Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1887, p. 1

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ffllblflminitiiin m i via uk voiamkjxllr- i fi 7- s tljrtfctt jm frcss acton banking 1 50 s- lit vlltkmkl jv vgu y tllluwpay morxikg at tbjt kjittt rs power printing hqu8e acton oxtamo itb cut it to itb so at lediea 1 r ruu- subscription rate8 thm mostrv jsyrumy inat vww it nurhl iu tolvajm m4s jr jr trill be charged ix paper dtcon mono till all arrows ar- paid except at uh ytfnn of the powiler f advertising batts- fc co storey christie -btkkk8- fcton 4 ontario ircaey se iii xi are oan ita firs ict not jjdres so ix seiy i i f- itis ice tloo t w b es uasjost ck of a 1 7 white kill be i lots at lots at prices bvelope dneatly ner- nian eoore 0 clarui ttalt column quart column ontnh 535pwtuiino until am m01 u casaal aarehiftnneata 8 csta par una tor the in iawrhon and 3 cent per htw tor eh ub- mw insertion eh th ovmbir of hn reckcnea bfr tho ro occupid meaiba bv a oak of sonparell a4vtmutat without peelfte directions gi btiatertol till forbid and charped acconl- qpty traasiwry iwrtiscmoitl must be pild a adrac chaaj for contract adrertisemenuniust be in the oflsro ty s am on monday otherwia ht will be soft ovw tmtil tbe fouowttu wtiak n pmoore editor aul proprietor tuiq dhdcs w fmam oattlr atoro r ihio rrtrcn itowrll ct- nwhprr ad jrrtlrfcs parranio spne8t vbrte tmtaa atrcu my bt wst tor it ik evorip 3u3inas3 directory tvt h lowry m b mcps t graduate ottritiityrollesjr mem ber of colleae ot physicians aud surgeons ofi5ce and residence at the head of frederick strsct acton vkxxifal hajfjuxq uswess itohit xv0a 0 ajpaovbs nte8 dlsoottnted and interest aufawfed oa dpoa ts find thepuizib tb undenicued w wtaredto i urulub on tlio thortott uouije in any qoantl t rud t bot torn tricw firttolm lumber lath 8ta von head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tube pork barrels wood flour and feed aid anything iu tha line ot tarnieis bouaekocp- i or contractor ueeeaitie t tho puulo i to find abetter jilaco uiau thomas c moores ti buy anything in the above lluei alio to cud ont if yon r iudbted to him torjauythini pnr- ci4ed from him his books y norne are and hjevould like the tuouey 1 r 17 el p hf- u si ness college guelph ontario wall papers tew and a benxett lds dentist georsetowu ontario jeiyt c ilcklinlayi l d s sareou deutist gorselown out uses the na- system of nitrous oxide gas com- maaly called vitalised air for extracting veot without pain having been demon- irjjr aaii ltcticl twcher in rovai clise of deativl surgeons toronto pt- roa va v depend apqpa receiving satisfaction u any operations performed will visit actov evory second and fourth wedneday of vtih mouth office agnews hotel joiin lawsox graduate ofon- tirio veterinary college toronto veterinary snrgeou acton out offtc iu keuny bros boot aud shoe store resi deaee in the rear hores examined as to s jqadecss and certificates friven all ctilj niht or day promptly vtteud- e t j terms ejisy v johnston vt mcteax barristers solicitors npuries convey- aucers ac private funds to loan omct town hall acton e r b johnston va a mclis t a mowit i bisrr souciiob xotabx prnuc money io loan 0m divs- toesday and satimuy 0vk- matthews block actou upstairs e mitchell soucrron coxcetscjr ac k first door west of the champion mn street milton money to loan i hhe thud scholastic year begins september 1st ratrouae rawu from ten states aj d prorincca onng men an 1 boys thorouj hly prepared jor basiness pc rsuits grade ateseminent- ly successful as accouutaits busines managers sllorthand writers clerks salesmen tra rollers etc both in canada te the uuitd states moderate rates orough pn ctical work and coarteoas treatment characterize th institution ladies admitt td to all the advantages of the college t splendid fa ilities afforded for the ac quisition of f euch and gerikian for iuformi tiou address m maccormick wtf principal m at er ceat hilton allan baird ac barristers solicitors tohonto anigosgetotrs omcekccreelmaris block georgetown ai s5 king street east tqronwv f i 3 t as j lton cj il- euuu ba b oi augerow a- carsqs ba itesatlaw 4c j i rio h a11 50 church street toronto iv iiiixierir- j0i1s caksos ici to chows att0jey lumber shingles and lath f hbe nudcrsigi ej desires to iuiorw tile luiblic 1 tbat be ba i now ou band and will keep in stock a fpl lini of tine and hemlock as veil aa other kinds of lumber also hirst and second class pine sliiu jigs it lath coa wood having pure s smith i am stove coal prepared to sup boimdeilrs ceiliisq decorations all new for 1887 wat- day5 b00sst0ee cuelph l 3mton okj ontario thursday june 2 1887 3fmress tuu8d moio junk 3 1887 poetry day sells cheap weill ifton marble works qt3jsbb0 st jtjelps john wholoaal hnviut h hamilton proprietor s and retail dealer iu marble grani e and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kiuds ofgrauitetud marble tttely viitcl tuo hay of kuiulygtaiilto quarries nd lmvlur iiurcliasyd tlio eutiro stock of gray an i red granite i30uumcut headstones crosses u ns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost i will until further notice sell at price nci cr heforo known in ontario for in- stance3 rauitc niounments itlhlgh pfio 7 ft 75 8 ft i 00 0 ft 100 10 ft i130 all work audi warranted firstclasi parties wonting iu this line will do well to call and see me befori purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my price are from 30 tfejo per cent velow all other dea lcrs material anything lased the coal business ot mrc ply all kinds of stock of wood- supp i eave also a good i hardwood asf cellar and milljwoodat reason able prices tyood and coal delivered j james brows mutual fire insurance of the ootoir 0 7telungt0n estabusukll 110 head office cuelph l iiexts sectred f0bisvekti0n6 hexri guis o 1eirs prictioe t oltawa cocaka so patent no pay t a murray llcsiij acrionki for the counties of haltou and wellington orders left at hid residence main street ophite church street acton or aldrea3l to atton po will receive strict attention terrtu reasonable notes discounted if desired property ot fw gqmpany insures i uildiug3 menjhandue manu factories a ad all other the premium descriptions ot note s j stem stine ctiasl davidson pnsident secretary john taylor aprent central mat market b ut oseph patton jher has pleasure iu auuouuciug makjo o i hope shes ont the tiresvme thing miss joum at tytp today nolmorry iuoa not in ciivd hor my love i pray and heres my card and abk her please to call and eoe tn soon pin sorry not to tiiid hor iu thib lpvely afternoon good lubk for onoe i i do declare there coes the widow burr ill just drop op m lleve my card and wash my ha ids of her and here to numbe forty six have moved thoe a queer mokuikhts there pew is right nocfosi fiom ours their children lo k like frihu bnt pastor said to fight to call as if id time to kvaste or 8trenth to spend on any ou who shows suohlhorrid taste thats all he known ill gently riu i hope they will not hear and if they dont im very sure my conscience will be olear tia just my luck ah trues iuve bhea coming to jthe door mrs moknight now do you do i meant to call before i your lovely children are they home and are they wll today it quite refreshes me to see your pew acrod the way i hope youll call i hope she wont from such a shkbby room shes not oar set patsyery plain i mum be going soon ive had a very lovely call that last was tll a lie mrs mcknight kood atteruoon you little dear koodby i id like to shake t mt horrid child i wish hed not been born- he crowded up sc close to me he stept npon i ntcorn 1 id like to shake i nch stupid folks why didnt ant tell the nowb such calls as this wonld drive tne mad or kill me with the bines i i i twelve culls 1vo made and homo at last too tired to speak a word those hateful women ulked so fast i could not once be heard id be a fly upon the wall or anything that srawls before id be a womun forever making calls r uuiituktepiiiy our story v vym hemstreet llcbxszb acctioxbeb for thecounties ot wellington and halton orierfert at the fbkk ptiess office acton or residence in acton will be protagily attended to terms reasonable v mosby 70 loas also money toll ikn on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in- tajrastjin sums of ftooo and upwards tohs dai orgfqneed square architect guelph ost s hotetbloc6 market st georges qure aeconnt books francis ntjnan c3 successor lo t f chapman b0ckbikdeb sph ontario all kinds made to order periodicals of eery description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done mhe hanlan barber shop mill btbbet actox an easy shave a stylish haircut a good seafoai an exhilarating shampoo always given razors bpned and pot in firstclass condition ladies and childrens hair tastily cut j pivorkx tonsorial artist hblloi pauue and gonsider that it wi 1 be to your own interest to pat ronize lion e trade we ould respectfully iuform the inhabitants oif actou and snr- ronuding c 3ontry that we are again in foil ranniug older and in a better position than before the tire to fill all otders entrusted to us to pi tties building lumber will tie dresser while you wait and mouldings ac made with neat less and despatch n b we are also prepared to fill all ordersfoi u the citizens of acton that he has pnrchaj ed the butchering business of mr wm it ssell and is prepared to conduct the same in a j straitforward business manuei 1 havi i had large experience in the busi ness i eel tbat i cancuarantee all custom ers wh favor me with their patronage perfect satiaf action j all kinds of meat fresh and good and ponltrj fish ac iu season will be found iu stocks 4 i respectiully solict your esteemed imt- ronagei joseph patton acten nov 8th 188fi j notice to creditors is the matttii or robert mcphersqn sp deceased notici if heweby givex pursuant to tberovl6ious of chap 107 k 8 0 aud 40 vict cbap a ontj to all creditors aud others having claims against the estate of bobert mc pherson sr late of the township of esquesing wll io died day of april a d ost prepaid to mat pum ps i on short hotice and from long experience in the bv biness we feell confideht that we can give atiafaction every time so come on with our order and help to roll the ball along j foney makes ttye mare go whether she has 1 sgs or no wos ebbjagk hanaffer in the county of halton kentleman on or about the twentieth 1ht7 to deliver or mind by post prepi colui mcpbcrsoii scotch block v o the admin istrntor of the estute and effects of the said de ceased ou or about the fifteenth day of june a d 18k7 their christian names and surnames addresses and description the full particulars of tbeir claius a statement of tbeir accounts slid tlio uiitnrc of tlie scenrities if kny held by thoni accompanied by a statutory declaration verifying such claims anil further notice is hereby given that imme diately after the saia fifteenth day of june a d lfw the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regardonly to the claims of which uotlco shall have been given as above required aud the said administrator shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof ao distributed to any person whose claims shall not have been received at the time of the distribution of jhe saul assets malcolm mcphehson scotch block p o lillx lintorne5 gralilude 1iy uauy kyle 1aii ive done what i never did before mrs sour said madame plirasolle to her old housekeeper ive hired a girl without a recommendation you know mademoiselle is gone and we want some one to try on iu the showroom and this girl had esyuehug may htblg87 administrator -right- new suits 8i m bremnan has pla sure in annont cing that his tail n shop in creechs fruit store it nowopen ftndi lfall running order and in a position tofillallrders onnf we mil t avtng mitchell wesires to inform the peopler of acton and burroandnis tl at he is prepared to take orders for weaviiig all kinds bf fancy bajj carpets flannel sheeting shirting and drevi goods sti iped or plaid twillor plain ajo bed blaiiktts aud horse blankeu two yard3 wide and jver and i witiurintee that i will givegosd atiation to all former and other who will favor me wytb their patronage x ifltchbllv heissh9widg jgool tweed t sold l3ewueke for scot jh tweed sol elsewhere fink 12 suits at 15 suit 17 18 on 23 and 24 wottsxbif suit at 20 sold elbbwhkbeat 25 to the front of atl competitios we place our elegant and substantial goods -oo- splendid iu quality i complete in assortment overflowing in generous barga -ix- gonilemen wantin a firstclass good fitting coat etc may rely upon being soitod iu evei y respect by lea ving their orders with the clothier mens womens axdcuildrexs boots and shoes etjsbbr3 overshoes o at prices that always lead to speedy sales lowest prices coxsisteht with cood quality outitom work and repairinff promptly attended to w williams m ill street acton such pretty shoulders she put on that turkith mantle with tho shaded fringeiu a wuy that would have made any lady who hacl money cnouiili buy it without ueeding it i thiuk shell lie a treasure bull dont inow her from ev she says she has a sick mother and needs work dreadfully and only has an old clergyman in canada to refer to one cant go to him there but ive liired her shes coming tomor row very well maam i hope she wont go and torn out like sararan miid mrs sour six aprons aud a saltcellar und my gold breastpim im sure i hope sartth ann is an ex ception even nmongst girls from a reform atory said madame this girl is quite a lady in appearance and proceeded to give directions for dinner to which she ex pected some friends everything was ou an elegant scale in the establishment where madame was makiug a fortune out of flowers feathers laces and rare goods of all sorts to say nothing of the vanitypf other women lilly lintorno came next day her black silk dress though very old hung well and was worn well you may wear the oldest frock with a difference she quite understood all that was needed and had taste in the millinery line certainly she looked ladylike and amiable ns well as pretty but the housekeeper was pre judiced against her and at the noontime lunch which the employees took in a little room set apart for that purpose she hand ed her her tea with a cold air sararan who had requited kindness and benevolence by going off with the spoons had curdled the milk of human kindness in mrs soars heart she looked for some sign that lilly was not all she could be and soon she had it it was tho third night of lillys engage ment as she was putting on lver nlster to go botnei that mfa soar stole behind her and whispering in her ear come this way if you please led her way into an empty room and setting her back against the door said miss lintorne it strikes me as rather singular that you should calculate on get ting off without being found out i youve got yonr pockets stuffed full of provisions i watched you when you went back to the lunchroom and helped yourself very few employers bet a lunch for their young ladies and 1 should think tbat would be enough without providing yourself with subper i shally mention it to madame but i thought idet you know what i was going to do first im not an underhand person oh dear dear how btrange it is you cant trust anybody i theyre all like sararan the girl thus addressed stared at her accuser with wide wild eyes for a moment and then burbt into tears she looked so terrified and abaflhed mrs sour felt an emotion of pity jforiier and muttered weill now i didnt mean to bebatjjl but its my duty madame plimsolle is always being robbed there was hamiah rush used to pocket sewing isilk and i jaue burrels took yards aud yards of lace aud some holp themselves to pins and neet lies and ive knowd the soissors to go it dishonest world meanwhile the girl took from the poiket of her ulster a bottle and a ooupla of paper packets in one lay two buttered biscuits in the other a little slice of cold if am i you will expose me she sobbed you will make me lose this little place of niinel 01 what it is to be poor i never knew i never guessed what it woulc bei everything everybody against one bat was it stealing was it really steaiiug uiudam see in thin bottle is j only the uupof tea you poured out for me her uiu tho biscuits aud ham 1 had on my plate it is the half of my own lunch i came baok and took t like a thief it ip true for i was ashamed but am i like the girls who- stole the silk and lace und tlie servant who took the spoons dc i yon think that of me she burst into tears again and sebbejd with her head upon the table such ajoong pretty childish head that the housekeeper softened i well no no she faltered i guess i have been hasty for once but sajraran turned me ugiu hulniin natur thats a fact but why couldnt you eat yonr lunch at table like a christian child 11 i took these things for ray mother sighed the girl i have not a penny to bny food with i have fed her this way for three days she would have starved if i hadnt i oh i wish we were both jdeadj if i am to be turned away just as i was earning a little money uh what a cruel world j but mrs sour who was by this time wiping her owu eyes went over to the girl where she sat weeping and bendini over her smoothed back her hair from lnr wet eyes dont dont 1 she said doiit dry so how was ito kuow you ought to have come and told mo ill see tn your ma this week eat your victuals comfort able tomorrow and i wouldnt tell apy one for untold gold ill kelp aud not hin der you i guess i cant even blame you beein twas your own lunch you too t you see i didnt know she coaxed the girl to calmness a id sent her home with a basket of comforts for her sick mother and from that day the two wore friends any one who had mrs sours good word was iu madames favor besides the girl was very cleverj she learned the business rapidly soon earned a fine salary and was beyond want while madame plimsolle had every reason to re joice tbat she had engaged a young girl without references because of her graceful shoulders it was the busy time before christmas all the workwomen at madame plimsolles establishment were very busy on one particular night a request was made that everyone would stay until- four oclock overwork was always well paid for there and only a young widow who had a child she could not well leave accused nertieu- jneedleb hew work was finished and boxed up madame tspd with the rest midnight passed the small hoars came it was very hard for some of the girls to keep awake now and then the work rested commercial union 11v w ii 8t0iiuy the move iii tho d union by what is known as the butter- worth bill having rectionof commercial as its advocate mr eraitus wiman and looking towards the control of canadian commerce by the united states i regard not only as imprac ticable but advertjo to every canadian interest at this juueture of our national existence- we cannot afford to trifle or make experi ments especially when the surface indica tions are so evident as to presage ultimate failure j i iu this mutter which is ostensibly a move to settle the fishery dispute it is very much like baiting with a minnow to catch a shad flte ultimate design being annexation whatever hopes such politi cal agitators as mr wiman may hold out to the american people towards its ac complishment this country is sufficiently loyal to british institutions and british connections to maintain them at all hazards i submit that the fishery question should be treated on its merits the fisheries are either burs or they are not if any reason able doubt exists as to the right of this country to control them its settlement be- comes a question of diplomacy and should be foreyer settled by a joint commission of the two nations we have no right for expediencys sake to sacrifice the interests of the maritime provinces by allowing ihe americans free access to our fisheries under the guise of commercial union we are not un unreasonable people and are therefore open to an equitable adjustment of the fishery question but we are not so servile as to be bullied into a humiliating settlement by threats of retaliatory mea sures which is the favorite method of american politicians to accomplish their designs it is said commercial union does not necessarily imply annexation and that the united states does not want political union with canada admitting this to be the case at present would not the situation be materially changed if the arrangement in years to come proved essential to american commerce and a continuation of it desirable let the advocates of this scheme put their case squarely in the shape of annexation which is its true intent and we do not fear the result f the thinking population of this country haveno sympathy with commercial union so called to superficial minds and view ed in the abstract i admit the question may have its advocates but to sober- minded people possessing ordinary pre science and to whom the f ntare of this country is everything this movement is regarded with distrust admit if you please that great britain woqld present no objections to the scheme are we so in sensible to national feeling and pride as to abuse her liberality by discriminating again6t her for tlie benefit of the ameri cans i am not a free trader but if free trade has to be granted to the united states by all means pluce great britain on the same basis to do otherwise would be unpatriotic and i trust we yet retain some vestige of this sentiment so common to humanity we have no desire for any scheme which points to national extinction and which would certainly eventuate were we to be come a party to this one we desire cana da for the canadians if uncle sams children choose to cross the line and take upjibeir abode with us we will welcome them 80 long as they contribute to the support and development of the common wealth the question forces itself upon us what of the future is this country to be for ever troubled with political agitators whose purport seems to be the palling mollis dairs love letter tcj canada i ahada why pe capricious i et me kiss that pout delicious v hy aeartbe strcpy- and pettish a nd sbjfickle and coquettish 1 h those eyes conld pierce the armor of an eremite my charmer but their cruel angry glances 1 ear rtjy hearjt like deadly lances anada ohl hear my suing 1 why evadejmjy fond pursuing am ricji in lands and money i nd ir wine and milk and honey wellt dojgood reputation iqme ind share thy rank and station will uy you lovely dresses lndwill shower yon with caresses i oht look cross and call me mister don wait vou for a shur bnt fe r bomethiug closer dearer k rclt tionship thats nearer h niw tell tne lovely creature hanp 1 gd ahd call tlie preaoher i -r- american paper watqlieb without hands the construction of watches without hi nds 1 as late y attracted some attention tie use al hands being replaced by figures denoting tlie hour and minute which ap- pear ai openings in the dial plate the mechaiiibmis simple and only a few more pi rts are required than in an ordinary w itchj two wheels are used to denote the rqinutes onej which moves forward once nt a minute being geared to a second one n arked with i the niinnte figures and ejery ten minntesa tooth on the first wheel the teeth on with the second njoving it forward one figure thus every n inute of the hoar is shown ou the face of tlie watch and at its completion both n inute wheels show two ciphers and ready u i begin the round again the hour is shown oil separate wheel and an ordinary hand ii idicates the seconds of the advantages 0 f this kind of watch it is remarked that f iw people read the time of an ordinary v atch accurately and if the experiment is tied of glancing at the face in the usual r lanner and then naming the time it would le found that an error of from half a t linute to three minutes will be generally i lade with the new watch it fs claimed no error can possibly occur and there- is the iidded advantage that at the end of very minute an audible click is sounded i b the number change by which oiw ciin neasure short intervals of time even at lignt iu the lap or the needle dropped from the unnerved flngerb the city streets were as slent as the ever are suddenly this stillness was broken and the stupor gradually creepipg the workroom quite driven avyay by tie sound of a club upon the pavement and the loud cry of fire fire fire at the door be low work dropped to the floor tlje blinds were pulled up the windows of the opposite houses reflected a red glare madame plinisolles establishment was ou fire the girls rushed headlong street ward casting their work to the winds madame secured the contents of her desk and o ow down what loyal patriotic spirits are try- the employees were crowded iu the w- i i i u j 1 ing to build up have we not suflicieot street looking upward the neighbors had f internal agitation the result of scheming politicians atad designing demagogues tc claim our serious attention withontliaviu this new one thrust upon us from abroad surely we have i look upon commercial union as fraught with danger and one tha shonld he pronounced upon by our- peopl i without delay let it go unchallenged that reciprocity iu manufactures is in tn i near future and further enterprise on tin s side of the line will receive a check whih- new industries now in contemplation wi 1 wait the course of events that this country hab prospered sinjte the abrogation of the former reoiprncit y treaty admits of no contradiction since those days a national policy hi s been given us the construction of publ o works requisite to secure a consolidation f the dominion have been carried out t te great northwest has been opened up ly that work of startling magnitude tlie canadian pacific railway and to whih we look with hope as an outlet for o rt manufaotures and commerce in years to f a places affability i asked wilder about his parlor entertain ncnts in euiupe and especially about his i venings avitl i the prince of wates i gave my imitation for him six times saidlthe little man the last time i saw r p turn was at mrs bloane stanleys and he kindly set me to his right at the table all stand till he sits and he rises first at the end as a signal to the others it is not eti quette to eat after he finishes but he fixes thatj very neatly by continuing to pick at the food as long as he sees auybody else busy heisamau of wonderful tact in placing persons at their ease for instance 1 took a- sip of water on sitting down thats water said the priijce with a laugh touching my wine glass ah btr i said i am a blue ribbon man- i never drink any wine no he said 1 very well he was polite he did not quiz me or laugh at or banter me as another- might and say aw now just this once you know nothing of the sort he turned the talk to other thing washington poaf r rushed out the fire department i was sum moned the roof seemed to be on fire from the upper floor the bervants made their escape wrapped in blankets quilts or sheets they wrung tbeir bands and la mented the trunks that held their few possessions forgetting that their lives had been saved i the mistress counted them one by one maggie bridget ann 1 are you all here then she screamed alond f- mrs sour poor old mrs sour she is up there yet 1 as she spoke a slight form darted from the ranks of workwomen and flew into the burning house j it was that of lilly lintorne amidst the screams of her companions she made her way up the long staircase fitfully light ed by the flames that consumed the roof and walls of the upper floor j the smoke was thick and black the air hot but the girl had tremendcinscouragtvandgood lungs happily mrs sour had not locked her door she had forgotten to do so having retired quite heavy with sleep usoiollyj she was very careful of herself her black silk dress es and the coupon bonds which she kept beneath her pillow in a big black silk bag she lay on her pillow amidst the smoke ctupified and incapable of moving how lilly dragged her to the door and man aged at the same time to dutch the pre eious bag she never knew- but as the flamea caught the bed and rushed over the floor she pushed and pulled the old woman into fresher air which revived her suffi ciently to give her power toj help herself however she had not left the fated room one moment too soon erie bhereaohed the strest its interior was a fiery ftrrnace shes saved my life and hes saved my savings said mrs sour in telling the story afterwards id made my will and left her everything i had and that isnt a bit too much for shes not only saved my life ont restored the trust in human nature that 1 thought totally destroyed by saiv arau jf y ledger come i ask is it just to the people of tl country who have bprde the taxation e- quisite to the development of it now tlat we have consummated our hopes to all w a nation of sixty million people who ht ve not contributed a cent- not only to share in the resnlt of our labors but to deprive as of our patrimony what we need at ihe present timeislbyal patriotib true m in men who regard the capabilities of his country and its free institutions as a b xn to t a prized and worth striving to retail i to enumerate in detail the injury su h a scheme would entail on our farmers manufacturers merohants and pieohai ios and the various chauuels through w iich their interests would be affected sngtests material for a volume suffice it to say we stand today a people as prospe rous and free as any on earths footstool and we had better let well enough alone it is leaning against a lamp post wa itingj for offioes to come along that is kcepit g so many young men poor lvi i actou jwhy fie fooled the girl i i mrvredfreckle was sued for breach of promise you ought to be ashmed of yourself paid the udge my lord it was on account of my strong attachment that i fooled the girl suppose i had marriedliet and she died my life would be bathed iu gloom i thought about the matter and i looked at the girl and mused suppbse were to become my wife and die i should be staicken with sadness 1 cant stand anything like that my brother married gome time ago and his wife died and since then he has been unfit for busi ness i but the young lady sir con tinued the judge is in remarkably good health and the chances are that she will liye longer than you will yes and that was another objection my lord sup pose i were to marry herand die widow why the word has a saclsoundl i dont want to be instrumental in making any body a widow the jury gave a verdict of one huhdredpound8 in favor of the girl see what a little shrewdness once accom plished i two illionois deaoons turned some calves loose in the same pasture two of the calves happened to be so muoh alike that no man could tell one from the other one of these two disappeared each deacon j thought the remaining calf his own at last one of them sold the calf and the other one insisted that it- was his calf and that the proceeds should be paid to him thdre yds a stormy dispute be tween thase two deacons atd each threat ened to go to law against the other after letting the breeze blow awhile they con cluded to refer the matter to the minister with power to make a satisfactory settle ment tbe minister advised them to put jthe i6 which the calf had sold for into i the missionary treasury and assured them that if they had any doubt in their minds i as to wnich of them it wan who was giving the money the lord knew about it and be would settle it justly and equitably the board of missions got the lf and entered it calf money the deacons werehappy over it aud the minister was pleased to have been the means of settling what might have ripened into a congregational squabble audi split tlie church iu pieces 3 jspring suits and overcoats at extreme ly low prices and made in the latest styles be sure to call und see thum at j fyfes i a m l m ffii -l- j t 1 m setups sa i i- i j i ll i yl tts

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