ss5pss 1 1 1- born david henlek80xmll hamon kblicriox 1motkst ml t srth nit the uasdth at uiacdriv wife mr l p nsvv boj1 j smith in kwimsiiie on the th hivt of mr w smith oi dmichter mffcirtm at ivi t hoi jiii isth the v ifo of mr h it toooirlry of n soli rsie herald of n g klrettnli oiitmsilnylirshlmii tin kleitii of n hpiiurrntiii hanker arlwi by about iso majority th tllc wifj thk ukkohmkus losk luuta harried kiuottyvrlixir riikiirttu at the ivm denjeof tiwfcrirteis ivy the k ft- rfn on tile sut lmmrohii kuiotl burtiv kami tnojnh tnuishn to klnin lucia virgin daiiphtvi of iliivvlis xieklih rilkiiiftou anrwo swjuat the residesieo of ihe liriiitvfoshorliv lv a ktiur lolin ander- son to miii yofintvst vlauiiliti r of mr j smith allot nawapiwova uhiiij mnl flic llrilirr lit tlir imi vein- tried and imprisoned kiwi in 1- diss wooroi tiw 1st jamiarv ifns at hi rct- denee oaknwvl hill lvcniort ltov enoch wood i p in the stli your of his ikc cauvoohan jn nsvfyii on the jiut feb mrs mary lrno dmorhaii aged 9 wars drill i nonths i r f ijc rton jm uss thltbsdajfenrfaky lsw vi kthkr imriiovkmkw it is with considerable pleasure that we present the knrs prrss this vnorning to its many readers a it ha boon printed oil a fine new and improved press five years ago the frrk fiks introduced the first cylin der press ever rued ii halton county and to keep pace with the advancing times we have just pjit in a new press supplied with authe latest improvements to date this press is from theworks of messrs walker arco madison wis the famous frouty press manufacturers from whom we pur chased our first press the former ma- clyiue gave us such excellent satisfaction and our dealings with the firm were of so straightforward a character that we had no hesitation in aizain entering into nego- titions with them the result is that we have now in bur office the very best pre s3 made for general prin ting and we are ablerto present our readers with the fuee pkkss printed even brighter and better than before which many considered almost impossible our readers will notice that we have also introduced considerable new type info our columns advancement lias been the motto of this journal from the outset and always will be so ion as oiir patrons continue the hearty liberal ai j unsolicited support of the past thirteen years the olcctiou of member for the house of commons ori tuesday was expected to bo oue of the closest ever held in the oouuty mr henderson g miuority was so email in the last election and mr waldie his opponent then beitrk as stroiii a man as oould bo nominated in the lie- form interests it was generally anticipated that lie would bo elected not much nforo than a one bfitire majority was looked for however and it was a universal surprise to grit and tory when the majority was an nounced at about 150 the conservatives of course olaim that they havo won nteut victory and the keformcrs naturally feel that they havo lost a constituency but we hwievo the feeling is general that mr henderson will make n very able represen- tativo in the houscof commons and that he will endeavor iu a spirit ot fairness to all to represeut there not the conserva tive party but the people of the county at larn this election did not partake of the same spirit of political feeling as characterises a general clcctiou the general election is over tho government sustained by a large majority and the vote in acton at least i illustrates the fact that many of the elec tors who are staunch heformcrs and ready to do their duty to that party when their votes are needed for personal friend- shipjs sake and local reputation used their franchise in mr hendersonxfavor on this occasion indeed this spirit of local com petition was inaugurated whether inten tional or not we cannot say by our george town cotem which auaounced nt the cutset a contest between a georgetown grijt and an actou tory and it looks very mflch as if our citizens took up the challenge and determined that the actou torshould win and that politics should not- interfere he that as it may the fkkk pkess has very great pleasure in congratulating mr i henderson upon his election to the respon sible position of member of parliament and it has also a goott deal of satisfaction in congratulating actoaupon the honor of having one of its citizens a- the representa tive in the house of commons of so im portant a constituency as halton there was considerable excitement and surprise manifested iu acton when the result of the local polling was announced as follows j miuon feb 8 the court for tfie num wavy trial of corrupt practices was hold hoiytomivmr jurfje momahon prdsld- iiu- summonses j had two isauod for j tamos bell and wiliiamibulliyaiit for tho alleged ofieuce that james dell hud paid villianr dullivant tho emit of nix dollars to refrain from voting at liu last halton election- mr g t bluckstock appeared for the prosecution stud mv bhilton aud mr mcgibbon appeared for hell and uullivaifftvcsi ectivelyi when jatne hell was clled on his suin- mons mr sliilton btatedftat ho would plead iuilty mr ustico mcmuhon in passing sen- tenco said that although tlio law allowed hitu to passevero sentences even as high as iv line of 200 tuidimprisoiiment still ho thought ho was not called upon us these were the first offences ot the kind proved iu the comity to deal harshly with i the offenders tho law liowover had to be uphold and he had to punish those that broke it even if tho sentences woro light iu the case of first offences hell was then sentenced to pay a alio of s2- and thdeosts anil to bo imprisoned for eight hours in tho gaol and if the hue and costs were not paid within those eight hours he was to be imprisoned for a further period of three months in the jiullivaut case mr mcgibbon also pleaded guilty for his client and uulli- vant was ill- tho 6ame way fined 910 and co3ts and imprisoned for tivo hours and if the fine and costs were not paid yvithiu tlio five hours he was tobe imprisoned for a fifrtlter period of one month a w0im to yjlllfll skxt0xs no 1 lvriii no j polling iiksiui uklh 151011 u- subiltviiioii 47 miiijl j totlio kriitor of tho fiiki 1nkss sin i write as one who suffers from tho results of careless or inefficient sextons who fail to give fresh air in our churches it may be there is a service held in the morning the people rot ire and tho doors and windows are closed in the afternoon this air is breathed over again by tho peoplo who come- jo service or the children who attciid sabbath school then at i30 oclock pm the diouso isfullagain per haps a big fire too and no oxygen in tine atmosphere how any service could bo profitable in suck churches is a mystery as one has pufe it atmosphere minus oxygen a senium minus energy and a con gregation minus profit a friend who has been confined to the house for som days l n xotes anikoalxinxts bankers and whoesje men report that the 4th o ivanitry srttuiig passed off fairly weii iii e ciises better than peced five men hive bies arrista in london ng for endeavoring to swindle the bank of ensund cut of 3o0o0 en stolen or forged hamilton xorthwtstern railway bonds it is said that a considerable sum will be included iu the militia estimates this year for the construction of co3st defences in accordance with the suggestions of tl-elm- periai governicent the fortifications at victoria bc will probably be the first work undertake in an interview last week mr martib attorneygeneral iu the new manitoba government declared emphitifalls that the government were determined to build the red eiyer valley railway no matter what obstacles or legal difficulties are placed in the way or die in the attempt by a severe church cold is just able to be around again and the wonder to tho writer is that more people lire not sick who sit in such poorlv ventilated and over- majority for heuieron but when the total majoritv was made i buildings the devil is said to be public the excitement beca even more the prince of the power of the tyr a large intense the acton cornet band paraded i- h busin u the streets plaving a number of livelv airs j manufacturing bad air for church uses to after which be crowd retired to the town depress the spirits clog the senses stultify hall where they nyrebransed for an hour j spirit nul organs aud spoil the- or so while waiting for mr hendersons sermon- return from milton bv mr a f webster u condensed breath collected on the of leeds dr stacer president ymlfciip windowpanes x a room where a num- 4 mclean barrister j e mcgarfiutm t los have been assembled be and j irving mr henderson did ifct i 1urlit1 a sme1 lsof wingedhair will show however rtturn until a late how and the i of or aud lf tle assembly dispersed reserving their pergonal ndensel breath be allowed to remain on they- windows for a few days it will be found on examination by microscope that it is alive with aninialcula the inuahv tion of air containing such putrescent mat- ter caifsis untold complaiuti which might be avoided by a circulation of fresh air let our sextons attend to this matter if not let our church trustees take holt of it f onk who attkniis a paying ixstitctiox vtti au1xst hjmkai- totho crttthrottbo jfiivkpiujus diuh bin t with your kind per- nussioi t closiro to make ail effort to ursist thoju pooplo in your county who nro sajrilietngtlmo and tnoiioy in tho causo of temperanbo or rather prohibition by cud utvoritigtostiataihnn aot whioh must bojigi ost tlio a tic of llrjiior judging by tho cltiiapl deofidanta thereof who ato hotel koepoyjykpartics iluanoially intorostod in uio rots of liriuor monopoly and tothoso peopioljfrho call thf mselvos moderato or in- diflereirftpntronb of the oursod drink do i wisumiio pittioulttiiy to direct my roi marks uufortuimtoly thcro aro some good mon avio stand aloof from the battlo going on in tlvojr midst hetweeu whiskey with its ikttoudhujl vota and scott act with itsj blcssnigsjcouteuting themselves with tho idea that as they aro not slaves to the apetito of rum tlioy are not obliged to step into the ranks and fight also we hear tho moderate drinkotboast j i can tako a glasb or leavo it alone wluit a troacherous rock that baying hab proved itself to bo in tho harbor of lifo how many lino young follows each ofjis could naino havo been wrecked on that- satuorock aud aro not the miseries of one young manh fate who fell by the hand ofrmn only ono enough to incite us ngainst tho lcgalivcd dispensing of tho deadly liquid throughout our land suffi cient toraibe us in arms and causo tho cloven hoof to betako itself to the water us of old thcru is no such man living as a moderate drinkefif ho imbibed to tho value of a farthing in a lifetime ab a bovorago ho ia au immoderate drinker as god gave him that farthing for somo other purpobo than keeping up aud sustaiuing a slaughter houso for souls again tho man who does not drink but refuses to vote or tako au interest in sup porting the scott act is tho man who with his family basks in tho favors of god ab regards a fair share of worldly comforts and health but passively looks on while the greatest enemy of god and the most intriguing of- evil is rifhng aud plundering gilds most cherished estate i openly defy any man hotelkeeper or otherwise engaged to conscientiously be lieve he is doing au iict pleasing to god by opposing thescotl act and i further defy any voter to rest easy who allowed the soott act to be defeated in his county by his not vbting hi all the county of haltcu could tive without the hcoit act but the people ot halton can not live conscientious ly without doing their dutyi ts it not tlie most impertinent piece of attempted imposition ou record for a ring of whiskey sellers to try and f6rce liquor on a peoplo who haye repeatedly told them by vote that hey would not have it the world is looking on at the contest in gocxtold halton it is the stam dard bearer of prohibition in canada li lt everything m goes stogr everyone c0me and receivethe benefit as we are going 1 o make alterations in our store suita theme g everything in stock in general drygoods and nothing will almost bs given away thousands of yards dress golds for almost xtotun lad gray arid colored flannelb for half white l graycottons foy leslhan mill price k blanketb and comforter fot a ovetcoats suits and bddf pants at your own priceunrwear w down as low as 25 cents sami ceraiemen you will makea great mistake if you donfaitendtthis great sale as we iwill positively gg you great bargains- kellybrothers acton k improyed countrt pbdutt kelly brother congratplatrons until halt morning the ektuhns 1 following is a comparative statement of tjbe majorities at this and at the proceeding election in the constituency j ftlturv kiuniarv 22nd 7 7th the canadian pacific railroad authori ties predict that within a year they will be able to take passengers from europe to yokohama in twentybne days a line of very fast steamships is to run in connection with the railway from england to halifax at whichpoint connection will be made with montreal at vancouver they will have steamers that can make the trip to yokohama in eleven 3avs the toronto xtici says the prohibition- ists of halton have reason tfrhope that the scott act will continue in force in that county from the fact that of the ten or more petitions for repeal voted upon in dif ferent counties not one has been successful and pri gjs it ibases its argument that whereverthe scon act has been tried it mas made friends although it may be roundly abused everywhere the xeic also asserts that although the antifjcotts claim that the- act has had a bad effect upon business in the county when asked to specify they have little or no ground tb stand upon the scott act will notdje repeated in halton acton li m 1 llurhnpton id ili georptoim i i milton jo jl oatville i n 1 esqliesing no 1 sjiroat stjhpol t no 2nortk i2 no i stewarttowu i- i no j dunlin 7 no 5 thomiftans corners il no 6 gltawillianis 1- ij xassaatveva j no 1 cainiibellville no 2 brookville 13 1 c no3 knatchbull d nelson- no 1 freexuaii j 17 no 2nelsoo villace 16 i no 3 cumminsville i so 4 bells school vi jo no 5 lines corners 4d ti trafalgar- no 1 the boyne 7 lf no 2 draunjuin x no 3 postville ti m 21- no 4 manns corners o no 5 palermo i no 6 bronte x m 233 sjs 1j irm the scott act inspectorsireporr to tiieiljjfferin county coricil we ijud tliat till- scott act is not an expensive but a paiii institution for- the tirst three quarters of the license year 17f there i has cu paid to the county treasurer for fines by the police magistrate 317 and there are still 300 iu fines uncollected the total expenditure daring that time was 7hi the county deposit of 1785 remains in the bank to the commissioners credit untouched and to it is added s1c0 more a part of the government grant f orangevillc atlrcrtutr jiewahi 01l a itestte the public accounts for the year ending june 30th 1887 have been published they show that the revenue for the year amounted to 3357aj993 and the expendi ture 37jll which gives a small sur plus of sj0rtj2 last years revenue was the largest but one ever collected in canada that of xixii being a few thousand dollars larger the receipts from tnstoms last year were s2ii788o0 and from excise w3w201 this allowing tlie population of the dominion to bcfive millions gives a tixation cifj7t a head the receipts from the post ofisce were 2020c23 and from railways canals and other public works 327u7j 1887 was for the vear these figures show that government a favorable toolj puojtlse- iiioji jfayob clvkkk tvftlclies majority ltst year t hendersons majority on tutsday h i at milton when the result became knbwn- a brass bandescorted mr henderson from tie conservative committee room3 to the j town hall where a meeting was held mr henderson was received with cheer3 he said he was quite overcome with the great victory he bad been certain he would be elected but hot with such a majority he thanked the electors apd said he would now goto parliament nofonly as a conserva tive member but representing all halton jhe believed they were all as tired flf poli tics as he was and excused himself having s meeting of enthusiasts at acton to ad dress at oakville there were great rejoicings when it became known that mr henderson had wou the day a torchlight processing was formed which paraded the principal streets of the town headed by the town baub and generaled by capt felan and w a ferrali president of the young mens lca there was scarcely an in strument in the neighborhood capable of producing sound from the proverbial stove pipe to tambourine and braes arms jtliat was not called into requisition tjie procession finally halted at the rooms of the local conservative association where congratulatory addresses were delivered by mayor urqubart dr sullivan george l tizard and w o joyce president of the local conservative association ottawa frb 5 the marine depart ment- has received through the england antluritiesa present of a gold watch an gold medal from tki president of the united states for captajn steele and mate reinhod peterson of trie schooner scots- bay of windsor n s for their humanity aud courage in rescuing the- crew of tho american schooner marcus a davis wrecked on the 2ith marth 1887 the scott act iv simcoe at the saturday afternoon rmeeting of the interprovincial ymca- convention at toronto mayor cjarke was present aud addressed the deleaates he assured them that the member of the corporation were fully in sympathy with their work it is generally admitted he said that our people are a loyal people it will be the aimtif the corporation of ihh as far as in them lies to uphold the good name of the city as atesident of toranto he was ablefo appreciate the good work done by the yoapg mens christian aseociation of- this city he extended to the visiting delegates notes this is the first time halton has been won bv the liberal conservatives sinee hon william mcdougall was carried in as their candidate on the kational policy wave in 1878 i the best of feeling prevailedthroughout the contest both betweenihe candidates and their supporters i3aiiii feb a the fiwt convictions jnder the scott actbythemfwlyappointfcd police magistrate for simcoie county mr s gray were made in orillia today when adam fralick frank laplants and islirnacl crowtlier were each fined f0 and cosfo the police magistrate lias about 80 castk to come before him in different parts of the county 1 for coughs colds bronchitis and all lung and throat troubles there is no preparation of medicine can compare with bicklos anticoiibhiitdtive syrup it never fails to afford prompt and permanent relief it remove3all soreness aud heals the diseased parts it immediately soothes the most troublesome cough and by promoting ex pectoration removes the mucus which stops up the air tubes which causes diffi culty iu breathing therebyjkives relief to that depressing tightnessexperienced in the chest- pnblic speakers and singers will find bicklos anticonsuthptjve syrup of inestimable valuei as it bpeedily and effectually allays all irritation and hubki- ness in the throat and bronchial tubes and gives power to the vocal cords rendering the voico clear and sonorous if pareuts wish to save the lives of their children and atliemselves from much anxiety trouble an j expense let tbemprocure a bottle of bickles auticotjsumptive syrup aud whenever a uodiis watching aud will carefully note the way eah ballot is marked rejoicing wheii ene ismarked for hun aud blessing tire marker but grioying wlien marked against him let every yotef piark for scott act liberty and god halton courity isneither a very largo or old place but let us procure hearses for all the dear departed ones whose lives were blighted and souls lost bvthe cursed whis key and its influences and place them in front of thepvocession let all the relatives and mourners take up the rear and pro- ceec- from one end to the other of halton and let the few disinterested ones anti- scottact people of course tell of the heart breaking scenes during the passing of that lonesome never- tobe forgotten majrch i fathers broken down and sorrowing for tlie once fresh happy faced son on whom he depended for comfort in his declining years 1 mothers weeping and wailing as only a mother can for the eternal lost of uie idolized one of her heart iu whose future she saw so many bright days sisters lamenting a goodhearted generous brother who used to bo so kind to them a flock of children and a worn out mother poor and ragged leftin trouble by the early departure of a once kind father oh my friends i fear that procession would be longer than any of us would suspect and i know if your election came off next day there would be few anti scott act votes polled there would be no cool indiffer ent voters oh what a death to die 1 what a ttuel soul killiugmonster is rum ifthcre yet remains one man in halton who is careless about lending his vote and influence to the scott act imagine yourself or place yourself on your death bed the doctor has shaken his bead solemnly and sees that your hours are numbered your moments few your spiritual adviser baa done all lie could towards pointing yon to heayetttnd to54fteair wife and dear child ren to noiselessly go m and take their last farewell they are standing around your bed counting the large icy drops of sweat on your brow you gaze on one after another until your eye halts on that boy your soii with his youthful face that affectionate large hearted boy on whotn you have set your heart how far if it lay in your power would you remove every temptation from hini name the one you would consider not worth removing my dear fellowman would you mark a bal lot for the legalized saleyfl liquors 1 1 think not my dear unfortunate dispenser of pain and misery i mean the hotelkeeper would yoa champion the cause of whiskey knowing what you must know of us results of- that awful moment i hope not mi editor kiudly pardon me for my intrusion on spaco biit dont palliate or excuse anything i have written i have no needto ofler any argument in favor of the working of thesoott act for if it were useless the whiskey influence would let it remain i consider that the most powerful argument in itifavor i am yours biucerely i ax exwliirkkv slmeh feb 7th 1888 1 house sob sale jj iihat new frame dwelling noun l stroct belonging tn a v green roughcast tousomtely occubitd by um tion army ecnhs easy pot further j a owati larscijpljt tof ibito 0 1500 aved s only i700 i t- fnll harness only a700 fine cualm free book 440 pi l lactb worth 10x sent with i worth cents free lob i book millio for harnees or by mail 48c canadian co 170 king st toronto whet htg building lots for sale j munbof ffiss the undersigned has still a la excellent building lot fdrt survey the location is vi there are no more desirable li terms easy apply to w e want oie tohfcifci t ttraejr jji s on the mjg svlthacq local and travellikg 8 to tell our clipice varieties of nunery cither on salary or commission pennaiubliiqp ploymcnt to tiorigbt men no room tatf ones upright and honest are the on lookidc for address with refdrences hay bkotheks xnrserynieri bocherter le the ones vei 2 r0nram s partneeship notic vfoticb is hereby given thai the heretofore subsisting be i heretofore subsisting between the i i signed as trunk and traveling bag i turers in the village of actonj under 1 or arm of moore it mcgarrinj is this i solved by mutual consent witness cwames w a stobey z j e uega datedthis 31st day of january 1s861 iu reference to the above duetbobinen 0t iu future be carried on by the ondersigiiednm c the firm name of j e megajrvin ca ta will receive and jiay all the debts of tbahh j cchpartnership rl sgd ditod this 1st day of february emcgabvdi bobebtcbau op valuable farm 1869 salb geo ot fa sxx only ioc pf i no i w needles for 3c crotch needles dai needles ka sewing mafj machi send or call for- your ey paper acc ink school bagshairf combs fir scissors kr tbilet sc imrnense date of god ddw blihdfl wide ir member our j from ioc qzq hyn1i the met parson public services wig schooiaao bib pastor strangers and tontive ushers at t it sittings are few steward impor1 we ajre inaebtod to the tising job work trust our oall sponse if those i offiee and settled f friends and sett desire to get oar the end of the j w prop in the township ofjebik next visit acton dominion hctel monday 30th january oke day only catarrh throat cubed a few of tl e hundreds who hove boon success fully treated by dr washingtons new method sirsjno jtfckelvv- kingston out catarrh and consumption john mokdlvy kingston out catarrh mrs a popping iiiugston out broncho contubptlon mr e scott kingston out catarrh head and throat i mrsjno bptramharrottsmitboutcataith throat jamea matthews p master acton out ca- tarroh bead nd throat f francid berlin ont catarrh liend und throat miss nellie ebyberlhi out enlarged tonsil f wiqg p m coruriim ont catarrh hold henry scott berlin ont asthma mrs p warner ueir berlin oat catarrh bead and throat levlkercbbr btjaflobs out catarrh head and throat i y colin campbell pueriward ont atthina james staooy duttdsi ont catarrh wm shoemaker rodney onttlcntarrli joseph smiley fort gratiot v s catarrh bad form i w hstorbv esq of storey a- son glove manafacturera acton ont dr wftsbington is the only throattand lurtg surgoon in canada mls maryi a rombourg ccntcrvile lont catarrh head aud throat mrs godfrey lehncss fi jacobs out con sumption t titusnidcbloomfloldoiit catarrh head aud throat under and by virtue of the p wervof sala mif 1 taiued in a mortgage which trtj be prodaeed f i tlie time of sale there will be offered fat mb f suuject to a reserve bid by put lie i notion at j s i agnews sotel in the village otaetm is the corstt of ballon by william bemstreet auctioneer 11th pebrtiary 1888 at 1 ocbock p m p j the easterly half of lot 3 in tie 4th co g cession of the township of erin 100 a acres more or less i there arc so acres cleared balance ondetat with maple grove valuable crchard exceoofl house end other convenient ifann bahitinp school house upon lot situate aloat 5 auw from actou title good tebmsofsale oneteuth of the pnrchasomney to be in cash on day of sale part of the pun- money can remain on mortgage and eo will be ac known at tiine of sale tbe abow frojierry will be oflered on blot afr in punt nrther particulars can be obtained from the undersigned v wm hejisteeet j a moat auctioneer venjclorssolkitor i snelphotartob dated this 16th day of january issa the dominion washer wringer m te washer and idierx go it is conceded on all bides that the pre child has taken cold has a cough or hoarse- sent camparrn was one of the purest ever ness give thesyrupaccording todirectfons- fopt in the cocnty bribery was not even hinted at by either side the election of mr henderson was 7 tax ox vaxawax 310xkv a hearty welcome aud trusted that the j pretty geriftfally anticipated but no one present conference oiuld strergthen their j looked for so a majority in so evenly wor i divided a constituency halton has now a coiiservatjve ui both houses the first time in its history mokindseys majority in jtotou in 1882 was 10 kerus the samear 33 lierns iu 188f u hendersons fn 1887 15 and on tuesday it reached hi our citizens are congratulating them- selves that they are now honored with hav ing the member for the house of commons and the warden of the county in actou oirtiilaliuii nt iiouiiiiion xntes in frontier citin tjlir luvcctiealed wasurxgioi 2 complaints have recently been made to the internal revenoe bureau alleging that a namber of- banks along the canadian border are circulating canadian notes as a currency a statutory provision intended to protect the national currency imposes a tax of 10 per cent on adl notes other than those of national banks or of the united states which are paid oat tod ased by banks aaa circulating medium the tax imposed is of coarse prohibitive m it as intended by its framers that it do not forget when yoa intend purchasing a first clas organ or piano to go to 3 c mclean of the guelph temple of music he is no agent but buys his goods in large quantities at rock bottom figures aud only the high- est grades are anviceio mothers are you disturbed at night and broken erf yourrest by a sick child suffering andjerying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of sirs winslows soothing syrnp for children teething its value is iucal- chlable it will relievo the poor littlo suf- erer irhmediately depend updn it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery aud diarrhoea regulates the stomath and bowels cures wind cphc softens tliegums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole hystem mrs winslows soothing y- rup for children teething is pleasant to thetaste end is the prescription of one of jtiio oldest and best female physicians and nurses in tho united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout tho world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mho wimsiows 8ppniixo svbdi and take noother kind the greatdry ffomi j d williamson co has been closed for one day for the p irpose of marking down all the goodsfn the house i see hand 1jill foe pallttcrla patexteo 1885 the most perfect and compk wringer in the dominion it takes the lead wherever introduced it washes easily it washer quickly it washes clean with it a doxea articles of average size can bewmhedaad rnnt out within five minutes this machine i so easily operated and does its work so perfeettr and so quickly thatwherever sntiodnced it soon recognized as an article of necesiiryrb washes uion the same principle asgmw bing vet so gently thstit does not hrjure ewtt the finest fabrics it is seltadjustia ta washes even the finest linen or the largest blanket with equal ease it doles not partial wash the clothes leaving them to be finished by hand but does its work perfectly and conrpkt ly doing away with- the washboard and mil rubbing altogether it washes a dolten or mo- articles at once thereby accomplishing nvjj hour or so as much work as would bwenuse occupv the whole dayl a i burke of hamilton ontjthepateste this machine offers ifsoo of achauengete tion by anv other washing machine ever in cd that will accomplish its work equally m as quickly as easily and with as little mjaijw the clothes every machine guaranteed to satisfaction i i sold separate or combined ppce of matatt completo with wringer 13 without s8 orders attended to as soon as j correslrndenee solicited david schtjitjis rockwxwd ptt- general ageiitfor the townships of esqnesws jjassacaweya erauiosa guelph and citysl guclpn and all towns and villages therein v isaiah vmyceevertonrftg general agent for the towjiships of tti- caledou and gaxafraxa ii thubsdayj collated by the free theelectiotiil 1 ereshegga a again bntur has 1 this week tb3 board i tuesdayevedinjsj there was tuesday mrj- -t- the fdierj they call divori a good dogi help to the j nuiaj j r wheii yon i chases see that and well fed see that yp fortable when tjb the zeropoint 4aavillete trainrrwno cornel or lodging is grytj ttfere is orid fence fit canuotl t 1 daring the i brantford townsl the bkinb of whid a marylanl hasbeen jailed f a man out of a1 chathanj jsl rate of 5010 a j third of its ravel bargains to right bargains to left bargains before ifiargalns bbhind- the carnival xow ix 1 ull flixfe v j b wliamscin i co j fipltp sea wonders existin iiw uhtsljj ands of forms but arc surpass by the marvels of invention these who aw need of prontablowoik that can be domb wwj living at home should at once seiid theirm4lts to hallett 4 co portland maibe and retejlt- free full iufonnatiou how either sex of all op can earn from j to 23 per davaud npwatp- wherever they live you arestarted free cof- ital not required some havo made over ml j a siiighi day at this work all succeed a l furmture undertaking i j ouu funnitiife department burdock blood writes absolutely pure this powder never yorles a marrbi of purity strength and boleioriif nets mors ooonomlcij than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with tbo multitude of low testshort elghtolom or phosphate powdfri sow oily jueu bo rfj a pink srikctki stock ok j i parlor bedroom suitecj spring beds ivattre3ses tables chairs etc etc etc opv undertging deriararnent oomiivjte with a jjeautftl yelwlli c u r 5 r he u m a tjhm wob a arepleasifittotcka contnla their iv fty 1 fp ireroi out effcirf uoi jaciiudren or adults a full line cf gootla from beat makers always on hand r jjijifjes iteasogaijle 1abse atlcet8anlburial rolies sizes in stock gitperjliroaptly tlliled i height son will cure or biliousness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheui ill heartburn keadachl dizzin dropsy of lthehalrtij acidity of thi- stoifj- dryness 4 and every species of irom disordered xjv stphtacb bqwesqj tmilburnco 6iu 99 perci purp8t8trqiicist adabyaufltmersasd