c j 1 1 n i i bork municipal kirn inn of row on ill imli lctiiilhr41iiuifr j i clt itankofhmiiillos milton j xmln gowwtlmrj ntwitlitilnimlilifc lie i 1nrtthnm hwwy ltockct oftoiil married illiutcx ww iyuponrtl 11 huim in ll mv1uxlisl clilnvli milton nn ill- anil int in uic hrv a k hvv mr kirlignil ikciii- f moosejajv a-l- iliin ti lnuluv imuilitr of mr win hnr 1 risin of tioi- i sv13h- ihlliloll ll tolvlllo oh lllojlst illlt iv tbo ikv li sanson mr win suiitlt fotvtiimi tiivnio tannine to to 10111110 eidort ilnnglitor cf lr win cavivll toronto nil into or actor i stmout ml 11 iv at- tin ivmlullit ofl till liriilci fdjrtiit on the 14th iveoinlct bylllev lumps airo nsislcsl by kov jos aloxnlulor m nerval mtb j mrljt to iiimh ilkivtlitm of mr 11 miillin nil of ksiinomtic uxixson in acton at du ivsulcno of ri acton has no pocncii died wmvo1i 111 imhlpll on llio 4mb ivcilvlbcr hamuli bolomm lit of lolin woivfolil apnl the artonr rrs thlltfpay 1kckm1kk2 is tkmlls vltilt considerably less intonst xvs inaiifetvl t tltc nomination on holiday than lot j several yours pant the c wan no titrvet commissioner to juabblc over neither eemetery site nor cemetery law buit to oausc crossfiring from opposite factions and no bllicr matter of im portance beiug before the public the speeches of the retiring council were ivilw listened to without interruption the vlutljkmr ft jnfs mwrc th ncbor wmis i referenced and explanations of the members mambenelron imost iauulitoi- of tin- into i jotisirkon -r-m- actou of the present tjouncil concerning their transactions during u10 past year appeared perfectly satisfactory i in connection with theilomiutuion keovo fyto made a very fitting aud reasouablo suggestion cousideriug the fact that tho present councillors were induced to accept oftleo very reluctantly owing to tho per turbed condition of municipal matters but having accepted they succeeded by judicious action aud tho presentation of a bold front iu the interest of the munici pality in settliug iu their favor the ob noxious cemetery litigation aud further that haviug been successful in conducting the affairs of tho village vith very general satisfaction they well deserved tho honor of beiug reelected by acclamation this action on tho part of the ratepayers would have obviated the necessity of an election and a good council with mr storey at its failures therein perhaps our careless head as reeve vrpuldbe in office for next years business his advice was however not carried out and as nl result there is now neither reeve nor council- three of last years councillors refuse to engage in the turmoil of an election contest after ows tiv londlv expressing our resolutions i their experience of last ver other candi- of amendment j dates have also withdrawn and mr storey s error into which all are liable to fall f t liowas left without sufficient should not be further indulged we irefer su for the transaction of the public to tht melancholy straiu iu which many j busiuess lias also reijigued- the office of are prone to take leave of the fleeting year uecvc and a new uoniiuation is conse- andflidg after oij times shadowy form i qaently necessary as he shoulders his scythe drops his hoflr- j glass aub leaves it to be picked up and in- j verted by the mrrry faced- youngster who jumps ukrby over the wall to till the the year eighteen hundred and eighty- seven will have bceu laid away in the records of uie past ere we again meet bur readers at the home fireside it is custom ary at this liiue to indulge in- more or less moralising over the lessons of the past to review with satisfaction or regret as the case nibe our efforts for sood or our 1 neglect ofyrtiuies presented but thought- lessly cast aside and from sneh selfex amination wc should not shrink neither ghoiid we parade the fact before our fel- 1 tcry law thanked the poopio for their conmlcnco in electing him but was not ftiixlous for further honors mr w k smith said ju you think 1110 capable of filling n councillors chair again elect 1110 if not i vill be pleased to remain at homo council matters hud heen fully referred to by previous speakers mr robt wallace reiterated all that had been said mr lyte asked for permission to iimku a suggestion considering affairs us they stixxlnt the eonimencemeiit of thu your and tho manner in which tlmy havo bocn unravelled tho councillors tbo past year deserve roelcotion by acclamation mr w ismottd never gavi it iiiav not be put pjf phce to state that mr storey is still willing to serve the people of acton iu the council but he natufallyexpects 10 be associated with meu of sufficient ability to trausact in a business maimer municipal- duties j otherwise his services are not at public com maud lull wastesno ttivie iu the candidates seem to be like a flock of gnrmbhug and faultnnauijover thejwork sheep whichwhenonegqesthroughogapthe of his departed fricud bul on the con- whole flock follow two of the candidates i declined on nomination dav mid others hav garden- his venerable predecessor ha somewhat neglected this blitlia lively lad who wears on his foxehef characters ls left and the to stand forelecttou until last friday if lucky enough to bo elected ho would thank them for tho honor mr john kenney said f elected ho would do his best for tin corporation thanked his mover and socoi dcr lid not believe iu making big spool hes until ho showed what he could do mr j a speight hadu decided yet whotlier he would boa candid ifo or not a thoothcr candidates we e absent and the meeting adjoufnod nominations llsewlikl bultmntiton ltcovo lr riuhardson e torrance r ukobuetowx for lleove jw mowod acclamation for council jl v thom son dr todd jos berber suu a mc- kinlay all by acclamation ksurisinii recvo r griihain accla- juation 1st deputy dr vbstcr acila- his consent for 12 days 1 a terrific slaughtering of fr 12 bays ijry goods clothiito carpets boots fe shos etc cook aud lasby john v wriggles- mation ud deputy davijt richard dick council jos campbell jahu kvans john worth knin reeve james ki deputy robert a rcid miiton mayor dr robeitbon elected by acclamation rcevo j if mccollom b hauiittiit councillors n ceorgj smith john kzard ston iw lilliotf richard roper south ward john smith lieorgo andrews ben jones geo a hemstreet kast ward micbqfel c011 way thos mcdowell charhs jones alex spiors james lindsayhuucui mckay siiniisi 11 ik reeve w councillors h v eaton t t w robinson wm tayloi bitamiiox mavor x 1 reeve john anthony deputy reeve it blain reeleclcd bv accla bv iriiih mayor a h i acclamation 1 toionio aid rogers a4- defoe ana trary at once begins his labors vni h the e f clarke mpf were knninated for r 1 1 l rt j 1 1 t m 1 i thusiasl and merrilv cries- 1 above was written three remaiued but air ixtoldyeirdieambe forgot with the lamw brmyn llr b since o the flock new year ou havecusi your lot j auii e csmith aiid john kenney so should we do o should we follow rt f and seem detennined to kecji his wise example instead of reveries of j in the council while they ure so sure of the the past let us take thought of f he future j positionwithout a contest viewed by a mnjsevefrtc from datar- j the candidates nominated are its f al lows j the mayoralty of toronto meetiug some of the speaki stantly interrupted by huotin ni vivi reeve j antes menzies deputy reeve d wheelihai leter norrish savers john mai diall joshua john kitchiug aud rkwood 1st jrth ward- john john- roues j ii hunter h- andrews r hardv w phillips ft company wholesale aiiaetail br ampiron ontario christmas is almost here uanipbell m v main street acton is fulh prepared to supply ihuiieeds of nil yvho reijuiro lure and fresh cioceiies fruits ac and everything else in unit line for tli2 holiday times inatiou mcdonald atj the after rsavero con- ig aud yelling councillors v- ilutcheon e act the prospects for a generally happy new yeaithroughautlhe world are all that r 1 could reasonably be desired coming back to thoughts of ourj own readers we extend a- hearty greeting to cacb and every one ud from today consigning the niyiiic ngiiret to its i and e smith declined case lor a nice years rest the fim uni l for councillors 1 john cvmkhos proposed by thos for reeve 1 v ii siokev proposed by wm hemstreet and luthur lyman j da loiv prppostd by rev r b cook and thomas eastou declined jotih fvm proposed by dr iovvry a1huin and iukskntatiov wijl replace it with the gractjfully balanced 8 aid iu advince wish you all a happy new year mtts am oimments i the canadian press as easton aud rev r b cook declined miss s b smith who has for some time acceptably held the position of teacher of the lome school has dm i deuce here been a very cfliciibt member of the choir of the presbyterian church in recognition of her services t lerewith and as indicating the good feeling towards her by the several members of ti j jcu biv 1f1 proposed by w lworden 11 jos a speight 3 w 1mm proposed by wm hemstreetand thomas perrynian sr a meeting oi the canadian presi as- dediued sociatiou will be held ere long for the dis- iwn e rin in proposed by alex cussisc of matters pertaiuingtbthe injerest secord aud wm hemstreet of the fourth estate and among bther jhn kismi- proposed by a l inestjons ofiraportaccc- the postal law will lambert aud wm lsmond receive attention i f cj b pivison proposed by win j hemstreet and alex secord declined torouu v- ir one thing is certain 7 roitrit waijaci proposed by thos there is lots oi nney in the country not j easton and rev r b cook declined choir she an excellent j fpou iu- 1 le choir and 1 e ou friday 111 in thebarte work has been plentiful the joiin a sriiriu proposed by dr s256n long crops fair and farmers prices lowry aud alex secord declined good and wfth these facts lefore phples jamis mooiu proposed by thof eyes they can hardly complain of hard i easton and thomas ferryman srde au emiiiel minister still living nehemiah who vith ezra led the j cliued 10 aitx stcii proposed bv w t bays smyth antl thos perryman t5rtcclided jews 11 jj lo hy proposedj by alex back to jerusalem from the captivity of secord and james moore- babylon vas the lat iayor that jerusa- lcm ever had and t model for mayors of all other cities for lie ordered all the spirit- shops to be closed on the sabbath arid all who hang about their giites to be indicted senator jfckindty of halton still haunts the ottawa departments anxious to have sorre asurancc as to wheii the tlectisn- 01 the repeal- of the scot ti act shall takefjlace in thecounty jne would iliiak tiiatthc 3iusstcr couid easily settle the matter without mckindseyo assistance seeing they have heeirthtt in possession of all the the facts hamiltorhitji fndtr the liquor law passid by the rjova sicotia legislature b fsfwthe licetj have befcirjheroicaliy cut dowutfie in spector for dirtmoutliuiov reorts uiat as a result the fale ofquirhalecreased c t i 1 so trivial reasons the village hud been put uiuetv per cent m tnat muuicipalitv while 12 d hisnijos proposed by w t smyth and mack seoord decliued there now remains only three candi dates in the held messrs w e smith john kenuey and james brown at the expiration of the hour for uomin- atiommr h p moore was moved to the chair after a few remarks he called upon mr jl ivfe the present reeve to address the meeting r lijfe was sure that there was on is occasion no probability of distention st years ruffle had eutirely ubsided and equanimity of opinion jpou general subjects concerning the municipality pre vail the council entered upon their duties at the beginning of the yeir under very unfavorable circumstances the cemetery law suit had however beeu satis factorily settled he regretted that for necessitate ynur ftluovtil from n ihljlhr if the cluir of knox cl violating tliv proniptiugi of the they entertain towards you ueru vou to depart withuiit in smnc i 1 the kindly rcvjarj- boriie foviinl i 0 ie connected n it ji our choir i we rcfrrei your removal not ndd n hccount of ibc lus to the part in the iiuejl tu vbicb ou cry materially contributed ilit we vcaij i tlmu nn interruption will incitr iu our inter- course with you which has iinn lialdy liceli df the- most agreeable nature and w assure you we ball elltertaiu the most friendly jf the pleasure of our society i practices andsociul meetings f our esteem nird in order thei muiethiiigmore material thnn i call your ussocintion with us we to you tlih album and in your ai wc arc sure we harbour 110 iil towards you when ve ioj it shall some tfcne in tbelfuturi- icciipy 11 honored pine- on a iarlor table in cozy well was marte the recipient of album and address from thei vitation from rev mr rac i some others met at the man evening when mr d henderson chosen words made all presnut aware of the purpose of the rather u iceremonious occupancy of mrs raes pari upon dr lowry to read the mr a maun to make the presentation divr miss smith as yen hn lering uioii u course of study and work other than that in which enaued and as the furtherin g -and- and the 1 daily plobej he oldest established leading newspaper of canada weekly olo 3e saturday duly olobe the different edition a special stock of crockery and dishes are shown in sets at 1 torn 250 to 2000 tea sets 5 worth 6 class 83ts 50c worth 65c lamps 150 worth 200 vegetable dishes fruit dishes cake stands c all jiher lioods proportionately heap f theiilobe spec bitween toronto and last will be continuet am miking connect the glob deliver thrjoughout toronto papers of the globe an be procured from all news dealers throughout canada al fast jrain lonkon which i as been ruriping daily sincerd march thriughout 1888 this traiiil arrives at london a- 6 o on vsjith all the e irly trains from that point securing for western ontario hours in advance of all ere customer knows that niv new ones will be convinced by caliini price oitlc are lov and a i vs tisfactory early ami cctiru ioods cheiip and circulation whch ap lears v ii iiahiixi advance of all other agement to always newspaper of caha3a th in point bargains baku a in 8 eafc bargains in clothing at jjfyfes be syre and sscuie sonse of the be offered during the next two weeks at clot r and called address and r dtciihd fii- lullirtiuciit of mi hive itfln our jiluijs will noiift u- tlit- urcli would 1m- leciiny uliitli thty tu ulluv y jiianiflstiii iii liv cfuh in cc urt rcimnibraiki it our wtfkjy j an t iiilihin tf on in my lufii ulcniory to iv- lflf i ltlslllt tiitiiiicv of it bargains which will the east end ling stone elegant tweed sullts from sljiuo to silmio worth from s1200 to sl0n dviroats from siulo o si4 at9 caps underclothing etc atcorrespondirtgly low irices all ihiciiasls ash ii accounts not settled by jjanuary i st will be placed jj fyfe acton lljul- w lmn h-iij- we to several hundred dollarb expense iu de- fending itself the monev would have c tjie iupector for jjuenhury bay he sale has certaink dinihiiihed threequarters it i i- much better been sieut on street nnprove- it would seem tnat the fewer the facilities r to buy liucr the ie hfjuor is sold mfcuts the best of feelin has jirevailed amon the members of the council during the first number of 77 a7 the new the past year and the only action found liberal conservative journal was issued fault with b a few wasthe b im ou tuesdav monmi it is a bright neat in a for onpaymeut of taxes the newsy and well conducted newspaper has bylaw was a fair oue however aud uo an able staff of writers aud of course with j one ho pays his taxes at the itiines- its lare capital and libejal support lias l b luw win 1ttve a trouble the bright prosptcty it seenvto us however b was enacted for the purpose of that the uiauacmciu were rather childish avoidiogjnterest on borrowed money and in heir apparent endtavojr to inaie the j b dividing the amouut to facilitate pay newpaptr as nearly as possible a counter- of the taxetj ii liab becu a bucccbs part of 77 slar this is particularly standpoipts and none but de- ioticcabieiiithecditjrijpase- i linquents had found fault he thanked 1 the electrs for the honor conferred upon theouelph mtri says si we auti- him in lacing him in the chair of the cipaleu there was really uo opposition to chief magistrate list year and iu again the reelection of mayurmacdonald one naminj dm lor the position which he now man with a mixture of- buffoonery and declined to accept malignity nominated rev dr grifrin in vr lowry chairman of the committee the hope no doubt of throwing ridicule on en gave an epitome of the that gentleman tirrratttinpt failed liow- financial uausactious of the year heports ever for with the exception perhaps oi the of all of these having appeared in detail in mover and seconder every one condemned thefnui pnrws from time to time it is the clumsy movement which couldlavc j unnecessary to repeat them the dr emanated only from the lowest kind of a j thought if ratepayers would take the trouble ward politician whose action is regarded to attend the council meetings aud become with the highest degree oj censure j acquainted wjth the municipal business there would be less misuiiderstauding and kef erring to it mince pie recipe men- j complaining talk on the street corners and tioned in these columns a week ago the j in the stores concerning public affairs he canada jitt- 1 says wcregret very much i understood tliere was a rumor oil foot that accidentally when the editorswas un- i which said the teii per cent men must vhieh vquxlialhiijiy witl seine one in ihe nniuiix- lm- been euc to low n ml iik lnseiil fr uu nil tosib slieetss ir j vonr studies and wish on the ecjinipliincnts of j jie sen on und c- jimy that he who guidetlmll t ahins inn v lie mir sinide that under his direc- tiuii inid liy his jijuer yon nay lie led ti and preiinriil for n idiice in those mansions uimli are iiiiiniiil are ljevend 1 signed on lielinll of theehoir liij atmfsn ah ilatii no larson w h ijjwry misssuijtlijwho had been totally iguor- ant of the atfair was rather surprised yet i acknowledged in graceful terms the gift j and asked mr itae to further reply which j was done in fitting words after d few j remarks by mr heuderson and gcueral social converse the meeting was closed with prayer by mr liae i our stock is morning edition oclock 00 per annum 00 300 100 100 canal eep d fan papers and it i the intenticn of the m-n- fhe globe the r to adverisers as an advertising qicdium the globe hasj no equal in canada at head 6f its editorial columns daily is fa its in oul n its proujli position as the leadi ig of circulation andpinfluence globe printing ci to fob oheistm as very full of choice goods in ivorv and done ciitlei vof common and plated lue and white enamel ware lamps and lamp goods iortmentin thissectioii of country the ian gone sleigh liellsi donian lire tavs choppei6 lnreru miiicm holiday m itogei grand ssecial 9 holiday saief ciirisrimas 1887 1 a 1joitflct 1andiuma atl tiotin this week at no 07 j t uuy ior ik thousands whojdiare in the bargains tw aro going the great lxicnniuation g ef dress goods continues irfili pil been added tqthe acrilicc- hiiiidrccuil pieces of trench all wcoldm goods w- colored cashmeres ac rangin j from v to 75c per yard are going oat oca v 10 fesul hard times the deai fers this thue you getthe beitfjt- tweeds akkg01ng a sicrfjf- so are the finer class of siutino pt i rj tile oodbjeaveyour measure get thej for nothing afid save money in the trai action everything iu the way of si aud boys clothing cheap overcoats bi own make vel pat together wamntedto wear bargains waiting for youc a ckash in ou lace curtain depart pidut ajjotiorperhap a little nuty but a notion carried into effect a little piu of about co pairs nottingham lacecnr taias lone ojtsjjich were less than tfto per pair and some jlooo you cas hava jou pome uick at vj50 pbr paircona 1 eeal irish table linens i kins to match charming goods greaibjil towels for a very mail price sidebo covers fringed tinsel chair scarfs pj covers haw silk table covers and tcores f other pretty thingsin this depanmtiit worthy of your inspection come a carnival in hadkllichief i nice little pictures for the children 0 f oc nice fancy hemrued border 2or5c real nice fancy cambric and hemttach 3 8 10 m lj is o and iijc heres all liueu ilaudktrchief hemrhtu with nice woven border 1 for 2c 8 for 25c i for oc and a real fine white irish lavrti- at ioc each jieautiful lavn httmtjtch vyith border inch and 1 inch wide at 18 20 25 30 15 and 10c each a wordabent our silk handkerchiefs plain japanese fancy brocades lyous sillfs hundreds rf them from 25c to s500 each ve think tte cheapest goods ou have ever seencoae we thought we- had too minj fancy knitted woojens tucb as hocft corah shawls fancy tun s fascinators how pretty the giris look iu them no tvou- der they are called by tiatuam- hoods caps etcbut blessyou they aru goifigoa with a bound and no wonder kidauvoue ever dream such charming tints and iqvcij e lowprice textures could be produced atlh we offer them con e our spate has giver out ard we he 50 much more ual tell you ahut hot vte stll ko clieaptc buy moe space only i word- more still tbout 3p of thje fendid fit ting germa 1 maiitles and dolmans also astrachau iacketscmeiud see therest noted for choice gccds no credit e r boljert- 27 lower wyndeill 1 uelphjoxt irlliiioxii in onrce brass niel nacks carvers nd scissors iii set flush goods skates ebony butlers aud other celebrated makes agateware bras toddv kettlns brass easel brass fire irons far- jiludl is ajisjfters bre arion jonr direct hairdware importers headcitiarters for aes crosscut call an ad knives bread platteis meat knivjs and a rich profusion of goods suitable for the i see what we have t m bond co iiu tb coming -and- uemeh saws scales cilw- chains haltersil all haixlvvare qjttiji3s h n jviccabivsbs stock is now complete vviili all the iioviel- ties of the season suitable for cmtorulgowellasupttociinlrentbftt i qutorte wires cblle constipation irecommendltmnperiortoaotprescription i sour btomach diarrhoea eruetation taoretome a a acimi i bjulaworms gives sleep and promotes dl- ulsoolfafdbtbiookl7bnt wlfssisjorioufl medicatka tul ckhtacb company 17 murray street x y amirllkk her removal able to attoud to hi work there appeared i go if this was the case he was perfectly in the 6vntcs 1 a receipt for making satislied to go mince pie one of the ingredients of which l- mr john cameron chairman of the vyas a glass of brandy jur readera street and sidewalk committee was next need no assurance of our to convince tliern i called the order and quiet of the meet- that we do not believe iu anytuch culiujary ing revealed the fact lie thought that preparations incalculable harm is dpue nomination day surroundings havo changed through the use in cookery of alcoholic he gave a detailed report of the work of liquor slumbering appetites are thereby j his committee for tie year and had no sometimes aroused and iu othcrcases there hesitation in comparing thfl work perform- ls danger of the terrible habit being to ed with that of any year since incorpora- some extent fostered or encouraged the tion either upon the question of cost or right attitude of temperance workers is permanence the street crossings are in abstiueus from all appearance of ev 1 i better shape than ever before could en- and we sincerely hope that ourlady readers dorse all beeve fyfe had said respecting wbeiledgaged in cooking operations ill ithe harmorjiotui character of the council keep clear of arjyihim that would teudi to and committee meietuigs daring the year auy eittdt io auevildirectiou jfcfe also referred tcftfoe futility of tbaceiae i frevious to her removal jliss reid teacher of bannociburn schooj was made the recipient of the following iaddrcss ac companied by au elegant llioto album the address was read by cambrori wurren j au4 the presentation made byjada hoiner- ville- j j kstikmiitlaiuinaiura fnost pleaxaut and prolitaldc relationship betnei11 uh us teneh or and pupils for two eari we are now aliuut to jirt how mueh we regret that von are about j to leave us it would he dimcult jto express in word but we feel that we cannot allow- you to go without acknowledging jour kjiudiiens to ut and our indebtedness to you fori the valuable j iristruetion we have received and for your worthy eruniple il has becu out privilege to j follow your position as teacher here has led us to love and respect you while an evidence of r the thoroughness of your work lmfi been seen in the unfaililik nicccsa of your pupils at their public examination in order that you mny notliooii foryet us we have pleasure in presenting you with this album which is only a fiiiut expression df our regard for you we sincerely thank you or your klud- j iiesn and forbearance toward us and wish you i continued success and divine guidance in your j future labors i i miss reid feelingly replied oxpr issing i both her surprise aud pleasure at being the recipient of such a present a 1i0vs tkkhh1le ejil j ivirttuojin dec 22 this moruiug a j 10 year old son of mr wm mcmaster i carpenter was found hanging dpad in au unaspd building ou bherbrookc btreet it j appears that the lad who did not come home as usual last night had tried to get into the building through the cellar floored with heavy planking not nailed down he stood on a cdrpenters trestle aiid applying his head raised the adjoining nj of two planks so that ho got his head through when he must have slipped from the trestle and was caught on each aide of the neck by the plonks be was found this morning dead aud stiff li- 1- infants and children o i ron uotiivii and xts k scotch suitings serviceable shades ssm wp wisb the free press reddors oxttdto stylish surfaces merchant tailors cuelph otjt this otjjt j yoo j qood fov oiie fancy sleigh ifbeamrbuys300 worth of goods thip ovder must be prevented to hoilinrake sons jultox oxt 1 lit wei offee a ipicely painted nd well got up sleigh 27 mcftlqs ion thehboys and girl want to every cash pure baser of mojre of dry foods millinery clothing groceries bpos everybody should take advantage of this nt orbat u jleajujvg saje of m1mjnery v ure soiling new and jfnaiuo mble lauies felt hats woftlj j3l2j to 150- for 50 co wo will not give ji sleifi to any porson unjess tjjpy luhig above ordpr hollinrake mammoth ts eac li just a give alt sons oh ap store jut what worth or and shoes ay price newest stales very chejip v ccujststing of- 1 toilet cases dressing cases jewel and odorcases v in plush writing desks j work boxes j scrap and auto al bums in plush and leather photo albums latest designs hand nltfrbrs whisks ajid whisk holders toilet bottles for covering shaving cases and mugs magic lanterns 1 dolls inchina kid and rubber trumpets mouth organs bibles both oxford oater hair brushes and perfumes- boys aud girls own jjuniinl baud of hope british workninn picture books ac ic everything worth having will bo found mcgarvins dwig and stationery stpre- cton proji we liava i suitable thesn ing about 14 silvcrwrev oooils vri1ii iliens rilfciislii yir cnyfe viii ill the c g the31e1 eevel pmsl vflmr si vvjc3l yautimw f pastcn htriyiis ftil tnnlivcushcrs im u sittiiiki n- lcw hicwaril- thuls0- collated by thl fre lsh after another we have j 31 any a y oiibristinss ihe bricl nftetiirf thisel thcfiik roadem a hupj tire salvtj old year out an there kj streets on- c were made liol the iron ii drying hill at is about comp inc puwi on 3ionday jtl on tuesday oil lorxn on i gold pin iuit linder 3jus sil uecotdel not butmnilii with oiltstretcl the aiiuij the4uspces cfl clrarch will bc vatchsi the 33tiiodist ing from 10c0 ushered in the stock j his mkr wal tuesday to srj on the dollar he dollar mr f l is m mjuton goods store is we renrttlli j zsn like mrwi r staff fjapta znnnurman cj over sundayai ing at the s a j mr john il of lcrne schooll now conposedl tiios canierouj i john it clj jothand 20ili addresses to iiitkid his all thcclc are single men as leap year is i brief item is full readers young nieil winds trying tol particular yonnl present are advl are very clieap the arnpril simitpk lisif il number of tleiil vai revnded bl part of jocai m j aopu to the coiitvisiil rcalidy bj be seen carryin giristudy of h in vain it will la n toi stllat 3irj for municipal hi he will make a aud ran be ilev interests of- r removing to toi luselhijg ojitiiil goods etc at oi the 21st jaauarl goods at cot prl household furnil etc by private i to purcliise gool time furnitul the editors ltd au excliige fditor lied and where he siippol ed him the q for muny yi blame for the el in tile paper and che fl alir the printers s it ii r jay iigh cent to thy nau paper without tfiee fr not tjiou hast y the pasgengi shown thy anui thou hast borj not come iirhej bedidschemuil is home anl come in here hq ally daumu and thus he vc jiy ttingaorrt the merry wt the ghristuil utilized for wef wednesday la miss jennie ca of acton were they were marl and were attcnj will speiglit a actcn their thoir- friends presentation ofl xast eyeningl mill street re j wedlock 3jrt leslies school mopfe piineip j and jmi ilquiij xjfhtnelf recent dcml oil wefce coijined t families the of a niimshr- usirul andornn the fnixij gfatulfttipns pairs and wishtl hwjiy comfort