tj the meiffohistciiyb uotfe gleanings fifswtittjf ictohs reyehiimrspastca pnrsatc arcane -im- uicri f rri jjsj i st it twt2 is era i fleets ioai if j t x tf0rsj l nsrteeaijf i to tj jjj t-iir- rorjrdiq1 i- mi s aroa f s r rantm lie aztcl cpif ra -1hs- i w- foriligi c ilr vuirtiefa fii a campbell jv iktlon l-fca- n itad ud nal 1 nijf ifc vata fen l srjrirs tc s irri ir air t cnrii nlre ud iu iu1 mr yesin barimji rrcr zcicy risfcirttr ia vcrrii grind i uarr wiyrebte 1 j7 tli poplar and i triiicr cc two- lira 1 ifrr his 53 ills til ic fstsa i nalv em das i isigyrtig p meet bi rffiertsekj lice j life cciaiiusc ss x- r lit wmwsjj v tai f err icapt book jj wsri of 533 njyloltl t wuchi it- of uur- local tiiarailr iutl cl kbcr licit jcpktiliuiorraf u- lljf arttui jmjrai tiiiisiiv fvi -i- jxmrxi locals ih iir v il- ircuso a i cap i rakwiif to sewn xccit rcvt fccciim us a ncttj iu urin yiusc- ccaci his xdopej the ilr gccty scper bt5 itrovciuiie tie c tii inks hikou ehoaldat ire trcre ibin tjrec linear licenses t ihe trie wprfe c clirlfe new lcc it gccv liis barn ccrjmclcei the uci4a irecsclui been cndcrjo- cil zziy rxricrator u las caiiral 5itit dr larv f rrrccdm bk cractra iri crcrnii en hopo hiuwith t nert orli to tao ixpravxzcil4 in prcpxss il l altais chrrcb cs ecrriccs were lcst iit f tcs skiid rsi ca sitzfdxy dia fcicito crirdievctiti33 la improve tcs eiiior tilo bis been ccjrciied hdi woek with a fca3ticl bcicct tnr ti iri2 cf ilri s a 5cori i 1 tbs iet licblbouio ni otirulc pir is lt fcji wcicci tbe pcialcr bci ccjy rkrrin3v necessary cjq it ibe plains ciijjcgeee z ijlibriiii ycir ancmlcr c leii- j wc hire rcvo 1 tcpv v hi pwre livt j ixn fthick tc u ui li ttrothtf fwai ubclotliu tii- viui j it iivcrjtci j any cf cttil- immudiiyii a lir cihllo mru jiiai tin rlmy a tu- rou- ttu- iuits fct uw csci tbis vcirs bfjvr tc ury prj the ilitkiv liti ii ii aictliylii i vitmro a tjiv iiii tec icij lltnc- lie i mntir3 o tbedcjckmiica wre tee cp sttiltr ted lieut cctdrut heticncbirc tb kjriti army ccrpi berc in jlicc of tbe ctrc trbo trc-rc- th crcirtl- in ibissctija fvc jro- eie c a ki lricst ii ecsjo- tlie bcrrk- ij will prbbsby to atrdintjfcut izi c rtdjiij7rcilcrtjy rnb tn- drllcct blocbii 6 lr aisbed uifr iitit ia b2 5k3 bu in iicz2r jizi- f itiirl ircct- gecrrcttra hcrath diiyis cctirin pt t co lrlit in ie in one weekt ctn tad a btitb f vc cn- ciiiitoti bin car indirst kdssrtt ni rcisl lor adu tta st iii been erved on tbo mtor f pirip siie insticce ol wc urei fcr tloco itr ure is eim to bive rtceivsd icdly iiry ra fsibno a defeciive ijtl tie tcbhrs jv utus cburcli oudii ji- su a ili ittjn cuch acv wyi- th ecriicv- wjls s vry oio il vao6yjico3 ly pa lr it f acted khomjrrtdoiilic iclilliwa ij iuinm- catecciimtuy otlg gliders uui tut u tbcsmc timsit ins to caucbed 5 1j trii loihcciicrncrbcrsof ue co-rc- giliaa lej1 ric in thy truth lnd icacb mt vasbifitcil tie lit v ultjrai iiorj5nd tic eabbiui booi for c ftw tniuufl- ia the tcraoca t7bc3clco tticuticu wsiai lo hit rcnixtks iter nj bcilt- of kiii cbcrcbgstjph caird tlie lala cf the 1rcsliylcriin cburc brrc rjrrti sijd cimi xrj lc- cctibly to b tried fzrjlmn t there vvs cou5mitlc txcilcattiit ii tdtrall rjv vrbeti mr 0 li ilyjcr yrs5 srrestc1 o susniciorf cf liiviap et firo to bi tailor ijitp ci tbe icth jlayvitb in- teat loccfktudibe coiuis ia vrbicb jits cmdswcrciarircd he vn s tikca bire j pe storey tad albuv wbca abave- cisrgevfsinsde by coitsbe jklipjert c ceilin at the irltslcc cf tbe insurance tarnkmies tbejiapitrcte rcuiiadelbim to ue ceuiity jul for s rceb lotviil trub- he vas liltlby is ktber mr jobiinydcriidtur tbeirrs ryicr ii tbe frjc52o it is siid iva tbe dtiec- livevbobtld charge o the cit lias a aitea vifiscj to cll a the trial jonrrror fbircly bc ilt this jvan 1us riw is icrvtcfore lorieau tnbcrjiiiei thane tcr 11 be rbctff nrove ticiilf biaecat cfti sezievs cbsru ircv fcntiii ci p t airs o f czz di n in j lit try wiuicoriiiil zd cjc- tirteatitb tbufroviac it cfcra- tbo cdz iitr lrir hlhcjrtniqzrqi pcblicatisni- its cobiains cj the igrtrjt cf prcmincnt jriirufscfjrerio5 tbe do- ciinisi dader lbecartcn captn of idiadian ialcrrj- the jjrtraita rc tccorrijiulel rith shcrt tiorapliic td tbe bueidcr nzu wbo per trail cts t j3rifcrrf erztnm m tliiz coliicctics is mr vt ii sory of th- caaaia glove wcrk acton v bo is at tbe present ti3a rcsideat o the caut- diaa haiiafactarici ajcislida- the ac- ccaapaayb ibilcb of hi life ara prert35 in ctntz is iu of iatcret aad vl tcaj net only to l c tbe faeral rzvh a letter cctatintaac tritb mr stcrcy tal bic tiaic brli acea vhb v hiih ie ii o ia- ticiately auriilj io lare tlilt ordin ary preaiaier ii e tti- jl ef tbe jtfifrnr preats iikaeuadrbteli e cilzeirs sixae vy d gwrfc ectb torpt3 iiid u hjtmetj ai- th 3vzz zri ne rn a r tbat sens ded 13 iicaiba i bis 3itoa a traaibcrcfcitized of bctze resieaeo oiyzlh5ie inritei fclbronakel rr retresiatiilin ef blr 3iecia 11p strceiile hasbeca crcctci iatc aa t3rt cf ce3e and a irareaarsinffpcrt aci flaccd cadartne rarvey of tb cofiee- wa iulza igegeerciovra tr prtpxrd to pay the hibsst price ia cab ecfidc eer car quantity of yhol ac im- ptaitiaazisclmraeat frcai tbis keil- nsc na trpears ia tbii isce- r j beradf icirn to ecprlyiar hii tcciau iraatir critb tailt itr a- keaotreet ef ue laheide dairy baa ccaaraeaaeel he cthvtrt cljziik tocaetcmers ia to rzl cdiver irtsb pre cool milk tice dayt any rart of the tcc itiscape vtars tabe had in this etio triioaaaeyliili bfajrrkkceaciry it iiiaised icteir at present stb i trattr faihc trees fail of biocaa it repays cdbibbetbiiiib t tiiere rvas tactber case cf arte h and cis- l derly ca the rtrtets the actlcritisa are i iia anipb rebels freni llertealo scctt-acl- it u client totliitftjtj cf vithvy uleia5sddn3 j i j ajat25 finaers ircaa le coaatfes r and tiidddescx visited the ontario isrbltanl ciice gcelpbqn tccsay thijjtrere titartiiaaity tpe koa ir hruf tbe ifiabacref arcaltar aai ibi eatcisls jitifeiiistjictioa ajcitixa jtiiss that eaatcr slcejnd- ey tubrad cat reacatiy that glib tld bav aajtiier raiuay vritljia a etc i ribt df jay is et arcbaai for tli s pacific hail lira ariirh cf fray is et fcefcg cr regulation voald here is ro cue who water ysjarareji ric caijarcr pue ccancii of the tora ef waterioo has pa a bylav rtarine aj ciildria tadcr a certain z to hj ca tie fctrteti ad ltteaae by ni oclock ech etehij at aaibrjriheftiliraaaniiifquiia oa lbs street after tbit tiae tby arc tukea ial cbire- by in- ylz 11 cbiifjiea of tectr aee vcre ardr prjjtr parental art tcaeclttary bat- tralbs tbettreeu at vuihi in our oa tovru of taiall ebbdrea arc hincia- rroadtbe craer and acaira habit tbet colc acrar vrci for tbfir fstare rcpectabiiity crtulze if iarcsu riili the tbe daty cf the btate to eaereie ae rc- elrcia upoa thrir aclieasfcr the general yaol secijty here is a pointer fcr cnr arq ccaacll anu the tbau o the ccas- raaaity rroald be dcto coaacibor heaaey if be- vere tc iewnrat c ssilar rc-au- tica ia bis faaeb tiebatcl beii ritib cebiiae it voald lo a viry denralle taii to see the boyl- ladlprfs of tender yiara aarapenaer for 1oij- wbca tbe 111 betas to ria at pra borsssnibczcrsiolcz- a ffceb tiat maday a beay c3arc lecbinf raaa witii iea bkcb weestaabs cearin a dark sail and stia black hat ca gaed a bbr ari3 rb at verdea bre every litre to 50 to itrsatiirjibat be woablreisra oa tccsday tuciday par- ei bii the- ann ailei ta retota tiriub- lag 1ig bad been cctiaed the lltzsrs wordea iourbt litile about the matter cd- til welaeaasykiab aad tbea ccaejcdcd it was tiraeti look ap their property hr jcba woruenttarteitbc- next cjotji- in for icrus could cad no trace of the horse aad rb aftr it bd bcn there graefriile sbtibarac aad oiar poiats wcr vbltd bat ithoat traces kctices were- eiat oa saturday to all parte of tbe coantry and vrori bis eia beea recctred ucmqriziihy vtalktrioa and ehdbaiee stating that a rnin and rig aaswerinff tbe deseriptinn bid lecirce3 ia tbe- 5 plscef ier- veirdea vititd grimsby aad st catjj- ariaci 01 tjtjsy but np to tbe boar of goiaio pres tiit bbrte aad ri bad nsi bcta rscorercx it iimlarltlrptru hcrc aboat iii iaass hjib with a lamp tlie the cf a p5nbca tbe left sijec the brcart inaae roaaii oa kftcdj covered bacy wine a bane cioe vbicli cisoecped j uu- ciuilly o4 tiaie in thecojir j ves eeitjcd ut a jiilrittiagof aevnj divieisa court lat mcrday tje cass croieoat of a traaietioa bctwcjii idr ikcry uell of acton aiq mri alargarct ueil of iiic- giiveya in april iaibc fonaer tom the bttter a here fur 5 5 feprereatiit that it vrir lcltablj fcr citbi clatiti of warn sirs ltll paid i djvn and agreed to pay the balance iu a wteb she htpt the faorm etft daj- and tbsn 1roau it to actoti ajd minted iliiry t- lite it b he re- fased and the ift it on the ttrtet kcury i3ii brotrsiittuit iatbe laet coart to rc- crer tbff cco dae and sfn- bctpct ie ihe e their bastftraen every aattsfac- i i dafeacj that tae borot ws ijo as cood as j i j teprteeotecf court eat on the 12ih5iy 4 niittirof preat eatiifaciita to va5 adjoareei uoi life 2cd slay and u oikvii jtiitors chief coaatiblc i aldercbi- laity ii doll as darowai tee cuaitlok jsicbief caitible peacock of hiitoa bit aiiitt2 tbe raising of 5ir jiraes alleys leiv barn at zrjmernisii fellfrora la- top of tbe bildin aad rtocivtdter -if- yr ii hijrcjv cf aetya vijeuhbaxi of jaeipbellvihe aa 5 cbtii- ci trcf hiltaa tre tiie arbitrator ap- to htut ca the aaocat lo be- haid tyibtoioliiiltcnlrllrtbsffiislb fvr rait if vay cad land for a reservoir frii-j- atcrrricuiv j ititaea are eaiatedj aaaertbe sup- tbteiveeofir litblan kennedy ia fcailcir b icri- isblaciial feact artend rji otury rcrtnaueaec sceati to b btcjjd tt ujtiibuailcxciaaieaof bcicty seirctli j iico ims ixea tuukribed vitrrt jfcnai a oia-paa- have ierchtstl iitr r aioring buci- c c-i- the ht end clobhg bkre tadire now iajkfcsesrjoa of tbe badaesa ileti tbc enakrcab are practical ffork- c cepiricuce aad tbev rill no ivy it abusyesublishia9nt j tlie uuibaig cordon tannery at iho i foot at ldlia street unsor ibc efficient j maacceuculc mr wm 6mith jr is a bic of iudtihry- a dumber of improvo- tpeatabail beca added siuco mr jacobf birc prorietor uev tnacbitry has bcui patiii and au addiiumih now boing built otliai the prvnuscfi will abcrtly be- fiithapc focalarcovolamcof busiacai tbe lint teir vara ps will bo out- in ha courte of a wcebxr so cimrkwne to die lnv siaruiy morning hr curry brcthtr of mr j a curry of kiiteiitif trriici licit 011 tie morning train from tcrxiato in a very law vitj omiqauu ho bad cotre from kiirnlota ihtish colain ia whtcv his beniber luxd cone for him fial be iniitbl airive safely bonie huftife hdvtb which tttks ci peeled iu tbir near futsiiv krcry cxro was taktn to socaro jhe cinftt ofthc dying man and he was fey cjauytd to mr j a ourrjn houso oa the trrivxl oth tru hcrv he lived oalj- nrtil tuesday niumin his trouble wa georgetown t era hi stxlbiljitcri3 improved during tbo past week or to the paiutcra bavijbadposfifiion of st albans charcli and the re allis tbit tbe tntericc hss been beautifully traasforracd in appearance ifr h g stone of georgetown dciencs tbo credit cf having madfl st albane the prettiest church iu town at far as tbe ulterior is ccacented has artistic toate titucted a very pleaaing blcuding of colors and the effect is very satisfactory the- ceiiingaaddiaactd are raanve the walls baa witb neatly eacillecl borders m lake aal parple prhile tbe cornice and projes- tlaas are triiamcd with wine co6r flare bill aa tie country abasebalf mite was played at brook- villlist saturday betvceatbe elm leafs and the fw mill club wbieh resulted in favor of the elnj leafs the score at the end of tb a seventh innings being as follows rair anars e o njj j wcih nirwa e wcxlf j lb w llooii r t 11 ccm- c 1 h wi a ji a mctt ih t l j irhe 1 1 mcidi 1 li u kri c f a a il cll j n a- s k u inua 3 u r aio 1 f r t i j 1 l tuc crop outlook thef4ncriibrouijhoiitoourio report ill sprlnfi crohi lulklng well but more rfln is needed blrley ia lookioii qocly ind to ibaudsatyiem otfroilii indiceted all crowproiiioweluiotpull wbeit which will fall biiow the tverace dxtaiu from all foinu ol the pro- vinco of iaolec sty that the crop preaent a nugnisecci ippoartucc hy look bat ter tliiu tuy lime for ycara pal the cool trjiaflcr lu alijlilly isurded the growth op cnii bat iim improved it in eceniilh jthc- coot crop tiioash bome- whet iiloj it iookiu4 well attoutthor the prosfcea fvro roost encouraging uu personal mention rr aiiqihtmtiiia viiiidrvui mid from taw with when frc ircfs liraucrs arc jlure or lcsj irtjoalatcd mr h b mccarthy is tbe cest of d iicareon esq il p miss jceie seaaedy etamiltca is visit ing friends in tins vicinity mr c w ecscoby of georgetown itft hit czk ca a trip to england- mr aad mrs w u storey railed fricada ia lltltaa ca tcesday mr l masahts and ervie of cailckc are spending a week or eo with fricuas mi- 3 maddaiof guelpb hai beca lbs a t during the week of hiss anna mat- tcrs mr c v hill retarns thih noniing to hearne he will be accompanied by 3rs- dr mc garvin mr and luk c ijtaipsey uii children rrent severed davs this week rith friends btro- mia carriuvvilly of simcoebas beca a guest at tbe rciideace of mr a laiug darirj tbe past week mie edith wright left oa monday to pad afct vrcel with friends at orillia lad reaetatguiebiae mrvvb r l the wellknown writer oa forestry and other topics leaves this weak oa a visit to eaglaad ja wtxrca p l s aad kisses agnes acd vvinnifrcd warrea kiaaardine arc viitiag friends at cedar creek farm mr thomas spebbt tbo soce weeks 0 watcaneferredio tbe g te jcac- tioa georgetown has removed to that own- kevr phillips aad mrs w p brown anfl h p moore left yesterdayto attend the aaaaal aieetiug of gaelpb coafereace waicbopeas this coming at seafortb mr t jaincs moore bis tendered bis resignation as teacher of leibes school eriu he intends taking a coarfe at tbe nerrcal scbco toroato with a view of scjaria a higher gradeef certiscate doraid d mann formerly of acn has bea awarded the contract for building tbe propoiel citeaiica of the manitoba tt northwestern railway for 23 miles beyond tbe present tannines cf laageabarg he will start work tt once nutuhk va iv llticif attke kcublciiaoc iu the uiutll volume of aldeafi- cly doped u of univenal litera ture 11 bid opens with geibel aad closes with guumseyr are gibbon greca and grotc btslroruiib what other letter tu the alphabet otn ebow three uamctsoilrong uadslone gftuit and groeley uioat eminent ai lulearaan soldier and jonrnal- iit but of high rank also iu ibc literary wotld atchibald and tarcef gcikieacien- liatf w h gibson artist and aathor gfithardttgoothe goldsmith vnd gray poeu cunningham gctkie ptomnenl in cbristian ktcratare gogol kuisian nottl- ist and a small host of other aalhort o leaser nota perhaps bat not necessarily of less popalar interest for iasunc tberfl is uietramorlai autlior of pinafore and peter parley aad grimm the wonder- fnl wondefstory teller in fact this vol- a me ir is lb si farther demonstrative ovi- deuw thatiajdeni cyclopedia of unttcraal literalcra is not ouly one of the most in- terestiog sfnes of volamea aver published but as aa ed a eating and eletating inflnence foe a homa librarj- itavalaa is beyond eati- fiiitc in dollars and cents and bach handsome waracs u they arc at a price jo marvellously low i 50 cents for cloth go cents for half morocco with fl wota extra for postage a specimen rolqme may be ordered with privilege of retaining ifnotwanved the poblisbed teods free lo any appj icant an sfpaga catalogue of hispabbcatioas jons b atota pabiish- er 333 pearl street sew york 21s clark strcetchicago maaiflcent display millinery majitles dress goodscarpets curtains etc evcrtjody well iaxl iriiii thin t u80s5c new chock dixssdoodht criou h bo 3j so toe novllm- uc curtaini uixtd 100 125 1j elm 50 now mllliiiw- vtiry cacaj mckay brothers jnt ditij xtw htiiio vichs goods so 5 30c new vuia dtou gdoda 10 lz4 11 kc wciisnibnji 10 li 13 c new itinti 5 84 w ue sew ttiestrv tclscaniou ruxo tjljo- vow wool ctrkt jrm tt tse eljcl jlia sew f loo eiio new scrim haircloth 1q laj 15 30c near cartiifpolvo h00 new jerwf jaekuuj extra value 3j0 now style ia dretiuiaklii georgetown high school board nu ad vertised for teaders for tbe erection of a new school boase gcexpiixuexrs fioarkouar ftoar swa 1 hlic who- lied wheal spring glasgow bar lay 1 kyi zzzzzzz rs j hay 1 etartr f l- wood rcroird kse perdcica listtwdiirffactod iiuttcrrous- cheese r r potatoes per bag kfflet 1 iorfc laailiskias iclts kites woo timothy sclper hash itay 9tb ibb toee jajio- is 0 ss taq 86 0 s3 it 0 65 fljh to 0 s3 0 50 ia 0 60 t so toosa 0 50 to oil 0 65 lo 0 t3 0 00 to 10 50 3 00 to too iaoo lo lid 0 11 to cu 0 li too 15 0 u to if it 0 li too ls onioon 100 to 159 6 to to t 50 0 30 to 0 ta outooss 00 to i so 0 s3 to c u s ts to 3 13 cmdrea cry for pitchers caatoria whaa itahy was sict re gave her castcrii when ebe vu a child the cxied for castoru 1jcn thcticmeitiicifc clans ie castorj whca the lai cialdrca she gave themcastoria litaabvbfaa soeee it is the daty of every persoa wbr has used ediitu german syrup to let its won- dcxfcl qnahties be knowa to their friend in- cancgj ccnsamption severe coagbs crocp asthma pneumonia and in fact all throat and long diseases kq person can axe it without immediate rciiel three doses will relicte any case and we consider it the duly of all druggists to tecomrnend it to tbe por dying consumptive at least to try one bottle u 60000 doten bottles were sold kst year and no one case where fairly was departed bach a medicine as tbe german sjrvp cannot be loo widely known aikroardruggistahsatit sample bottles to try sold at ten cental regalar size 75ce8t5 soli by all druggists and dealers ia the united states and canada- mcnab 60 co merciiaxt tailors have tfsamed possesston of tbabaiiness of hat wellknown stand the east end taixorshop and will i- continue tbe bnsineaa with a desire to please and satisfy all custo- mers both as to quality style and j prices of goods a fair share of public palouagfi is respect- folly olicited 1 3pxab co j cfl ou il ywjr irua81ujs3 ttec 11 1 tbaedildii lcird i cflbe etlitfdiat thcrcbi the ce rlwajricdatiil caaelted epcial i tluti tltr tilits lieaticg spparatoi faratahed court was held ci ilovia aaiiff ar-speaid- tyitrsiil vrlkiagi co georgetown inglhe nboledsy o0e cdrcit was set rwtjpihijr thecj3rebbas loeu roena j by joryia ftior of jtiitiff the groat trizizit teel over the hot icir fj bidlti jarir icti iriiaxc and fcraarct frcrly birrjtej by them last i horse was baar j ag at xi ddln ex- flute ftlya frictlmnieronebalfaslaaacji f pbbesfor teariy fio malju eo u thr ilqi ciitwai cingciired avforqierly ccw will acouut- to inoretch tiik horse wdjbecdftli was wsnifrlfcbk ill tbe i kss woiih j a mow for iismtltf wvmsi weihef j f jobnetou ajklcan tit delenut liltehousexcws friea oar own oortcrpcaicsr hiss kcgarvin and mr h white of actoa fpeat a day at tbe house of sir john mcre last weeie tad toroato lime gos new lime kiln s progressing under the management of tii55 sceee6f georgetown mr c kirbpatrick hi having bis boose renovated and filed up in good siyle taylcr bros bare received an order for 107000 fee of imzber they hive their raih in good rnnnicg order mr tbas storey spent a couple of days in toronto last week a thriving business is being carried on ia gcttgeiowu now among tbe boys io- pcanding cows the cbijf cocsiable who tbojldso tbe work ramscli pays tjoys 25 cents lier bead for patting them in and then tabes all tbe praise in having the law tafcrccd bat this is not the worst the bovs go oatsidc of tbe limits and bring cows into the village and pat them tn on sunday aboavtwo vcehs ago these aotoriooa cow bova went over to the glra and brought over ifcelve or thirteen bead and bad them put in w the report gxs about 1 oclock tbeuwaers tamed out rn tnas and got tiemoat this is one way ofeaforciag by lawsbreak one and enforce auothcr lirrehoase socms to get along without such bylaws we would adriac the boys to stjy away from hero cms- litueboase jone 6th ibw- aaoourccd session of the coart of re- visica next wedneeday evening a meeting of the directors of acton ukioufagricajiaral society opsnvtpfalf vrill be held iu the cocndl chamber on saturday afternoon ictli inst mr arthar laiogbas engaged n the bca busioess and commences with a n tim ber of ecleuiea- we will bo ptesed to tee bis upiiry access i jtr john tlurvcy complaina that a iuinur of diimreii u a hatt of playing cbculiadani on sauday eveinnps throw ing flfickand stones into the dam and oomiuittin olher deprcdaltonn u lbee jjfags contioae mr harvey f ill feer obliged to urosecatfi j beauty is desirftl and admired by albj among the thinp which may best bj done to enhance personal beauty fa the dauy nse of ayers hair vigor ko matter what the color of the hair this prepa ration gives it a las- tre and pliancy that adds greatly to t cliarm should the liali be thin hardi dryortnrniqffgwi ayera hair vigfcr tdll testore tlie color bring out a new growth aid render the old eott and shiny tr keepfngf the scalp clean cool ad healthy tliere is no better nreparatloa intheuarket i aa free to confess that a trial oc ejahr vigor has convinced mo iua u ft a genuine article its nsa hks j not onl caased tbe hair of my wife ai d danghtet lo be abundant and glossy 3 given my rather atunted mua- reapectaue lensth aqd appoi r- b britton oafland ohlp hair was cominff oatwithoit istance frolo my mifo eithe ayefa hair vtaor osios or ly bot fie and i now have as line lialr as any one could wuu 101 ichmitton dickson tenn e used a vers hair vigor in i ly dc a unmber of yean and i as the beat hair preparation it keens tlie scalp clean t le and lively and preaervea t le color my wife has used it imo with most satisiactory benjamin m johnson ji 1 hilllto r lairwasbecomidsharahuiddr r using half a bottle of ayerj or it grew black and glossy hot it hi tachc a ance- jiy any asi i tried one head of rt ihajc family card it know o lfclr sol original a ion snlu tlioma my at aft bat hair cnniiot feeb v dr j or ixprrm tiie joy and cratitrul i siabel c hardy dclaviulif ayers hair vigo rtchiud d c ayer co by druggists and 1 louell mss boots shoes slip ordered work ar uses a good line wfl give the best vlae ot i- v mckay brosi 4 jkking streetliasti hamilton spring stock now complete t dominion boot shoe store kenney bros main street acton hivo now on baud a fine stock of new spring pers rubbersp of the best manufacture ceceives personal attention repairing pxomptly executed reliable tritkks and valises always oa band lble for cash give syoarcabh and well a you as io pricea- kenney bros the ladies this is set of house furnishings the time oe year you rant anew carpet a new race curtains or cretonne curtains with nice v fringes to match before buyin carpets v in tapestry wool and hemp in good variety and newest cesignsat exceptionally close figures also a splendid range of floor and table oilcloths lace curtain by the yardand sett and a very large range of cretonnes and fringes to match our being a heaps of i- glasgow hquse acton it would be to your advantage to inspect oar large stock of house furnishings great qate 1 000 the dissolution of partner ship sale still continues we ha large quantities of good jve want to con vert jnto mdneyi we are making special and extraordinary efforts to ac- complish that end ve shall quote you a fev speciiiien prices for example w l splendid colored sifks for 25c xvorth joe blici silks for 5pc worth sib black and colored satin meryeileaux lor 56c and 75c worth slixi and si 50 dress goods lor ioc i5c20cvorth doijbre themoneyi a fine hne for l5c original prici soc beautiful ribbons for 5c per yard millinery mantle and flowers at extraordinary low prices- parasoh a magnifi- i cent ifne from 2c up factory cottohs for3c p yard up checked shirtings foicigc per yd worth ioc seersuckers 3c per yard up beautiful fast colored prints and ginghams for 6tf worth i2ic and 15c cottoftades ind tweeds at extraotdinaiy ldw prices beautiful twpedi at 25c per yard e are slaughtering ready- made clothing regardless of cost gents furnishings a magnificent stock hats for 25c wprth 100- carpets in hemp union all-woof- tap- estry brussels floor-oil- cloths mats curtains and window blinds in large in- et- and very low prices in 1 fact ycc have the largest and i cheapest stock ever offered to the public 1 our millineiy dressmaking and ordered clothing depart- rhents are in excellent corr- dition very tusy and turning out goods to suit ajlpayties in price and quality i to the farmers we sav bring usyour wool we sha 11 give youthe highest pnee i 1 cash i ortrade forany juartity of clean nkrchahtable wo jl in- specbon and- patronage re spectfully solicited wmmcleod dress goods department is very complete not only asregards closeness of prices but in general sty le and quality j they comprise allwool jerseys albatross clcths self checks combination stripes plaids and tweed e ffects i mr a special of this- department is our array of black goods compriing jerses soleils fine allwool cashmeres il- irds wide and a lovely silk warp hen- rietta cloth ats125 see these goods and 3ou will be delighted t our assortmdnt of coatings is vetj complete a special feature ringe of english broadcloths in light shades 3 shirtings ginghams cottoriatles hosiery gloves etc- i -0- millinery this departnent is just in receipt of the latest novelties to be had for the season- fresh goods beingopened torda for style andeheapness we are away ahead a splendid a sortment of boys and ouths readymade suits just to hand our boot fcshoe stock is the largest and most complete in town gro enea presli and cheap 1 eerr ember our famous 50o tea hend 3r son mcrae co li 1 k mamiloth 130us qeoroetowk h a stone 1 georgetowk mrssios decorator vihites f- hou3e sign aitct ornamental fairung m m the latest styles lkssons is ph paistlsg i qiiscs wfdiipuv hvcoinfitfborsday snd satuiday ateruooak onlcri kfl t erec press ofice actoo orsd- dressod to lira 1c gocrgetowa will reccite prompt attention h a stonbv important to farmers do not solid your mowing machine into xhp field wuucrafono ot onr emery mower sharpmers thx hottebs friend in the tool bot wiy tt roocanrepairdamaed sections aa5bhanenthetiiiotiuiootnnnotinfi it trota tu maune li will tave yon thny boanliardnbrk m the crlndtton beslda vain- i able time in tct it is worth lu weight tn gold to every owner of tvmower or reatar ii not tot csj la toot town send 30 ceow and we will nd yon one hy mail otifie paid agenia wanttjtij olbmekt cqv 7 48welliirtonbt hastitaronto richly kkwaudei mo thftse who read tab and then act they will and honorable employment that will not take them from their ham vid families tbe profit xe large and ercry iadastrions person many save i the stock is too lsjrge at the right house so watkins marking down 5c tarje lots ol kico black silk goipui laces down from 80 to s5c 75 to 31c and baches down to iboot half prices glows down from tl5 to 60c silk ri of styles they are chsrmlna goods boo examine the mew bilks satin hsrveilleojx kew goods srri fed from the foreign msk itoncbe silk gimp trim mines cuenilei bibtons stylish satin slerveflleoxdres covers ploih hile covers chcnile c embroidery neu tinsel trimminei tasbirauble oooda arriving from the direct from the makers josl see the handsome aiogle add donble wute m and switaaundil enprraous tlie styles embrohered cloth printed clotbbw ladiea hon look charming tlie car thlsaeuonp the winaotr blioditpolej lamlj very cheep piles if grey cotton oadlduoi twoa vry otunp- hjndthi dowa are the lliilit uooso aud i hamilton may 15u ls laces donu from 55 to 30c ij lo j jc 33 to me 25 to 15t handsome cream scar to 25c 37j to 20c 25 to 12 jc large lots of black silk drees and mantle gjmpa superior kid gloves down from su2j to s5c 87 to 10o verr fine french kid ss down from 75 to 00c co to 50o 23 to j 5c jest see the parasols is immense variety ht from the best makers in europe for the cash down and an selling very cheap j silk broches etc they are charming styles and are seliins off fat nn jer the rahx re this week new styles of ladies hb drees bottona fancy frillinga chamle ik fringes wool wraps in beantifnl stylee for garden and boating parties new goods veilings corsets bosues panniers embroidered table coveni printed table curtains taffeta silk gloves tidies ladies ganie and natural lams vests all-over- carpets window shades and carpet felt there are shipmenti of new and foreign manofaotnrera every week immeose aasortmente ot white and- oolond qaute wh to houoycomb qailtaat 00c uie beantifnl white toilet qmlu at jt5 npto 1375 tbe mara lies nullta tbe stock of window curtains from england scotland germany frame lew and beautiful and tho ieliie rs eieeediogry good the silk etnsbwool flush ik damask and beppe table toilet and piano bovero are really beaotif ol and makes carpi la in all rnai ep to the bert fireframe brussels and wiltons are beautiful patterns cornleej crp swmpen mate mettfnsi bugs floor oilmlotlu ec are handaonie vhi cotton sheetings shirtiltge brown hbuanda 0uimk tiekinsa cettooadee lul 1111 lut hue u1cu1 uvu1 ww muaasw families tbe profit re large and ercrf indastrions perron many satt llimmpii are now nicking iseyeral hnndrtd donine 11 1 i v akllit ttvii are now mating iseteral handrtd doau month it u easy lor any onelo mfcke w ma hpwirds ieiilt who uvtaitaghwort eltsec myoonsor old- capital notnadedt o itart yoc etcrytmnj new so ipeeial ability ra- nnlred you reader can doit ai eh asanyona wriwto nsatonceforfallparucnlare which wa mail irco- addresi 6unon 4 co poruapd t maiae r the largest scale works a in canada i over 100 styles j hay scales girain scales farm scales tea scales lypfloved show honey drawers htatctmppers ajid butchttsohfues anoaass is ret f- wiils for lenaa c wjlsfow soi 60 esplanade stfltet east i toronto ont mgntiffn ht ptp t tiinij rou wtita i l door west of itngbsoti jtreok tjbe nalnea oa the win- stota is on kipg street eas pnejd breadmakers yea j vtit t- n- at all r bread made of ij took iu rn vrht aft p fallsawwilo is qrtr mvoldkimrtpy7 to y that it inrpute j r lrettacdfcytkeitt i h bakes tbe lwi nicsa bind bu bcat p i ilokcn in wirtmrj w caiwla uansinc it i pripefrveoarra f-t-t- jl wood elngflavlh l cmk ltivswe it i- vj