3 i i- vi m vv x- kiceltll axll oxtxrflo j liitiiai hi awl si jum sirtj- inntud i kwtlnri j r 7 tiliiais frfliu first 10 meet of th companys vtlir t sut de tob 1t i i list word io w eningofiabliament rdcrtltc lwoili sucrli drvrtailditwitbblicehtcnl 1 griipmrdjkeoraary l thrf pwtidit lcn ajct tt fp iaiy iiucc3nrorc llieidfpwqof a nporv i cicni jy ilif fkctory j a j tlk ooo jaslrtaa whether wniiderti vituret ereac4 ta the large increase u thevolam of basiues the- kv raxio- o cipcosca the ivday tha alwtor ot ihti comity aw uc 0 tlld itjp agaiu called upoti to n their frucbte it it no battle wing at auka merely the 1 socalar issnea of a poliuoacbutest but uic i il fight of today is ior god aid homo and j moral parity- tmw already april 101b 0hmltlou tlicam4- addita to tbl reserve find or the thor oofihiy toauicodlijou ol ihe assets the statement cou uvt bat 1crt4udtd aa highly cfaui lo 1 lutcroslcd in ihc jsehaje b ihe society a moil cartfin rcviiiou cl the greater part f the property mortflisoi to u10 so deiy had twa made diiriuj the samrucr by afc helving mr ja i puin tha k and himself vea at ibeksso jol tile year fcvety iiiorfgao aid other sjccantyliad bu cxttricel and compared xrithjhe valaatioai and the book ofthe aoclyfcyfcecaimiticc of six members of the board so thai the ihrcctcr vtre ia a position to siy ibil tbtrapet are o anal sobsjantial character j and btjch as to in- spir axd rcunr ui oofifidenm 6c the investing pallic- tai tfie fact ikivlhe society had no property ou band vu con- cloim proof that the loanr ati have beiacirtfahyekctcd at gjst aorfcloay titched afterward aaticipating the ficancial irittfenct ihnjojhvliicii we have beci pasauij lbs board lent spainily dcrfog the fall and held large rescrvfe ia readmesaiiomeei any qcsscaldcmandibichmubtbe made botthe amoauts roxtred from inveatort flowed ta eofrlt thviar deposits and debentures t fceeaii oftbe year largely exceeded the acooct plaoed witb the society t any prvrioas period in fact the inctkle ttus so larjw as to reader it necessary ui jmuiry l ootwltastand- in liie issai of sixxk referred to in the re- port to isene 50000 more dfiw aloct to be fclfj paid op e thattiie society might be- witfliajtbe lmi 0 its borxoiing ptt inproportfoa to capital as prescrtbed by law the premiam tm this docfc twenty per ccol is eqasi to tbe amount otbt eristfeg- rescrre faod the expenses ere eireedicgry raall consdejid ie large- volarae of 5aaes traaaaftocvaei the secretary and hiraa- aistaats difciarrcd their dctes with brich care lcd tfscietcy ii lo deserretbebighesi encomiums ct- every director and ahare- 168i by 1 majority of hi and september 9lh iblby a majority of 160havo tho ehxtonot ihti coanty declared their pur pose of prohibiting from their border all traffic n alcoholic liquor but tbo votarif of thii traffic with au anpawltelj oa peraictency inyo forced npou ui for third lime th txpenae the tamioil thecc- citement of another lecliou the dealer in liquor by ttai forcing tipon m aaotiier vote on repeal prorp iho wocmi of the scott act id joaaeoing theft aalea while thoso who patroniae the ba by argitirlje ami- scott joaden to brior ou tut volcy prove uie difficahy they find iu satibfyinp tlieir appetite and it thit indirect way dceoni ciotuiy give their opinioa that he cott act at no failure the readiueh with which the temperance men of the jcdauly i holder the financial etatdxeiihad been made- it ii ooafidently elpectojl that the voters very clear and cou else bd if any eiplaaa- l tiqns were reqatred he jonld be riad- to give them he raovedtecondedhy the vjceprcddeit thate ripori b adopted liii mr itelnb after referring to the taeue ot new stock explaiaedtbal the ejamina tiaff 01 secariuee and the propertj mart- gacdtothe society wasdecided opoam hfrearjy piit of listyear befare the rtceot j finxadaldisicrbsfccee had made thorap- pearanre andjthoah the iaspeetion had involved rry xoaeiderthle amenmt of labor the resdlt was highly satirfactory he ha4 spent scire oreets with ithe becre- trjeridsirfhc inipcctiog farmg aad was cotivinctd- that ufc secarities as wbolearecf a very etperict class and bo knew of dp iclahce in which a loss waa likely to ccccr nlfc jppciccprrcboratedmrlmelviri tsrtitupcy as to the acbstinlial character of the 6ec3ritiffi he had tpent three jgwfcs inarjecttng lands nprth of gaelph j and althoasli to tavz few cues the marr i gins were not larrfl he did not thii the i society wcnli lose a dollar ia ooonriactiatf 1 with any of ttc firms he hid taspeoted after a few remark by jdessrs1 t j dayvimesrcncs it p ands afyerr the report vu ccariinoaeiy adopted aa were also the csail votes cf tfianla aod motioai to x the compensation of the president tjlrecicrs asd atiiton fnr the ift yar j jj i th6erntiice3 ifessrs jamesicannack nd tj day reported the raiirmgdirec- hrfi reeiecieii as fojiowi ifesars v d stirto a- bpetne ii helrinforbea t alkeatin ijd james p iij joha ehic charles kcifihac h howittjlld j t eltceiiierry and james huet 5lp- 1 it aeabsqciit meeung of- he3oard jfr d srl3 cij reelectea president aailfrab petrie yicegipnfietil bqbxi gehtdi actea cd the 23rd febj the wife of kcsas i2gcerrbcr iltrfc fabyt tie xife of frniniaofa4abseter i arao died i braoirtii ifartcan ocittcday zlxh fetrj- of dijtlcria fra herbert tocngcst saii of itnes sjcigiit hum director pftlbe speight i2effciiijojiiiicji64ji5 jri hrxrrennr ultiitjc m th febrjibnit- mm has ctrci j j 1 the icscrtj riij uie tiace os f riday t l3tl am went to their work getting their worker in the field both on the jtfifiorei audi in the penohalcanratsahoeo their iai thin the act aadjaltt thit they had not yet wearied ia well doing the reporu that have come directly to ui from all parts of the county are very encouraging to the temperance people ajid we confidently predict that to day tote will again empatically proaounce agiioit the petition agaioet the barroom against lay further hcecseof thisictaraed traflic in halton 1 it hai beea lo many electors of the county a matter of regret that the liquor parly have hot pat ipeekfen on the platform ia this campaign but doabtleas knowing that the argumenta of the temperance speakers could hot be buccefally auswerod they hate resolved to ran their chinccs rather than having any speakers travelling shoe lheiouaty like ia giltcovetei circfis chariot by which term king doid- referred to by a prominent locaiintj the ipeakersoa the aide- of temperance have fearlessly assailedt every istrocgholl of argomeaf and both ini public addresses and private couyertatioo have completely aonplossed the fritnds it the traffic and will follow these advances with splendid rictary the friends of he- hqobr traffic have re peatedly endeavored loaecare ia different coantiea the repeal of the scott act bat al ways without sneces oar coifcty has been several timet fiie pivotal point in this terrible straggle agaiuifc the lienor tranic we led in the great campaign of itel we wereatihrf front inlhe great contest 0 13815 nft now agaia county u thorn ax the opening c another desperate struggle between the powers of good and evil let the remits 4oaigfat be a gloriocs addition to the chapter of victories in the vote igainst repeal and mii- we tonight count op on msjorities as ihds did in vtcwt- moreland oh feb- ith potbv tens bat by handled i that the scott act hak been a mesne to the citiienx of this county bannatbeftc- oesaf ally denied there mar hel some to claim that business ha beca icjarcd h there can ia erery town be prodaced men who lake tbomis heodersoil of ililton will attest uiatjuieir basinesrfaaa increased tktjesdar jfaech l sote asp cojotepk the watchwordmow ie the snqtt act has never been repealed and if the- tem perance peoplesund trueto their color jt never will be hsitoa will vote on the act sooo and we look for a bigger majority therein favor ol it thin was recorded at the last electbe tilflouburg jiurail mr hendenoc merchant of sfiltoa hrother of d hccdersm 1lp of irfon siaies thit the haiinei dneibyauxdar- ihg the yezr 17 was tmotii than forty per cent greir tiah hb rst under ieense-thesc3tanrays- tlcctcie is there a tbsu of yon iwlro iraajd ytuto dave a barroom opened next tfooiuvpvadwelidc then will yon vofie to hiwp or cjne next door to your nefshboreafteiiin beaenber that the diqaor ngis hi iteri oatlawatin walton fosixre3fjl do ut pvetibhe terrfole ysem a awm rojar coqnty again liemembertlit the sccftact has never been repealed ncrely i halton iwill not breah the reiord cf whch we l joitiy proud vile fjr the scott act and igaiart tfie petition j more than fo percent since the adoption of thesbott act the sutementsfroo- the government reprtf and the sheriff of the county prove conclusively that there were 1512909 gallons less whiikey taken oat c bond in 166c t th average laiia oat for ctc preceeaing years when most of the province was under license and also thi crime fe very greatly decreased as a direct result 6r the adoption of the scott act though the liquor men have declared the sheriffs statement io be false jxrclemeau has pabhihed the fact thit his statement is correct that for eleven assize cocru ia halton the judge ha been presented with a pair of white gloves and that the bills of the antiscott parfy are false every time they say ko white gloves the force that are fighting for this re peal are the forces that have cursed ihlt coantry in days gone by the forces that hare produced the incendiaries the dyna miter the perjurer the jppohenls of morality and poiiiy and shall n6t weia christian citizen f all drop oar ballots kgafnsl their enl schemes shall any eleefor of this connty vote for the -re- tarn of barroom rale bringing- as it will rain to the boas and daughters of the unliving b im n0tsbfthk4bslox a parliament was opened ou thursday tlib cercmoay aooompanying llic eve at befug shnllar t3formor openings the tcoch frohi the throuo could scarooly haw icis tu it but tbo government aropot bound to motion all tbeir in to oiled rueaturvs nud ns a luaterof fact the mol imoraut bills arc uitlally uajiotlced in the iocch hal 1 understand the govern ment desire to tct through the session aa easily aiid as early as possible thoro hscbccgtxtcca elections iia 00 last session five st ontario eix ia kova scotia three iu lacboo one a ktw lirunawfck and one in britiih columbia of theso alnoarenow members the vacant aoals aw kent prince ld war j west middlesex iwascll and glonairry there is one vacancy in the sctnlo caustfi by the elevation of sen- ator xetsoit lo ho licatgotornorahip of brditli columbia two mc master and scaccaii deceased are rvpjacod by boaators micioidd toroiilo and hblland mqq- treill- the new xorthwort senators jhavo yet lobeappoihtcd hon wilfred taarier is in ljs place at loader of the opposition and will l prcscafod with an address by ihctiiberrj cuus ef ottawa when he will have an opportanity of addressing a few worfls to he partythroughout the cotiutry ioliti ox tan unseid oa friday lie public galleries rcere erourdrd n cipoctattoa of the address the uco coautncd nearly all the mem bcrs- tlie premier looted well in black coat and ucu aiid light tweed troqsers beside hii poatmastcr general mclellan ani sir uowch on the left sat sir hector ladcviuaj ncilaa ever with the minister of miiliiia lxiidc him the adjoining desk wiriioeccped by mears- carhng and cos- itigtn ikhiiid birjjiin mr pope with the hauler cf f justice at his right tcta white cat till further back as keenly attentive as any other newspaper man to tlie speaker ltft mr blakes chair waa vacant the next wit filled by mir lacriy wha appeared to- he in excellent foriui mr mackenzies chair was empty and adjoiaicpsat sir liichard cailwright next to him hon pelir ilitchtll who bad his tif hat pulled low over his eyes bc- hjnd mrpauersoa wore k jaunty tweed chapeac and lookcdreal nice mr scrivcr perused a die of hismocairpaper and ifr mcifciica ui a froit sett looked as keenly aggrcssic as ever the hoosc patiently waited foe the mover and sccooderto falfil their forarcl task in order to hear the leaders rur itoatagae made a eoiapli mentary reference lo the governor general which wfijcedichy echieqacut specche rax ttititicx leircn mr lsrier oa riricg was warmly snpi ported by his foliswcre he rsl referred iesa 1 n i vi m iv0 fk fllpmt- 1 thqnawbolu midbit rich- option that ty washoj eleulyjanfavbr petei4mtiholl gajtletin uof bjatno atleo at on of a icjfjoaflf oratorio bt ft ffw ajmoit sit ooloo at i odooludijd by itating h th fishery aklftocakiada hon qtietly mad tjvo or tlireh ronlarka and th so 4ho addreis waa adopted wilboat a diliaipu -vjck- heult iiilawlxi liooit saturday evetuiiglha goeruor general d lady- lmiidowuc b id ailrawiog u wrmin tha reft carpeted chambtr of the setistc which vitt ablazo vtah ikhla an peopled witb the besl socitty u iho do nnioufor till quarters vrdro re p rose n tod ordinary mprfais were tllcie too but who lopfca at paiwlsvhen roaoiard en loom tho governor general tsc cabinet minis- tort lieut governor ckdney and tho atttff ofjicon alljiorc their rich and gorge- 091 uaiformsmlc the brilliant toilettes of tt ldieft niingled with ithe broadcloth anils of their escorts formed n picture 0 bo seu nowhere else in cauafla tlie press gillery was well represented land fts two iwy memhorsj miss drodhfjua aud miss duncaa lookoi as pretty aajty j itu or ratsitsiox the rjouaio has adopted jho address after atnorc protraciei discuisibaj than in the dommons sptiator scolt attacked the fishery treaty which he described as a etiso of peace aikay pricej senator san- fjrd viewed the treaty as ajgoodsottlement if a vexed quesnoa at the openiog cercmoaies mr d hen derson of your town the nowlyelccted member for halton was introduced iby hon thomas j white and adam brown mp harailtq he wis received with pearly cheers j hon mr abbott told ijic- oa saturday that ho had col actually drafted a bill for the sappressioa of backet shops hat he was coiog to seej if one could be framed the cvihshoald be remedied theprcsa oallery is fuller than ever reprcsentarioni from hahfir o winnipeg 1 t tv j llatthls fpu jh rkjut thechiuiaicnaicaltiatthesklcaltfxhr iroit artkidateiafe r j h rtti tho past wwk lias been iirolinqt with public mcoutigfboarly cry flroniutf j v being oocupic tho meotiit ogaliifllj tho repeal of tho can ado txmpprancp act pre dominating last friditycvoulug llcvvdr griffin of doelfih addressed a largo audience jin tho town hall his ipocch wts one- of ranch jintercst it bristled with ppijitcj conchii ivo and common wnso urgunieiuc nguinel repeal nd front first to last received the earnest attention of all present mr john cameron chairman of tho local 6cott act association occupied tho chair on sunday tho subject was referred to t bb thftcwriuiiiii lh i belaya m- v i ixirhinrris tiudmm county brokenheirtato vieb mother loss of property to manyand general cte- tj wf c riv but ft was strange 1 l the deluded viclimr kept ou retarnih frsctioa of happino and peace 5 l ho let ertryheert reecho 1 i t house ye gallant men and tree koose re brokenteartcd mdtben see the night iskloost tcrcagb eaiue jw erery ajan aad voicsui j god ii calling cow for roa let every elector baving a desire for con- tincei peace and prosperity marfchii ballot ag aikst the petition j x ihght rf wfiovcf jthc scvtr ac is by no means k perfoct measure for oareelrcs we jegafdtf at notbingmore than a steppingstone uo total prohibition bat tin- ficoft jjct ia spiio of all us faplts is imraenseaaance apon all tho temperance legislation we have had in thetpst evcryj inch ofjponyd- won huderitshould he defended- to the deatij we trust that f he result of the vote on thonday will be such aa to inspirit the friends of ttpincethrooghotrt the onairy v -lfw- 6i ftfmetcen or lie treaty- bfc t ioleftttfcre enmfctmsa toi ppeif twore tbo f oliw mulrtc jiooi for mbni lpflenmaimtiyiscobai liteflet3ol yitii trill pty floo oidi itonjjff itpiltjtofiigebact adyta pty thoh to tjalieiicc frcm thchoasc of mr bltke to whpm he paid a glowing tribal then he bt toned his froch coat and sailed iuto the govcriment they were a minis try of brokcaj promises their path was pavtd wilbgjoiiacalioii they declared list session thncccssity for- a mtnsler of trade tud commerce yet- he looked 00 the treascry benches in vain for such a face kcirlcr hid they the sclicitor general premised win tris thej tsaiier pasing to the speech ht trici that thcfranchisc act vfoald fcc amscied by being repealed at this sir john sni2 mr laurier ex pressed no cpicioa cor hi any one eh6 ca the fitheiy- treaty bat he expressed comedoabtas tp it being in the words of the speech both hoc orable and satisfac torj xi e mover aud seconder had aid that the country wa in a prospercas state so the lilcnl leader marvelled at the statemen in his view the coactry was in avcryddprcd cdcliuoa one proof was found in the groit nsnibcr who weal t tha stiles wss not the cacse of this hi tfked to lefiisua in- oar vicioaffecoo- omicai eystemi hc 0 rater then grew flkigcnt ia densaacin rings and corabick- lions formed naccr the protectioa of the law by greedy men an cod should blpnt to thi and ahioto emigration indlan euort midc to keep bar native popalation athome trtitiiigf the financial situa tion he tudgoi tit re had had lo pay for the c ii instead of the laads in the korlhwuit paying he denoahced dis- njlowanco which prevculed the paia being export ec from the coantry in admir able epiirnmitc style mr laurier pat it ihatlhahlessinri ct god was tarea away bv the itand of man j nic rndticis srnzn sir jchn macdonalde reply war charac terized bythatlight jaocly aaecdptalman nerin which he hasfco equal in pailiament he was reriocsly grave at first thfeugh when hefipofce of the loss sustained by the hocscnthe absence of mr blaie whom hedesenbed as a well informed ahleind earnest btatetmaa theoccasioa far these expresiionsof sppreciaiion doesinot often arise and it was pleasing to see the iin- ceiity with which the premier spoke of his absent political foe he disposed of the ministry j of trade complaint by saying that mr bowey discharged the datie so efficiently that there was as yetno neces- sjtir fcr i new minister tfie solicitor general ttsight safely bcfleftfo the minister of josticfi hctl gefitleroen opposite were e hat kept ou retarnibg the goveromeht lo power they seemingly prefer rain at 03r than pcospepty at fhetri the government were in power for the same reason that the man waa in the i innaiic asylnra becauso the people willed it this was a free coantry and the people had righi to ruin- themselves if they wuhed ail this was said with a jocular air- and in the same tia thejeader of the haoie jvent on to say that if mani toba waa served by- j the water btretcho prfpoiedcn4 hy tlifv liberals it woud tike cci ycarsvo lalx out one crop of say lt0000 tdns of grain in ub other way dfd the premier allude to the alleged wheiit blockade or to the disallowance question ht closed hy terrain mr laurier a boor- laa one who rcfceftibercd notfnnb and j format not ucgj strange fori such well readiman sir john misquoted talleyrand being present j there are 10 member col amyot ivill iatroinio a bill defining the six motitluf limit clause in tho eloctiont af m the reform parliamcnwpj caucus is be ing held loday kotice has ttocti given in the senate of the adoption of new rule of prooedare in divorce cases their nature is not ex plained j j pouincia west mtddicsex and prince i 1 edward oquni y takjs place oa the 10th march the urit foe raueli u expected this woek i hoa mr blake is at 1 near bome mr davies of prince has arrived j j messrs pnrccli gailbkolt and carou whose scats are la appeal have all uhcn their scats sit charles tanpcre 00 j kept him out of the house hist week j the cammiaees for the day be reported to tlie house bob wafcoc sayi tbi feeling in maai toba is that cow mr grccnuay ha the bij end of the stick he will build the road to the boundary whether the dominion hkes tt or not and the policy of disallowance iherefore is nojr of so inucli consequence j senator bellerose is going to raise a row over certain siatcmecia cpuuincd ia the blae book referring o jhcj recent troahlea in st vincent de psallpeiietentiarjv the senator isisccased of ceriaia things which accusations itt he claimsj a breach of the privileges of parliament watering place edward island scssioa will io- r to a noai lse anagrams ate all the rahc jast now and here is ihglaust it is specially apptlca- jble for lodayjacd conveiv in three word the duty of cvjjy elector who haa at heart vae welfare of the hocieai against the evil tendencies ofaa open bar room david dcrar jfllr wauace vdtt aout iv it zzi kjili cjarfc uccmitiibu j viiluci kcleau duncunoijiiicaat uirii uiy wausiiirjaclsoa willima lilitsr i eotclil ikautt ttuiiain riturtaa jfcetxfft hnwtlh i- wuutla prv uthdgociu4ii 1 the above rjivtctd gmitlamea are not the hecbea keeflra the najorityof ihem sold hqnor behind licensed ban before the sc3tt act cainc into forte they bwre since nevertheless joictly onf ribated come thousands of do hue in ies and costs for viofaiion of the canada t mperance act i worrin licee work h you bdievc liccaie ea was or ever can he made to work isuppose yon go into iicenie territor and try w-raorrowraora- dag go down and kweir out warrants againtt liquor dealcrrr who are selling t minors arrest those woo are selling adulter ated iiaaors keep it np for iix months and if at the end of that ima you are not a pro- prayers wore offered for divine blosbing and success hev b plullipir of the metho dist church preached both morning and evening upon the quest ion so promiikntly beforalthe pooplo in knox church the evening serinoo was devoted to tha subject and bev mr jttae presented iho duty of christian electors in no unmistakable terras on sunday afternoon rev j s cannings eavehi hearer in the baptist chapel sound advice in thq matter at issac and br beldiag in the disciples church presented tho personal responsibilities of the electors la casting their ballpis in a manner which all could understand rev george richardson at chhrchili and ilev fswahn at crewons cornore also add- t av nrsday ami fldedricsv iho umfeumie irfiilbgot halton yarii- unu 1v0 wii hita inwt town hail acton lili wednesday ahdiharadjiyi m tho rosu i must have beoovrviajtafaovfy lo tho of i era aftl dlraofari jp theinittijii thojaitiiuauao was good hue- lobjecu prcdciilcdund diciud of a practical nd hilereatiut charactffl and fha flflbllo entef wiiimunualdiouali ijia proiramme waa t9 i lare cajcuv local was pronounced ona of the mot fncritoriou tlie invtitate hai ersr 1 j i tbo chair was uken by mr al waldic president al 2 pii on wedne- daj tlicfu ws s good repreaeolatlon in nearly all the churches and fervent- from various parts 0 the crfbnty and ftlae- wherc iho first addresj by frofeaaor ronton oli eust and soiat gate rise to considerahlo discussion jthe profeasor coiulemna barberry plants as tending to piwaco rust at tee uteriainmeit in theevanink the hill was drdwdod to the doori iid aoorea were unaoloto obtain admittance a very enjoyable programme was present mis attuio lahgitaff of toronto waa of coorae the leadirjg yocajlsl herlnnmbera wbre rendered u an excellent nunner and fully sustaincdiher previous repoiajion la acton her singing of margurh and the vmaid anil miller vjert highly appreciated and heartily encdredl the aoloaby mr johi stewart esqoeiing brought e effort lo inlluence men down the house- crery timefand ha waa en- ed their quota to do right befbrvqdjli their consciences in tbo vote today v oa monday evening fcv y a mckay b d of woodstock gave 011c of tho finest addresserthat has ever been delivered hoc upoa this subject he faida large aadiencc the hall being filled mr mclovy won for himself very cordial opinions npin his f ormer y t b al ou this occisioa he excel led himself his address resulted in the changing of several votes- th the side of right rev j w- ha of knox church presided last evening one cf llfc largest nteiings of the campaign waa held in the ton hall addresses were delivered by ttev- t a moore of princeton uxd mr cobam the blind orator the addreses of both gentle men were excellent mr moores boyhood having been spent in acton he wasuitcacd lo with interest his many friends were pleased with his very forcible and interest ing- address and spake very complimentary of his ability as a public speaker- mr cobara delivered a powerful speech and presented many convincing arguments he proved himself 1 to be thoroughly master of the sitaation upon the temperance question a great deal of interest was added to the meetings by the excellent music rendered by the choir of 30 lo id voices madeup from all tbechurch choirs in town they sang at each of the meetings mr a t mann acted as leader mr clinton falk- ner as organist aad messrs j g h brown as oomctlstg cored to tho echo the chorasof local singers rtndered a number of selections with great credit to themselves and with ranch pleisare to the audiance the glee clab sang well and the part performedby acton parlor orchestra waa much appreci- atffll during the ovching prof pinton delivered an exhaasflvtt address nponthe origin and formation o soil which while of a scientific character was present ed ia such avcry interesting manner by theprofobsorthat jho- attention of ery person pseseiit was held from first to last the events attheoveniagwill be remem bered by thoso who attended m the first session nn tharsday morniag was taken up wbh addfeas by john i hobsoit iashnimer falloving and its sabstiiaies he advocates jioed and root crops in head of summer- fallowing aait keeps tht land in better order and fertility in the afjcraooplhi subject was thb applicatioa of sciehci in cattle feeding wbich was ably gona into by mesara pan ton and hobson jwra clements seert urr received from wf fisher who re greiteiits ahsenccj a paper on farmer orgauiutioas too iate to be read at the meeting on the whole the meeting was a peat eucceis and it waa resolved to have another b mlitonj some time in march the 6cs5a doscdat 5 pm j ge your clothing made at kelly bros where you can get the latest cat n itead kelly bros advertisements somsp j thing lo interest everyone gublph scotch suitings serviceable shades i v stylish surfaces j h ij i ijflerchat taiuor cuelrh castor i a for infants and children uao well adapted to children that f rrcon it as sapertor to any presgnpuoa ntome haaacbblul ui ba oitord bt brooklyn k y diarrhoa eroctttion circs sleep and proaotci d hibitionist fwill bayyoc clothe to bo found whether therefore yeeat or drink cr whalaoeverye do do all to the glory cf gcdl cor 1031 caa amaavote for license or mealo sell intoxicating drinks and glorify god caa a man drinks intoxicating kqaorsj and glorify god ko ye cannot lirink the cap of thelord andthocupofbevflf k umcus epigram deacriptinirfliebourhona can a map treat liis neighbor lo intoxi- lf ui ffrget nothing the best suit of this town ivoq not how much yoa talk ia favcc cf licase that you ido know my friends i care tavcr c naka lic that if you did the liqaor men would en deavor to io jarf yoar business and smirch your cnaracterv that they would hire bolhes to come up behind yoa and club you on fheheado z fuch i breadmakers yeast i 1 1 1 ii head male of tiu vast lmz 1 j iln 1 1tuc ui onurig u t ior ii 17 ivtr kcoucicjluvc ntiuen y llul jt nrpamc aa yiut runjiivllicm t tl ruiiip jihtcst wlutot ttt icxml mlb buiu aad likiat i nearly iaxiy iotti fn ccjfiiaatviisiiifil i price five cents catmg liqaors and glorify god 1 jb for cursed isl lie uiat puteth the botthvlo his neighbor ino a th then do not 5ght agaipst god scott act casfs at gzoltgktowv qeoboetowj feb 23 tjie police -mag- istriue held court hwe today charges kgajott bobert bennett george gibb mr george gibbs john mclean and charles cooler were proceeded with and adjourned tooakvilleforhearjdon the29lhinst a ebarflfl of perjofy against oetfrge gibbs was adjonroed torcrlal at mil ton efrtbo tn match peat mr e schoff aud crown attorney malftm afpared fir the pro seculars wm iidiawi toronto- gov goodwlibeajjviphilofueorpeiown 4 t jfafrwihrif j ii i this illusion wjos intended to twit mr liuriermithcalhng up old stores and fn- trodacinffijo aew iueation tjie ailairi atovttb sfr richard cartwright by way of re- jonder rallied ffir iolin on hisljm ma jority in klngstojj anil the prcrnier iijahaad on hiihreast aud btwedjhis ac knowledgement j sir jlibaridaladed to the leadnrs attcndajiccat revival kervioes bysaylaglo had hoard sir jjohuj- was it changed utan and he hopod he would give proof of his- repejnteoce by repeal iuc soma of his had sjtatqteji in nrooftbatjcanada was not prisperops ho yeuloredibiay thsib three ot opr imiirantpnt o oyery jtoor crosfcd in 4 the fatef he denoaicette aiflalotoi tepbrikyaa a most inmom piswjrfjtjraxinya and declarad- a6 fltbet osxi w r -ift- 20 pieces dre9scoods at tic- worth i2jcj k bfstocktaliicfiiic nowjoiuon j j 200 pairs corsets ss a fo so- pair worth 100 i n b4clering suls cjf corkta his week boo plrs indies woo i hose at i 5a- worth boc- sbgrsat sulo of gloves md hosiery i 25 ladleayisterp at s250 worth s450 k b this raontlijttntles l ycur own prices 20 pfeces tapestry carpet at 43ic worth 60c dressmaking at moderate prices- i j 1 wx bbo 1 46 anp 48 kino strelit east haiilton i4v83i i iili fi- i sf ouqoin you v we would rtet pecttwlly driwyour attention anjd variety ofloi r stopjt we carry tlicvlarge inigentrnroniartb hndeando asw4 foryoi orbe i ejijewhere ibmyjn fonsb in tho hirtrmi wqrld or from the manufacture i dircctwd can oiler ajualled advantifgtd in prie and stliqtion iltjouintendto build wj- think it will be fo ynra to give us a cajjljwheh 6- pjace yom- urcharge rf alaneaarivlvcli ifosfedinipf aasfactiorf perienced cierkjapecianv a ing trade ou aim illj he- l kive particalar pjehso cull oruf itc ini 1 john m bond cf direct hirdsrare iirip haveyoit secured your bindiijg twine y freaint iodlcition ire uit ii will bcicsrcc c ii autocall i li and will bclifcppy tobooi xjrdcre or fiivfc inlormatioo u- impobtved dihecivikomenmalny v -y- mtwio stareopppsiti pontofflceuueljh i i- the largest and most coinplcie coiirnmtul cf musical mcrcfisdue beep received in gaelpll y the 6wckoou5lto doable bins viosccdbf viola fll ibrie halfim vinlini guitars bmjo cises accortloons 1iccolpj htito harmooicsj bnjojstrinjtsrabpcrirct cjnibals boneibaibtam saver and brass triniibinpjs 1 these goodad3 boosht for cib 14 j ircporlcd direct ta h iiaiip of actoo and vicinity may look for barrios this fall and wiatervjhf with a full line of the j i bell rproas jp for whieh lam sole aientfbrgoelph and vicioltj be nrel 4 wj priees of new ursans beftnyyoollufy scconij hand ones jt the lanadowqe piano i tio uad lcadiiirf mnsicianskcija pianos ud baying this tiauo call add eiimine my stock so treble fo how jooda spociiiattl the sheet manic trade v i beroerrjberthe placojtovcds block opposite int ocice j id vtbel these ire hard till -but- b fi hla ik main street icw j4 is folly prepanal to supply the needs of all whq rffltiiro pare ttnflrfreir fruits c and everything else in tlii liio fortus tirto thea a special stock ot crockery and dishes are sri at from 250 to 2bpo tea sots f5 worth sets 50c i worth 65o lafnpssi50yqth vegetable dishes fruit dishes- oakeatahqi all otbef coods rroportionatily cheap -i- v evvejr castoojor knovrrlliit civ prices are low jaad alwayaj new ones will be convinced by calling come early jiid secure gocisc k 350 you wonder j i yecancltcomochoruio xiu44iias ray tliis jn llictr ltttcncitli b plates arc made it colts far mji ittjrrviify in print odco copinabkk mt nearljflitr yearexiitciiceiuic- jjme3ica3i 1 igricult has fbsorln hvcatyfour otltrririiinii i-crrlaa- clii icutiuufjsto l mj antbeittonagriculitjraaattrs ilic wiiottr- vith ibu oldbtail olrtjtoirswa bit aporerhi botn ucnutpbcrcsrehit cored vidi isir uriiers i riiir mort rajnai la a than erer each uuinbct now c -iu1i- uont- r hyudrwl ottfiuav iilostntloi irsa articlca on the faimgaijaii heartii ani huidijd frobiovrftldjliitjnis a year atuglo no 15c 1 thoso unfitufii qoislta pirtaroa oai s4x inches first and oajf sproauetiolad w befpreipilate ditoio nc6rdurj c tr3 t wirts of ar ar- injitt uted fcr n bv ilicuih atu maotourbiitotbwon ch bodi pictyrcsilliutjnitforwislodil anigricaa apycolrit triipirrnnruiui nitt tholccuf jwturij and 4r nw lithi entitlod onrhoukrsthoxo bcifiujv tlkinlrpjmjy ullulmed olt price elouall jicsiiaid tar lgs or tho siuy iflth iitctnit f poblishfld sntitlod onr indflt- rijiikitnrrritinaul ni thalcchl ft houkrsthoo haiilv ittvta bunjfsulr illiwlrjtod orthoeuy iflth liictort ivmhhoririqbos ssnted tti old and uew aobicrthers and full dtwriptlou of tho pirtureaaid por- tbeiaiiirf theso pt woiisdjwaieracujietrorltlattcnclod 7 canvasses wat most tiboiai inducerhcptb address j vjr david w todd pubusbr njsaueancb n0248 st ftaes stfibrimpntiliailixy whoae celbrav lebble aud ofaerskticies aid by eglassm iteio j every town in tho dominion tliey arc tevoinmendcil by and esrimooum tecewed jrom the jresident vioelresidjt eilmiideiit and ef- i the iftdfcai anoeiftion of canada n 5rtsiaemtptllie college loftsj boriona of quabeti theidean cf the 5iciciltacalvot lival univerbtjf dentknd eapeajddnts of the hodiotl council of nov a scutia ac a v tnai of theao eioejwnl goods will be fc oiitl uijitok t jb pearson agfii t it sthsivakq ellenfi l ffillli adl sssj s i stpi t pntfbntifbl prh8rfkibltos bitio quhao satin merve11 jaise narcelinecndiyiatrraoamvollhtawooti so colotti floreta lneiabeg4nnna veillne blaok and colored rai uv ti5 fiocd iott3 itonhfa llatu shirfjug cretonne bibb ladjet 4 bm bodfc a hats of vety ptaity table oilokth ylirle bhirunga firevfcdtroni blyltihio floinolnipi or everiing wepr fciloi of otrijr hef gjolaarrivelkit union itapeatry and bripfih carpets iviudow ola braittrl bopolie blankele otc f pvjujbaesof prlnui a foiuaaortoenu sliaav obnmeutloa- w fw buraiot fdnlsonhajlvjj t xsbjill lasolf tjhot jpswer t l i frienajsjfotlwpbilj bear akftoil i lollt h50c thiscbnotyvw frjitortfsls l jtbirjhd on jabet campa twiwin httdmivp bniudaa thxjl 1 tnetr5rt ow t onti icu etranc ilbe c live ciipleted t itut feiatt j ibot wiiits ilto ltjeajlof l leani ucrk of j thisom tbb sririnrj held atjtbi coort 1 day ldhclaybf jlagwtjrwillari ffef tire at dtsbonael from lire lepaja 1 origin of itle firei stgj nhtutj rneetixwol eatine jt r4 1 dsewh intfiia pr ifiwigj iu the falwtt heist tinnibe of 9elecfic si 3 sjeotal chnrcl xoatinaef aayit2b llap jadd53ft vjat obionn 1 forltbe mannfaoti i tie bi koeeslif ts ployrof nt waf larj ftirai way lhulortoip iisiicj fijeitiahi stalaijaioei ypribfuaikslt isc fql nilit ds0 j tue jconce- soorl i souan prolnc 3d ait ii glwayi giieapjr afipiiw iol boildii gneari boeaii jfle fpi e-fe- hitf w last beirlarifl ifkl i phioaieil ilfflotsautob