Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1886, p. 1

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x oixme xnqsq it him jm fwss rtrfnumn i ky thlrsiay mjknixg xt the fre p3ess power printing nousfe acton ontario acton banking cot storey christie co actw -hankhr8- outnrto mi m ml susscriptionrrates 1v vv hjv six llovtiix vhtk lii iui months sjtvs li iriw 11 advance if not paid in utautcc 11t voir wiulvchftjtpovl no parr dicml- iilh all arrear arc jmid except at the oii tv publisher advertising rates- myvi vhto v umu hifcivinn j uir vumn onejureb 1 vft i 6miv s mo 1 1 liio i ss au 14pc 350 i j ww 700 150 4 1vmui tiwrtivmcuts s cents per line or the ftr insertion- ainlaccntuptt uforch shb- i iuen insertion cash tho number of lilies rvknohv tho sicmjccuikm npswrvl lv a a1c at tolid ximimeq i avvertwuicnu without specific directions will ih inserted till tortiul ana charged accord- insy- transitory advertisement must bo jiaij n atvanfc ohvices for contract advertisement must h in t om lv a m on mondays otherwise- thov will bo nsi over until the folloving week h p moork editor au1 proprietor abxklial tiaxfcixg hcsinkss transacted money loasd on approved notes notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits dont read this this paper rirv tv fovrl on file r t cin p rowcllslv xewjvjirr aiv 5mwngitariuespriirswnj mlvrrimlij tractjufcltiailcfortt ix new iokfa- y la- business directory l- hwsvry m b mc ps graduate of trinity college mem ber oi calksje of physicians and surgeons ofrioe and residence at the head of frederick street acton i l stagey m jx cm gradual of y trinity university fellow of triit- aiy medical school member of tle college of physiciaus and surgeons onit campbells hotel j ltjexnett les dentist georgetown ontario rihe undersigned ispivpared to furnish jl on the shortest notice in any itian ity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also fx0toaot peed and anything in the lino of fanners house keepers or contractors- necessities thos c moore business college guelfii ontario new m ton ontawio thubsiay october prig goods tat- days rook store cuelph tnuuhtiav mounino ootonitn 28 1880 25000 roll wall paper i oo sel s lawn croquet carload express waggons t dentis georgetown ont nsesthe new sv5em of nitrons oxide gas team- mouiy called yivaiircd air tor estracting teelh without piin having been demon- stntor and iractical teacher in royal couee o diutal snnjeors toronto pat rons myltpeadupoiireoaiviiii satislaction in any oparatioas porfornaed will it acton every ssiond nl foarth wednesaay of each nviith ofibce aijnews hotel jlhk third scholastic year begins septenber 1st patronage drawn from t states aiul irovinces youug men and bojs xliorguglily prepaml tor business pursuits gradiiatusemiuetit ly successful as accountants rusimss llauagers shorthand writers clerks salesmen travellers etc both in canada and the united states moderate rates thorough practical work ami courteous tteatmen characterize j the institution ladies admitted to all tie advantages of the college splendid facilities anordui for the ue- nisition of french and german for information uddress mmvccormick wif principal lumber shingles bis stock low prices day sells cheap guelph cloth hall i j ohn eawsongraduat e of on- rtrio veterinary college toronto vttfcrinarvisareoilactonjat giyicz in kenny bros bfi and shoe store resi dence in the rey jlorcs esamihed as to sonnduess and seitiricates given all calls nighcgfday promptly attend ed to terms easy johnston mclean birristers solicitors notaries convey ancers ac ftiprivate funds td loan ofica town hall acton ii p li 3feyis r a mciieax t and lath mie iukicri4ji vi desires ti intrui the puhiic m e mitcuell souiitor cosvetascer ac- irnit first door west of the champion cnicc3am street milton money to loan at f percent ohilton allan i baird barristers solicitors ac tomstovxl geonoetows onies creelmans block georgetown aid so kinc street east toronto w t v-s- 3 skiltox 11 a uvikd ta b ainlatdlaw4cq balisiies soljcitoes ojnvts over imperial bauk 24 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto joux bu- q c c a- msnx william laiuiit geobge kmteli stock a full line of 1ine riii hcniioek fs well r other king of jlmaber first and svcuntl class pidc ouingles lath v coal wood i i having purchasthl th ioallilinrss of mr c s sinitb i alii rrepariil t6umily all fciiil v stove coal 1 have qlso rocfa tiek of woo hanlivood ashclar and mil wood at reason able prices wood and coal ilelivcrnl rmes 11hown i i mutual fire insurance gompasy cotjnii of vfilliugton kstaiilislkl 1810 head office cuelph merchant tailors kn kuk rivi mm first instalment r of xiv fallii loods poetry auld stooklnas a things paod wraiir the ither day i could na thinlt i couldna pray oh dear huys i tlvia winua daop- rijuwu mid dikjfu stookinfib noo yo neediia lunch as twero past boliof that a woman aick at heart wi rrlof in bio a thing could find rolief as darning stookingn tho kriefi mean is just ye ken what vvivesbriug on them ubo and thpn a worry about thinfis 11 men ab wcel as btockins i took my htocluiiks doon i sat a whjlos i bihcd and whilcb 1 grut but then i thought it better that i darn my stockings i lookod thoin u owcr ano by ano tae see if ony o them were dune deed bomoo them were unco thin auld stockings j an hour or twa i hod tae spend before i got ins tae tho end but its hardly ever too hvto te uioud auld stockings and lang beforo my task was done my troubles left me ane jay ano and i was glad iliad beguu tao darn stockings just dac your clntx thats the whole it will help ye moiiy au ill tao thole although ye only mend a hole in auld stockings noo may time verses lost all time for that i canna briug too min that shakespeare eveueer strung a rhyme about auld stockings tfrwnodtdtijraih story- the wrong window ri w baugerow co bvullitess soliciiocs itc ontario hall jo church street toronto i ji jii crsnsici patents hecuheii for inventions henry grist ottawa caxua 2 years practice no pateut no pay x a murray llckssei atltioxeeb for the counties of halton and wellingtons orders left rhisresfdeuce maiti street opposijecliurcli street actoii oraddressed to acton po will receive strict attention terms reasonable notes discounted if desired- insures buildings merchandize mauu- factories and all other dejcriptions of property on the preninru note sstem f w stooe cuas davidson president secretary john tayijor agent helloi patise and consider thai it will be to yourbwu interest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfully infoim the inhabitants of actci and sar- roundirif country lltt vc ire a4iiiriu full rkmiink order and in a better position than before the tire to till ail orders entrnstl to to partiesbuilding lbmbep will t5e drftssefl while you wait and mouldings ac maue witl neatness and despatch shaw crundy merchant tailors guetph wellington qus3e0 john h of marble works m gxtzlpb hamilton proprietor wholesale aiid retail deafer in marble grairitc and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer oi all kinds ijronito find 3iarbe w r m iiem8tbeet llceksel accnoskeb for the counties of wellington and halton orders left at the feee piuks0mce acton or at my residence in acton will- be proai2ly attended to terms reasonable ilokey to loas also inoney to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rate3 of in terest in sums of s500 and upwards v john day archttect 1 gvvsah osi otwh queens hotel block market square n orddrs foj b we are also prepared to till all pumps on bliort notice and frojn long experience in tie business wo feel confident that we give satisfaction every time so come itli your order and help to roll the ball sjoney makes the mare go whether can on v alonjg she aaslegsor no thos ebb ve jiauascr f ranfjis nunanl- sudcessor to t fj chapman bookbinber 4 st georgpjb sjjjjare guelph ontario accouni books of all kindsmade to ovder feriodieals of every description carefully bound ijuilin neatlyawtpramptly done john f acton iliviii- lately vj iul tin iiiyv t piiiidy grunit yuarricf mvl 1 jj imithiisid tlo entire stock of bray and rod k ijte inouiiuieiua heaflbtodte eiosaesurn if alxaiider taylor at less thnn ct i wijl nutili fnitiir r notice sell at prices never bifore kuoiiyii ii ontario fer iu- staeii- tlraliitiiiiniluiiieiitc jft hiyb oo 7 ft 10ft all work and- fjrstciiikb lartieffjvantliig eiwiii uitvcil to call nhd see t jp erevheieas i guarantee my prices a ro- front 3fto 50 per cent below all otherdealers j ft hikily ft material ivaitantc anything in tills hi me before purchis meat acton market etutleelg w ohfj street acton rfi e smith proprietor have purchased sully dorton wus a protly girl with u great many pleasant and pretty ways her great weakness was novel reading and tho absurd ideas resultiug therefrom seth hikgins an honest sonled fellojr had asked her to become his wifo and b1is was willing but she had one request to make that sur prised seth it was that they should elope and be married it would be soromantic and exciting iiopo with you sally seth asked what should that be fer lias your folks got anything agin me no replied sally you aint ashamed to take me fore folks nooo replied sally slowly she really liked seth very much but was de termined that a tlavor of the romantic should add its dear charm to her wedding i think p weddiu with all ones kiu folks an frcns an a big dinner an all that is nicest said seth everybody has that said sally petu lantly i dont want to ho like every body else t v it will be just like a page from a novel she said 1 till be ill ready at midnight and you must come galloping np like mad and we will steal away and be married and every one will bo surprised aud you must got fathers ladder off the garden fence where it hangs all the time and put it up to my window aud youd belter chain up your dog said setfi if ho bit me once id kill him dead i aintgoiug to haveno hydrofohy yes yes said sally ill see that majo is tied up and and seth itd be more romantic if you climb up tho ladder and carried me down ye an more chance of our brenkiu onr necks aaid seth i dont sco what ever possesses you to carry on like this sally then lbavo tre avauut cried sally in b highly trugical tone l im not goin to avent a step said seth if i could only 6ce some sense in it all 1 wouldnt mind but i dont care ho added recklessly ill do it to please you then sally was happy her life would not have been lived in vain if it could have ajomance of its own she had overruled lull of seuis objections and made him con- sett agaiubt his better judgment to do as she another flash and he placed it against a aidoof tho house no light was visible sally thought that darkness would add to tho romanoo of tho affair tliero were almost constaht peals of thunder and tho rain beat furiohsly against windows aud doors seth knew that sally could not hear a pebble againsthe glass which ho had been asked to throw he decided to rup 011 the window and tell her that the elopement mast be post ponod and that she would got sopping wot if she vouturcd out lhis wpnld alio w lieu that he ha kept wb void iu regard to coming after her i ho crept glowly up thff ladder und rapped gently on the window i witlv his knuckles there was no response a sudden lull caroo the wind aud rain ceased for a mo mcut a prolonged wavelike glare of light ning rovealed seth rapping quite vigorously on the window sally i sally he whispered shrilly a window ten feet from him was thrown up arid a frightenod voice said sethi sethi for pitys sake come away from there youre at the wrong window- thats pas room i seth was about to fall off tho ladder when the window went up with a bang and a strong hand clutched his neck ive got ye ive got ye cried the excited and angry pn himsolf 1 i see yo by- that crack o lifilunin ill fix ye 1 no ubo kickin tbatawaw all ha 1 thar goes the ladder and now you air dono for it was too true poor seths struggles had sent the ladder flyingfrpm under him ill hang on till daylighi fore pll let yodrapl cried mr porton im boand to see who on what ye air here ma run an tell the hired man to turn the dogloose an ill call him under this winder if this bugler ever drops into old jiajea jaws houl wisht he hadnt gone a buglerin rouud these premises explanations rapidly followed and as sally had had sufficent excitement she consented to be married in the usual way aud to give up novelreading and a fine oldfashioned wedding brought her career of rounuitic dreams to a very happy end bro gardiners philosophy to start gin a man credit if you wai him on de road to de pophoiwi as it am de roughness ofde grindstun which aharpens do ax so it am de troubles of life which aigo up de human mind gray hars am cntitlbd to respeok- only when tho owners of gray heads respeok deirselves it doaii do any good to light a cundlo srter you have bin eatin wormy apples in do dark do pusson who judges of de speed of a mulo by his bray moan 6 complain if ebery- passes ifm on de road de pusson who am tiebber tempted de serves no particular credit fur obeyin de law do less advice you gfowidput pay dp mo credit you will receive fur bein chuckfull o wisdom j men who expect to bojtreated jist as you treat dem will ueither slander nor abuse you between readiu a mans cbardcter by his blimps or goin on a picnic him take de picnic f what we calkorlate on doiki furto-rned- der wont pay de grocer fur taters nor de butcher fur soupbone dcnian wlio aims toelcvate his -fellow- man cant be too keerful to prevent de nay- burs from obcrheariu his faraly riota doan be too hard oif human naturj de man who kin sot down an tell you exactly what dis kentry needs to make her great an glorious may have no idea whar his nex barl of flour am comin from a religion which cant stand befo de sight of a circus purceshon or de sound of de fiddle am not worfluggin aroundo kentry people who expect a man to kick his own dog in case of a fight have got a good sur prise laid up for eni when you flatter yourself dat de majority opeople doan know de difference between de roar of a lion an de bray of an ass you have struck a bananapeel which will briug ye down kerflop ljjotb of men who would establish an or- furi asylum if dey had de money will beat a woodsawyer down 30 per cent below the gofh price thjb work of years the jrears hut make thee fairer love as- by u they are rolled m ur bn the rarer love thou m ver wilt grow old tjiy brow is bat the whiter love as swjf i the clays go by and yearly groweth brighter love the swuet light in thy eye more del jt ate carnation love thymol tided cheek doth woo t and its no revelation love thy lip i havo found more hno and won dst thou know the wherefore lovn the isecrets no surprise yet one tliat thou wilt care for lbyo my hearenia in my eyes oil your boots and shoes e orosson butchers th i business daley successor thompson jjiflboh money to loan on farm property at 6 ff mortgages purchased money oanedfoi pities i mortgages and other parity conveyancing in alliits branches poperly and neatl done barges low fk gi propty for sale list n for 8ale sent to all parts of tbe- cns iutending porchasexa andir cul4tea europe europeotapitlbt rn ranted dence united guelphout wih pa sotfrdi- our european igeiibietsl for our lists correspon- office near the post ojecei mr smith has purchased the livery business of mb h b mccaethy which lie 1 as removed to his commodioas- stabjes on john street in thecentveof the business porikoh qf the town mr smith has liad lengthyesperienee in this business and feete confidant that heafl baisfacuqnj weifery patron y- anyone desiring a ooamswiftl plqa kim or oojjypan rigf n be supplied with ft nrstolass turnout on the shortest potice horsey boarded antl 9old terms reasonable li pn xobsehymen bmown mhe hanlan mill stiuiet actos of mrb of i public holmes and solid sri share patronage the members bf lie firm ave practical batchers and arc pyipared taensare their customers thorough isatisfaction there will always be fopnd on hand a full stock of all kinds of meat c in season i we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisned thai by transacting business upon business prjneipjes wo will win publio confidence aud support rufcedge crosson- acton feb sti wanted galeaien permanent- pisiliops guaranteed with salary and espmsos faia any de termined man can i speed with u i pecul iar- advantages i 6 iefcnuerja j is ock com- plciflifiadinmanymatsollihgsjeeialties outfit ffee adflress at once i name this paper ladie bbothems i bocwestkb nt barber shop fsh bairut bf gciod iniisyshaveo btyj aeeilni4 eshjilirajmgihampoo always tflvefc raisors qoi ed anotiutitf flratclass condition tast ly cut and childrens hair j p kvjniikn tonsorial artist wished the night agroed upon for the elopement came and with it a settled rain seth was very despondent sally was jubilant her plan was a simplo one they were to ride to a village twelve miles distant it would he dayhgbiwhen they reached this village they would be married and returnin time for dinner this prosaic ending did riot please sally greatly bat nothing more exciting could be agreed upon she would have liked to have had her father follow them vowing vengeance in which case phe could have defied him to his teeth but as sally disconsolately said father likes seth too much to make any- fuss nevertheless she decided on pinning a note to her pillow telling her parents that she had gone with the man she lovod and that au pursuit will be vain it was after 1j oclock when seth started for sallys home the fire of romance flamed not furiously in his breast even love whs at low ebb he was sorely tempt ed to give upj the whole plan but was afraid of sallys taunts j lie saddled the amazed and unreliable iiajsarusand took also a decrepit old nag called bally sallybaidshe was to tide behind me cause i was to be her lookijpvarjor some other big fool butj lookinvarorno lockin- var old lazrus wont earry double an i wed both get hi ited into the mud if we tried it it was midnight a dark anil dreary mid night when seth reached farmer idortons farmhouse the rain came down in tor rents and objeota could be seen only by the flashes of lightning these were quite frequent and by them seth found the lad- dor at the place indicated by sally the efficacy of oiling depends much upon the way in which it is done in the even ing brush the shoe clean and then wash it with lukewarm water rather to moisten than to clean it set it where it will dry slowly it should not bo perfectly dry the next morning when the oil is applied but feel damp not wet however tjie best mixture for oiling shoes is made of onehalf of neatsfoot oil be suro yott get the geuuiuo article onethird beef tillow and onesixth castor oil jmix thoroughly over a gentle heat depend upon ths rhbbiug rather than the heat to get the oil into express it differently two parts of rubbing to one of heat if the shoeb are pegged as farnieref- hoes usually are and always shoald be get the oil in well between the uppers and tho sole it will prevent the sole pulling loose or the leather breaking away from the pegs shoes worn at forin work should be oiled at least once a week it requires only a few minutes to do thf work and it is decidedly profitable labor4- american agriculturist for november j everything pair in war j jonas 11- of washington iud toward the close ofthelato war was bodyservant for a quartermaster and after the close and when the quartermaster had been mus tered out as jon3e tells the story he re quested smith aa a last service before part ing to take a large box on a dray to the freight depot and ship it asking smith at tho same time if lio conld read and write jonas answered that he could not started off with the box and on the way to the station removed tho shipping tag whicli bore tho name of the quartermaster ana that of the place the box was to be shipped and substituted his own name and addres and by that means obtained a box of new army blankets the quartermaster intended to capture orstbal from uncle som jonas wlio is fairly educated said in extenuation of this commercial transaction mr quartermaster captured the blank ets from the government and i captured them from him everything is fair in war detroit freepress why she hated him real bad i used to think that gus simpson was a real nice young man but i just hate him now flaid oue young lady to another why what has he done hes treated mo shanief ally s thats wliat iu what way why tho other evening at the party i said to him lets eat a philopene and if you say yes or no to any of my ques tions ill owe yon a box of candy and if i sajj yes or no youll give me a box theniwhat after the party he took me heme aud all the way he talked just as sweet as could be about love in a cottage and men ah aid not live alone and au that and when we got to the front gate jhe said finny i have waited for this opportunity a lpng time will you marryinexj i whis pered yes in a low voice and and here her sobs choked her voice and what did he do then inquired her listener eagerly he just hollered philoperie with all his might thats what he did and she wept afresh and would not be com forted 4 theeecehts it ilgp th3 cocaine habit the w it slavery knowanew revela- tlofflj of powers i cincinnati timestar i j when cocaine was discovered the medi cal world exclaimed thank heaven f but useful asit is it is also dkngerous especially when its use is perverted from the dcade ring of pain for surgical opera tions to the stimulation and destruction of the hum in body its first effects are soothing i nd captivating but the tjhralldom ip the moat horrible slavery known to humanity j l tephenson m i of lebanon 0 was interviewed by our reporter yeter- dny tit th 3 grand hotels and during the con versat ion the doctor said the cocaine habit is a thousand times worse thantbe inorphins and opium habits and you would be astoni ihed he aid if you inew how f rightf nil f the habit ib increaginglj what are its effecits it is the worst constrtutidrj wrecker ever knot n itruins the liver an d kidneys in half a ear and when teisl work is done the stroni jest constitntion ooh succumbs 1 io y u know of dr tjndernills case here in cincinnati that leading physician who became a victim o the cocaine habit jifes his case was a very sad one bat the habit can be cured i have rescued many a man from a worse condition j whai worse than dr underbills indet d sir far so justin m hall- a m m b president of the state board jof health t f iowa and a famed practitioner and alejinee neil hm professor of surgery i i ithe columbus medics 1 college and presi dent of the academy of medicine a man w dely known rev wrp clancey of india mpolis ind from personal ex perience n opium eating etc can tell yon of the kind of success our form of treat- nlent wins and so can h c wilson fir- merly of cincinnati who is now associatjsd i good bit of assurance to ask a ma his business away to the public why he oughtnt to swim he sat in one seat of tho railway coach with his knees outspread so as to occupy the entire seat while the cushions of the next seat was piled high with his baggage and bundles a modestappearing gentle man walked up the aisle and stopped oppo site the barricade expecting of course that the other would remove it vain hope the follow in the seat didnt care how many had to stand bo long as he was all right finally the modest ono tapped the fellow on the shoulder saying i beg your par don sir but i presume you are going to the seashore yes grunted his por cine interlocutor then i advise you said modestus not to go in swimming and why not why havent you ever hoard that a hog oannot swim without cut ting his throat boston transcript electrical punishment i a savant named henri roget hailing from lyons has a new use for electricity he lias a patent to apply it as a substitute for tlfe catoninetails in corporal punish ment tee culprit having been undressed is securely strapped to a steel triangle which is conuected with one polp of a powerful battery the other polo is con nected with the whip whioh consists or a number of steel wires covered with sponge this whip is dipped in water before the stroke is administered and wher- everthe wet wire3 touch an electric dis- the inventor claims mild as not to injure a schoolgirl while on the other hand by increasing the power of the battery a punishment can be administered beside which the knout would be a mere childs play and at the same time no in jury is inflicted the disgusting spectacle of a lacerated back is avoided and the culprit instead of having to be sent to the hospital to have his wounds healed can be put to work in five minutes after the flogging is over quite a triumph of civilization with me would you mind letting our readers into the secret of your methods p well young man von surely have an to give bu wont wholly disappoint you i have treat- ed over 0000 patients in common with many eminent physicians f for yeans made a lose study of the effects of the habits oi the system and the organs which they most severely attack dr hall ir neil anc mr wilson whom 1 have men tioned tnd hundreds of others equally as expert made many similar experiments m their orn behalf we each found that these di ugs worked most destrpctively in tho kicneys and liver in fact finally destroyed them it was then apparent cure could be effected juutil thoee conld be restored to health we exhausted the entire range of sciencej experimenting with ill bharge takes place the chastisement can be made so important advice to boys say nothing you would noi like god to hear eoolesiaites v 2 r do nothing yon would not like god to see titus ii 7 j write nothing you wouldiiot like god to read hebrews iv 13 go to noplace where you woqld not like god toflnd you jobxxxiv 21 read no book of which yon would not like god to say show it me john v 89 never spend your time in auoh a way that you would not like god to ask what i cirt thou doiug i thessaloniana v 15 the cow and thesmugglera a new usefor cattle has been apparently- found in prussia where a band of smugglers employed a cow in their attempts to avoidi the tax on lace a strong tenmonthsold cow was wrapped round with a quantity of laoe valued at 81000 over this was fitted a false skin so ingeniously constructed as to defy detection they passed the t quite easily at the customb office the men there admiring her size and beauty some of the excise officers even offering her bread the owners of the cow were kept in sus pense while the cow quietly strolled bn quite unconscious of the numerous whaoks and pokes she received from the smugglers who wanted to hasten her gait however allthings have an end and the cow was at length got out of the dangerous vicinity of the excisemen muoh to the relief of her owners in n dangerous condition any man woman or child isin a danger ous condition when negleoting a constipated state of the bowels there oan be no per fect heajtb without a regular action of this fuiiotioh burdook blood bitters oure oonstipation by imparting a healthy tone to all the secretions that no organs recent medica l known remedies for these organs and aa the result of those j close investigations we all sub stautiatly agreed though followrbg differe it lines of inquiry that themilst l reliabl s scientific preparation was warners safe ei re this was the second point irj the discovery the third was our own privat form of treatment which of conrfee we do not divulge to the public every case thatwe have treated first with warn ers stfe cure then with our own private treatment aud followed up again witb warn srs safe cure- for a few weeks has been successful- these habits cant be cured without using it because the habit ib nouri ihed and sustained in the liver and kidue fa the habit ean be keptjapjin moderation however if free use bb also made at the same time of that great remei y j j 3 es it is a world famed and justly cel- ebrat id specific f like many other physic cians i used- to deride the claims made for jt bu 1 1 know now for afacthat it the worlcs greatest blessing having sovereign powe over hitherto incurable diseases oi itheklfrteys and liver anotvhen i have said 1 hat young man i have said nearly everj thing for most diseases originate hi or ar aggravated by a depraved condition of jth kidneys people do not- realize this becaus bingv lar as it may seem the kidneys may be in a very advanced stage of decomposi tion and yet owingto the fact that these are t at few nerves of sensation in them the subjt ct will not experience much paih ther in on tbis account thousands of people die every year of kidney clisease un- knov ririgly they have so called disorders of tie head of the heart and lnngs ana pton ach andtreat them in- vain for tlie real oause of their mi66ry isrderanged kid- ueye and if they were jpestored to health the other disorders wonldsbou disappear dr stephenson a experience that can be confirmed by many thousands whom he has treated adds- only more emphasis to fcha9xperienceof many hundreds of thou- san is all over the world that jhe remedy heiefers to is without aiay doubt the most bed jfibien tdiscovery ever given ts humanity mi c ive hoiloways corn cure a trial it renp oved ten corns from one pair of feet wit iout any pain what it basdohjb- onoe it v ill do again t- li i- 5 a i a i juhfjivatf ru j i ti r u i j i wji

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