Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1888, p. 3

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sa1 tit aletitddistcifuecu actok t jvrrhillcpspastcie attiil2 roirtuy tin tiled vtui 5 eclwirc at- yttk j viocrc -worth- ibtw leered pnn rt trror ii u- n ag teadjjjsjjjjg iv f rurnishmgs isff 1k tiats carpcisr jf flxroi curtains andf3j fifrkrge raiiigh prices infj o largest ana over oiiered ta5fg dreitrcakingr -thieg- depart g xcellera conjgr and rurcsigf ti parties im pm s va say bringvij we shail grm price in cash iff jy quantity x patronage be- 1 leoti cm ii souse 7 s rived1 r sfibi tj- oi teepurest s irgre- lst osiifiiv oj green jvvjicnt erajkhtom- tarioi fljc jutott j3firt 3rcss- titlksiav itxi u tssj rvxv mxjjft locals v i kirrfrtudiuttl iuid alert ik bi hjc eeisoti opns to- gcor t lliunn ricc riscrcs ccwl it cuf- eriay mrtikx tkvri is iitrroviyg his ii- fecr avcauc ir fkt has vtckcii- sod for hcf cn wiliaw sire t i cfkcr avtrce i tlrc l atotatcc tacuue here it pre- ifzi i i axlea for item mr jlsccii allir lric told a team ol lw cir ci eclu to mr esrt c erin- mr ii twjljivlds tea of dr v bl orkoi au oeoe r st- r-k- c ic tiioiis t chcrch itst mr jnx sbirps cct trick houic be cii ci i rcjxdly aiiiaqin the j vrj icirly ccicled zir a vt grecav new hoco on itri is ilcci coaickted a next jt f urrszij le pwciises arttrrtricns hivbeca coz3peieior rb pslrfitioa in aetoaaa in py roiicr trill shortly be 7li- iiji bcirdstf the oil cc-ne- pwi beoli fcrctih ia pucck to rlicr en the praisca ca sitcr- hrkvci omosabs idtci acton cicaldit ith mr lg muhexs iivrdl k3trii prii oe i irccilitcs fpsisim nrtysjie 1 v tirzre cf he w itsccll honse lirridir- 1cc iscp tad jlr ekxci- pr ij bzudhj tiiefffindttfcci lor ovcrstdrueejdflrtrid kail di- ry kr cjeccn ire the reiscas usii2jircticrqc gadph cirri- tstiirguiibccat ri trcriistcn ea sttsrsiy- ciasf liv- s iitrvit vrei thcri tad ie theai tea iszi y ijve td a they cat i a yiioij cf theslij cuioa thq nrt- ct crrrlcr t the kdyil eichiage hotel ult iay criched hs beca tahcq oat rictikeaaearisrebsiliiagit zzl cfithe cseasakilibe dtvce o jit jflmshitfccivs crr jj2 cveaiagcaier the a5spoesof ci lilies a ict tic itethodirt craexch vuu cf the irhnty mexa ca zhihz trci c prcrea leiasnzias u aa to tdviare fcii wjes ts- iii lis crxi reureif nikaticdt cf the bv3a- saihritiis bru cltireas cjitfri chjinsi tlicfcjecotoi their lizr iri thoie iriio hire gtrdeas in utti ijzzli te to it ithaiblicfc aot is not rirlii la their aeiihferhcoi iieijjag and enscsqtciiring o mliil 11 1 lirr vcrkiaea thtr sik tlaing p- i ini lla eircet ili be rroader- the tizz us d g adf h ceatnj-erti- villfir ii5 lis teca ksaed ft hai iatrnivib1y eitdaifid this ytir ad rilter iaieiraeau thia aail o cilcrs stai fif a cepv to e vt 51c- iade vjrctiry gaslph rtij ir ef uc series of matches t vteurr stcia of tiklicrcsse asso- tiitlin a aa kill lc plijed here ca tilrily fterda betweta the yoiag i tzaltiss ri xerotic caithecresceat c 7cntaccceat g oclock- th jiiiii it e the izrd proviccitl hiiij 1- hes ct the city o ki het- ijh toilcth liii jct itea ijini d iiiuy he ihid 01 tthcitioa to -ur- vice secreury arktiitcrtl iiid rf chiy hut tretfc vhiiejjjtyias t kx- aie cresch diafcter of sir eebt crtech f qa the ridetrait aad serioajy hijlr haee the thin tad flesh vtls ltraei clvve ts5 belyfr the fcaee c3p ii dr lrr- cai it reraired stitcalag tiad ytu2vr hive bccoaic the great hrir of hit iteliuxeace which exerts a c- pr over ozr crtoa dteriag iitryyfoodaftbe raiad a- child biij to rii bewaee delighted with a c uciase h- rcis of ctmes tad thiin hch atc fimiliic aaa he will pro- uomeglramgs wutrlirc motly or a local cuftttclcr jud alllnttrwiui atalkqfhorkok i cc iloyudhotbnncullu fjitl uirn- fjxvatlir rrhliul amcj messf j kevvltm a bontthe propricibrs of the well kaowii mills iro rpiia 11 mirkotlor iay qanuty ol wool tkoy will piy the highest prices in ciah orjodfi for ill thsl tniy be offered kcd their r uid ctietcnittorktie knwu to be firutciss in cxrj- respect rtopelnf ctst xjiinx church th5 piiuiing and renovilio at aibinc hiving beciiccanilcled the ch wiirtfqpcncdlailsqtidiyby kev joijph fcnoell of georgetown the scrvjxs were of icteresticft chinctcr kev r wcsttrbcottoctteia st gcorxce at g cor jc town the opinions o visitors lou ktrxuigeri riittiug acton say ihc uatuta and ckan appearance otooc streets arc much to be commended and it is pica- eu for citmis to hear such remarks be iucciade those inclined to belt u csjclcss by throwing waste paper lud other refcte ca lie street will not uuqk o daiucit in the faltirc it uiu paragri ph comes under tbclc notice weare2rsaaed a coupls citncttrrw lait thsrsday while george ancw of sir robert aucw was ronnia adte bad he had the misfortane to trip ove stone taid fracture one joftjfjc bones hi jcttfoot oa thcrediy last a very pairlol accident occurred to te threeyesrold eoq of ifeses dalian tync- the little fellors vras rid oa the tsragou with his eldec brother w he happeaed to fill off end the whcel of the wioa pished over him fractariofl his left thigh the ptstvtesb b c tae7pi a mitch was played ia gnelph fridiy tctkcen tho lliaasot gntlph nd pietirces of acton with tho foliar rcsnlt uxvi ritchie 1 uceuxnvsb iiljlsft mu sicuckdci uazi 11 ixclctafcs- itccrtc ft rivtli 0 j vuect cl wordca s 0 keursb s j d vtacvlb 3 lfcrt i 1 avtccr 3b u wtitec i vort-yu- hy iaias- uaih acloii jk serzccsaccidez cn honday while retcrnics home fon acton hr john arthars met with tcciitat of a ver painful and ser nus nature he was passing a team oa thr road when his hcrje becitie frightened tad kicked over tht dash board wifh kch force as to brcih llr arthnrs- les by eora2 nieins he threw himielf oat of the hzzsy and in fdlins eastained a compo ad frtrtarecf the limb drs stacey aad ilc- ganiu reduced the fnctnre- ilr artl nrs ht leen ill for some tiiue and this a5ci- cent renders his cise very trying 0 deed fir2in xicp window 1 the dirraofsfe at eiht oclock 01 eit- nrdy eveicg ro33sild upper wyndttm street road end nidewalks both with the bg crowd which is always sysuableatthit time the hoe reel was proaiptly oa the eceae bst the fire was eiticciihed before it arrived ilr r e kelson is the laser some hsht goods jn his dry gaoiswmdow it wosla appear became inited by tba gas which ilickered caiisidenlbly ca accoant ci a small current of wind it was noticed byptisers by who rhshei ia and after v eharp zht with the ctrnes got them nnder- bat act befcre they hid their hinds b tat and cat- all the goods in the window vere damaged and the plate glass front cracked the loes has not been appraised bat the valce of the goods woald run to- 5203 which there is insaraaee affrctry the r lezs asss victorious an exciting game of base ball wr tiliyed at brookvilhr oa satarday th i t be ttfeeuthe elta leafs and enatckball clubs a good dea1 of brawn and conceit was exhibited by both teams bqt ih superior efcill tad muzcle of the elm leafs were plainly perceptible the score wfts as fellows j lll lft j vuriijnrlj- kmyjzcri vhrosuib h h wiiin p r jinar s mcltilltn rb fi strwa cl iuevij ia air j jicttub ri cmndafcrv hfrer-t- atcbmtevib vuicmfrtnj lh v ivhirfvjb 1 r i 1 1 jlyxjttxtc i h 15 r r ltzsi 1 dosloci 0 hlh grtuu jane lit a mot eilrbcrdiilary wc ofchildniurjrr which one 3riediwcl garafnua a fe dais ngo ifi titvcttjjaled at a miesttiua coifrl in eriu on friday lit vviijicr a vtidjvv from enunoia tou suip named mrs jalc llrccke wlo was not altocethcr right fc her oatiid was con- gucdajtihegcucrojhotpiiriicre con- eidcrable indigmtion wis caused ttircuh- oat the township when the ciruamtuoces became public ogaintt aiexasdcr uaccctt hotelkeeper of the township of kant gara fraia who mcs breeze aertej had taken advantage o heccouditiouiiddweak- mindedncss u appears tbs wfrniau felt keenly lbs disgrace which had been brought cpoa liee tad at lntt ictcrciiaed to leave the child with us fluegcd father r foe this purpose ihe indaecd geo shcpherdson a ifarra laborer iiear by to drive her to -bar- neua the cud was tried hfore j h reed fed arch hcdoagiu j pe and the accnscdtgcoshepaerdsoa was charted with drouin llie child for fii or 610 po- mised by ilr brcere the evidtjico givca by shepherd ton fur nish the fntthcr pad incidents of llie tra- gedy i drovt ap to alei burnetts dtor and slie laid th child into tlo ball door and ehe said burnett theres a present tor you she llica get in my bugy tad we drove off i drove patty near linll the coacession when burnett ciaght ap and crosrel uw road ahead tf mo and stopped meonthe road he hid the baiktt with the baby ia jcon the buggy shall ami then mrs breeze wics getting out of tbe bugj- aad burnett eaid ill ooa show if iciut put it in the basgy she put her hand cn the basket and burnett drove off then she screamed mardtrv she then tiked me gcorte what will i da ifow well says i i dont knov vhit yoall do yoa can just plja yourself she esid hive a nation to go and drowu mjscli i said voa had dcticr not do it at all 1 sxid the yosng oe ill acver o back in my baggy- khe said for me to txke the yenugoae down and drown it i told her three limes i would no like to do it i said the liw would corns cuto me siig said it would bo all 01 her hick wtll i said would i took the child to the river and i drowned it and i fetched it vp again and buried it in the fwamp the prisoners were ccmmiucd for trial tad were broaght to gaelph gaol const ahlea are away to day to bnng the body of the child from the swamp sbepherdson appears a passably decent yoang felloe a boat j feet s inches high and 20 years of age he is considered halfwitted floni oijeuh uahkltfi jun13ui lltoueri flour hloiioi wtiiu whoat iilvbaat rpriagiaimsaii iiarlcy oats yc fitra wood iet cord egiis iwrdctoa haucrdilrr ricked liattcrollf j cfcccie loulooi per bit apples 1 iork latnbttins poltt j hidm i wool j tiraotky teed perbssh to to a si 1 to to a u 1 ta to089 0 s3 loo 83 0 s3 to 0 03 0 50 to 0 co 0 m to 0 53 0 90 to 0 63 0 65 to 0t3 9cotol50 3 00 to foq i 00 to 4 50 0 ii 10 q 11 0 u to a ls 0 it lo 0 it 0 li to 0 15 0 p0 to 0 90 1 00 to 1 59 6 s3 0 i 60 0 30 to 0 40 0 u to 0 23 00 w 50 0 80 to 6 s to 3 t utkswlkh sty froaocr oifuc dr george urydcn lef guelph last week for chicago 111 where be will hauf op his eh ogle ard ondoublcjly lchievc jre3 in his profesiicu a greed minstrel etilcrttinment h to bo given in the bokwtoi torrn hill ou moo- day evening nest by the menrjers of the gcelphcithoecunicncnd jroml3 to lea success as a lirge number ol tickets are already sold 1 rockwood evidently presest faixctioa to the gaelph scientific society ss a aum- ber ol the members fin visited it yester day parsaics inveitigitioas already beaa ia thejpecaliir geological phenoaiena pre sented by the rocks in tlris loaiiiy ths eateruinmeat givea by the 1 p a last thursday evening was eaceejincly st- tractive ts besides muiictl ielectioas aad readiufs from stxf shultz and other local talent a mot icterting iectjre t givea by prof factor of gaelph oa the gcolagyo this neigh lrh 00 jwitlipirtictiltr reference jo the cives and poihoos foard- here tlrese pothet it ujiy bo paid are ihe mot remarkable in existence nd are far more wonierfel ad extensive than those of lucctije swiuyrm3 which toar- itts travel mly miles merely to tc2 michael fletcher edcn mills fell over wagoa tongue in henry lies ham sjnie month ego fracturing his tbinlder blade his progress was- lht fitufactory and he baa been rcmavel to tis gentralj ilopital hi0wed in ottawa kiveii rialtkonjiiclura if yoa want lo bay or sell 1 farm ad vertise in the jtoroato nvtfy mail that paper reaches 100000 farmera home every week and yoaradvettiseaent meet the eye 0 comeoae who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class are ia- aetted in the toronto itfcv tctfar five cents a word eich iusertion or tircaty ceau a word if or five insertions address the ifail- toronto canada u s tcciinry areata have capiured a large quantitypf opma spuged throagh canada into the states and arrested a sarnia man at indianipolis the coniignec advice to uonnrj are yoa disturbed at night and broken of your rest by 1 tick child suffering and crying withpain of cut ting teeth jlf so send at oactf and get a bottle of ilrs wins lows soothing byrap for children teething its vuiue is incal culable it mil relieve the poor little sa- erer immediately depend upon itnioth- era there is no mistake about it- it cures dysentery aad diarrhoea regulates the elomich and bowels cures wind colic soltens the gums reduces inilimmation and gives tone and energy to the whola system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one at the oldest and best female physicians and nurses ia the tjmtad states and is for sala by all druggists throacnoat world price twenty five cents a bottle bo earc and ask for mas wncsnows soatnrxa srucr and tako no other kind luaauuluc saccctc it is the duty of every person who has usediiorac c7cnut ivryp to let its won derful qualities be known to their friends in caring ccnscmption severe cocghf croup asthma pueumoaia and in fact all throat aa lung- diseases ko person caa use it wisuoat immediate relief three doses will relieve any case and we consider it tht duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consoaptive at least to try oae bojtle as 50000 dozen bottles were sold last year and no one case where fairly was reported each a- medicine as tho german fnrn cancot be too widely known askyaardruggist about it sample bottles to try sold at ten cents regular tize 7u cents sold by all druggists and dealers in the united states and canada- powder absolutely pure tvs rordj ccrer varies a cirrelotpcrity tresthaharhoicaoecams kore koaamlsj tinatfarj acjifarr tieds aad caaact t sold la personal itextiox przaniiitiiirsikctinr vitittrvto unci arton with whoa frtelprtss tenders arjtjrf or let afcicted weelr hen- mi t r ij oiirv- jvvc k a kmeiitiible fatality is reported this ej cuing tom ar harry foldicg and miss jethe kctfer aged 2u grtadchiljren imd diughter of mr t c kccler prcdeilt of ibt amcriciti siety of enginejr were- droaid this eveniag the uj llfi vtte in baking hithc ottawa ilivtr j ik-i-lit- te fuiily resuehco a fw milts b vi- gcrmifit hoip the swellj of the blrur liinprir it u report ed cirrioilthcm beyocd their depth and miss kcefer while rymg to save her nephews was also drowned miss keefcr only arrived from a trip to colorado a few days ego 1 mr t c kcefcr und mrs eoefer left yesterday on c tripsctttlf they have been telegraphed for the belies of the victims ijave not yet been recovered in cant uofta uisjsg powder co 1m vtj s i rich eft oa mrs thos jeans of glenwillraas ei acton friends this week mrs tho heater of orangevill is a gnest at the methodist parsonage mrs c t hill spent v couple 0 kt vreek with friends in hamilton mr aad hrs oscar brown of xnwton- brook visited friends here dcring th d henderson esq mp and he ccrson visited frieads in toronto its week- mr alei matthews of shelbume has been a guest at his fathers mr johp mat thews this week rev j w rae ct knor church ltoadiy to attend the msing of the gca- era assembly at halifax i it anson smith aad his daughlek mrs w e storey have been visiting frieads in hamilioaacd vicinity daring the week we have mach nleasare in cot-xatolat- ing ret c r morrow cpoa his election to the chairmanship of milton district kkgtra conference rev eyron laing b a son it mr adam lafng of this place was received into fall connection and ordained at 1 confer- eace at norwich last sunday mr w campbell whowas steaoj rapher successively to lords lansdowne lome and dafferin whl fil the same position under the new- governorgeneral mr a c campbeli of ottawa arrived home at his motherls mral jas- ci mpbcll saturday od the recommend atlno of his physician to take a six weeks rest ifrs jaines law and family aitired in acton lact week from owen sand her husband who occupies the pos bookkeeper for j e itcgarviti 4 co mr j h hacking who hi 1671 esub- lisned the feee peeisiithe delegate of hkst vfl han rz c lj lh ligt tsiag dzf the thunder stefm on sundiy lil pis ed into mcgsrvinfi drug zvzzrjr i telephone wirec btrcedosall t cvnatctions cf the central osce andsit ie tothe fctora fortcxitely dr stacey 15 in his lzcc at the time and a prompt piitn cf witer subdued the fiimes ritii icry little damsge maniay and rtedty vcre occupied in restoring the taiis and the fekpfionos are now tticzl better than before the lticsi icrtw p ere is a craze now gocg ike rounds yzlzn rriyifely beccme popular it is e tiitae craac- fid is to keep eury dinlhat is pail youiin change ana aieaiiircatastinces to again pay it tt if yen hiecaly a dime in year kfetdi vat a cigar go oittout it rther ad ir at erst it is a iiul hir3 tt tfteri while itii said thai real rtcte is tiia in this selfdenial try lis rev craae yea will ba surprised at the aaralwr of oimesyoa willeare np zizi7rcri solicited frfclas cf thetlrf ira pta- will con fer i fiver ci the pabluher by speaking a gc wcrd ia its faor to neighoce who tniy rs now be sabkricen hereto it is tn atanowleditcd fact that the fexe paasa his xjj arrr in this district in the qaan- ttytd tsalilyof reading matter gi weekjy tli ia jcii vii ot jmpcrtance itaepyaccf what is hajipenjog the r tiat new readers may test the winnipeg typographical uniod to at tend the annual meeting of the internation to join tioa cf every farmer should know the weight of his gram before he leaves home cud to ac- eoinpjshthis ehould bay a good scab but to get a poor scale ii worse than none at all nme c wilson k son on a scale ia snincieirt guarantee that all the parts are made of gebcin material every farmer ehoald write for tlitir catalogue which will be sent free to any address see their ad vertisement elsewhere and poor the third page of the toronto daug mall is noted for want advertisement if yen want tobnyor selltnything ilyou want- situation a mechanic t basiuess michinertj iodgias if yea have lost or foand anything crif yoa vant lofind oat whsre anvou is advertise in the toronto dally hail and read the advertisements on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word tach insertion ad dress the hail torcnw csnada childrencry for pitchers castoria when- baby was ich we rve her costoria when she cts achilil sio erkl for cistorii whea the uaae uiss ih clac to castcria when the hai children eh cave them castoria just opened out- wool i v wool wool ifa iistttiiirsitnisi -i- limebjouse woollen mills tv anj now prepared to piy the highest market prices for all wool oteredin dash or goods i we haje a large and well assorted stock of j jblanketb tweeds flannels stocking yarns knitted goods etc in great variety selectee j prince act peasant the mjikonaireand day liboer by their common use of this reine r attest the worldwide rcp- utiiioj of aycrs pills leading- phy sicians rrcfinmend thesa pills for etomacti md liver troubles costive- ne bilifnsae and sick headache also jfcjrfebeumatisnj jaaudice and keurafeisl they are su carcoated con tain uj cilome are prompt but mild in operation snd therefore th very best medijrine for family use as well as for travelers and tourists i liae derived great relief from ayers pilhs- five years as i aj talen so 111 with rheumatism that i wis onahe to do any wort t took fliris bores of ayers pills and was entirelv cared since that time i am never without a bor of these pills peter christeasen sherwood wis ayer phis have been in use in ray family cpwards of twenty years and iiave cotspletely verified all that is claimed tor them in attacks of piles from whith i suffered many years they saard greater relief than any other medldrd i ever tried t f adams uohylsphng texas r liae usel ayers pills for a ntim- iter of ttfrs and luive never found any- thing erjtat to them forgivfng me an apietltel and imparting energy ani strength to the system i always keep them iu the housee d jackson wilmington del two boxes ol ayerkpilis cured ms of severe headache fromwsich i was long a sufferer emma keyes hubhardstoa mass whenever i am troubled with con- stipatioii or suffer from loss of appetite ayers pills set me right again a- j elser jr bock house va ayers pitfs are in general demand among our customers- our sales of them eireed those of all other pills com bined 1 we have never known them fail to give entire satisfaction wright fchanneuy ban diego texas j ayers pills 1 i eejaeed bt i or j c ayer k co uwll mut 67 til desleti h hedklne roll carding spinning- weaving and in fact ae kinds olyostom work done in or nzuid prjnpt and ssfictcry miiilcr joiix xewtox s01s limeitouse warm weather has come but clothing 1 is still kecessarv m brennair the largest and most complete ccnsigamc been received in gaelph merchant tailor uj jiie jf c3th rfosc of ha5jctjt in c vtocisj rcay nfiy reits liirfrfcc louht sicccji- allylivnraljle ibices mi wjlh tj pvie4 his c05taarrs ihc itcntfit he sacrifice them i tor the ctit four trects at uchcarjot low priors lor caaht3 to t lcs thia cia be purchasa clfcwhciy beautiful black worsted soits afc s17 to 518 whicii cost else- where s22 to s23 fenj hohii ctaahil lhcso gjak has crirestxi utocisameat at the rncca and tarprise at the cf cdlcacc of the goods call and cciraine the utodc tcr ft alora ys gives ieaicre to shov tbes brcnnaa altars keti prices ruht for his cue- toajcreaitl rilfbc found the cats pest nsa ia m brennan 1 rtuht to the front or all cournmos we puce oca elegant and substantial goods spleadid in quality complete in assortment 1 overflowing in generous eirgains mnxs woxzxs isdchildkzxs boots and shoes a7s3bas 07esss0es c at prices that always lead to epcedy sales lowest prices coksutest wttk j cood quality cautoni work and repairine promptly attended to- w williams milt street acton wood engraver 10 kingsesst toronto expressly to siyply the requirements of the farmers- wool wool wool tin nigttest miice if cash bis tbde iilljwciwo foranviaitilof floanmer- cbmlilijc woo- greauiirgfcinsin dry goodi wil uclmd i cd- orojokkto aoents wahtefe immediately good wccs sijy wcri aiidrtm h h heiiiuck a co nuhsehvmrx ricirtutxv i fancy rao carpets for sale thk nujer4lifl lit uiabr of flrktma rt carrtfs fut mc 4t rtasoosljlo tc caji ilid nx ihelu crtet net pnrctsd thlothy uitchkli house and lots jors ale thk niidcrifkci cititi tcr nkfeia delliiis uid two lfi dtuclico on m il krcol tte 1rowrt- vllftiei acj tho tjflio in good rvriir lct itniclars anr w v joh iluvsyjmiilw business ssc6a nqe 11 fyse lusaea herclofcrc carriw oa by lhc a ircjdr2l lifl lecu dijixisoi ff to ir leirlfcxalaho dl ouiiaac it nho haro fiitim me their raiwiano willlconfer s favor by giviss hiai their liuio ordcr aj1 in- cii q tie irji rloaactai ard tcalu cy olii hydex b shingles and pickets f6r saut1 shingxna and iickbti 1tii cu lld urkciuj iciuiuir ijt lcioin rriai hujrhacucae wi iiikarr3gefctcrj- ncclwxillarthti ilallu lilchajilisox imuoeted direct fr03e geizkay tq charles w kellys music store opposite post office guelph t cf musical iicrtaadle thai hi the stock consists of double dssses vioirrcclb viclaf fell three quarter and rpd caavch ir u iilcei x-kcrj- stwkf a sicijy euflojiiit f uirbtl tsaifciy aojcikiists j4jil n 3 ct tlaimg bgo luftr to lhliir- l cilisii iilotiiix cvibonnf onu 1 -4- hqtselotlok sale taltfiire violins gaitartt bicjo cases aberdeen iicccjch flutes clarionetcs harmon icasjjanjo strings taaboarires cymfctls cones b133 drums snare drama silver aad brass trimmings j these goods are bought for cash atid irapcrted dret soth music lovins people f acton and vicinity raiy look for birliri this ftll and smter mv etortis stocked 1 rith a fall line o the 3ell organs lansdowne pianos besutc ijcali and cet the liidia giaatciins ate seliins their ckd to show rroods rtcil ittcufica paid to ecmeinber the rhicctoven bleck opposite post ofncfc 1 j holfe icd lei on church sirtct ciiai hciw its gvi tchtiscmtli luzi aid s ft water gcj juiiea xxt iviit t isy 5 n for tea oa iigfcijasc mrav icr irucnl rs anrlvto d hekdeksos cici cr geo girkett glsrvcrsvc v for which i am sdk atcat for ccelph and virnity iiricesof kcw orpins before yoa buy second hied on- thclansdowne piano itikiuthc leid ianos aod buying his pisno call and examica m he sheet hcsic tridc stock kg trcui l b ssyae attelph whex yol cjle to guelphk- eask tor our dollar spectacles a new stock just to hand b savage gruelph- salesmen watsted edad o glii lio jicrulir od kej- owi1 snrwryman 0 hocbc5tcrowuy 10 ml tmogeiicats tui 00 j5 erectic men to like 6rler im his unrrttoc h his t choice stockinclcding fine ei advcnujcous he fulill ill he- jffumise and c12rineciwfanii slrirjv fcret c he cm gi ictm- mk lkflsw ie lachiaeo wiui vic o secnrfab ilitw nice n tckini u lto u p this or term tni toil niejln sl- only mre detlif ccct vrlj ajj kdt0gajiilaixurr2ac rochester ht s7sses3jsjsssas castor i a for infants and children ctttozla is 10 well adapted to ehfldrea that trecammeadlt u superior to any proscription bm ha aicaialld- i m6o02iarub3rgoiaruky 1 ctttorla cares cbce ooartlpauoa eocr fitomacii diarrhoia eructauon eula worms rife sleep and pramoteg o wtftaora ajgrjooa a f tax crsrira coirpjurr 77 murray stnset kt housekeepers attention wallpapers ehavt e tlc laifcrtt stock aiid nocft paucr c ceillvg klrchek hedhook dikixgkoohtit wcu ifuianwcritilbks 3- hatch- sticg eainpcs cct liadr ifodiaercctaajdiitiactritterr to cheese frcj t lc ir rjl a varis come and eco ny taiarcs tetcrv rtrchisiat cr- alabastine euchen prepare the tiro st popular sj brushes also 1 foil line cf elcpapt liricrt t 0 the best thias out g ives a hciatil bard w tin will not run c- in all iwfar saajes aad vlilo paints cutta percha ed taints hi the ciirket ridy fcr cso a fcjl l also dry colors oil teriiic esd yirrhshei ccfclicolrsjsih atdllhii iacijcar white wash kalsoinxe tukt yuixish ste2xil 1 stoyeboothoksetldchoie cle1x lt kotis ho tlrnj to t in roar ircrfc i an tire ccrrfiintelry rex sqfl to gardes eake hecalmclhe sesiapphii of tho saxttabv lvsiecxol will iocs rrr be ye ixadl jb tear s01s agent for b laurjuices perfected spectacles xegy- y irtter ce will furnish the fee peess to lct euicribers to the end o thspresent jetrfornftycenu- tell j oar neighbor ted lid in a pood work- the feee press zcy knowingly sweries from what is be- licvjd to i rjgur a libcril commisbiou 1ovcd to ju who procorenew idbbcriberi lite and let llve ii typographical union which u ia session at kansas city j ladies kindly read jcelly bro adver thiement i the larfiost aaortment of ceckiea ever hwwn ii at keuy btos i light spring overcoatings in worsteds and vieltoks beautiful designs auil vaviefy of- i ides jfade up iu the latest styles shaw grumdy mercha iit tailors cuejph sprinc to the ladies pf actor will yoa be 30 tied sa io pay attention to the fouowiufi remarks we dire to- make rritli reference to oar spring arrivals of cotton goodi which j c ust- be of interest to yoa as well as to ocrselres also rece gethei wil kelly bros p 8 spring springm- salesmex -vtanted- we arv ll vcikev lli rtea taen to eanvdos ir liiralc nl chovvwictieb of nursery hcv is tcezi who csa uato a acccifi c the luifiaet i c cb pay cool saiaritj orcomqsiioaiajkivivniisueik cmiiloyiacct wchvc liiztiyaevana choice jv- b athefrjilancrcniie3ijtril iin chieh oujtr- o notlaiiie art v- c ace villi rtftrcocess 11av lilotheiifi kcjjaauttv lccnnsten ny 5 plants for sale t wish tojnfcrnj tiic pablic tiat i livc naua- x ihc grciuhousi of mr lhe aadlliat iain prepared to liniiih sll kiid3 ef plants toicaw celery ctc caaliiower etc ot tho lcaing and ties popular vtrieuefi i a cutpeell gcrcit i inventiox has revolaucciicd ma orld danng fhe 3abthaaceanrt sot least amouo won- i ders of jntonuvc psjaessis a method and sy tea of irorw that can l rtcnued al ovtr yi coantry without soyarct t g werfccis from thairhcias rviiicrauby ca cando th- worlt either xroa4 reqcird capita aot ueiltd jci are itartejh frce cat thtsoot arid rum toes and ws lfll tlind vocricoiactit2 tjf mat vaine afld im- portaccto yon at wil start yem in tnibineai wlaca viq bruifi jouin wrro iapzey ncmajr than anjvbliis elic in ca wofh- brand outfit tree addresrtackcc autusta maine important to fanners donotwoj rour cciries uiaelriaitu iteii riihoc oiul c or ealtfy sharpeners f the uowers fbiend ia tic tool boi tji it rou e rerir dntm4 cedorfmdbaneajetriij0oirdmotlls i rcca the maclhic it ill site yon many boor harfwork a lie sriedsoo be ida ijhi- ablelitne fctaccn iiortirauhtta fold to cverr ovrz- ot a mewer cr reaper ii cot or talc in- vein- torn kzi ccaj and i mil aenj yep one ly mail pwafc panl aeon s wanted clement co 48 wellintrton st eait toronto richly rewaided arc- the act tbey wii fcnj umi uil no talc them families the r cvpriindastnotir iwni- arc nayr whki eee lionui it i tjlyjit ilpvardi pyrdij aloi- qx vrsaw f tif y etcrhsits qtdrrd jcwrtia trh wnte to usicr-tttf- iaii frc atiiitab fct jfaitiai- wl 3 ruad this and tht n hoaortile eaipteyinent frcu thtir homes aaa arc lrrx ic3 sard for g aiaay uavc fcdft and ti liusirwl dollar a 1 a ti nwbu tt0 ii- e ahtr net ucri3 a tart so flvfirl fthjat k iia cai anj ovt itjtictilai lii uiuii ii ci irfinl il ik 1 old dr chaser ksw receipt book his last and crowning life wori dr chae tliird ls and complete bcleirt book and bnuaehoid ihsrian ct the bey ir the ilillien contains cealy s0 pct and leljs fer i25in cloth bindinnd siv m inl rted oil elotl marble cn and n jnstljr hy hnn callel j rfie crowning vzcrhot my life u l the resaf e ever a ball a eentati c er- tationitadrtcdeiltrenco let thiscmb diea no coiatuatfca ci li nucr bocta it is j muy a nrs ixi ii trjxin o he eoald prod cc a bock that has ls4 1 sale t over 4ia hoi dred thousatd copies svdbeinade his nanielar iluir in nearly ever- ennhihspeakine hama 1 the united states canada and thonsands ol hfeines in enrcw aastralia and south- amenca kar kind 0 a book cculd rr wonif he prodaf c s his cscaxcglmqns with mere than fuirty yean o additional practice and tilxjiencot the bonk itself anracra the ojostin and ia the most valnabe production in the history of book caution cnscrurnloindiiiatinerbtishers aro at- tcmplins to com- this lookby tainc portion of it cat hid raimlnch c3 en the piblic as tho complete erk vvi ora tie aiantcnptpnr- chased res- dr chases loirs see that roaeet lie gtvxtxn book bejj thai it has our name n the title page and isxojiyccated byes agest5 vyottdi filg tblllts p b dioklijrsou co jlain office detroit lieh wjjjdaor ont- i i i t 1 li f i and surrounding country within the last fewdiys we have received bales of hite and grayjcottoris bought right fn m the mill at the lowest possible figure vjehave ved piles of prints sheetings tickings to- with a lot of bed spreads every lad- i find it totheir interest to look through our stock of cotton goods the largest scale wonks in canada i oyer loo styles of hay scales train scales farm scales tea scales- improved 5h0w cas honey drawers meslchoptijrs ip ninxhus soppi ambbs iff i wi c wilson 4 son 80 esplanade street past torp meniion this papcrrjert rhncjot v i batter and eggs wanted kelly eltos white ud gray ooltflns cold vtty chep by the web tr t0r0hto 8 ssai lootort torttbt o shirts cooarii 1 rfsa aapectartl ottt ojltci 1 won y0rrtf 6pshaepjbo float door lo palmer boose depot w ff

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