Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1888, p. 4

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cl- r f be rtcrtt fnt fjrcss thursday mat 51 168 s2kxr tom j oh tin cfitmrca iip to me tbo low md ad uie tlnin uij tut oh titu wwik ancient iplr to tootiie uiln 1tmue hoart ah ktruliijvyttivijiluiuc vfal utowm rici citn teo r fiwe porcliaao year jlmpl iu tu- may hell l caso unfcwfioqli fcviay and rais ur ilajcrlit lo jtvtu ou tiaz- uiouyh cuc irc v- fcruic tin m1 i jsoll lie joyous teuc they sxckjit lttviii choir 1 sunm lotr slice ukciry lrirs too kojy oafotvoitcc lnicv i and irwvly tsci tie b itiijjtiu iiiit i 0cacuvxciaicalrrskl su15 loorttndfm win a uc co rise 1 in tuosut to ga1v thl ilnlii vca3hh ljocrllcir nicojic- pet in iiitjlflii itcu tac phwiii 11 terror y fiailttiixur tislafitctlly of tbc htrit iottif to eahu q niidahc utuinwis rvwr aniijitnccl hilf ami it yon siauj tosidj ny li i vbca earth list tad tirtw ire wii anddaauldraraefwuhiitat trend lf y eiudrtmi irili yi fii oii iag ttiocsli heart tad flcl uuy txi s2goctiir ioyi ilii liic xxil z- sinjclrtst osrcoiiiiactvri1iicvu soon all thill tir tl lruw jave citinaam lcvru 1 vril hotvtut dinar jinoles and jgkklets nrrbanin b rtr ir ud nint 1 yon ira auiaum nd weak id ytjar hulftn ou wiik uowtiie the vu f luf poo mbccmrou nml twiue it udtbtparta hiofuif viiy i the tonic w euro i as uti tivfiaimiiig lotuo it is roooguued uproiuir8oljihprsiporla llic vnswum ft8 tb ly hoit ketuo iu1i1 bctlay eruption birpngihcoiurmidiciuo luufat produced itch uidtu dtcd couduioin ot ibe u u iuvu a bloodudmaielf ninxr oiipcciall io ihoto cases vrliero wcakfcfs is tlic rcsntt ot imikrfoct qr in- oolb wtsltufiftvirrt or cxccn ol any tot i it conuirj iho 11 ti trim out of beef uto pnjpcrlios of wiua and tlio ionic pmvtrvof i tun and ia adnutttbty cal- cullcllo itim ip llw emaciated system 1 t wliociinji cmpinijsuffeferifrom ailbuia rcoeix quick and jwruiaucnt irlicf byniing roauicm asthtri cure sold by a51 dcuf- pitaoc by mail 011 receipt of price ttic cilrxordiuaxy pojiulantyjof accv cucrrj- lvctoni is uic uatural tviuk ot in use by t atcllidnt people fot over forty years uhaapwrca itself tlic very u5st spotfilic foe cjds coabi nd pulmonary com plaints j 1 tiic ucctc fiusb pile usllow cliccks and precarious appclilc iuditila wcririi freemans worm pcadow trifl nictly id cflfctaalfv remove ujctn f f ulmor aboyskescriplioaof laving his looth polled va the best dimple fee boiled- doini yirjacet ever pvec jast before il killed me lac toolli carnc c 31 xttliins could erpress ihc iicx letter i one daxautiiegrlabo3tvs yearsojd hard a preiccer priyinft mou loalily until the too fairly ran with ecppuca- tions tenne to her mollcr and beckon iogthe tnatcrcl car down to hcaricg dis- taapcabe whispered mamma donf jnodlhink thatit he lived nearer god he wouldnt havcia talfc eo loud you cant add disercct liiiuss toseth- ersaid4j6cbooi icicher ifyaa add a iheep anji4 coxr logetljer it dot not mi ke two fheepor two eciro aulllcboy eon oc a milkman held up his hand and eaid u may do- with sheep and cowr bat if you add one qcart at aierjo one quart of milk it mfikestvo quarts ib tcilfc- itc seen it tried k a gim1 cnuuuuure boils pimples blotches and skiu-uutii- tb dibgirc the cqulcnancc purify the- bfood by osing burdock blood bilivia to remove the impure matter which loius it and the result will be a clear tkiu rood complcxiou and perfect health national pills are sugar coaled mild lul thorough and arc the best fctcuvnch and ltrerpiu in 06 james hgumour ot t gilmonri cor wholesale grocers brocktillesayt i hive used tama rac kliiir for a ctcrc cold and cough thich it immediiuly iclcc3 and cured thr fom orotrto jlrs torntncffirckiibcf smitliv fa31 out zsyx focr heirs intex tusuziuz with scrcfult from which herliwi became bald ut cared by burdock blwd bitter alter the best medicil aid hid failcd slight denncemects of ibe eiomich tnl bowtla may often be correced by liking only one of ayers tilhr throib act laving lb 4 pills at hand qzt difricr incxeascs and a rculir ct of fcr fol lows fcr lie want of a nsil lie dice was lost etc a tiaieus iutax the glasgow enxior sa stys one i our johnnies made b sad mistake the other evening he haa orrard to take his best girl to the theatre and had the misfortune to be kept rather lite at his oseedcek- oaccat irixrty however he rushed hbmeirards srrillowel a phun lea and ihe weather ha ntgrciy moderated tnatchi his iiht overcoat in x folded condition from the hcwel of his trick tfeiew if over his arm ard was scon roliins along in a hanson arrived z the theatre accomparias by his fair inamorata he sauntered into the scalu rriths that inex plicable rmgcrwiiid3i ccly very yomig men can aifect san- hts the carelessly threw his crfcrcoitorcr the hack of his chair as a preliminary io assaying his righffcl positi 3a by her pe yci can judjie o johnmce ecrpriic ciiea the gar ment ucloldd itseif td tiereibped amiat the oasoppressed titters ef his observing heighbors net into as0tdc02i but into a pair ol trbnsers tjice of ajuefic sueesils i fewfeonle probshy hao axy zcquzlc idea of the great dimcoltfes in which aritli- metic wonld be involved were il etc for the happy invenli02 oi the arabic ccmemk here is a very little samhy addition put eoinaa fasfiiaa the reader vili nd it s rice amase- nient to work it est asit siandi wflhont hating nynnr- 1 arakb noiation ifljcxltxi siccilv pccxxvrx hdccclssxiv none of tese sgcrcs reach tvro thonsand and yet what a hopsaeg izsk to stun them up irithont ai auxps bat that is in deed a email mailer- here are twjj better tests of the imbfliiy of arithmetic wnhoot arabic nctaiion multiply all in kbmap gtrej itdcc- sfjtbrglxsxr and divide ilcc- xtttt by xl v nothing ccald be simpler thac these rtro smns and yet it requires consi iitellsct and vcrv cloe axten- tibntoworfclhem cnt on paper with the boinaa symbols critic slajsu im crfef aad la the pa let drspeps isdrttdfcl dif ordered lire misery icdhesticn is a f oe to no good nature the tame dilative apparetui is one of he most ecmphcaied and wonderful things in e it is easily put gciof order oreasylood tph fcod sloppy food bad confc mental vcorry late lioars iirefin laitabils and many ollr things which ought not to bejzavo iaade the ainericaa people a notion of dyspeptice but greens august hower has done a wonderful work in rcibrmin this sad holi ness nd making the american people to healthy that they can enjoy iheir mealr and be happy bemember no happiness without health bnt gcecns accsl flower brings health and hsppinesa to the dyspepiid ask your drcskt fcr i hotiie seventy- ereceulsl madnesa- to ce tmc cold dip darinsthe recent coldwcalhcr here 1 hadrthree finders frozen we hsd seme hacyardc yellow oil in the house and i tried it with rood results wc madam montreal p q sa races expect to imbibe trtcry ly drinking the blood of their brate enemies a more enlightened method cf titalirin the blood is by taking avers sirsiptrils it braces up the nerves and gives sircugth and fortitude to ecdare the trials cf lifii scspcakt frooi expcrlcncr ifks edith fcr cf amhcrtlbur unt- hid a severe case of quinsy fcc writes i tried the doctors medicine bit got uo relief i was told to try hagyirds feder al balaam after traing two ca- i ct relief and when i had taken three t arti cf thebottle i was compcely csrid mother graves worm extern in iter no equal for desircyicg wgnns in chi and adults sec ilat yon rt llo pc when pacchieing rhcictftti parity ofiniptnal cream tartar udkilg powder is acknowledged by letdir ihuitinii mjdjrhcmtsu ttcviaait oniirartlq the tinrtrtlafi ptrtvti llticlkjhlpanacca hah no iial fir rulicviiif piu uuh ilitrn il and uiriul it cumb pain iu the bide back or rowels sore tttl ltliumal tkirctir- uiniijf aid any kind of 0 pat or acheo u will mosuurclyquitk c11 luclilovl and ileal ai ita nctiiig power is wan lecful brtiwtit uuusehoidpau- nccn hcinrr achnow icdriu as the great piin llvlicvcraiidof double tho fltrcuth of any othtrlvjixir or lfnimcnl la- the world hotill be hi every family liaudy for use wbeu wanted m il really ji the bct remedy in the wofld fur crampjf 111 the eiinclidid paicisendchcaofallkfnds apd isfucsalc lnll uruecutisat20 cenu a bottle- ujiuirniua couuff rrtlu coucurfoils arc ilwajs dangerous morn to lbjt they alivays closely imitate the original iu ippraccc and name tlie rcmirkililc fuccivs achieved by karal balm s v loditivv care for catarrh and cold in the hcid has induced onpridcipled partiea to ttciiiltj it the public arc cautioned not to fcj dicciiti uyjsoitraais imitating nasal balm in nami imd upptrirancc bearing ech names eltilcrcici nasal balsam etc aik foaiai balm and do not take imitations defers miy urgecpauyod for sale by all druggets or sent postpaid en receipt ef price joc and si by addressing fulford a- coproknlle onl ciac and isccet many persons wonder at the tired worn and weary fcclingthat oppresiet them with on any apparent cnuse it may be poverty of the hood or a disordered elomach ra cther care the stomach blood and liver arc net perfcrmisg their regular fencttons and with many prsotf they will follov a dell heavy sjcadache nausea and cm j- other symptoms that precede a well devebped case of dycpepsii purify the hlood ccmc tbz ejstem of the clogged secrcto2ily nii mcaclafns mandrake miatnrc prcpatcc ty j b meacham 133 yon etrtf l cjcmiit cf nineteen years there have been many remarcablii lir- of dcifniss made by ih co 0 htgyr yehaw oil the grct household rcmely f- all pam inilamatian land srct yt-1- unrsrii thu united la-ss- oil ciircs eheamatissi scr threat and crcnp and it is nstfnl mtemally i5 externally frall pains and hijcric sure hut tot sok- pecplc wh3 invc ued dr thsmas ifclecic oil to jret rii of pain finl that it u earc hut not rv a cough even of long standing u stcdily controlled and ccrod by it iihenmntirm neuralgia corns hmc- hack ana swchud neci rapidly disappear wncn it is ncd are yea disturbed lit and hrjksa ayoar rest by a sick child suueria and crying with pain of cut tin- teeth r it id sxdtt ence and get a bottle of idrin3lw6j0ings5up fcr children tthirg its value is incal- calahe i wtil relieve thrjwor little cuf- tircr imnicdhtclj depend upec it- moth- era thtre is nj irirtzke about it it cures dysentery sni iisrrhts regulates the sumidi cnduovtla cures ind colic f3fcj- ihe gnii rr ducts inuammation 1 vt- tjtiinnd ccrgy la the whole ywi mrs winslows soothing sy- rp lot chiidrtn uclhirg i- plea si nt- to the tito liy1 is thj prtriptiqn of one of th0dliidut ftmrle phviicians and by- all enlists tliroasnout t pictttrentfjvc cents n lottie svi-vr- unu ts and is for sale t the world be sure yfisslows sooxnixa thr r til tie laaahtr tliolr aaiiorl t bodily vigor touhtlfl mod bitro y kjpi lmr of mil uu 1 i willi -mi- m hili hi j illcl 10 ivlaou her pnplla io elrrtigtlicn imu by tho uso of aycrs sar- b hpprcclated tho truth hint liioltli fit csacittll to- mental for peniotit of dullcato and feeble hon whether young or old this 10 is rotnarknhly itcneflcinl bo 1 u get ayert sana purl i in ry aprlng nnil full i tnkn a mini- nitlfb nf aycrn snrsaparlllaatid illy immiciuh mnt joints ii ii stuiichani mnss tukcii ajers sitrrajmrllla unctttuuiiyrfiicmllitnlmi tlifrmi l civrnr palmy ro md jnnil c cat daughter iwelvc yenra of age fered for tliu pnst j car rom general debility a fiv wcfk bfuif wo wnn to pivo her a crssiirnitunrilla ilerlitaltulun prtiiily luipruvrd mrs hwrlel ii piuiip soiith cihliitihnl mm aliut n yenrngo lljrgnu upliig ayrrg fanuuhuillii ns n rthly for debility niul ijcnnlglji nmiming fruiu limlarial cxitfftru hi tlicuriiiv i was iu n very lidnoulilftiii ijnt kiv wnthsof ihesir- aaiiirillawiilnkthljiiauiscsor aycrf iiusjaujytcatly liiipuited any health iaiu tuwalilc totvpik nttd fed that t taiiuut kiiy tikiiiiiicu fcr your exriucisi niuwljfs p a piitkliaiti scuih mtiluwiwmc mj itughtcr ifistfoit ytancfhl is tuiiis avers bfltnaiviriila with v c-f- f s gniliaiu united brethren church uuckliatinui wyb t miflcmt from nervous prostration with lame lack mid hcahiehe ami have lccu liurli bene filed by thj twe of aytca bantaptirilla i nm umv w ycirs ot iic and att hatisifiwl unit mr pfthut health olid puloipcdlfpnridic to the una ft avcrl 6a ra par ilia lroy kliitt killinply ccmi i mrsj ann ii fanwtiir a lady 7 years pld so wwxutock yt wiiics after several weeks niffering irrnj ucrrofs jirmiratiou i ptocitrvdaljitle of ajtrs 8arspaiia and uforc i had lken halt of it my iual health retu ayers sarsaipariiia pumahed dv dr jj c ayer a co tioweil mass price l alxtotilcti woiinfjilcttk if v1 the stock is too rge at mar bight tq the front orilcoapetiriox vrcrlaccoun elegant and substantial goods bplccdid in qoilitv 1 complete a juscrtrccq overflowing in generous barirdrs fcxs wounxs axdcnuires boots and shoes wbsees 0vspee03e fee li prices that alwijti lcd to iily tilts lowest prices coxsfrttst wtt1 l good quality 4 casitom work and eeparicer promptirj attended to jrwiiii street acton dissolution sale fourteen yrs agoahotlleof mllkplicod in a wcil at owenaboro ey to coo fell into the water the other day the well was cleaned out and ciier sheet sir fed cf mud was icucd the bottle and the milk was apparently as sweet anl gool 5 he day it was put it a tanly escape mrs cyrus eilbomccf bcxmsville 0it hadwhat was though to be a ctcxrpnier n and was aboct to eclmit to a cancer doctors operation eh tried burdock blood bitters which eftecfed a- radical care- this medicine cures ail llod diieai the name of mccauslind sa of tor onto is direcilt associaid with the host stained windows in the countrj- tiierc are several offshoots from this veienmhoasc but erperience tus the tale thsir c-tcip- ments and personal knowkds mats them peers in the ornamental cct ani stained glass trade and we are glad to heir of the nattering succesathii firm his enjoyed dur ing the past forty years be on vow cnari dopt allow a cold in the head lo eok ly anisurely run into catarrh when you cia beeuxed fcr 35c by neing dr chasce catarrh cure a few applications czrein- sipient catarriir 1 to 2 hoiescnreibrdinary catarrh 2 to 5 hoses is guarantca t enre chrouic catarrh try it only 2jc end sarc curb m- it is wsrse than madness- to neglect a couch or cold which i easily subdued i 1 taken in uciebecdmeevwheri ftftto itself the forerenner e cnisnmption and prema ture death riiilanmaoa wha itauacia the delicate tissue of the lungs and bron- chial taocf travels withperilous rspiaityf then do cot delay cet r fcoulc cf bicfcles anticonsumptite syrcp the medicine that grppa this formidable fqe cf the human body and drives it from the system this medicine provjotcs a free and easy erpecictaiion suhdnes th4 cocrii heals the diseased parts and eieru amoit wcrider- fol inflaencc n ccring cousumptfoti and other difieas of tcejhrost tmd longs if pircfcuwuh tobxve the lives of their cfiihhcep and thenclie from uinch imuny trouble anderireiicc let thm pro- earea bcttlepf bickv aiiliocnsumpiiie sjtuiand thcjevir u 7ild uu tajn cold his a congifor ityirecnese gvc the syrup aocordidg bj iirectionf mr wf lagbiliiny0it writes i v8 one of llic greatest sufferers fcr about fiftctn fliqstha iti a disease of iay ear tiailhir to ulcers causing entire deaf- ucct itriccvcrytjiinguiatcojidbedoiie ihrongh medicnikiu butnithout relief ai a last resorit t wed dr thomas eclec- tnc oil nnd jtytvti tninnui foiriid relief 1 tititauvtii nd in n short unto c pd heanog cowiditely rtatoved ihavemdfhkvronderfoi healer tfmlnjly in ctees of tnflaination of the lunga wue throar coqlm andcotdcats wd hfuisec c in fact it ioox family medicine thescrtofeioodform which hz constit uents of vigoroc bone brain and isurcb are derived is not manufactured by e fitofvach which is bilious cr weak unin terrupted thorough dige lieu msy ic in sured the eecrttive activity cf the liver re- etcred irnd the system ei1cknlycourjhej by the aid of northrop i lyman ye-ge- vyvnniqo i- uhlediscoveryanddirccpticcnre it is tai hens htv iootwear printi for c avorth double the money new cottons for 5c koticc oipiiizlidoz of partnership roticvuhrtbyivbn that the part- jla iitrlfiiheretofjrufcubutingbctwecn as the tinivrsixccd ns general mtrchants i the yillace cf gacmttown nodcr the- cra iieoe of mcewoi anlcrson co has loen tliis dsy dlsolvcd by mutual cou- eent all dests owing to the said partner fhip are to be paid to wm mclcod at the etcrc georgetown county of halton and til cliims kaicet the ksid partcerslnp arc to le preenttd and paid bv the aforesaid we mclcod vzlcl ttgcoritjkc tfiissilb day ot feb ii6 jcnkgtrs- 1 wr mclrow viirxzs 1 geo axtcrjos ith reference to the above i bc to intimate that i intend conlinuing the aforesaid busi ness under the style and firm nameofwm mcleod co andvould respectfull ask all parties onng small balances accounts and overdue notes to call and settle as mpne is required tc pa- off the retirin partner i also beg leave to announce a dissolution sale the stock is large and firstclassjaxid there arc several lines of goods to be sold out to reduce the gtock great bargains will be given as ve must have mone to sqiare up the retiring partner our spring goods are com ing in in large variety new prints new dress goods new silks new milliner newpara- sols new tweeds- new gents furnishings new readymade clothing new carpets new cottons new towellings new discovery and d epep the greater bioedperiftr ever introduced into canada dyspepsia and mdipeation icay hnovr t co syracuse k y writes bleasc seud cs ten gross of fflis we are seiitig more parmelees pills than nnyothtr pill rrc keep they have- a great reputation fcr the curt of dyipepvia and liver cot plaint mr chas a mti liy writes panualees pills we nu ex cellent medjcine- my sister iac bou ifonh- led with aseerc headache but thcscpiis hve cured her itis the dnty of eiery penou vhu hru used uiuehtft german ffrtrvp to let its won dcrfol uiities tc kuouij to their friud in curing consumption severe cccfhr croflp astlhna iueumoniit all throat and lung disco- cr can use it without immediate relief thrvc doses will reliete any case and we coniidcr great bargains remember the ordered clothing department dress and mantle making depart- mentj and milliner are in jirstclass worlcing order and j stocked with the latest novel j ties tins sale is a genuine jsale to realize money to pay j off a partnership that has been dissolved so you can come i with confidence to purchase aiid you wrll be amply repaid i although the stock isrhark- nd iu fact led vcrv low already and sever ko icrsboal jj j cost wc 0 i a further inducement to burs itthdutyofau drcggifiu to recommeni j dlscount of 5for spot cash it to the poor dying conanmptire at least on all- sales of 200 and up to fry or bottle as sjooo dozc lotties j wards for two months ending were cold list year and uo on cw hiru fairly was reported such jnudicin a he german syrup cannot lo too v ijtly known ak you rdruggiitt aboat iu harnplf bottles to try sold at ten cents begelar izo7i cents sold by jtlj dragituets-aijd- deaiera la the pa i ted sutes and canada- ist may x8sff wm mcleod wm mcliiod co v rammotli house gbobabtpwmr dr j chase his awirli wiercpaiauc3 kt ibydcia attioc his wtndrlke uaicici live j atriumfaof medieaj kill ennni til tic cii- cscs ot tiic kidney and livur stitltolis of kidney complaint diitrv-n- czus ted pails in tne bict a duli piia or k tr in th buiiieranildjotliic abdcni scaiuc crine often olxiracli frccc2t desire to crii- te erecwij aiuu tacs tr cztz hot dry ttic pale comrexiasred iiiiic de- posilx dropdiiricctf socr ttotrl cciiiz- tion pilta htertical twellmrs- ic i fituitojtsof liver couflxktistn ctr lbcalcr blade tnn dice cailot canilnicn a wuary tisedf no life az caerj lcadacbc dji- hov crned uacirake acd datdccon ar cittiirr liver cieiaiiwbcn combined ffil kiincy tcia- dies as in dr cbaiec lrcr ccr- vill liest poriiivcr cere all kidsoyucr tronlks it acts uki a charm litanlans ue elected iircr etrcssncninf uw kadseye aad iavicrus ta wboebodr sold lf all dj in at xriih ue- eeiiitdook which aline it wjrtbtbemrcsy kidney dnchabetrclearalbc cij- kii- livbhr nejlier iilil 3tic 1cry zzi ptllb- ceatly jret cnctnily ixnv 12 uxea during crarjoyineat tur crc kiixy- litcr trocblca tooiaefce biliojenta ccjiive- nescc one piu dose soli by ail dealers price 5 cents vmandsokco uludfordont ililss i w barber bros paper makeks georgetown ont hike i srnculrr cr wacnine finished book papers iuuu otaur wkkkty srwf tue sper nscd in this journal is from tiic abore mills wlf bahber i beos w u cure or relieve biuou ness dizziness dyspesia drops mukd ce 1 of the heart envsipus acidity of salti heub the stomach heart win qwness headaplje of the skin oil ik do urge lotn of kko black fiilk gu laccardown from w to c w to 82c and li uchcn down to about half pricoi gbvcs dortn from 175 to 5uc bill of styles lhay aio cliafming goods kafiaiino the new bilka satin marv new goods arrived from tho foreign itoccho silk gimp trimmiiign chct i itibbans stylish saliirmcrveillenxd covtrs plush table covers cbciiilo c ihrhtoidery nets tinsel trinimtoga ivhwitbe goods arriving from the direct from tho makers jnitscutho liujftriorac uiatfo and doublo whito m and swiuerlsnd i knormous tho t embroidered cloth printed ciothili ladic homes loot charming the this tcaflon tho window hhada i cud wry cheap lilo c grey colt cajiiiu tweed very cheap mil davi ere tho night iloniie and ilailthon msy i sib i iiara lcoidowu from 55 la soc 4- to 2- 3 ioso- m fjjsc- jiminwcreiis i bri jo lo 5o s7j to ik 25 lo l2jo lnrw lo of ick lfc urns- inil mantle flimp kupcrior kid olovrt down fvora si12j lo sse 67j u 10c very yirio irouch kd pjovc doitn from 5 lo coc fio to 50c 2a to 13c jut j lh iruoli in immense variety joiuhl torn iho bel mkcni hi uuropo or ihc cull dovrp nd wo sellms ry cluap llcox silk broobon etc llicy arc clurraina etjios and arc icllini off fl ondcr tlio value aakcrelhiiteek -vcs- ttyki o ladies hata dr- uattoru fancy frilhoih cmnlo ilo silk vrinsoi wool main in heantilul klyles for garden and iloaiiib nj re clood vcilmc cortou duitlc ianmcr linimidcred talk corcra printed tablo cortalna taffeta silkglovci tidim ladies gaom k id katon lama est j all over droucli carpet window sliadcs and carpet felt litrj are sbipnenty ot hew and oroin manulactnrtrj every week irajricnbe asicnmoiill ol white and colored qbiiu wliito hoiioyboriib qoil ut mc tlio hcaotiiol while toilet qoilts at 5123 up to t7 4lio iracillca rjuilii the atocltol window cortainafrom tins scotlaed gerrnaii i nan m dow and utautilol ntid tho viluo l excocdinily fwl 10 silk llnlll woal hi r bilk pamaja nod ileppo tallt toilcl aa1 piano co t really hcantial and nake clrpct in all makei op to tho het fwoframa iirou and wiltona arc bcaolifcl guttcrna lo3 cornicej cdrrt rwccperllil mallinsia bo fioor oilclolhi etc arc handsome l wbiu cotton filicptinj sliirlin- ijrowir hoilandj uemini rtciinjii coltonaden tlio itoro ii on kin urtet cait one door ivmt ol ilttfisoti ilrvft the naraci oh the kin- thomas o watkilts i set il the right tousfe sp watklns s king dbwn rallwatn acton house furnishings ladies this is the tiine of yearvpu vant a newcarpot a new fiaco curtains or cretonne curtains with nice fringes to matph before buying it would be to your advantage to inspect our iarge stock of house furnishing ill tap ate lace cur our ussj bein- heaps i j carpets rvjiwoo and hemp in todd varicy and newest designs at exceptionally close figures a splendid rane of iloor and table oilcloths ains by the yajrd and sett- and a very large range of cretonrrei and frincres to match ol dress 300ds- department is very coinpletc not ony as regards closcness of prices but in genera style andquaftv they compriscallwool jersevs albatross cloths self cvjecks- combination stripes plaids and twetjd effects j3 r p- a special of this department is oumtrfav of black goods coir prising jerseysysqrcils tirislailwool cashmeres v j yards wide jnd a lovdysilk warp hen- if rietta clctfatsi5 see these good and you will be 1 delighted j tment of coaiiiigs is voy complete a special feature- a range of ingiish iroadcjoths in light snades f prints shirtings ginghams cottonades hosierygjoves etc millinery this depr rtraent is just in receipt of the latest novelties to be had for die season fresh goods being opened todav i or style and cheapness we are away ahead a splendi 1 assortment of boyb and ouths readymade suits just to hand our boot ashoe stock is the largest and most- torriplete in town hemember onr famoui 50o tea henderson mcrae td spring- 100t boots yhoes ihpe store kekney bros main street a3 have now n hand a fine ttcchof new eprin slippers rubbers sec of the bast manufactir i ordered nork a i- apjod wt give xhc- best value millinery nvirpbdy wtil iivor4 with 1j io if new chirk hrrs go canursivov hijv not latt curuiids taiiwiiigt is- iljj im ntiic ililliccry verj 4 tvlfcijmfeiirtsife roo4nes fresh and cheat stock now complete ntaal receives persona attcnfvia llepiinn promptly ji scented line cf hcliabje tucsks aajd vailises always oc hand obtainable forcasn give ua ycurcah and wcilalisfy you as lo piicts vkenney- bros magnificent display crand tiunkfei cjtxr eiil mciw mi xej tvt iu i eiirejrijic imuaitpa inttibbeatsf tb roigh ixp v t ijnf mj wis accota iplljim lhflti3s5 li ilen flo hi uttmlotiilotttoyt alirant0j 7 ii 11-7- rifj wsttljainanrlisiu j tores p hronjc jj onstipailoo v qoslra5 irdl poi tr z rrik 1 iiiitch ryp cr inttj sc la ertrbjr d rnutiitajrl ir uaa it jlir j sitiilsima 1- 17jwa j inrp ptttih zz ccbljd a poor hah3 fwejlbl orr tin wjlrrr- da- rrcce alvrii rlkmitj3 te r i ic aia ujkaoatyt ttkhx ittekv aixtjit enro fj t jri urainp akl li 1 1 ilii j l aahiu llaiali 1 1 1 j jjlaa cide c ri i s it6 l- t t1c puia in ihoiktjlfcl lzz fld h-irt-r- jatsoluliw in iiiyiiltici iha torklarwial- 25 ctrrt rea b3ttl r tart of connlerftllj km i the great blood dri chahnibji mttom 5 i siitsjiciii- v i trwt ik y itis u fr t if tr- t ib j iir -ja- icaj r 5- vsski tt i ij r- rtaciiu cf uifiixixpsi 1- i ctrtioy ti divi v lrtrrmsco mpift- 2za3j- di6est1vs1 of aftkijinhiafiij j jffr tica ai tm ctmtrie s vc tmmrdiatn rrilcjia t ttior rrif itra jhyt ruih m tnr lum cars t jtngicocc brpcr 7 rp44frl mantles dress goods carpets curtains etc mckay brothers iselesaatdltulay ntwsmio drttstioojumij a30c nfrriiiili3rts0ocibi 10 1 1s711d 20 tlic vcw chaiobrami w is i o new iriuu wlaic n t ilratselt ciirpct t5c ufl 110 new wool crpcti 3 j ti67jailtx lq new jijc 52co 2al ncir schri ijaiimldlh hi ui itc v curtaiu vojsx 7 flcw 2lica sbtx jtrsey jackets uxira aipu 3j3 sea- styles iu divimibllng mckay bros 48 king street east ham

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