Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1887, p. 3

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stws u mam m geo hynds christmas stock wow coaoamr conic in eariy von out make a whole family happy for 5 cents just think hllc yen iwl this and oome in and ace how iiich ou can boy fof3sc no other slow in acton offer you smb a ioom- pictc aswirtment a call will convince you our toys fvlnl uta2bje lot x vols vnt op is t s 3dom tali iish i jl m leather- is t- dwhfel folders i ft libber 1 ithorgahsil if tlbagstpij eerftnnes snaaa1 bnh nan picture r at siij be found ttig vins iis 1iipir store lont v 1 ecial sale if rama of attxc 127 joy for uv he ba was thai 4 lierminaltoo sale fresh piles hats ice hundreds of i dress goods and j i ranging iite fare going oot ju dont whine about s thadeakrsafvlj e benefit come sj at a sacrifice 3jitinsj buy the get theffl cat pey in the trfdblfb be way of lfartr p 0ereo8e r warranted to yfj for you come l curtain deplh i a little- kafm sect a littfe fsfi am lace cwiglj usstibd f7isl yon eai hare tf erpar gome j ukek cliimrcns sioighs tolls tiu aud wooden houses pjrlor croquet trumpctsmouth oralis purses foy bks toy qmis toy pistols and caps a vou- dcrful selection ovtoy rem em ber our stook of writing desks work boxes plush goods al- jums books bibles anmnls cups and saucers remember our stock of watches gloiks jewellery plated wore ory cheap havcypu seen our x mas and new year cards from 1 cbiit upwards dont delay conn i iu riglit atvay the loading sore h aetou forxroas presents geo hiritids hetdqu arters tor xmu goods the methodist- churph acton rev r phillips pastor parsonage bower avenue rnuu services mt30 am and g30 pin sunday school bible class conducted by tho k pastor all cordially invited i slsivy3jlh december f byrcu lji of belleviuc wui vrcach jfeac nionaiig acd evening monday thdecembek s s kavrtaimueat nd christniat trk to- jvcr wish ye olile faslioawteameetinge sriaoi- ul visitors always welcouiej at- tctiveiiicr at the ioor if sittinpt arc desired apply to h 1 joorc rtusioirl f christmas knox ohrrcfl acton a ciiittuias eutertaiumetit iu eonnoctiou ui ic ribterian sabbath school will be thursday evg december 2j2na x tbj r town hall acton si-uivu- ndris vi ill bo deltierxl h- uvral uuuisert olio readings aad nxitatiolis by a chrixu tree willbtj provided on jreiiatialil for ill children it sllwic shoo mic by this children and choir admission h cents children iooj the ihich the nts thurspav ukceirbek 22 1887 1i1x0k locals s collated by the ever thoughtful and alert fiee press reporters- spcadid roads lately nomination next monday at soon durham has a night school with 33 ppis acaretaker for the public schools is rcilitcd y the merry jinjjle of the sleisu bells is beird aiin dr- vihiijtoii will visil aclon eu thursday dec 29th at- home gleanings whloh vk jlmttf pfxiooi ohamotej- aallintfrung a ffoiiefajrauiiwtyjoa thrawrtm away fares fx thi holidays ave batn mnoimoed single imw on satorda y sunday aud mpn day an flood to return up to tuesday both at xa auhkaw ywl while far and a third tkkett art rood f xun chriitmai fri day and the three fol owlnr daya to thd wednesday after new fears when swindlers brampton dcapatc says that a swind liu wheat agent ii ope ting in tho county of ilaltou he gets say seven farmers td enter into an agreemen i to sow each four buslielsof the wheat then shoulders tho whole burden of pay neia upon one of them taking hit promi uiry note for 810 for tho 2b busltels armora had bottei beware of dealing with this fraud sutfcrendeath intrust ay mr wm daniels a armer of nassaga weya died suddenly on wedueaday of laa week and ww buried on friday at udeu mills on the day be ore- his death mr daniels worked iu his bush tint night he took very ill and vomitted frequently he died at tour oclock the next day he had a stroke of paraly lis some time ago and it is thought thai was the primary cubo of his demise gueipiaud tfie ceatrii toronto il all guelnh buffers materially by the central bauk fhilure its citizens hold 80000 in stockl and tho deposits made by merchants and othersin the city reach 9350000 many of the stockholders are aged persons who p aced their raonoy in the concern expecting to realize a com fortable little living ontof thoirmvestment their loss is the keener because they have not the strength of youl h to begin agaiu arothertdditionafbitiidinf lots mr adam cook has surveyed aoout 20 acres of hib farm into lo t and intends put- tingthem upon the market at an auction sale next saturday t ie majority of them are on the main street ido of his property bnt some are on mill street there are about ninety lots in all and many of them will make good buildipg sites tuo new streets brock street aid victoria avenue have been opened and church aud queen streets have been extended in the survey auotfierafaimfacfory foracfon a manufacturer fix m a distant town employing from id to 25 hands is unxious to come to acton will his business but owing to the impossi iility of securing hodses of any kiujd fir himself and his men he is compelled to forego arrange menta fortremoval at present the raw material fqr his gooos is manufactured here and he deems it i rofiiable to remove his business to acton several heads of families will come and employment will be given to a number of citizens it is te be hoped that house accommodation will soou be obainable a oiristmas bo last saturday prioi to the closing of the canada glovie works for the usual christmas holidays the young ladies of the factory informally irescnted the super- intendant of their department miss maggie kennedy with ah elegant silver cake basket and wishei ber all tho com pliments of tho com ng feitivel season miss kennedy was tskcn completely by surprise but heartily t lauked the donors end then of course thete was a crying spell all round to relievichhe strain the best or feeling exists between i he girla and their superior officer isurasecord the sen iae ofl8l2 the canadian adcaii t of last week con tains an interesting rticle on laura the ehoj windows present a very at- j gecord the heroine of s12 by mrs s a trctiveappearicce curzon the author of yf school electfc next wednesday in tqe i above title it conclude to all true canadians to a jm ever eeeicpsgl teliff out pat omy9 pmc tijjolaiaa e and vol rovn l11 at 12 oclock the fiiee pblso wuhes everybody a herry merry christmas mrs s a secord has kindly sent us a late copy of the7orj slalt rfyitttr there are good prospects for jolly sleigh rides on christmas after all fatter iiiley will hold christmas ser vices in st josephs jhurch on sunday the asaal christinas services will take place iu st albans church next sunday five tramps occupied the downy couches of the municipal cells on tuesday night christmas tree and sunday school en- ttrtainmnt in the methodist church on christmaa night the public schools here closed yester day for christmas vacation the rural schools chs tomorrow thy fiest calendar yet to hand is that of messrs a w morris a bro cordage manaficturers montreal 1 an application of warm buckwheat cte crtataieal porridge is betterthan a -liver- pad tbesfrosty mornings i tiie wctcv of oakville have open- ed a reading room f or the use of the young- men daring the evenings i i kaisagaweya young people hive a mutual improvement association- it meu every week at brookville mr thomas gowdy goelph hi is sold bis celebrated trotting colt maid 1 ippo to mrfred armstrong fergus mr win wood of oapringe win six prizes andtwo sweepstakes onfat shsep at guelnh fat stock show last week the tax collector desires the feee to notify the public that all taxes most be paid by the 21th december i o save trouble those who lave the good things of the world should remember that for them the year isall a holiday the pool have only christmas calendars have been received i t this office frem mr f b webber of tbb new kaymond and mr w clementa of te grange matuah theaiinpol christmas entertainment ot the disciples sunday school i fill be held in the church on friday eveninj the public are cordially invited to attend gqme bring with a nqie ray nerry merry boys the christmas log to the firing while iny good dame she bi la you all be free and jolly to your hearty d siring mr- peter campbells son who fell overlhe edge of the mountain som time ago has nearly recovered and will be np and around again in a few days cltdm- pion the annual teameeting will be beld in thebritk church above acton on rburs- day tvening 2th ipst addresses re ex pected from a number of the minis era of the vicinity readings and recitation i and music by hock wood methodist choir a good time is in store for those who ltteod vthc census of the sunday schjpli of jbia place was larger the jaet two sa ibdths than ever before in the history of acton chribtma6 trees are looming op inill dir ections and this reminds nt of the ollowv iiig story ah my isod said the minis ter im glad to see you in the i unday scboolat last i this your flrit so uday yessir bow do yoo like jtr oh gnseail mitw a service to our life that entitles atkdtetpuntfupt j a lamp exploded iu the 1 lall ot tho glas gow houas between the main store and tho dress making departmi ut on monday evejalnganorforafew mlrutea it waa re- rhttpabyhonprejitjbtu a very wrtoua affair the oil aatutated i verythlng in the vicinity andthe flame i ant forth witl great volume the n wai hcaever itatnpod out with blaiikotb do hi few minutoe arid tho scare auhided 0 will oover the jose thrwmri institute a meeting was held iu 1 10 towu hall on saturday afternoon to irraugo for the ooming meeting of the fai mere instluite the president mr alex v taldie and sec retary mr w dementi were- prosont some preliminary work was transacted and- tho meeting ad journe i until tuesday next at 880 when a fall n eetiug of all in terested farmer aud citiz ns is requested the sessions ot the cotnln meeting about the last of january promii os to bb partic ularly interesting preside nt mills profes sors brown and groeusic o are expected aud at the evening meetini mibsborrymau soprano toronto aud m r kfitawj kelly basso will likely take par cluistms anniversary services the pulpit of tho mctho list church was occupied last sunday by llr d mclean toronto there were lare congregations both morning and evening tho morning service was specially ini ended for the children of the sabbath scliool who occu pied the centre pews mi mcleans ad dress to them was very interesting ho referred to our saviour as i truo frioud of the children and divided lis subject into four heads this friend wi s a tried friend a royal friend a useful friend and an eternal friend his remai ks were couched in language the children a nld readily un- derstand and the addreej was lfwally interspersed with iutercitii ig andanecdotes and btories which tended t more thorough ly impress the truths iresented the evening service partook of au evaugelistio character it was large attended mr mcleans visit was thomuihty appreciated by his hearers nibsociaigiass the cornet baud was faored with a full house at the production of he above drama in the town hall on tuesda y evening by tho glenwilliams dramutio cli ib under their auspices for an uipatei r company the piece was very well played tho dramatis persontb were as follows chas thornley a young maq going to ruin taken by john howard bob brittle a f orvant charles shannon harold hadlcy i welltodo citi zen j shepherd dr fclal er- a friend of thornlek vim cook james hollis a lawyer and villain franl clarke jphn farley keeper oflln ris ug sun harry joans eva thornley wifi i of chas thorn- ley mh5 lottie foster mrs farley the landlords wife miss k si epherd nettie fnettlebj a busybody about town miss n alexander the drama opened with the gehcrahndugence by all c ucemed jn the socialglass thecvilsof the ntoxicatingbowl gradually crept on and wire impressively portrayed by the downfall f the brightest characters tho womeijs crusade and temperance pledge are introduced some of the drunkards reolaiinid the whiskey seller murders his wifoj aud commits suicide and the drama concludes by the reunion otthe thornley family and friends and the reclamation of their property chas thornley bob brittlejand jnofarley were the principal characters aud were all well taken particularly thai of bob brittle the several acts were interspersed with ex- prohestra and of solos very jhto bbtttitm for sale and begs to infqirm them that he has heaps of fancy goods suitably forpwa bheaper than ahy plate in the vicinr a bonanza i i a a a 7 pounds of cood japan teaj worth 25c per pound 1 uv for onlysryoo j t 100 h pounds of japanitet worthdoublelthe a- my r mts and um for only 100 sweeping reductions now remember the place rj b jermyns great millinery and dry goods house acton boom voney n prices dob xfercoats at 300 suits to lqe kiven away at yd prices that will astonish you we are go w tious m pur store and tlje stock mustj be cleareq jout having engaged a firstclass cutter vtfe are in a position to turn oiit orciered ciothngl eqdal to any in the dominion bring on your cloth and have it qut or madia up prijces lor- kelly brotflters e drama with tho with an appeal nssist in the erec tion ofia monument to tie memory of the brave mrl who rendered forces at the risk of her her meinory to be rent wed for years to come her grave in tl e drummondville burying ground is nnm irked save by a small delapidatcd head stone we are glad to see the movemei t inaugurated by the admnce and wish it iuccess an evening in london the hour and a ha f spent in knox church last wednesday evening with mr d w campbell among the great and beautiful sights of the vi prlds metropolis was a very interesting t me indeed the lecture embraced descriptions of the great sights and leading featmes of the city and places near it including the great buildings and structures of variouii kinds and places of historical note such a i palaces churches banks halls bridges monuments railways markets dcrparks gardens streets not able persops london lif all of which were illustrated with excelle it scioptic views the children were delighted a good audience was present the christmas exnmtni tions the quarterly public examination of the pupils of acton public school took place on tuesday the depa iments of misses jelley and mahaffy were examined in the forenoon and those o mr moore the principal and miss dorl ind in the after noon quite a number of the parents and friends of the pupils visj ed the several de partments the scholar acquitted them selves with credit to tl eir teachers and the- visitors must have been convinced judging from the accomplishments of the pupils that from the jui ior to senior de partments a sound practical and useful education is beiug inculcated and that the standard of acton school is above the average another checker mtoh the second checker intch between play ers fromthe north and south sides of mill street took place on thursday night last with the following result sobtb harvey hill henderson moore wright harvey hiil lweuderson moore wright 17 j 13 as georgetown and milton clnbs are ex pected to visit acton during christmas week the acton players will meet again on friday night 30th for practice appraoiation that the efforts of the ekek pbkss staff to turn out a newspapersecond to no rural journal are fully appreciated by oor many readers we have ample vjaence every day in the kindly expressions from all quarters the following ia a specimen of the compli- mente bestowed i awnot in th habit of usingflattery but mean just what i now state viz that the fbbij pjiss is a re- markably well conducted paper and for quality of paper and neatness of execution it far excels any newspaper i have ever aeen your aelectiong bi excellent you have my best wibhea very truly your j b kinoardlnei thu u from a subscriber of some five years standing but whom we have never fa4tbe pleasure to meet it is unneceaiiijy to say that liis wprdfleo1uchapprectiedby8 w i- iki r compli- cellcut music by the parlo miss foster sang a couple creditably the scenery usi d by tho club is superior to much of that tajtisd by pro fessional travelling compaui s tlie piano used at the entertainment w is from mr j c mcleans temple of music guelph sovth hbawk 1 lambert 3 a slater 1 i mullin 1 g matthews 1 l dynes i second db aw 1 j slater 2 1 a matthews 1 ii j laiubort 1 0 r- dynes i muluii j 1 0 l 1 it y t f tmeirtipimottfar tt t- actonl powder absolutely pure this powder nover vnrios r strength and wholcsomenoss mora osouomlcal than uio coninetitiou vritb llic uiultitudoof low tc6t short weight oluui or phoiijiliflte powders sold only a morvolof purity mora osouoinlcal ordinary kind and cnniiot bo sold in bov d b cameronj occupied the pulpit of knox church last sunday even ing he preached on intere stiug 6enuon to a large congregation watch for the fatr piis carrier aud his annual address next tliuwoy morning he has been a faithful servant to his sub scribers during the year kijudly remem ber him i kev w f clarke o guelph who has received a unanimous call to the pas torate of the congregation 1 church st thomae has the matter s ill under con sideration chretmabtut issued by the woodl stock sentinel ikrieic is n beiutifuj christ mas extra it is very ttra itively printed and is illuminated with ap iropriate illus trations jese ketchum of duufialk jl moving to town he will carry oi a retail and wholesale leather btore and ook after the interests of the ketchum ei tate jrauge- villo adcertmnft look ont for 10 billi on banks of montreal commerce or mei chants raised from fives the fraud isver cleverly done and often not detected until taken lo the banks for deposit the shed erected by he scott act people at georgetown for th s accommoda tion of the farmers mid wh oh was burnt down after several attempl s to fire it a year ago has been rebuilt a a cost of s700 tho presbyterian sajbath school christmas entertainment w 1 be held in the town hall this evening a christmas tree will be seen liberally laheu with pre sents the children will have a happy time council met on tuesdi y evening and again yesterday morning he bulk of the business was the arranging tor the coming elections and the reception of the report of the chairman of the board of health for theyear themany friends of mr francib warne formerly of this vi unity will be pleased to know that the fai lily are doing exceedingly well- the youngest son pirritte this year raised on his own farm 2000 bushels of wheat our merchants how arc active in making most attractive thei windows with materials which no one eh o can match all this is poper very and all thats necessary to clinch tho thin 8 they adver tise each week in the fhke uebs ninian linday esq ave the usual wardenitfupper at milton m tuesday of lastlwr we presume in acton man will give it next wear at east its- about time acton wks honored wi h the warden- bhip if theres any honor in it hera td there was only one cjase before the judge and jury at the couuty court on tuesday that of joseph buinn charged with assaulting constable bradley of mil ton who was taking liiujto jail the grand jury brought in a rue bill the jury brought in a verdict ot not guilty reformer kevw s aud mrs ctavish of sti george were pleasantly surprised last friday afternoon by a men her of the con gregation who drove a ery handsome portland cutter into the stable accom panied by note from the lady members of the congregation of whic umrmotaviih is pastor mr motaviih is a former in cans st n y hovai baking fownric co 100 wall the bazars ijiltlstmas pkesexts ng to makfeif alter a- kelily efeothers lgtqisr c wishes its ijiany prienrjis and patrons a -and- a hajipy new yjecfl a loirge variely botli iiktliil mid uriinnifiitol too ufuinerou to mention suitablo for xuirm in8cntr at prices that defy couiimtitiou and what could bu uicerfor a christmas present for your wife than a lovely ikiut hunini new raymond sewing machine r at the llfizrr is where yoti will find them special roluctions iu prices for the christmas trade leave your ofders early f r webber tsllletts powdered and at the same time aimonneei dress goods mantle goods v sterings carpets j hosieiy tweeds flannels bbadymades overcoats undf rclothin g blankets hjats capsj -oo- 99 percent j purest 8tronce8t best beady for use in any quantity for 1 making soap softening water dtaln- feetlngand a hundred ether use a can equals co poondi sal soda sold by all grocers and druggists ewoillett tobonto b urdock blood will cure or relieve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia dropsy indigestion fluttering jaundice 0f the heart erysipelas acidity of saltjrheum the stomach heartburn dryness heapache of the skin and overy species ot disease arising iron j disordered li kidneys sfomacb bowels or blood proprietors iohooto t milbim co tli groat sale of blankets the otjr stock most be reduced by at least during tho next four weeks and to do this wf toihers in the way of prices cases below cost sveryi 0- new arrivals we are showing some nico goods for the xinas i rade including novelties of and a fine assortment of wool goods and furs of a choice stock of fresh groceries always oi h ind remember our special lino of japan tea at 5 pounds for 100 also our bay ci y soap two bars for 5c 10 ifor ifec or 40 for one dollar t j remember our famous 50ctpea we again wibh yon inauy happy returns of tlje season hendeidon mirag cf acton t a great eleariuft dale of purs aid millihliry will offer every inducement t cus- athro irter jersey cow and a threo- guaru jtorsay heifer two years old both in calf applygtlot91gon4 ejquesfng to mib irving house ppe sale t ihat new frame dwellldb house on main ei street bolonglnk to a -rrr- ighcast hotuo lately occo r further barticu- l street boloiil roughcast hotuo la non army terms easy lars svpiy to to a mt qreofi isothp y occupied bythe blv- foi a mowat acton everything lias beeb marked down very low inwme all kinds very cheap all kinds fr jwith the above articles watkius u selling off immense quantities of dress gopdsundrclothing for ladies muhes gentlemen and boys inlallusefal makes and ooldrs hosiery and gloves ribbonb and taptry brussels union and allwool carpets witjilbts fcnilo tin ctafclior inf nf- winnaviat fio which is jftloti vkiud lur ou fon vuo uuuui uau mantle and tjlster cloths in beautiful s nse redactions just see them the jvelveteens are marked down onefourth below late prices see the dess goods handsome o0r3 down from 18 to 15o excellent nce soft dress goods in the latest shades down fqml8 tojcfie xjlstors house hauilltod deeembor 8 1h87 3 grotti varietj flannels ilk plubhes silk velvets prices jusvaee the nice to the verjj best extm ice are selling offatim- nwokjl sergea in the new ress uoodsin tne tjatesc anaaesaown iram io kjioo apoth ir lot of allwool french sdrgef down from 2 to lool an1 otiir lot of nice striped dress goods dowintrom 10 io 74cf flannels marked down see the flannel they are exceedingly good talne i 3jhe uuderolothiuk is very 01 eap just see it and you will feel it your interest to buy it a very handsome and varied stock of neckwear for all sizes from the little girl to the largest lady aud fit m the little boy to the largest man consisting of collars ties handkerchiefs soarfp bows etc all firstjtafe value about a dbzeht maael of window ourtaius and tf file and pionocovera in ghiirming 8tyfes and all useful sizes baldwins ahd other yaras at reduced prices be eare to examine flb white striped ana cheeked 81 irtings the canton flannels the flanijelettes for warm durable linings th3fiekliigs in plain and fanoy stripes the striped hessian flie m inch plain bossiang at- on i loo the twilled and plain cotton bheetings in bleached and unbleached alio the78 inbh uhion affl all roquheetings ihb pulow ckt tops bat aud wadding at gr tatly reduced prices black crapes blk cubmetoand cither kbn bee theqtuulrubiftltumjkorape it is mag- u lient goods very nice blask cashmire at only 40o seethe best five fmibru8selb carpets jowiiaioift lils to ii also haudsome tpliatry carpets do vh from 76o tpfsoo tbcallwool carrots pbnfronjllo to si rfoet sweepers plain and decorated window blinds rollers poles brasbbuiding only 4cino bindtntf only b dutiful goods oulyone door west of hughson street oqking btreet jb theanbin the wmqwaare swavssssil sfea cattle astray r stbaykb to the premlsw of tho subscriber lot 15 cqd 7 nassaisiwevabout the 15th of novenbrapotudyearlingbteeiacdaralheifer ctflf tho owner will please prove property pay expenses and take them away matthew joll nasbagay dc 6 186f itrtron i dissoit of patker3hip notice is bebbby given nonblp hretofore8ubsl8ting the undersigned john clure asirtlliorewas on tht ntst ey at tile -put- itween ntt enajah mc- mjuuioni ou uienrsiaay of novem ber int dwsolvod by mutual consent all debts dne to tkoaidiiartnership aro to be paid to tho said john harvoyathib office in actoi and all debts due by said firm wilt be paid by said johu harvey who will continue said busi ness on bis own account dated at actcutiin 32nd kovi 1887 jlivitnebs johx habvby i wpbbows i bexajah mctlumii bakery and residence torent ihu undersigned desires to lease tlie splendid x brickbokery aud shop known as the ex- celsior bakery with rcsidenco in connection foraternv of years excellent stand conveni ent prenriscs and has done a good basinets ternu reasonable loeecssion given 1st january particulars made known upon application to muh b w xicklis v pdblio school caretaker n tenders will be received by th uhdersigued up to noon on the 28th december ifor the office of caretaker of the public scllools or the year 1888 specification of duties may he seen a the office of h 1 moore seciptaiyy wth stobey f chairman lroiwrty cohuniuet salesmen wanotel- o graham tho popular aud well eryman dt bochcster nyv desires ingcmcnfs with one or two live en- to take orders or his nursery stock a phoice stock including lino specialties inducements to beginners ate particularly antageous he fulfills all he promises and rantees to furnish strictly first class stock can give active square upright men good itions aud desires to communicate with a t bnch men with a view ofiecuring their njrvices write to him as coon as yon have read this for terms and full particulars remember only square dealing men need apply address edw o oiuhu nurserrman kochester ny business remises for sale by tender tekdebs willtfb retjiyl by the undersigned up to the 10th january 18b8for that valu able brick store and rtwclliup the property of the late john nelson situated in the thriving village of acton tenders will alsp be received for the stock in trade consistingof general dry ofrods tweeds groceries c the stoekjis in firstelass con- ditionand well bought a nrstclass paying icastrvusiuc9s is betugdone at the present timei to any one deeirons of scouring a nxstclass bnsincs audinrcmises tliirisa rare chance lor full particulars as regards tenders and form of tender address r e xelson exkcttob l guijlph v o u- v- notice to creditors i james mil2j decesijd tmijc r sftffev the ci1editobs including thosernaving i any speciflc or general heir or uemnbranee upon the estate or any undivided share thereof ot james ucbain late of tha township of es- tiuesing in the county of haltoa who died on or about the fourteenth day of october 1887 are hereby requiredlo send to d henderson isq acton p o administrator of he estate- of jauies hcbain on or about tho seventeenth day of december 18s7 their christian and surnames addresses anddescriptions with full particulars aud proof of toeir claims and statements of their accounts and the security if any held hytheno claims to be proved by statutory declaration and notice is hereby given that after the said lyhdavof december 1887jthe bflpilriw t tfttor will proceed to distribute gieapetsof the said deceased among thepartias ised7 thereto having- regard nlyto thelchismsiof which he shall have had nonce and the admnir istratorwul not be liable for the asseteibraay part thereof toanypersbnbrpersonsof whoso claim or claims he shall not have noticeat the time of such distribution v this notice is given pursuant tor 6 0chap 107 and 46 vict chap 9 onfc johnston ft molean solicitors for administrator j l dated this 18thday of november 1837i 3 the dominion i- w ash eh h wringer patesxen 1883 111- the most perfect and complete vfasher and wringer in the dominion ittakes the lead wherever introduced it washes eashy it washes quickly it washes clean with dozen articles of averago size can be washediahd wrung out within five minutes tthis machine is so easily ojkrated anil does its work so perfectly and so quickly that wherever introduced it is soon recognized as an article of necessity it washes upon the same principle as -band-rub- bing yet so geutlythat it does pot injure even the finest fabrics it is selfadjusting and washes even the finest linen or tb largest blanket with equal ease it does not partially wash the clothes leaving themto be finished by hand but docs its work perfectlj and complete ly doing away with the washboard and hand nibbing altogether it washes a dozen ofvinore articles at once thereby accomplishing in an hourorsoia8 much work as would otherwise occupy the whole flay a ii bnrko of hamilton ont the patentee of this machine osofsjsq0 of achallengeroompeti- tibn by any other washing machine ever invent ed that will accomplish its work eipasllyi as well asqnickly as easily and with as little injury to the clothes every machine guateateed to give satisfaction sold separate oricombined price of machine complete with wringer 13 withonf wringer 8 orders attended to as soon as possible correspondence solicited david sotultis eoctfwoqd po general agentf oir the townships of esqnesing xassagweya eramosa guelph and city of guelph and all towns and villages therein isaiah w royce evebton po genofal agent lor tho townships of erin cajedou and gararraxa i dolly roller mills freijee bro having just coiupletod their first vear in the niillingbubine8s hetctake pleasiirc in thanking their many customers for their liberal patronage which has rendered their business lry suc cessful i fi the admitted sisfuction that ouv work has given to all has eucpuraged us to make still further improvement and we have jnst put hi a newichopjger i of the very latest improved style ir wltich we dh- icrsi mantle qloths etc are able to fill every order with thegreatost c patch and with pleasure alike to our eastern andjoursolves x f vur price for chopping ib six cents per bag and wo weigh it ail and out i- the douiand for oiir well kuowh brands of flour places it beyonda doubt in our minds that j it is giving outiro sstisfactiou and me eouso- ff iquentlyfel jnstifled owing tothis ahdthe lib- eral yield wo give in every grist hi soliciting a contimiance of tlio patronage of the past anil as well the cnstoui of many new faces which it will give us pleasure to meet wislung you thdconipluhonts of tho appiioach- ing festive season j fvo are respectfully freprksros mr yard sjlkijjijt tqnetand h hit cell- desires to infor n the people of actoiand surroundings tl iiit he is prepaed to take orders for weatj ugall kinds of ifancy bag carpets fiant el shet ting shirting and dres goods at ip ed orplaid twill or plain also bed blank its aud horse blankets two yards wlfieimd over fr andliwhiwii iiraiitee that lillgivegood batisfactiojito f ji farm ire and others who wltavmelthtlierimnabej r ra w3 mm

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