Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1886, p. 3

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i fc3 3 at ceo hynd8 seasonable goods arriving express jivar- jroqb carta base balls rubber balls skipping ropes lacrosse supplies fishing tackle qr stock of school books and stationorv is the best in town give us a call qeoynds sells oeaf i jmfernleyj kccis a eplendul assortiiiont of u kinds of house plants hanging baskets and bedding plants durig the spriugswisou all cheap for cash the largest and bes srtel stock of con fectionery in town cheap foreign and domestic hutts canned goods finest cioaks in tvft liinrkot jmfkknley thursday mobkixo mat 6 1886 gjumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters i s j 1 may flowers are now plentiful the gtr grounds are being fcuced apple blossoms ice cream and picnics the best trait about labor troubles is arbitrate guelphs rate of taxation lor 1886will be 2j inids the prospects for a good yield of fruit are said to be excellent sweejtnarh hazeltoh manufacturers of pianos guelph hare assigned in trust the milton brass band made a good deal of money out of its recent concert constitutional morning walks are now popular with disciples of izzak walton there are150 telephone subscribers in guelph and a night service has beeriestab- lished the palmerston telegraph will find an answer to its question in our issinrof 22ud april l 1 j more favorable spring weather jfas never experienced than we ha vebad during the past week i mrs s a secord kindly favored the editor with a basket of asparagus and spring flowers on monday shelburne has a 53400 chemical fire engine one of the village papers calls it a fancy squirt gun the mercury says that inspector cowan intimates that he will show no leniency to violators of the scott act there were a good many fishermen ontt on saturday 1st of jmay some fine catches o trout were inade tve learn from the ontario gazette that mr w a mclean barrister has been appointed a notary public be aye stickin in a tree i jock itll grow while yere sleepin the dying scotch farmers advice to his son i the street cleaning brigade is now at work and acton at present presents a very neat tidy and attractive appearance the toronto barrooms are now ob liged to close at eleven oclock each night but saturday when they close at seven the degree of doctor of- divinity- has been conferred on rev c graham adams 3ia incumbent st georges church georgetown f john r clarke popularly known as the bootblack orator will deliver lectures in georgetown on tuesday and wednesday e venings 11 th and 12th insts capt barker and lieut thorue of the salvation army farewelled on sunday night we havent heard whether new officers will succeed them here ornot we are indebted to hon john curling minister of agriculture for ai copy of prof win sanders report on agricultural col leges and experimental farm btations considerable building and improving is now in progress in town new buildings additions io old ones new fences buildings being painted ic are jto be seen in all directions 1 the lamp at the junction of young and queen streets which was smashed by a runaway team some time ago has never been repwced the residents think it should bet j we know a number of readers of the duffrrm pott who would entertain a more j elevated opinion of the paper if it would ive mr fisher monro police magistrate a rest hillshurg has now a weeklynews- paper nnder the managemeni of mr g a lacey the beam- is a four page three column paper and will look after hills- burgs interests 1 the queens birthday celebration in actoniromises to be one of die most at tractive in many respects that has ever been held here for particulars see colored j posters tomorrow oar spring fair on friday was a de cided success the weather was fine and the attendance was as good as usual it is said that a better lot of horses were never shown bere milton reformer rockwood queens birthday celebra tion posters announce acton to play a la- crossematch with the local club that day acton wont se there for the club is ecgag- ed to play a match at home on that day t is not in the memory lot the oldest inhabitant that the trees were in leaf and some in bloom at as early a period as is the case this year the grass is longhand green and fall wheat has a very healthy appear ance j the public schools will be closed to morrow to give the teachers and pupils an opportunity of properly observing arbor day we hope the school grounds will be render ed more attractive and inviting inconse- the wei iki bakings which are prliolpauy looal and all interesting j the k edal a eattl e uo previous the aotou fniik pkess with commen dable enterprise s seniug samples ot job work to the it itercolonial exhibition london eng w ell bet the fhkk piusss work will bo awarded a medal honorable mention or something mt forest je- presentativt health matters every househol ier in the municipality should read and act upon the request of tho board of health espeoting the removal of refuse and clean ling of back yards and cellars tho duti es of a health inspector are not very iuvit ing and it is due to him from the public t lend all the assistance in their power teaohers examii iations j the second clt ss examinations will be held june 28 to j ily 3 third cfass july 6 to 10 first cass c july 12 to lif first a b july 20 to 22 and junior matriculation june 28 to juhj 10th can didates must noti y their county iuspeo- tor not later than may 25th ol their inten- tionio present th smselves for examination plenty of accommodation referring to th matter ot hotel accom modation since the scott act came into force in guelph the mercury says the statement is mad in tho toronto world that farmers coming into guelph are un able to get stablirg for their teams after thatpeople here c an have no difficulty in understanding that antiscott act organs try to help their cause by lying j there was a large attend ance of country people in the city on saturday yet there wasplenty of stabling for dot ble as many teams the otheitside of the story this is the title of a tastefully priuted and well got np pamphlet containing a series of reviews criticizing mr j cdents story of upper canadian rebellion it also contains the letters which appeared in the toronto press in the mackenzierolph controversy- thuse are connected together witha short account of the controversy and are followed a lengthy critique on the new story by mr john king m a who also contributes an mr kings criti que is a blashins and racy review by a liberal of mr dents narrative and with eojly is astrong vindica tion of the character and career of william lyon mackenzie those who have read ithe story shpiild certainly read this ireply and those who have not read it may with great advantage read what the critics say about it the price of the pamphlet is 25 cents it mav be had at the bookstores hamilton timei j death of a ploneejr elder james black passed away peace fully on the evening of the 21st of april 1886 at the homestead the residence of his son mrrhugn black in the township of eramosa inbis89th year after an ill- ness of about twe weeks deceased was born in argylshire scotland in august 1797 at the age df 15 years he commenced teaching school emigrated to canada in 1820 and settled ii i the township of ald- bourough in 1 s2o he removed to the township of nassi yaweya taught school in milton then knov n as martins mills and at beamsville yrc oved to the township of eramosa in 1830 and settled on the farm where he lived co itinuouslytill his death from early youth he was a close and criti cal bible student and in religious matters accepted no authority or creed but the bible in 1817 h i was baptised by elder sinclair a scoter baptist but soon after connected himself with the disciples in whose fellowship le continued to the close of his long life barrister berlin introductory 4 a pastor slabon appreciated at the meeting of the official board of the methodist chun h acton circuit last monday evening the following resolution was unanimously adopted moved by james moore seconded by w p brown that whereas through the minis trations of rev 1 1 phillips the esteemed pastor of this circuit his christian ad- manition and kin ily advice from week to week during the e clesiastical year justclos ing we have bee i abundantly blessed in spiritual things and havewith grateful hearts witnessed he conversion of many of the members of iur families and of the community who have committed their hearts into the ke eping of him whom we are endeavoring to love and serve and whereas under bin careful superintendence of the affairs of tl le circuit the utmost har mony has prevail id amongst us as a church and people on th s field of lapor be it there fore resolved that we hereby record our sin cere and heartfelt appreciation of his un tiring zeal and arduous efforts in lour behalf and of his services in every respect in which he is br mght into contact with us and that we cordi ally invite him to icon tinue to occupy his position as pastor over us assuring him that he will ever receive our earnest indiv dual and collective sup port and cooperation further n hereas it has pleased our heavenly father to remove by death freddie the int resting little json of our pastor and his dear partner we desire herein to express christian sympathy with them in their bervement re rejoice ii their implicit ti ust in god- and willini acquiesence to hii divine will and pray thai he will give us al i grace ind strength unde all circumstances to submit to his hoi will rev mr phillies pastorate here has beeh very successful a 3d he enjoys the f riendj ship sympathy and respect ol the entire membership in fact of the whole com munity dxst the annual e t riot meeting meeting to be held in thi p osent the wednesdayj met odiat church acton i whu will be present j tho annual meeting of the guelph dis- ti tot of the methodist churoh will be held ii acton on tuesday and wednesday 18th a id 10th instt oommenoing at 2 pm on t uesday the first day vfill be cooupied with ministot jal business and tho seoond with general matters concorniug the oirouit 4bout sixty ministers and laymen will he lay delegates to arrive on the following ib a list of the niinisters and the temporary hoinoa ar- rkuged for them by the billbtiug oom- mittoo i gcelth norfolk street bov j w holmes seoretary of conference billeted with rev r phillips f rev hugh t crossley withmrs thur- tell gueuh dublin street roy w s griffin dd district supt with w h storey r rev john h carson with j m fern- le j j ii 3uelm paisley street rev w savage with a stephenson j 3am rev j a m phillips wiihtho8t moore j berlin ev f ii nugent with i ft maris j nkstox rjev w f campbell with j e howson iespuii revwni mills with wm ijf mstreet yaterloo rev a a bowers ba wi h h p mpore slmiba ri alix secord 1iloiu re blown tevi samuel fear with w febqcb- rv j s 4 a ba- v thos j snowcien with john mills with w p rev i crane with james rev f msmith with jas rev james walker with shannons j colleague with swan with thos quence 1 some miscreants smashed a pine of glffm in the window of j m fernleys frtiit store last friday evening and helped themselves to all the maple sugar cbnfec- ttfnery etc on exhibition w the wipdow we hope the thieves will be detected and punishedir bewoodstock standard is now issued as anvemng daily lt to a interef s bpn uy pafler t a wlrt a w5b prisw ton4 blood a gobd cleailingotit i the spring by woowoek will hail- wuj delimit aisi the use pjl a peifect blood purifier tike a3im wtftttfnueabm1 tw tbye4rmdyottunaw t power i0mm 1- r 1 jbor- prime clover and tfmpthy seed go to j e howsc ns da to j fyfcs acton for your cloth ing hecansjiii you for price quality and style everyiine c one brussels one tapestry oue kid- serminster and odb hmp carpet all too large for floors of aewjhouse will be sold for best offer in reference to cutting them up also three vi alnnt bureaus two 8day clocks inore thai required and handsome black walnut belstejid intending pur- cha86rbi will pleast call at mrs s a secords between the houn of eight and ten a m qur grandfathe had a favorite expres sion get the g rubs out of your back in the spring of the year land you will be all rijfot for janothe twelvemonth what they really mean was that if yon give your g crossen colling witlr mrs john speight i poxspsby mre yiinavillerev wwillimott with jas m itthews j 3abafkau- m slam eklmosa ja mes brown seobgetow rev j w shiltou ba wi th john st phenson obvai rv j j rapp with john mi itthews cobosio i ev james gray treas supn ft nd with a e nicklin jev n burns ma with w e smith akwood rev john c pomeroy ba wiih miss stafford ems revj w shannon with thos c mxre rev mr alex lasby rockwoon4rev f perryman sr i icios rev r phillips parsonage i nassaoaweya revs r c senders and m patton with thos easton moxtrevl rev henry irvine wesleyan tiieologieal college with j e mcgarvin a lay delegate from each circuit will be pieseut on wednesday and will be billeted w th the pastor of his circuit the meeting will likely adjourn on vi ednesday afternoon purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our headers are individually or collectively acquainted mrs james matthews is visiting friends ii hamilton i miss annie hendry of berlin is a guest oesjr a a ruby mr and mrs alex secord visited friends i i hamilton this week mrs c w hill of buffalo n i i isiting friends in her former home j mr a stauffer has gone to penetadg to work in the tannery of breithaupt hall mr a beardmore of toronfa has taken up his residence this summer in the house forner mill and frederiok streets formerly occupied by mr w d beardmore rev j j rapp of nprval junior pastor of the methodist churches on the george town circuit has been successful in passing au examination by which he has obtained a firstclass certificate with an average per centage of 82 ithe free press was honored with a pleasant call on tuesday from mr a w benjamin an old college friend of the editor mr benjamin is representing messrs connoly benjamin co of the dominion wheel works yarker ont mr d mccaig eramosa has been ap pointed to the inspectorship of the schools in algoma district rendered vacant by the recent death of the late peter mclean p si of milton at a salary of 91900 includ ing travelling expenses mr mccaig is a good man far the position and ib well qualified to sustain it worthily jr r a debt that can never be paid coijwateb micii oct 25 1885 four months ago i was paralyzed and entirely blindfrom kidney and liver diseases i was unconscious for over two weeks physicians said i was incurable and wait ed daily for my death my friends gave me warners safe cure und within a few weeks paralysis left me bloating went down enlargement of the liver subsided and i became well and owe my life to warners safe cure mbs ruin bbown h f a qic majority now reason gukwu april 10th 1886 that the event of the opening has passed whnh thousands wore delighted with the rich musical treat w jioh wb were enabled to tonder to them and thousands were still more ilelightod with tho magnificent dis- pllny of lovely goods whiou adorned pur store and show rooms and the of everybody in reference to the whole affair was that sollert is dlitad by a big majority we purpose settling down to solid business to give our customers the very best attention and to further demonstrate as we have already done that no 27 is not only the bes place for tnusio but also the imost satisfnetpry reliable and profit able ho ase to moko your dry gopds purchases everr department is crowded with beauty novelty and vale j specialties this week in the duess goods departmeut j largn lines of nuua neiling much under trice i great piles of black cashmeres at 50c worth 75o ilf the clothing department 6rand lineof scotch suitings lovely j goodn big of allwool tweeds for range boyb wear j very cheap in the staple department j j great bargains iu twilled sbeotidgb i beautiful line of linen tablings in tho fantn goods department ioo doz ladies hosiery at 12jcwoith 2i3cj per pair i 50 doz ladies extrj seamless at 25c worth 45c per pair great value in ladies liale gloves i great value in ladies silk gloves j all sizes and shades in wellknown j marquise 4hutton kid at 75c abso- j lately without its equal in the trade j grand lines in laces embroideries flouncingsj etc j polite attentioin no boring to buy no puffing splendid light to see goods one price strictly cash e r bollert 27 lower wyndhani street guelph 1 ontario the- cemetefy important news item cooks town mrs campbell has been troubled for a number of years with indi gestion and constipation and was induced t try mcgregortt speedy core afad found itall that was needed and would recom- n end its use to any person similarly trou- b ed this invaluable remedy is sold in e r part of canada at 50o and 9100 per bottle soldatdrmigaryinsdrak store bpringsuits and over oats at extreme 1 low prices and made in the latest stytes be sure to oau and see the n at j fyfes acton scotohibngiibh and canadian auitingb ir great varity at j f41e s acton iisii5ftsir s is not settled yet but the fact that w williams has the best stock of boots and shoes in the oauntyiu settled beyond dispute i have just received my spring stock and am prepared to s litjall old customers and as manynew ones- m see flt to give me a calf in all lines of footwear boots for the babies boots for the men i boots j do make bost do mend t custom work and repairing promptly attended to wm williams p50sffpl 8u00essors to johw hogrg son 0- lot i opeiied this week from the ootjety down flax splnning and weaving co of belfast a beautiful range of lawn andliuen colored border and white handkerchiefs -6- lot 2 opened this week from hannah mertin glasgow wo cases of bleachers damagfes consikihg of taji- lings ci slightly damaged in ibleaehing but beautifully lne i i i r we buy these goods from manufacturers at so niucha case it is a rare chance to secure fine linens at as onishiflglprices ryan bbreinshaw e co ublp h 1886 8prinr8pringspringspringbpringspringspring8jiring n i j gspringspringspringspringspnngspriugsprmgpnns 1886 o sp ring is here and along with it the season for house cleaning and paper hanging i- i do you want to decorate your walls with a paper which will always please you if so buvj your wall paper and borders fllom j e howson fm- designs good coloring rich prices low no trouble to show coods j e ihowson acton excelsior bakery acton having purchased the above bakery from- mb d mann i hope to give satisfaction to the numerous customers who patronize it thanking them for past favors i will endeavor to attend to customers promptly and obligingly and trust that they will one and all extend to ns their patronage i use nothing but the best boiler flour and keep it in stock ftfesh bread i una c everyday alsosleambrekd cakes of ajl kinds r new tor c tea biscuits soda and c atmeal scones on hand or made to order it shortest notice removed 1 removed amalgamation of mckay bros and p j mckay our forced sate of dry goods and carpets will be continued at 48 kins street east next to chinapalace oimexpe baitgaixs will e givex dress goods reducjed to 5c 72inch twill slieetins reduced to 25c cashmeres reduced to 25c silks nil reduced in price ladies hosiery reduced to 20c worth 35c silk handkerchiefs reduced to 50c worth 1 printsreduced to 5c worth 10c kid gloves 25c worth 15 o carpets oilcloths lace curtains blankets etc all reduced we have not room for all our stock and are offering extraordinary inducements to clear out lines we will hold unction sale at no 70 king street east every af ternopn commencing monday april 5 to clear out balance of dry goods and carpets 1 qzkitr bb os- cor king and john sts hamilton 72inch twill sheeting reduced worth 37c j 4inch pillow cotton reduced to 8fc tablp lineijs reduced to 25c worth 35c tweeds reduced to 35 worth 50c gents furnishings all reduced ginghams reduced to 12jc flannels all reduced m wbrt apjbrtiemeilts cioth hall fine scotch i- i ummen surflngs in all the newest designs both in 1 jiiecks and plain goods shaw grundy merchant tailors guelph s concerning j e40ing boot shoe store whats baved aflfords no indi- cation of whats lost rphe beal test of cheapness l t is undoubtedly as tile maxim has it quality for if any article lacks quality is dear at any price especially is this ttue in regard to j 3oots shoes eople very often lose jtnoreihan they ajave when they indiscriminately go in for heap goods withoutregard to their value thas aim through ur business life that every article kept bv i s shall be of the best qualit lint at the same time be f old at the lowest j ossible price compatible with such quality buying tiirect from ihe manufactnrerb ior oash we are enabled to offer our cue- i omers unsurpassed inducements in omnia paratus i am advised through the photographic press thatowirig to labor difficulties in the uniteb states glass is very rapidly increasing in price this has caused a large increase in the price of theatent instantaneous dry plates now in general use by photographers and the photo graphers will in order to protect themselves against loss shortly be obliged to increase the priceof photos fortunately i have a good stock of dry plates oh hiind and will bseoute first jclass photos at the old prices up to tile istmay ali desiring photos should sit fo them prior tothat date for immediately thereafter prices willbe raised a a kuby metropolitan studio j eealth for all j hollowais pills and j ointment purify the blood pills weddinggaks a specialty biscuits and confectionery of all kinds icing sugar ginger snaps boston mixed cakes wholesale flour correct all disorders of the v uveb stomach kidneys and bowels they iuirigoratc and restoie to health debilrtated constitutions and arc invaluable in ali j complaints iucidental to females of all ages for children and the aged f they are priceless the ointment is aninfallable remedy for bad legsbad breasts old wounds sores and ulcers it is famous for gout and rheumatism for disorders of the chest it has no equal fob b0rb tssoatp beoltohitia oouahs colds glandular swellings and all skin diseases itjhas no rival and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm j manufactured only at thojfas ho uo ways establishment 78 new oxford street late 533 oxford street london bag and aie sold at is 1 jd 2s 0d 4s gd 1 lsl 22s and 33s each box or po andmay be had of all jdedicine verniers tboughout the world rpurchasersshouldlook to the label on the pot and boxes t if the addrpas is not 633 oxford street londn they are spurious thi subscribe i butter ftndns taea azenasse ym0m v v iv i s acton free press tq isfc janu lby 1887 5peitgr stocpk speixjs stock we cordiallyinvite the public to call audseeour new stock new styles sice fresh goodsextra value in ladies kid boots sign of the big boot w mclaren co 1 gtlelph repairing 00 particular attention paid to the repairing and cleaning- of watches and clocks at the old established i house of b sayadle- cvenh -goto- waters bros the igture gallery guelph for artist materials oil atid water u colors crayons canvas draicing papers brushes etc dil paintings steel engravings chromosc frames of all kinds mouldings room and picture cornices and cornice poles spring rollers and wihdow shades from 90b complete fancy goods suitable lor wedding and birthday presents c tsfyisitors can have their pictures framed while in the cityj bo bring them with you to raters bros fhe pictnre gallery near the post office aeton planing mills williamson bamshaw buiwer 1 iinopiiretoit id oontraotor sash id blind faotory door -dnly- 75eotb7s is prepared to put on storm doors win- dqwb weather itripsvetc on short notice whiter porches erected neatly and atreasonable prices f iwe haveane otbleufrcaebrated chop- ping mills and will chbpallkinds of grata n tuesday nrtdays and bttturdayb tfabaitshaw j managers a v essrlftsal

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