Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1888, p. 4

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mmm f ije ctoit jrti ms thursday laxpauy 12 t thk mx of tile ikwsk rv hriikt aspstiin r liukof there t 3f w y li v i will lako tulph jemima tsfcc kslph ichabod i csut 1 socri liiinj i cant spare ray boy am so few of is now brolher but whu under the canopy ajco you poiutodo with a great growing bo eat ing you out of house and home at the ajje when lio needs a nun to look after him too 1 tell yoj jcuiima its uojnisensc bundle up the boys clothe- and lfct him jump mto tlio cart and so with mo- his aunt polull sco that he lilts plenty to do and lie can rlop in now and then j to sec vou on market davs if vou like well- do i well by the boy jemima- dont thru away a fair offer come ralph your know which side your bread- buttered on you want to go home with me dont you it hardly seems possiblo that this coarse- lookingtedfaeod man a regular llnplo pumbechook of a man could bo owu bro ther to the sleuderl rcliued woman in widows mourtna against whom tho boy was leauiii his arm uirowb fondly around her shoulder the thought of liviug with uncle ichabed and aunt polly was fileful uand ralph shuddered attho bare idea but ho was a well trained bay all d politely an swered i cannot leave mamma uucle- papa told me that i was to be the man of tire bouse papa had dusta month ago humph irctty man of the house youll be need a mau over you i say and storming andblustering uncle icha- bod departed slimming the door behind hiuifjand driving old whiteface clatterty- banffdowrrthe road at a great pace i hope ive done wisely ralph said mrs atjforf smoothing back ber boys fair hair fwe have very little money and your uhcle is rich i i wont eat anviore thin i can help mamma and id stop growing so fast if i pjossiblsffcnld bleflilie dear child eai all yoitwant jaddiejnd dont worry about growing the sooner you grow to be sf tall man as papa was the sooner you will be able to takegood cre 0 mamma aid your sis ters if there was very littja money in the alfords bonie there was something much better a great deal of love 31rs afford knew how to be merry over bread and milk and no to cloud her childrens plea sure she kept a cheerful face even wben she felt sad and lonely ralph went to school every day and tried not to worry- bis mother by complaints but it was hard for i boy of eleven to wear trousers which were too short in the legs and jackets wbjiekjpersisted in getting too tight overthe chest with sleeves which crept halfway to tho elbow j one day mis meredith his teacher in tho day school where attended asked lute o rcmiiu a few momauts she knew how bravely andpatiently tge little man oflliehouse ws3 bearing his heavy burden and so she wished to encourage hiiix all she could and keep his spirits np ralph dear sho said yes miss meredith yoa re a wonderfully gosj reader for your a haven r yon been used to read ing aloud yes jiuwmeredtii answered ralph i ocd to rjad to papa every day the paper ind stories and poetry and tbe bible 1 thought so now hiave a proposal to make there i a blind lady in the house where i board she required some body to zmus lr and she will pay three dollars a week to a person who can read to her two hoars every day i have been thinking that i could excuse you every morning at- a quarter before twelve and let yoa rrjkffcome ect your luuclieonrafld then you might go to mrs merrifield for an hoar i then if you could give her another iidar froai four to fire in the after noon she would be satisfied ralph ilmost jumped for joy at tie pros pect of earning three dollars a week why how glad he would be to help mamma so much uthat that would bo liktfjlhe man of the bouse miss meredith proceeded mrs merri- jjyjsa abrupt old lady and sometimes rather impatient in her manner 1ou must not mind her plainspeaking however and her taste iu readisg may sem very dry to a boy like yon but that you will be prepared for as it will only take two hours each day miss ileredith said ralph i do not mind anything if i can only please the laa earn some money for my mother its dreadful he added confidentially to grow so fast and to eatso much as i do ii wasnt tc very pfeasantest thing in the world for u boy who liketlto pla ball and cricket end lively gatnes to spend two hours a- day reading baxters saints lied and owens fourfold udt loo blind lady but ralph did it mrs merrifield took a great fancy to himfrom the moment she passed her fine wrinkled hands over his smooth face and the longer he came tq her tbe more pleased she wa saying now and then to miss meredith theres good blood there my dear jhs little lads a gentleman she could hot see him color painfully one day when the felt his bare wrisis and divined the outgrown jacket but 6he had too delicate a cense of his natural pride to send him the order for a new suit of clothes which she had resolved upon for liis birthday present until a fortnight later miss meredith happened to mention the yboyt birth d ay before mr merrifield sent her gift she 1 had a good txcccc for doing so i ralph w was sitting by the window a pausei liafl come in the reading the old lady liked to stopnow and then to consider what her favorite author haf teen saying sudden ly with a hurried j beg you i must gf tiia boy dasiiedout of the roouif as if heliad been stung by it hornet leaving his patron with npliftqd hands in a state of amazement fevtr judtlii pentle boy behaved in w unparalleled 1l manner a monifcut later he was bask beaming in his arms a beautiful darkeyed child whose little dresu was stained with rnud while her haiidrfiasbleedingfromasharpscratch i a skye terrior brought up the rear bark ing violently and a very mnch demoraliz ed maid came straggling after sent the order for the new suit bat thmuhortjwas jjreator merit iu thmteady wlf denial which made tile boy ready to give jtffoiepiidjlrturb dy to ttnoonkon ial wtlmnwthe udtiimulifl which sentiauttntoujihbylfroretil ilefvintlttmielt a really itiatmink matt of the hoiuc though uncle ichabod still griinibles at jemima wilfulness in sppiting thiboy ttarpr young ieoplr dyapepaia is dicndiiil i tniaery indigestion naturo x j tho humiiii dlgmrttvd a unglk8- andjokews half an hour with the wlvp men tliwit ttudtheparnrrnlihskifthewaivj r good tho yoar rouudunational pills area goodblqod puribcrlivcr regulator and inild pmgativo for all seasons la urlcr and to i hiv toim tho most rouiplicuted ant wonderful things in existence it is eawly disordered liver ir too to good i pflrntutf isonoof put out of order a ladywritct i waa enabled to ro- move tin corns rot and brauoh by tho use of hllotays corn cure othora whohovo tried it havo the tame experionoe whecaunjjasping anjeteroraf rom asthma receivo quick and plcrmanent rcliolby naing southern ajsthma cure sold by all drug gists or by mall ou receipt of price x orlcla of twrarlav- v the brother of the fairy paribanou was only thirty inches high hi beardwas thirtytwo feet long and oxtended horizon tally iu front of biotai he walked- he in i vented swearing to ixprota his feelings when poor biscuit wens set on his table ilia wife could always mako biiouit to please hipi by using imperial cream tartar baking powder the signs of worms are wellknown but the remedy is not always so well deter mined worm rowderb will destroy them a abort road to hoalth was opened to thosoisaffering from chrouic coughs asthma bronchitis catarrh lumbago torora rheu matism excoriated nipples or iuflame4 breast and kidney complaints by the in troduction of tho inexpensive and effectivo remedy vr tiomas kclootrio oil for the complexion for pimples tau blcjches and all itching tamore of the skinuse prof lows magic sulphur soap grcaoy food tough fohq ajoppy food bad cookery mental worry li to hours iirogu- lar habits and many ot iov tbingb whloh onghhiot to bohavo ma lo tho american people a notion of dyspep its but greens august fjnvur hiib dono a wouderful work in rciforii ing this sadbusi- ncs and making tho atierican iwoplo bo- heajlhy that they can o ijoy their meals 4nd bo trappy rcmombvr no happiness without health but gfcctai au ust flowed brings hoalth and lmppiueas o the 3ypeptio ask your druggist for a bottlo sovonty fivo cents worms often causu serious illpcsb tho ouro is dr lows worm syrnp it destroys and oxpols wornvs ertccutally i r 1 castoria lsi well adapted toohlldren that i castorta cures oolle ooastlpduon ireeommcnvlltiasupcrlortonnyrrescriduoril soar btoniehrdlarrnooo eiiictauon known to mo il aacnsa m p j kflljfl jlvoaijecp proaaoo wfoxxoraatbroolnpjv witsoariptt jtaedf oatfaa tub 0daojt comajjy 57 murray street h v u- bah ralibillrd the old or the young may at all times and all seasons of the year take burdock blood bitters with benefit when requiring ablood purifying tonec or a regulator of the stomach bowels liver or kidneys most excruciating are the twinges whicb- rack the muscles and joints of the rbenma- tic northrop lymans vegetable dis covery and dyspeptic cure by promoting increased action of the kidneys by which the blood is more effectually depurated removes through the natural channels certain acrid elements in the circulation which produce rheumatism and gout the medicine is also a fine laxative antibilious medicino and general corrective bron voarcnaru dont allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into catarrh when you can be cured for 23c by using dr chases catarrh cure a few applications curein- sipieut catarrh 1 to 2 boxes cares ordinary catarrh 2 to 5 boxes is guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh try it only 2oc and sure cure great sale and kluoklkli ok nde3t gooods at till i t 3ljfmmotii jlioirsei georgetown iu order to rediide our stock and to meet tlie tight times for rnoney we have determined to hold n great stile this sale shrill continue until the 31st day of january 18s8 and we will make extraordinary efforts to clear tho stock outunlreurd oil bargains will bo given the following will give you some tden a beautiful colored silk 25c per yard silkec anil satins 37ic per yard- uress goods for oc worth 13c for 8c worth 15c for loc worth 2oc and so on up in millinery and mantles we will give you great drives ladies hats for 5c and 10c up ladies mantles wonderful goods or 1 worth 5 and so on up knitted woollen goods immense bargains gains 81100 elegant to kb ovemiais from x hats caps under f low prices bargains 1 hs great bargains in clothing at jiyfes be supejandseclire some of the bargains which will be offered duping thc nexttwoiweeks at the east end clothing store tweed v its from worti ivom81200 sioo iluo t zyhw clothing etc at correspondingly f our stock is very full of choice coodsin j t brats nick nacks carvers and ffctssors in sets hlish ooods hkatis ebony f ivory and bone cutlery of bogunvbuucrh audouiol til abmtcil makes agateware oommon and plated bluo and wlnto kiiainel wijjro damps upd lampgoods the largest usaorlinuiit in tliii sect m of country gonhbisleih bolls trays brass toddy kettles bratsettsil brass fire irons tar- dotuans ftro kiiidleis ahh sifters bread kiu jc bread platteisivat clioppers parers mincing knives and u lich profialon of goods suitable for the holiday skason caul and bkuwllat vk uavk direct hardlsrare j liiipoters headruttttorfl for axos crebscut saws sciilcv coc jiaiiis ilalters and all hardware k 3s 3srxop fkom the- templedf ah accounts not si in court alt yyi llaseslcasii ttlec by january 1st will be placed our celebrated 20c worth 30c rey lhinnelfor blankets for the public should bear in inind that dr thomas ecltctric ou baa nothing in com mon with the impure deteriorating class of socalled medicinal oils it iseminently pure and really efficacious relieving pain and lameness stiffness of the joints and muscles and sores or hurts besides being an excellent specific for rheumatism coughs and bronchial complaints a fatal attack a fatal attack- of croup is a frequent occurrence among children every house hold should be guarded by keeping hag- yards pectoral balsam at hand it breaks ap colds coughs croup asthma and bron chitis in a remarkable manner creamjr extlled people are apt to get greatly excited in case of sodden accident and injury it is well to be prepared for btreh emergencies haggards yellow oil is the handiest re medy known for burns scalds brnises lameness pain and all wounds of the flesh it is used internally and externally the extraordinary popularity of ayers cherry pectoral is the natural rekaltof its use by intelligent people foroverforty sears lt hasproven itself the very best specific for colds coughs and pulmonary com plaints orureal ttlllly there is no other medicine of such gen eral usefulness in the household as hag gards yellow oil for the cure of rheuma tism neuralgia tore throat and all inter nal and external pains and injuries oh grandma racdma crijd the 1 would have been- nnbod little- girl over if this big boy sad not jumpedddwu from the skyjast in time just in time barked die skye i errior and where were you mdusiru in quired the old lady severely of the maid who was anbamcd to tew tbe truth which waa that tlifliad forgotten lierjiulo hargo wlfile gossiping wjui a tallpoliociiitti who inhisluru atu unminul of iris duty and did not observe thejiorses which icafijfl wmrhiig round tire corner faster tbin the daw allowed it was after that that mrs meirioeld a bemarkablccase frederick wieze of minder ont suffer ed with running sores on both legs which the best of physicians failed to care two bottles ofburdockrblood bitters cured him completely scrofula always due to bad blood is curable when timely treated with bbb t- these- at e3i i m jt 175 worth 300 neatest drive on earth x tweitd lbr25cworth 50c blue serge or 30c- worth 50c a li rge lot of ladies and childrens furs tow cloiredout regardless ofc isc ladies cloak ing and ulsteriugs 50c per yarel- ivoftll doilllo tll- fcy so on up wcaiv gtiing to pel carpets oilcloths rfigs and mats to as tonish thjpeople hemp carpet 8c per yard good union carpet 25c per yard illwool carpet 50c per yard tapestry carpct2oc per yard br us- els carpet 50e per yard gjreat clearing out sale in readymade clothing koyls suits meus suits boys overcoats and mens overcoats mens coats for 100 and 206 worth four times the money allwool mens undershirts and drawers lib 4 ia weight for 50c worth 75c foot wear and felt overs special baif- gains we have also struck a bananza in prints 1q00 pieces to choose from all fast color worth from 10c to 17c they are to be sold for 5c ok tie 8c and 10c it will pay to buy their and keep them for spring check shirt ings and cottons great drives the best shirting in the market for 10c and 12k per yard the above is simply giving a faint idea of what we are doing come and inspect the bargains for your selves we are still carrying on successfully our dressmaking millinery aiul tailoring depart ments goods sold for cash or produce mcleod anderson co is fully prepared fruit jv to supply die li ao iiii uvtiy at from seta 50c vo vegetable distcic all oir have voaxotleedlt the weary all gone feeling with gnawing at tbe pit of the stomach pr a choking from undigested food so comjmon to the weak dyspeptic this trouble is soon remedied by burdocklbjoodbitters which is a positive cure for the worst form of dyspepsia kent and caarorll tutfialttfb browpshottschold panacea hs do quat for relieving pain both internal and xternal it cures pain in the bide back or borcls sore throot rbeuraatfeiri toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will mostsurely quick en tbe blond apd heal as its netihg power is wonderful v browns household pqii- acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment hi the world should he iu every family handy for use when wanted as it really l the best remedy in the world for cramp in the stomach nd pains and aches ipf all kinds and is forsale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle every cuit now ones will be i fyfe actors hard times i but ahhstg- main street acton i ic cf iil vlto reijuiie pure and fresh groceries hi uc in uiat line forth3 timcb cheap special stock of crockory and dishes are shown in sets 2 gti ioooo toa set 5 worth 6 class lamps 150 worth 200 iu pishes cake stands c rticiialuly cheap 1 1 lioiji jripi iiiy j-rjei- lire lowi and always salisfactory i hi come cnrlyand scenre goods cheap i- t and ii hakdingv g- groat clearing sale of jfew and sccon 1 hand organs pianos melodians on easy terms of payment 55 new and socond hand- bell organs from 820 up 6 karo organs now from 87o up 25 now dominion organs mobt of those lmtrnmontb are at picrcnt rcirtnl tlirottii tljj ccimtry and i will warrant every instrument whin i null to fivepuift t biuisfuttion 10good f to5h a large consionme1 it of- small musical merchandise including baijd and other inbtruments expected every day direct from dermai manufacturera which will be sold cheap foi r arrniikoiins ne to wlmt jirko of iiistriin 11 mdd selection according to jiricuyou wikli i for approval aiid if tho luatrunivnt is not wortl i am ktlll doaling in the ocniiino t organ sheet mudc ordered daily cash t youiviuitor writo forlint and i will mdd selection according to pricoyou win to nay to von jiirrt ftationorjoiivcrtbo same for approval and if tlio luatrumiut is not wortli tliainoniy 1 sli fori return itiit my expense i am ttlll doallng in thcgeniiiuti llciiitjman finiio rto t e celebrated dominion piano and v- j tmtjsiio- thomftsjoraui new from 875 np tcond ilund pianos from 87 875 up ot- o- jvels aiest telephone connection importer of foreign musica bedtjgt in al 8 parxm m railwayti grand trunk o0ino east mixed j 743d m e iprtkiiha express 7 co om i lixcreu- pftmttil10 50 niiit irtfexga tbroogb expc 0u pm j ail m accoun 9 5 pm j ixoais f oblcaso express doen not stop l and brampton went ejiait- time orciosixn mailv going avct0 l am and jl20pjri going est 1040 cin and i20dmch rail oouraa pure8t 8ttknc3t contaie4sjho alum ammonia timej ph08 of anj injuriow njaterlalt s ewjgillett lterreftboeij2b2ae2ft the wanzermt candle iowbi r 2f waszer k 0e jlaauiac hamilton oat merchandise quebocst gnelpb bhts- v mantle sale irednced one half any mdrl price 8llmantleforf550 sk siantlc for f050l shawl sale 25 per cent discount off shawl 8375 88j shawl for 8c3s hosiery sale- ladies woo hoho solid co- 20c mens citbhrnerq hoso ico dress goods salemolton cloth 7 1 tweeds 25c millinery sale tiventyfive per cunt cfr id hunt sale choice of any fancy lriiit titi and i5o all for 7o a ftpleudid chance to buy goods caltpet sale loper cent offurussels tapestry curtain baletwcntjfivc percent oflmadi curtains 10 per cent off turcoman and jjutc curti is z7ir a6oik in only partial lil of mm jojh n n- jc ict or dolnian over 810 half sluitle for 750 fi shawl for s3 s3 shawl for 15c ladies cashmere hose fn itz f f ft by cost ome ijd frliitius 15c liisery v pcryarda goods wortli 10 121 cheap for next season 1 wopl unionandhemp carpets s ciiriafjjh lijper cent off lace cirftti reductions dliessmaklxg a spjtl mckly brgkeehs 46jind 40kjnq stree scotch su fthigs serviceable shades i i stylish surfaces ihaw eo itindy rmrchant tailors cuelph in ilie j ontario feisty at le insurance company rf ead off5ce vaterloo ont no ilts progress lbii 1850 li furniture uotebtakxfg ouk- 4 furniture department under com a kine sllectku stock ot parlor bedroom suites spring beds mattresses tables chairsetc etc etc itivii in trery dejiartment al de- lty ast hamilton nolchimnoy no globe smote ki p o sitivcly konrxpkive 0 eer getl ed burns any grade f coal ofli every latnp fitfaautced ay thoiit iatcria with tbe lfcht caa pnt on knreerysui beat watcii boil ega make tc snacoflceo stew etc erf boil ejga make tep t i i fr mtttrwsifci bole aoeki fob tctci a ajmcde 4 1 naim w ml ioihinthrjeae canafr ifot a snuil pbwaer or iirkao lg uqata- e0 cu and 1 j if not obtain blaatypeti gists sent prepaid on receipt 6 price 1 fuuford co brkvltpj r- mm kit cataf bmiqediaial jos y fold in i hay ouk aling department inn witii aibeautifcl a full lilie of goods from tlic coffins best makers nlways on hand r pbices reason able j j speight son j nskels and burial robes all sizes in stock f oiuih pkomptly filled v j speight son- how lost how iltestoredl just pnbliebcd a hewbuition of ir ctflr wells celebrated xesaycon the badlcsl e of 8permatorrlkea or inenpajity i4kd excess or early iidiserction tbe celebrated author in- ibis essay clearly demonstrates fro na tlflrt uceessfnl practice that tbe lanolng qnencea of early error inaj- be radiialrje pointing out a mode olvcaie atonee certain and effectual by mean tf wtiid sufferer no matter what his co ndition riisjps may euro biinsoll cheaply jrifately aesirjl calfy a j tis rtbis lecture sbonlfl be in tbehknofofi youth and every man in the ibi d 5i scat underseal in a plain nvelcpeiwjj address on reciipt of four ceutp ortvro stamps addrtes the rjuivsitv7ell jjeiical coj 41 ann st ftew voi1s n t voa jta speicst qj jer jr- new aksurancc aksuranci a in lif rrcniiuin iuixiiej intercut income llcatli claims paid profits pid asifcu surplus ou hand in 1188780 k2 ck7j 2113 i iuw- ii27lii 13775 1 18w j9ri0050 6501479 1k370 27431 12004 i 427430 32ug 1k1 24s30 713901 jb5770 2gb89 bsflta 19939 a2gg3 47223 1bs6 2565750 977434 272306 43494 54250 31010 909490 61535 wmi ieendry i- mangor h atonlblu kncces it is the doty of every person who has nsed boschtfu qerman syrup to let its won- derfulgqfittieg be known to their friends in cannj consumption severe coaghs croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all twatandhipfrdiieabe no person can use it witbont immediate rolief three doses will relieve any ease and we consider it the duty of all prukgists to recommend it to tlie poor dyins consamptivo at least to try one bottle as 80000 dozen bbiyes were sold jastyear and notmeease where fairly wasj reported bnch a medicine as the german syrup catnbt be too widely lsmkinrdrurtaipltaeample rmflmt lrmi1tywu ajze 76 celrts sold by all dnijfsts and dealers if tbe united state anfcajnada nwash0im0lpps eminent throat and ijiin surgeon w i 1 1 next visrip acton dominion imiteli thursday 29th december one day ojjly catakuh throat cubed a few of tho liiwllrcds tfho h we been success fully trcatod by f4 woshiugtc us now motliod mrs jno jickclvy liiiotcii ontgatarrb and coiibumntion john jickclvy kingston onl catarrh mrs a hopping kiugstoi out broncho consumption mr e scott kingston onl catarrh hckd and throat t mrs juo botraiu haitowcmithontj catarrh throat jambs matthews p maotnr acton ont ca- tarrab bead and throat i f pfancip merlin out catarrh headand throat 1 miss nolllo bbyberlln out unlarsed tonsil v wing l m corunua ont catarrh bead henry bcott ucrlin out antuuia- mrs lwagnor near lioilfrji ont catarrh boid and throat levi kercbor st jacobs onl catarrh head and throat colin campbell pt edwardjont asthma israelii btacoy button ont atarrh vm sboomakcr hodneyj on catarrh joseph smiley fort gratiot v h catarrh bad form w h storey esq of bto ft son glove manufacturers acton ont br washington is tho only throat ami lnng fkiriiuon in anadu hiss mary a uombouri oentorvue lont catarrh head and throat uxi otidfui lebness h titobsont con snmption titos snider bloomfleld out catarrh bead and w h riddell- secretary p moore agent for acton jss j use on your machmeiy only the wellrknown 9 gold medals h j v ivv waggons iviirl horse- powers ttlioio ols ar farm gnejph rainit afili jor tluni elbss oil been awarjlcd it duiinfi tholast three years tiso our poorloss axle sroasefor your 3 used and highly recommended at thomodel no other manufaetnrfd4iju0cecit7011 vtorlis by sapiu ithrbst threshers impoltted direct imoil charles w i music store opposite pot the largestandmost coinpleteconsiniueut of m been received in guelph lthe stock con lmlfsize violins el rogers 4 toroo witbtho above articles nvatkin is s in all flsefil mnltea and colotit hodeiy ai tapestry bvo8blbntrtfi imfl all- wofl yvjnooy atjonly fie another lot of wincey buporfltio jlwoolpfill erillinf- oil at iv hi i mensb eediictiprisj jufe see thorn the colors dowi i from 18 to tun lixnollent n other lot ol nice striped re3s goodn dov cheap ji st see it bnd vcti wijl feel it yo from the 111 tie boylto ibtvai mauo n hamilton ilecember h 1s87 dv ot o 3 of double basses yiolincello jat banjos cases aceordcon harmonicas banjothetrs tambourines cymbal silver and brass thrvmings thebo goods arebohght for cash ami impotteu71i ol acton and vicinity may look for 15argins this full with a fall line of the bell qegains- lans for which i am soleatjcut for guelph and vieiiii prices of new organs before you buy second hand oiis i jffheliaiisdownepianp is taking the load leaduijiririsiciiins fro selling their old pianos and bnyjug this piano call and examine my btpck iso trouble to show the sheet muxio trade bem6mber the place tovehsblaclioppbaito pol jeemay to lls ice islam d home 5tsick fs prtha sirs fcscfmsa tea wd bw hoo utdll- tety lugcsctncfr elet frua ni tort lt tit s ten vhituux cock laigo- 1 crct addrta ask burdock isiciil mcrchahdise t that has ever violas full three quarter and ieeol6s flutes clarionetes ncij bass drums snare drums eel so tho music loving people ind winter mystoreis stoifkeq wne pianos i j dcsuro call and get tie special atteution paid to gompound lver bilion is leil k dney likmll toitheblo w aateverj jvotju- t m hveby t free p31s3 fl actoir i off f 8ub3 filiivr iiivinably m all j aiiicryoarwlrfl til it till ahatm vtliubftllopuulf ciiailadyertimj i 3jntrhsterttobii roouedby thosjl i 1 oi solid nsi alvortsoinepjtl jill be iuacrte tiil n5 transitoryf aajvenirf i clipgca for corl in toe office jf tiiavwllbc left 0 jus1 t h jol w torabiakl coilcfie of wiysicll oilicc and rcide trect acton johniiawl ontario vettl criuary surscoa 4 uro3 boot and kutl horses examined i iven i i ill cauaoiidit t rii v i l bknisll 0rii i c mcklsl xl dkntihtl unv system ofoj called viabel ti pain having bee leaclicria boyall toronto pattonsj isitisfoetion inatrj visit ateton fiery s of eicb month 01 tie fct tjlsto mala llin off iiimonsoqnantities of dress goods underclothing for ladies- misses gentlemen and hoj 1 gloves libbons and laces quilts and comforters flowers and feathers millinerylwlveteeu cirpts with lots of other goods mapy of them ut almost half prices and others utiteceadiiigly 0 at co wh oh is pood valne for so see thebearjtiful blankets in six different analitiersfii union reduction aleoxoboggaiiing and horse blankets redooed mantle and ulster cloths in i bountiful velveteeni are marked down onefourth below late prices seo tho dress goods handsmnj ca soft drebs goods i the latest shades down from 18 toi50i another lot of allwool french se n from 10 to 7jo flannels marked dowu seethe flannels they are ejxceediugly good value ur interest to briy it a very handsome and varied stock of neokwear for all sizes from tho little jofcollars ties handkerchief scarfs bows etc allfirst rate value about a dozen mi idm uspfnl sizes batdwinls and other tarns at bedooed prioes be ssro to examine tho 3 for warm durable linings the tickings in falu and fanoy stripes tlie striposiiessiati beaohed also the72 inch union and allwool f tableapiai6pqvojhjmnti8 shirtinsa t ho cdhtonlkiinelifj fwprnli only lodjrhoj trilled nii1 pain cotton i rrgatjy reduced piiisos black crapes bl i 1 oificent goods very h ice ijluk tanhmi r r to 50o thb all wool carpetq down f rorn 81 10 1 7 see the nice 40c union carpets also tire hemp carpets ut loo tho mats lings m ear elettea mr watih durable linings the xicainrs m riatu ana xanoy btnpes 1110 sinjk sheetings i 11 bleached and unbleached also the72 inch union aud allwool shcctuigfbfdlow ctittonk bat nd wadding at ioux3i9hnerobandothor mourrlnggoods in imraensevariety and exoollont value hoquiqaud ipl black crape it is mac ro at only 40c gee tbe best five frame brussels carpets dpwn f torn 1 35 to 91 also haudsomo t i szexly blhiidh ijollera pol os brass bindib only 4o zlno binding only so per yard sillts at sir esas w bt eft8 n windows aro the kljjht llnnso nnd tbcomas cvr si female weakness and g meral purely vegetable highly con pleasant effectual safe aik for dr hodders comfpt take no othor sold evcrj where cents per bottle dr hoddls cough and lug ci sold every whore price 25 c nts andl per bottlo proprietors and u mufaetitrar the union proprietors toronjo ojjpf in great variety flaunels silk plushes silk velvets v prioes jnst seo the nice up to the very best extra tylcs are celling off at iifl- allwool series in the uew isa dowirtrom 25 to 15o an- tho underclofliiug is very rl tdtlio largest lady aud erf of window cqrtains and plfite strijted and cheoked tho 51 inch plain hessians at pestrj oai pots down from 7so tutigs oil cloths linoleums r rent reduction uiev aro t 500000 soldr dft cnass is too well ard avorsblyy by his receipt boots to requiro tion db chases liver curo hai a jwjl wrappoil aroundoviay botuothicnuiw weight in gold da chases liver cvc is gi areat all disoases arising from a tyrtiid prim liver such aa jmvcptonipin r indication billoisiics 3 toadli siipic achejlvcrspoaiiox i da chases litjor curo is simply a kidney-liver- ltcjrula dicine and receipt book 1 fflsts l t edjiaasopf sole agents th cabrhl j t 1st mill uflvd college of will visit altojiutj uulgihc first of j krijsrvtou of rlsj artificial tireth k5 her buis fracl kitxons oido aniib painless extnictivj tohjjstonj i urffiiirfors solici ic privlitofikkil offiio i e es b jonssrl 1 i t a mowj li 11aistki foi isl i 3iwi dayi offiite attlie soijcrrol f 0fjieril5ttl olsvc tnii strciij y per cent 1 or i urn oilii-cs- crcebitii i kuifijl w i ittix irl taghuowl baitnj office o w bukien9v r cocmgvpi i oatets 1 f hexby rrffinty teirsi illj 1 ir the coanaj orders lgftai mil 1 ut my rusi jcni tendcilo irl altio inouuy l ft tcrus auft at tjl tusof 3500jjm j rrphmdas qaid j 5 jtlramciaij v lcccj st juovea su accomit ivfalj icrio heals ol oj huliiiiioitlyaj mhe iianj r m j an oisysllave m ai euiaijtiir lionalaudpifl aiidciiildrviili tsalld vy- t tuvd ol nnrary sid v sneers oi tlifc m vrcouirinioul sve have uiynj n thefrjit a l do ajt liuaho j guelpltl gui piili yorm t- x luu anlnow ikii niembeis of 1 fu20o2aiylteii nataroof thii by tliesayttal andtho tikij alt the tivaril pos tejui5oti ply juumbl r unacrsi- l tlnili stock a fiitllid otacrkjads i class liue s oomj ot an u i or wj soidbyf hiving pr j s smith- 1 r hlovucoil hivjwojilv able pxreca fib ii heai hliittlliothw

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