i volume xinno l rcbltsbki kry thuliwt mouking at the 4 press power printing house acton ontario subscription ratm w-w- wsnvujotti rurkk jiostus sjctb rivarinv advance it not paid in advanc o iij i ncr voir wll ticcbarged no paper discot ni till 11 arfeara arc paid except at tus advertising rates l4iikhis jtocncs liath jjrf i vr i o ao j s ao 1 l m i kwm ioo i sauoi km m sfroo 1x00 a5 i 20001 11uu 700 ss0 1 6tf sj50 aoolioti jiraal advertisements 8 cents per lino tor the irettawtion- and s c l tne for sul jocnt insertion cash the number of linep rptwl m tbe pa occupied measured by a ieot solid nonpareil uvertisenicnts- withont mwctfle diroctloni riii be inserts till torbid and charged accord- jt transitory advertisementsniust be paid j advance chaage for contract advertisements must b ia the offi by- 9 j on tuesday otbonhi tier will fc eft ovcr uotil jb oiling vec hr moobe i kdltorandpropricior 1 sis sushusjs birotorp rfe vf graduate ot trinity college member ol cttx of phvskiaas and surgeons ofite knl rcsidcnat the oead of frederick find the puzzle 1m1r undersigned is prepared to fnruuli ou tho shortest notice in any qua lty and at bot tom prices flmclo u lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood flour and feed and anything in th lino of faruitjra housekeep er or contractors necessities tho puulo ia to and a better jplaco than thomas c moores tobnysaythtdginthoabovollncj also to find out u yon an indebted to liim to chased from hiiri s tl oflceta- ot afn john lawsos graduate of ontario veteriuary college toronto vet inrv surgeon acion ont office in kenny bros boot aaj shoo store residence in the roar horses exsaiiatsl as tosiuiiuess and certificates ia calls eight trjay promptly attended to ttrsiscasi j lbenkftt ld6 dentist j gconuktowsj ontarip a c mckislay lds subge0n a dentist georgetown ont use the ctr srstco of nitrous oxide gas ooininonly nircjviuliied airi for tracting teeth without mia having been demonstrator im practical tcjcbcrin koval college of dan tal t surgeons toroato patrons may depend npon recciviuk sitiilictoa in ict operation penornted will visit ctoa eterv second and fourth wednesday cf each aioath oaccin kgnewa hotel fssa i siu6kc xo 1 nrrcr cs beal- i of coal oil ivitbos toti isrerv t v j iej coffee oywi iews im rtcistjt- j jh cisrrique surgeok den- tist milton honor graduate omhe boral college ofbeatju surgeons of ontario rji visit acton thursday of evch week bqpn- ins te srst of julv 0ec in agncwa hotel jvrvstioaof the natural teeth a specialty arincial teeth insertej on com celluloid or rob ber bises jrairintcod perfect vitalized air nitro5oxijc and other anaesthetics used for paidess citncon of teeth t0hk ston a mcle an barristers so icitqrs notaries conveyancers tc prire fanis to oan oietowa hall acton- e f b johsstos wii amcleo- ilowat illl soljoltc ilonev tc efj5t ucor west om lllia street ililloa perceat ok nolavy pcbuc to loan orrivx dats tacidar and satarday orncrilatthewsblock actnc upttalrs e illtchell soucitok costttiscee ac of the champion monev to loan at g riwiun h joinpaiiy aetoii i banking storey ohristi co -banker8- acton ontario a gbxmal ba2fkixq business transacted cosrii t10a1tbd on ijprovbd s0ts8 notes discounted anld interest allowed on deposits u w i auyuiius pur- vir- t his books aay some are and bo would like tho nioucv w h rutledce the 9utcher d9als in everythinc iri tin jdeaj line no cits establishment can l found hotter stock- 1 at all seasons no questionable goods of- i fered to customers at any price lowest prices and quare dealinj one trial convinces on these point cash always pdid for cattle price paid for hides and sheepskin w h j5utledge wellington marble is my motto the highest works qtj3bec st guelph hamilton clark proprietors wholesale aud retail dealers lu marble granite aud everything pertaining to cemetery work direct itrriiers of all kinds of granite and marble days books orfc xmas cards novelties panoy lamps fanoy qlass pleoes fine books acton ontxbio thursd4 bcembeit 22 1887 toiti childrens booksour stock i fine and new lerr full best assortment op nkwest goods day sells cheap 4 jnstinsobt tailor and draper is now showing a magnificent range of now aud choice lines in fall siiitiiigs trouserings and overcoatings extraordinary value in underwear ties collars cuffs glovjes c mens working pauts one dollar j n stinso rockwood next door to post office hilton allan a- balrd barristers solicitors tc i and geohgetowx iliians block gcorgetowi and bfi si2- street east toronto f jhilton 3a j baxbij ea 4 gabson eaueiateksatlaw ic oireoauro hallrjo church street toronto 07hdceett3irr johscaesospcl co csowsattobsxy i having lately visited the bny of s uudy granite quarries and hating purchased the entire 6tock of gray and rod granite monumontk headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost we will until further notice sell at prices never before known in outurio for in stance granite monuments ft high so0 7 ft 73 8 ft 90 0 ft 810010 ft 120 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this lino will do well to call and see as before purchasing elsewhere aswe guarantee y our prices are from 30 to 50 per cent below all other dealers datests secured foe inventions eexttv giiist ottawa casada twsy tear practice no fatent no pay liyert j h worden 7m he1i5treet llcexshd acckoxeee firr tbccanicj of wellington and halton t otriw atthefiiei pioiss office actonor tt3jre3idcice in acton will be promptly at- teodei to tvnn3 reasonahle- tuo eoeev to loadi on the most favorable arms and at the lowest rates of interest in ri o iuo aa i upwards- i lbcp5 qgsargeob vm it aco n jel jverffber- jy ilreix lsneir metboasz i catarrh outbrwlw j catarrli m4 ltlioutcaia ton onu zm ltarrti head liuurgodtona i catarih 3 litoht catanftfg catarrh b oiilaatiusa p 1xtarrb vcatacfj- u s r r son ok m waawngtos z loon in caoad f euterroei 1qj1 bi ont catarrh architect gcelf h ost hotel blociv market square francis nusas or to t f chapman i bookbindeb svovir square gnelph ontario akotmj boki of ail kinds made to order porioisau cf rrv dtsription carefully bonno eciinaeativ aad promptly done well equipped and stylish rigs can always be secured santa glaus has aitnivki littnrv and well a the ten cent store guelph and is now unpacking sonie two tjhonsnd dollars of wonderful xmas presents for the bojs and girls j as f kidner ten cent store havlng as- tuned proprietonhip of the livery- business latclv carried on by mr w l smith would solicit the patrouagepl the public rtwvi and wiu do their utmost to please all customers y k albeii jjlvofe first class outfit for commercial travel less at special rates a comfortable bus meets all dav trains and night also if ordered give us a ca j h worden paper makers georgetown ont jotri christmas problsm what do you think my grandma aaljl tollint christmas itorles to mo toulghtj when i wont aud coaxod and coaxed laylnrf my head upon hor knee hbo tiii nks biio really told uic no tliatg kd saint nloholas long arfo was old and gray as tie la today goliih i irouud with lilt loaded alolgli wrapped about with hii robe of fur with lits of frolic and fun and stir a ohoory whoop aud a worry call and uolor a jolly boy at all i bht tlijnks liort driven through frost and allows ab overjkhrlstuia eoinos and goes with jingling bolls and a bag of toys ho ho for good little girls andlroyk jrtltli a carol gay and it elbar tho way for a rollicking uiorry christinas day jwithjustloxactly tho saino roliidbers lraiiolitg on for a thousand years i iranduiothcr knows most otery thiug all that i ask her she can tells llivors andtowns in googrnphy and the hardest words sho can always spell hut tho wisest ones sometimes thoy say mistake anil uvon gtanduiotlicr may u kauta claus nover had boeu a boy how woild ho always know so vll what all tllo boys aro longing for on christmas day can grandmother tell why does ho tako tho bhinyriugs and baby houses aud dolls with curls aud dainty lockets and necklaces xuvor to boys but all to girls why docs ho tako tho skates aud sleds tho bath aud bulls aud arrows and lows aud trumilets afiillrums and gmih hurrah to allthp boys docs graiidmothor know v hut then is a thing that puzzles me wlioi haiita clatw was a doy at play aud utiiig rstocking on christmas eve who could liavti nllod it for christmas ejay select jfamiln fteamnrj jaginlhb gift a ilinrstmas sketch make a specialty of mhe hanlan barber shop itlllstbeetactos aa easv shave a gtvlishfcaircut a good seafoam sa exmliaratins shampoo always giten ttazora honed and pet in rtciasa condition ladjea aa 1 chiidrens hair tastily cut j h wobdex tonsorial artssta 1te are in want of a few more firstclasa men it to canvass for the sale of choicevarietiea of nursery stock to men who can make a saccess of the business we can pay good alarte orcomaiwion and give perifianent emijloyment ve havo mwy new and choice specialties both n the fruirand ornamental lines which other io sot handle apply at once with references may bkothees r scbsebtmenkochesteb ni tiaelph business college gdelph ontario the fourth scholastic year hsgan september lt the faculty bas ki strenslhentd the college premises enlarged ral aa anplianceb added each of the six ottnbers of the faculty is an experienced and jfxtthai teacher the thorough and practical satore oi uro work doqe by the college ja proven ly the success if its graddatea both in canada amthettmted states ladies are admitted to 11 the advantages offered by the lnatitntion for tenat etc address m sjaccobmick ioiy principal lumber shingles and lath phe unrlenilcncd desires to inform tus public 1 that be has now on hand and will keep in ocia full line of pihe andhemlock as well aa ther kinds of lumber also first and seconuj cluspineshiagibilath goal fitwood r haring purchased the coal business ol mrc hnitb i am prepared to supply all kinds or momcoal ihavealsqa good stock of wood haidood aibcelar and mill wood at reason- me prices wood ajd coal delivered aamksbkownj hulloi pause and consider that it will be to your own interest to patronize homo traded we wonld respecti nlly inform the inhabitantbf acton and snrrouuiling country that weateagain in full runningionder aud in a better position than before the fire to fill all orders entrusted to usjo partiei jbnilding lumber will be dressed while you wait and mouldings c made with neatness and despatch u b we are also prepared to fill all ordcrb for i pumps on short notice and from long exp rience in the- business we led confident that wo jan gve sat isfaction every time so come cm with your orders and help to roll the ball alpngi money makes the more go whether she has legs or no tiios ebbagk manager machine finished book papers i xkws high gi1ade wtekly the paper used in this jpurnal the above mills is from wm barber 3ros the fatll will be here before yon know it bat kenjsteybetos of tuk- ids mutual fire insurance company or the7 ooittt or vrztsjivquov h tstyswshedl8io -r- new stock new goods best prices best wpvk- lieltchant tailor mill street actbn slowly jacinth brace walked through the driving snowstorm with a bundle of newly cut cloth far shirts under her arm so tired and lonely had she been during the past week it seemed to her that death would bo welcome yet such j a feeling was unnatural for jacinth was not yet twentyfive not old enough to enter the ranks of the old maids she felt old sometime however and to day was quite despairing the last lot of shirts had not given satisfaction although they had been watered by the tears of bitter discontentment it is well enough to speak of the poor as being happy but there was nothing roman tic nothing lielptul to an aspiring soul to drudge along week in andweekont making shirts for grind steele at twelve cents each body and soul were thus kept to gether for two persons jacinth and her sick mother and that was all more than once during tho druggery of l he past year had the girl usked herself the question is life worth living to day this day before the birtjhday of aking jacinth s weary gore distressed heart answered the question in the negative there were gay pictures in the store windows and sucli maguiffcent gifts ipt none of these were for her she it seemed had no right to ask for anything- u live was enough for a poor sewiuglgirl the prattlo of childish lips eve and anon flung to her ears touched her heart and brought a moisturclp the girls gray eyes memorytouchcd up long forgotten scenes and tho thought of what might have been was hard to bear indeed ah what is that a prattle of childish laughter followed almost immediately by a sharp scream near the curb on the crossing a little muffled fijjuie under the feet of a prancing horse red ilcss of consequences jacinth bundle and darted into the itvhols your papa my papas ray papa das all jaolnth laughed tho first burst of mirjji sho had indulged in in rauny a long day then she turned to her mother and told iiowshohad rescued tho boy from under the feet of a horse j and ne oht was with him lo one x its strange his mother would permit so young u child to go off alone in the oity street willip got no mamma uttered ttio boy at this moment he hud been listen ing attentively and seemed to understand 11 that was said willies mamma dead willjioruoversitw hor indeed uttered jacinth petting the boys hand then bending and kissing his boftoheek tako mo to papa where docs your papa live questioned jaciuth in a goiitletone xn tho hotel willie tvauted to git a ligamob pesent for papa dood lady tako willie back the boyinsisted on this and at length jacinth left the ioom with tholad in charge she might have given him into the hands ot a policeman but she did not she wished to have the boy with her as long as possible darkness was falling and the street lamps were lit it was not a large oity and jacinth know the sit nation of ail the princ pal hotels sho made her wav to the nearest the most popular one in the place hesitated a moment at the door then entered it proved to be the right place tlio gentlemen is even how looking for his boy said the polite olork he miss ed him some time since he will be re lieved to know that he is safe will yon leave yonr nahio no she would notj but hastily departed feeling the old loueliucss creeping over her as she once more stepped upon the street djdnt you get any work today mrs brace assailed jacinth with this question the moment after she liadex- plained the success of her tramp and then for tho first time since the adventure the girl thought of her bundle gbodnesb mother i forgot the shirts exclaimed jacinth the bundle to savo that boy and got no thanks for it if youve lost the shirts well be in a nice fix mrs brace was uncharitable we fear yet she poor woman did not mean to be so in a trepidation jacinth hastened once more down tho three flights of stairs she was weak from fasting yet she must not rest or eat until thot precious bundle was found of course it was not where she had dropped it neither was it in any of the stores that fronted near last with a groan poor juciutb leaned against the wall in the narrow hallway and groaned aloud sho could expect no more work from grind a steele unlessthe shirts were paid for wnh not a dime in her purse this was scarcely possible she mi lit all about i dropped this was scarcely possible be arrested too it was late before the girl ascended the more hot shot the goliaths of tho whiskey truffle arc abroad in the land defying t le army of israel they are armed with sw irds spears and money lot os meet them in the namo of the lord of hosts the sod of the armies of israel und he w ii deliver them into our hands evoy lover of god mother sister home aid cotmtry pray work and voto i f a baptist churpli in ocaltt fis hag summarily expelled ull its merrbers whose names have appeared ou pe titions for liquor licenses allowing twenty feet front t each of the rum shops in new york city ihey would stretoh in an unbrokeif line thii tysix and twothird miles besides these tkore are 611 places where liqnor is sold the fpllowing item from the new york sun explains why the prohib tiou cuuae does not get more help from the iaily press i want to place a column a i in your paper he said to the editor jailing at tention to my bpeoial brand ot jld raven whiskey all right sir res wuded the editor bribklylil will be ut ytur service foreman curse of in a inomout thou he went to the speak- ingtubo and whispered to the kill that cdijtoriul ou the bum when general robert k lto cbnimandur of the confederate armies vumo lomefroui iixe war his wife found unopeuid u bottle of brandy she had placed in his ruuli lo be used in oase of sioknoss heuevar touulied tobacco he refused promotion t a an oriicer whoidrank saying i cannot phee in con trol of others one who cuu not control him self we declare that the first thing to be con sidered as the greatest and worst and most destructive- enemy of the wjrkuunis the rum traffia let usleaveoutof tie question thejnoral aspects of that busine is aud re gard it wholly from an economical stand point what ought such meu to do with u- traffic so costly so destructive b ruinous a traffic which is purely vicious of which riot one good word can bo said ought it not to be suppressed and straugl k1 is it not blind folly to palter with such a mon strous public enemy row fowls talk aa an example of bird lunguaje mr c holder says in ikwe atrakt that be ordin ary domestic fowl presents the irost inter esting and perfect songs half u j hour in a barnyard will demonstrate tin t certain sounds are the equivalent of wor is the crow of the cock is a challenge t another cook and is tiot noticed by the 1 tens but let him find a delicate morsel and lie stops crowing to utter a succession of si ort notes has met with very gratifying success since oieuing out a couplo of months ago satisfac tion baa been given ud customers always go away pleased and ready to return whei needing clothing i havo just received a new stock and am pre pared to offer bargains both to thoso ordering clothingand those- who buy cloth cuttmfcdone free when cloth is pnrchosod oworalls specialty and made cheap and good o h hjvdeb right to the wont of alt competition we 1laci ouk elegant and substantial foods said head office cuelph v jrs buuiias merchandise tuuufactorljba ef all athajr biipuimh of property on tne sxeninmkote system i w stvtie onab- davidson president sepretery john tax ui2 aett dojninion boot shos store main street act ou havfs anticipated its early arrn al and laid i in a splendid stock erf boots sioes i c for fall wear om4eiatigouioigqtoo and soperior value is weu estjablisbed we can suit you all -o- dar custoni deimrtjneut is tnniingbutfirstclasrwqrk as twoal with g6oakck and repa irlpg u alwayavprijptjy tttvt 7 dope jymr kbiwjsy vflvp viij lii lsk3mi6tesa oot splendid in quality complete in assortment 1 overflowing in generotis bargains 1 i mens womens andjrildijtens boots and shoes bvssss ovflrssoes c at prices that always lead to spec3y sales lowe8t price8 consistent with good quality cuwtom work and reairinr promptly attended williams cikjv dropped her street strc ng men there wero who blared not move to the rescue but jacinth felt a bitter disregard for her own safety- and came out unscathed she gained the walk with the child iu her arms a fouryearold boy and without heeding tho fast gather ing throng she pushed her way into adnlg store near i is there k doctor here she questioned glancing at the clerk who stared at j this vision of woman and boy in a sort of djimb imbecility no yes i forgot and tho youth hastened to a rear room returning quickly accompanied by a bearded middleaged gentleman there was blood on the boys face but beseemed oily slightly bruised and after his fright wus over was able to stand and talk a do en questions were put to the little fellow it once and beseemed unable to answer ui y of them intelligently i will take charge of the boy jacinth gently yoursj v thus the gravo doctor questioned he knew that it was u useless query however when he noted the contrast of dress one rich aud costly the other of the cheapest material i saved his life i like children 1 will keep him just a little while then take him home baidj jacinth hastily her voice was low and eoft and the child clnng to her hand tightly evidently realizing intui tively that she wasjiis friend no one objected and so jacinth led the little boy from the store it was but a few steps to the block in which she had- rooms on the third floor back mrs brace an invalid uttered a depre catory cry vi hen her daughter entered with i her protege youre forever picking youug ones off the street and petting them jacinth muttered th 3 old lady petulantly- it wab almost dark in the room and so mrs brace did not notiiethat this child was not of the common borit jacinth for once resolved to be extrava gant and so she tnrued on the gub to its foil capacity revealing the neat little room and its threadbare furniture rag carpet and po ertyj aspect plainly mrs brace was ret lining in a rocker looking white and ill udeed the moment she saw the child uiderhe full glare of the gaslight ishe bet 1 up both hands my what a pretty boy 1 he pas pretty with dark curls and bparkll r black eyes his trim figure set off to advi ntage by the rich suit of gray wloishe jaointh- j c nnot tell v in willie said the bpy gazing from to daughter in a sort of daged way went oyer to jaginth and clungto stairs and shivering with the cold entered uicpreseuce of her mother yd did not find the bundle nd mother with a dry sob and poor jacinth sank into a rickety chair and buried her face in her hands never iindj soothed the mother we may hear from it tomorrow a policeriian may have picked it up that boy has been the cause of it all i saved his life mother wasnt that of more value than a miserable bundle of shirts retoited jacinth almost fiercely to be sure dont take on so ja cinth that was a sad christmas eve to the two women on the third floor back a night never to be forgotten tliouuh they should five a thousand years- christmas dawned clear and cool sleigh bells jingled and peopkrwerehaving a merry time generally jacinth did not venture out it was not necessary she hud no heart for the gay things ou the street and there was enough in the larder to tide over the day so in the gloom of their small apartments the widow and her daughter kept christmas the lost bundle- representing a dozen unmade shirts troubled jacinth deeply what would she do on the morrow she dared not faco the grim senior of the shirt factory with the improbable story she could olone tell it was past noon and jacinth sat at the almost- cheerless grate her pale faco sha dowed with woe unspeakable when the clatter of small feet mingled with the sound of heavy tread was beard outside yisde place papa then fell arlight rap on the door jacinth started up with her heart in her throat j3he scarcely knew what was com ing but she went to the door a gc itleman stood near the threshold holding a little boy by the band he lifted his cat with a bow af r a long search we have found the place think said tho gentleman as the boy utl ered a glad cry and dabhed to the hand of jacinth itll the dood woman papa tiss her for wilier- he did not obey the command of the young tyrant althongh it may be that he would not have been averse to it- i vished to find you for the purpose of thankhg you for baving the life of my motherless boy he i aused then and looked her squarely in the ace asvthe light of the window re vealed it plainly she recoiled and said it it is quito unnecessary mr ross- lyn- jacinth is it possible hebtrode fully into the room then and held out both hands mutual recognition ensued he remained an libur then de- tuck tuck tuck tuck v at irinch the hens gather about him for their share of the dainty the different notes or baby talk of the mother lien are of great va riety and mean quite different things ev ry biddy understands that clinch chuck chuck 1 means come home to vbur motl or just as the quick call tuck tucl tuck i means como to youf bupper ilrhbld- en gives the following brief chapter of domestic fowl language from a dictionary too extended to presentuuubridge 1 form urkadodledoo o challenge of male tuck tuck tuck food cull karre announcing presencx of hawk cut cutf cadacut announcmentof egg laying u cluck xlack cluck callofyoing kerr kerr kerr song of coutetnieutof hen crawzze quieting young whooie whistle express prehension at night craiaion terror and protest capture the cost of jxslhaxw slacks on of ap- at taken care of b r i she used to go meetings with very much inl u a tat a lit u bohkmian oinb i thproisonest ry told about a dear little bohemian girl th t i wafit yon whear her mother died rhen she wasyoaiigv and hetfatlier refu iir to support her she was old she began fjo cent to send lt twenty oftheso t less than ovo5hir clark and aske i colored boys an 1 he was waiting foi prague wlio ou christian gentle ni called upon him adlof and her k ei be very glad to coins but bo mi s herself c so he i ilii pf rickety stairs ti down beside ma i rpreter had a li ook the money o t a meeting of 1 1 rdr pbice tbhe3 cejts cbristmas r poor christian woman good many of the ohnrch friend and she became ed in hearing about the ignorant colored c lildren of america so young as she was inly four or ive years ollect kreutzers halfit them when she had kreutzer bits a little die bi9ught to mr invto send theni to the rls in america while some one to come to take them a godly from the united states r he heard- of maria tzers lie said he would charge pf austrian rat see the little girl bed the two flightshot her room and bitting with mr clark as in- le talk with her he merica and at length merica missionary as- ooiatioh told thsk story when he had iiiishedho laid dojfoi one hundred dollars s his price for drift of these silver pieces he action as wi 11 flu the speech had cb j n effect that ir a lew minutes eight hnn- red dollars wer i odllected for the remain- der the jittlo giftl meanwhile went on hoarding up hi r savings until she had anotbier twenty c i tpeso coins this time they were sent t irongli the mail when tjliey werereceiv d ji americo article was published pronjising one of them to ony school wliicl buld raise money for a scholarship for a cfiored child these were called maria adlojj scholarships about twelve hundred dollars more were given j notlong after little maria became very sick a litltle wl ile before she died she sent for mtj glar it and told him that she had saved anpthe r twenty she asked him i he would send tem where the others lad gone and tin bink which held itheni s le wanted to be gien to his baby daught- e it was done is she wished mr clark bays that some lay the world will hear again of maria a ilofs bank paiix ox tlfeplyleaf m the following buteresttng- inscription is written on the fl flcjaf of professor h l drnmmouds bitlclandvis furnished us by friend who had permission to copy it to 1ixd oct oops will 1 pray i 2 think i 3 talk to wise people but do not regard tt eir judgment ai fiial i bewure of tl e bias of your own will but do not be too nnich afraid of it god i i- i iieverairnecebsaray thwarts a man s nature aud likings and t is a mistake to think that his will is in the line of the disagree- atlle 5- meantime d i tllo next thing fordoing gods will in sma i uiings is the best pre paration for know inl it in great things i when decisi in and action are neces sary go ahead jj 7 never cousiteriihe decision when it is finally acted upon and 8 you willprpbajbly not find out till afterward perhaps jlong afterward yen havo been iedidtjlu cltrinlian weelly dyixg ixfthe lord in his annual report the insure icoconv missioner of california says fhe dost of insurance should be made more equitable than at present for a quarter of i century it has cost the people of this count y a bun dred million of dollars and more t protect themselves by insurance ugayst sixty million dollars loss of property by fire the companies pay large percentage for business brought them by broker 3 which they will not allow to the party m iking his application direct to the cbmpau busi ness men who have not the time or inclina tion to attend to this pare of the business employ the broker who receives co nmission for ids services which is proper ind just but when the poor- maij goes direst to the insurance qompanyit seems no n ore than jnst that tbe rebate of fcomnjssio x should be allowedhim instead of the en tit e amount of premium exacted which is al yays the case aud which he is obliged to pa f thej san francisco jounfal of comme r ays the payment of premiums to brokers is necessitated by competition it would be a great gain for the insured if thii could be done without but at present it ca mot and the company which would charge a busi ness man the full rate and a work ingi man a two third rate would soon have to leave the business my brothers keefeb frances ridley havergal during her last illness while snfering- intensely from a high fever in swe tslibmission said gods wll is delicious he makes no- mistakes bidding one of lie piysicians goodbye she asked do you r sally think i am going he answered yesj today she in quired probat ty was the reply then she exclaimed beiatiful i too good to be hang up tho vinoirhd tho holly i the mlskotoo over the door j that joycomlng in with the christmas may go froth tho placp nevermore i gather love gifts for tho children guard well tho mystical way i i that the christ child comes at thslnidiliglit i to blcbb with brfglif favors the dry- i bring in gotxl cheer and he merry j dance and ring out glad song j thcstarsof a bothlehcmdescrt j look down on a christ happy thrtnig tl go yo in hovel and highway j guests to bring in to the feast angels shall unawares greet yo in thoso the world eonntcth as loast sound the sweet christloving aiithoui echoes will hear it on high j tojlhaangels made joyous forever j by christmas of love in the sky j- bow down and worship the spirit of tho feast the invisible king 4 lcj ho eometiiin scarlet and purple to gather a worlds offering j m aizi li haitok- i i y 4- touxtixg the pea 4 the priests in turkey are often yery ignorant men some of them do not even j know how to read and write yet thay tell the people what tboy ought to do qnd are obeyed as if they were the most learned men inthe world i read a story about one of them the other dav whicli was hike this p once there was a priest that did not jinow how to count this was a great trial to him as there were so ninny fasts and feasts in the church that it was necessary to count all the time or get into trouble there was a fast sometimes nearly sixty days long one year this fast commenced and the rjriest had made mistakes about it so mjajoy times that he went to the bishop and asked him to teach him tome way to count the days to the easter feast thebishop aid himitwould be forty days and gave him forty driedipeabtelling him to put them in his pocket andyftrow ont one everyday and when they were all gone he might know it was time to proclaim the feast this was just the plan for the poor priest and he went on faithfully throwing away- one- pea every day this went on very ireu tijl one day he went to neighboring vil lage where the good woman of the house offered to wash his soiled robe aften he was asleep she it clean but ishe was very sorry to find that she had wet and spoiled the peas in his ipocket poor prist f she said to hersejf ji have spoiledlall the pens he had for lunch on his journey i will give hinj some more so she vrent to her eortliern jar 4nd took a big double handful of peas put them in the priests pocket and said nothing about it j i the priest went ou hjs way anl threw out a per jvery morning forweeks and weeks at length some of bis followers heard that the feast had begun in another village and told the priest oh no thatcant be sohe answered my pocket is half full yet others came and said are you going to keep us fabting all the year look into my pockbt he said are- you wiser than the bishop at last some onewent and told the bishop the priest was keeping the fast twenty ffltys too long then the story came out and the poor woman told how she had fifledtttp the priests pocket and the bishop saw that there was no use to try to teach the man to count mimon dayepring true and lookin splendid to 1 a heaven i later pillows folded he saying there with a smile added rfeat- the gates of aa fhe time her de parture came she nestled down into the arms upontber breast it ib allover blessed rqst her couiiteuauce beamo radiant with the glory seemingly breaking in upon her iqul and t lose who nvatched her tli ught she appe ired as if sho was pon- veraing with the i luj in his beauty she tried losing but if t r one sweet note her voice faijed and sie was jone to bewilh hir lord a sio k 1y heeo a nobleman had large gou parted mother i thence her hand tvillieiia pretty name taie me to papa pleaded the boy leaving willie in jacinhs charge ho returned at night and banished the- sbadot s with a heap of good things have only one gift to offer youvta ciutb whispered the gentleman that even ing as they sat alone by the firelight myself ill yon accept- v hon oonld stormtossed jacinth btaoe refusejbucii a guv alovera quarrel had parted them sis years before in a fit of piqhe sosslyn married his cousin she 1 ecu dead since the birth of little and he assured her that bis love strong as of yore jacinth accepted aud christmab day ended happily as it ought moimis rehwixii some time ago in the east of london they were digging a deep drai i in the neighborhood of victoria park some of the shore gave way and tons of oarth fell down upon several men who wen at work there of coursethere was a grei ttieal of excitement and standing by the 1 rink was a man looking on i grant you with great earnestnebson those who were w tempting to dig ont the earth but a won an came np td him pnt her hand on his shoulder and baidj biuj your brother ib down there 0 yon should have seen the sudden ohange off went his coat and then he sprang into the trench and worked as if he had the strength of ten mpn 0 sirs amid the masses of the poor and the degraded aid the lost your t rother is there 1 we may fold our arms and say am i my brothervkeeper p 1 es itis not for us to shirk the respc risibility there lie our brethren and we s lall have to givb an account concerning the n tore wab priised a id petted after that t lis is a true stoi y ihd the child who was salved wastheyot hg marquis of kildare thefaih sparkles very much attach sd tile btjby boy who ftjmilr ond day a iri the house and c here sjnd there to pu boy iri iub riurserj and when they thmi case was all in fl done as they were lok a large hairy ha id window and pres in ed with the baby n climbed down ove i tliechild safely tc 1 could have done i like a monkey an 1 you may imagi ie favorite monkey a this monkey wjis 6 his master and to the pet of the whole re suddenly broke out irybody was running it ont- while the little b almost forgotten t of him the btair- es what conld be rs lament had wulie was at as use to difficult duties gh posted up in a wisconsin saw mill ruads the saws are running no touob them to oonvince yourselves every man ought to pay his de ts if he bah every man pughvto help h is heigh bor if lie can every man an 1 woman ought tpget marriedif they can every mah should do liis work to bait h s caatom- ers be can every man bht id pleaso liis wifejif he can every wi te should please her liiisband if she can c very wife should boiuclimes hold her i ongue if t she can every lawyer should i ometimes teu the truth if he can his fingers through y u my geese sufl an o a nidhole fo p rretm facebas yellow cihihee isconbei m g row fair and w yheu northrop s cp very and great rjlax constipate i bilious poison fee n fiutio and wood mj ut by itdigestii n tenefltedihever never fiesleetybunuferiti tht seed dftiofuftaefitftbthbbopeofthsworld end thoruujjli g up and wondering and arm opened the ty the monkey appear- is arms and carefully e porch aud brought nurse nobody else ir a man cannot climb not nearly so strong owthe faithful crea- when a pohtipal boom conies home to roost they call it is boomerang the man who peddles his autobiography takes hisiife in his own hands itis ttsingular thing that a man never begins to show his temper untii he loses it kansas crrv man i suppose youve never been hi kansls city have yod ojiaha max i was there last week kansas city man last week oh but you ought toi see it now x the treasorer of a church in raleigh n c has made his annual report two items read as fellows salary promised to the fectbr 815 per month salary paik tothe rector none i what i dislike about lare hotels said miss culture v is their gregarious- ness well responded the chicago maiden rather bewildered those fancy puddings neverdid aeiee with me either lets see i h i s id to a farmer whose wagon was loaded down with bags of potatoes were it we talking together labt august 1 1 ilieyewe were at tt al time you sail 0 rn was all burned up yes and pita oes were baking in the ground yes and that your district cc uld not possibly e lecfc more than half a crop i remeiob r well here yon lave with yotirwaf go loaded down thingr d d not torn put bo iadly aftetr all eh well n0 asjid ho farmer as he faked is hair- bjrt i tell haictthongh his lot must beiu a wealthy oommervial country the worst troubles of the workingman are made by himself the severe words spoken by carlyle hal a osjuturyago hold true yet and wiu for many a year to ojme in oar own country as well as iu england and ireland the sum of their wretchedness merited or unv merited welters huge dark and baleful hke a dantean hell visible therein tho statistics of iu gin justly named thempsc authentic incarnation of the infernal principle iu our times too indisputably an incarnation gim the black throat ipto which wretchedness of every sort cam- mnhicating itself by calling on delirium to help it whirls down abdication of the power to think or resolve as too painful how on the part of men whose lot of all others would require thought and resolu tion liquid madness sold on every hakjfi all the products of which ttie and mustjbe like its origin mad miserable ruinous ind that ouiyl no man oppresses theejo free and independent franchiser but does not this drink demon oppress thee no 1 sou of adam carr bid thee come or go but intoxicating liquors can and do and thou pratestof tkyiberly v 1 t a fully for the want idle in detroit free a philadelphia clergyman pastor o a presbyterian churclythesnnday after ifif election preached a sermon on religiol v vi and politics and boldly and manfully treated the problem of the right of thpjrej ligiousmah and the religions teacher to take an active part in politics he told as might be eipected a greatdeal of trtftb and tojd itlpungently but he said nothing better this i have the profoundest contempt for the man who prays like n sfchafigel and votes like the devil there are iuall onr communities many men to whomtliis canstic critioism will apply he vfllio mnddles his streani of life should not complain if forced to drink of tlie dirty water ascotch schoolmaster was very much bothered by the complicated method in 1 vogue of teaching geography- so toi simplify mktters he told 1m soholars that- the earth naturally dhivded itself into three parts natioual pills iritheyavwimpofgativel f and chiefly there was great britui tfndanti bilibnsfijidiciue they ejuinild secondly therewas europe and thirdly fthere was the rest i that of the heathen ice of bile in the blood ilesomelooking again mans vegetable dis- blood purifier is used to iweia and expel the ie circulation rben- urities are also driven itoredand the system iy by its use v