Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1886, p. 3

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4 r f 80 hyd8 actox isk wattmet dock jewekv spectacle crtrtjtnnkpptts porks wedding ring gko lunds jgirti tatiokr stows arm rvsikhs jdystijks- r 1 m rkhnlk j h no rsttfthtr line ol ojnftera al r rrnj n iwutahlc ort onimrttoods em umbo parlor kernte t is th attraction for 1 io confection- en ci ttood c i j m fkhsbtiy lit uk iort om bulldlm thikmv mormmi nekmwm 4 1886 crumbs forbreakpastt provided by the ver thoughtful free prat reporters roiri ku weeks to chnattnaa tomorrow is g ny pawkea dy milton s ttaea moaut to 54jto this cur a week of prayer for youug men begins ou november 14 r judges 0urt of revision nest thurs da at pan 1 the mount forest imlrx has discon tinued publication toborgtaite are wi ting their favorite sport with impatience a 16400 skating and curling rink is beiug btult at stratford guerph boys were iu bathing last saturday in cows dam the teachers of acton public schools have all been re- engaged for 1886 v tlie sportsmen are having good success iu securing partridge and hares hereabouts just now jtbe quarterly communion services will be held in the methodist church next sunday morning t turner tarnishes chiuinev s oil etc aud hghts the milton street knips for four cents per lamp per night mr r bjermvnhaajust received a consignment of tea direct from yokohama japan rwi the c p r two brothers named joyce of bronte were fined 10 on saturday for desecration of the sabbath by fishing that day the almanac tells us lhat rain cold sunshine wind hail frost and snow are on the programme forhe present month lr washington the eminent throat aud lung sargeon will visit acton at the dominion hotel on monday 8th no in the fall the festive oyster conies to gladden us once more t in the fall were sadlj pestered bv the open winter bore rev dr carman will officiate at aumversarv services in the methodist church georgetown on 14th and loth tnsts the last session of the fourth division court for the present vear will be held in the council chamber uext thursday at 10 am mr john b dickson of krarnosa has wfoht gltorgetovn ertitom lotru thtt tev dr atauv who hujuitvkwfcd hit port u uombt m b ouv ctanh d tog lot wmdma hulpukt an gax l orviwbjtncjrwttou uhei wm ft large crowd ot pooplo at finrfowqmteryott sunday afternoon the trtoribns summerlike weather brought the dtista onj iu jarge numbers tho cewetorvj is imphrvtog in appearance week by wwkjaod it is gratifyiug to know that lot are baiiigfralyaold botft to citimui nd tartars of his vicinity tbi h ft bam comedy co already tavorab y known to lovers of mirth hen will ap pear in acton town hall each even ing dar ng the week coramenoing ou mon day lith inst change ot programme nightly admission 10 and socehto from the success which t atteuded former appear wees of this company in una placed they w ill doubtiecs have full houses the weeks rakings whijihftre prlnolpally local and all interesting r m chang e of time table a niiw time table was issuod by the c t l ti monday trains going east now leave actpu as follows 765 and io5j a111 1 md 607 and 950 p m going west 155 uud 987 am and 214 538 and 631 p in the evening trains now cross at bockv ood at 553 itibtesd of at acton at o47 ai lortnerl the b by journal of the county the milton srformrr completed its first volumi 1 last week tho rtformtr is an in terest lg local paper and since the number of newspapers in mvltou has been rednced to two iheio is every phauoe for the lit- fvrmtr conducted in iu present upright nianner to succeed the vuu vvs wishes it many happ retnrns of tho anm- ersatx paying for his whistle murray williams hotelkeepcr oakvillc waa charged before the police magistrate by inspector brothers on wednesday on thrensepante offences onefor keeping for sale the other two for having sold intoxicat- mgliqnor the charge for keeping was with- drawn ou each of the others the defendant was tmed too and coststu nil 11250- ooiriwr star quelph liquor sellers convicted a good many cases bare been tried with out success in guelph and it was boasted that guelph hotelkeepers could not be convicted for selling liquor but at the police court on tuesday police magistrate saunders delivered his decisions in the scott act cases against james hawkins bartender at the new western and michael kirhj of the boylehbtoi each was fined 50 and c03u for violation of the act teachers convention the convention of halton public school teachers held at georgetown last friday was vers- well attended and proved quite a success mr j s deacon the president occupied the chair the programme was aninterestiug que and was carried through wih such despatch that work arranged for v uuuv uu the proposed sessions of saturday was all dis- remed the farm of mr win townsend i posed of on friday a meeting under the lot 30 con i esquesiug for a term of same auspices will be jield at burlington fcve jears i lost on mill street on tuesday after- 1 noou out of a baby carriage a linen tidy the finder will much oblige by leaving at i this office the weather of the past week has been nouderfully fine and truly enjoj able toall it may safeh be termed the indian sum mer of ltg mayor howland of toronto v ill lecture on temperance in the dublin street methodist churcli gnelph on saturday eening next ricardo gnelph herald corre spondent refers to theeditor111chiefof the kockwood barktrwd kicardo evidently dreams while wide awaket scott act trials were held in town lait week wm pitman waa fined 50 and costs the case of b h bnnk- erhofi whs dismissed and that of bell ad jourued frank siddall the great philadelphia j coap man sajs i have confined my ad- ertisingentirel to newspapers the man who does not read a newspaper does not use soap alltwrytmt with oommetjdiblo enterprise several ot oar olttteni haje ntiited in eonng the wvioe ot btuari rogir fh renowned reciter and lmpw tonator ot chicago to give one ot hit wo iderfulfy attraoive and thoroughly enjoys le monologue entertain menu in the town hall on friday evening iatli november mr rogers hat tho fac ulty of making jilt audience laugh or cry eeekniugly at will hit woudertul versa- tilitv and tho natraluesa of hit deliver tione have won for him tio very liiguett eulogisms a special feature uiit season is his woudertul impersonation and imita tions of 1u hou j w gladstone the entertainment w ill bo under the auspices of the muuicipm council aud tho profits j will go towards providing a fund for the purchase of suitable matting for the town halt stairways a very desirablo object purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or oolleol lvely acquainted mr audrow bates ot torouto visited friends here pn tuesday mr samuol dice of miltou mado the fkki puiuw a call last week mr w hrutledge is visiting friends 55c on the dollar 111 markdale aird fleshertou liis week rev malcolm gordon of winnipeg ib vuiting friends 115 bis boyhoodb home mr thomas 8pelit of torouto made acton friends a pleasant visit this week mrs wm garrett of cedar vale farm chatsworth returned home monday hav ing spent ten days visiting aotou friends mr james bell nassagaweya has succeeded in f lulling tho west flamboro acholmlup of 150 at knox college to ronto mrs jamas j ryder aud family of petrolea formerly residents of acton have returned and takin up their residence here again mr george tye of tlie brampton tune expresident of the canadian press asso ciation paid our sanctum a pleasant visit on salurdax j mrs w g crosseu and children who have been visiting friends in vaughn for bereral weeks returned home on monday accompanied jby her sister miss rebeca v brown i rev and mm t a moore of princeton both of whom have just passed through severe illness liave been the guests of the editor of the f si e pnrss during the pastj week mr mi ore evidently considers that there is no rec uiting p ice equal in health giving qualities to that of his native heath fi oubuiiootobtl amb 1880 1 after this week the entire ttook of tho wholesale insolvent look of jen nings ft hamilton toronto bought by me atjsse 0u the dollar will inaddi- tion to my very large regultrpnrohases for tlie fall of ibm be offereiubsiicri- ifloo prices in my atoro 27 lower wyndham st buelph i my store is jammed full of goods on four floors tho stock i altogether too large for the ordinary demands of any business in guelph i must at least double my sales this ran only be dbne by offcrlnt the goods cheap enough now of course every body is puffing and blowing about the cheapness of their goods but please remember this fact the lakge portion of my stock this season is bought at 56c on the dollar of wholk8alk price it dont need much blow ing to show that i am at least in a position to sell cheap come and see croat dress coods and silk lion dressmaking special attention is directed to the excellence of this department our reputation for tho most fashionable and artistio styles both as to material and makeup is more than sustained this season u ou friday and saturday of this week a favored bible society the annual meeting of the georgetown branch bible society will d v be held on tuesday 9th november owing to the lack of interest which has for a year or two past been shown in the workthe local committee has asked of the genera management of the society the privilege of selecting its own agent instead of having one bent and accordingly the president and secretary have secured the services of rev dr potts of toronto who isexpectej to be present that evening grorgetoicn httahh here is u pointer for the officers of acjou branch bible societv worti remembering r g any exchange tells lb readers how to f inmdxheir ps in tbe following para- graph persops who patronize papers should pa promptly for the pecuniary prospects of the pi ess ha e a peculiar power in pushing forward public prosperity if the printer is paid promptly and bis pocket book kept plethoric by prompt paying pat rons he puts his pen to the paper in peace his paragraphs are more pointed he paints lsome of the hallowe en practical jokers bisjpictttre of passing events in pleasant colors and the perusal of his paper is a pleasure to the people paste this bit of proverbial philosophy in some place where all persons can perceive provs s convention the provincial sabbath bchool associa tion held its twentyfirst annual convention made honbebreakers of themselves on saturday night and cat the rope of the public school bell all to pieces besides other depredations no farmer can afford to be witboufothe jiural canadian now entering on its tenth earof this journal and tho baral from now till 1st january 1888 for the email snm of 16i the tax collector has commenced bis labors well well the world must turn upon its axis and alu mankind turn with it heads or tails and live and die make love and pv our taxes mr chas knees proprietor of the milton cordovan tannery has purchased the vacant lot next to brownndges livery stable and will erect thereon tenement houses for his employees jwwr besides the regular local work the fekk pbebs job department has just com pleted orders far printing far customers in sault ste marie port bowan aflsa craig woodstock and charlottetown pb j- mr m brennan has removed his tail oring business to the store next to williams shoe shop this it a much more com modious shop and better adapted to the requirements of mr brennans business mr andrew teskey of lakelet has purchased the blacksmithing business of jit p j smith mr teskey is a black smith of long experience and will no doubt give satisfaction to tbe customers of tbe shop in ths last- issue of the optaxvogekelu john ramsay john mcjbedran robert fulton and alexander bamsay have given notice of incorporation under tbe name of the eden mills cooperative creamery company with a capital stock of 41600 mr e w becard father of mr 3 p secord orillia was hen on wednesday he is interested in the developinent df mineral resources of our northern country and showed he packet samples of silver or obtained neiir the sturgeon biverinorth of lake nipiasing mr secord has been tot hamilton getting samples of mica boat winter such enterprises tlie vicinity of bndbory tested and it was found of exoelknt quality though a little dark iahixoriua pwlit in hamilton last week the convention was attended by delegates from all sections of the province the programme was of very great interest and innumerable prac tical hints of value to sabbath school workers were to be gleaned from the ad dresses and discussions of the several sessions prof sherwin of boston and rev dr schaufller of new york added very greatly to the attractions of the pro gramme mr j j crabbe of the st marys axju retired from the office of president and was succeeded by mr w rutherford of hamilton acton choral societys concert the above organization which has existed here since the late musical convention held last june gave their first concert in the town hall last friday evening tlie attcudanu was very furr and he pro gramme presented was an agreeable sur prise to the audience generally the pro gramme of which want of space prevents us giving in detail consisted of eighteen numbers chiefly choruses with a sprinkling of solos duets and quartettes of the choruses perhaps the best rendered were the whippoorwill son homeward bound peter peter pumpkin eater humorous and the tround- three blind mice this last received an encore tbe besthrendered piece of roekwood news flihil oil oim ijvtpoinltlit mrs coon ot toronto has been uuing with her sister mrs john jago for the past two weeki miss wether nld the popular reader who is b the way a native of roekwood is organizing a cl- s in elocution here dr brock w bo has left roekwood and is going to put in a session at college iu philadelphia was treated on saturday evening to an water supper by the base ball club an old unmt abited house about a mile from here ou the guelph road belonging te mrs murphy vas burned last night caus ing quite a bla x supposedly some hal- loween observers prank the white 1 ros are to visit rockwooov ncxt week vvhtnjliej uppear first in the tpresbyteridu church on sunday moruingj at 11 o clock- it tbe methodist church in the evening ut 330 and a mass meeting again at the presbyterian at 8 oclock thev will conduct special services every evening for the remainder of the week in the village i a father exiting pugilistic encounter took place on sunday morning at the pres b teriau churcli between two of the mem- hers over some brror in tho construction of the nev7 sheds i after a truce was estab lished bv the onlookers one of the com batants retreated for safety to the church the older and more warlike with fire in his eye went home to tram himself down for settling his adversary on monday morning go to j fyfes acton for jour cloth mg he can stitti you for price quality and stylf everv time kbfrmkk lrtihr onsunaav a very short gold chain attached to which were ababyn gold ring a small padlock and other trin kets the articles are of trivial value ba are valued as keepsakes finder will be re warded by leaving at the fbke pukhh office agents wanted clement co of 4 wellington street easi toronto or 81 st francoiftxavie millinery mantle8 forjslse of stock artistic designs aud variety ot value and material this department has no equal in guelph every lady should see our goods whether she buys or not tailoring 1 show this seasou double the quan tity of kiglisb scotch and canadian tweeds trouserings worsted coat ings overcoatings etc that have ever been on my shelves my cutter mr chas r davidson is a reliable design er and fitter and worthy ofi confidence t e r bollert 27 lower wyndham street cuclph ont i we hayo just received a purchase of a- manufacturers stock of silks bought at 6 1 6b on the dollar by our resident buyct in london thescgood are the most wonderful we think we 1 can safely say cwrscen on this continent jambs stpkfoir hjb toublli bl6ck pott office quelph yltatmd air painless ektraction of teeth artificial teeth suaradteeapcrfect iu appear ance fit and use finoigold work a gpectalk ah operations stri ctlv first class appointments made by letter agton- flou1ftmill i harvey mcclure i having thoroughly repaired and refitted the above mills throughout with ail the latest improved macninerjnow known to the milling trade aie prepared to execute all kinds of vtthlstlxgv 4n a manner that cannot be surpassed- a stock of flour and feed will be kept constantly pn hand and will be sold cheap for cash i satisfaction guaranteed a trial is re spectfully solicited i i harvey wcclimk the w are selling very siavy momillwx satis at 60c a cfranl lino of brocaded satis at 50c- seary blwk gros drain silks at 70c a magoiflcoav lino of oolonfl pluses at 76s dress goods dress goods we areilao selling heavy cashmere extra width at 1jc very heavy worsted diagonal ladies suiting all colors ut 20c ah the latest styles in french dress gdotfs in bouclc pnuama fonle serges hnbit cloth c at very low prices e3p ourdress maker miss todd is prepared toexccute all orders for dresses in her usual excellent stylo j d williamson co cemeteiy question is not settled yet but the fact that w williams t has the best stock of boots and shoes in the county it settled beyond dispute i have just received my spring i itock and im prepared to suit all old custo ners and is many new ones as see lit to five me a all in all lines of footwear boots forfthe babies boots for the men r boots i do make boots i do mend justom work and repairing t promptly attended to wm williams i important notice r e nelson the clothier is now showing amostcomiileteassortiuent of new and choice jjuitings trowserings and overcoatings u all the newest designs and iu the most elegant patterns both in foreign and domestic manufacture call at tffle east end store and examine the ball htoch of i lfajscy dress goods of all mvkks mvterials and phk kb mantlipgs ottoman cords meltons c very cheap as luhfcnbc bfock ot mens i t womens and childrens undeuweait mens top shirts and cardigan jackets vi lollest p1ucks call early aud secure satisfaction assured the evening was by miss alice stark hiss a dhet from patfencj henderson and mr w henderson has a sweet voice whioh gives goodpromise for the f ntor if care is taken to avoid straining it in the absence of printed programme the variow numbers were annonnced by 4he fworetery praise is due to conductor hill for the careful and efficient gaining of the society nd e hope to hear town akainriogthe coming as these in our midst are deserving of the support of onr euwefallyiid to conducive of good j a good choice st vlxces wh uk as kink a line ok aifle detgoods stcn as white grey navy blueand red flannels caston flannels cottons cottonades betonnrs towelling yarns gloves hosiery tc as cheap as any other store in the trade specialty 4 pants f street montreal want a general agentl they are tbe exclusive owners of the scho- field patent cake griddle the celebrated emery knife sharpener known as the carvers friend the kmery scythe sharpener the jayeyesee wire cjurry comb and other specialties if you want to make money write to them at once for an outfit and to secure what territory yon can handle j visit of b laurence mr xianrartce the eminent oculist- optician will be at ji b pearsons gen eral store aclon on saturday november 6th for the purpose of adjusting the b laiiraticellebbic and yther spectaclea and eyeglasses to all conditions of sight his thorough knowledge of his profession and jarge experience enables him to select such lenses as are best suited to each require ment however jdiffioult and always ensures to the wearers of b laurence spectacles ease and comfort and an abiding improve ment to their sight important notice ladies we nave imported directly this season and you will find a great variety of tbe very latest styles of black and colored dress goods silks plushes mantles and stylish millinery at a d thomsons georgetown 1 have a stock of twenty thousand dollar 120000 north to choose from now and bought all my dress goods mantles 4ft jn london england when jl was there in september since then they have advanced twentyfive per cent in england jvjw w pay you to give me a call as i am veiling all kinds of dry goods at wholesale prices and have one of the finest stocks iry goods in canada bales imade for cash o r trade only positively no credit e ieilsoisr the clothier 19 wyndeam st guelph- perfect i fitting suits and overcoats made to order i groceries oir stock is complete and we cwnot he undersold trv our fifty dent teas farm produce taken in exchange john nelson fall winter i88e r at prices to suit everybody vyatches clocks jewelry silveirwaee w aclark successor to vvs smith having purchased the bankrupt stock 1 ktely owned by w s smith 1 am prepared 1 give the actpn people a benefit sueh as has never been offered before being a practical vfatchmaker f torn the elgin watcti factory elgin dly aud well knowh as a workman in the citj guagjitee satisfaction or money refunded eroml and prompt attention to repairing all work warranted remember the place w a clark 26 lower wyddham st guelph b jermy1t ctolst fall winter 1sb r i take pleasure in informing the residents of acton and vicinity that my stock of pall and winter goods is now very com lete without doubt no dealer in acton his ever shown such late styles variety and good value as i am now in a position to offerl lthough many lines in dry goods have increased at least 20 per cent j had the good fortune to buy heavily early in the season so astoniers may rely on getting goods at the very lowest possible cash price i would again remind the tmblic that my staff is not al owed mwreprtsent goods and a child receives tlie same ood value as a grown experienced person i i the business that 1 did during the spring aud summer was very encouriiging indeed so with incl tock i do not fear for the fall and winter trade so perfect and varied that very i wish to direct special attention to the following lines which for variety and elegance combined aro few houses outside of tlie principal cities catj shojsv such perfection in their selection i drb33 w makes viz jersey cloths in black and colore boucles foules ottomans serges plaids meltons cas hraeres allwool combinations combination winceys silks in black and colors satin merveilleux plushes velvets and velveteens large and small buttons and clasp to match the goods j special valnee n boating shawls mantles and walking jackets gloves hosiery corsets aud ladieu underwear stapl1s grey cotton white cotton wool and cotton shirtings ducks denims fabling prishes towels linens sheetiugs ticks blankets flannels yarn etc etc 7 l milunbry miss stbingham has charge this fall and winter this iadis thoroughly postfl ijrher business having had charge 4f some of the best establishments in western canada so ladies may rely onethjg correct styles and i will guarantee prices to suit mens and boys readymade clothing mens and boys woollen tjnderwe boots and shojj18 foi ladies misses children men youths and boys all new goods at prices a j low as the wheat groceries j have received advice from yokohama japan thatt the se rio sailed from that port on august 18th it hasteri cheats of uncolored tea on board for me it is due at british columbia on sept 7th and the goods will reach here about is october 1 3all and try ja sample pound of the first tea that was ever imported to acton direct the choicest gfoto iries always on hand farm produce bought r b jermyn halton dry goods hot e acton j jy

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