arirv dxcicl4mrjtjucllt friflwifh ra the rtll may by liec t a iffctv tr1 tteuicl in ui ackic ftucei tutikfeterof m fnxtuau jmtbiuft- iucorxi gluwn ra tbe jih ortii1 tv urn bcv av kicrirtpj o bi an3rrclinkli artficrdiirr mrt so o tiik tttdkr fibe case llnith wutfcsw heard mid 0 h hydcf cotatiiutnl f6rtrnl bra jatl hul the case against 0 hjtyder charged wiih setting bre to his tailor shop hero on kenn imlii l 1 1 cuv- imv oiuclivr of sunday hie sotli may in order ta defraud istlo m xirissrv j lnrauc companicam nnorbar frjrrybiciiix i ingbefaromagistraes- storey allau and liciv ort a rrr l4 rcc t m wtmj f cimbcu last t nday in the town hall vyrcvbi vrimc4acr t ilia twj some fifuea witucsvcw examined urv 14 scrvfiicnr larias ivttaiu at d siloatival t viiiii4u twa yimt tuxusbay r tbvsiaiis clitci i resigned and t senotssaifcti will farm a liberal govern mo1 sirbuu tqptrla eflcd ccotii- ttieai fcr tliv issac cl ilk lcw canadian loan ted 3jtirpcdrils uk cijvcicd la be looxplaedihr wctt there tss row ury iittlr dguv tlat ike central bk htniaiii indie court of the juutertcortlisut uil net lo completed before the uokdays ad lcncc some fit ters- kill have to lie ji tbcyabcc until cut i srataee a the pnxlsiritca revoking tlrciads tempcriccc act ic the coanuesoi ilenfrcw norfolk sirrcccs uaffcria horoa bruce hilton led iicfnctl dcadti mi gltii crr- arjxart is tlc crad gixelleof siturdjr list his many fnendi ttrcchoal xhc do minion will be clid o karu tiit the hoa edinlbiite has ilaosl cotrpletely r- oowred liia uaiiil- d diit he intends lo rstarn lo icuvc arl dates neit essicn i despatch frcai oluwi says he las already ordered hit old acssicnil juat- tens lo be pet k crdcrs f presideni clevtlaad tts rencntinaied lor preadtut by acdsaiaticp last week ly the demecriue katxas ccaveution tt st bonis presments wha hive- beiii n-tonii- fciied have as a f cut ri rule becc re-elect- x wisaiaitoo jtslericn madisca soc- oe jacksoh locclii and grant each ser ved a eecocd tern whik jola qaincy adimn aid mtxlia van burcn alone of thosdcl who lavtusnrciacirieiied failed of roelecun but the too dainfcciufi evidence nu yca by the insaninob cjompauy ud by mc- tariah who works fofwra wood oa the 5iu liaeequcaiucj thc lutarante conipauy who wed that rjdets ttock and machina tc were ia- euid the dayprevioai to uie flro lor 600 ahd that an inventory of the saofc the day alter the fire pruved thil 210 w iuit valoatiou of all the fttuftlie had mured metyiihi eviaeuce went to ihow that he and ryder had driven lo oaprinq ou sanday and returulnfi about nine iu the cycainc they ttoppod at the drill abed ou bower arcnacu ryder win tod he tiid ioro down loou shop for driuk leaviug itctttvish hi charge of the hone and rift ee waa away for about ten mioutea aad upou returning explained that he had gone to mr htui for a drick because the ivilcr was better there lie then tilted to drive ilctavish home prcceediuj doru the back itreet in order he italed that the livery men niiht not tee them q out in that dirtwuoq ffith the horc he retarned in about an hoar or so- when the fixe vu near iy ejlinruuhed another point brought out in the evidence tttasthat on thursday he purchucd a ion of coal oil at str c t hills andou saturday his brother porchaaed another gallon for him at mr w j kjnga instead of gobg lo hills where he had alwayi hitherto purchased his rapply and that while after the fire the can was found to be empty it was thowu that cone had been used for lighting purposes in the interim the magistrates committed him for trial and the prisoner elected to be tried before the county judge at milton the trial trill take place on monday next in the mean lime ryder lies in the county jail in his address magistrate storey ex pressed regret at the serious position in which the evidence placed the prisoner but for the protection of the community justice demanded that the law should take its course ia the case r the aticil proiiibilion convection which opecs in montreal oc july 3rd protniscrt to mark aa impendent step in the history of lib prohibition movement in canada the peattojac of discission will be the toircition cf t third or tcripcrcnce party the pliifcrm cf vtii vntt be tem- eraecc urcspxrix o politics this is a juestion on whi slaygesalae temper ance men hold opposite opimonsv and the ciair the ifoatrcil conference rciii he twsited with ineres r disaften at the falls kuaiiu fixz- pat june 6 a very eevcreaceidertili party cf are spaniards stopping at tis ctifvcn house hipipeaed uris morning- they yitilsd the whirlpool rapids and part canada rdcacd goticio a car on lb mczii rail ctt- without the atendjtitin2 zi his part tfcecir with ia weight of thejhrty ccscecdid at xte- rinc rale ct epsod when it reached the bottom cihhe trac ir crashed into the wooden btrccicre biow ipjurir tho whole party one lady eo severely- list it is said she will not recover the names c the party cannot be learncq t prescrt akarlieatil gehin jcae it wuum creiricri a farmer hviitj about three m3es south ofeilaad ivzs irai hgbtinc about six o list ertcirg while in iiis baru with his gnaisoii dbinjr some chores the ham wis burned immediateiy the hoy being only teff was net able to save his grandfather cut of the burniflg bnfldmg and had barely iiv to five him self as the barn was a mass of names be fore the bey resligd what the trouile was he do cot know whether the poor man was killed icstaatlrhr the lightning or only stunned and left to pjrisif in the iumes the deceased vris widely known and highly respected he leaves a wife and four children vho ha vathe heartfelt fympathy ofthe wboie community in their aid bereavement disarus of chkist the aiisual jane jfeetinof the dicililc at hluuiurg st tnomac the point fur xcit year the annualune meeting of the disciple was held this year at hulabarg sevecty- seven delegates reported from different churches throughout the province- satur day aid monday were taken up discussing eubjecl for the coming year the tccasur- crs report showed thai daring the past year aid had been granted lo the missions in toronto and collingwood and the charges in itaskoki district while sn craogeliot had been maintained laboring through ontario it wis felt that the efforts of cooperation must be increas ed during the cornitg year and the conven- ventian decided to extend its operations to pcrtage la prairie manifoba the newlyelected board of macagcraeat cooaisfs of the followics hugh black of evertoa chairman t l fowler ever- toc corrcspoading secretary john mc- eiacoc evertoa treasurer john kilgoor guelphi recording secretary rofct- mc millan rmkuurs john campbell st thomas c a- flemming owen socna w b malcolm toronto- h- t law sceaford the sunday meetings were largely at tended and characterised with much icter- the ueit june meeting will begui oa the thursday before the first sunday in june 168 ul the city of st thomas the to ronto church made a etrong effort to cap lure if but the convention thinking st thomas lie better point they withdrew their claim the olkllut confrhexck tiip auuufllslniis at sfjtf4iithtliooffinra and station iu the quclph conference of tho methodist church opened at gcafortu on thurnday and ftdionncd last ovchiq ltev jaitica hauuou pnirfctit occuicl the chair uulil after the oiquui csercivef when tho election of oflicers twak pine rev george richardson litowol who nme years ago was a much bcovod ptor of the methodist churcb mil ton was elected prcfllde tind rtv jno c eleven- toil grautoa who wut pastor of the meth- odit church aciou when tbo prestat church wai under construction was elected secretary revs e s rupert m a and geo h cornish 1 d asaisunt sccre- taries rev jtio sccu m a jyurnal aecrctary and revs wf campbell i a chown bd joseph edge andmeain u l moore e r uollert and r- mc- kcnziev committee on sutistica thecou- fercace prayeruieethig was then held from 11 a m to 12 oclock the various ossions of confirenoe were f till of interval especial ly the sanday and aunivcrsary- services which were held as fohows thurday june 7th s pm education- ol meeluig addresjcd by revaxbarwaah du chancellor victoria university k rvyvilioughby ma and james mills ma fnday 8 pm reccpuou of candidates revs j mcauutcc j w holmes and a carman du general saperintcudenl saturday 3 pm theological union lecture rev john scott m a sabjtgt sapcrnaturaf religion and modem xhought 6 pm consecration service conducted by rev x k wiiloaghby ma rrrltf fecvicek srxinr methodist cbarch 9 am conference lovefeast rev george h cornish lx d li ara ordination sermon rev a carman dd general saperinteadant af the conclusion of which revs g h coo- bledici mjl bd and a k birks b a were ordaincdand received into full connec tion in the ministry 230 pm sanday school rev w vt leech r pjiillips and joseph edge 7 pm rev w 6 griien dd lordii sapper rev james han- non presbyterian church 11 atn rev john mills cs0 pm rev j galloway presbyterian church egcncndvilk it am rev gagutord ph ul 30 p m rcvjwehatonba alma g pm rev j keener young mens rooms sq pm kcys r davey ard w f campbell monday s pm misaicnarj anniver sary rev hiraiwa yoshiyasu joh a george esq and mrs detlor president womens missionary societv tuesday 6 pm sabbath sdiool an niversary revs j w german f e kngcnt and s kelhercott wednesday s pm temperance meet ing revs jas brolcy j v gilpin and thos hillard ew- the conference sermotii oa sunday by revs hr carman and dr griffin were of the most m bruiting character they we ru both reptete with icstructioa ou doctrinal al oints and prracntjd mattcc for deep paisley 1 ei rupert ma port elgin john ktitjiie haugoen wbavaflp o rx aocxjt mitflict owen bomd j- w holmes brook- holme e t iskey chatiworth u hall auouford juhn lall woodford h j fair kcaib u d bharj ucpwortli j j kobit- wiailon glouuds colpoysbay j h watt llou head a j parker dyers b rfno to bo lent tobermory onoto beseni cape crocker a scratch itukmle iiihtttlcf markdale g buggin ricchcrtoaj w bbilton dai duudalk v moss mel- aiicthoii jr c burlou eugenia j h corcoran hicevhle wjottawell hollaud centre q hartley walter iall j w saudonoo ae thornbyj euphrasia r hoakiogj a long diicuskioo took place upon the growing evil of tho invitation system it was rcaoliod tliai while tho right of peli uou is the privilege of quarterly boardiyot it is strongly recommended that they go no further siiid that as ministers of the conference we pledge ourselves not to accept any invitations within the bounds of tfte coufereuco and that all such memo rials bo sent to the proper courts the hospitality and welcome extended lo ihc deiegjius by seafortlit citizens to their beautiful and cuterpriiicg town wu of tho oimt fcordial nature members of all dcucmiutuious opened tbeir homes to the visitors and did all in their power to reoderthan stay ploasant andcomfcruble uter a tcleaph dispatch roccived at we go to press iataioauces that dr gifford lo whom a unanimous invitation was extend cd by the official board his beeu stationed pastor of the methodist church acton his appointracn is most satisfactory to the people here the iluithay tbag ed y iletlvedbytlic arrcstof two parkdale itei- dcnlncbiable aleiaudr imitlf and his wife are chargrd with llif jlurdcr i toboxto june 13 count coustable alexander smith and his wife kachael arc now jxihindprieon bars charged kith the serious crinat of murdering joseph priest- man jr on the night of aagrut a 1887 ever sine the finding of mr fricslmans body there i as been a convict ion that he did not com lo his death by his own hands the murder theory was verified by the searching la estigation of the coronets jury since thent ic city police authorities have had the cos under consideration detec tives have bcn working itup and their in- vcfltigation ecsuited ia the arrest of smith and his wife last night chief of police grasott cot uty crownattorneybadgero and detecti e inspector stark held a con ference yesterday afternoon at which it was decided to i tie action inspector surk had 4 warra at made out against the smiths and aid j- j bousteid j p signed it the jrisonci i will appear before the magis trate and ir all probability be remanded for a week kaxrok cocsrr couxal s- eallvi the exk emiipjr trcjtixl l- fiisble lo take yaaruiiuecu and is siitkinr bquj jcne i24the coidition of jhe emperor is verjktiocs the pbysiciaas consider that his disease has possibfy reach ed the cscpbapns the gilzi j says the in- eertion cf thecaauii in the emperors throat causes cf5culiy because the trachea has become eo tniarged that thi tube no longer fills it complettly and pc coming fron he upper part can thus hiw into the airtubei prtnrttlia a rubber ring has been fitted en the cinch eo as to fill the spice between the f coe and the wall cf the trachea in onierto remedy the dry ness of the throat arising from the difi- cuityin swallowing ths emperor takes frequent sips iy ani mght of lakewirm milfc the empetor experiences increased uifij- calty in cwullowicg the ukiijg of cocrish mentis becoming aitliiai the patient is weaker this jijcming r i i ijesteccfiycrigj at ciiesley- only eho eastjiiijtfc tctal low eaiittrl ii-tww- lqhiesf ifcn prtitirtc to itebaiid cecciet ont 10- al atcct l15 sv in yecterdiy tbefciemterc cf tfaechesley lacrdise club en resuming home from a match at kincardine discovered that the premises occulted hy jaires thonipwn farmtare dealcrwercca fire the alarm was quickly jyves bet owing to the pre- scaccof averjcou4deniie wind and the absence of sny fire ttectica fa an-incre- diuyshcrt space 61 time ujc whole bui- nesa portion of thelvilugc- was in flames everytjosf us kbqzcw chesley wive one is burnt and there was- very little of the blocks comparatively speaking saved- it was a total srp and thfijossea art nam- erous and large amotinlhig in uqflw the iaaaraaces amoairf to about st000 kottitthstacding the calamity and los that jiave overtaken tbe village active prc- paralionf are being i made to at once re- bcild and it is eipected that very fcbortly tbe debris will be cleared away and build- fngopetatxons begnc m the damage done by a cyclone ic the ouewft tallcy is cetimatod at uoopoo a cablegram saye thaf tfio portrait of bojoert buixs that was bright at a pawn- irokeri shop in torbnto and taken toxon- don by prof hirachjj feldor tornf i out to be gepaine pototipf by raebani dated 1769 aid iivuuad a 10000 vi the county council met at the court house on tuesday 5th jane warden storey in the chair members present messrs whwshan henries robinson husband fetlit mccoiiom campbell mcleod felan grahim richardson buck the committee appointed at the last meeting of the council to look after the h d x w e bonds has consulted a legal adviser and he advised that the bonds were forfeited as the company had ceased to be an independent line and there were 10 years yet of the 21 to expire on motion the name of dr richardson was added to the committee who were instructed- to go as far as possible without litigation until next meeting of the council on motion 100 was voted to the county aiculfural society the following are the amounts to be raised by each cf the municipalities this year for the h k w e kelson i131 burlington h50 trafalgar iuqq squesiflg 232856 georgetown 6200 milton 1200 and for the c y r fcxs- tagaweya7s3eo k skelson cfi20 k 6 trafajgarf 1023 portion of es4aes- mg67c4c0 the finance committee passed the fol lowing accounts j roper lime s3 c jones coffin etc 11050 wra scott point ing wall i370 a moffat painting signs eo50 jcdoast20jjeasfwoodfeco f35q w h young 1 18750 j w ponton postage 4c wti j campbell panloc 510725 total w56j63 col kerns mpp after receiving pcrmis- sion addressed the council asking that a grant be given the volcnteera to purchase newhefraett as tucy were getting new hlme jmr storey thought the dominion gov ernment should pay all the expenses j mr wheclihan thought money app hed in this way was a misappropriation iio farther objections were raised to gmut but it was deferred until september when it will likely be made the aeeessmcnt of the different ma politics was equalised in committee of whole and their report adopted the county buildings comnfittee report reooramenoed that the tedder of w j sicaroior roofing the court house bt ac cepted report adopted that part o report recommending that as the tow- 1 of milton was building a system of wi ter- works the county build a line of j from main eu to the coup house waterworks commiueelo locate thehydi nt did not pass although tho town offcrti to supply the water free of cost 930 was granted to the co attorney tbe judge to purchase criminal refer nee authorities a demand was mode by the lie nee commissioners for f 1100 but the mi wai left over until neit meeting tbe council adjourned until the 1u1 septemberrc the tbe fire at the hochlaga stables of the montreal street car company caused th death of wi horaea valued at fl3td0md a loss ou the building of ft 000 i tter mcditaiuoa and curvful stuly the visits 1j cocrcjc of dr dowlas dr cancan dr briggs dr burwash scd dr dewart weremuch ciioed the lis of statious for the easuing con ference year u given belot this however is subject to revision us the final draft of the stationing committee was not received up to the torr of goicg lo press gzzliz iirruict gcilph korfolfc street k 11 wiilough by ba dublin street j e howell m a paklcy street a- r mustard pooson- by tbomas g randy elora james brolcy fergus e a chown iiu marsvulc thomas c sinierson belwood george smith eraniosa francis strann bock- wook james walker acton j living ston georgetown r davey and j chiirc- hiil erin joseph markham ojxt v1sib1ct gait a- cunningham berlin j w german waterloo g f salton pres ton w h hiccks hespeler r c hen- ders kassagaweya wm b irk and r crowle aberfoyje eimira jabez wass kew hambergt j w bnlndon linwood thomas j smitli hawkeariiie h c kewcomte tcattonii mil tier stratford central w s grimn dd and w e treleaveu stratfool waterloo fit- w smyth mitchell trafalgar street j s colling mitchell main street c e stafford men cton j r isaacs staffa wm bacgh fcljartcn jas caswell emfcro j scookr harmccy wra wil- limoc t juitfi clstillct st marje t m- campbell grtntoj c hamilton lucan s sellcrj bd ailsa craig john hough kirkton jas charl ton woodhtm d a mnir kissoari j w prin kintore r j husband thxmesford a k birks ba goderich korth street g richardson goderich victoria street a- potter clin ton ratcnbary street jos edge seaforth one tote sent g r turk hoimesfslc j s fisher bayfield ffe hfll varna john htrthctiillk b birwash hen- sail north e a ecar and h- cousins dungxnnco w f campbell kile h irvine benmiller jas kestlc- osciitixi nibtiacr kincardine jas hannon tiverton wn ilbeilby berrie t arpy e a henderson bethel j webster ripley g agiffbrd ma lncknow j greene ashfield wa- strongman ma whit church li carson salem g h cobbfe- dick ma bd wlvciuhlrstiiicr william john scota tecswafer w w sparling wroiefer alf esmith brussels m swaun walton wra tor rance londesboro d bogero blyth- a w tonga auburn thoi gee beigrave ri godfrey blnevsle p a shaw listowki wstiilct listawel w casson milverton 8 c ednonis towbriige c ylake gorrie w a ayers fordwich a m mccnl- ioaghwailace jchnw gilpin alwood james fergason henfryt j k dyke etheljt leager j illiroistok ilitcict plmeriton jamesmcaijister drayton qui comfch lld arthnr j w bobinson alma w w leech and r tf bamliy peel james harris moorefield j mclachlan 6trtn t j 8nowdon maitlandj r gibih tcriotdale w shannon houkt rcnsst iritiact motuit forrat r h waddell bd hanistoo john mills durham bl hatton holsteiu 8 h edwards clif ford r walker glen eden a glazier kenilworthf h smith grtd valley f j sabioej varney 8 v pentland cedarvilje john pepper ba wrlkzhtos iikteict j walkerton f enogcnt mijdmay h berry hanover j c blevenaon-eim- wood t legate cbealey b phillips dounton a thibadcaa iara j matter 8raith arkwright b sherlock and f hitthera eden grote t b fydelt ollukg wood gas tlit- rwu diutinaeic o develop sigiu of a gruit valural gasaraeler colltscw oir june 11 it will be re membered i hat quite recently ia colling- wood the rockwell company struck a etrong cow 1 natural gas in the east ward tbe flow i till continues and daily in creases in strength their success in the cast encou aged the company to rink another shaft iu the west ward andiheir surprise aid gratification may be im agined wbn they learned that at six oclock this morning a very strong flow of gas had been developed greatly exceeding iu power and volume that discovered so re cently in the east ward this great dis cover was made at the depth of ho feet and the boring is ititt being kept up witli the result of mcrtasing the flow with each foot of boring it is the opinion of experts thai there is a vast reservoir of natural gas in this section and that cot- lingwcm has succeeded in tapping it thh davgeb bef0he cs- miliinery mai evcrjtxxlynal 1390ijc now cwpcu o w 81 0 lace curtains v in f i jo eiso sct i we hare already alluded to the impor tance of housekeepers paying more atten tion to the kond of baking powder used in leavening their bread tins is a matter to which we cannot draw attention too often because it id something which involves the most serious consequences to the genera body of mankind temperauce apostles tell us and ihcre it ample foundation for the statement that there ts disease both moral and physical in the intoxicating cup and in the same way there is disease slow perhap i but certainin tbc lime and alum leaven ng agents employed in many of the home on this continent kopunislment it too severe for those manafacfur rs who place these poisonous alum and li ne baking powders before the public with the assurance that they are pure and wl olesome articles in the be- lief of the l uth of such statements such baking powc ers ore largely used in the pre paration oi food and in this way the poieoooua it gradients are taken into the system with iut a suspicion of their pres ence by a id by comes snclu of head ache distrr in ths stomach loss of ap petite a flu teriag of the heart the child is sciicd ith an apparently caumleis cough th coating of tbe stomach is de stroyed per laps- one of the vital organs is rendered imost useless the kidneys arc attacked wi h b rights disease the health of the child is irreparably broka down the adult becot es a chronic invalid these are the doii s of the modern cheap baking powders tb j t are composed of lime and alumortht cod laid sulphuric or phos- phatic acidi tnviewo these facts surely all house wives fihoul t exercise the care that is we know now i xerased by some in the selec tion of a pri per brand of bakingspowder she who do a not do- so whether the neg lect ts the r suit of iguoranee or reckless- ness canno free herself from the respon sfbilily for 1 he health perhaps life thereby endangered ko housewife need be ignor ant of tho q iality and composition of the article whir i she uses to leaven her bread biscuit and cake the ofiicial reports of the governn ent chemists who are certain ly unprejud ccd have been published and show yery c early the quality and strength of all the baking powders iu the market the royal jakiog powder which is ac cessible at e rery hand is reported absolute ly free froce lime alum phosphatic acid or any iujdiicus ingredient it is further stttted by ths mostimineut authorities on food hygieni that food learoned with it is more whole omc than when raised by any other metbc 3 its oso ii therefore to bo commended it is to be regretted tiiat no olber bakinj powder when there are so many in th market some of winch will find their w iy into use in free from all of these sabs ances the ofiloial analysis assure us aowever that all eaoept the royal oonti in either lime or alum tbe housekeeper who regards the healthof her loved one a wuld not only order the royal but make pt rscnal oxaminntion to be lore that no othe brand is tent her in fa place tent a fire at hot mound man deatroyed property to bo amonnt tf fl 5000 iviajriiilcent display 46 isr dominion boots i shoes sli ordered work as usi al receives pergonal a good 4ict we giro the best value pbt tics dress goods carpets curtains lite- in imckay itkotiniks r jii lllikay bros- s kin street east hamilton spring tock now complete main street acton boot shoe store kenny bros ave cow oulianda fine fleck oibcwtfriac jpers- rubber o ofthe best manufacture altciiliic iiipairiiii erompll iiwcruj of roliiblo trunks and valises llwajj oc bind nallc forculi gite ycurcisjiivwall lisjjd3 mu trices eenney bros the i glasgow house actow house furnishings v ladies this is the time of year ou want a newcarpct a pcv setioflace curtains or cretonne curtains mih nice fringes to match before bujing it would be to your advantage to inspect our large stock of house furnishings -d- great m the dissolution of ship sale still cbntmjjeti have largcjquatititie we are making spdciil tiitril extraordinary efforti complish that end quote you a lev- specfcbeni prices for example il- sprendid colored silks fori 2sc wprth 50c bjick laki- parwtflm atu i carpets in tapestr wool and hemp in good variety and newest designs at exceptionally close figures for 50c worth sido tfjlacfc and colored satin me rveilpariv- lor joe and 75c worth ro6j and si 50 dress goock foruii ioc 15c 2go worbi doublcm the money a fine ujiiifcr 15c original prifcc jixi beautiful ribbons fok- scjiver yard millinery mahtlefcrjb- flowers extraoruiiaryi iqipjv prices parasos cent line fronv25cup j j factory cottpnsfcr 3d pej ard up checke shirtjnss for 6c per yd rtjhfi j ioc seersuckers 3c pijaflrjttyy beautiful fast colored prints- and ginghams fof 6c crth 12jc and 15c cottorladcs- and tweeds at extriordinafyj low prices beautiful tjveed r at 125c per vard i we are slaughtering rlkdy- made cfothing regardldjs of cost gelits furnishirfe a magnfiicejit stock hara for k 25c worth 100 carpets in hemp union almvooljifap- estrysj brussels floor oil- cloths mats curtains acftv window blinds in large jvarit etand very low pricajiii fact we have the largestrarid cheapest stock everoffercjd to0 the public l i p- our millinery dressmijking- f and ordered clothing dffiartr mints are in excellent kdnjvia ilition verybus- and tucing j t xiurgoods to suit all parssin price and quality to the farmers ive say ritig us your wool c shajltofc ou the highest price in ca or trade for any quantijy clean merchantable wool spectioh and patronaj spectfully solicited win mcleod mammoth hofrl okoboetottn bliik sola rt- jjjtrj in abt tokakp als splendid range of floor and table oilcloths arge range of lace curtains b the yard and sett and a very cretonnes and fringes to match our dress goods department i is very complete not only as regards closeness of prices but n general style and quality they comprise allwoo jerseys albatross cloths selfchecks combination stripes plaids and tweed effects a special jdl this department is comprising jersevs being a heaps r our arrav of- black goods fine allwool cashmeres jards vide t lovely silk warp hen- j rietta cloth t s 125 see these goodsand ouwiii be llelighted our assortment of coatinfe is ery complete a special teature range of english broadcloths in light shades t just arrive a largequaritity of the pffrest j hellejjolje and the finest iialit paris crefen also a fine assorfineii scotch and english b wcr jlts ls 1 prf 0 ti n iu ik iatifliriia arson jritsi rienes yimaidht yjpairjij irpif ftiyilfcy enioiim fr4of tfmii i bmli libqowil the tfithi ing flw aadm 9 tbejfai4 1 aji4 jta rqgejiii dtaea fowpon- ir ieteryi iwed ihi to civv v- oi- m i prints sh ratings ginghams cottoriades hosiery gloves eto turnip seeds mcoajrvtslstts v itug and boifctoit millinery this department is just in receipt of the latest novelties to- be had for the season fresh goods being opened today fo style and cheapness we are away ahead- a splendid assortment of boys and youths readymade suits just to hand our boot shoe stock is the largest and most complete i in town i qrboenes fresh and cheap eenember our famous 50c tea hendarson mcrae fe co aqton oktak fi hg the stock is too large at the right house so watkins is canadian dows himytpii may 1du leg marking down pge lota of nice blacksilk gaipar i laces down from 5- to 30c ioto sjc37 o 20c 25 to 15a handeocie cream pcarf laces down from 80 toi jc75 lo 82c 5 to 25c 87 to 20c 25 topije- lanre lots ol hlack silkijrets soil mantle gimps and iloohes down to ab ml half prices inpexior kid glovrs dojvn from fiilij to uoc 67 to 10c- very ftuo french kid glove down from 1175 to 60c silk glorea down from 75 to 00c co to 50c 2a to15c juat sec tbe parasols in immense variety of styles tbey are chaijmidb goods boi ght from the best makers in europe for the caah down and are selling very cheap examine the new silks satin jfarvwlleix bilk broches etc they are charming styles and are selling pff farandex the value new goods arrived fror i tbe foreign mal en this week j new styles of ladies hals dress buttons fancy friilingscbflmle bodcbe silk gimp triiiminpa cbenilo nlk frinsw wool wrap3 in beautiful styles for gardeu and boating parties now ribbons stylish satin lerveillenz brai i gooda veilincs corsets bastes panniers embroidered table covers printed table covers plush table cov jrscbeuile cart linataffeu silk gloves tidies xadic gaote and natural lama yeats allover embrpidery netstins i trimmings b ussch carpeu window shadea land carpet felt jhero are abiparients of new and fashionable goods axrii ng from the fori ign manufacturers every weelu umnicnso assortmentsot white and colored quilts direotfroro the makers jutsee tba vyi ite houeycomb qailts at 00c the beautiful wfiite toiletotuusa 5125 op to f373 the handsome single and di able white mars iiles quilts the stock of wjndow curtains from eufilaudjscotiand germany france and switzerland is eoo mooa tbe styles new and beautiful and th valine exceedingly goo thp silk piasb vtoot plash embroidered cloth prii ted clolh baw je ilk damask aodbeppe table toilet and piano coven arc really beaatlfof and makes ladies liomes look chari ling the carp its in all makes ap to the best fiveframe brnasels and wiltons art beautiful patterns this wasons the win owblioda polei cornices carpo sweepers mats mattings bus floor oft clot ha eicare handsdtne aud vary cheap piles of grey cotton vhju cotton bheetinga bhirtiacs brown hollands deuims tiijkrnp oottccades fas tweodn very ljeao hind tt 9 aton ia on king ttreet eait on door nest of hnnhson strrtt tho nksica on vhjnln ire th bight hon e ana l f- rrr geokgetown xytesjqii dzcoratqr j 1xi i paileii i ji 4lfer3 i fatthamrj ff itflaoi- tsahtofreaat hou9 sign antl otnamentsteiaurij lnlhalexeetstylfi liessons ix oil runting- ueilt satutfay auiuooad claaoca weineiimy eveaioi tliursilaj arniv autuc ordow ut at free lnss02i dressej to bos is corstoas will r titonjpt altenclor t- meucrtant tailors have assumed possesion of uiclajii that weilkiiuftn stand te east end f ailorf shop- t and will cojithino lio inribcat jrt desire o fcate aid salist f custo men bolt as to qnairvv siylb and prices of fioeds k a firhfred puttiii patrinacc is tflb- f full- niliiliu- i j hti 31 cf tbj ibeiilsi iol fro rionto iia rronga n lypat in preasj apilirdettlloeeli 3kbo ee8si 1 3 their d jqwgr ididgan lnaas kczcoi ffffea gqtworl gonlrori and ipritsc ja tbe r tze list tilsbtsoi dabul ieen eon i su bly ijyif if j kofiji t xsvfrjifi iatnlthi u4m batodaj alternoa wtarfe torbt clause ifca fci4 fift ilitnth lolielt ijw4-tnuj- bf 5nrj ude s afuii latton lay fiat til on 1ii ii c tee f i so andl rtfefir annate- xiiwa- vtrnijltc- i jtktewlifrisitss fc jitimi n tivaiwjt pwcefivej 1 h