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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1886, p. 1

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r l v s l f 1 ja s 1 i volume xii no ij4 l ijc 4ott m press 1 tbuhki every thursday mornlng at till free press power printing house acton ontario subscription rates r oxk yiah ltxc su month joctk thnrriostus as cr iu variably in mlvjmcolf not paid in advance sii par vor will tio chared no vior dlcou- itmum nil all trrs nv paid cxevpt at the option of the publisher- advertising rates wmk out column half column ijucirtw column one inch i 2000 i 600 0 mo sw tv0 3000 lioo 1100 t00 3j0 300 1 mo et00 s50 150 180 casual adrrrtiapments 8 ocnts per lino for the art insertion and a mats nor lino for each ub- sfsjnput ifattrtion cmii tho number ot hues reeonod by tire pec occupied measured by a nhoi tolid sonpru advertisement without specific directions will be inrerteid till forbid and charod accord ingly tranaitory advertisements mutt bo paid iu advance changesfor contract odwrtisonnrnts must bo in tbo offlc by 9 aru on monday olhcrwii they will bp left over until the following week h v moore kditor aud proprietor- yui6 didca ar found on flic a goo iii ib rurtn rowth i newspaper art rrtbonebarrant 10 spruce 8j wbero adtrrtiitng lontraeamajberuadrforu in new york business directory yir u lowry m b mcr s vf graduate of trinity collcgemeru- tkt of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of fredericktreet acton acton banking coy storey christie co bankers- i acton ontario i a g ex eh a l b axe 1x0 business transacted v i xoottloaitsd oh appb0ved notes i i i i notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits dont read this thk undersigned is prepared to furnish on tho shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclang lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood axrso floto and feed j and anything in the line of farmers house keepers or contractors necessities thosgmqorej l l bennett lds dentist georgetown ontario c mckinlay l p s surgeon dl dentist georgetown onti uses the new system of nitrous oxide gas com- kouly called vitalized air for extracting ih without paiu having been -penion- trator and practical teacher in royal toilev of denial snnjeons torouto pat ron- intydependmwufeceivins satisfaction any operations performed will visit ac km every second mid fourth wednesday each month- office aguews hotel g peoial bargains to tiik licrqn people at days ftookstore guelph the stock is full of nice new fancy goods bought by mr day when in knglaud this summer toy books i ll a me8 jhn lawongraiuate 01 on- rio yetes yttariuarv sargaactohont orricz la kemy bios poot audhoe store resi lience in the rcr horse examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls night or dny promptly uttend- vd to tens easy johnston a mt dean hamsters solicitor notaries convey ancers ac tfprtvate funds to loan omc towa hall acton e y r joavtoy a mcltav r a mow at buiwri soluiio notakv lruui money to loan ui nomattbews block actou upstairs soucrrok goxyttasceu ac otncl first door west of the chdmpioii office main street miltoa money to loan at g per cent hilton allan baird uarriaters kolicitorsj5c i tokosio isv geoeietown 0cxs creelmans biock georgetown add 5g king street east toronto s n iillv seiitox bi j nana ba jainlaldlawcvco barii5ieks i soucnoh oiticxs over imjerial bank 2t wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto john balx q cv f a mvikx wllltiis eajuiav geoege kilieie di w 15adgerow d- co btiiii hrliritoes dc oniario hall vi church street toronto akfclimii jolisi allon i -helpn- j business college gltklrii ontario i mhk third scholablilc year a begins september 1st patronage drawn from ten states and vroyiuam young men and boys thoroughly prepared for business pursuits graduates emjiueut- ly successful as accountsuts business mauagers shorthand writers qlerks salesmen travellers etc botlriu cianada and the united states mbderatoj rates thorough practical work and courteous treatment characterize the institution ladies admitted to all the advantages of the college j splendid facilities afforded for the ac quisition of french aud german for information address mmucormlck i wtf principal- lumber shingles and lath rpiie uudcrifjuevl dcires to inform tho public l that he has now ou baud atl will kcenjju stock a full lino of line autl btava frtft other kiuds of lumber alitov irttid class pine shingles latlc r coal wood uavicg purcbasiil the coal business of mr c s smith l am prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i have also a good stock of wood- hardwood ash cedar addijillyvoodat reason able prices wood aud coal delivered james brown toys olioicb books bibles hand satchets j whitino dksks dltksslno cases i r and j000 other things j sttxtabls toe zhas pee31ntb iroezita it will pay you to visit days bookstore uelph cloth hall in overcoatings fancy ch i i plain moscow mutual fire company ok ihe- c0727t7 of vrsujxqtas established 1810 1 head office ciielph r mn ttott v acton ontabioithuispay december 188i price three cents ftu xm tiilkhday moitnixo dkcbuuku 0 1880 jpoetry kck meltons mkltons all shadk3 i havers nap beavers venetians plain fancy worsteds the independent farmer how pleasant it seems to iivo on a farm whero natures bo guudilv dressed and sit noath tho shade of the old locttst troe as tho sun is just sinking to rest but not half so pleasant to hoo in the held whore the witch grass is six inches high with the hot scorching sun pouring down on your back soctns oach moment as though you would die tib pleasant to sit in tho cool porch door while you smoko half reclined nt your ease looking out oer your beautiful fields of grass that sway to aud fro in the breeze but not qnito so pleasant to start with yonr scythe i ere tho morning sun smilesoor lie land and work till your clothes are completely i wet thro aud blisters shall cover your hand in keoping a dairy theres surely delight aud it a peaks of contentment and plenty to seo a large btable well filled with choico cows bay numbering from fifteen to twenty aud yet itseemshard whon youve worked from the dawn till the suu disappears from your sight to think of the cows you have yet to milk beforo you retiro for the night in raising young pigs thore is surely a charm r when they sell at the present high price and of all tlio young stock which a farmer can raise theres nothing that looks half so nice how cheerful one fctls as he leaves tliom at night tho encouraging number of eleven but his joys slightly wane when he goes out next djay and ot live ones can count only seven i r pleasant to sit uy a warm winter tiro whenthonightdrawsitscurtainsaronnd with wife aud children to make home com plete and peace aud contentment abound but ecstaey fades when you shoulder your ax r and trudge off a mile through the snow while tho cutting west wind drives the snow in your face so you scarcely can see where you u but no one disputes that the farmer is blessed with trao independence and labor whose food dont depend ou the whim of mankind likethat of the mercantile ueighbor for god in his mercy looks down from above and paternally gives him his bread provided bo works eirhteon hours every day and devotes only six to his bed shaw grundy merchant tailors ouelph p axenxs secured for inventions henry grist omawacasaia 2in years practice no patent no pay j lurray r ll exsei alcijonker lor the counties of halton and wefhnston orders left at his residence main street opposite church btreet actou or addressed to acton po will receive strict attention terms reasonable notes discounted if desired w- hemstreet for the counties of wellington and halton orders left at the fhee pbess office acton or at my residence in actons will be promptly attended to terms reasonable moxet to eoan alo money to loan on the most favor able terms nd at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of 8500 and upwards insures buildings merchandize manu factories and all other descriptions of property on the premium note sjbtom p w- stone cnas davidson president secretary john taylor arent pause and consider that itjvjll be to yourowu ittterest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants ot actpn and sur rounding country that wc are aiain in full rsnuing order aud in a better position than before the tire to fill all orders entrusted to us to parties building lumber will be dneigerl while you wait and mouldings dr maua with neatness and despatch n b we are also prepared t fill all orders for pumps on short notice and from long ejperience in the business we feel confident that we can give satisfaction every time so come on with your order andhelp to rol the batl along money makes the mare go whether bhe has legs or no tiios ebb ygl manager excelsior bakeky t ctoisr wellington marble works juj330 qttblve john our story p6stal d il v rihscifl e wakllmoii h hamilton proprietor wholesale arid retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite aud marble having intel visited thja bay of fuudy granite quarries and 1 aving purchased the entire stock pf gray and rpc granite monuments headstonts crosses urns i tc of alexauder taylor at less than cost i vil untilfurtlcr notice sell bt prices ueer tx fore known ill ontario for in- btanccgranil e monuments ft high wo 7 ft 75 8 ft 90 9 rt loo 1q ft 120 all work and ruaterial warrr nteifirstciaes parties wanting anything in tb is line will do well to call and see mo before pun haslug elsewhere as 1 guarantee my prices an from jo to m per cent below all other dealers john day i architect girxm okt oiictrqueens hotel block market square jjirancis nunan successor to t fchapman bookbinder georges square gtlelph ontario st accpunfbooks of all kinds made t order periodicals of every description carefully bound- baling neatly and promptly done john jdaley j- successor tij thompson jackson mpuey to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money oaned for parties in mortgages and other security conveyancing in all ity branches properly and neatl 4one charges low farms and city property for sale liist with farms for sent to all parts of the dominion to iutendingnurchfvsers and cir colated in europe enropea capitalists wantmg farm3 in ontario will be sent di- rectjpng through our european tgencies parms wanted for ourlistbi tvarrespon- ffw wited office near the portjwrboe breaip j will be left daily at the store of i me john itfekson for the accommodation of customers tlie delivery waggon will also call three times a weekas usual i j mrs t statham acton me afi market ftlhe hanlan barber sh0p mat stiiebt acton r an easy shave a stylish haircut a good seafoarri an exhilarattng shampooi alwiays mven eaaors honed and put in firstclftm sorjrlition ladies and childrens llfit ftstajrent j j j p wobwki tooriai art 1st rutltdffe crosson htchers have purchased the business of mr r holnips anl solicit a share of pnblio patronage thoinemtoro of the firm are practical batchers an 1 are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always he found on hand a full stock of all kinds of meat dc in season we have etted in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon businet s principles we will win public confidence and support j rut edge crosson- acton feb 9th 188g g new 13 and acesmith incton j i i 3wf teskey having purchased the oeneralblacksmi th ing business patronage of mr p j 11 the onstc mers of the shop and the pnblio federally horseshoeing will be made ness interfi cured a special feature of the busi ri tig horses smith solicits the carefully shod and having had larger experience in the manufacture and repairing of agricultural implements and machinery of all kinds as well as of gener il work j feel that i can uaranteebatiafattion in 4 bvery case tikprew te9key tel friends of tho two girls often thought it was a great pity that mrs arbuthnot and her husband hiul been appointed sole guardi ans of jasper kevins nieces with full care ot their money as well as of the girls them selves for mr arbuthnot though a good wellmeaning man wasas clay iu his acute wifes hands and all who knew her knew that money was the ope thing she wor shipped in her way she was fond of these girls whose mother had been her fuvorite sister and she gave them a happy home- happy that is until the evertroublesome questions about lovers began to rise lilias nevins was but little more than a year older than her muter minnie and the two were as united as twins could have been rather too much united on one point for the comfort of their aunt hettieasthey called mrs arbuthnot and that was their opinions of frank carroll aud felipe mariscal l do declare lilias said minnie ouo night jafter they had retired to their room for the night i cannot comprehend why aunt hettie so dotes on mr mariscal he is as sallow and thin as any man can possi bly be he hasnt two words to say for himself he is not particularly polite to auntie why docs she like him so much it is clear to mo replied lilias you know aunt hetti was really very poor when sho was young aud she dreads poverty for us she honestly thinks she is acting for my good in giving the cold shoulder to frank carroll because he is a poor young bookkeeper while this mariscal has heaps of money and fine estates in mexico at first i really did believe that his reputed fortune und position were ail humbug but now that aunties enquiries have proved him all he pretends to be i am not quite so uncivil to him as i was at first the worst of the affair is that i fear mr mariscal intends to propose right off i judge so from aword or two he said to uncle ionight just before he left us i heard ncle say if my wife were here she could answer you better than i i will tell her about it when she returns from the party she has gone to and she will write you tqmorrow to what but a proposal could he have referred t well i will not marry him i exclaimed lilias determinedly ill say no right at the altar first ill elopo with frank first i if you marry against aunties wishes remember yon forfeit all your fcbare of the money aud frank is not rich auswered minnie wbrainrly oh dear so i dp j well i am in a fix1 come lets go to bed and tfjy to dream of some way of softening aunties heart said lilias wearily commencing to undress why wberes my watch ido believe i left it on the library table and i am in my bare feetminnie do you mind going down terliv j j not she 1 neither of the girls was one bit timid so minnie who bad not begun to undress ran to the library for the natch she was gone some minutes and lilias was just beginning to bo alarmed about her whoh she roturned apologizing for her de lay saying that tho evening paper had caught her eye and she paused long onoagh to read over the deaths and marriages just as any girl would tho next morning mrs arbuthnot said calmly fts if she wero saying nothing at all odd i will want you to go iiitp tho city with mo byandby lilias to bolect some new bonnets und dresses wo may us well begin to prepare for your weddfng for my wedding gaspod lilias tn surprise certainly you must know that mr mariscal has boon serioas in tho attentions ho has boon paying to you these past three months your manner to him has been suoh that i considered that ho and i and every one aro justified in taking it for granted that yon are ready to become his wife tho wedding must take place quite soon for ho told my husband last night that some mat ters concerning his mexioan estates made it necessary for him to return home within a month aud he dosires to take his wifo with him really auutio i think ho might give me a littlo say in the matter cried liliajg in vexation but said no more because minnie trod on hor foot iu a very significant way and gavo her a wink which certainly meant keep quiet lilias understood all her sisters signals for minnie though the younger had much more discretion and acutenees than impulsive lilias exactly what plan minnie had now she could not imagiuo still sho thought she would not spoil it by saying too much buy your clothes and dont contradiot auntie said minnie by the deaf and dumb alphabet their aunt was not looking her way you should remember it is not the cub- torn in his country for a young man to speak of bis intentions to any girl until her guardians havo been consulted and have given their approval to his proposal so like a wellbred mexican ho hab come to mo and obtained my opinion about his suit replied mrs arbuthnot and of course you cannot go back on your word suggested minnie insinuat ingly most certainly not i shall abide by what i have written to both mr mariscal and frank carroll if they are hot suited with what i wrote i cant help it i will abide by my decision and i have told your uncle arbuthnot so that in case i do not get home from my trip to paris bcforoibe very latest date set in my letter the wed diiij must go on without mo or else you lilias will be a pauper lilias is so impulsive you know aunt hettie that i do wish you wonld write that down so she will not forget suggested minnie handing a sheet of paper to mrs arbuthnotand then withdrawing it adding suppose i write it and let you sign it as you bay yonr eyes trouble you today do so my dear ray eyes arevery bad today but for them i would postpone my journey until later in the season sor minnie wrote i intend to adhere strictly um literally to the terms in which i yesterday wrote to mariscal and frank carroll if they are not satisfied with what i wroje i cant help it i will abide by that decision aud to this mrs arbuth not appended her name and the date somewhat to mrs arbuthnots surprise nono of the family saw anything of mr mariscal all that day and sho had to start that night for new york whence she was to sail for pari without seeing him again uarly next- inurniug there came to the house not mr mariscal bnt frank carroll who to lilias iutense amazement greeted her as if he were her accepted lover as soon as she could do so that is as soon as she could make up her mind to do so she withdrew from his enfolding arms and exclaimed r why frank how courageous you are to venture here iu 6uch an assured manner after what aunt hettie wrote to you i courageous he repeated i dont understand you it is because i received her card that i am here now i must own that i was u little surprised when i read it though i the man why sbro enough didnt auntie sity sho had accepted his offer and what are you laughing at minnie said lihaa i do you remember tho night j went down tb tho library to got your jyatch and ypu wanted to know why i was gone bo long i said i had paused to read the deaths and marriages in- the papof well that was true but there lay on the library tablo two pobtal cards in aunties own hand writing addressed to your two lovers i piokod thorn up and road them now dont fron postals are not private i found thai she had evidently mado a mistake in addressing them for tho one bearing mr mariscal s namo was a very blunt request for iiim to keep away from you the other fra nk has shown you i was so afraidthat sho would find out her mistake before she went abroad that i just opened tho front door aud ran out and mailed them such was indeed the case what would other wiso have been mrs arbuthnots wrap at minnies hasto to mail the mis directed cards no one knows hut as she ohahcod almost as soon as she arrived in paris to learn that mariscal was already privately married she never in any way referred to tho matter and as frank made the best of husbands she soon forgot that she had ever been opposed to the match wj r do it cheerftilly there aro households w ma is a bondservant to tho whims of husband and children such a case needs a coarse of sweetlysmiling indifference she should give them what is good enough theri receive their remarks as a feather bed does a show- er of stones wo sometimes see how a quiet imperturbable second wifvreforms snch a family after j they have worried a timid sensitive tittle woman into her grave above all do not get disheartened you mayldespair of attaining perfection as the everreceding standard of excellence rises as you grow older and more experienced your tasks may be hard and uncongenial tho mysteries of the frying pan and oven harder to understand than the mysteries of geometry or the lexicon ever were you may have ihe dispiriting feeling that no matter how liard you try it will be almost against the grain for not every woman is a born housekeeper any more than every man is a born financier but bring to bear upon it all the faith and patience and courage you can get the lord has given you this work to do do it bravely and cheerfully as unto him perhaps he sees that through this discipline you may make that which is better than a perfect housekeeper a woman fall of sweet brave patience and a cheery faithfulness thesfintfer she breaks the thread with angry twang- just as if at her touch a harpstring rang and keyod to tho quaint bid scng she sang that came to a halt on her cherry lip while she tied a knet that never could slip and thought of another when hbr ship- all laden with dreams in splendid guise- should sail right out of tho azuro skies aud a lover bring with great browneyos ah broa the dayf but her work was doiio two runs by wheel she had twisted and spun her twoscore knots by set of sutv with hor one two three the wheel beside j and the three two oue of lier backward glide so to and fro jn calico prido till the bees went home and daytime died her apron white as the white sea foam she gathered the wealth of her velvet bloom and railed it in with a tall baekoomb she crushed the dews with her naked feet the track of the snn was a golden street the grass was cool and the air was sweet the girlgazed up at the mackerel sky and it looked like a pattern lifted high but she never dreamed of angels nigh and she spoke right but do just see there what a blue aud white for the clouded pah- imi going to knit for my sunday wear the wheel is dead and the bees aregone and the girl is dressed in a silver lawn and her leet are shod in goldendawn i w m ob brow that the oldtime morning kissed 1 good night my girl of the double and twist oh barefoot vision 1 vanishing mist i zcy franmn taylor i a almanac as a witness john hipot currau defended a poor fellow ho was charged with robbing a noblema i on trial the victim positively identified the thief baying though the robbery occurred at night the moon was bright enough to allow him tasee the faco of his assailant the driver and footman both gave similar testimony currau ad dressed the court and the jury ho pleaded that his c lient was not guilty had been at home fifteen miles away from the scene of the robbery at the time of its occurrence he could uot pfovo au alibi for a wifecduld not testify for her husband and his child was not did enough to know the import of an oath but he could introduce the only witness the prosecution had depended on for identification the moon the driver and footman testified as they did because their master did so then currau coifed for she al mapacs several of the redbouncr pamphlets were brought in the judge took one turning to the date of the rob bery wbich occurred at 11 oclock it was discovered that no moon arose that night and the prisoner was acquitted he talked to curron afterward and the attorney said yoh gave me 20 to defend you well i oilly get about 2 oi that it cost me b td get those almanacs printed columbia jurist conjurors confederates what- could she have said to you asked lilias iu amazement still hereit ib read itj for yourself i only got it this morning having been away on bubinese or id have been here last even ing he answered handing a postal card to lilias mrs arbuthnot was one of those people who iisod a postal card for any or all pur poses she had ajperfect mania for them and could not be persuaded not to write the mo3t confidential things upon them so lilias was hot at all surprised that bhe had written the communications to the two youug men on theao cards though most people prefer to send suoh missives in a sealed envelope she read- so sorry that i cannot see you tonight i write inhaste and confusion to say that i am more than willing that you should marry lilias and i trust that she will ap preciate the compliment you have p lid her from her past treatment of you 1 1 m sure she will at any rate it is my desire that bhe should marry you and no oneelse on pain of my displeasure to this was appended her nouio and tho date of the preceding day lilias was mystified frank jubilant mr arbuthnot mildly puzzled but acquies cent and minnie smiling bnt silent when mr arbuthnot told frank that his wifo hod said something about having lilias married within a mouth even though she went away and when lilias and minnie agreed with him he was only too glad to aid in carrying out her expressed wishes so the wodding dresses were made up in a hurry and in exactly a month after the date of her card to frank mrs arbuthnots older ward was marrled toher true love tf an hour or so after the wedding minnie said carelessly to lilias did you ever hear any more of mr mariscals desire to marry yotv bless me no i had entirely forgotten fe speaking of tho disappearance of cou- jurors confederates the saturday ficview sayb tble last instance we heard of their use was by a wandering magician who vas performing in the smaller towub of texas and who w is very properly punished for his lack of art in the course of his enter tainment he made a marked dollar disap pear from s handkerchief held by a lady j coming dovu into the audience he picked out a negro and said the dollar will be found in tha pooket of this colored gentle- 4iian all eyes were turned toward the colored gen tleman who rose and extended his broad brown hand on which were half a dozen sm ill coins when the magiciau came close to him the negro said boss heahs yer shauge i has had two beera arid a cigab outen dat dollar you tole me to keep in my pooket till you called foah it volume iv pf aldens cyclopedia pfljniyersal literature this certainly is a work of extraordinary popular interest and it would be very strange if at its low price it should not receive an immense circulation though it is toextend probably to15 volumes and willi include representative selections with biographical sketches from nearly 2000 of the most anions authors of the world of all ages and all nations yet it is easily within the rtach of any one able to invest so small a sum as 10 jjeute a week the fourth volume of this excellent cyclopedia is the richest so far it goes frorq cable to clarke for some rea son known only tb golton and othsels cari ous writers the letter c is apparently favorable to genius here we find such poets as coidmon calderon callimachusr camoenscampheli and chatterton wo llisteii to 6uch preachers as chalmers chrjsostom and chapin carlfle and clarendon disprrtelfor thehonora of history calvin vears theianrels of the incompar able theologian although cheeverchill- ingworth channiug and freeman clarke are his near neighbors and cicero bears off the pakn for oratowwhile caxtou sets up his pnntihgpress eestmiuister and a few pages after cervantes launches tho immortal don quixote this is a de lightful volume with something in it to suit every tistjxadoiiol baplistj phil adelphia the geuoriil escelleuce of this valuable work is fully mainiained in the volume just received the marvellous cheapness of this edition has placed it within the reach of many who arc overjoyed to call such a work thpiir own oregonian port land oregon the present voluniehas eighty subjects of whom twenty are american which shows the attention given to american literature tho undertaking should receive the suppprt of every one having occasion for reference- to authors and the favor of- tho great public that by means of it can eeoare its best general view of the worlds literature the globe boston mass the above are examples ol the good opinions expressed on every hand further description also the publishers large des criptive catalogue of standard books rhay be had fre on amplication to john b al oes publisher 393 pearl street new york m 2 4 i pi ih s i it varieties only jn a certain occasion in a cert in western town the members pf the var ous religious sects wero very toleraut toward each other the blergy- men in paitioular were very friendly on the occasion of the jewish rabbis silver wedding ho invited the protestant clergy man and also the catholic priest while the revefen 1 gentlemen were enjoying the rood clieer jet before thern tho catholic priest said a the rabbi i know ypu are avery libetalniinded gentleman but imuld yoa bring yourself to eat pork cer tainly i ootid relish some ham at least on one occasion and what wouldj that be at the marriage dinner of your revereuoe lord eawreuco says christianity- wherever it has gone and nowhere more so than iu india has promoted the dignity of woman the sanctity of marriage and- the brotherhood of man where has not actually converted it has cheokejd and con trolled where it has not rineed it has refined and where it has net sanctified it hassoftened and subduedm j if christian citizens were as vigilant in- proven ting bad nominations as they are vehement in denouncing them aftfr they are made their action would be moreien- sible and the body politic wouldbe purer theanswer to the shasters is ludia the auswerito confucianism is chnia the answer to the koran is turkey the ah swer to tho bible is the christiau civiliza tion of protestant europe and america truth has more to fear from friends that lose their charity in its defense than- from foes that lose their sense in its attacfe some women cant paras a millinery store without looking in some men cant pass a saloon without going in a rourroia worn burdock blood bitters act at the same time upon ihe liver the bowelsthekidneys and the skii relieving or curing in every case- wo ranted satisfactory or money refunded personal reseroblances lieutenant gedrge monroe had a day off and went to nantabket on the boat with several friends there was aalk about per sonal resemblances wphl i have been daken for bismarck in berlin said a german geutlecaau aussi of a time in paris i was as the count de paris saluted so like him i re sembled said a teacher of frspch f thats nothing aid george a fellow camenp and slopped me onlhe bactc right on trempnt street the other day and cried out groat ccesar is that you a m

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