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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25 1886, p. 1

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w r 4 f p- i r i f li- volume xijto 35 1 1 v r r i v 18 pcbltsbki i kivery thursday morning- at the frele press power printing hau8e i acton ontario r s subscription rate8 onkakab 100 8rx moktos 60cts thbeb itonths 85ct8 invariably in advance if not paid in advance 3ft5 per vor will bo charged no paper aiscon- trnufd till all arrears are paid except at the option of thopublisher advertising rate8 space 1 1 ra 1 6 mo 3 uo lmo qn column halt column qtuirter column onolnch 6000 3500 2000 000 3500 sooq 1su0 3j0- 20uo liloo 700 90p 700 350 250 100 casual adycrtisemcntgjcents per line for the flht insertion and 3 cents per line for each sub sequent insertion cash the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of solid koupaxeil advertisements trithout apecino directions will bo inserted till torbid and charged accord- ngly transitory advertisements must be paid n adxance changes for contract advertisements must bo ill the office by 9 am on mondays otherwise they will be left over until the following week h p moore editor and proprietor tuic drdcdmor bo round on wo at geo 1 ittlo rarcn howell ft co newroaper ad art lilnk bartau wsfeuce bu wbereterualnl tontraca mar be nuidftorlt ik sgw york- business directory wh lowryfealb m c p s graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at tlie head of frederick street acton f e stacey md cm graduate of vy trinity university fellow of trin- ifv medical school member of the college ofphysiciaus and surgeons orticfcmill street late dr websters office l acton bankinc coy storey christie co i -bankers- acton ontulrlo general ranking business transacted acton ontario 0ne7 loaded on apfb07sd notes notes discounted and inter allowed on deposits jst j e m special agency aoton oat bell telephone conpany messages deceived and trausmi tted at lower rates than telegraphing allan line steamships tickets issued to all poin cf great britain and the continent at very i lowest rates buy the tiokets here if sending for friends canadian pacific r ri the cheapest and best rou to all points east and west see time tables i honey saved by demiff with j e mcgarvin acton ontario 5 ii fi bennett l ds dentist georgetown ontario s- ac mckr l d ssurgeon dentist georgetown ontjises the new systeniofnitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon- stratotand practical teacher in rojal college of dental surgeons toronto pat rons may depeqd uponreceiing satisfaction m any operatious performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each month office agnews hotel aintjess dentaloperations vitalized air or nitrons oxide gas for painless dental operations at the office o c b hayes l d s toellb block guelph out upper wyndham street john iiawson graduate of on- tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acont ornce in kenny bros boot an3shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all call3 night oray promptly attend- bh to terms easy i all the farmers and others having crippled horses will do well to call on stoddard j who is prepared to remove ringbones spavins curbs and splints without injuring the ho se satisfaction gunrauteed or no jhnrge qe0 stoddaitn creechs old stand acton cheap and 600d sleighs wellmade wehpaintod sled 06otlor 40o extra large three benoh handsome 8185 folr 85o the 176 clipper for 8120 the 8150 clipper for jloo 100 clipper for coc box handles carpeled m clean mcmil- barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers dc private funds to loan omlt town hall acton wm a mcliiih hugh mcmillas m e mitchell soucrron cosvetascek 4c office first door west of the champion mam street milton jmoney to loan office at 6 per cent o hilton allan baird i barristers solicitors fcc tobomo axd geoiigetowx offices creelmans block georgetown and sg king street east toronto w x kllxs j bniltoh da j baibd da tain laldlaw co baanisiebs soijciioks ofiices over imperial bank 24 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto johx batq c c a mahte william laidlu geoboe kakele patents secured for inventions henry grist ottawa canada 20 years practice no patent no pay jmrhemstreet llcemisd acctioeeb for the counties of wellington and hal ton orders left at the fbee pbess office acton or at my rsidence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable mvkt tojjoas also money to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 8500 and upwards lumber shingles4 and lath re undersijnied desires to inform the public that he bos now on hand and rill keep in stock a full line of pine and hemloi k as well as other kindb of lumber also first and second i lass pine shingles lath coal wood ill kinds of k of wood- having purchased the coal business of mr c 3 smith i am prepared to supply stove coal i have also a good bto lardwood ash cedar and mill wot d at reason able prices wood and coal delivered jamais bitown the baby sled fine 8180 for 81 baby sled large roomy box carpet handles 88 for 82 the best value the best assortment call and examine for yourselves at days bookstore guelph day sells cheap i excelsior bakery acton having purchased the above bakery from mb d mun i hope to give satisfaction to the numerous customers who patronize it thanking them for past favors i will endeavor to attend to customers promptly and obligingly and trubt that they will one and all extend to us their patronage i use nothing but the best roller flour aud keep it in stock fresh bread buns o every day alsosteam bread cakes of all kinds new york tea biscuits soda and oatmeal scones oil hand or made to order at shortest notice 1 1 weldding cakes a specialty planing mill arrangements with son for the the build- voton plow publio that having made messrs w h storey sohtinnanceof theplaning milli ing formerly occupied by the company we would inform the we are prepared to take contracts for buildinc -also- deesbina floobing moulding c with neatfctess and dispatch pumps pum sseetuffg ps in connection with the above we are also prepared to receive orders for pi raps from long experience in the business we- feel con fident that we can supply aa ai tide second to none orders by mail will receive prompt attentun kindly soliciting a share of public pat ronage we are respectfully yon rs tiios ebb age guelph business collece guelph ontario g e knowles j a murray licensed auctioneers for the counties of halton and wellington orders left with james matthews acton wih receive strict attention terms reasonable i s john day aechitect gcklmt oi otficz queeus hotel block market squaie john jdaley successor to thompson sc jackson money to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money loaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and neatly done- charges low jarmsand city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parts of the dominion to intendingpurchasers and cir culated in europe european capitalists wantin farms in ontario will be sent di- irqtion3 through our european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspon- donee invited offioe near the post office guelph out rjlhe hanlan barber shop mill stbeijt acton l an easy ssave a stylish haircut a gopi seafoam an exhilarating shampoo alwayf given razors honed and pat in firstolaw condition ladies and childrens haii tastily cut 1 r x f wobpbh tojnsoral artist t 6 the second scholastic year commenced september 1st each de partment is in charge of a specialist to impart a practical training for the efficient conduct of business affairs in che sphere and work of the institution ts graduates are already holding responsibli i positionin the commercial centres in th 3 dominion energetic young menand won en are thor oughly prepared for positions a s bookkeep ers shorthand writers correspondents or telegraph operators stud ents received at any time for circular ai d catalogue giving full information addrei s m macco smick 146m principal fire mutual insurance company of the 00tjnt7 of wellington esiu1lished 1810 head office quelph insures buildings merchandize manu factories and all other descriptions of property on the premium note sjstem p w stone cnas e avidson presjdenf sec retary jorin tayjjoe jiirent slauaeer biscuits and confectionery of all kinds ioing sugar ginger snaps boston mixed cakes wholesale flour buttor aud es taken is exebango for broaa atllarkot prices mrs t statham aoton liverysalesta john street acton wm e smith proprietor mr smith has purchased the livery business of mr h b mcparthy which he hak removed to his commodious stables on john street in the centre of the business portion of the towm mr smith has had lengthy experience in this business and feels confident that he can give satisfaction to every patron anyone desiring a commercial flea- sure or oompaay bi can supplied with a firstclass turnout on the shortest notice horses boarded and sold terms reasonable wm e- smith i thuksday iebriltar 25 188 g 1 1 tlicbboat moiintnq fkdiiuaiiy 25 1886 tjlrancis nunan- sucoessor to t f ciapman bookbindei gnlph ontario 8t georges sauare guelph cloth hall mcraes underclothing i mens shirts and drawers all sizes boys shirts and drawers all sizes childrens combination sets l ail sizes shaw grundy account books of all kinds nade to order perioawlsof ewry osorii tion carefully i j bound ruling ueatly ans p rompuy done i mjer ttllc r outlph f tttrn 3fm swsa poetfey by liequest lines on thel death of the late mr donald duff stratherrlok sootland fathpr of mr john duff erin what is it that ails thee stratherriok fair vale that the mirth of thy homesteads is changd into wail that thy groves and thy gardens no lor ger do bloom and thy heath covered hillsides hang er thee in gloom is the by ord of the alien unshe ithd at thy breast or hath pestilence scourge thee tereft of thy best or hath blight of fell famine oer spread thy fair brow say why ead and silent strath srriok art thou friend neither hath famine nor sic kuess nor war cast eer me the shadow thou t eest from far but the hand of jehovah neath whioh we must bow hath the silver cord broken his people brought low i a watohrian of zion hath gone to bis rest oh death 1 will nought serye thee but thkt which is best thou hast ravaged our highlands thy sovthel hath out down 4nr princes our uobles our mun of renown then su e there is reason we sit sad and lone amid the wprlds music arisetl our moan those stt rs where was mirrord l jehovahs own light have dej arted for ever and lei t us in night yet the night shall have morning the ik rd hath it said his voice shall yet waken the sic ep of his dead the bridegroom in great gladness arouso shall his bride and entb rone her in glory with iim to abide 1 aud who shall claim kindred that d ly with the bride when he lord shall avouch hor shall ve be outside ah yes if we tread not the pa hs that she trod her pec pie our people and he r god our god heres a lady inquiring for you sam in distinct outline before the door stood a little woman her skirts spread 6at by a triangular hoop likelhe skirts of the female figures we used to draw on our slates at sohool i came up to make my bow and saw she had deposited a brown willow basket on the showoase and dropped a black glazed bag at her side bhewore a stringy kind of shawl with fearfully long fringe and jones bide i wish to go to seme deser ring ojr story a grocers clerk bt r w oocislock loved nephew samuel o hyde his meirs and assigns for their use and behoof for ever all ruy wearing apparel and pere roal ornaments with the exception of my old beads whioh i bequeath to my name lake louisa hyde of st joseph mo al ray beds and bedding household utensils and furniture with the exception of my f reat armohair which as it came in on the i am a clerk in a country store and some times i wish had been a martyr in those days when thi y stretched people on beds of spikes or roas ed them on a gridiron then i think i coul 1 have taken a little comfort in life this is the vay of it i am behind the counter on the side where we keep prints and there trot s up to the other side where we keep flanni is a customer neither young nor beautiful i hurry around and across and she asks f or calicoes then i turn her about and ma te my way back and i pull down a half dozen pieces but she just gazes at the shelves md says shed like to look at the under piec e on the top shelf i climb up at the risk of breaking my neck audget ont the under piece and she concludes tisut what si e thought it was then she says shed like to look at that stripe i blundered on o every other stripe before i got her particular stripe then she says she wants a little figure and i get all the little figures out for her she wants to know how mt ch it is a yard i tell her six cents and shi i says she can get better in springfield for five and she looks at me suspiciously las if i was a cheating youth she wants to know if itll wash and i say i presume so most calicodoes wash and she looks at me indignantly as if 1 was a saucy youth j then she asks me if we take eggs and i say we do and we pay 28 cents and she says they are paying 30 at the other store and off she goes and i put up the prints and jam down at the further end of the room turning fragments out of a cracker barrel whpn back she comes and wants samples we keep the pobtofnce and by the time i get back to my cracker barrel in comes a man who wants to know if he hasnt a let ter he never had a letter in his life and he knows ltj and i know it but it is one of those facis that both parties ignore and e go back ajnd give him the consoling assurj ance that he hasnt any and he departs inj peace of mind then 1 here is a lady who wants tomatch a confou ided pieoe of silkbraid drab bor dering o i the lilac it takes me five min utes to i nd one box of silk braids and five more to find we havent drab bordering or the lilac then she wants sewing silk ol the same shade and i hunt all through th sewing silks and theres drab bordering upon everything else under the sun excep the lilac but i knovv by the way h flounces sweep put i that a mercantile houa not ke aping drab bordering on the lilu stands very lowl tha is the way it goes day after day weel after a reek and i hate tea detest saleratus abhor codfish and wish calico cotton cloth drilfir g hooks and eyes and au the rest o the v retched necessities of an artifioia civiiu ation were alt the bottom of the india 1 1 oceai i long jto be a savage more than do to be an angel and i shall be one c i these days though i so wear cloth suit and have a shavngmug at the barber i mark 3d in gilt letters s o hyde wond 3r that all self respect and sentimei t of hunanityhavelit long ago perished froi l ont n iy bosomj sn h were inly ljefieotions one fine mon ing just after trail time while i was weigl ing o it half a pot nd of black tea when m fellowsufferer jin the drygoods and iniiefciorje seemed to be affiloted with the numb palsy aro yon my nephew samwel asked she my name is samuel hyde maam i replied im yourfathers aunt loueezer hyde i am glad to see you aunt louisa she looked at me sharply as if i was making fun of her i supposeit is because the corners of my mouth turn up that peo ple are always suspecting me of making fun of them i wish thobo corners would sink and wonder they dont im your only living female relative on the fathers side said she my business experience with females had been so embittering that i was glad to learn she was the only one onthe fathers side as youve no mother i feel it my duty to help make a home for you instantly i remembered that aunt louisa was worth 875000 i think i learned that faot in early years at the paternal knee along with who made me and what state i lived in i know it always stood to my infantile consciousness in the relation of a primary truth my father all his life courted poverty through the medium of dry- goods and groceries and went through bankruptcy as often as the law would allow i during these periodio seasons and before calling the creditors and making an assign ment he used to clasp his hand tohis head and ejaculate louisa might help me i she only would but loua wouldnt or at least didnt and whatever may be thought of her affec- tion for her nephew mature observations on the oscillating nature of the molasses and ginger market have convinced me that her judgment was eminently sound im delighted to see you aunt louisa ill go right down to my boardingplace with you with a brown willow basket in one hand and a shiny leather bag in the other and my greataunt totteringibehind why under heavens name she didrjt walk by my side i couldnt see v0 meandered down the street we met evelina plympton i was en- gaged to b velina i had enjoyed that honor ever since one july evening when there oamo np a sudden thundershower and she clasped my arm and ejaculated she was bo timid an engagement was an annual episode with evelina when i solemnly asked pa plymptons oonsent he didnt re move the pipe from his mouth but jubt nodded and punned his previous traiu of thought evelina smiled patronizingly upon me deference to the aged i knew she considered beautiful my aunt didnt liko my boardingplace and after a good deal of search we succeed ed jn finding a house to her liking with the buttery on the northeast corner opening into the diningroom and kitchea the next momentous stop was to get my aunts things moved i need not say that our residence when furnished was neat but not gaudy i sigh ed for my cosy quarters but t remembered my aunts valuation and reasoned that if she was my only living female relative on the fathers side i mubt of necessity be her only living male relative on the mothecs side we kept one servant whose wages my aunt thought it right should pay because as she said if there was no one but herself she shouldnt keep a girl our cuisine was managed with the strictest regard to econo- member of that family i also give inv nephew samuel w with which to bi y a reference bible iu my remembrance and also the sealed paper of instrnct ons accompanying this instrument whjc t i wish him to reada year hensein the presence of the witnesses now assem led for thereading of thissny will the remainder of myproperty ioth real and personal with the exceptio of the legacies hereinafter named i bequ ath to the american missionery society nei sher legacies nor bequests to be paid until a rear and a day hence the nature of the will was soon njade public elderly frieuds in church and sabbath school felt that i had pause for rejoicing in having been spared the si ares and temptations which accompany wei 1th my employer privately expressed the opinion that i had been getting above my business and he was glad to see me t ken down a peg inot many days afterw irds evelina told me she had begun to re jize what a solemn ordinance matrimony vas she and i were both young andhad our way to make and she thought perhag for the present it would be better for us to con sider ourselves only friends i said very wpli and felt that i was a lonely bark tossed on a wide and w tery waste for a year i went oalmly but hopelfcssly forward in the dry goods and grocery vay and we then assembled for the ppenn gof my sealed orders the lawyer the dc 3tor the minister and myself the first v ords tbat met my eye as i unfolded the j aper were and all former wills by me mt de i do hereby revokej etc with palpit ting heart i passed the documents to the lai ryer after provisions and legacies simihi r to those of the first instrument this letter document proceeded as follows to the american missionery sooie y i give and bequeath the sum of 8250c0 to my beloved nephew samue 1 o hyde who i hopej may haveflearaed dur ing the year that has passed lessor s of wisdom more valuable than money be queath the sum of 825000 whioh i c irect my exeoutertopay over to said hyceas soon as may be convenient i fu the direct my executor to annually pvy to said my we lived largely on soup my aunt highly esteeming marrowbones for two or three years i had been in the habit of smoking a siugle cigar at the olose of the days labors one evening r we sitting on the piazza indulging in this lux ury when out came my aunt sam- wel she cried are you smo ring yesin very meekly wellsajd she calmly but firmly none of my money shall ever go up in how much cigar bmoke then again do you pay for oigars ten cents now samwel i want you tc take your pencil and oalculate how muc h ten cents a day will amount to in a year then how much iu fifty years then i wa it you to put this bum at compound intere t and see how much it will amount to 1 iy the time you are seventyfive years of ag i conscientiously made the calculation iauntoriedi im perfectly ap jailed never did i dream of this of wha mad extravagance have i been guilty 1 and wildly i hurled my cigar into the caipomile bed it became generally know throughout our village that my aunt was wealtl y and i was heir expectant and i soon pit ceived that whether or not i ever obtain a the gold i was to have the glory at a town meeting legally called and with the mode rator in the chair jl was elected one f the nine predential committeemen dut r to see about getting the wood our sabbathschool appointed me a delegate to aeonferenceatcummingford pri nleges to lose time pay my own fare change cars twioe stage it five mile a over a country road and through a no ember landscape prospectsaddresb by ueaoon qhomas jones musicthat ran land intricate composition shall we gather at theriva golem n scenes have no place in tl is j nar rative i nd i pasb on to the mme wl ten we were assembled for the reacting of aunts vill the lawyer the doctlf ministei and myself that instrument ran as f llows ait i paying my just debisfaoflj my 1 funeral apenses and providing tahle the income from the remainder of my irop erty both real and personal nnd to pay from the prinoipal to said hyde oi his thirtieth birthday if he be living or t his heirs if deceased the sum of 25000 and to pay to said hyde on his thirty fifth birthday the remainder of my propert u be it more or less f i wont down to the store next mofniug just as usual for jl wished to show jbople that i had too good sense to have imy lead turned when ij filled our best ousto ners jug with kerosene i knew i had depnon strated my coolness the chairman of the board of selec bnien wanted to know what i shopld jadvi o in regard torebnildiug pipey ston bi idge the doctor asked my opinion concerning the comparative merits of muriate o am monia and iodine of potassium mtpct se of pleuritis where j egophoay denotes ilight effusion but with strong indlcatio is of adhesion of the mediastinum am the minister said tuere was an artic 9 on semipelagianism in the fourteentltcen- tury in the bibliotheca sacra he thou ijht i wouldenjoy peruping as i stood oi i the hall door steps after singing school that evening evelina oame out back of me and said with a little shiver oh how d iark it is presently she remarked xrent youvery lonely since your aunt idiei tender emphasnt on the lonely my aunt had been d ad a year and e elina engaged at least 3nce in the meantin e i left evehna at her cottage gate and felt that of all the glad words of tongue or pen i the gladdest are those i wasnt to have been the next after noon my employer u vited me to be seated behind the railing ttiat fenced in our office and said he layii g his hand on my shoulder in a confident al parental a sacn iciol air-i- samuel i hi ve been a leflectijug my duty to you you are a young just starting in 1 ife and starting iu respect under fa rorable oizcumstancek but everything depends upon your starting right you havi always been faithful my interests aid i have deten show any apprec iation of your fail i have decided t sell out to you a glance at tha door showed me thjit the way of esoape wosnot cut off sir i remf rked with some just ifiable indignation io more shall the nrown paper hag and the white cotton string price three cekts neds suggestion where did you buy her r4amma asked threeyearold ned of me as he leaned oer the daintcradle his new little sister to see an angel brought her darling i answered and he smiled then softly bent bis curly head and kissed the sleeping child bat a sudden change came over him aud he said if id been you while i was about it mamma id have oaught the angel too scientific truth regarding tho functions of organ an important of which the publio knows but little worthy careful consideration j to the editor of the scientific a merican 7 will you permit tn to malehisrtm toilie piojlictlie facta we hare learned during the past 8 yearconrenung disorders of tte human kidneis and lie organs which diseased kidneys so easily break down you are con ducting a scientific paper and areunprejudic- ed except in favor of truth it is needless ftk say no medical journal of code standing would admit these fatlj for very obvious rea sons 1 h tf warner i co proprietorsof warners safe cure that we may emphasize and clearly ex plain the relation the wdneys sustain to the general heslthtand how much is de pendent upou them we prdpose meta phorically speaking to take one from the human body place in the washbowl before us and examine it for the publio benefit you will imagine that we have before us a body shaped like a bean smooth and glisteniug about four inches in length two in width and one in thickness it ordin arily weighs in the adult male about five ounces but i i somewhat lighter in the female a small oigan you say but understand the body of the average size man contains about tea quarts of blood of which every drop passes tlwugh these filter or sewers as they may be called many timet a day as often as through the heart mak ing a complete revolution in tjtree minutes from the blood they separate the waste material workingiiway steadily night and day sleeping or waking tireless as heart itself and fully of as much vital im portance removing impurities from 65 gallons of hloou each hoyr or about 49 bar rels each day or 9125 hogsheads a year i what a wonder that the kidneys can last any length of time under this prodigious strain treated and neglected as they arel we slice this delicate organ open length wise with bur knife and will roughly de scribe its interior we find it to fee of a recuishbrown color soft and fcasily torn filleov with hundreds of little tubes short and thwdlrke start ing from the arteries epdingw- a little tuft about midway fromthe outside opening into a cavity ofconsiderable size which is called thepelvis or roughly speaking a sao whioh is for the purpose of holding he water to further undergo purification before it passes down from hereabtoiee ureterk and so on to the outside of tiietsdy these little tubes are the filters wbicvdshbeurwork autothatigajl jiire ichere the diseasi doing the vast amoui they are obliged tq fro irregularity in our haotr r which lightest from ousand i that mingle in all my dreams i hate tea detest saleratus abhor codfish and loath postoffice and t vocent 1 i was done i md i knew by the hush that fell upon tl at store that- what av br else i might be i w is an orator my the upon man some can have pure blood and escape disease i would be just as reasonable to expect if jjollotoays pills in the complau ts pe- ouharto females these ipills are upr valled their use by th fair sex has beoime so constant for th i removal of their ailments that barely a toilet is without thein ji the boudoir of tie lady of fashion abd the humble garret f the seamstress ohlje uni versal favour if accorded to these renovat ing pills theii invigorating and purifying properties rend 3r them safe and invaluable jn all oases tl ey may be taken by iemales of all ages for t riy disorganization or j larity of the sy stem speedily removing the cause and restoring the sufferer to jrobust ily medicine they jure in doing tlie maladies healthc ab4i valuable for young and old high jiving from stimulants and one otbesjjauses which otcul every day they become somewhat weakeped in their nerve force i wliat is the result cougestioh cfc stop page of the current of blood in the i small blood vessels surrounding them which be come blocked these delicate membrants are irritated inflammation is set upl then pus is formed which collects in the pelvis or sac the tubes are at first partially and soon are totally unable to do their work the pelvic sac goes on distending witb this corruption pressing upon the blood veiaels all this time remember the blood w lijoh is entering he idneys to be filter i is passing through his terrible disgusting for it cannot take any other route 1 stop and think of it for a moment you realize the importance nay the necessity of ha ing the kidneys in oi can you expeot when theyare diseai obstructed no nhatter how little that it a pesthouse were set across broadway and countless thousands were compelled toigo through its pestilential doors an escape from contagion ind disease as for one to exjteot the blood to escape pollution when constantly runniog through a diseased kid ney now what is theiresult 1 why that the 1 blood tfekeb up i nd deposits this poison as it sweeps along into every prgan into every inch of muscle tissue flesh and bone from your head to your feet and whenever from hereditary influence or otherwise some part of the body is weaker than another a cout qes train of diseases is es tablished such ai consumption in weak lungs idyspepsi whero there is a delicate stomach nerve nfenessl insanity paralysis or heart disease in those who have weak nerves tte iteart muil soon feel hie effects of the poison as it requires pfrtrblood to keep it in riglit action tt mo eases its stroke in number and fc rce to jcompensate for the natural stimul is wan ig in jts endeavor to prowd the ii lpure blood through this ob- i btruction cans ing pain palpitation or all outofbreath feeling unnatural as this j foreed labor is tlie heart mast soon pfalterbecomugweafler and weaker until onetaayit8udci deat apparent ihef rmisejise v is the verdlotl nt the mec ical profession learnectancl diffused wfl these cfccsasesbyjnn-wud- ing names t it them alone and patiente mortlie orb rleaarearrylng slow deaa to- oont uued on fourth page if j fea 1

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