Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1886, p. 4

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v a hi m m ll im 13 tikbv moiimw lrcvimu 30 1880 on new years morn u ut sailed oul on the ebbing tuk to toil all irtvltt for fiidi in the svn the sails were set m aw tkvited tree a ullosstd tlit fanning waves aside audi the lishciiiau said as he sailed away i vcm beforie ins removal io lowell afflict- i cmc imt luck till the break of dav 1 f cd willi salt vlicnmm lu ivorut form us a tli t foil rrvkrtt itown beitui completely brdkc down iu health i was induced to try that valuable remedy burdock blood hitters line bottle made me feel likt u new man rxktoi inn me com- pletcly to health uoo j dctlor nun i nee onl oo andrek merseri of the lowell i carpet cnroration wr for over twenty railway time able ayers pills the wind arose and tin sea was wild a ndttio biry waves olwyed tlio hale tliel fisherman thonjht an be f in led tbe sxll cokaihioini of wife and child ho taid us he toiled uod 1 prny tseui wilt keep lift safe lill the irons of dav tlu morning tiuitroke ovtr lite boa hat never u boat on its bosom lay aw all but one were in the bays tlh 1 where could the boat ami the he 4 fishermans miii hart sailed away tkher ulcerations covered more jhiiii half iiickhi face of his body and limit lie was entire- i ly cnreilliy aver hiirslrilli j ituuuicml he i there aiv hut few llml iniuiievnr sulut oil almost intolerable pain from tmithielio i neuralgia or like acute mius to them uucli an instant relief a tluid lightning is mi untold hlvsniiigin timif of trouble no dwjmstiii offensive inedii for days one upplicatio s the dvwn was breaking daw ff new years mug cure st oio iines le bo taken iv uf fluid light sold at dr metiarvinh drug the latest reined v for totighs colds winter snaps croup hoopiiu cbiigb lihoncbitis etc i is mcgregors lung compound there is ofns cause intolerablepain llollowaysd remedy in exisloneecontaiiiiug any one ilcjny removes the trouble try it auojsce what au amount of pain is saved f opinion will be the same as all who have lhereisuo connection between inarmed bolls and chestnut mis although it may be admitted unit the former is an old joke 11 seldom falls usedt vi that it is the best sold in 1 i cameron of wsstlake ainsle d 100 bottles by dr mccinrviii cvcn ureton had iiillaniimtfgry- rhcumor- lriifit tisui which li awards yellow oil cured mrrlt irimn after all other treatment had failed j dollar upon dollai is frequently spun mi of the- active ingrcdieiitf vuirprning me- greora tmig imipimiul lo iii snv yon hivo taken evorvlhiuu until uui have tried this for your cold or cough and your the rockers on a chair never stick out half so far behind at any other time as wheu a man is prowling around iu the dark bare- footed the superiority of mother ljnves worm exteirmiuator lahown by fts good effects on the cliiljren purchase a bottle and ivc4t a trial v cawuabte tllat for an obstinate harrassing cough there is no better reinedy tban hagyrds pec toral baharo which cures all throat bronchial and lung diseases it isplcasaiit i i to take and effectual for voouj or old u ono ot tie mott dangerous ot the dl- easeficauae by theso oomplalnts jlmi- lt nit tt dxss the ctotro ot llfo tlio stomach 1 quickly demnges and imperils the whole ij itempnyiilcnl und tuenuh in symptoms ire mautfohl wid many of t lent a mifoui that thoy are gcrwrally tegurdctt nu treated u specuimalaaics onty cure for tho var ous forma of dyaptptic uu- cosea i in i taecuoine that wllfrwaove fts llvor kldinri aud bowel to a healthful condition kvy other treatment is as use- lets as an el ort would be to make a wofoh keeptimo b r limply gliding iu caw when tt had n bro ca maunpriag 4y pitts arc tuo bo t medtcloq to accomplish tho uecessary v ork ot cleantimg atimulatldg and rostori g they aro rooro thorough iu their purgative effect thau any others yet aro uot vioknt iu their action oxer ise a powerful luflueuco for rood upon u- otber vital onrans as well as tho bowels nut cffcctuully jqniah qlstate nsnew jaundice nm other lencos of hopatlo dlwrdcrs mtroisn as aver t hero 1 j no fomedy soprompt wd thorough h8pill8 they are also byjhelr kulncy diseases also fittlng from disorders of tho uli- tlvo fuuetlous uud uro uot only i ejceeeil- logly painful iu theniiclves htttl hai symptoms such as dropsy uud ithcu- matism which oic of the kruvct eliaiik- tcr the work of tho kidneys is tin- tmrifyluir of tlio blootl vnmu tlimtgli tllscasc tiicy tfvmo to uo this prompt kdief slubt bo accortletl to alert most serious cousoqtteoccs medtcluts that lull their pain by dulling their bjcuslblilty or tlmt stinnilato them to uuudlural setlvltv do tnflnttely moro linrm ttrnn cood to lv- storothem to healtb the kidneys must l cleansed their inllammiitlou allayed aud tuclr ktrouistu restored auevs folia do this move effectually thau auy oilier their dlurctlo cfleet isl uot less murked and heneoclul tban their purgatlvo power kot oulydo thoy at ouec liy n lnovlng domi free the clowpcd aud rouso tho tor pid organs burtbelr coutlnuoim effect vieu taken iu email doses is to rctjulalc llwttchlueiyofluonrd restore hcatth land vigor for all the several varieties of piles oud for tho maiij cutaneous disorder jiroduced by blootl impurities thrown mcleod anderson imidmikhh and kkaults in i staple and fancy dry goods millinery mantles prdss making ordered clothing readymade clothing carpets artd oilcloths i grand trunk railway tfi kwt i j 7i a iiv iis in nif h m hi in ml imli i imiriill ktp tilil accoii u le ii hr i i i r efficacy tojregulatluk tlio uikcsuvo funh tlous ot too greatest value to women iu tho most critical stages of existence he who lives learns and who learns lives abfary load when i ate my food was like a lamp of lead in my stomach i took fiardock jjlood bitters the moe i took the more it4ielpedme iamlikeanew man now says ezra babcock cloyne y 0 town ship barrie ont it is wise to provide against emergencies whictnue liable to arise in every family a cold may be a dangerous thing or not depending upon tbe means at band to combat it in sudden attacks of cold cronp asthma etc ayers cherry pectoral will prov your best wend thebimorf rhuadrtmix mr john morrison of st ibna ks was so seriously afflicted with a diswseeof the kidneys that dropsy was deveopi and his lile was despaired of two bottles of burdock blood bitters cured him after j physicians had failed i haveyou ever tried mcgregor larkes carbbl cerate for sores ef any kind it is beyond doubt thevery best preparation iu the market for healing and curing sores bprns cats pimples blotches and is the only proper method of applying carbolic acid sold at drmcgarvins drn stord for 25c per box a heabihie hiri ijuriiig the breakins np of winter when the air is chilly aud the weather damp fetich complaints as rheumatism neuralgia lumbago sore throat croup aud other painful effects of sudden cold are prevalent it is then that hagyaxds yellow oil is found truly valuable as a household remedy ncone need fear cholera or any summer complaint if they have a bottle of dr j d kellogga dysentery cordial ready foi use it corrects all looseness of the bowels promptly and causes a healthy action thia is a medicine adapted for the young aud old rich and poor and is rapidly be coming the most popular n medicine for cholera dyseuterv etc in the market- i mr peter verraett hocheiaa p q- writes dr thomas eclectric oil cured me of hliioniatism after i tried many medicines to no purpose it is a good medicine just think of it yon can re- lieveiie twinges of rheumatism or the i most painful attack of neuralgia you can check a cough aud heal bruised or brokeu skin with a bottle of thomaseclectric oil costing cmly 25 ceats no oneibuys a pig i a a poke in other words purchases on mire guesswork who buys for his or her relief northrop lymaus vegetable discovery aud dyspep tic cure the fact is too well known to leave room fojr auy peridventureithat it is a sovereign curative for indigestion costiveness impuritjves of tbe blood kidney and female 1 roubles and other infirmities this is to certify that i have used mc gregors speedy cure for dyspepsia and liver complaint and dp honestly say that if it cost me one hundred dollars 10000 a bottle t would not be without it as it has done me more good than all the medicines ever used and ifeil like a nesvtnan yours truly alex stejl carlelbn place out thb medicine is for sale at 5c and 100 per bottle at dr mcgarvin s drag fjtore i cholera morbus cratfips and kindred complaints annually make their aparance at the same time as the hot weatb ir green fruit cucumberr melons etc ard many persons are debarred iroin catiig these tempt iug traits but they need not abstain if they haye dr d fielloggs i ysentery cordial aud take a few drips in srater li cures the cramps and cholera in a remark able inanrier and is sure to check every disturbance the bowels f ilvo yon toothache use flu id light ning iihvc you rheumatism ibe fluid liglitningi j have you a stiffjoint use fluid light- t ning i have yon neuralgia tjse fluid light- ning j have you lumbago use fluid light- ninsi are you troubled with headache use fluid lightning have you anyain use flqid liglit- ning j v it wiu bbfe you twbinstant itt is applied try it i2fr bottle- at dr 2jccgarvfns tho faith nf locuiiiiueiidutions for articles entirely wmilihst nit so with mc gregors speedy cine you are not asked to purchase it until ilsmerits arc proven call at j k mcgarvius drug store and gotafvee trial bottle and if nut convinced it will euro you of the worst forms of lys- ptpsia liver complaint etc no mutter of how longstanding it costs you nothing sold in 50c and 1 botllos sec testimon ials fnni people iu your own town rrt nndtontfort to the snftrrlbg browns household panacea has no equal for relieving paiu both internal aud external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooturchc lumbago ami any kiml of a fain or aeho ii will most surely quick en the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as thereat pain reliever nd of double the strength of any other elixir or lluiment in the world should he in every family handy for use wheu wauted as it really is the beat remedy in the world for cramps in the t juiacli aud pains ami iches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 centa a bottle dr j into tho circulation durlhg attacks of eon stlpatlonno euro is so hulck and easy ns ayek8 pll13 which i reo the bovcls uno idd nature iaiauilngf aveh3pitifl in myprac- i loe and i ud them excellent dlt j w bnown ocsatia ip pa one 6 the best rcmmllcs for bilious ikmugcm mta thatwoposiis dlt wm vbescoti conoord y if active searching and effectual but not grlpl ig or drastic pitor j m locke c incimiaf i o as a n lid and thorough purcatlvo they itmnot be cxcclledd 0 tiwmrsys 3lqwt cl0w flti adapted to all tho dlkortlers which can be cured by the judicious une of a phvtli dn samxmccosneijl johncf fer 1 v a fiafo and reliable cathartic pn w c kimo vpencei yfci flier have entirely corrected the costive hnbit huii vastly improved my general health rev if b llvitloswerkirifc oct better than ony other catliarticm p summekow- auttin tvtilr we beg tu ilfiiriu our mends oiulthb pnhliu gunurally- i hat iv o linvvlhis hensoii a most coiuplctc stock in all the diitereni iruwiiini that wci have iiupoittil and piirclrnsjid tllirct fiiiiitiu iiiiinurni kmiio p of our iiiiineiiso ktocli i that il was puielmsuil hefiiie llie lleeiit illviiiicc in- juices fi illat tlicfiublie will ot thuadvnntagu ofvliusc low prices ill at vvc truil li lxiii iiitrhllvcs mid sucuueiluil in seeming a luige virhjv htyljhli al tlttitivu lllsliniliil liciip goods j orimllllnkiy is 4uhrli and in huge variety ihikssmaking ik in liist rlaumvoihiiig oitltj- leifgo mill beautiful stock of dress i jmiim ii ill i ij i in- i mii iciheitto ixirt-i-kmliw- ii itci iwtwieli llieluil nlid tjbljllto rfsir orcmirisit iilir vht j hliim uud v- mollis htit tuiltm il i -iii- medicated ootids fcnd irs silks id silect from fp uli jtaniii mathuials j vie gnigtiiiis surviuoablu and uhenp hi tailoiunii dkpahtmknt j is a i turns out minnilcoiitiariiieiitsmid- lit a large stock ef twcejds coit- j t x lioosc from j 1 ings jiiid oveiiiotings to cl a- the best cathartic medicine in the world aya pills rrkrbri uy c aver co analytical chcwlab low km mass sold by all drum it is impiiiliiihlo for uk to lemiiileiiilc mil jooih or partieuhiruc the ditfaeifvipcwv but we guarrtnice a largo stock of ierviccaiile stylish and cheap goods j goods are to bo sold for cash oil phodlck after 12 months trial jf strictly cash we arc cfuivinccil it is the proper nysum to do business aud enables uslto compete with any iegitimiite business in canada j mcleod anderson co new goods arriving almost daily from jhe manufacturers n washington mdcpsb kuiincit throat irnd lting surgeon will next visit- acton at dominion hotel monday 1 7th january 1887 dhkvsrstlikvii- nlariliif the head rinl throat ciiuirrhiu deufiups chronic hioiiehitit asthma anl coukuiiition alo li of voici forothioat 1jnlrtrgcil tonsils ivivpiiof tlic nose removed comk kaiuv cosslitviros kisiik t ttsie leiiabct bcottsgeli ft s proinineut amuujf the greatest- medical discoveries by tbe many cures it has effect- ed meg regoryg speedy cure lcada the tan subjected to pie minutest chemical analysis it has lieeu found to contain none of those injurious ingredients claralteritiug tho worthless specifics daily offered to the public kvery ingredient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to tbe various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy isliein established by testimonials iioarly received we are tberefore conft dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it willbe found not only a rrlirf but au abiouttecurt for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blond free trial bottles at 1 k- mcgai yins drui store 31 what true merit wllj ih the unprecedented sale of j tiosrhcrn ger man rup within a few year has astonish ed- the world it is without doubt the 9afe8taud best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cure of coughs colds and the reverest lung troubles it acts on an entirely different principle from the usual prescriptipnsgiven by physicians as it does not dry up a cough and leave the disease still in the systembut oil tho con trary removes the cause ot the trouble heali the parts affected and leaves them in 41 purely healthy condition a bottle kept iu the house for use when the diseases j lint following -g-o-o-d-s- havfc bees marked down tu about v i thklit actual value the titilt are so very largo at this favorite house that watkins has been sending orders weekly 10 the kuvopenn and cutiadiaii nuiijiifactiircrs for supplies this week he lias received new urebs goods new silk plush new lace cuitaiiis auicricin cuitaiiis the following goods have lliaeturein tui suppuuo w new flannels new flaunel embroideries stair linens gray cottons shirtings small wares clc been marked down to about half their actual vuluc cloths to mak n m foi- liniuk tjat and buffalo koiicb ijidies and misses fur capes lerelotliitigdrcss trimmings etc wnifeya at various prices and v and higher prices of melton clothdress goods tho 18c sua aud higher priced allwool dress goods the black aiid colored cashmeres and merinos the blalck crapes in double treble and quadruple makes limy arc rich heavy and uantifa black its uud coin toldscrapcb at all prices from 50c to 34 the flunttels are extraordinary pood value be sure to see the cataiiilk of maxv vkvilh srandim c ihlii dr k vahhioe tliroal ih1 lmiq surgeon toronto dear hlr 1 urn pejbeil lo impress mv entile patisfactioii nt the resnlte oi yoir new methoiv of iuhulatioii which has cured ine of a very troublesome form of catarrh iu fact all the usual remedies failed to ive me any relief but your treatment from the first uaveiiic great ease and in n few months cutirelv curel mo ot n inost annoying liisease i can li6nety rcioiiitnenci auy nrbo majibo sufferitutas l wiw to vnr skill ful consideration yours truly geo hotldixg represent- c tliinuim oalt aud w hlstokev a son acton head offices ilu yoiike ht tormito wrii- for iiarticularr great t i p combination fue thukll iv t 1 p guilts and comforters at extraordipary low prices f6r saph nice scrviccaiiiegoous ee me luuius u kuid t boys hosiery gloves and neckwear they are superior goods and uusurpnfied in cbeopness the carpets deurve jcinl itteiiiion the qualities are i jri i l an ai rv article necessaw for linuic furnishing always kept on li tarpet sleepers decorated stair damasks lace smyrna u on king stieet east one door west of huuhson street itho iiamcis thomas cwatk1ns hamilton deceiubcrolh issli fpltffvb 7 east end ciothing store fftfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff xx tttttttrn tttttrrrr irttrrrrri irnrriirrxrittii rrr i rr k ittittit ij r the leading clothing house t t rrtttlt tapestry i union brussels v emp axminster string ah d cocoa bugs and mats prices extraordinary a 1re inii vcllas slock f tveiil uml wofrftlijl i suitj jsfgs and overcoatings autjittii for fill and winter wen at i y e ls -o- also evervtlniig new in j hats caps underclothing in iliirl rvcrytliiin iieeisar i iiitlihini ionijilile miltit i he utmost make their appearance will save doctors it j i i i i lt having all mv tluiiiriii devnlel lot he above line bills and a long spell of serious illness a j m in pit wnrkmai trial will convince you of these facts it j pttpe i m pivird iin uud price lo lit it ik- is po3ttivply sold by all druggists flud gen eral dealers in the laud price 73 cts large bottles ajuvickto siotinisaie you disturbed at night aud broken of yonrrest by a sick and crying with paiii of cut ting teeth if so tsmd at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value iucal- culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer imiediately depend npori it moth ers thefe is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softeus jhe gums reduces inflammation and givs tone and energy to the wholej system j sirs winsjows soothing sy- rup foi children teething is pleasant to the tasw and is the prescription of one yf the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the tjmted states and is for sale by all druggist throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure riind aski for mas winiows soothino svnfiand take no other kind danger of vela if wi were ajlowed to look into the future aud see the fatal consequences that follow a neglected cold how differently would qnr course be could wo realize our danger how speedily we would seek a cure bnt wit i many it is only when the monster disease hus fastened jits fangs upon our lung tiat we awakea jto our folly what follows a neglected cold is it not disease of the throat and lungs bronchitis asthma consumption and many other diseases of like nature it is worse than maducss to neglect a cold and it if folly not to have some good remedy available fori this fre quent complaint one of the most effica cious medicines for all diseases of the throat aud lungs is bicklop anticonsumptive flyrupi this medicine is composed of several medicinal herbs which exert a roost wonderful influence in oaring con sumption and plher diseases of tho lungs aud chest it promotes a free and easy expectoration soothes irritation and drives rtittflisfettfrotntuisybttlri j i acton out dolls kid gloves and corsets tto be- given free for next two weeks commencing deo 13 a handsoolk doll sleigh oil pair kid gloves free with every purchase ovkr 2 a good dollar corset free with every purchase over s5 lmm ense reduc- tion sale nfow going h i i- 481king street east hamilton w starntohay satorday decemre1j 4rn and will run for i a v s our great carpet sa ee regat ding this sale we would simply say do nt neglect this opportunitydfsefhtring an al carpetat little cost is xotictiii iuiuiwini imucus jill yniu llruels trti el ic il jtc 210 ivlc loinie jifie sl 0o yards of tapes iv tnrpel ii worth 1 00 171 he j 0 m i 50c 7o wo liavo tassstr iowa to 25 coats grind 7alno our 50 nt brassols- soatfailto see ryai1 berki nsh aw co gueilph ontario pride of ills valley medicine th3 likeat blood ptjbifib2 huh no eipial as a tonic to lc taken tlm e times a dnyjust betoru meal luh ilirectiotisonbexeh uuilcirculars arrjiiud the same over nevciiteeu million boxes sold in aiittda in the jast eleven years all fiiviur the best of tmtisfiction sold by all meiliciiie dealers nt 27 err p jpackukt or five tor 1 wholesale by nil tliolesiieitniijists pride of the valley liniitvent- the ireitlebl known rencily in the vorltl foi- llu- euro of piin no lnntter of ivhat name or nature or where loeited it piilivelvdctrovsi it at once lalles if you suffer wiili the most iloathlilic euttiui pains uuriujj iiicnstriiatiou apply this remcily iriie of the vatiejiliniiueiit to iho locality where lln pair exists by placing few dioiis to tho yztm oi the banil aliil rubbiue weu in in n or tlirecap- plicmiohs the pain will le goiie lrie of the yailry ijininieiit luetsper tipttle i i ehids op the vllby scaiaim rheumatic cupe rli rakticlhausfvhh ltln- 1 ti matthkws 100 pr bottle r manhood how lost how restored 1 just publisheil a new eilitiou of uivcniver- wella celebrated essay on the mlii cure 0fslkumxtolinhka ov setuilittl weakness in- voluutary seiniiml lnsns ijipotkncv mental and physical incapacity impediments to ibir- riagc etc also iisisjrtiiix tiilkpsy tinii klts muliieed by snlfiiuhilgbuce r sexual ex travagance c the celebrated author in his lulinirableensay clearly demonstrates from i thirty yiyjs suc cessful practiec that the unrmiiicouseiiiiuee of self may be radically cured poiiitiu out k mode of ciiro at oute siuipv certain and eucctualby uieinik of which everv tulterer no matter whut his conijition maj- bo may cure- hinikiilf ehealuv privatelvuul rinlienalv listbis lecture should be ia the hands of every youth uud every man in the land i sent under seal iu u plain envelope to any address post-paid- on receipt of four cents or two postntfc stamps address tae oulverwell epdical co 41 axsst nkw ypiik v y o llox 450 your v attention v please kenney bros main street acton j rto thi huovt with ar j fine stock of new fall goods o reqeiviiig it very large we are now receiving it very large stock of new iall floods of pveiy tlebcrijition oh boots and sioc sro jiirclrunil frun tlio best iniuntactnrers uud aro of i he best quajity we have afimi ins iitniont and your every wintcau bo snipliei some flue lines of tuukics a s d valisui on baud- reoeived direct fiom tlib manufaoturerrj i j ordjjned woiuc- wr iiuikt i mceiilry of this lepnrtiiicnt anil giiirnntee satisfaction to all enstomcrf repairing done witli neatness aud despatch kenney bkos domimoii hnvw f b upges spectacles and eyegusses auetlfe oniv- genuine english articles in the canadian imapket heal pebbles hiokept in stock tnsts aie giveu to purchaseis to prove their genuineuess they are recommended by aud testimonials have been- receiyed from the president and vicepresident of the medical association ot canada the president of tbe college- oflpbyeiciaus and surgeons of quebec tho eanof the medical faculty of laval university the president and eipresidcntsof tho- medical oonoil of nova scotia e 6 these leeommciidations ought to bo eulbcient to prove their qualities but if farther proof is needed call on working cusses attention we an- now pre- naredtofiiinish ull cbuies with eniploynient at home the whole of the time or for their snare time husiuess new light aud proll table per sons of either sex easily earn from 30 cents to 5per evoniiit and a jiroportiouiil snin by di votiug all their time to the business hoys uud girls earuueaxl y ns much as men that all who soe this may scud tbeiruddress and test the busi ness wp make this offer to such as are uot well satisfied we mil send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing full particulars ami outfit free address gke4ie stixeon co portland maine i the key to healthf j bpbahs01t general stovo acton oat f and thresher use on your machmeiy only the wellknown fwnpe itoll byundi kloomool six gold medalife au ftiwm ifo last tiv w i ttynlsoowftfipleirasflftjmati waggons and ilorso powers j i f laiiufuctitied at quota oity oil tf7orksi by v ee yeats groato for yotir i 8amuel rocer6 co towo tjnlooka alltha closed avenues of the bowels kidneys and liver carry mgoff fjradually without weakening the aystem all tho impurities andfouh tiumorsof ths secretions at tho sari time corrooting acijity of ti stomach curing bilicusnoss tyi piia headaches eizninecr t heartbuin constipation ttryns-l- of the skin dropsji dimroc3 ii- yinon jatrndico salf etou ywpelaa scrofula riittwnt the heart efervousaess rircl 0 oral debility ull these alnd mai- other similar complainta vied io happy inflrteneo of btjrirjcj- biioobbcteehs mubtfiv h cow prtprlrton stowtn i 3 m h kviiry pfiee re8 act6 unllibail 1 thifiji iiivarinbly ii jisperjeur w tiimjltill all ojitjou of the p i a sgaoit one cjlumn- ifalfcolumn quarter colatui o irioh casual adrertf first insertion sequent iaaoxttol reskodedbytbel scale of solid kt advertiaemeal will bo inserted f ingly transit iu advance changes for cl in tlfs office byl they will be left f thi8papei nrtlilns bbroi fcntracomart biisii gradul bor of college office and prederick stre i 1j ac mol dential new system off moulji called j teeth without strator aud i colloga of dell rous maydepetf in any openiti acton- every i of each month jottn law tario vet veiferinary so fa kouny bro denccihtiie i iounduges and ahclthi niiil ed-to- terms toifnityxl fjcrriitara vhoers tvc at office e f jj joassi t a mow birkistek i j omce matthd m lmiti sofucrid oiticekfirsj office main str at 6 per cent qhiltox touoxi orncea gra uad86ktiisj w t allvev ainlai bu1s ovricesj 0 iiugtod- street alloy toronto jous bxik ailllcj liil 6 wbai rikbji i- ontario hall- u iv badokltoll atents p hen 50 years pral j r lici for the count orders left a opposite cliurc to acton pol terms reason desired mhej li for the count orders leftt i or at my promptly attei lj also money able terms an terest in sumd tohn ba oriict qi square orangis sueeossl st georges aocoant bo t periodicals 6f pound kulitj ofln j tsuocc money to p cent jl oauedfbr pa security- coi properly arina au4- c with fa f omiuion to i ottutea e ihtihgfarm i

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