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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1886, p. 2

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a 9t g jft jfoegg cbursdit modstso ami 22 1880 arbor dajy f rf under the regulations oft ue education department the first frida jan may is set apart as arbor day for tjh purpose of planting bhadetreea makiig flower beds andvotherwiae beautifying and improving the school grounds lasi jyear this day wm observed by many te then and trus- tees with great enthusiasm 1 and as a result 30648shade and ornamental trees were planted and flowerbeds inadeai258 differ ent schoolftsuses betidea the planting of trees many trustees and teachers availed themselves of this holiday in cleaning up the school grounds laying walks and otherwise adding to their comforts and at tractions we hope arbor pay 1886 will not be forgotten there are many school- houses in ontario still susceptible of im provement trustees and ratepayers gen erally should cooperate with teachers and school children in making the school grounds attractive fall directions as to what trees to plant and how to plant them axe given in the new work on school archie tecture just issued by th education i de partment a copy of which has been sent gratuitously to every board of trustees fin the province for some years arbor i ay has been ob- served in acton and as t result about a thousand shade trees hv ibeen planted on the streets of our little to wp and they now tend very materially jta enhance its natural beauty last year on j arbor day the jconncil supplied some two hundred trees gratuitously for planting on the streets theywere all planted and as many more would have been had the supply been ob tainable we hopethe council will pro ceed in the same laudable work this year proclaim the usual ai bor day secure three or four hundred s litable trees and appoint committee to superintend the distribution and plantings then the school board should also takaihe matter up and encourage the school children to assist in beautifying the school grounds as- recom- mended by the education department fairview cemetery should also be attended to in the matter of tree planting a num ber of maples should be planted about the time of arbor day and arrangement made for a supply of evergreei b a month or so later we trust the ccuncil jand school board will move prom dtly ahd energeti- it is a fact f reel j and openly stated that the men in hlg i places have not duly winked atjthevidatiou of this and other laws and the ovi a arising from their viol- ation but have deliberately encouraged such violation they have suooeeded in ruiuiug the goo i name and reputation of their town b proclaiming from tijne to time to the 5 rorld that itip over- run by shebeens an 1 groggeries which they have studiously retrained from endeavor ing to expel fr m their midst a thing whioh could be very readily accomplish ed in a town of nly lstxt people they have gloried iu their shansefand exulted in the weekly j ublioation thereof in a journal owned edited and published by men holding po litions as odunty officials and at last whe t they have succeeded by their own actiot s in bringing both the town and the scott act into disrepute they turn round and blame the law when they are themselves reap msible is it any wonder that under the ircumstancesthe scott aot has not accomp iahed in miltou the ends desired no end shame on the men who know their duty but have done it not all honor to tfie goc d men and true who have acted upon principle and for the right had miltou bem represented during the four years the cott act has been in force by a council xc ade up of men having a proper regard f r the light there is not the slightest doubt that today it would occupy a position far s iperior in point of morals anid general obi ervance of law and order to that now pec oliarly ite own sifs p nj5taii mm m- laad short work of it jlomcior vkrxifx jmrflal davios ov tov 11th h8lf in april of 188b niter doctoring tx foir months for kidney trouble begi u tali ng warners safe ouie in one weekj 1 wa i relieved ov a stone as large as a peanut followed by sediment that iridioatod dissolution of the stoue w h bovzkr foreman of jobrootm 1 i t1b toronto ntwi scoop all its contemporaries and the publio generally last saturday by publishing washingtons farewell speech of ninety years ago and putting it into the mouth of sir john mao- donald as hib farewell address prior to re tirement from active political life it oreat a great furo for a day or so iflo ua ii 198 yonbte st toronto 1886 bpringspringspiriugspringspringsprlngspringbpring i p gbpringbpringspriug8pringbpring8pritigapringprin8 o spring is here andalong with it the season for house cleaning and paper hanging do you wtint to decorate your walls with a paper which will always please you if so buy your wall paper im borders f110mi j e ho wson cally in this matter their best attention it is deserving of since the above was put in type we have been pleased to learn that in harmony with a request from the local w c t a- and sonb of temperance georgetown council unanimously t isolvedto send a petition to parliament coi inter to that of milton re questing that i o change be made in j the scott ajct exce it suclj as would secure its more strict enforcement we are also given to under itand that at the meeting of acton cou icil next tuesday evening a resolution dian letricuy opposite to miltons will be passed notes lnd comments the new fifork canada be boycotl find that there is caught under iheir r v m i m i milton oouncilfs resolu- tlolf at a meeting of the municipal council of the town of milton last week it was re solved by a vote of seveif to three to peti- tion the dominion govejrnment for the re peal of the scott act and this fact has already been jubilantly paraded througout the length and breadth of the land by those journals which have made it their business 1 io oppose every scheme but forth to effect a proper enforcement of the act and by sympathizers of the liqi or traffic generally many people outside t le county will no doubt be considerably surprised at the action of milton couilcil in passing tho resolution referred to wl th such a majority j of the councillors in its favor but to us and to residents general ly of the county neither is the resolutdoi nor the vote re specting it a surprise it is a well known fact that the opponent of the scott act i made an unnsual effort at the last muni cipal elections in that t jwd to elect a foil council of antd scott si pporters in this owing to systematic and persistent labors they were largely successful- and it was an open boast with them jn fact one or both of the newspapers of the town opposed to the act claimed that ctnly one of the eleven members of the council elected was a scott act man the passing of this re- solution is then only the accomplishment of tie contemplated wor c which these- op ponents of the law werfe specially elected to perform and instead of the result of the vote being cause for alarm it isa matter for congratulation inasmuch as it has proven that in place of there being only one seott aot member in the council as previously boasted there are now three good mn who are not ashamed to stand up boldly for what they believe to be right in the face of the strong opposition encountered sat the regulation of the hilton council is net in any sense a representative one- as far aa the county is concerned acton council is ready and willing if it is deem- j ed necessary to pass a resolution equally strong and outspoken in favor of the act with a feurfifths majority if not by a unanimous vote and we have no doubt other municipal councils in the county would act in similar manner if it was con- sidered necessary to dp so we are forced to admit however that the scott act has tjeen much more satisfactorily observed in acton and other municipalities than in milton and that in consequence these places enjoy a superior reputation for order respectability i iand morality we are sorry indeed for our sister town ihat toe comparison is so odioss but it is never theless a fact that milton is no more a re- presentative town as far as the success of tiie scott act is eionoerried than thait its town councils resolution is representative r of the convictions of the people of the county concerning thd buccesb of the act we regretto twnkljiaa it is really the case but we have it upon the best of atiiority that the veary men who voted in favor of the above resolution and other restdentsin authority jandourjyii bigb ifions are toaiery large extent indeed lsppnuhle not herald suggests that our neighbors will re boycott than fish sent policy i thank god there are are three men in the milton tosvn council who refuse to bow down to the i aal of the rum traffic they are benjami a jones george andrews and george a hepstreetiiivon rtformtr every canadian wil be glad to learn that sir john macdonld is convalescent and that he will reiear in parliament within a few oayb orf tuesday last her majesty the queen cabled through lord granville the secretary for the colonies an enquiry after the premiers health and expressed a hpe that it might be restored this enquiry is lis moch a compliment to the people of canadaas to the premier and will be as sue r appreciated ottawa free pret actons coinoillors are in law over their cemetery theyhave passed the sum of 200 to meet their personal expenses in the pending suit i a strange action indeed georgetown herahlf will onr friend j of the herald be kind enough to point out wherein the action is strange or unusual we have an idea that the editor of the herald is somewhat acquainted with certain councillors who have for years followed the iiabit ototing sum3 of money to themselven for attending to the ordinary business of the council of which they are members it wouldcertainly be a strahge thing if the members of a municipal coun cil were obliged to defend the municipality they might happen to represent at their own expense against the attacks of any and every addlepatedighoramus who takes it into his head to enter an action against the town whether there is cause for such action or nbi paya little attention totohe municipal ajct ietiijjerald atluiuery a roii goods now york city is the metropo lis and centre of commerce for its thousands of retail buyfcjlifc flock to its world wideknown j retail sitoyes its stores teem with merry shoppers from its isurrouiiding towns toronto is theiiietropolis and centre of commerce j for lontario eatons atov is known far and near hundrcdsof shoppers from afar daily purchase in our metro politan storel it is not strau e it is easily comprehended f shoppers make their railway fares and expenses and have a fair balance left and the pleasure of the trip costs them nothing the ariety is infinitely greater the styles are lateivthe prices are jcadh prices home prices are credit prices dping an immense aud reputable busi ness eaton buys direct from the factories of europe aud america yonr home scores have to buy from home wholesales we sell at the price at which they buy our gigantic and immense stock is an irresistible magnet to econo mical buyers we sell miluneby at dry goods prices we look upon millinery as a necessity not as a luxury no one can go barehead ed note your home prices and then these fine black and col ored milan straw hats 300 style 62i s regular selliusj price 150 to 2 loop straw bonnets latest i styles all colors 45c regular prie 85c porcupine straw hats 37 8 regular price 85c and so on ud infinitum w- designs good coloring no trouble to i j e rich prices low show goods ho wson acton nr- ivfa amalganikqilpf cbiandhcj j mckay our forded sale of dry goods and will be continued at 48 king slreet east next to china immense babgains will be drcs goods reduced to co cashmeres reduced to 26o silks all reduced in price ladles hosiery reduced to 20c worth 15o silk handkerchiefs reduced to 50c worth fl prints reduced to so worth 10c kid gloves 25c worth 75 o 72mdch twill bheetijjti jednced to5c worth 37c 42inch pillow cotton table linens reducerl tweeds reduced to 35 gents furnishings all ginghams reduced tosjc flannels all reduced 1 reduced to 8c o25c worth soc worth gqc reduced we havo not room carpets oilcloths lace curtains blankets etc all reduced fnrbll our stock and are offering extraordinary inducements to clear out lines we will hold nuotion saleat no 70 king street east every afternoon c mmencing monday aprils to clear out balance of dry goods and carpetbr 3eg cor king and john sts hamilton merghant tailoeinq from the cradle to the grave r pajace ml wvtm mpts lv wrr yic 1 14 wi mi k v 0 j jp i- gfa m s v i b v w us r t f enelson formerly at acijon -o- ll- speight sot furniture dsalors and tjndertakers acton having ertettd a fine svh showroom hnvc just received a new and well assorted stock of furniture of all kinds of tho latgt designs including parlorturniture r bedroom suites bureaus sofes lounges tables chairs rockers bodsteads and cradles andj everything else hat any family requires in the furniture line during their journey from tile cradle to the grave and wejcan prepare them for the grave too forwo have on hand a large stock of i of all kinds nnd sizes aud all other funeral furnishings- we willsujpply all on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms a first class hearse drawn by a wellmatched team for hire j a speight manager i a complete new stock of english irish scotch and onadian the latest styles in- fine blackand oploted worsted spring otercoatings litii gentlemen requirtug auy tlfing iu my line can depend on gettihg the very latest andi fine style in cloths with fit and workmanship guaranteed r e nelspi 9 i r- 1886 1886 -oo- f the act in the apparent fail- bnl am ior jthe disoraer which eibckwood new8i from our own correspondent mr t w hastings of the guelph mer cury and mrs hastings spent sunday with their friendi here the fine weather of the past week has cansed quite a commotion among the rocks and green groves here those who are fond of rustic life find that this place affords an unlimited area of natural rustic scenery it is the delight of nearly all residents aa well as visitors to j take advantage of the pleasures thus afforded queens birthday will bexelebrated here as it used to be in years gone by the lacrosse club or a committee thereof who haye the matter in hand report great suc cess having upwards of 200 subscribed already they intend furnishing an ex cellent programme with the usual athletic sports horseracing c as the prize to the lacrosse match wrll be a good one we expect to fee j a good number of competing teams present a meeting of the star lacrosse clnb took place monday night in the glove factory o w gl jagcj after the reading of the re port if the secretary treasurer it was founc that the club is in a good healthy financial condition j over twenty names were thet subscribed as members for the coming sea son after which the usual appointing o officers o took place mr john jagi i was unanimously reelected sectrjeas ti whom all communications should tie ad dressed a meeting 6f those interested i i baseball was also announced for the sann evening bat owing to the lack of intere t taken in that game here we are unable i a giveany leadings v7ej0ater to the children hamburg embroidery loods trim l2ic28c 37 up to lj75 lace hoods from 35c ap to 3 straw sailors from 25c upl chenille and ribbon trircmed girls and misses straws nyr stvles from 50c up beautiful flowers new bonnejts ai rettes new ribbonf jtrimmings etc courtauld allsilk raihr proof crape hats and bonnets from 8140 up just half the usual prices no waiting everthing cheer ful on entering to ydar left en rbiite to the dfees goijicla you pasa lpcebribboi8 hosiery glovesetc ireathjoods dont pay credit prices buy t eatons for cash two dresses for le price of one make your italves do duty for dollars make our selection from oue of the argest and correctest slock of iressjgods in the country the helv piled cejling highwith most beautiful fabrics at prices less than the lowest all kinds of drcss goods french english and american allwool ottoman cords all colors 16c worth 30c new tricot etamine canvas clothj and colored crape cloths albatross and evlery kind of the fashionable openmeshed clothatunapproach- able prices the new cloths and all the newest shades frpm36 in to 42in wiido at from 4c and intermediate pt ices up allwool cashmeres from 25c up all widths and colors silks crapes- and every conceivable kind of dress goods form one of cbmpletest stocks that has ever beeii shown in toronto l wevhavg perfect letter order department write for what you want i t eatos co 165 192 194 198 tongest toroatp new advertisemonts henderson mcrae co acton grand millinery opening -on- j ioioinioiololoioioipioloiolojoioioioloioiololoioioioioiotoloioiqioioioioloioioiololoiololoiololololoiuioloioioloioioiol 27th of march 27th of march o o o o o o o o- it- dtd o o o o ro o o o o 3q d o o- o d-rrov- o o- o o rt lacrosse seems to be the j ugsport rr- a gradual failure of strength with ei tkme pallor of face fullness under tie eyes prostiation swelling of ankles ai d legs indicajte nnmlstakably a deranged eoi i- ditmra of tie kidneys whioh should remo e ajl this water from the system it they do not you cartainly need the j ic wjumers saf e oure jttblidhi 7 life 1 our millinery rooms this season willbe uiiusually attractive the stock has all been selected with great care and taste from tpc latest importations of french english and americau goods and are rich rare and really choice this department will be under the charge of experienced milliners who will spare no effort to suit the f taste and wants of our patrons alj the most moderate prices r t our stock of general dry goods concerning cheapness le40ing boot shoe store r whatsavedj affords nrj indi cation of ghats lost gents furnishings boots and shoes c is now very complete and will be sold at very bottom priceb i ladies thoromghbred bull jpor service tborourbbred calved 7th mi ftihe undbisignbd has for j premlseb ijot 24 1st line srrlce on bis bsqqeslug his bull baron moreton 2nd rob l8wrbred by p w btone pedigree seventh gradd dam magdalen 4th imported by sir isaac entered in the britibh american em boob and elegible to be entered in the new pbminfon herd book terms thoronghbreoows 300 grades 150 to be paid 1st jannary cows to be returned reralar- ly three times it necessary those not returned ibacbarceb at same rate iex waldie aotonpo will be charged at samejrate uou8k to bent apply w 1h4n1ike uldb salb4manure i- applf fhtann aobonjuui llulc house at the foot of john street mbs p mam 91 w is pliaswjrersl ii ai k nd hair f or plasterors p go npiib f v will be a specialty satin novelties in ydiupuy require to see these goods to induce you towy to njlhe real tilst of cheapness jl is undoubtedly as the maxim iia8 it quality for if any article lacks quality it is dear atany t especially is this true iu regard to boots shoes eople very often lose more than they save when they indiscriminatelygoin for cheap goods without regard to their value it has however been onr steady aim through oar business life that every article iept by us shall be of the v best qkjality but at the same timeber3old at the lowest possible price compatible with such quality buying direct from the manufacturers for cashweareeuabled to offe our cus- tomers ausurpassed iuducemeuts spkixg sockj speixg stock i we cordially inyitfr the public to call and see our new stock new styles nice fresh goods extra value in ladies 2ti boots sign of the big boot w melaren co gueuh finewatoh- repairing see ourextra superior white ajud grey cottons our beautiful prints ginghams cretonnes curtains laces aud mantle velvets those beautiful emhroideries are admired t by every on q splendid range of carpets cheap choice shirtiugs ducks denims at really low prices x xx x x x x x- x x x x x x x xx x x xx xx x x x x x x- seasonablefi isjdbpnjg bopes i -v- vm ottjr big boot and shoe stooki t oipioiqioioioloioioioicioicicioicicioicioicicicro 1 compribeb the best the newest aud thenehtest styles in ladies liiefles and t childrens wear we cannot 46 undersold ui these goods mipiife pat paid to thie repairing and cleaning of fine watches and clocks at the old established i hoii8e of t house folt sale t be subscriber wirj bsii on very easy terms tbehonseand lpt on churob street now occupied by peter iiee adjoining the dwelline of charles speigbt and immediatelybehind qeo hynds jewellery store price wc0 one- third cash and the balance may remain inden finetly at 0 per cent interest information may be bad from the editor of the free ppbss or by addressing h v robtwaltpjtmd weknagvillkbebkbeo pa tpubspatl crumbs provided by p hot x bnns jjowforstn mjoodjridaj roads in fine milton peopl club thejoysler season straw hats 1 for duty eead kenne net issue aprilbhwe yes and mud rthe farmers i spring plowing the lacrosse neat suit this i fishing tack from it biding j most agreeabj weather the past the ftennon in the shade en t business geha tomorrow good rev sam jon spend october ini the carpent hangers mix ourcitizensf their spring f therell be a 1 day they are t gaelph augurated with bands every farine the killing of a cr rao- ex f 30cc0 ams mediate vicinity c heavy storm theresas no tuesday the an appearance a meeting of i be held is the coi day evening next easier sermo methodis and sunday morning actou is tractive celebratil day more anon the street should get the immediately to wc mr w kellji chased a barb is doing a livelyti acton has jj gaweya 55363 to society since 1st counterfeit latroh theyare imitations of f lie j taltudge pulpit jilatfornr subscribe for this racton should tlitional magistra of agtive j7psis vtlietevising i in the town hall atip am for ion voters list fi two weeks aj a buow blockade and has been here luxuriant warmtl thebeeps running on an enterprising firm ij wholesale glove 1 service in n orrow mbrningj ii g at wd dpurch to morr j the minut ng township ented y the fje is creditablvdon 7ait forest members of the ing like gettiijgi are used to lia f being in hotj wafj laorosseani street shoaltl havffbeenbro mogftrvins pekss office dur rivrjpiiil to oddfellows next sunday evl of the sixty jseve tablishment of his honor i date of the fin town under thl for june 10 at f velpmyff tionsorame i8 not a me bossinhoaia nndecideias 1 joi lirbeaty r wamedj tdkcbjhi everypartbf canada live t tobeunewaudpopolar mta jap tram lrewmmibstonihere ntoneviuit jslqr terms and particulars apply to i lausdowijo aveirarkaalcoutt 2m i

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