley joh ajn laidlal buiblbttelj es 70ver street east toronto baiiqc wiiuvu latdhi oajcents sec henby gbi 20 years practic vym hemst i hlicensei for the counties t orders left atfliel or at my reside promptly attended i move also money to li able lierms and at terost in sums of i 1 ri je knowli licensed auctiof hsitdn andweilu jamek matthews attention ermsl 1 1 xohn day otfhce queenj square johsjdi successor to mohey te load per dent mortal loaned or parties security convey j properly and ne farnfaandl city with farms for sail domijnion to inteni culatod m europ wantmgfarmin rections through farms wanted f dence invited suelh ont rpeje hanla5 x an e4y shave a seaioam an exhil givem razors ha eoaion tasjtijjjf out j p v

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