Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1886, p. 2

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phlfefe ipv 4- v v- v r i il i t immmiimi fl miss apgarry missgarll towk hall monday dw ti sf i i t tows hall monday dec 30 t m11 imh t- tinksmv moksisv leoynkn 9 uwuv ah important society more than three weeks ago a socalled liberal temperance tuion was organised in actonr although it is stated that the meeting t bennetts hotel xva attended by the loading residents of acton and vioin- ity to which jjy the way localrcportjers were not luyitcd and higbf alutin speeches characteristic of loyal temperance men were made by perfionaues of no lesaino toriety than the redoubtable moses oates the publit have beet kept iuiuissful ignor ance bo far as official information is con cerned that such an important organ ization hadcondesceuded to plant an embryo branch of itself in actou until last week when the milton champion a paper poll known for arduouslabors in behalf of the temperance cause proclaimed the inter esting intelligence to its many readers in actou d vicinity about a score all told i as follows acton liberal temperance union was organized at a- wellattended meeting of leading residents of acton and vicinity hold on the 16th ult with mr alex waldie in the chair mr gordon mowat of toronto addressed the meeting explaining the ob jects and methods of the union the kind of justice administered in haltob under the scott act he said was hard to parallel a social and religions tyranny reigned which was creating a people of hypocrites and sowing distrust illwill and slander through the community the soott act law tin- mercifully making a wife a witness against her husband allowing a partisan magistrate to convict without evidence and providing for no appeal was unequalled in its tyran nous nature by any law of the stuarts and were it not labelled religion and temperance and supported by the clergymen it would hot be endured by the people this law was paving the tray for the destruction of justice mid liberty and it was unpatriotic and unchristian to tolerate it any longer without loud and continued protest par liament was no longer free being under the fear of a balaneeof power faction and it behooved the people to guard their own liberties mr waldie the chairman said he was in accord with mr mowat and the objects of the union he lad voted for the scott act but had found that it was a bad law and productive of intemperance hypocrisy and much evil several others i spoke amongst them members of- the georgetown liberal temperance union the following officers were elected ale wsmie president bev w j piggot uhon president alex bvwght alesif smith vice presidents george clark john hampshire robt sutton john kelly samuel clark- jos beemis directors john lawson ys secretary our citizens will ho doubt have great sat isfaction in learning froni the above who are the leading residents of acton r namesgiven may bethoseof leading resi dents but we venture to say that the people of acton are not familiar with more than onehalf the names of these patriotic and selfsacrificing officers given and some they have never seen before then agajp manvdfcour citizens will be surprised to learn that they are residing in a community governed by such relentless tyranny and will read with hearts wellnigh broken that religion- and the ministers of the gospel have so great an iufluence for good upon the community bat perchance before a- week is over this youthful society of martyrs will find itself onofficered as was the case with its sister union at georgetown ifcently organ ized by mr oates as soon as the- oiam- ton had published its report of that branch of the organization the person whose name appeared as president stated in the herald that he had no knowledge of his election and that he had no sympathy with such a society a number of his fellowofficers promptly followed his example and verily it seems that mythical officers were elected by the acton union of part riots i i as the following will show to the editor of the frke pkess deab sie would you please contradict the statement made in the cftampion as to my being elected hon president of the liberal temperance union it was done without my permission or consent as 1 had no knowledge of any such meeting being held yours truly v wtj figoit acton dec 6th 1886 1 editor fbee pbess rjh deae sib with other persons named i was very much surprised the other day when a friendpshowed me a copy of the milton ckampibn in which my name ap pears a an officer of acton liberal tem perance union i am neither n officer nor a member of this society and the placing of my name on the list was entirely with out my knowledge wish or consent i am yours respectfully i john kejly actod dec 7th 1886 i we were much surprised to see rev mr pigotts name in the listof officers and his letter above shows the impudent a udacity of the promoters of the scheme mi pigott tells us personally that he has n o sy mpathy whatever with such organisations it will also be hard for oar readers to bel ve that a man of the upright and straight orward character of mr alex waldie would allow himself to be drawn into such a ciureput- able society and many wiirwith us look for a letter jrom him similar in tone- to that of hev mr pigott one thing is cer tain the words put in the inoutli of mr waldie by the champions report ire very dissimilar to those heretofore given expres sion toby hiin and entirely in opposition to the opinions previously expressed by bim to usnd manyjother warm friends of his own upon the subject we donlt believe mr waldie everspbke the words with whiel i he is credited tbe lettei of mr kelly explains itself and we understand that ithera named were also eleclefl without their knowledge notes akd comment8 i r j miltons big water- works scheme still haiirbflre the aflwnion woutlliko to have a plebiscite taken iu the matter at the municipal election why not vote on tho bylaw at onto and aetue tho matter ihou the new council could make every aoltion reshxttng tlije sohemo permanent 1 the nmniijipal elections are beiug quiet ly but geueillly talked joverj and thije is every reason to behove next cotmcil will contain several now members that two or more members of the present board will rttiic in coniniouly hinted perhaps eomethiug ilcmiite will be arrived jyt by the time an itlier week has passed miss mjarry arranging sett town hall mojnday djio 20 rsassa the mijniorpil aotmoiii m rt- the coining fileotlons and up plnanolal matters for the year the municipal contioil met on tueiduy e voni og mejnbers present w h storey hoove and couiieilleira henderson fyfo and cfttuorpii miuutes of laet mtieuugconfijrmod the bylaw appointing tho places for hold- i ng the municipal elei itieua and the deputy uotuinlngpfficers v as iiitrodncod ul passed iii duo course j the polling places vill ho iu the town hall ami tho office in vclly urob buiuling tho doputyljjpturiiii goftlcors to ho messrs at a political demonstration at ayluier hon edward blake dcoiared his position on the question of prohibition maintaining that although he 16 in favor of prolubitionj the country is not ripe for it find stating that he will not take it np as a party- qaestion his wish is to work with conservative temperance men ou temperance questions a great many of mr blakos friends will differ from him as to the couitry not being ready for prohibi tion i i everywl lere the prohibitionists are show ing that tl oy are in doad earnest in their determina ion to have sincere prohibitionist r8preseutaiveain pwliament the mem- hers oltlvi south oxford temperance con vention lave pledged themselves to vote for uoct ndidatewliose record does not show thi t he favors a total suppression of the li iuor traffic everywhere pro- hiljitionisl s feel that mere promises of drinkers s ud immoral men are not worth listening i o and that the only hope of the prohibitionists is in m6u wellknown to have pronounced principles upon this question j k mjajryin and j the finance conn c hill littce prescntedthuii twelfth wport recoininuinliug payment of tho underwritten accounts john harvoy rep i ad at dam 5 10 10 southamptonflro rel iof fund james brown lumbur for streets james brown wood forhall thos estoni assist iug survoyor j li mouaryiu jihlfjcs court of revision u 7 h jolin kenuedy taxes on lot 27 con 2 1883 j heove for charities i v chief of police tnin pa j- a stepheiibtj cctltr for bridge win mitiirepairingatroet8 25 00 20 60 11 00 10 00 a 31 i itnii tlnkst- r u i swp mm watgees jewelry repairing always satisfactory 0 iv vou 1mvk mekh lhhafloinl kh in wfli pay ibr the pree ekess uiitil jwivary 1st 1868 v jffffiifffffffkffffffffffffffffffkfffffffffkfffff qe ejta u li j w fffffffffffffffffpffpppffffffppfffpppffpfffpfffffff try the allahka tliey ere the boht r we tjvei hold sole aent for cuelph iti t oxta1mo grand the lea3ngj oloraing house tt4 rr rrttrrnttttitpriti rrrrrttrrritt nrrrrf nrirrtlrrntrttrrr hirgc and wollasfcoiteil slock of tweed and worsted 5 ekssionsuttings and ovferc6atinus adapted forlfall andwinter wear at j fyfes general elections 0 j e howsoii nail 0 31 aw 00 70 00 la i- mass meeting 0el30t0it3 0 botjb men acquitted the murt jerers of john mcgul of acton e8pe without punishments wyoming territory jtjstlcje i j i a year ago next satiitday john mcgill a resident of this placs but at the time spending a few months in cheyenne wyoming territory was shot deadjin the street thje particulars of which appeared in these iolumhs at the time his mur derers william and stewart main tosh have beep in custody from the night of the tragedy ntdl last week wlieu their trial took place the hearing of the caso occnpiedjseveral days the following from the cheyenne iviii will show our readers the local iuterej felt in the case an intense interest has prevailed in this community regarding the prosecution of the mcintosh i brothers since the com mencement of uje trial on wednesday last i aud the kejiort ndoptcd moved by j fvfo beoouded by john oameron that thia council njjonrh argus idi5cussed to the editor of riio kuix imiks dkxiv sir willi your kind permission i will nsq a sinall space in your paper iu whioh to say fnrevrcll to argus ho no doullt thinks wo aij all iu darkness as to his real name when lie rcsorb to such a series of fictitious ones but as uufas seems to be the moat appropriate wo prefer it there can be uo doubt v argus weut west on thursday last as advertised at least we can imniie that hu felt mean enough to crawl away anywhere that may have been only tho durk mcaninu of his threat is the oldatihe tried to driw over himself wus rather too throkilhare to auswep tho purpose e regret that the j a mass meeting of the electors of hultoi will bo held to sa3f fltanciisco via j illinois j oentrali r t and new orleans fov saturday afternoon december 11th tobe addressed by hon oliver mowat hon c w r038 hon a 8 hardy mr mocraneymp and dr buck the public are invited to be present th 3 illinois central uk will dun grand flaying cxcui sions t4 san francisco rid new or leans ami the southern pacific leaving chicago nov lfith deo 14tll jany 11th kates for the the axnnli hsstxxtcr thoauuual meeting of halton refonn associution will be held oh saturday 11th inst at 11 oclock instead of at 2 oclock as previously announced d robehtson i president miiio dtr 1st 1 880 i emptyheadetl ncojles of our town so far i ri forgotiiheniiiielves is to cansetheunassuni- i a ttiltkllv a t tt ing scribbler kuoi as argus such pangs j ja x x p of jealousv iis 1iis frequent efiiistons be- travel those icy little genis of spiu hofsesbuggies ml u but too clearly showed the shallowness of o tho writer he ill no doubt look hack with pleasure and satisfaction eif tlie tint- teriug ioniarks with which le chose to favof some of our young ladies and they j willfertaiuly csuem him niorei highly for his gallantry- w e had heard of english 15th and maroh 15th round trip 8000 vo further particulars address fbbbweb itiil norlliorn push agt iclth i ljrltakdoltllhtneht j i chicago 1 the halton forge pump and everv vuiietv of force well and cistern j also cverythjnfi new in hats caps underclothinc lo short cverytliingneceasnry ida gentlemans complete outfit all niy at teniioirklevoicd to the above iiul am prepared to give the utmost satisfaction in fit workmanship and price acton out ftfe 5k your v atltion s lleaslt o o- kenney brps main street acton to thb frost with a fine stock of new fall cocds w our b muiiufautured h ijualitv tlieuiiiknlgiieliaibeiii iustrtieteil by mha w ixkkn iojm11 lv public auctiolisot ilia snle stables mfll strct acton on saturday 18th decemr a c bounsall 0akyille olt fsf aoivti winted the s hohsk nil hariiees fetylii as follows 1 horkc 8 voam old soundijood in s r i i nil harness stylihuriver 1 horse g vears iild gentleroeu but ye gods there must have i brown by old terror foiuid 10 haudlrigh veil k ar iriiii imniinmnii if broken to tuidtuciaud limtiess 1 colt risiug ul beeuaienornuietern geutloman it yearso byjhov lioyai orge twere ever applied to argus us he has misikiijaninyl villnguciut ruowi 1 lloud s iiiv uow rcceiviuir a very lorrc stock of new fall roods f- every description ot- and sihmjs arc purchased from the best manufacturers uud are of the best we have a line arrmeiit and yoiir evert want ctn bs supplied rnuieliio liuesntrnnks avi valises hand received jlircct from the iiiauufrctirrerp j olluehed wouk wbmnkia pecsihv this department nnd goaraulee i satisfaction to all customers icjpai ring done with neatness and despatch kenney bros dominion house eason s cheistk as its extrimo capacity the evidence pre sented bjy the prosecution was unexpectedly strong and convincing and tbe attempts to destroy ft seemed unavailing it was there- fore a matter of general astonishment last night when it became known on the streets that jury had brought iu a verdict of acquittal i tliresult is worthy of the earnest con sideration of out people it would eem as if there was something wrong in our laws or our jury system this is a case where a man is shot down in the street with witnessp standing by where the plea of selfdefense is scarcely tenable and no dis pute as to the identification of tlie persons who did the killing the evidence prodncpd by the prosecution waa full ahd apparently complete and the charge of the judge was quite strong upon the materiat points of the cas j hag it come to this that our courts are powerless for the punishment of great crimes f let our people calmly i reflect uponthis verdict and consider in what way tlie evil is to heremedied our educators governors lla j wsou v portland cutter ood ns now ssvc- urt room has beeu crowded to failed to exhibit one iota of gentlemanly j oudbuud ciitterk l fiit siuyfc haniess igoodi i jr educators their bast meeting for the preset year messrs brown and moore retire tlie lart meeting of the board of educa tion foi theycaryas held on slouday eren- iuo gtli iust i i j menibers present mr j e mpoarvin chairmu and messrs wh storey dr lowrj w p brown and thos q moore the luihutes of last meeting wjsre read and corthrmedl moved by- w h lowry seconded by thos c moore that the town hall be the place fir holding the election of trustees to nil the vacancies caused by- expiration of the erm of office of messrsbrown aud moore aiid that h iv moore be and is hereby appointed returning officer with instrnc ions to give proper notice thereof carriet j j the iriucipial of the public school pre sented a programme of ptudiesjjfor tbe various departments and requested the board to have- this printed i or the igaidance iof the i eachers mov d by w h storey seconded by w h lovry that the programme bo printed and copies given to each teacher carried the finance committee presented their beventl report recommending payment of the folbwingtaccounts the treasurer interest on notes 555 73 h p moofe stat postage it advi 3 11 john cjahieroti moving scats 1 50 00 u kepokrt adopted movd by w p brown seconded by w h lovrythat the secretary be aud is hereby authorized to advertise for a care taker t take charge of tho public bchoola for the year 1887 and that the property commiitee be empowered to open tenders and appoint the caretaker carried board then adjourned i an euormous emigration of young uieu and tenant farmers to canada is iiredicted fop next year j a bright prospect is to all ajipearaaoex opening up far the north- west the colonial exhibition has been of in6lclble benefit in niajkicg tlo oauntjy and its reeonrces known to the jjiogliah public a tremendoub- wave of w mirtton should b weep wawad during j in th e umtt n yetastia more scott aot pines oeorgetown violatorapayfor their frac ture of me trftw the police magistrate held a court at georgetown on tuesday afternoon for the purpose of hearing tho trials of several who wore charged with violating the canada temperance ac t pontile evidence 4 4u6djbb brinkethoff brewer wm fined 50aadeosu foe first offeuce and maj- colmffckay who runs the billiard room t0 and bennett house waa sued m each of two dangea tlimmtvimtt tlii ulinlp nf lnq uaddlva oiidbricllis1 ltuittilokoba godl wolf h tnroirgnout tne w noie oi ins kouc ooai lor burgyi dugur blleb ondence wc advise him heuceforth f horso ulanketi iktrinss hells li drain uaks- breedin correspondence wc advise liira to retire to the selusiou of mrsj as back kitchen as a clime more congenial to his taster wc do i iot doult for i a momeut the probability nl there beiuy a mrs a in fact we do not iresumc to question the word of such a puragou of truth and honor pardon the length of this letter but really it would take a vhole paper inwhich to do argus justice ijuffice it to iay ho con gratulates himself on las brilliancy and wo agree on ihil subject voirs very truly one or tut acton llec 0th 1836 1 hox stovonnd pilw 1 writing desk aud table 1 cradle 1 wasbtjub ltusbels carrots i pairs quarter boots 2 pairs tending boots i pairs i toeweights t muzzle pail forks brushes i whips iimd otbtij miall brtlclc smk tot mj1knik atom 0rcrk rvtry article on lie list will iositivuly be sobi i no reserve bids i twins all tuinsof 10audiiiidcrcaehover j that itmount 10 inoutbb credit will be given on furnishing approvedl joiut notes seven per cunt per onimui discount for cash wm hemstreet aupuoneer is yqomxisr ajntl with it a iarsn assortihent otntjvv uoods of everv novel tic ot jill kinds faucy r ftuiev wool xioii r 1873 ri canadas comic journal 1887 gents j the candidates iu south wellington for tlje local houne arc messrs cnarles ray- moudconservatf veaisdj2 outlirieliberal both of guelph persian lairbcaps the liest quality at low pricea o so black astrachans good and cheap at j fyfes scoitch euglish and canatiimi suitings in great varietyj at j fyfes acton i i r new adirertisbments ste stkayildtothii premises of tlie subscriber lot 48 con 3 ksqucsiug on or about the first of october a rod steer rising two years eld the owner will pi ase prove property pay ei- tienee and takejl away alex srkowl ksrjuebing dec clju 1c m astray puke milk for all garii of thanks iiheunukrbionbp debires to express his jl hearty thanls to his many customers for their liberal putrc nage since he commenced in tlie niilfc business being now in n better posi tion than ever to supply the wants of the public their continued support is respectfully solicited milk pure and regjmarly delivered wif gurnet anxouncmmkxt fok th coming veait ihil is now st well known as to uic very littloofcitherdescriptionorpraise it is j ran oxtv cvbtoox irtn in canada and it is furnished at about on khalf the j pricn of similar journals ill the united states grips cahtoons in addition to borng strictly impartial whou tliey refor to politics siroalwaysou the side of patriot ism aud morality tho lflto iniprovemeuts aro uuivcihally ad mired the journal- is enlarged to 10 puces and it is printed upon lieayytoned and well-calou- dcred paper this gives both the engravings and the lettorprqss a boautiful- appearance and notwithstanding this enlargement aud im provement the prieo of grip is only 82 a year single copies 5 cts i the price it couiniuiided when but a 4pago sheet ikirfe llatfokm iriloll without jviloahlfv patuiotism with- ot t pailtizanship tilfthwltnoltlkmpeit keny unj fur and description lid silk handkcrchiefcy ioodt int nishings ladies gents furs of every quality idso a new stock of ladies kid gloves o lf do not be 1 cartoon paper reach of all itliout this favoidte canadian its price plucss it within the addross the rt hriiitlns and publlstilnc co jg and hi front street west toronto kew subscribers sending 3 wiu reccivb tbo paper the balance of 181 and to list deeenjber j87 special premium offer all subscribers titled to a copy conkcnvativi duirymeus ass6cifttiomho west ern outario i fphe annua convention i of thoabove jl association willbe held in the town of in gersoll ou thol2tli latljandlithdavbof january next dairymen ami all interested iu dairy lroducts arol urgently invited to attend ar- raugeuionts arc bciiiu niado for hi loihietiou of railway furc parties on starting will pay full faro to tho place of ineeliui and obtain a certifi cate from uio secretary entitling them to a reduction on return i byordor c i ci1adwick secretarys office skihetahv ingersoll dec hi iij 1iblic school iakltarek rpendehb will be recelvod by tho uuikmigued x upto tliajotb december for the ofllco of caretaker of the four department j of actou pub lic school for the year 1867 full parthjulors re- bpecting the duties of the oolie will be given opon application ito h p moore i secre ry boortj of trustees actoil dcc 0u 18w farhs wantkd wakmb wanted f01jthk fem ibsue our canadian farm advertiser which is to oecirculatedaniougatjaiteudingpiircluuters of farms throughout couoa the united states liurope and other countries we lmvu in our office at guelph thousands of lottfcrs froui sppli- are from parties who havo scou our advertise pjeuta tbomwautiogtosollareiuvitcdtocouio tooutoffloeinoiielph and eeo tue lottors fw fbcaitelves wo aro seuisg more farms than auy other nriulii canada and wo ilefy coutra diction to this statetneut if you want lo soil bend us your mime andaddrcps uijd then we wilt wrtte to yon nochajgp udibbs a fcnjabi enbted wlm i p jcjpajwlycpvkjuejjteoat to giuy new or old ro en of the uinguinceut lithograph onipanion lkauers or the companion elate lmlilvx leadkus shortly to be ptilj- sheil on paymo it of 3 cents for postage lis the fkei 1rkhs mid glue will bofuruish- ed to subscriber by spccinl arrangement with the publishers of tho latter journal both papers for ony i275 mantle cloths he o yercdats in profusion at pricks lr oo- -right- to the front of all competition we place our elegant and substantial goods oo- bplendid in quality coaiplcli in assort men i overflowing in generous liargaius u i i mens womens and jiiiluiieks boots hoers rubbers ovepvoeoes c- at prices that always lead to speedy sales -o0- lowest prices f oslslsteni wllu good quality fjuutom work and biair4ij promptly attended to ssgfe 5- jhfx isirtjsliir i jiiiam lotels ttiat cannot be liealen for quality and price t and the largest togk of dress goods of every variety iji town vvitli our millinery department is complete in every respect o- as new gootls are arriving and our out uefoje lie inullleol januarv the public vvill renlize that there are snaps to obuiinud in no other house in the vicinity t t -oo- our boot and la also very large ovory liile being full special atteutiou directed to our values iumoivs a choice stcofc of qe00seie3 on hiad t bottom prices w axe ehowing now- a- ipoolilllao if 26o 1bas taat aw ijotux to take- svomomnor thejamoub 89o tea whh strbot r aotoh oij cheap tosiiitthetmes trimmings to match- lurge stock mustbe clearetl be had at the shoe stock and boys long- boots o vi v hniv- j j -t- i etealii m m 33 m r vw3 v mm town ourbel cups ai groods books isb wol ls notbuj until yc us santa cl agency fancy goods and- gents- 1 cleaned pnd i j crumbi t i provided by sleihiu r petus just m a caretal school for nei christnn nas goods i oysteraj reasonable hi the dut tablish a nev head tli do a cat a 1 school chl spait espsctij l aporth 3 for usiui the lads are hann a pond the byl riiiiway was i of ao business the merchant slatemeut thepro at guelph ye ror thoshl kev pel preached ver sermons ink mr rob the 1st line street of mi winter hi there is a mea weatherpreva v theskati inent of mr and will prof within a few xas8agav week for steel village connd purpose shj jf whj adulterated cl was so charge and the courtl messrs arrangement boiler in ordel their new rot a man mi in a barn nea with both feel they will- reqij fa son of j conduct servil st albans cl the afternoon the first f young men wj church hyjr eveiiiug it disconrse thecoi ou a portion tiou lane afad i tins is an im appreciate mr tho from mr rob the property and west bov finely situat there we lag by both both mack mixed np bst were at last h with a meiits alreajl season toget the electron to complain circles will be our chiefl the boysskat walks of our triaus someti walking by a jolly time a walks r idontl million copic a newspaper chasing cla mpegrog me customer words spoken j boston a few yn wa thrpat and halifax viuj minion hot day only diseases ot 1 c0d8bltthod bat one of n reauy heli went from hi suit mr w tteaiffee

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