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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 9, 1888, p. 3

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1- ie m 3 it tfitntts c beas o ujv t rnriit rrtoct puny at acta saved hue gataab jxwsrsr lots arcc ccmbw at fi sale in his be f on tor btttth smith kctr- stock geo hyds of small waves and two sizes ools papers sowing xv m nursery smk r frmaaeot a- room for ur i the cast i kochectcr x t notice iix partserafab fathe dcjl i t bag maaittt- sveder the km this dj ov fancy goods ses our prices berlin and zephyr only ioc per oz xo i assented needlosfor 5c pips per paper crotchet needles wool needles darninjjand knitting iieedles raymond and singer sewing machine needles sew ing machine oil lwgys send or call at goo rfyrdv for vour envelopes yriting paper account books pens ink school books school i hair brushes dressing combs fine combs roger scissors knives and srazors toilet soaps wieiceep an fninfense assoitnujjst of this class of goods treen win dow blind paper 36 inches wide for 5c per ydrxt re- memher our stock of spectacles torn ioc per pair upwards geo hynds acton ont give us a call themethoistcttrroh agtw- ev r phillips 5astor rxtsnaj lwer avenue public services 10v am nl tvxi pm sunday school im hiwc class romluctej by the pastor all cordially iavitej and visitors always welcome at- t if cttitigtirc desired applytorrmooro few srrvl j important notice ime moose e licgibvdt is i huiinrs fl f 2dxicned uaiet krjn 4 co vka i debts of the lata k ncgvrtcc loreet ckaixe sale- property ioperin tr of talc eabv cseffi for agde ric asztlon at is of aetna lactiafler 188 im the 4th con ic eija 100 ni uncleared lvrjxlkiit t oi g zxute lv it j to paid ibe pomiac and dosjdftiooi isiaiotc rptn the tnd mowat s solicitor inclpborarttm- ion ringer waiier aad ake tfce lead ely it ratface it a dozen 3 aad m rang ioachioe u to lorl so perfectly litibodoetxl it pfjfciceaait- it at liand-mb- fuejt injore rrea tdjartinr aad j or tbe largest is not partially ivj beftouied by xjr add eraaplete- lrcjd asd hand in doxen or mora l piiihing in an onld otherriaa tlie patentee u itlienge eompeti yxe ever inrent- i cqaailruvell y little injury trautttdlo git frite of luaelitob itbout vtitigex ue poniwt it k wood po i of esqnsij lii and cify 0 l tbeseiil kvebtqvpo luiiil itf erin cxit in tbon- t arc jurped bo axe ib br done achlto lud tbejraddrea v and reeelte rtiof all age i end npward rl free cap- alc over 50 to hcel we are sending out accounts to those indebted to tse free press fpradver- iidngjob work and subscriptions and we tost our call will riseetwubta ready re sponse if those indebted will csil at the office and settle or remit within the next few days it will oblige us very much come friends and settle your little bills as we desire to get our books into shape before theendoftheiear tjt irtnn jtrrt prrss thursday february i 1ss many msor iiocals cihtl tn tin- etr tlionjlitful and frvr rrvkeiortcr alert tie e3ectioas8ol cr next fresh eirs are beginning to come iu bntur has ben apb jv cents agaiu tbisweei j -t- l the boifj of eaucaiicn tvilkineet on tstsdiv evecwg nest hih mst there ws an electioi in acton on tuesday lfr henderson says so icefaneralof marriages is what tbey call divorces in chicago nowadays good dog is a great- protection and help to the firmer a worthless dog is a etdsance when ywrconje to town to make pur chases see that- yoar horse is nicely stabled andtceh fed see thst vour animairare made com- home gleanings- whirl lt meuy r lornl flwwvtfl willi ill luterimitliiir a school boy with a broken wrtst las hilo h son of mr james carr of erin wax wrestling with other boys at school during the nouu hour 10 slipped ud a companion fell heavily upon his left arm breaking it at the wrist ur lowry reduced the fracture and the littfo fellow thinks hell give up wresthug ait echool for the present tilt vote aeaiast repeal t a conveiition to organize for the cam- paigu against the petition for tltj repeal of the scott act will bo held in millou on friday febloih at 10 oclock a m the circular says chairmen and secretaries of local committees aro particularly re- quested to he present and every other person who prefers the homo to tho bar- room s row in eden mitls on wednesday niht tlireo young men hillis robinson and rouse went to the house of david shaunou in eden jlilla woke him upland preceeded to assault liim they beat him severely broke the windows of his residence and damaged the furniture tiio trio were brought before squire strange at rockwood on thursday and fined s20 iiud costs each and bouud over to keep the poaeo for three years it should give them a lesson a paying investment it pvs to advertise in the fuel pnfcss remarked the proprietor of one of the most prosperous stores in town to tho editor of this journal the other da and it is a trjeism lrop iu at any time to the place of business of those who use our columns the mostaud you will be convinced in the prcseut cnhgtitenedage people as a rule will not go into a place where they are not invited and the most successful business men are those who judiciously use printers ink it is so in acton and it is so ail thctworm over we aini ys give yoii good mea t to ea t the place to purchase your meat is al ways at the central meat makct mr w ii rtuledge the proprietor makes it a point to supply hiscustonlers with the very best meat ol all kinds procurable and all who receive their supply from him are suited every time he has alsojmade it a matter of piiuciplc neer to offer inferior goods at any price hojias facilities for supplying a very huge numbsr of custom ers midtlave pleasure iu soliciting the patrouage of tlifipubic generally give him an order and you will be sure to be pleased removs1 of a god man on thursday last mr joseph fyfe left acton to take possession of his newly ac- quired basiuess at barrie his many friends in actob and vicinity will miss him sadly and sincerely regret his departure from their midst but they unitedly join iu wishing him abundant success in his new relations he grew up here from boyhood auj was associated with every enterprise which was calculated to advance theinter- ests aud improve the character of the placed he will be missed in publicmatters he will be missed iu social life he will be missed in morauevsdijeligione circles but we have no doubt his abilities will soon be called into serviee in his new home his fumiiy will dot femoveat present institute ior the deatand dumb the seventeenth annual report of the in spector of prjsons and public charities on the ontario institution for the education and instruction of thevjeaf and dumb situated at belleville hastbesn presented commuttfonserwoos tho quarterly gaoriimental services in tho methodist churclulftbt buiiilny wore largely attended nud partook of mora than otdiiiary interest mr cookbnrn the blind preacher dolivorod impressivq and interest ing sermons both morniug and ovoniug as a preacher this afllioted child of god lias more than ordinary nbility ami his earnestness would put to shame many who possess full use of all their faoultios his llow of language is excellent his voice strong powerful niid distinct tho divisions of hib subject well arrangod and ciirefnlly presented ho is a very spiritually minded man mr cookburu pobijebjob a great memory and readily announces any pass- uko of scripture noting any chapter and verse or any hymn or stanza ii the hymip book ho superintended tho ovungelistib scivioes id the church on monday- aiyl tuesday canada coikloyan works change hands r mr pjncoli of toronto a gentleman oflirgd capital has purchased tho canada cordovan tannery here nd it will bo run on large scalo by mr win smith late mauaerof the tore iitotauningcompany a former adtbirbo exteubivo improve mfcots and additions are now iu progress and in thu coursoef a few weeks some twenty five haiidswill be employed this is one of tho most convenient and best appointed tanneries iu the dcmiuion and has an abundantsupply of excellent water for tanning purposes mrjacobi will manufacture oil kinds ibf cordovan leather but hie thell cordoran vainpb for boots and shoes will be the specialty of the tan nery under tho competent superiiitend cuce of mr smith the products will un doubtedly bo tirstclass five now families will remove to actou from toronto to work iu the tannery where they will bo abloito get liouses is a problom personal mention ilimirmplis luspertlug visitom tu and krdin atlnji with vlium free iriss ltriitlcrs ary jlnreor less aiijiuilntiil mr joseph jveavers of toronto visited acton fnieuds oil tuesday mr c l young of oakville visited friends in actou this weok mrs rev james broley of elora visited friends here this week mr and mrs richard hamilton of erin visited friends here this week mr and mrs chas h walker of eriu visited friends iu acton last week mr boberf gradt6f toronto was tho guest of acton friends over sunday mrs elpabeth thurtbll is the guest of her sou mr r l thurtell tceswater miss kelliespeight of markham is tho nassauaweyaews kroui mr guest of her brother mr c c speight fartabie when the mercury is playing about to the lieutenantgovernor from it we tbe zero point oikvilie tewn council boycotts every tramp who comes to town neither board or lodging is pven them there is one sood thiug about a wire fence it cannot be used for posting patent medicine advertisements daring the trapping season of l8c7 a brantford township man caught 20s skunks l the skins of which he sold amaryland man with seven wives his been jaiied the law sometimes helps iran out of a very bad scrape ciuthim isteticing its debt at the rate of jei0 a year and is agglyicg one- third of its revenue to edacalioa the totil amount on degisil on the n the bank learn that there were 264 pupils in attend ance during the session ending on the 30th september 1sj7 131 males and 113 females ihejlarktnnajorijy ofhora were the children of farmers andf laborers these classes of the cdmraumty respectively con tributing 10t and 17 pupils oat of the total number of the 201 pupils in attendance halton sends but two viz christopher gillam brocto andjohnjhintoukilbride york contributes 21 huron 15 and bruce 3 a hint to the farnieijs a we are pleased t see that the farmers are each year takiii more general interest iu patting in a supply of ice for summer usein the dairy and elsewhere it is u very- profitable investment to thoe who our own corrotpomloirt john campbell mjiilo formerly of nasstgawoya is at presant visiting fnonds in thu neighborhood i thhro was an onjoyablu social gathoring in nassagawoya on triday evenini jn a7thwlionthoiioinbcrb of the nnhbii3a woya prcsbytdririii congregation iibsembljid in their church to manifest their appreci ation both of mr jas moffats cervices ab troanlirer and of his und mrs moffats ttssistfiinco as workers in connection witu- tho church after iv short program con- bisting principally of inunic wuh disposed of tho chairman mr d l milne called oh dr winn to produceitud read a paper ifo had in his possession and which proved to be jau address to mr and mrs moffat at the proper time during tho reading of tho address mrs geo thomas stopped forward andprcsontcd mr und mrs mof fat each with an elegant gold watdh mr moffat on behalf of himself uiid mra moffat briefly and sincerely ihaifked his friends for tliojsindness and goodwill they had shown- tho value of tho watches is eomowhero iu the neighborhood of 70 eaou tho remainder of thxi evening was niado pleasant with music rendered by the young- ladies- of tho congregation and speeches by iwv a blair messrs t moore wm logietho chairman and otbere althoijglfthero has been so many polit ical meetings hero this week tho meeting of the bmla was as usual well attouded an interesting and varied program was reuderod by ho following musiu tho misses eastcrbrook miss gillies miss moore and mrs jas miller reading messrpd aguow dhutcheon and w j player and recitation miss cauuto owing to the isfliijiilty sometimes experi enced iu obtaining biifflcicnt data for a program it wab resolved at the last meet- ing to institute a mock township council the fojjing were elected reeve thos moore deputy reeve d f milne coun cillors w irving j w easterbrook j leachman 11 meade audj lamb after tho council had arranged themselves and the curtains were drawn a ludicrous sceno was presented the number of bottles glasses i and cigarboxes on the table re minded ono of tho corkkcrew expedition bo much talked of some years ago much business of a varied- character was done bonusmg new industries appointing town ship officers granting money for the sup port of poor and indigent persons and for the repair of roads also for dogs killed by sheep and vise versa etc etc there was a great deal of nonsense but the evening was innocently pleasantly and perhaps not tin- profitably spent ni grst zfjlti i j jt fr0m the f- temple pf music great clearing sale of new and- second hand organs pianos melodians on easy terms p payment nd itniicl jsi3all organs 55 now and soco from 820 up 0 karo organs inlvv from 870 up 25 now dominion most of thoau iusti small musical 5 thdmas orgaus tiow from s75 up 10 goodsecond hand pianob from 875 up to 8185 orguiib iluuiilh uro at present reiitdd tli rough tho country and i will wurraul every iiiktruliiuut which 1 sell to give purfect satisfaction a larqe oonsionment of- merohandise including band and other instruments expected ory day direct from german manufacturers which will be sold cheap for cash- cull nutliiiake airnucumimil ns to what prlcoof luhtrumolit youwaut or wrlto for it auil 1 will hoihj selection aeiiordiiur to iirlco you wibii to pay to your nearust station or dulivor tho buiiiu foraiproval and if uio instruuiont is hot worth the lnouoy i ask forit return itj at isy okpoiibo lam htil iloaliiu in f i organ bhout music j tdlephono connection hc gouuino hoiutzman piano also tho colobratod dominion piano and ordered daily importer of foreign musical merchandise quebecst uuelph impoil ite1 direct eroaf greltmaxy to charles w klililts imusic store opposite post qfflce guelph savibjo bank branch of the ceserl bank i have not considered the matter it may not by creditors in and around guelph is 8238 be amiss to hint that there may be some 27371 i old building standing about your premises fnuafthxi boons wistkj bedroom j or a corner your barnor some outhouse nd sitting room or large bedroom -with- i which could be fixed up without much oat boardto be heated with sjove apply trouble or expense to answer the purpose it ftz fdess office of an icehouse if you have not such a cn- i venience already on vour farm those tbe little i j who have tried it only know what a com- the streetsville gteitir says on of the editor of that paper is laid np crushed foot caused by banging on a sleigh w p pholips a- co dry goodi deal- ertat brampton have assigned with the liabilities of about 930000 the noffinial assets being 825000 the business of mr james moore of thecauada cordovan tannery assigned hu beea settled the creditors have ac cepted twenty cents on the dollar fort and convenience a good bupply of ice is daring the hot mouths of summer and an uulimited supply of pure spring water ice may be secured from the ponds here salton farmers institute it has been decided to hold the annual sessions of the farmers institute of this county iu the town hall acton on wed nesday and thursday 22ud and 23rd inst a very iflterestingcouventionis anticipated papers will be presented and addresses tbe animal session ofi the farmers j delivered by professors from the ontario ess- vig png the heart y0f estach m ithlfclft mm ii institute of this county will beheld inthe town hall acton on wednesday and thursday 22nd and 23rd of february if any one is fatigued the best restor ative is hot milk a tumbler of the beverage ai hot as can be sipped this is far more o a restorative than any alcoholic drink special services are iuprogress in the methodist church this week rev b dey of georgetown assisted tbe pastor lutevedipg and bev wm birks of xasaaaweya is expected this evening one of illinois many editors has a great head he is a philosopher for lie writes never jadgeby appearances a habby coat ma- conuin ah editor while mi wearing a hightoned plug bat and sporting a dude cane may be a delinquent abatriber u the following members of the music al coomiitec of the fartners institute are kqoefcted to meet in the town hall this evening at 8 oclock for organization j chill jehnllw9ndr lowry harry gibbons a l hejcustreet a t jmann w willima ciils t moore jfayor bobertscn istobecomplimented n the cotnparativety good order thatha prevailed i 3dltou since he took office nampion lets see friend cltampioh nt dr robertson s scott act man same good can come out of nazareth then all even in your estimation bey j wpedley pastor of the con- wegauonal church georgetown has re- jived and accepted a cull tovaucouver c his removal from georgetown will be generally regretted for lie is esteemed y all aud lias been instrumental in success fully buildipgaip the church over which he oa presided f b lawrance lioirttgalj wbpse spec- cei and eyeglasseshiwrigivep silvb re- j trarkable satisfaction in tif aechon will b represented by mj7p h morris an ex 1bsk optician at j b pawns store monday aoth at almeqtttrmik pec- can be satisfactorily suited by calling mst4to t i agricultural college prominent farmers and experienced stockmen jji concert of a most enjoyable character will be given on the evening of the first day and the various sessions of the institute will be generally interesting to farmers their families and the public strong local com mittees have beeu appointed the execu tive officers are arranging to secure emin ent outside talent and a pleasant time is looked for every session should be well attended fop the reason that tho present is u black time with thd farmers and fur ther the beneficial results of the institute will uccure very largely iu favor of the residents of this part of tho county and they should consequently talfe more than ordinary interest in its success mr fred h smyth of toronto was the kuest of acton friends over sunday mr george macfarlaue of michigan is visiting friends in acton and vicinity mrs t stone of toronto has been a guest at the old home cedar creek fajm this week hit william scott of culrdss iwardeu of the county of bruce visiteirelutives m this vicinity this week mr and mrs e h maddock of guelph were guests of mr jtfmes matthews a couple of days this week master arthur smith left on monday to take a position in the office of the vretern insurance company toronto the fiikk prkss wishes arty every success in this his introduction into lifes practical duties last saturday evening our reporter had a pleasant meeting with rev g r dewey for some time pastor of the brick church who wasjji route for listowell dunn the past year mr dewey has been engaged iu evangelistic work and his lajrors have been crowned with success among the election visitors bur reporter noticed messrs david williamson noah evans guelph j m fernley brantford thos jeans and joseph howe glen- williams adam stewart georgetown g b griffin durniville h b mccarthy porthgj thos mcmackon highgate percy a v secord st catharines geo wilson allandale john brdwn yvm auldi p j smith j worden win smith john kennedy wm carroll and thomas worsnop toronto of course they all voted correctly but they didnt all return hoijie with the satisfaction that the can didate of their choice had- been elected relieving officer clarke guelph says that already 8100 iu advance of last year up to date has been paid out to destitute persons t j an old country gamekeeper residjug acton who is spending his first whiter canada boasted about christmas time at he could stand ady kind of weather canada could produce has been nursing one of his enormous auricular appendages ever since the recent cold snap hell leave this blawsted coqutry and return to old england as 6oon ab possible mr mcleods meeting in the town hall last friday evening was very largely at- tended col allan occupied the chair addresses were delivered by mr mcleod the reform candidate and messrs w r t preston secretary provincial reform associationand mayor robertson milton mriw a webster of leeds spoke in mr hendersons interest the best of feeling prevailed throughout the meeting aohknvrntal experiments tho largest mid most complete consignment of musical merchandise that has ever been received in guelph i i tho stock cot slsts of double basses viqlincellos violas full three quarter and halfsizo violinsr guitars banjos cases accordeons ificcolos flutes clarionetes harmonicas banjo strings tambourines cymbals bones bass prunes snare drums silver and brass trimmings these i goods uro bought for cash and imported direct so the music loving people of acton ipid vicii ity may look for bargains this fall and winter my btoreib stocked with a fufl line of tlie belt okgans lansdownje pianos besureio call and got thp for which i am sole agent for guolph and vicinity prices of now organs before you buy second hand ones tho lausdowiio piano is taking tho lead leading musicians are selling their old pianos aud buying this piauo call and examine my stock no troublo to show goods special attention paid to tlioshcet music thidc remember thb glace tovells block opposito post office trem ndous clearinc ous clea 00001 z pn sale if ui i dollars v verted istffebrnpy and before then thousancls of rtli of til odds must be disposed of and eon- jitoready casli prices will be no object j bagraiu liuntersan fqlly peruse thi to be sold -oooo- gods must 1 thoso desiring to mako a little money go a long away should fcare- although it only gives you a faint idea of he quantity of stufl uljtho prices at which it will be offered read consider and make straight for follinrake sons milton fv brown navy cardijind blk velveteen for lociard worth almost double tbe money 10 berlin wools 7ac a cottons from 3o a 3 10 and 12j cambric embroideries for 5c 00 yd 12j and 15c prijifs and cretonnes for 8c a yard shurts and drawers 4sc a suit ounce maccrame cord 9c a ball city prices caiit touchjtl i rd up mens wool sox 9c a pair girls wool hoods ijcvhorseblahketsooc striped flannel 15c a yart 75c and 8101 mens woohshirts and drawers g kintjs to sell t from all to be sold atrooc each too big a stock go d3 must go a lot of 75 aud 50c ladies cashmere glovesfor 25c a pair 25 bundles batting 81 fine allwool cash icre blk grey and bronze cheap at 50c to be ftlfi off at 3jo good cambric sjiirt lining gc heavy waist lining 10c a yard fiue satin mervcilli tux worth sijqo for gfic a yard boys underclothing 15c- a big lot of 25 ioa 1 10c dress goods new colors to be offered at 20c a yard it will pay you todr ive 25 mil3 to attend this sale lunch provided for parties fr thecountryj free mantle cloth from c it yar up linen handkerchiefs 7c mens sloo regatta and navy spot shirts for 50c boys suits from 82 0 up mens pants from 70c up mens heavy overci its worth 8700 for 8450 j sale commences saturday january 7th 1808- lastsfi uly 2 weeta these prices cint begiven any longer a cw kihlllrt jlklih makkets feb what a blizzard is the beeton world defines a blizzard as follows there was a blizzard running around loose ou friday it came in thurs day nightvud nhgered in our municipal lap all next day it wasnt invited but showed its meannesss by coining- unasked abiizzardib a mighty mean- thing and ranks about as high in meteorology as a skunk in zoology they are built in the yiiorthwestatidifisa cold day for ua when tbey manage to raise the wind tip there the general course described by blizzards with a breath like a stepmother is precisely like a scotch plaidfthirteen ways at once when you turn your back to draw a breath the blizzard is there too and us youopen your mouth it suddenly fills yopr lungs so fuirof wind that nothing but an udregeneratc heart prevents you from eoaring aloft yog ice vightern a bass drqm apd wont to swear bat havent time ablissssrd hasonly one occupation vto pile all tlio disengaged snow on the sidewalk in front of the bouseatid ouhigly ways and railroads it also gives the nose a ripe strawberry tilit and all beatons temperance meu went around friday with nosee reddern a round of beef but antli with bandpatnted nasal wprf thera plnmccjof klqurltoller- llour stone white wheat liccl wheat spring glasgow harlcy oats ityb peab- hoy htraw wood per coru sutrackea ontooi rn 0 20 to 0 21 nutter roiis ihdiir ii li w u w srn 6 00 to 6 w timiildas 0 05 to 0 00 lambaklns 0 to 0 m sooto 550 0 23 to 0 20 8thl88 2 10 to 2 23 1 tx to 2 15 0 w to 0 ki 0 8j to 0 fci 0 b0 to 080 0 55 to 0 80 0 io too 44 0 50 to 0 52 0 58 to 0 gh flootolo 50 j 00 to t 00 i 00 to 4 50 0 18 to 0 20 to thcklitor of the fuie lluss dkui sik being aware of the deepih- terest wlvich the press of onturio takes in the welfare of the agriculturist nnd in whatever tends to the advancement of farmiugas an occupation we beg space in your publication to set before yourigricul- tnral readers the objects of the ontario agricultural aud experimental uuion the next annual meeting of this union will be held at the agricultural college guelph on feb 10th and 17th aud- we issue a hearty invitation to all to be present and join us in the discussions and assist in such work as may claim the attention ol the meeting the union is composed of students exstudeuts and the ifcflicefa past and present of the agricultural college- in order to secure the co operation of far mere the presidents of the various agri cultural societies have been elected hour- ary members of the union the above and ahy others interested iu the advauce- of agriculture are invited to take part in sucljieperinient3 as the committee ap pointed by the union may decide upon the course of testing during the last two year3 has been for the object of obtaining a better practical knowledge oftho effects of borne of the most easily procured canadian fertilizers upon cereal crops no less than 180 packages of fertilizers and 300 packages of grain have been sent free of charge from the experiihental farm to members of the tltiion and lather prominent agriculturists djiring the last season the results of tho tests will come before the next annual meeting mauy farmers are desirous of obtaining a better acquaintance with the most economical methods or obtaining the greatest results fiom their fields btockovc and often rlsplve to do a little testing on their own farm the advantage of co operative xpeiimeutiiig is that each in dividual while ins king tho tests knows that many others over the province are carryiug ou precisely the eamc line of work with which comparison of results can be made ths compilation of such tests is almost certain to afford very valuable in formation experiments in fruit culture dairying stock feeding aud raising bee keeping and results from other experiments outside of the systematic union work are also solicited aud if seut in and approved will be published in the annual report it will be seen from the above that the union has a worthy object in view and has entered upon a new and useful field of labor in order to be of the greatest benefit to the country the cooperation not only of every exstudeut but of every in telligent farmor is required to conduct ex periments tiud give results from all parts of tneproiince prominent agriculturists were at onr meeting labt year from whom we heard expressions which wore very pleasing ar d encouraging and which give us reason to expect their presence at the coming meeting several also joined us in the experimental work during the last season trusting mr editor that you may give this publicity that wo have secured your cooperation aiid that you will bo at our annual meeting i remain yours sincerely wm j sroviiii cor secretary norwich fehy 1st 1889 these atte hard ttme t hi fruits r rbut kviain street acton is fully prepared to supply the needs of all who require priro and fresh groceries tc and iwery thing else in tbat line for tbe times cheap -o- a special stock of crockery and dishes are shown in sets at from 250 to 2000 tea sets 5 worth 6 class sets j0q worth 65c lamps 1 50 worth 200 vegetable dishes fruit dishes cake stands c all othertfoods proportionately cheap m yr 1 tv ows your chance r 1 gallons best canijjlian oil for 59c 2o pounds rice 8100 i 7 poujids japan tej 8100 5 pounds good starch 25c 4 boxes matches i pounds best new jlalencia raisins 25c 20 bars electric soap 8100 new choice orangjand lemon peel 19c a pound 5poundsof thebe50fl black japan or hyson tea for 8175 we are determinedjlo leadthe trade in halton co if you have never dealt with us begin now v want to make friends of every person who patronises us and will do our utmost fio please you so as to have you for a regular customer ladies french kidlbuttott boots for s195 worth 3275 ladles 5200spanilh kid boots for s150 ladieb india kid huttou boots 8125 iens plow boots 8100 we cant enumeratff everything but suffice it tosay that ineefy department of our mammoth chett i store gooods will be sold at slaughtering prices sale lasts for two weeks only 3 i jr i come tell your rtjlighbors and bring yont friends yon will be well repaid for your journey to ther the cale sales forcas mnty town remember we can only guarantee above prices during only a full staff of salesmen to attend to customers hpliinrake sons milton p s 10000 pods of dried apples wanted every customer kuows that my prices are low aud always satisfactory aud now ones will bo couviucedlhy calling come early and secure goodschcap t if hakdixgr for infants and children cutorla is so well adapted to children that i irecommend it a superior to any prescription i h a asciieb u d i ohordbijbroouydny fmowntome ulso ohtwl cures oolle constipation sour btomacb diarrhoea eructation kills worms gives sleep aad promotes di- i wttsestajartous medicattoo thi cornur coitpisnr 77 murray street n y dibbtogk brass niek n ivory aud bone ci common and our stocjk is very full of choice goods in cks carvers and scissors iu sets plush goods skates eboiiy lory of rogers butlers aud other celebrated makes agateware ted blue and white enamel ware lamps and lamp goods the largest assortment iu this section of coutitry c gons sleigh belli trays brass toddy kettles brass easel brass fire irons par- i douiahs fine kindlers ash sifters bread knives bread piatteis meat s- choppers irarera mmcing- knives and a rich profusion of goods if call and see what we have m bondi co ujdirecl hardware importeris john 1 headiiuarters for j gtjeiipbe xes crosscutsaws scales cow chains halters and all hardwar u fob efl gtjellphi scotch suitings serviceable shades stylish surfaces- -o- pelts hidos wool r timothy seed per bush clover boot alslke 200 to 3 00 fl 50 to 5 75 0 50 to 7 05 jastorilnblng natcct it ib the duty of every person who has- used lioscheee german sgrujtfio let its won- deriul qualities be known to their friends in cunng consumption severe coughs croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all throat and lung diseases no perbon can use it without immediate relief three doses will relieve any case and we consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive at least to try one bottle as 80000 dozen bottles were sold last year aud no one case where fairly was reported such a medicine as the german butiip cannot be too widely known ask your druggist about it sample bottlesto try sold at ten cent regular size 7fieht3 sold by all druggists and dealers in the un states and canada jamea h gilinoar of t gilmour 4 co iwbolesale grocers brookville says i have used tamarao elixir tori severe cold anleoiigliwbleh it immodtatoly relieves and cored thaw fc xfimdy i merchant tailors cuelphi 20 pieces dress goods at 74c worth 124c n bi 200 pairs corsets sizes 21 to so at 40c- per pair worth 100 n b oiloaring sale of corsets this week 500 pairs ladies wool hose at 15c- worth 30c n b lircat sale of gloves and hosiery 25 ladies ulsters at 250 worth 4 50 n bthis month mantles at your own priees f aki 20 pieces tapestry carpet at 434c worth 60c nb ifa b laurance co wltolesalg opticians no246st james street montreal btttnmltomrnrl lo llic hufferlng browns household panacea has np qual for relievipe pniu both internal nud xtsrnal it cures piiiu in the side batik or bowels sore throat rheuraatisin toothache lmbagb and any kind of a pain or ache it most surely quick en the blond and heal as its acting power is wonderful brpwna household paii- aceo being acknowledged as ibe gredt pain reliever nnd ot double the atreucth of any other elixiror liniment in the world should be in ajjery family handy for use when wanted oi it really is the best remedy- in tho world for cramps in the btomacb and pains and aches pfall kinds and is for sale by nil druggists at 25 cents a bottle- every carpet reduced qressmak ngat moderate prices mfkay brothers t 46 and 48 king street east hamilton whose eeltbrped pebble and cuher spectacles and eyeglasses are to be found evory town in theadbminion they are recommended by and testimonials have been received from thelpresident- vicepresident ex and ex vicepresident of tho medical assbatatiou of canada the president of the college of physicians and surgeons of quebec the dean of the medical faculty of laval university the presi dent amlexpresiojents of the medical council of nova scotia o a complete assort- ment of these excellent goods will be found at the store of j bpearson agent acton great clearing sale of winter goods at the right house the extraordinary popularity of ayers cherry pectoral is the natural result of its uso by intelligent people forover forty years it has proven itself the very best speciflo for colds coughs and pulmonary com- pluints v v thubsbay 8tli ilaitcn auction salo of fann stock anil implements by- john horoditb jot h con d ksipifslng salu to eommenco at 12 oclock wm hcmitroot auctioneer the winter goods must be sold and to effect large sales they are offering at cost prices aptlpije of them at far leas than cost just see beautiful mantles for ladieb a girls of all sizes these itutfaan made and trimmei in the very latebashlonsi d look charming magnificent mantle clothb in the very new- est styles goiig at cost prices- hosiery and gloves at an enormous rauction seeihe lace curkinsjihey are the latest styles in beautiful goods se ling at cost new and vrhaidsomeliuetrxaces in various widtha going at from u to sfcper yard they have an euorrf us sale theflmbroideneb have a big sale also they are such god value f beautiful new stock of ladies anrmisaes embrpidered underwear and nightwear iteetely which is offering exceedihgly cheap a shpmen of the cxbrated jouvin french kid glovesdirect from grenoble just to hadcomprisingth very best qlity of four buttoned real i kid gloves cut ad made i the most artistio manner horrockpes farramed white sheeting in plain ana twilled in 72 80 and ockioohes fesceedingy cheap hrte cottons grey ns twills and drills selling oft at cost- new tiokings iriih liffens towels and tobogganing blankets just rnved baamuiti ofdress goods and pnnts selling off at half price dresl ods k at an enormous reduction blankets of all kinds selling off at an immense i kdnetiffil millmery leathers hats rtbbousctoji going at a great sacrifice yfisoies down from 5 toaj from 8 to 6o knitted woolen scjirfs and shawls selling off avcjat we them byll rneanb heavy winter shawls and v raps fielliingoff f i nil halt price carpel s -o- bj tjipestrycarpets down from 1610 750 very superior mlvol arpets abwn from t10 to75c see the charming tm and piano cloths door vest oj bugbbon street mind the iamejshth wihdowa ato the right bouse and be hniltoh jainwrjwlsge v y the right houbo is on king street east one smmm

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