Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1888, p. 2

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0iw 130xx hamiit in or jjilil ii ii 11 woi 1 o iommin li l mr l i t lm m nij- mil the witr triiiimhvliii nisi lilt tn hijrfisilhvil kauri ed ifkt i i liif kivi an mv n iiiyhv jvnt viv iv u lln i m sliu uiuwlmm is il 4 rltlllmlslt1 ii iio i cumin ml v 111 miss li lute hours v- v nirv m ml il 1 1 s iiulri v i mi s stir- drsii i ivirnh 11 imx 11 j tills thf iuirn fmvyit tiirusiwv amaky isss i vi noivii i will v ill 1 ou lvohl the s i- momiiv the m cahni amoa tvi- alvlnii la mi1 lir ei i il i r haltou r ul pilling f hv toronto i thai the in- filure stihhi sivuii not say thai s uupyjuilar it will lie vny lidiiu is kateu bv in ordinary on the directors of eiiied nii lo ivo000 re- ivcimber list uie the coverniuent i 7 tiio amount oriiie pcried was a ihe ofhlvt tiikcanillhatrs al the lilicralcoiiscrvative convention a report ot which appeared in our lust issue mr david hcmlcrson acton was selected to contest the county in tho in- teres of his parly at the forthcoming hy- lxcction as stated hint week mr john waldie the menfber who bar- been unsoat- ed for prjvatc and business reasons de cided not lo contest the county again and in view of this the convention of reform ers at milton yesterday unanimously selected mr william melood georgetown as their standard bearer and mr hindi r sons opponent mr mcleod is a puhli favorably known throughout the county he has for many years been a uienihev of the council ot liis municipality atul niso of the county council and has tilled the position of warden of the county with credit to hinisilf and with in nor t halt his extensive business also tends to make him generally wellknown he is a business man and possesses lie emiuiw ability which would render him an able representative of the people in the impoit ant position to which he aspins like mr henderson his opponent mr mcleod is a slivni aiivocate and supporter of the scott act and if he is clcctel we feel confident that no legislation caiculated to advance the interests of prohibiten or morality will fail to receive his support considering the fact tliat tlie tanl dates hold similar opinions upvi s act question the preset cortis like tin last one will be a purely political o the campaign will ueccssanlj be an unus ually short one and all the sir ol both parlies is already iiid ir interests of their lvspecti- reireeaii stives scottact mwl the vole on tlie kepeal fctltlm tnui ihiio almtil the first till ikoilk sav in iv v lau ll- a proul appear in the next ofitnil dtf date for pofliaj on the iiirtituii of repealinf tin scot i i vol in llalton no ltklkai imation wil ll llxiuk tlio iinly it is imdirstooi thai the polliiik ill bo about the 1st of march and that soaimon llnnn- ant of milton will be the ret lining olticcr the pilitioti askinj for the t iibrmeflitm to the electors of the county of the ijucntion of repeainj the act haabeui before the covornmcnl for mime time a tochiiieul oojeciten btivd on the insulveiency of tliu inill e mi- taken by the frlili is of tho act ind was tullv argued by hev 0 11 morrow man well and 1 this objection has been eareltilly cohhider- id by the 1iivy council and after due dc- libaliou it ban bun decided that the ice is miliicieiit llalton u one of tho tit i e unities in ontario to uiopt tho act lei in lion taking place on t ic luh april ifm wlnti the petition was earriedlv a lis to lltij a r iieal election septi nihir tti 1 s s 1 when sustained on a v te of 1dl to oat was ti i assiawiv m avs kvmiiil in i march 1 everyone come and store suitable for everything receive the beiietit tiswe avo oiiag the merchant tailoring everything iili stock in grenoral dry goods and clothing will almost be givjenaway thbtisanas of yaps f press gojclsfor almost kbtliing iqray and colored plannolii for half ladies and contlomen you will mako a groat mistake if yoiidor you croat bargains kelly brothers 9 tiiii se ii b ha the e ilitei full nortrieeni i ie direet- northvtstefn eis e ion- te complete i ie grand lvrr bli cous i others c mere lit many reeitit a wis- ers and kaviui lie pi p it lln dc abot7w abii inn oi 7 r e cana- tcrs ure iards ii be sscl h i it the net reviie r -j- vc the nth j j against e f ijio the esr- i l4ueorii lf7 v- s cvs vear i ftoi thlh i of oo as com ire i- jiiicis l ri- rtiided at a rece3r a 1- at a ibeir hviu o rr trial hi hcnr vr h a pjir oi wliite glove lerir spe at length corn tie- neir ac infercerccn hs si v i to look upon at s and allow o it disrci slmii cy eje birj tree is v u he who km- ti ei c jds one sftatatt oltiw to the ion lisi of murder is committed upon the p rsois mid of officers and supporters ot the throughout tbe province two i added on tttsjiy the ovv frew 1 -i-ii- wilh all the- ple stivaed by an iuciniiavy tin oclock tiiemlin inornitio oclock the amc mornini the 1 11 vans iiceise inspect u in thatjii i was bi ily shattered by dynamite he ixised perpetrators o tin outrage 1 is ill fjsloiy llitil ittc i f ic tributed to opponent- of st v jstireh it is hiju tii- f r loi men to take ye very bet ni tii ptvwer to brin to justice ant tic p isltneia tbey so richly dei- ivretches iho iierjitrate sri work are there any honest iiit-di- electors in this eiunty of iliitv will vote to returii tbe m iev trafiic which renders iiicrfat- riendii to commit sac eiiiais ii lioii iu- mi 1oirespoihlellt mr i lleulersiin who h by the t ousel vativci of halt slattilari bean r in the up niuiii election held an lilt fi w ot lis nassaaweya s inportcrs the town hall iiickville ltrass llanill has received a mow n the resignation oi c etntsiic orauieis ih satain tin diminution of diminutive band without at orrov cr tisiiiaiiiinily of d oipcit that tiey will play to taio place at the haiti kink nest 1 hursiiay eveiiin the ieiv hore which mr li v s received m tradit co u was on saunhiy sulic an otenive siirt ti vit ited by mr t niytd to fathom the dent tiled piedati 111- of a htllbl a vi 1 c lid last winl v- not paled as lack wa make a spocn or spoil a 1 1 ii olds tokiil or cure is been chosen n lo be their roaejiinh lo- rview with a ast tie of its most e apparently tlftir alreadv y outrages of jection it is t the carnival ville skatiii itaiiiterinin iniiitci ti tin countirfeith tin- always diuinerons more so that they always closely iniitiilu the original in appcaranuo and iiiiuio tho roiiiarkable micccss uchicvedby isivhiii liulm iih a positivcetire for catarrh ami colil in tlio head has inilticed iiiiiirincipled parties to imitate it the pnblicure cautioned not to bo deceived by nostrums imitating naaal fulni ill name and appearance bearing such names as nasal ream nasal hainan etc ask for nasal llalni and do not take imitations dealers may urge upon you tor sale by all lruggils sent postpaid xii receipt of price oc anil 1 by aililressin fulford it co diockvillo int secure a line worsted suit well made very cheap at j lyfes goes w to make alterations in dur l t whito ivnd gray oolton3 tov lqar ovorcojits suits and oijld puitr at your own price underwear away down as low as- 25 cefats i attend this croat sale as we adtojn tiectioo than mill price blunkets and kelly i tto bbirtismlmta h alton eleotioh m thmet i eevjir 3 jrarnod raldic services l school 1j jp jjuistor sttansers ami tcntkjlbeream if aittinfts arc- tew steward comforters for asong wih positively give rotfflms eimendous cleaning sale amass of the 1 i ermc eelor- i ac- viil be held i mctag- general go to 1 lyfi for a peife coat titliugover p 1 edvo al tn ih n iki with tjili waiiiknmlf i at tho meeting of the county cmci tuesday the chief tgilre if ibis mutiicipility w ii ptirey lis w fleeted avardcn of the county for tin pre sent year the election took place it the second ballot mesr wiiltliliiiii nasa2aveya rtd mcfvlom milt- t-r- the otheriasnirants tie hinor i- ini botii to actjii and s reprefetaie ai- is cue of the oijes members oi the ceuj council i ote a last made tho ial vpcration ll is and curtail tlic reault of r the kuife determined to rn or to use however re through tliey were satis- cestl opcriiton had been ami expect o have a souild courie of three or four weeks i which had ipiile a relapse i eiiort put- forth three weeks a change this week forthe ii p which was chielly iiee eniti iv as as follows music mr y kaster- imj mr db kingsbury iu- h io misawmu heading mr e itrimentvlmusic messrs i sfinitle imtrtimcntal music i- jlintalion miss 1 canute mr criee hiading mrj s vc i music mi j ieachman ii music mr v frank vocal anpuii vbi music mr id re ilebiite lleolved that i- a farce besides causing afforded nit exeellent o serving to what extent lire appreciated the he attirnije in jijjleavorinj the pistionsiowjj by the hie improveitmut in their iitiis tiiit they were bound to he small end of the horn ive bva onanimous yote of re declare to have won i i get your clothing made at kelly ilro where you can iet the latest cut town hall acton saturday evening ivruv van a fi campbell mayolt or ihiamlliis d riemderso- the ijiberil couset vai ve c oi blres im iik il -oooo- el sfock 1st februai and befor then thousands of mais worth of goods must he dis vertiml into ready cash prices w h oooo goods must lliriin liuiitcrs and those desiring to make a little mon y go tt l6ng avay should care- fiillv peruse this although it only gives you a fuiliti lea of the quantity of stuff o be sold and the prices at which it will be of red read consider and make straight for 1 hollinrake sons rjlllton ivy card and bll velveteen for 10c a yard orth almost double ihe money mr met g isa i mi iijn i all in r sll liiul oiltllfi ng vii loss anioi will result lamiasi aril titnic i in ii el iii t in i ti han lbtiii oi distil ll ifthih powder absolutely pure this niivalir liv r vai i s a imirvil ofiaiiity rlfelutll nnilwlioli s ma -ii- more laiuionii rl than the orilinrry kin- 1 and iiiiuot lie sulci in conip it lucii with tin in ui litiii clluv test short weiflit alum or iinliite jmivilers hlil only iticms licivai llhioi ioworn o 1 wall fitcny i ig- iduitp by the iih ri in a burl wi iil crp iv ivxa- 1 in a ii this sitl a u f ii it iublate 1 liat lnllv ioiiu liiipia lin the cviitiljev iaiip -a- iiton coryell and san sale aii ie t proline i ii edo mi la s live iiiiii wie viirkingitra lniir ip ii river weni found fian i ihi leading ti the ehoppines iiin tie on siiturjlay and yet r i v tie 1 idtter indlrattd t 1 muclhsiilitriii is ior i la i in l 1 guelph attd glassoh a- vn n rllu av ii ma i ii o ipenli a loioft ue all- iid cai i it d 15e prints aiid cretonneator 8c a yard s olrt 71c an ounce maccramc cprd9c a bal oni ii ayjirdup mens woolbox c a pair if losed of and con- 11 he no ohject oo 5- to the freo and iiilcpciklvnt kicctorj i of the county of haltou your vote and intlveltcx fi i are hfpihctfully kolicled for l 0 herhdersqh as your hoi rwinuitvvc a t the tipuse of commons i ot icanavx i will faithiully dlsrliarge the ilutien of flu rcupounilileptiitiou nijd do iuyutntottoiitj your interests i david hendts80k dominion election halton county f rts and drawers 49c a suit city prices cant fjucirtliese 1 hoods l2jc horse ntailkets 50c 10 and 1 iimel llca vard 75c andsloo mens woo select from all to be sold at joc each dock goods must go and vic ladies pashmere gloves for 2c a air too cashmercbpk grey and brone cheap brie shiit lining oc heavy waist lining io5 ierveillcaux worth 100 for clic a yard f i cambric embroideries for 5c 1 shirts and drawers 0 kinds to 1iec men ii ijoysrtii midis lie f s bundles batting s100 it ooc to be run off at 39c a yd a vard bijys uiiderclothiugjfo f p and 10cdress goods new colors to btj offered at 20c a yard you to drive 25 miles to attend this sale lunch provided for parties from e country free ith f 10111 oc a yard up linen handkerchief 7o 1 itegatta and navy spot shirts foj 50c from 200 up miens pants from 70c ufc i ey overcoats worth 700 for 81 50 a sale coaimenceife v january lasts only 2 weeks these prices cant be given anv xows youlchnce iinaviii iv i i i a iataiiiy vdllsktiiv iiltu p s 1 v ri a l ianjt bu we g iir e seen a la trier e y do ban that gi5n lv in- rrvee e at sullivan 1 s r i h a e lrisce kuovrn 1 al esj lie ty was to be zr i ie vot d v ever liave entire a ie 113 io al high- iei se to a 00 1 sunday school be ta j 4fe evil in a bad deej i- i v in of iy o in the being fojrd t l- ti i 1- ii i iti ii is uiif tii- in riisiji il town- e i aitt ihe a hocittie is 1 leen itid foljowmg and the oficirs t ej eu r 1 an 1 tl e present coudilfo 0 iansesis- vtn below presijerr v ii iai 11 pa tcrs on 1 y j tin ibiurf miitiuv om com rreiiillivl- inc the i j uiisvaeiv jan -l- oclock this morning t iil c iili- is vice pre thomas lilliott 2nd i r- stewart james a vati arch mtgibbji abfam stark -jo- brownridge ii wilson jn ciiisliirn i v- campbell- col campbeji and p is sis ilonorarv direc- tors iro aior oakvale james bradlev georgetow vm cie camcvii ksaia daetre thesiri sy april oi oetober jolnir- s b ai it 11 kreef wi ai iil f-ri- waldie agton 01 d wheelilian eri noble nerval ipiii7 57 2001 7i isuuiiiy atir ve ellenfrew a- printing ofrice was cutireiy destroyed hy lire everything bciti os the biiildin owned by the proprietor was uninsured as was also the rower prt the iiiiraer 01 other materia was only 750 a foiiriu of the total loss much indignation and excitement has been created by the tiit- the universal opinion being that it wa- of inceeditiryoriginin short an autisoit act outrage the county tipm 7 iwlrivas printed at the- oflice and the junior editor was secretary of the county alliance and lately 0 special constable- the editors house had a narrow escape anotmn l ciiiki jan 24 the house of israeli evans license inspector was shattered by dynamite at one oclock his morning no one was hurt but the house is badly dam- j aged the police tracked a man to the royal exchange hotel whose boots r fitted exactly with the track 111 the light show he had a loaded revolver tinder his pillow and fuse and caps for dynamite cartridge- were under the clothes at the foot of the- bed three others are detained on sus picion but it is thought they are innocent i jialtov jekojf31 association vc tive tiuio iii pockwoolon iri jan 17ih vhen the lead- ieh of j-lramol- assembled at ti y tribute to their membei is m 1 at eight oclock mipanicdjivir a few guelph n iii and were avarmly welcomod s time spent ill social inter- sl a the company sat down ii 1 supper catered by mr lee ge ii iig hail whs crowded over siy sttiag smiiirl the ta waters lreddeitrnd m v p ent oi the jji a s eiati occupying aft tie good tilings mr waters die d on br paper he had in hia posse to be a address indicatin esteem in which mr inni friends in liramosa n leiiresenitiv- in the dom but also as an honest and cate of rtligiotfs social ani as ii journalist in the 1 guelph 1 accept as a geld watch hoping that h hies mr thos r john mutrie ramosa keform respectively the might enjoy many long 1 in tiie community tii behalf of political friend the officers of the fteform the young mens liberal ship of erimosa mr completely taken by surpiise made a feel- 1 7 10 id on the 20th ilti and 12th 1 wood pearti miteiieil ii j hla j- c i i i ir r ii ken beceipts total expend bulalice it j 1 iayor p john rileait jaeiiian 71 ant v mcbuffe c hull a 0r and l 7ai 25 ii07 17 iic 7 i ijl a ilent epred ieit jetvtreas 11 v the annual meeting of the halton be- form association was held at lyons hall in miltouon the ith inst thee oifieis were elected for the current year d kobirtson m 1 president vicepresidents w ii fdndsay milton t patterson c w anderson oakvilic jamesrobinson burlington dr todd georgetown geo haiil acton win j moore esipjesing dr hud col campbell- nelson -5a- me nassagaweya elijah dixon secretary- tulsiier central committee wmciihvei juo duncan d whelihan p srewrt a c mckiubty w t fisher it was resolved on motion cf d jj it- sji secondcl by mr waldie that a re iutton of condolence from the association should le drafted aud forvarded to the widow of the late john dewar lisj clerk of the peace and cjjiuty crown attorney a resolution thanking dr liohurlsci for his efticicnt service as president 0 the f association during the past year was moved by mr waldie seconded by if buck and carried j iiaitiln imiminiiix laiailun i oitava jaiit0 the writ for halloa j was issued today nomination take j place on tuesday january 1st and poll iug on february 7 solomon- hmeiit of miltoii has been appointed retunwig oilice a prominent iiijuordealer pf ncw york ing reply thanking hi3 for the warmly worded at some present after toasts had been honored lo the queen canadianoil for 59c 25 bounds rice wnitta 5v0lb 5 pounds good starch 25c j eat lipw valincia raisins 25c 20 bars elect oringo and lemon peel iii5 alpourid f thej best 50c black japan or hyson tea ifor fmiued to lead the trkdc in haltou co if du have never dealt with us in nowi we want to make fricuds of every persj utmost to please- you so as to have you for a nch kill button bootl for s195 worth f 275 1 j spanish kidboots for si 50 ha fel btittoniroots fl23 men plowbodls 100 iiinjerte everything but stiflice it to say tlvs h cheap store gooods will be sold at slaugn two weeks only your mnghbors and bring youn friends yo j the coiiiitvlown remember we c ils yotij anoul ere disposed of dryden to read a j iitcn which proved j the honor and i is held by his ot only us their nion legislature consistent advo- political equality litojship of the and requesting him to mall token off their regard a 2 and mrs innis nd happy years 1 was signed on in eramosa by association and ilub of the town- innis who was the l iiramosa friends dress and hand- drunk and duly xcvv and vol- ontario legislature ac and gathn v h iug of auld i g broke up about ihieli is a beai iiig case stemvindei adjusted for heat am ianei cas the followi iyiiani t iis in sis iv n- ioiiti ai 1 tdais jan r ang syne the 2 oclock the tifully engraved extra jewelled cold bears on ig inscription 1 1 airnds th w among those present ive d range messrs win blak jus w beiiham m jlhii dnlr ilirini apt i wcd joiui strachan deii i- george dryden allan kanse joiinmc p 1ahey t ltmdy john gibbons jos iletcher david itea win sunter m lorec john blackjjos cioft wm sharp and mihilel cummins x y x ilockwootl jan 20th 1hsh liodky jok fkittljaliy bight bright aiid sparklijig is the febra- nry niinbei- of our old favdrite if we are ajhich should be n the land wo ol re noticed squire farribh hugh olm mckinnon johnson w df j r dry- john farribh abb p barry has announced his grand winter saughter of hrz godd 1 r cash on li a full staff of salesmeu hollinrake ooi pounds of dried apples wanted 7th 1888 vmouge 03 1 boxes matches 23c ic soap 100 f 5175 to tile vree and independent klectors 1 kiss u 1 your- vote and ifluencg are hespcctively 3ijiwsud for 1 i s wm mcleod as your hepreeitative ill the ii i house of cgmm6n8i if okcttd i- will faithfully ffiiardyourintenrif by supjwrtins only hqol tfflciant and economi cal legislation f- dp3tlxioy elsction8 ii who patronises us and will regular custximer 111 eveip- uepartmei ering prftres jr of our will be well repaid for your guarantee above prices during attend to customers sons milton to thk eletobs county of ha hot tie great dsy goods palaoe of jd williamson co guelph i has been closediorone day for thp purpose of marhlog downall the goods in the house see ham bill for p virncilaijs bargains to bight bargains to left bargains before the miimvalnow in j d willlamso gjeiiph aske1 to nameli magazine in ini- hands of every lady mention iwlryii iihiiih hi able periodical which is- mrs crcly jenny june richr than ever any lad the february number of tl this vain- now edited by iir7 is u 1 i iidiuv- s j lyons chas ilrjvn liitu- jas lslie j t recerjti btateci tle liquorririferest had rnid itj through and that elliot ii ci geo campbeiltheo spk iftte limiting the 1ro- v7tll as pleasure the circi ir no 1 1 r- ii tr- hibitiouists iu constilutionltl amendment i is hirgelv on tho inereas iojti liiili ij iioss u aeivenzie houorarvriiiii the finavih tr jiis bradley rcjioil is not published i and local option campaigns it is sirangj iubacriptiolf is only two dollars 11 year that theyshduld do this il lrohibiticn writo to the roy publis dont prohibit 7 areltfitrect philadelphia s brighter and 1 who takes up aiaaqaziue will with profit as lution of pudcij the yearly ing co 22i o scotch suitings 1 serviceable shades stylish si bargains behind full fls gkntiemek having received and accepted tue tmani- i mous nomination of the bjefonn conven tion to contest this county 1 for its vacant seat inthe house of commons and hsvinjg found with regret it impossible before pol- hug day to visit von personally i wolih respectfully request ycur attendsnes it the public meetings hereafter to he ia- nonnced viile through the columns of 8 press i merely outline my views on the political questions affecfing tire interesto of onr beloved domiuiod i am opposeel to the surrender of angwf our rights in oar extensive fisheries wi iout receiving tferefct a juet ani eqaiuob equivalent i am opposed to sudden or extrenw changes in the tariff which i believe codd for present purposes be readjusted benefr ciallyjor tjie mannfactorer and cougun er andrlvtinld jadvocate a policy for the extension of our general trade withforoga trade oii fair lerms i am opposed to the increase ofoflt national debt already too large for n- ti taces- shaisr qmndy td farmers and threshers use on your machinery only thu wellknown peerless oil wagons and iarm guelph nlariufuct merchant tailors cuelph les and questionable undertakings i a4 in favor of cutting down annual expenditure to the lowest point g possible consistent with the efficient wgx- jg ous and honest administration of affairs which legitimately belong to tbs federal government in lorder that s earnings fjf the masses should be left wn them to fructify and bring forth frtdtm g as improved conditmn and comfort our franchise laws are in roy opinjos jg complex and expensive and bhonm w p amended towards manhood suffrage w g man one vote a registered voters list aw the appointment of officers to make aw- revise such lists who shall be indefeosew of the government of the day r i deprecate all abuses of the vetopow and am opposed to all i monopolies locking up of our lands in the korthrt territories for specrilativepurposesbeli- jug the land should le for the actoal settlers the pricei if any for the imptot- ment i trust by id with your vptes sopj and cooperation to bo placed at the m of the poll for which i shall ever feel fu1- and if elected my tinje and ab2v shall be devoted- for the furtheranoe osest rues vm yesterday- anniversary infection in every part of tii council iro thecewas noqij 4 erin agrm 5500 on hand ai with it frozen- no wcce common baturday fatiier iiile jar monthly scr last sandaj the surv 0 7 enforced this w the ohjtime en mi- harry iscondiicliug gi the brick churn sone prett ienced here du mertury gotd zero 3irahe taken posstssio recently purci street mr john georgetown i gazetted notary ontario- jlrsuiom ofiicerfor tiie was in town on lamations lbbages caught fire bi x some alarm xf edhovevr mr ebbart local agency 61 rochester and successful canvi imr thoti up for a week o hruiecd foot fell upon his ins the carniv day evening w ice was gooi tin ajidthe atlj the lindsa mr j coopsfj jouruaiistic distf table and ctrefii lorsia i pendant tje i by proving piop prtss office and whenever a implement cr something to saj her kitchen lafcol at the lirsj village council tows toihe ii toahe public- sbel john tckj to give ieetu in the ixcthocil severe iihies bj gagement hev mr mil ary tbfrdia is baptist cliapel three ociuck pieach inthel service saturday a a barrelsof salt s lnji 1j i thq given him a farmar an ho next morning rlhe elcctidl opened at butj speakers vere mayot of brum j and b headers tive candidate capt 3iaho the s a barrb ing ami left nexj tilbury centre 1 vacancy is fillj lieut glass fotf tordi jack rrosrj of the steam pijl on satardiyriig the services on town hall the and jverythingj working order mr joseph i a whip stolen frl other day it i of fanners are council to jnak thieves who are 1 georgetown it would bel the predjetioiii f inbe guelph mgvcritiisdbl us magioine lo adopted a conn sl the- ffaier jilnies ii have been-soin- change the m price will feu dei popillar hoiej success lrospi belord 9 ftol d medals uavoheenawardeditdniingthelabt three years try also our pa rlesa axlo groase for your iorse povyers these oils aro used and hi ny themodel farmers ask for thefnnse no other ired at queen oltyoilvorkb by s samuel roc r8 co toronto your iiiterests aiid those vl our country to guard your privih jealously watch yoiir liberties so th wont he infringed upon shall hw ntant solicitude i sihali not p factiohs opposition to tho government will support aud promotft such meatfl as in my humble opinion jwill benefit w country and people and rive all an 1 ohance before the law i r i a i am gentlemen j- y6ur obedient servant wm georgetowu january 25tb 1888 rleol juki iouri4iiiti mpm-inionr- hlte wheat lied win m lriug glasgow llarley oats jiyo leas hay word per oonl eg3 per dozen i jjutter uairv iva- nttur rolls vohoso vmoes per bal a orl nidos wool tmipthyseed iu vivor seed alsuie g6 jifiji iiecku sil a

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