wc 4 wwjmms w m if aiim s p sl lviffhf j iv year presents frcbi-nu- tor llic ill htv ionic nio r give uja call tortmeeting at eden mtlnl tjic annual sunday school ic meeting ot hk likn mills methodist dhureh wuu hold cm thursday evening lust rev 1 rjwaim r ixoekwood occupied the chair a very acceptable pniginninio was rendered after which how mr ktraclmti of rockwqod i and rev mr rapp of nasagasveyadrliv- t it rt tt if ri ut j orovl excellent addresses tho lirishhaf iuj aliliu fjtlfl jjlfss j troe isilpleasiiii feature jftlviiflfririinil cro iiyniis j- lfcilnv ind stationery uien jdsr store ii lo i mo lsff k i 1 4 i r r ta lit b jd 1 r t a 1 mb s fo ii b re a kf ast oy tho ever tlv htful fiee fnss reporter a m re found on it app ncv id v ycv ir the of i v cl iv svs ill oietion now mid splendid sncl hie been uitlv plied svlcoforv ofu at nekons stov i turd i- you will write- it issg it iv7 i ii pvthias lodge has been i givrgerowii k howsoiv has removed his i mo milton i xlii his an article on why e hones they make it a cell sttnis trees are rooted in the gv d people and- their branches ore kept reon v ivi tupel litcun has been tyvtiie present to admit of a re power engine being put in i a speight has puicliasevl te many desirable presents wi knox chtfich toameounr the snbbath school tea duct in itiuich on thursday eveni success thr church wa doors and- all the congregations ill town wore represented a sum ituous ten w8 rmviakfh of ami jilt projirs mhio vviia very inteiestiiij the addresses of kovs lit i riiillips 1 mckay manmi wt 1irott h a were excellent the siufn by the choir and the children was very nood and the retuliiuis uiid recitation showed careful preparation mr iloruleron banker oc in knox i was a uroat tilled to tile purely personal 1- ii ugraphb rospodung people with whom our reactors are individually or collootlvoly apquaintod mr aba hull iu ut homo aain mr fred socord of kpckford ilia is liomo for tlio liolidayn master kunniol ii moore of hamilton in visiting friends here mr w cook qt hiitiiilton wan at hii ftitlicim over hrjhtnnis mr 11 11 ccuriliy of iarloum place was in towii tijik week mrttnd yivt t hinipsonof herlin woro ill town duriiu the week mr jolip iciimctiy mil milton hpont aeverardnys ii liis old homo mr jamui smith of hiiniilton his holidays at hif former homo i mrs thurte 1 is thofiucbt of her tonmr kichard thurtjell teebwnter th c proceei ceils amounted cuped the ehair to nearly reinembeir the carrier boyi these are the daisof fotliil leineiubranecs and kindly ifts when everv ones heart seems to expand with the sentiment of friendliness and goodwill t all thelittle tokens presenteil as marks of friemlshipare a soiueo of pleasure to tliosk- who flive and to those who receive and anions those who will delight in the reception of friendly gifts during the holiday season nolle will be moe jeserviur than the ltiilhful ninctual lunv iihyiivsaecniiiiiukhtiiu ywx intss carrier hos in the jjenqriil disposal of odod gheeka lerrt- christmas mew advertisements miss alida qope of ht hjeorjje iu the j tioet of miss magiju campbell j mr and ms l irny of hamilton j visited aetoh f iend during the week mr und mrs j k mctiarvin went to omnjoville for their cliristniiisdinnor miss minnie adams left last friday for drayton to spend a few weeks with f riciidb tbere 1 miss monnie neleon tf chiistmas quests of mr ii vi albans ttiurch town hall the lenisehes a- onlv bti preiented to their j s nioinin splay ever presented j luring christ- i week messrt v was very ar- utiftllly deco l lo0 1 no jul dis- i- comforts ud warm k ctensdunrchristmas j rk ot this- truly benevolent i pe gifts they should not he fo annual address wi 1 tvo lots on the corny of j lrous on new year aihs streets from mr jev the butchers chilstrnas d v mi acton butchers stalls n io rtlie annual fhrist- i s im ap llui3 iveekas was seen lst riitledrie l crosins dlsplj i tisticaliy arranged hud be rtttou tiuir shop was fustobucd with ever- greens nvoltoes appropriiue paper flowers and other de the- exhibition of choice porklrmb and fowl of all kj thin really stnerl tiicto qaautity biitvicient to supply month but nearly the wl already disappcaied mr 1 1atton made theti which ever honored the market kiuisite taste wil ls thursday tbe arran of thedisplayj rilcil wers it n profni- ve lcc nations mr ivst to mikef merry customers s fy as lni christiis betf vcril do it tht methodis ss ciuisuit tile airliuai tlsrietm s en coiniiction with the met mr it i- ui uuelpli wero lohn nelson mr v yv collie was the fjiieht of l sister mrs fred h storey several daya thuiiiji tlio weei mr harry kdinoudson who lianleeu rjjottiii their f r ht oehicin iowa for iwiiiu time jwi dtr dhble ii test is a sktus exprej5- ujdenly become immensely he iuvv clerks viio have j i and day sliowinj v yiivs pnsents durins i tirsdy 1 fill exaiilitiatiolls in a1 ueits the lady uvfr hir re- e tiny w1i iulidav to the seasbn looratioiia and piristtuas beef inds was some- seemed to be a the town for a 1 a mo mrnelr solis lry c ii ins tiie i niceiy t 1 t- u ate choice and i v- iouu whoysile- a tijle weekbakings principally local and all interesung stock has nest exhibition central meat exercised in arid everijreeiis their aid in 1atton did his christinas for his i turkevs and returned home ust week i messrs fred ii smyth and wiltt uud lames firstbrook of torontoi were in town over chriitmas mrs thoniak ultur and ieorc of kil bride arc rucsu during the holidayo of messrs li matthews nnd w rkonney mr angus mid miss katy lawenu who have been residing in cheyenne wyoming torritorv for ionic tijrie have returned home mr and mrs 1 m feruley left on tuesday evening on a visiting tour among friends at hamilton stoney creep and dutidas i j rockwood news t fli t uidvtcll ilit piut it mr holiert jfay succumbed a victiin of tr epidemic last week mntnuio is to be married to- sun of ruse a co toronto h jf liryden tnd dan iiue frofib college for christ- as festival jtcrtaiunuht in odi supdav schoi hell oi christmas live wa a pro- meed veess lheathiilanee was got d noil lie programme excvlltnt liiipy litil the chiistmas bl laden with pre its for the school s veil as fuv the j the chiidieu iibinidantly children of tho r children of at iow island cove the typhoid fetj miss kmma day to dduhil mi farn straehtin are mils vacation about twenl to k in the cli th- othernight sveral of on euivas back ur ball on m htv mr li tiiiiiteilngt th in the pulpit ytive hockwood citiicn per liicourert in acton r bloods report a regular time at the acton bacliel- ichiy eveuint itt was doing a little elec- e faithful on sunday last nd why shouldnt he jlcmcl scliool t-xam- k-il- atudiiig the molel nrie j tiil- heudmter til uarvfii lvci water ioi iju ljrfcs- mr itajg and successful it lie teem of all wiio itij ijh him i the- sibbith schools toncfcptionhay newfoundland the sin nig and the recitations and dialogues by the children wvrc of a most itittirlsting charac- ter and the audience felt khftt their best tlisnks were due to the committee which hal kei such pains in thetnuuing tlio reprt of the choo given y the secretarv vr very incouraping and exhibited pro- i gress in many way- the christmas boat was a hew feature of the annual entertain- men and resulted verv atisfacturily the lxrit m full snii ladeti vjth ciinstmas presents presented a very jirctty appear- hurrah for the young mens liberal club reform majori polling division j this messrs john i two of our wel our town res tiiovecville n mr sjinelair i was presented able gold chain oi lltc mills in rested i tii-t- if hikey iuhis piaee was ifore police jer- irkijili on iridny io pfiyjtic- vis ten t up for ie s the lenalty for the of from 2kh to hm or lve moijuis ail 3 s social vible ej tertjiluoien t for the liie fdiij wtts htll in the j it1i jiise lust tliurday j enteriuinuicnt were jiiit snkitifnrfry iifrr tea wa- preparedhy acton bbc christmas concert ance all thy children of ih the i of gifts and d of warm eljtlurig lx-t- lo j prtsenteu for the poor referred ainij the p donation of twentylie ii from acton lodge no 201 j newfoundland presents tille i ing the which was shiiiiel prepaid the first of this week the litiu programme by the asortmeiithjf presents led in blake uli evening jiepi kyleciipied re vioeil uieloat- tle ltcai itudtrs of one oriiev induce a doubtful jnit ivt i yelliiigton ou the piiixs who tojk the ln lt huu hardly returned to iti the jound their doubtful iigtit of the polling booth gnarciittii care of a brace of hie concert in the town h mai evening was largely iinuucialiy v-t- h yioit member- of the ioirmitlte school were ens of jmrcels ss etc were hildjieii previously resents was u of stockings ioul the j a large pack- leaving for jmr kd job up was very s hotel eelhi koking tliroiigl a voter herel oyer the marki systtin all ho said written 1 ofj his favored c ithe rockwoo y iucjeasnd in rockwood i from 1 1 last election to 13 i lago and charles lerrard known eitiens have left eetivtk for toronto and j v i rueipul ui iobiie school i vitii an address and a vain- 1 by a few of the pupils on i olidays son ktlen mills thought net over an illicit btill in tlio mouth or november juul pained was a lonct way tho heaviest biinliicsn month we hiivo ever hail nt no 27 now in nrdor tohuvodcccmhcrinuin- tain the samo ratio of lucrcat over last year and wu have to mak it ii lilf ill until to do so- 1 am umktn a orand deobmbbe salb a u il whieli iimny vciy alnrlling bnrgaina will bo uftorcit to jnv cuhtomeri wo are oing to mako it a kind of carnival moitlli a no 21 at which there will he a revelation in stacks of choice and reasonable dry goods at iuircdi below regular prices people say money is scarce well i want a lot of it before january 1st and i urn going to mako it an object for you to carry away my surplus pry ooodsand leave me the cash when i sayso you well know i mean it if i oau ac- cpinplish my purpose there will be good ci all around my friends will have cheap dry csoodti and i will have the money and ho all require ineuls will be met koueuilcr besides my own very attractive stock 1 offer a largo portion of my great purchase of the toronto wliolesulo bankrupt stock at ooo ou the dollar nlobody iii lonu can touch llml junt to mention a few tliiiifis splendid french allwool dress ioods at ljac former price 25 and uoc scotch tweed ulster cloths 12 for mer priousoo ladlrs dog skin mantle 2 per cent under ordinary prices fur goods of all kinds including caps cape 1rimniings etc at slaughter prices all kiud6 of fancy uoollens at clear- iii prieos ladies seamless underclothing gents heavy underclothing boys heavy umlcrelnthiiic all at low ptlcgs fancy joods for christmas presents in great variety cheap foil cash mr 1 k herres formerly with j i wilhuinsoii a co is now in my employ and will give his many frjeiuu from actnh and vicinjiy iiisjhist attention e r bollert 27 lower wyndham street cuelph ont telephone in office i muni n t a ikd peihovoilinou has enabled mc iarvinh drug it stationery store to gather from the best marketh of tlte world a ohoico collection of holiday goods suitable for ladies and gentle- incn boys tintl giiih and the bubictt vote for waters bros 1 oillfkniaslauljs nikw ykarcarijs uillstmas prehent4 xfviltiks jalincflhfloltnicilt of tlio noted floreritiiio- i stationery will arrive in a few daye fkajinj li autists matmhialii i i lp uestras islab waters bros the iietuic cillej near the iost j gutlph mti l ja x aluguf of this collection of books anjiuals fancy goods novelties etc is an impossibility at this time suffice it to say thatevow department is futl of new ioodh attxtroincly low unci attractive prices xx xtxx x tling trade is now being done in xraas cardvchristmaa liooks an- nuals prize and library books etc a careful inspection of designs and prices will convince all that mcgar- vins is the store lit which to biyl 1 central meat market joseph patton butcjikk lias pleasure iin announcing to tilecitizens of actou that he his purchased the butchering business of mir wm rossell and is prepared to conduct j the same in a traitforward- businees i manner i having had large experience ihthe busi ness i feel that i can guarantee all custom ers who favor me with their patronage perfect satisfaction all kinds of meat fresh and goodaid poultry fish ac in season will be found iu stock j i respectfully solict your esteemed pat ronage i t he is now quiet by the bars instead of over yesterday after thinking i of his ballot felt his ycombed as he had he j own name instead of that ndidate i rase iroceeds of the important notice the clothier j is now showing a most com0leteassrlinent of new and choice i suitings trowsenings hall coiicert was a success financially as well as meritoriously j glhcl ovepcoati hgs i reading and mrsfcjchultzs j prominent features and i n t newest dftiiojiih and ill ulu lllosl elegant pattenis both iu joseph patton actou nov kth lii holiday season great glelph w ill on christ- lattended aiuu cej tlie trtfcd them- mjiss wetheraldi singing vei- tl appreciated as iiumil iroekwdod lje jsh have just iecied aiuiicliate oi a manufacturers stock of jlks bought at 15c on the dollar a clare will pay any persons fare iironi actcir or intermediate stations to guelph and return who buys so worth f goods or over at uiy store 26 lower wyndham street this will hold good as long as the holi- day season lasts i have the lines t stock in the city- lo select from especially in colored gold setts goldand silver watches rfcmkimri tiii ijn v w a clark ln lovver wyndham bt guelph by our niilciit buyer in lojidon these goiids are the most wumletfuc wo lhiuk can safely say ever seen on this contiieht- i we x yz lysu erin ifree pressings selves to excellence and in this they larly cctsrrl c solos cope- of ljiijon t and much tendered well the public a tiiit oi superior were particu- mss aiida e erjy meritoriou ujoyej by the audiaice who irnc1 ciicoresi the missei oi i ttij v- yj the or two fade d u t act bert mee arrostrcir ji 1 from nt chrhrr c fa larl n v ii jj i fvlti aetooi for m ikj jug v ytsur- 1 ipilii t bn ue4 i lid the v- ll acij is no y who kept a ha aiid w j robinson bar- lolm bell both of milton ietel before police magistrate 1 e last for violations of act ad laid oo and costs each intiis in gaol several witnesses how up and inspector brotlfers i arrested two were- brought hsagaweya a disuuce of 24 miles 3 day hereabouts mas in acton was spent in rather inuner thcfall of snow jof the day rendered sleighing fjritclasa nitural consequence upon 6uch a ilon every available comvpyauco ioiiticiaiii spent the day in tlking the merits of their ftrridatc the skting rink was jiilzci during tiie day and at tovi htijl was weil filled at tlie ce tamily reunions were ti happiness reigned supreme cioz meredith tumble boys have a bi laugh on the i turning officers who didduty in j iued v they were just leaving vitli their ballot boxes contain- j i majority for 4 major kerns oi ruing when their high spirit- j hly tinned the comer and iiiiiis iiead first w a snow 1 i idrc 1 willing obeorvcra wcc is there vj lend u btlpiug- hand iiw ni their election docu- vcie soon off ou their journey oivi that tom kennedy of 1 ii critiest grit ever born in the pony from a coif it j i- ilt bouiid to kick agftinbt j the liuo when humor the orr are old favorites with acon audiences and were warmly greeted iipon their re appearance the several numbers iu duets and solos rendered by them received un bounded applause unforjunately prof oliver and mil v chisholmj were absent the parts taken by ontarios favorite character impersonator i may please some audiences but they certainly did not entertain nor edify his hearers on christ mas night for while an acton audience can enjoy a humorous selection jf meritas well as any they invariably draw vulgarity takes the place of quartettes by the made ojoartette club wero very well rendered thefarjce cool as a cucumber was riot eminently successful while one or two of tho iactois in the drama really played superior parts the others displayed altogether too much of the amateur iu their actions and general style the parlor orchestra wascordially received and miss jcnuie fitoruy performed her part as piano accompanist mist accep- tidily- wo hive much pltiistiijc in con gratulating the iaf ball club filpoii their financial success and thoir j cdmrhittee deserve credit for tlie pains tlfc took to give their patrons a firstclas and it was not their fault disfiiipojiutnienfs happened td f tjttl 0l ill- col clarke h this constitueiie so argils ha suppose the wor of his ideas wen a teameetiiig corners sunday ture there at t2 lrin is cold eno that last thursda the public school sprogramme f one or two foreign a4 domostic manufacture wil ark s11ll1xg i averysoavy morvoiucaissatinat 60c a qranalmo of srocaftod satin at 50c hoavy blacls pros grain silks at 70c i a magniflcoat line of oolorod plushes at 75c rihl ui s been elected member for by aeglaimttion i left acton we do not d has lost jnuch some j valuable however i iu behalf of the cresvsous school will be held in the call early and secure satisfaction assured a good choice loyillls gazetteer and history dominion of canada in nine volumes royal 8vo to ill- 1omuexlkd vueuever a sufficient jiinnbeiif silis is obtnined to cover 1 cost of publication kllbscrilifion to the nine volumes 711 lo tin province of ontario or to quebec sljmuui ev brunswick or to nova bcotiu s5hstto manitoba or to british columbia sjw to piiiice lmvard islsul or to xorthwest i bcotiu sjw t territorie dress cfoops e extra width at loc 1 very heavy vv orsto specialty s4 pa nts dress goods we tire allso selling hesivy caslinipi liioiiil ladies suiting all ooimv at joe all th latest styles in french dress gdjods in lioucle laiianin ijnle sergey habit cloth c at vgry low prices i 50 kiteii lrov incu toliave a mbji please send for prospectus mojix lovfll myaitn ash iciuisni jluiiireal august ith lsn methodist cluiroh on thursday evening one of erins sons who last week re turned from dakota reports the tempera- below zero when he left igh but hardly tso cool ap i evening at the close of term ut leslies miss bella r ej iisrieiilscbiisr the clothier i 99 w7ndham st guelph s tur dressmaker miss todp is prepared to execute all orders for cresses i in iter usual excellent style powders j d williamson co arojlcarani tottio pnrtvtop i j the cradle mcl4i-nson- in acton on the 22nd dec th j wife of mr arch molhorsbn of u daughter the grave ihvihson- at the residence of mr john nicholson warletlc mich aji the 8tb of ilicembcr mrs agnea davidson of mar ietta mich formerly of actou aged 71 years gordon who ha i occupied tho position of teacher for tho past three years was made the recipient of u very kind address a toilet j set and an auto raph album a recotrimendation from the county roads committee that a wooden combina tion bridge be bt ilt over the river at os- pringe on the giavel road and also that mesbrt burt r hinson aud kirkwood be appointed to has c the samo erected at ab early a date as p ossible the present bridge being very unsafe has been adopted klsiicch erin dec 2btpi 1880 prominent n ong the greatest medical discoveries by tlie many ctiiesit hatollect- ed mcorqiorn lijireuy cure leads the van subjected to the ninutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain none of those injurious ingrciiiants characterizing tho worthless specilics daily olfered to the public every ingredient possesses a popul ar adaptability to the various complaints for svhielnt has been compounded and its ellicacy is being nstablished by testimonials iidurlyrcceived wearo therefore conli- dent that we lure a preparation which we can offer totbe public with the assurance that it will be f nnd not only a relief but ftll abtsjlue civ f r uyspcpsia liver com plaint indigcbtwu couslipatiou and im pure blood l trial bottles at j e mcfiatvinsdniji store 31 contain their em ij c ccct ril is cilienbadaiti r b jermyn ual gkad itscoujt sale s at acton thu wliole commencing ondecember 27th and ionthwed until stocktaking which will be early in f ebrutirv clmmektse stock of toy will be thrown on thekarket at priccsjlicji must astoiiihlas wellun pleaso the closest buyers the people of tbia couiitrv are nut slow in finding ouf where the genuine bargains are to be had and the masses are gettingthem every lawful bushlcssmay aithc halto dry goods house sau en l sale beistijr ii fsv hrii stock and implem go to t rvv cha4rylidaswasirfl posifl opo nit t-prortywadkjcwkacjj- ucm h yoa fo prict qoality ajil stylo 017 ya sate- ui 12 oclock wrjj jfemetoet i in atfctlodct os acton for your cloth the time of the year has now arrived when my stock mus be reduced housekeepers and others will not have for motlicr lo year such a golden opportunity of obtaining your wants at your own prices v ldlbsk i have the largestlstock of dress goods and furs in acton the j it ess goons are in all the leading makes and rtylesjlnnd range from 5c uj tosoc a yuifd furs of every description fromrabbit to south sea seal fat- lyuinuii- f om oe up to 5 pr yard positively the furs must go qbnt81 have over 50000 worth ofnew and nobby overcoats which will be slaughtered niorddf to make room for the hw utock of spring aud butnmer clothing which will arrive in march r milibl hatbaud bonnets will be soldat cost aud a discount of 25 per ceim allowed on ill vh slo iu tki department oroobrieg bootsndhcfes at fa to suit kemmbtir i gve six foumlsof gobd tea oqiml to unv me tea 11 tow forolro dollar give mea cull uud you will consult your best interests i f- r 8 jeryn i ha n i- i w i i h rji iip f iri l il ss 1 i 1 -if- s 1 v i m iu a h 1 ti- v 6fei it i t3 fe 1 l a- h o sv- fi d w vg