rp 1 mm s si ffe iffimmsi w m i h ilijejjvnl all itittriukbut it makes me q deer- i itidriubale it maw me pale if i drink wine myjojrs deoliue s if i drink gin it leads to n hi drink rum sad borrows oonie if i drmk grog im all agog try whatlwih fromvat or still it pves me pain and tarns ixa braiu rutoareitall before i tgll ckrutian at wort the continued from first page part constantly adding fuel bron ht from these suppurating pusladen kidneys which here in onr washbowl are very putref actio itself and whioh should have been cured first but thib isrfot all the kidneys have to do tor y ou injast remember that each adult tfeke i about seven pounds of nourishment ever r twenty- sour hours to supply the waste of the body w hich is constantly going on a was e equal t the quantity taken this too the kidn ys have to separate from the bloc 1 with al other decomposing matter b at you say my kidneys are all right i hive no pain in thai back mistaken ma i people die of kidney disease of so l bad a character that the organs are rotten and yet they have never there had a pain nor an ache mckae yebtid wiflm ibid larpe qujnmej o dt thomm bjo leotrio oil itiis used for colds sort vhrot ctoup o and in fact f or auy affectiou the throat it works like magic it is a sdre euro for burns wounds and bruises wither rrkblilut thejirobabiuties are that we shall hive much damp chilly sloppy weather during the coming seasonjust the weather to oohtraot budden colds be prepared for them by having 6u hand hagyards fee toral balsam a safe agreeable and s cure for coldbaud their oonbeqaenoes threatened daurcr in the fall of 84 fiaudall milleri maitjand n 8 was prostrated to his bed with san attack of inoipient consumption cough remedies all failed he rapidly debilitated and friends despaired of his recovery he tried burdodk blood bitters with immediate relief followed by a speedy cure j the eiuik cure i the new theory of oure is rapidly j grow- ing in fashion but is illogical in reason and science faith without works isj dead those who have faith in hagyarcls yel low oil have its good works to assure their faith itis an anf ailing external and in ternal relief for aches paius lameness anj soreness a word or explanation the liver secretes bile to move the bowi the kidneys secrete urine to carry off ufio acid which would poison the blood i the stomach secretes gabtrio juice to digest or dissolve the food eto bardocp blood bitters act upon these organs and purines the blood by cleansing all the secretions of the system i tmiifi v u v v o jt we the dray cotton iat 3c the yarfl wide jray ohon atoo lue wlnohjrycdtitonat6ioand pjleg of other factory cottons good and heavy at astonishingly low prices excellent white oottop yard wide marked down iyv l bo suro to sealheloo the 12jcaudl6 bleached cottoubritodwdb of pieces of prints marked down ftbm 10 to 6 ja which are fine ulptn wia wichhg and very cheap at loo j but at sie they are astonishing bargains handb6mel2oprintspitowbtd71o augelotofveryatatpatternblanket8 iinktaa immense reduction carpets are selling off cheaper thai ever before jar m jt aw or vital importance it is just as essential that the human vthy because the diseases begins wwe- hy 8 have pure blood as that a tree have shown in tie interior of the kidney piant should have sap to no whbre there are few nerves offeeling to con v yej the sensation of pain why this is- so we may never know 1 rhen yon consider their great work the del icacy of their structure the ease with wl iclvthey are deranged can yon wonder at the illhealth of our men and women h alth and long life cannot be expected wl ten so vital an organ is unpaired no wi mder some writers say we are degenerat- in dont you see the great the extreme in portance of keeping this machinery in wi iking order 3j could the finest engine do evten a fractional part of this work without attention from the engineer pont you se 3 how dangerous this hidden disease is it is lurking about us constantly without gi ring any indication of its presence the most skilful physicians cannot de bet it at times for lidneyg themselix o wnai be examined by any means which we h ave at our command even an analysis o e the water chemically and microscopi cally reveals nothing definite in many c ises even when the kidneys are fairly irokendowii then look out for them as disease no natter where situated to 93 per cent as hown by afterdeath examinations has its rigin in the breaking down of these secret- log tubes in the interior of the kidney as yon value health as you desire long life free from sickness and suffering give heee organs some attention keep them n good condition and thus prevent as is asily done all disease warners safe cure as it becomes year tiler year better known for its wonderful sores and its power over the kidneys has lone and is doing more to increase the average duration of life than all the physi- ahs and fnedicines known warners 3afe cure is a true specific mild bat cer- tain harmless but energetic and agreeable to the taste take it when sick as a cure and never let a month go by if yon need it without taking a few bottles as a preventive that the kidneys may be kept in proper order the blood pure that health and long life may be your blessing h h warner co i t corns cause intolerable pain hollo- ways corn cure removes the trouble try it and see what an amount of pain is saved have yon ever triedicgregor 4 parkes carbolic cerate for sores of any kind it is beyond doubt the very best preparation in the market for healing and curing sores burns cuts pimples blotcljes and is the onlytjroper method of applying carbolic acid sold at dr mcgarvins drug store for 25c per box j mr henry marshall reeve of dunnj writes some time ago i got a bottle of northrop fc lymans vegetable discovery from mr harrison and i consider it the very best medicine extant for dyspepsia this medicine is making marvellous cures in liver complaint dyspepsia etc in purifying the blood and restoring manhood to full vigor 1 have yon toothache vee fluid light ning haye you rheumatism use fluid yghtniiig have yen a stiff joint use fluid light ning have you neuralgia use fluid light ning have you lumbago iusefluid light ning a axe you troubled with headache use fluid lightning r j have you any pain use fluid light- ning i j it willcure you the instant it is applied try it 25c per bottle at dr mcgarvins drugstore if you have a cough or cold do not neglect it many without a trace of thw hereditary disease have drifted into a consumptives grve by neglecting what was only a slight resold had they used biokles anti con buniptive syrup before it was too latei thenlives would have been spared mr a w levy mitchell writes i thin bickles anficonsumphvefiyrup the best preparation on the market for coughs ajnd colds about six years ago i caught a severe cold whioh settled on my lungb and for threemonths i had a cough i had a physician attending mebnt gradually greworsenntuiwasonthevergbofcon- urhjption and had given up hopes of beinif cored wheal was induced to try bicjdejs syrup before i had taken one ma ifonnd anyself greafly relieved ad ty thgtime i had finished the second boqe i jwopmplrtely cored i always cacdia- ih and invigorate its growth nearly all our bodily ills arise front unhealt ay blood burdock blood bitters purifies this foun tain of life and regulates all tjhe vital organs to healthyaction joyhil new it is certainly glad tidings to the poor invalid to be informjed of a remedy tha rill give promptnd sure relief in case of gainful suffering such a remedy is hag- arde yellow oil adapted for internal and ordii selling off cwperthaii ever before jubt see the tapestry brussels and wjltous new spring goodsltutiroported two mnshns shirtings qolilta and various other new goods in the very latest styles have arriv cd thiiweek the they will bo sold off at under cost as they ore marked now be sun to come to the right houo king street east oue door west calrpa r w 0 a bhipmenty anfev8prlngand summer printowtushns shirtings jolilt and various other tew goods in the very latest styleb have arrived this week the goods marked dom u will not be put up again l jtt of htighson btreet the name is hamiltonebruary i8tb 1880 ncl tsomaacw mccarvins dr0q and stationery store n marvins drug and stationery store i ixternal use in all ordinary ameness and it cm pains rheuma- iupand all 10000 as it has iism neuralgia sore throat inflammatory pains fluid tighlnlng there are bu t few that have never suffered almost intolerable j pain from toothache neuralgia or like ijcute paiusj to them such au instant relief as fluid iiightning lfl an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken or days one application of fluid light ning cures sold at j e mcgarvins drugstore i- 29 this is to certify that i have used mc- sregors speedy care for dyspepsia and lier complaint addohonestly say that rf it cost me one hundred dollars bottle i would not be without it done me more good than all the medicines i ever used and i feel like a new man yours truly alex steel carletpn place ont this medicine is for sale at 50o and 1 per bottle at dr mcgarvins drug store i j the latest remedy for coughs colds whooping cough bronchitis etc is mc- feregors lung compound there is ino remedy in existence containing any one of the active ingredients composing mcgregors luhgl compound so do not say you have taken everything until you havfe tried this for your cold or congh and your opinion will be the same as all who have used it viz that it is the best sold in 50c and 1 bottles by dr mcgarvin druggist merit proven dollar upon dollar is f requeiilly spent on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not soj with mc gregors speedy cure you are not abked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j e mcgarvinsi drug store and get a free trial bottle and if hot convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of tjys- pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing sold 50c and 1 bottles see testimon ials fronipersons in yonr ownltowd 29 ltelildrpilei syniptoninudture the symptomsare moisture like perspir ation intense itching increaieihy scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pin- woiihs were ciawling in and about the rectum the private parts are sometime affected ii allowed to continue very serious results may f ollojv swayses ointhekt is a pleasant sure cure also for tetter itch salt rheimall scaly crusty skin diseases sent jylfrail for 50 cents 3 boxes s125 in stamps ad drcsidr s wayne son philadelphia pa sold by druggists 60 ttet anilliifirt lo tnetfurrerin browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain botti internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a iaih or ache it will most burely quick en the blond and heal as its acting power is wonderful browtfs household pan actea being acknowledges as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every famjflyhandyfor usewhen wanted as it re illy is the best remedy in th world for orsmps in the stomach and pains and acl ies of all kinds and is for sale by all drnggitts at 25 cents bottle 44 prominent among the gr satest- medio a discoveries by the many cm es it has affect ed megregbttspeej jufe- leads the van subjected to the minutest chc micaunalysis it has been found t6 contain one of those injurious ingredients ohar icterizing the worthless specifics daily ffered to the public every ingredient pc ssesses a pecul- ar adaptabihty to the vari 3as complaints for which it has been eompc unded and its efficacy 4s being established by testimonials hourly received we are iberef ore confi dent jthat we have a pfepari tion which we caij offet to the public wit the assurance thatit will be found not oi ily a rttief bnt aniifoortecurafordybpepila liver com plaint indigestion consti ation and iqt pue blood free trial ixttles at j e mgaxnnadrun store 1 j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe actok acton rumpus o je howson i the cheapest place in aoton tb buy boots sh6es is at howsons still he s going to givo a further reduotion of 10 per cent ten per cebt off allkihds of boots and shoes uubbors und overshoes forthe next 80 days i o- gbogebibs howson is noiug to matfe the grocery business lively for the christmas jseaspn we do not merely say we can give you better or cheaper goods than riny other dealer in town but vie quote you prices iu plain figures which is very different to mere assertions that amount to nothing note the following j 20 lbs bridht sugar 14 1 granulated 20 choi currttnti 28 ricei 100 18 1 00 5 v l 00 2 1 00 1 pearl ta ioca valencia raisins scans salmon horseshoe lb mixed candies -0- flour feed 1 oo 25 22 12j ooinobbt llxedi express 7n ail i pass mail 11x12 all i through ex a17pji i aocorn lotu piiji chloi and aoxngwlsst express 1217 an express 1102 ajr mail 56pir bpeelaxj bopit accom coach 800 am o express doejt not stop between guelpt oronto i t1mk oj it lpsisg maels going wast 10101 mtiind 53opui oohig uftst 1hw c m and b30jp jn english mail closet at iofr aro on wednesc ay canadian p acif ic railway to a apoihts i vol m r every actoj condenbh tihe table jfyfeacton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton keep this in mind when yon feo to purcliase your pftu cicjthiiigtliat east eijs1d clothing store is unsurpassed for extent of 6tock inpdeiate price artistio desigu and durable workmanship an elegant tweed suit for 1400 wdrsted skits b i600 or 1700 also overcoatings in all shades ot beavers- melton naps tweeds and worsteds a large stock of underclothing good and cheap j fyfe acton j fyfe acton j fyfe acton- j fyfe acton fyfe acton j fyfe acton dc c d i i q tt carried off all the prizes and is the best tlril lvvp jl machine oil offered for sale in the domin- j ion in proof of thib we will pay freight both ways when it fails to please the purchaser iix gold medals have been awarded this oil within the east three years r none genuine onlythat made at the i qpeeisjj oit3t oil wobks salmubl rogers 6 00 toronto for sale by j b pekrson dr mcganin j e howson and c t hill acton and d bhotrtte rockwood 17ly goig gomg going whlieb- to the metropolitan studio to secure u tirstclats cabinet i at moder a a ruby photo because there i get satisfaction ate prices metropolitan studib vloral ijo i ages colored plates and 1000 illustritioiw with descriptions ol mid veg stables prices of se2233ds d plants wdhow tpgro i engltsl and german price only xo cenis which may be deducted front irst order v it tells what ybji want b the garde i and how to get it instead of running to the grocery at the us norhent to buy what seeds happen to be lefl ova meeting with disappointment after weeks of waiting tjrrseedjs wme8 vick seedsman rochester ny second a full line of flour and feed kept constantly onhand best holler fleuri tonouuiu acton 240 per 100 bran 60 cdn taper 100 i iwe guarantee satisfaction to every customer as quality is our leading feature j j e h6wnf f next door to drug store from the cradle j to the crave j speight sok furniture dealers and undertakers acton haying rccted a fine new showroom have just received a new and wellassorted stock of furniture of all kinds of thelatest designs including i parjocfufniture bedroom suites bureaus sofas lounges i- tables chairs rocker i bedsteads and cradles and everything else that any family requires in the furniture lint during theirjonrnej f roni thei gradloto the grave and we can preparn them for the grave j too for we have ou hand a large stijek of 1 of all kids and sizes and all other funeral furnihiugs we will supply all on the shortest notice nnd most reasonable iertns hearts drawn by a wellmaiched team forhirc a firstclass j a speight manager kelly bros kelly having added the butchering business to ouv grocery it enables us to supply tlie wants of the people in anything they may vf aat in the hieat j hue as rwe intend to keep r jj fresh and cured meats of all kinds pohstantly on hand the above busiuelssvwe- inte id conduct in a iflifierent style than act ou has been t s accustomed to in the past to we are going to fit up the room next doov to us which is now occupied by dr stucey in the best btyle most suitable forjthe busi ness therefore oiir customers can rely upon gettingallkiribof meat at anytime r j 1 sb bjl3stgi baj5tgrii bangrim good g06ls at low prices everyteing in j winter goods reduced w- cttildren8 wool hose reduced to 10c 1 ladi63 allwool hose reduced to 20c j ladies lined kldlmitts redncedto 50c r childrens lined k4d mitts reduoeil to 38cv ladies josephine kid gloves reduced to 50c heavy gnality nap olofcb reducedto 95c i ladies 7 pnr capes redhoed to 1 velveteens reduced from 10 to jopei cent dress goods worth 50o reduced to 25c black cashmeres reduced 15 to 20 pei tent s good check wincey 10c worth 15c ladies and childrens wool mitu 15c woi tu 30c large wool cloads 30c worth 50c i ladies wool ouff 8 reducedto 12 j c ladies underwear reduced lo 50c boys wool vests reduced t 85c boys top shirts i duced to 45c kc w emhr iderles just received from 5c upwards ni w prints elegant designs from 5o per yard to 20c new shirtings choice patterns 8a to 15c j new ginghams nice patfefcs 10c blanfcetsll rrdnoecl orafofwrs all reduced oarpt at special i eductions ibomtoa roovls prompt ftftdoikwfalattmitioa mckay brothers our grocery dispart will be just the same as before everything new and which will be sold at tbe lowest possible prices ekt tolce selly beos kelly health fob all hqllowais filjls and m the j ills pilrlfy the blood correct all disorders of the i rjlver stomach kinslbvs anp bowels 4 hey invigorate nnd restoro to health debilitated constitnttous anil areiovalaahip1u all complaints incidental to fetnalesof al ages for children and the aged they are priceless toronto to detroit chicago and manitoba stlouls zx pacific ex local ex toronto 8 loatn 105 pm i 15pjn 8tretsvulejun918 if- 2l06 5 25 btthomas 1835 njro 5 25 8 5s detroit 560 8 45i 55ajn chicago -61xhdm- 80siini 545pm winnipeg 7 00 j daily exejept monday toronto to montreal quebeij andjsoston llniit4ex montreal bx- torohtp 9 25an 8 00 pm ottawa- 05pjtn 4 38am montreal 9 00 j 8 18 quebec 030iiin 960pjn boston 8 45plm 8 45bjb brarnptonto brampton 9 17nt 6mpm 0 7 15 igeyille and owen sound am 5 55pta c ikteab ipvarialily in j 5 er ya tittued till all yeari stroetflvuie jct 10 brampton to on brampton 9 orangstile 11 owen sound 3 prirchas new and 3 e 1 tioketage 7 10 pm 10 20 our tickets by this popular line raom mcgarvin acton ontario it the ointment is an infallftble remedy for bad legs bad breasts old wountls bores find ulcers is famous for gout and rheumatism for disorders of the chest it btis no equal fob boae theoats beonohitia oouass 00ld3 glandular swellings and all skin diseases it has no rival and for contracted and stiff joints it ans hko a charm i manufactured only at thomas hollo ways establishment 73 new oxford strtot aats33 oxfarl stnet london bnt and aie sold at 1 lfi 2afltl- 4s fjd jla 22s and 38s eaoh boxipr pot and mar be hap of all medicine vendors tboujjhout the orld j tlirohaepj shonlovloovto the label c n thepou and boxes ifhhj address is not clxtprdlohdpiltay wospdriouftt ssssssist jlaning mills 30nbamshaw bopljletok contractor sash soir id factory acton willij builder and v aai is prepared to but on storm doors win- flows weather strips etc on short notice winteiiporches erected neatly said- ati reasonable prices ve hajve pae of fletr ys celpbrated chop ping mius and will diop all kinds of grain on tuesdays thjlirsdays ahdsaturdays tjcsia bambhaw managers 1- m the key jo health unlocks amhoxsloggedavenubs of the i i bowels eiiiney8 and liver carry- t ingoff gradusjlywithonteaieniiig the system s1 the impnrities ind foul- j humors ol the secretions at the same tame correcting acijity of tht i stomacb ouriag eiiioabness lys- pepsia bfeadaehes dizziness jeeartbnrn constipatioh dryness i of the skiri dropsy dimness of sion i janndiee salt hheom j erysipelas seroftila fluttering of the heart itervoueness and geh- era debility ell these and many other similar comjlaints yield to the happy influence of ujkdock blood btoeba 1 hribpbk i co torpnw each 1llt of the myrtle mavy is aiakken t t in brqkze listters none other genuine advertiser to con sult bo bo expert- enoed or otherwise ers and estimates he advertiser who finds in it the isp rhlmwhowill i dollars in ad- vertislng a scheme4s indicated wmch will meetmf evew yeqhirement orcaibe made k doo bg tughichangaeamtg ampedpt bycof respondejwe 149 editions have been issued 4di sent postpaid toany address for 110 cents write to geq p kowell 4 co 10sprncestprintlnbhou jeeau 3 so hfewyotbi vloy lost ho restored jbsfc we haverecently published a new lvk tted esaay on the hxcalsid iip pormaneutouraiwithoutmedicine of hertonbdhflitylfental and physical incapac- ity impediments of maxriage etoresulhnc from exceifees i ip aprice in a sealed envelope- qijly 6 cent or two postage stamps it the celebratedauthor ip this admirable es say clearly demonstrates from thirty years successful practice that alarming consequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines pr the use of the knife pointingouta mode of cute at once simple cer tain and effectual by means of wmchevery suflbrer no matter what his couai tton may be m 3 j himself cheaply privately t ndradically this lecture shotudbeln the fia ids ot evew yontoandeverymaninthcland r w addrpss 1111 tic cnlverwcll medical tlo ppsukce wm fl ann ork 4- stt everr ihasxs freema1t1 worm powderg a pleasant to tniq fcoatal ttholrdw bkatlvo ig afc burojani l errtnal f t arenas ia chjidrc or adoltc ipvi 8145 tittuec option of the po adm space one column half column quarter columd q inchtj i qasual advertl first insertion a sequent insertiol recioned by the icale of solid no fjvdvertisementi wiu1einsertedl jngly transit jn advance j changes for cj in the office byf they will be left i thipapei tertlslnsbanaur ipntractsi busii w gradu bar of college office add r frederiqk stre fi e stacl v trinityf sty medical scf of physiciaas i omcis eilj dffice i l l bbnj 4 c mol dentis dew system ot viionly called teeth without tratotland killegeof dei i sns mttydepen i i any operitij iicton every nonth offic ainle8si vitalized j t r painlass office of- 1 weils block uppej fohnlawl tairio yeb a eterinary surj in kenny br cenoeitfiaej s qnglaessjhia all oada nigl 0 to terms i kjtcliea3n barristersi 1 ajneers c office i 1 vu a mel solic office i ffice main strj t 6 per cent jhiltqjf i itoapxl i offibescej apida8kingsfl fe t anus t fe ain i bvkrij ornctb ol hugton street alley toront joh bac i wruiiui ilui atents henyt 20 years pral w heb orders left at f r atr my re jiromptlyatt also money i i ble terms anl t brest in snma e vte knc licensed an laltonand amesmattfie attention tel aqard topn dai office square i hrohn j d f succei honey to per dent loaned or secarjty cod popttly widl arms abd cl vpth farms toi dominion to ll onlam in e wantjj f atmj ws aro4 fftrtdb to att who are suffering f roi i the errors andmdiboretionb of youth nurvous weak- ness early decay loss of rqaxhood o 3 2sli p w 11 cure tyou wardisoovered byk nnslioni ry in south rs i a mddresied envelope jmfccito jo stiend slw deaoe invited j gnelrihog r an eiy ghv seafoam an givenj bassor oonditjn l taatilnj