Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1886, p. 4

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p mbwaimmgi sri i trtt i -w- j tireiwiutt monstso jcsr 941880 80haopthblrintmchm188 by ak homuxs i un silent tonight in the basement dim and the shadows around me are vague mid grin butmy nerves reach out where the hdme groups are u where the hometighte we flickering near and far aihi i feela gud thrill iu my iron heart for theladnesi and cheer that i there itaatv v for although i am only a dumb machine 1 can mote vrifch a wonderful power i weea j t 33wre are beautiful stories that i can tell arid that tall on the ear with a magic apell and whisper them softly to one andto all 80 sweetly that even the teardrops fall- to the maiden who sits in the oottage low to the lover wholougethher heart to know to the poet who dreams and the ohild who waits j iforthe princess to open the fairy gates j i am emgand my subjects are scattered i wide but wherever they be they are leal and tried and though other kings fall and their king doms wane forever and aye must my own remain it is one to grow greater with lapse of time and to tower through ages to heights sub- 1 lime while the cry of my subjects for aye shall be fit fa press 1 for our king is he 1 oh i day aftexday at my labor sing for i know of the gladness i widely fling with my fingers of iron across the earth at the grate of the rich and the oottage hearth and i f eel that the living of all who live will be richer by far for the gifts i give and that millions of hearts shall look up andbless with the truest of blessings the print- ing press exchange irisir all sorts rvter j ffi mter akead there ie danger ahead from neglected colds a tight ugh and irritated throat are the warning signs otluritiug danger o the lungs h igyards pectoral balsam cares oolde sor 1 throat stubborn ooughb arid all bronohi il and lung troubles j j flild liiktalnic there are but fewthatjhave uever suffered almost intolerable pain frpin toothaohe neuralgia or li ko uoute pains to them such an instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offei sive medicines to be taken or days one 1 ipplioation of fluid light ning oures hold at j e mogarvins drug store 29 mr t c wflla chemist and druggist port oolborne ont writes northrop lymans vege able discovery and fiyspep- tio cure sells rail- and gives the best of satisfaction fo all diseases of the blood it never falls 1 0 root out all diseases from the system ou s dyspepsia liver com plaint etc urifles the blood and wil make you look the pioture of health and happiness this is to cei iify that i have used mc gregors speedy cure for dyspepsia aud liver complaint aud do honestly say that if itoobt me one hundred dollars 910000 a bottle i woul d not be without it as it has done me more good than all the medicines i ever used aiidt feel like a new man yours truly a r steel cafleton place ont this mi diciue is for sale at 50c and 100 per botth at dr i mogarvins drug store among the warmest advocates of the usebf norffirc p lymans vegetable dis covery and dyspeptic qure are ladies formerly indelicate health whose vigor and bodily re parity have been restored by it cases df debility of long atandiug chronic biliousness weakness of the back and kidneys feminine ailments and ob stinate types of nervous indigestion are overcome by it i was off work for twoyearr suffering from kidneyjdisease and could get no relief until advised by a friend to tryvbbb i was cured by two bottles and consider it a miraculous cure the above is the sub stance of a oommunicatira from wm tier of st marys ont avoid by all means the use of calomel for bilious complaints ayers cathartio pills entirely vegetable have been tested forty years and are acknowledged to be the best remedy for torpidity of the liver costiveness and all derangements of the digestive apparatus a d nbyes newark michigan writes i have enquired at the drug stores for dr thomas eclectrio oil but have failed to find it tve brought a bottle with us from quebec but it is nearly gone and we do not want to be without it as my wife is troubled with a pain in the shoulder- and nothing else gives relief can you send us some why do so many limp and hobble about on sticks and crutches suffering from rheumatism stiff joints and cords lame back sprains and other aches pains and lameness when hagyards yellow oil an unfailing relief can be purchased at the trifling cost of twentyfive cents jacob h bloomer of virgil n y writes dr thomas eclectric oil cured a badly swelled neck and sore throat on my son in fortyeight hours one application also removed the pain from a- sore toe my wifes foot was also much inflamed so much so that she could not walk about the house she applied the oil and in twenty- four hours was entirely cured in bad dinor a year ago my head was covered with sores and the eruption covered my face also and spread even until the backs of my hands were sore i became weak and ill finding no cure i tried burdock blood bittersj two bottles perfectly cured me statement of tmiss minnie stevenson cocagnen b the latest remedy for coughs colds croup whooping cough bronchitis etc is mcgregors lung compound there is 110 remedy in existence containing any one of the active ingredients composing mc gregors lung compound so do not say you have taken everything until yoh have tried this for your cold or cough and your opinion will be the same as all who have used it viz that it is the best sold in 50c and 100 bottles by dr mcgarvm druggist t have you toothache use fluid light ning have you rheumatism use fluid lightning have you a stiff joint use fluid lightning haveyou neuralgia use fluid light- ning 1 have you lumbago use flaidllight- ing i are you troubled with headache use fluid lightning j have you any fain 3 use fluid light- it will cure you the instant itls applied try it 25c per bottle at dr mcgarvins drugstore -w-lt- ifagfv k1- for coughs coldsl bronchitis and all lung and throat troubles there is no pre paration of medicinje can compare with blckles anticonsumptive syrup it never fails to afford prompt and permanent relief it removes ail bareness and heals the diseased parts jt immediately soothes the ntwublesom cough and by pro- rnotingexpeetoratior removes the mucus whiah stops npfte air tubes which causes apcultj utfiattniihereby gives rejiei bttijat depressing tightness experienced in the cliesk jpuhlio speakers and singets i wflldbicldesanti4n8umptive syrup i wiaessiname valm juf bpeediiy and nyintion awl hnski- j ness mttie throat ahd brohimiaimes ana g to tio v w tendering v and pen let tbear procure a bottle merit lrtfveii dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of r icouimendations for articles entirely worthless not so with mo gregors spee iy cure j you are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j e mcgarvins drug store and get a free tria bottle and if not convinced it will cure y t u of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etd no matter of how long standing it costs you nothing bold in 50c and 1 bottles see testimon- als from peop e in your own town 29 ltcmaspl les syniptoins and care the sympt msare moisture like perspir ation intense itching increased by scratch ing very dist easing particularly at night seems as if pi i- worms were ctawling in and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes aff cted if allowed to continue very serious r sults may follow swatnes ointment is a pleasant sure curej also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin d iseases sent by mail for 50 cents 3 boi es 125 in stamps ad dress dr sfl ayne sox philadelphia pa sold by druggists 50 houmcays ills sxe strongly recommend ed to all persons who are much reduced in power and coi ditidn whose stomachs are weak and w hose nerves are shattered the beneficia effects of these pills will be perceptible ai ter a few days trial though a more extern led course may be required to reestablisl t perfect health holloways medicine actc on the organs of digestion aud induces complete regularity in the stomach liv it pancreas and kidneys this treatmei it is both safe and certain in result and is thoroughly consistent with observation c xperience and common sense the purificat on of the blood the removal of all noxious matter from the secretions and theexcit sment of gentle action in the bowels are the sources pf the curative powers of hoi loways pills best nnd omfwt to itae sufferlug brawns household panacea has no equal forrell vine pain both- internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago aud any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blond ind heal as itsscting power is wonderful browue household pan acea being acknowledged lasthe great pain relievei and of double the strength of any otbei elixir or liniment in the world shoult be in every family handy for use when wai ited as it really i8 the best remedy in tl e world for cramps in the st omirdh ani i pains and aches of all kinds and isfor salt by all druggists at 25 cents bottle 44 pro incut among the greatest nicdicu discoveries by the many cures il hasattcct- ed megmjurh speedy cure leads the van subjected to t lie minutest chemical analysis it has been fo und to contain ode of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered j the public evei y ingredient possesses a pecal ar adaptabili y to the various complaints for which it 1 tas been compounded and its efficacy isbei jp established by testimonials hourly receivted we are therefore cohli- dent that we have a preparation whieh we can offer to t io public with the assurance that it will bsfounduot only a relief but nabsolutecute for dyspepsia liver com plaint indig istion constipation and im pure blood free tgjjal bottles at j e mcgarvins j rucj8tore 31 tii iteiiwbiitte jtfyiglttffva w rls j 5fem2sssfesbss6sdtt halls vegetable slbulan tin wm viyy wiw tht first preparation perfectly udnpt- vdt9iuro tbhit- s of luo sdilp the ilrsftiucwsfil restorer of fodwj or gray link to its uuiurnl color growth dud youthful bcb it litis had mrtny im itators but lit linvc so fully met all the requirements uoudful for the proper treat- mgutoftboh r rml scnlp v halls ha kkxrwer lirtsj steadily groxyu in favor nnd spread its fame und usefulness to every quarter of thja globe its unparalleled success can bo attributed to but ono cause the entire fuljllmeiu of its promises the proprietors hovo often been ttur- prlsed at tho receipt of orders from re mote countries whero thcvhad never majonucflbrt for its introduction tho use for n short lime of iialis hair rbhewbr woiulerfully improves tho personal oppeamncc it cleanses the i scalp from all impurities cures all hu mors fever nnd dryness mid thus pre vents baldness itrstiniulatcs tho weak ened glnuds nudchiibics thctnto itii forward n now nnd vigorous growth tho eftccts of this nrtlclo nrc not truil stunt ii ic those of alcoholic preparation but rci tnin a long time which makes its iiso a m utter of economy buckinghams dye fok the whiskers will change tho beard to n natural brown or black as desired it produces a pcr- j manent color that will not wash away consisting of o singlo preparation it is 1 applied wlthjfut trouble prepared by ephall00naflhuan h sold by all dealers in medicines j our forced sale of dry goods and carpets will be continued at48 klug street east next to china palace immense bargraws jwiti becrrvex lljre re w goods reduced to 5c caslimeres reduced to 25c silk i all reduced in price tad es hosiery reduced to 20p worth boo ilk handkerchiefs reduced to 50c worth h prints reduced to5o worth 10c kid gloves 25c worth y o 72inoh twill sheeting reduced to 25c r worth 37c 42inch pillow cotton reduced to 8 table linens reduced to 25o wortp 35c tweeds reduced to 85 worth 50c gents furnishings all reduced ginghams reduced to 12jc flannels all reduced room we cinglmdndtiy carpets oilcloths lace curtaias bla etc all reduced we have hoi forail onr stock and are offering extraordinajy indgcemchts to clear out lines will iold auction sale at no 70 king street east every afternoon commencinglmt apru 5 to clear out balauoeot dry g6od8njl carpets cor klnfif and john its hamilton spring is here i 1886 s witft all its attractions and 1 r enney bros main street acton lavo now on the shelves of the dominion boot aiid shoe store a full slock df spring footwear of all kinds and we are now offering our customers superior yaue in all hues of j shippers c boots shoes wo carry hstock which for assortment bannot be excelled and every waut jan be suppliid wsare showing sonic nice lines in ttlnks received direct from the manuiaoturers oiir ordered work is giviug complet satisfaction aud customers know tl at our prices ire rip lit kepairing ueatly aud promptly excel it d 188 5 wers o henderson mcrae coi acton i i l thank their many friends for the more than liberal share of trade extended to them since kenney bros their bpenwig and cordially solicit a continuance assuring the i will be spared to make transactions mutually beneii i i o roioioroioioioioiowioiqkojooioio dress goopbtwltllm o o o o or- o o u o n- rd q o p oq 3 q- q f q q oo o o this lincwe have made special etiorts to meet pur dress goods trade this season has buen far iirexcess of aiy previous seasons business lii customers aud feel flattered the wishes and wants of our that our efforts oavc not been in vain we trust that in the future vve shjill merit a coutiiiuance o past favors wo shall still show the newest the nicest and the cheapest opds in the market the management of our millinery department being i ti charge ofwellkuown and fully experienced hands ncedjs no commendation from us thejiberal patronage of the ladiisof acton aud surrounding country speaks for itself we have just received the latcstbtylcs and shjiclc for summer wear and are fully prepared to fill all orders on shortest notice seoouruj i dress gcods muslins mantle silks prints ginghams ijarpets cretonnes table linens laoe curtains i corsets parasols allover embroideries allover laoes gray white cotton8 at n that no effort ial wool wool we the undersigned beg to announce that we will agtin buy all the wool offered ai our mills for which we are prepared to pay the highest rjrice in cash or in exchange for goods 18- sumnrar arrangement 86 livorpool and quetje sfinrico w10m uvkufool 8tealter 10m quebklv qlltcassia friday 23rd aprifci friday 14th may poliynsiak thnrsday lth aprils thur6aay 20tb jfay j pabi8unj thuredfty cth may thursdfty 27th may isabmatian i friday mth myi lfriday 4th jdiie 8abdinian i thursday 20th mayfthursday 10th june j ir cabin intermediate and steerage fores are still reduced betnrn tickets good for ouovear the bes line to take to colonlol exhibition parties sending for friends in the old country can obtain prepaid certlncat it at greatly reduced rates for tickets ami every info rmation apply to j e mcgaiwin- ticket agent acton jolpm m youri3igsuit eyebtinj i- free pre8s pot ata30ni ejubserj 0e tbibil thbeemo in variably inodval sl25 per tojtl will tool hnnes till all arrbaf option of thepnblks st m brennan has pleasure in announcing that his tail orihg shorp in mrs seoords block is nowopen rfnd in full running order and in a position fo411 all orders he is showing good tweed suits t fi2 sold elsewuebe for- 15 scotch tweed suit 17 18 old elsewheke- fob23 and 24 tine vwojisted suit at f soeb elsewhere at 25 gentlemen wanting a firstclass good- fitting coat etc may rely upon being suited in evey respect by leavingtheir orders with brennan the clothier adver space one colamni- hok g6rmnn quarter lolumn one inch im etc etc rook prices boots -00- and shoes advice to mothebs are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child buffering and crying with pain ef cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a iottlei of m rs winslows soothing f yrup for children teething its valqe iis inpal culabje it vill relieve the poor little suf ferer immedi stely depend uponitiroth era there la pin mistake about it it c ttres dysmfery suadiarrhcba regulates stomach an 1 bowels cures wind golie softens the sums reduces inflammation and gives i tae and energy to the whole system jfra tviaslpws soothing by rupforhidren teething is pleasant to the taste an i isthe prescription of on e of the oldest an ibestfemale physicians and nurses in th pmted tes nd is forjsale by all drtg st ithionghtmtibe world price twenfivijtefate evbottle be sure and ask for mas wnsuiwa sooijbix abe and tekeno other kind ssaew great vurieiy in mens womens aud chlldkens wear odd lines at loss than half price -00- eggs and butter taken in exchange remember our famous 60cent tea and shoes cheap job lots of we have a large and wellassorted stock of blankets tweeds 1 flannels tarns knitted goods ic selectedespressly to supply the require ments of the farmers 1 boll carding spinning j weaving and in fact all kinds of custom work done in our usual prompt and satisfactory i manner j newton sqns limehouse -the- tery is not settled yet but the j fact that vy williams f has the best stock of j boots am shoes i in the county iu settled beyond dispute i have just received my spring stock ajner am prepared to suit all old easterners and as many new ones as see tit to rive me a call in all lines of footwear boots for the babies boats for the men boots i do make boots i do mend custom work and repairing promptly attended to wmw illfems weaving ji mil t mitchielii got3 waters thet picture gallery guelph qjhalerjati oil ah crayons caivas zj papers brushes ttcj bros for artists materials oil ad water colors crayons caivas drawing paner rriuheji hr oil paintings steel engravings chromoe c frames of afil kinds mbnldiugs room- and jpictan cornices and cornice poles- spring rdlcrs and window shades from 90c complete- i fancy goods suable tr wedding and birthday presents dc b3pyi8itbrs can- have- their pictures framed while in tire city so briug them wilh you to wateibro the pictute galiv near the post office acton planing mills williamson amsh aw xkohbhqrok j bniller ad opktraotoi ash door aidbiaad fictoryj is prepared jto put on storm doors whi- dows weathet strip s l otc on short notice winter potches e rccted neatly and at reasonablepricep i we have cmeof fleuryi i celebrated chop ping mills and will chop 1 il kinds of grain on tuesdays thunsdaysnd saturdays t aae summer tour laoe btaooerj low sates ioor stipi per wi nk bttweca- detroit and viackinac aad averjrwesic py between detroit iatya cleveiland vptttiiotciw i i picturesque jmackiliac illustrated caulnnflrirtloijliri milled sis bleteli detroit cleveland steam nav co d whitdojbb 1 ich pmsi aot orrnoit kich 1 thkeyq health urdogkblodtr 5 weaving 1 fancy bag garpetsi flannel sheeting ishirtmg and press goods striped or plaid twill qr plain also bed blankets and horseblahktets two yards wide an over ndl will guarantee that i willgivegood satisfaction to all farmers and others who i will favor me with their patronage- ti mmjchll ruby the artist 1 is now iiikiri some beautiful views schools picnic parties and residences 1 those desiring bit services should rdlorwrthirajrterms tor- 1 metropolitan std 1 1 0 acton wagg ns and horse powers r threbih ythe well- unlockb alltlji bowels kldni ing off gradually system all the humors of the bi time corn stomach cirin known peerless oil si2 gold med- 1ls s the lastthr years try also our peerleaa manufactured at qaeea ttttf 0ulv0rksi by 8amilel rogers i co toronto axle grtoaso lor your t hepburn co of the8kin vibion jan erysipelas scroll the heart itorv frth debility a other- similar com happy influence hlood bekebitj tim 6 10 clbief avenu idyeru cany- vreakeiing the ties aid foul i at the sam6 aciity of tht 5iiovaaosa dys- dizzineas patin dryness ess bi t ehetnn uttering of iesiljand qen these and many ats weld to the oce t bi1buhx co propfiv toronto fcure s r ffe u tts m fbeemaltk wobh powbers v v v j are ppoeant to tskorcootoi 1 thekrovra ursativo is a sale euro enj i metaal casaaldvt ftrrt huortian ad3l reckoriodbvajeb icaleot sofidnonp advertisements thllbeinrertedtiu nglyx transitory advance changejdr eonb in the office by 0 1 thevwni be lotto graduate ber of college of j -office- ananr r us iibenlsei 61 new system of momycabedyit teethttithpnti strator and flouegeof ronsmaydepend inahy operat cabtoufevery w r w asais fev conegefot dental sgj t cb hayes 11 sorted oh butherj w- inurh sasl rfssi jrousoxiiegasad jei v ate appoinknel vtoh jut s- etermsifsgj dentiauiftbbaj soundes attafl sir aliwobifiiw rvs ed to teflns ej w- tohnstonj bariasterssu fil aneersi qfrricea w m emitd souc ofhcb i office main t 1 at 6 percent hiito tot 3rl drricesl 5 aud 86 kmgl w t iilis jtrat s- offices lingtbnst auey tbrpi to john bats wriiun iiibl pateots henrt w iiczl fortbccoupl orders left or at my promptly a also able terrns terebtiqs njriiy md sans i crvbs b cmxic nd orders by tended to perth st john ornca square r johnji suce money to pes cent loaned for beottrity properly ai farms and with farms fori dominfon t iff oulated in eri jst anting f ai ms reotions th rou farms wait denoe invit id guelphort rxihe m- an easy sh we seafoam ai e given lvsa tfxt oohdinpn t mm st qj cue day j qui hsi

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