Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1888, p. 4

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fjlfe t ton fxn frcss 1 twrsday january k iks v sfforraimra the bjlb r i our baby now in tour mcmlhs od a boaale boy with hair like sold aniuili clothes ittpnl nw -ay- i for mother khmtemvl hhx tolisy he htvsthe icvolie olfivtlis j all triinined ilh laeeaaiiltwrtpliiksooks tlmt father hoiieal the khe v aud prettiest m tho wluile batiir anil now the topic can kirkannul hi little foot ito in ntul out a umujh thfcv coam not rest i just m bavin- as eaii ie lwlilcs lio tcms quite innvl today with all his iuae clothes yiit avvay and dressed s fliigfe atiil thcli you know yc imiisc tho lvnr3siiii line biii su his tmrulniaimiii must scehiihou we nirwill goui hjfterthvui anil taky tw mitiny for tea anifwhot a riot tlorc will bi at first pchiapf vle may uet kupw the baby lie- 1ms ttidlcd so ltnt let licr guests ami ili no say that mother shovsciuxl liim tivdnv rr i r wastkl emotion onee upon a time t beard a brisk young wonlau say xow dont pity mo id rather bekicked anyday than pitied the person to whom jshc spoke was an elderly mamrod ihe said 1 dont believe youve ever been kicked so how eau you know which you prefer the brisk young woman answered no ive never been kicked and i iuovcr expect to be neither have i ever beien nor do i ever wiss to be pitied that is openly she settled her spoilesscuffssoastoshow the buttons to advantage patted the kupt of tho ribbon in her iviir compressed her red lips and shot such a bright determined glance from- her blegry eye that the elderly wan sat silently smith at her im sure he thought her jjny thing else than a pitiable object as i looked at the neat ly dressed blithe little figure and noted the cheerfully defiaiil expression of the child ishly jfair face neither did i pity her i had known her all her itfe lirst as n bright wayward schoolgirl next as a rather wiid young lady and in jue tunc as a dashing young matron delighting in dressing danc ing driving bcr mettlesome borses and giving fine dinners i had known her al ways prosperous fhu t as i saw her now i concluded i bad bevcr known tho real woman adversity had overtaken her and given her grimvisageil poverty for a travelling companion who premised to keep step with her for some time to come bktt she defied misfortuneby standing firmly on her indi- tiduality as the accessories of wealth were swept fronvher hold dont pity the woman who enjoys law making and who decks herself with the labor of iher hands let her be comfortable in her own vray ave dont know what happy fancies she stitches into her work if her ruling passion is to wear purple and finetinen and homemade lace dont feel bony that her mind has no greater cmpa3s these things are pretty and if she repeals in good faith resnrgarr over her stitch es her pattern is her gospel and her needle is her bow of promise dont pity the woman who gceshliout collar andeeffs though she might look much better with them suit the trifling habit might destroy her individnalityj you might miss something cat of her character that millions of collars wouldvt pay for there are a grtatmanytremendously rrieaa animals of the ape kind both male and female who wefir immaculate collareand cuffs her manner said to her friends loolrf it is i who remain my house is gone my horses and carriage are gone my dresses nd jewels will gotafter them for aught i know bat i am unhurt dont pity me sympathize if you will show your sym pathy by remaining roy friends regardless of the fact that i shall live in a iittle house and answer the bell myself when you come to call maybd bringing the odor of the kitehen with me bnt for alkthat dont pity me i for one never did pity her when iwent to the little house and found her sittiog it in order jiocaqse as- she said i shall surely live ttiid nor die saw her arranging everything with deft firm bands that created beauty and order as they went saw her two little children in their gay dits of dresses made like the world ont of nothing i felt there was no thing is ber situation calling for pity the tide was out- with all thejlancing leaping foamcrested sunlit wavesft here was the bedrock the foundatiou strong points of whose existence we were ignorant in time of high water her one trait that overtopped all sthers was self respect theijuality that iri pros perous times had been coquettish imperi- onsness grewinto the dignified demeanor that said iam what i am i cati not be despisedt since then i have noticed many others who have met with reverses and many who seem to plod along in a sort of leadcolored existence always i hear it said im so sorry for him or her or i do so pity 4his one or that one then i havss wanted to answer dont pity men and women they dont need it show pity to some strong man m blue over alls whom yon nsed to know in the nob biest of business suits and see how quick ly he will freeze over cat show sympathy and friendship ignoring his changed for tune and his grea soul will look from his eyes to rejamyonr greeting youll see at once hes not hopeless that the brightest things of life still remain for him dont pity a ivoimiu who does her own work and often looks tired and discouraged dont pity the fanners wife nor her equally hardworking siiter in the village or city they certainly have their jdark hours is who has not but there is al ways something for which one works and tropes always something for which in its worst trials clastic humanity whispers resurgam no dont pity men and women ipity babies who meet no welcome on their ar ia uriel ami is the vol tit dydpepaik is dreadful disordered liver is misery indigestion w- u foe to good nature l tho human digestive apparatus is onent tho most complicated and wonderful things in existence ft is easily put ouli of orders greasy food tough food sloppy food bad coekery mental worry late houie iiregu- 1st habits and many other thtogs which otjgiitnot to bohavo made tho ainericaii peopto a notion of dyspeptics but greens august flower has doiie a wonderful work in reforming this sad tiasi- ncs8 inul iiutkiug ihe anieriean people so hoallhy that they can enjoy their mcalu and be happy i ltcmomber no happiness without health but greens august flower brings health ntid happiuess to the dyspeptic askyour druggist for a bottle seventy five cents jingls anl jokklkts half nil hour with tln wimmiii the wit and the inriigriiiilis otthe 1iiy good the year round national pills are a good blood purifier liver regulator and mild purgative for all seasons for the complexion for pimples tan blotches and all itchiug tumorc of the skin use prof lowb magic sulphur soap 6 bovlle of miiuoliniter ntnrio cp n y writes- t obtained immediate relief from tlvo itne of dr thcinaskolectrlo oil i have had asthma for tloveu years have been obliged to tit up a ten or twelve nights in suocetiiou 1 oati now sleep settndly all night on a foftther bed which i had not been nll i to do pro vious to using the oil ileal nuil iomrorl to the 8il ilrowuii uousoliohl pjaua ea lias no ciuitf for leliovinc piun both iilciniil and xtiiml it cures pniii in the sitlo baek or udwols snas tin mil luieiinialfsin toothache lnnvtingo nntl at y kind pf a pnlnor aflte 1 it will mustriuroly quluk- en tho itloiul tuillllcil as its i cting oci is wonderful browns ho lschold pan- aeon being acknowledged i s flio great pain ueliover nnulof double the swcncth of liny olliei klixir or lltilnciil lii the woiliv should he in every fain ily liantly for use when wanted nb it really fftfce tiest remedy in the viuld for crimps 111 thq stmiach and iaiusandachp of allkinds ntul isfoijale by nil druggist ftt 25 cents abutting look out for h if yon arc troubleil with a cold or cough however liht the attack look ont for it do not allow it to settle ou the lungs break up the cough by loosening thetoiigh phlegm with ilagyars pectoral balsam i r wheezing gasping sufferers from asjthmn receive quick and permanentjclief by using southern asthma cure- sold by all ilriig- gists or by mail on receipt of price r do von itellrvrlli siku wo do for instance the signs cf torpid liver are yellow eyes sallow ctunplesimi pam under right shoulder iiregnlarfotwis headache low spirits and weariness all these signs may be removed by burdock wood bitters which is a sure isno fur all irregularities of the liver james 11 liilmour of t tiilmour a co wholesale grocers brockville mis 1 have uscd tuuiurac klixir for a severe coul and coiigh which it immediately relieved and cured a boon anil n lrsns a boon and a blessing w hagyards yellowoil the great pain destroyer nud healing remedy for extertial and internal use yellow oil cures all aches and pains rheumatism lame hack soreithrout croup deafness cramps contracted cords and lameness procure it of your druggist great sle vnp slaruuteh m f georgetown t in order to reduce jottr stock j and to nicet the tight timc for money wc have dote lniucd- to hold i great sale this sale shall coiiiiinio until the 31 st day ot jamiary isvss and vh will make extraordinary efforts tc clear the rtocjv out unheard otli bargains zb jilrjvitrisr previous id 8tobktaklnsf which 0 open this week and add to our already unprecedented aio houglit nt tho mens linu diiigoim mens beaver ovcil we commenceon february- i illlgc 8totk of ovtlcollth olil- sjl i iiliiiiloiis low figure of til on t i 1 1 i overcoats forjllily wirlh isiil eoatn well made for i wcllrfortti lliii these are not goods muilo rfpeeinlly for a chijinp trade hiit fasliionable andsijis m 1a takjain for wiil wo ofter fine black or olorcd kid cilovcsj worth 0100 for ooo ladies attj dress good mantling ulsters mnntler ui il tioii cljiil japp oached 01fi wc wiii oda grand clarikxsall men- iific ttiiiuj- ai d llcavcif liar ini oher wo tuinnot repeat these goods for liss than douhlo the price so dojit expect iiiis offer to hold good aliti but buy iiiv big eductions in tui following lines ilenvear fins scotcli gooibi ijioiii daztioottfi from loc il woinans furs must go at any fkiylijxall-woiu- flannel 10c pr yanj ehuincls ami shirtinfrs from 20t to 10c ieijyartl vtfttioys irom 5e up irri wil le given tl ic ryclicnp mllllnerytriniiiieil liats iakc rcdjicei dont forget that wo give note tjctts oincrs will phaso note that wo oarrjj ll very lowj but n it at cost uiul conbejuently do not qo butter and egos wantfeld tn extraordinary popularity of ayeiin cherr pectoral is the natural result of its u3e by intelligent people for over forty years it has proven itself the very bejtpeeile for colds coughs and pumjlily-s4a- plaints following will give you some idea a betnitiful colored silk 25c per yard silks nnd sntns 37ic oos fcr 5c worth 13c for 8c worth 15c furlijc worth 25u nulsci on up in millinery antvmantles wc will give you great drives ladies hats fot5i and 10c up ladies inanties wonderful goods tor 1 worth o and so on up knitted woollen goodsimmense bargains our celebrated grey flannel for 20c worth 30c blankets for 175 worth p00 greatest drive ou earth a tweed for 25c worth 50c iblue serge for 30c worth 50c a large lot of ladies and childrens furs to be cleared out lvganiless ofcost ladies cloakr iug and ulsterings 5qc per yard worth double the money and so on up yc aro goinir to sol earpets oilcloths rugs aiul ijmjats to as tonish the people hemp carpet ev per yard good unjon carpet 2c per yard allwxorcarpet 50c per yard tapestry carpet 25c pqr yard brustls carpet 50e per yard great clearing but sale in rcajyniade clothing boys suits hens suits boys overcoats and mens overcoats mjens coats tor 8100 and 8200 worth fbtir times the money allwool men undershirts and drawers lib iu weight for 50c worth t5c foot wear and felt overs special bar- gains si i we have also struck a bananza barns vowed to love his highland mary i ill prints 1000 piceesito cllooso while grass grows and water runs- and f ix fo co from so long as nature continues to present rm 10c to lie ljiey lirjjtobe sold krmarkablr uolomllsu matthew sullivan of westover out was ill with dyspepsia for fouryears find ing doctors did little good he tried burdock blood bitters six bottles cured him rni he gained in weight to its pounds bbb cures the worst known cases of chronic dyspepsia after all else fails the signs of worms are welljuowu bat the remedy is not always so weli deter mined wjorm powders will destioy them for infants land children t i 7 ctorlu so well adapted to children that i outorla ciitta colic conktlntlmi trocommeniluassuperiortoanynrescriduon i mr stomach diarrhoea eruciation o il a aacnro md i s a i wltht injurious modicatlon tub cest1vr coapavy 7t murray street n y kjwitatoiuo ul bo oxford 6b brooklyn n y mm m mt j act mmy 15l n r ii wv iiifti iti ml af ovirciiatsaul good tiiiouh lanim eliipe flovej storey k sonsiiiakj jllic bestiiitlio iywboi gloves wool hoods and and bonnets for hid i the marked pounds good japan tea tor y lloo fjovcral lines of goola that aro licit liietitiuhed ihuve kliclita whito and gtey cottons shir liqjujder llie licitd uf cudticctl goods hoods from 25p up itter ones for 20 22 25 28 30 c s uciiutiliil dark colors good wa4 rice and iniirkfld reasonnblc fe and u poujuds nicdunn tea for 61 jp lirlj ii qveicoiits wliicl we t i at ul l iyo ioi- 1 tips i l 6 styevy dctsci i fancy allwool railway timi toli grand trunk ajfwjra oowixitsf ooijroj mite11 71a ri i kxircntliml kxvkib 70 am kxrrtii pass miii i t ti i rhtj eipreiwj iriirnili kqv i niii j mail acdui jm jim i mixed ciioiri s anl liramjton j ii mclnfi ivrifl koiiijt ti i liits rivrr2 to irjt- wfl i sii jjiim1 aiplb istnnbtts rs and- nen ichilh jt boots- jlunover i fbom t1ik n rfsmple of m great c nell- ili frdin 5 i knro jr nevj moil oi 1o ill liecijiid htfid bell organs i fl l u thomas oans iiev rni i in 10goodhectidihiiid pianos from toslfi sptenbid fetock worms often cause serious illness the cure is br lows worm syrup it destroys and expels worms effectually 1 i be on loar caartl dont allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely rnn into catarrh when you can be cured for by using dr chases catarrh cure a few applications cure in- sipient catarrh 1 to 2 boxcscnresordiiiary catarrh 2 to 5 boxes is guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh try it only 2 jfr and sure cure a ftolenin vow these phenomena it is safe to bet that irn- perial cream tartar baking powder will make the best biscuit for 5c ok- 7k 8c a jul 10c it will pay toibuy them and keep in his vegetable pills dr parmelee has given to the world the fruits of long scien tific research in the whole realm of medical science combined with new and valuable discoveries never before known to man for delicate and debilitated constitutions parmelees pills act like a charm taken in tmill doses the effect is both a tonic and a stimulant mildly exciting the secret tions of the body giving tone and vigor pretence or llinil presence iof mind is good in case of accidents and emergencies and when coupled with hagyards yellow oil will of tec save life yellow oil cures all pain ful injuries burns scalds bruises frost bites rheumatic and neuralgic pains and is irtfact a handy and reliable surgical aid nullon a source of much ill health is neglected constipation the utmost caution should be observed to keep the bowels regular the best regulator of the bowel3 to promote their natural uction is burdock blood bitters try it if troubled with constipa tion them for spring clieok shirt ings and cottons great drives the best shirting in the market for 10c and 121c per yard the above is simply giving a faint idea of what we aredping come ind inspect the bargsiiiisfor your selves we are still carrying on successfully our dressmaking millinery aud tailoring depart ment goods sold for cash or produce -f- mcleod anderson co aktoqlnlilnt saecefte it is the duty of every person who his used bonchtft otrman syrup to let its won- derful qualities be known to their friends in curing consumption severe coughs croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all throat and lung diseases no person can use it without immediate relief three doses will relieve any case and we consider it tbt duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive at least to try one bottle as 80000 dozen bottles were sold last year and no one case where fairly was reported such a medicine as the german syrup cannot be tco widely known akkyourdruggist about it sample bottles to try sold at ten cents kegular i it i a our stock is very full of choice goods in brass jjick nacks carvers and scissors in sets plifsli goods skates kbony ivory and bone cutlery of itogers butlers and other common aud plated blue and whito enamel ward ji the largest assortment iu thir section celebrated makes agateware lamps and limp goods of country iongs sleigh bells trays braes toddy kettles brass casel brass fjre irons iar- domaris fire handlers ash sitters bread knives bread plaircis meat choppers parers minciut knivesj lind a ricli jimfnsion of goods call an1j shkafllatavk llav10 cofi i john ev5 bond di6ct hardware heiedquarters for axes crosscnt saws gcale3 cow ch these are haht times villwll ihiiuiifvim i am fctilile oriin ish earing sale of new and second melodiiius on easy terms- of 1 in new from s lip ninioii organs o iirtrmiierts nre at preuent rented tljrout rntruiuenl which i soil to fjiyc jtirjjucti rhieh i-tlng- llisi3 ic bjeioiyk purest strcjsgsslt fiomtaifs no alum wmoila hm prjos ew gillstf t6e lmltrfic2liai3 sit if txw ha ml orga aviiieut ilia liftfaction- ill iqf-v- idiic dshei laatrumeats a large consignment suiftlj mjyical ivterchandise including eaiid texjpccftecl everjujay direbt from german fljanulacturersvhich x will be sold cheap for c psli liiiiiiuc titiiijeeii- as to whot price of instrument ni gbrliivg to irice you vish to pay to your nj pumy ui r vri- ir hr ives satioiiiilrivitle f the- ibstihmeut isiiot worth thoinonov 1 jisjhfui-v- linrn it i il in tlie tiijiiiiii ilcintzniau piuuo also the i m3ic opler el daily idebrlitei l0i iv vy connection i h importer of foreign musical m cstrr1tt ge j ieen rcc ortfebsiph j silviii a i j hck f actipivt jiius halters and all hardware with ajfu v v 1 but t- bkl fi i- j prices pi the cm a the sltcetl iijini pouted direct fkom g 8w kefflfc muic store opposite tobt offife guelph ii h e wanzeruaml io candle power1 2cr tt co ksufw harailtoccat k35i rhanile oy i guelph to- itvitaii tiiost cnmplete ccbsignmeijt ofrilusiijaloj edinguclpi evisisi6fd6ubc basses yioliucellos yfilas iiiis guitars banjos cases accordeons s banjo strugs tambourines cytrbaln 1 briss triaritiings luefds are bought for cash lid- imported dircel so tfet iuikic loving ieiple ml vieiuity nay look for bargains this fall ana winter my store r tcjed itnciof tue 1 i lircc- lot- fiiiti ilian bass drums snart drams ra selling their main street actors is fully prepared to suppfy the needs of all who roiuiro pure and fresh groceries fruits ac asl ovcrything else in that line fi r u13 times chcip r flnituile ujstdtrf akin or a special stock f crockery and dishes are shown in sets at from 2750 td 2000 tasets 55 worth 6 glass sets 50c worjth 65b lamps 150 worth 200 vegetable dishes fruit dishes cake stands c all other goods 1roportionitely 1 v every customer knows that ray prices are low and always satisfactory and d secure goods chenp neppnfs will be convjneed by calliug comeiewly ot oi sj 0 fur cheap t h ilajltdimit je pari taljld ai best in i2ac per pair worth 1 00 t- size 75cents- bold by all druggists and hvalintotbts world they havefcpitisble j dealetfin the united states aud canada i washington mdlrc k eminent throat and lung surgeon will next visit actoh- dominion hotel monday 30th january one day only i start in life pity dumb animals whose rijtht to exist ence is not recognized but dont stand up iu the temple aud thank god you are mt like other people go close to your brother or sister who is so bnnible in attitude and you will hid they tpo art waiting for their inheritance we si stand together ori mount pisgah arid look for our promised land butreach one advice to mbibens are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor littlo suf- erer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures his own purple mountains and viho j dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the covered valleys jt is ho more true that eary heart knowetli its own bitterness than that v for us all some sweet hojio lies deeply bidden frciq jiruitu eyes when we look ut our neighbors aqdsee abootthem only thistles and diickponde ve may bo sure somevrherc they have their clear still waters and gardens of rotoe lted kelly brqs udvertisement feme- tinsrto intefrt veryine stomiacb and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole qrsteni mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething ie pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggiste throughout the world price twentyflvo cents bottle bo sure and ask or mas wikslows soothino nvt uhi take no other iiaiu t cataitpn tliitoat cubed a few of tho hundreds wholiave been success fully treated by jr washingtons now motbod mrs jno mckelvy kingston ont catarrh and consumption john mckelvy kingston out catarrh mrs a hopping kingston out llroncho consumption mr b scott kingston ontl catarrh bead anil throat mrs jno uotrafu harrownmitbont catarrhs tbroat jatncn mattliows p master acton ont ca- tarrah head and throat v kruncli berlin out catarrh bead and throat f miss nellio kbyberlln out enlargodtonsfl v wing v m corunua ont catarrh head henry bcbtt berlin out asthma mrs i wanner uoar berllii ont catarrh bead and throat ivovi korchcr st jacobs ons catarrh bead and throat j colin campbell pt edward6nt asthma janios stacey dutton ont catarrh win shoemaker rodney ont catarrh v joseph floilley fort grntiot o s oatarrii bad form wh storey esqj of storey ft bon glovo mannfactorcra actod out di waanington is tho iinly tbroat an llung surgeon in canada miss mary a ilombourg contcfvile lont catarrh hood and throat mrs oodfroy lyelineu b ji cobs ont con suniiitlon titns solder bloomflold out catarrh head and throat 20 pieces dress goods at 7ic worth n b stocktaking salenow going on 200 pairs corsets sizes 24 up m a 40c- y n b clearing sale of corsctsthis week 500 pairs ladies wool hose at 1 5c- vorth 30c n b greilt sale of gloves and hosiery 25 ladies ulsters at 250 worth 4 50 n b this nionth mantles at your own prices 20 pieces tapestry carpet at 43jc woith 60c inb every carpet reduced dpessmakmgtt moderate prices mckat bboifhers 46 and 48 king street east hamilton organs iansdoe pianos hielrj am sole agent for gnelph anil vicinity bcsarb to cli and g v nvgius before you buy second hand ones jwne piaiio is taking the lead leading nttisioia 1 buying tins iiauo i d xiimiuc my stock no trouble to show gooli seial atteition paid to jliikij trade aiberfiie place tovells block opposite post lficp oi litilre depantment l v nvi fatiii ii stock op i bedroom suitesj spring feeds mattresses s chairs etc etc etc i line of ffbojtjsifrom the i kers always on hand rillciisllijasonable j speight son j 4 speight 4a iy iso y i ie o tihofce sef iji in citr gefsib is ay grdc ui toal oil ji i- ciir uvie ii in ir ut o it water i oil e la etec viujout i rrfijrr atk tea aod colfeeio vpj 17 j tj cte res mm hay fe easy to 1 yv ri iizv omi jfiv x rjiild ci receipt i rritiid liquid o at yuurj ot price ocjtvtlsl v lost how rjestoreiii l- et-i- poiatfioai eel l i eirr ii i laav uuie hii t il tl- u ju-ariu- eir ai ciiition at drcnlter r c i r r sry on 1 iiiidicsicurr iilaaa or iaarietajndpwfts j- 1 uii5i- in this eduiu iejisritc frdh a shlrtyir ractioe rt tbe a ansibgj iriy ltur aay bo rauicaliji l ratt il euro nt oucbe iiarsf vhidfj ter aat 11s col iinoc 1 -ait- yly irivately i ar slor ci ic in hit hands rf ivriji iwd 3 ii u vvope- cii t ctfctii ceiit or twof drt- frobengl r uiahskifi stock f penlierca frafjh cai tis ztii rfcedei34- cheron and frcatbc litnes iil3ndhte l ircsse llfcw coutv midu vfto fery ii gckiidotr select ijm we 1 ocrmci makes soiubi zad selj terms vtsitmfi conic luge i ce addrea iqetaocu blaurance esale opiicians no 246 st james street jfontreal m ml ouri jlercompfc oyster 3iliou si k hei ikilney ijien skandii vc iallimp cf hebloo whatever aiiang female weakness and g neralffi purely vegetipble highly conoenw pleasant effectual saferas c fox t dr holders coiipoui takeno other sold everyvfhere bri cen poij bottla fbr hoddebsa oofe mid luh1s tip koll evliyere trice 2 cc 3ts and ai vlier lottie lreirictors cud maiiufaetora he union medlicinb prophetois toront qph le and otherpectaulcs and e eglass are to n they aro recommended by and testimonial t vicepresident expreside t and ex vice great clearing sa whoeo celebrated pebble and otherfpectaulcs and everytplvn in tho dominion received from tho president tho medical association of canada tiiopresidont of tl suigtons of quebec- tlui bean of the medioal faculty ofj dent and kptesidents of the medical council of novai n cut of jtlies- excellent goods will bojouud af tho storo jbpe the winter goods mnst bo sold and to effect l trge sales ithey aro offering at costprfcei and piles of them at far less than for ladios and girls of h11 sizes these mantles aro mudeandtrinirned in the very latest ejashions and look charming maguiucent he latest styles in bcautil the embroideries havea good value a beautiful rtow stock of ladies and mibses embroidered uiidcrweuruiid nightear received lately which is offering exceedingly delebrated jouviu yprenchkid gloveb direct from reuoblo just to hand comprising the verl best quality of eour buttoned seal kid glove artistio manner horrockses far famed white sheetings in plain and twilled in 72jbu aud u0 inches exceedingly cheap white cottons i i m rmi t tilo r irml 1 p mii j t a r i a i drills selling off at cost new tickings linings iriih linopa towels and tohogganiiig blankets just arrived bemimnts of drebb gootls nnd prints nclljng oft t half pulldown the price to cost and verj many below oost pqwtiifjrojnpoiovoo vey mmmimimysdiimmmmku hmhton janoaxj 10 1888 at the rb be found in in have been president of- coliejio of i and aval university the trcsi- itit ite a completc assort- son agent acton wf tfa3 fcr sav price dress goods going at an enormous reduction blanket of all kinds selling off ittitn ininicuto deduction millinery feathers hate sacrifice winciesdown from 5 to 8c fr6m to oo knitted woolen scurfs and shawls selling off at cost seothem by all means heavy telling off far under prfte a lot of very ptylish bonpet bibhonh marked down from 40 to lio onenthvr lot down from 20 to 12jo- bos the aj beautiful miujillea clothsin tho very ijlew- gooils ftlliugutcot kew g sale also they arc sui h pbeap ashipmcut of the cut and intule in the mot grey cottons twills and ri 11 dn cn- ic to kel an j iaroradryj bviisrecintioc3l3rsi tion dn ci tilvevctiro has a receipt wrnpel arihl every battavichisl weiylitiaiora dacrtrrsiivrr cvra is rrt- all dirjarr3 aviving fioni e ti niid orj liver rtieh u3 vv qarti uioy bmitjtnjct i ijjmunum athciivijioibnlcveomplejo dr cfurojjferr cevo is no cnrojji niniplv eivjfrscviivcr lioaiiiailor t3 diuiuo ci ilceeiiiti boou si boldby ajh b s k bpjlavs x0 olo agent bradfgj i half price the ijnderclothiiig of all aize ia-goiugivirv- cheap elannels of nil kinds uro sellitig off very gheapi 1800wiudowito parpeu oil cloths mats rugs mattings liiioleunis window shudos window polcp carpet sivctpt ip window curtains ourtaip materialsj rta ia the latest styles rollers inippjled lllj wcok tain materials rtcii carpets sold very largely this season the incrovnolof ono of niy three cnrpetpalesmiinls salsthisyeaiwab i0qj0 and tdfhn off the balaikb of the see the very best five l marked dbwn from ijsa to 81 crossing bcsl ibbons etc going at a great vintcr shawla and wraps lwdol caslimerc hosiery at tho sale of superior ah wool carpetk down from jl 10 to 7fic boo the charming table and piano cloths the rfght house poor west of huglibon street mibd tho namea on tfiewindons arc tho bight house and thomas q wtzezosrs stork walking has best tapestry carpets a on king street east ono hoarsen e

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