i peu ttfehethodistthubch acton mbvoaabtorma-iw- j pastor i sosajo- blblccurecoojacteabluio saxism aaj tjriton alars iomi matin osbars it tae door n aiuntim dsslrsd tlt i- sil jrt 8tara wlilclmrtllcisuy of a loral chartwtrr and hizsiiti ma on soiflj dsnfm grass ihttbsda acg0st 2j ims trw rfocia the wfcue tl siac fpss4le v2te of adbjt ml church sainta c valuable tw tji e tkf rrpatr faudss eb w v yleekakser 5tiqjsgi of hole- fas ii towkudlp op i r ruirvr cf pusitia 1 j pijc cscnoak torzl village op- j fii iso clogs 1 ibaffouynobh wzu rrriniig 50 uakv hnor locals hon jttllrid ltaficr at guctph lo- rthu tilsonbarfcs rale o asswstnsnt ft 20 nilli m u dollar bit vt g wallace dtgtorsctosjrn pnftcbfld iiif farewell sermons lut san- day the ntrtl schools opened list jfonday jh civic schools will commence next atcg- diy scliooi rebpens ncit kondxv the wiudcitlfftiin spent a plcisint tics- tion listovels rite oc uxilioa is 25 mills thti msoa the ntes seem to can liia in tarter tbe herald njt the tnfiic on the k 4 x- h mbf doabled sinoe the gt tarehued it mr junes kiulietn intends cxlablt- ibfi serenl horses it the b affdo inicrni- t fiir next month bex fiiher cote the cew rc pistcfir a his pihsht till comlaqt 6errice in et josephs eharch next ediy xtnt hmdsome local peper the acton pnt prrtf ha entered its fourteenth year otssefttlness brampton baxncr forxc at the sundays 6chopi picnic ipsraaol thsotnercan hive the time tpod application to w smith safitunenulsefficm will be held in toox church next sabbalh ber dr-hc- kit ol morristou trill preach thesermon thevr sayi thiltraler tamed into the oerr waterworks pipes in berlin lac the first time lut wednesday mora teg the tola at forestt list tf ednesdi r pa tby4a to naq r000 to pay or fire pro- teehoci or the tillage stood 76 for and g sfiibat- georgetown neir part isbeiiisrapidly impni aod pat into condition it ume the new exhibition baildings were cot- bern hr lzxiriai inq uolph tonight the hon mr lmrinr and mrs tjfcbncrs are cjicccd lo tirrivc m gaclph fromto- lonto this tnoruideiwfisaig thoaph aeon outhc9jt tam duriuj ihe day tbey wiu visit the acricnuural college and be taken fur a drive ihroah ibe citjv an in- conuat reception will bo held at the resw donee of xtr luhcalcoin half paal throo till five for ladies and ccqtlcmen who wiah to meei mr and mrs laaricr the pnbho meeting will be held the same evening camraencirj t tiso the udioa ara oordj ally iaviicd antlwata will be provided f6r them ou the stage of the city hldl a tcm- poraxy- plfcuorm atllt jjo areotad oo th south side ol the hall to that both hall can be utilized how b tiaiite tieliw hotel kcepert will do well to remember in fature that jt is not ceccssarj- for them to actually make a sale cf liquor durtcg pro hibited hcactt3 brina fine opon them- ivebythe provisions of section 55 of the luor license act the simple fact of per- sque beins allowed in the barroom between the hoars of 7oclock cnatardaymjht acd6 oclock on sloniay mcrnicsj bjmtitules an oceuce and is punishable by a fine- acaae of this kind occcred in xewmatket a week ajjj when a hotel keeper waa fined 30 and casts foe allowing certain persons to enter his barroom on siturdiy ulht and obtain ciira tha person who jjate tbe informa- tion simply giw the persons throagh a aiit in the ricdow blind and the rest of the work was plain siiluis as the hole keeper ftwhly admitted havih opened the bar for ths prpo of selling them cigars wlxskey ctuszs warts tie cajsp on ilocday lis the lospeeior scent to oxkville and it was reported to him that ilcxray williams was reuing immense quatititics of iiqnor without a license the inspector went and told him if he did not quit hi liquor wosldbe confiscated he saidbe had a permit from the commission- ere and ilr d campbell a commissioner came tlonsajid slid thai hi aid ilr bar- ber nether commissioner had consented to let hurray williams ecii thongh his application had not been passed by the board this consent had been given oat side ct any meeting of the hoard and over a contrary reportof the inspector xbis ie altogether illegal but the aomniuaariar says be will tike- the responsibility we have since been informed by ifx barber tha he did not consent to let hurray wil liams sell wthoat a license hilton lit- j eacraar bqar 5 ttezrljbi sfl sie um s4 ice to contrac 1 a cujnmm tfscillrr ttsw w xr cl hoe foil b m l i slxhct m tj5 i j aissikiiiiiimk lxipit t i licet mi bwff iii- wider t eight fotfb03 oraas is pving2 mihi this year aod the aitataa says there are members of tbe council who say that mills would oat pay theuniiing expenses tickets to goelphind good to return fcwncrrow for single fare today hon wilfrid lacrier wih address a mass meet- int in the eiry hall at 3q tonikbt mr wm iunoc ilp took a walk around town nen hewas here on hondiy and reported himself well pleased with the poerii appearance of thrift and cleanh- tea j eer jw rs on tuesday completed i has first year pastor or knaf chcrch his putocate dariuc the year has been f allr aceepuhje and he bu woa the heart- test respect of tfae community it k pleasing to note the improvements steady effected by mr williams in his every several new and handsome rigs tsre been- added and other improvements nufooow castomers will fully appre ciate this the brantford southern fair and in dustrial and arts exhibition on sept ii 13 and 13th promises to be a very attrac- trre asair the programme is an excellent one aod the special attractions rare and integrating the opinion seems to be prevalent in ill parts of the county particularly among tbe farmers that actons unwn sbowi pen to the world wih this yar surpass- yi other country exhibitions in this section it wfli o and see an iron bridge is beins erected where the suzpicuklb looking struct axe at st aonsioothof milton onthek k w hu stood since the road wavbuilt there some talk of fillingtn the gully at the wooden bridge dear mr g h kennedye st georgetown mr d armour bridge carpenter on fa cp e of milton had his foot almost erered by a slip in cutting awaysome mud fsst under a bridge at ingersoll on wed- oesdsy the axer entered at rhe instepi paasmg throagh two of the main arteries ad terr nearly through all the main bones a fisiicjzretresa outdczs a party of four j3f cur local sportsmen took in a fishing eipeditiontos neighbor ing etrcam last friday and they have been boasting ever since of their cuccesc they did very well for when the contents of the baskets vcm conntei they tcd up to 18 1 speckled trout while one of the party was recounting his success a friend who has give trp the sport but still delights to refer to his pist record told the follmring fish story which of course is reliable tears ara when i was learning my trade up north i left the cfioe dug a diet cf worms walked fire miles to the river caaght itw peckted trout walked home again being ahsint exactly 3 hours and m minutes beidcai had a viy sore tn3 at the time and couldnt walk very fast and everybody acknowlodged that jt was a poor day for treat fishing oar locil professionals will now tike a back scat pnczicil test cf ktlaxs waterwrfcs vestcrdsy a 1150 a m the fire alarm was tonuded far a fire that was making great headway in mrvm conwuys stable on fearl st the hose reel was standing in irpnt elthe in hv tha time the cwbfwce3 oftheot ilr eli snyder of parkdale forcieriy irf this place has been awarded the con- tr of the carpenter work of the new earadale high school for ai 300 mr snyder has a number of con tracts in parkdale this season andvfth his sous william and louis is doing quite a htsmew there- the following fishy fish story comes nwi bath ontario while jaines young irraising1timler from the bottom of the bay a lev days ago he found a pifee weigh- u is pounds pinned to a tog by a sliver tat he had runagainst with such force as to fasten him- on opening the pike there ere found a fourounce coin silver watch tree trolling spoons a pair of silver ipec- tdes and a while procelain doorknob in r fa interior aepartment if anyonedouhta t yirn he can q to bath and see the bstfrom which the piewie taken and also tne stomp cf the tree on which waa the pllntetthai the pike ran against soch pracf is ancootruveitlblc alarm was given and three minutes later the fire brigade had t stream of wile pity- ing on the brting haildipgtnd the dwel ling house a few minuter later a second stream was pouring against the buildings the fire was speedily got under control and wis confined to the stable although the dweliicg was ocly abcik fifteen feet away with the wind blowing- against it which escaped with a little gcorching the fire originated from a spark iron a neighbqring foundry wkch alighted on th roof of the ban damiges about 250 with art in- snrance of 50 the waterworks has hod its first actual fire test and the system can- not be praised too highly as they worked graaily and gave the best satisfaction as to their solid worth in the town milton 7s djcicn pzczic a grind success theunion sunday school pcnlc lost tnursdiy afferijoca was uu caqealified enccess the weather was nc the attend- anre huge snd a hznpier jot of children wene never gtherid toother on such an occtsion the children cf tks presbyterian and methodist sohbith schools cosgregiied at he town hall and there the procession was formed first there wts a renrescnta- titt from each school to head the procession wiih a banner they were followed by revs toband concert i i the concert given lu the pat k laat thart day evchtng by acton cornet band vu quite a success the ovehing vu pleuant and tboatesdance good the feature of the programme wait the cornet solos of mr ed lncas ol berlin the audience was delighted and came to the conclusion that j the high reputation enjoyed by mt lucaa was in every respect deserved by him he is a cornet soloist who is bound lo malfo for hintsolf still higher standing ed ia an old acton boy having spent a namber afi year in his early boyhood here aod our citixcrs bavoa uvtlr interest in hrm 1 a saccisstulyouat student master j m warren son of mr dooaldl warren so u7 mary street was one of the four uamiltou candidates who sqccedod in taking a firstclass c teachers cert- ificaie at the recent cxamfailious and he deserves very special praisa forso dotag he is bat 15 years of age the youngest by oonsiderable olall the candidates wd huj iu addition to pursuing his studies been an industrious boy having for over a year car- ried an ekrikj timet route the time cccgntulatea him and predlcu a brilliant future for the young and saccestf al student j hamilton timet this bright young n an is a coaiin of mr r dwarren editor of the georgetown herald the pouticxlkeeujis bat twameetings were held daring th election campaign lo give the candidates the pririligt of addressing the vfree and independent electors ol acton and vicin ttyl mr henderson met the people on friday evening and in a very creditable speech de fiocd his position and the policy of his party hwaafduowedbydr montague m p of haldimand who was suffering from a severe cold aod failed to sustain his usual reputation as a brilliant and eh qoeut sneaker mr h porter mp p of huron was also present aod occupied a fewminutes warden storey occupied the chair on monday evening mr waldie held his meeting col allan presided mr waldie presented his claims to the electors in plain and straightforward terms staling that unrestricted reciprocity was the queii tion at present at issue before the country he was followed by mr wm patterson m p whs isa fluent speaker and has the fac city of commanding the attention of bin hearers his address wasfall of intetes particularly to those who sympathize with him in the question presented so clearly for their consideration serious and falarclaccdanc r the first accident of any serious char acter that has ever happened since the face pgtas office and machinery were pat into motion orer thirteen years ago occur- red on monday afternoon the un fortu nate victim was a lad of fifteen named william henries who arrived bat a few weeks ago from london eng and wu residing with his uncle mr james law accountant for messrf j e mcgarvmff co he wis engaged in printing cards o a gordon press running by steam when one of the cards aecideatly fell into tb press awry ud instead of throwing off the impreiiaa and waiting till the next revolution he foolishly thrust in hit right hand to straighten the card just as the platen was moving forward to meet the bed of the press iu an instant the poor fellovs hand was crushed into a nhapeless mass and it required the entire strength of tn able bodied fellow printer to reverse the press and release the injared member dr 6tacey arrived in a few minutes and dressed the hand when it was ascertained that while the flesh on the fingers audi thumb was terribly mangled and the ten- dsus ware or iesi lacerated only one boce was broken and that abova the knuckle of the third finger- with surpassing courage thi stouthearted fad allowed the doctor to dress hu hind and notwithstanding that some twenty or more stitches were neces- sary he never cinched daring the to him tedious operation he was a gradaate ot a well known english and commercial academy iu england andwas a beautiful penman we sincerely hope he will in time regain fall power of his band and fingers- l try fuhjana rejected frttflftuofl fttu jlrth6 treaty defeated by 80 to 27 in hit united states semite mm waumtoiox aug 31 tbi senate this jttorotng immediately went into open ex- fecatlve session on the finhcrtos treaty and mr morgsu proceeded with his speech iu favor of its ratification ho said the pen tic men can riqmiuate their idle bolts against the president and against the pel icy involved itt this treaty they can accept darkness in place of ligt insecurity in place of th brat rock on which this treaty iwoald place tho righu of the american people but thff people are revbltin against the idea that the senate of the united which cinoot declare war ou its own motioaand by its own resolve should put this country into a calegorywhere war is one of the dtsttprof fecu r the near future in the cobtflmplationof many men jho re as firm in their integrity as bold ihfcir defence of right as the senators on that side and wn6 arc perhaps just as ifearlesa in the waging ocbattle as any who have declared against this treaty it does not shame us to look the truth in the face and to be willing to admit what we know to be true that the senate of the united states to day places the people of the united states m roagh and immediate con- i tact with the moit dangerous question that can possibly be stated and that it does so ander the influence and shadow of the report broaghtia here bv- the committee on foreign relations which is intended and well calcalatcd to prevent the british gov ernment from doing anything mare in the way of negotiations with cs except merely to fiad oat whii we mean by these declara tions j tbe vote was on the resolution ot ratifi cation requiring a twothrrd majority the resolution was rejected by a like party vote yeaaj7nays 33 omw aug 21 beiug interviewed hon mr tupper minister of fisheries said that tha action of the government now that the fishery treaty was defeated would be a miller for serious consideration he coald not say what their ultimata action might be but lie had uo doubt that for some time to come fisher- matters oq the atlantic seaboirdvoqld be regalited by the provisions of the rah cicyriidi each would be the case at least aatilav council meeting ot the entire cabinet could be held the reason or the above action is to be foandiirthe coram g preaidental election it wonlri have beenagreat party mistake on the eve of an election to admit by a vote in the senatauat mr cleveland thepresi dent had dona anything or had suggested anything that was deserving of approval for the present it is very probable that the flistftft rikittfi will remain in force the right of the government to keep it in operation despite the rejection of the treaty by the united states senate was emphat ically affirmed daring the fishery debate at ottawa last session iljilyifn -lafxk- tjalookt tilth iagoffgzadtuly tjitem ths homori mills stonuoh cuxiiii xuanolutu of thookin tuion ji mai at tbe iaraourj- ithaat wwivwrfiig tin 1 itia kjd fra jt at tu mux aaliity ottb sljuwa t amnneitf c bait bheim jbtuwrlngc rnnnnwi and orer oral debility jh the and mac other smrilar copiracmta yiflfl idth hymy in of bdedoo blood setesbtj notice to ontracijors i sealko tesdeiihidorrteoaw t boder- dgned tad rodofwd tender f hr tba fit lawruifco canali will t rccckccat this efflafl until ia arrival of tbt eastern oi weateni mail en tcksday tiis5tb uaj ol i optopber nextfor ttic coustnicuaof tvwiloek and uw dociienlus and enlarge id out oftne rpper n- trance of tho qalopi taiial jtcafott oawpo ng and ealarpniiun ir the rnmtnit 1 r of tha corn iv all canal tua ojnitraitlcn ot anw lock at each oltlui tbiw lnttitor lot i stations on the cornwall cuja intuctn tbi town of camvallaiiduaplatiiovfli the deep ning and- ridening the channel nay ot ibo ct ill cd- tmctioa of bridf m jtc a map of etchofttw ictalttim togi her plasii aiid fpftcinbatioiit of th respect re wcrta can ibe seen cm ahd after tubifsat tl alitnday of heptmbtt last at lain office i alltb wcik8sndor ttodiecuve warts 4 the lot cwi- hodjte galops jfordopeitlngthtaipnlt lofcgihentioood places for the worts at galqj at the lockkaepers if the tnihmlt level glasgow house acton f house ftjrnishings ladies this is the time of year you want a nqw carpet a new set ofiace curtains or cretonne curtains with nice i fringes to iatch j i- before jjuyirigit would be to your advantage to inspect our large stock of house furnishings of the coruirail canal ajicfcccotrt landi and fortbenew jck ac at jocictahoba no is 19 uid 2 at the tows of cornwall j printed form ot wudex can uj obtained for ts rpee- tie work at the places sientlosed in xhe case of crtrj ttcrw mait m t tidied pile actual aignatam faf the lull 3 ipuv tbe i mtnre of the oecapuaa and reaidcric cbt ubi member rf tbq same and furtheraba ikdpolit j rticci for ce emu of ifsaflmuit iccsnpaiy 1 the lender far tbe oalojb cfenal woi a and a j bank deposit tecelpt for tbrt lem of i t030 tot each soctioaof tbeircikfioathbiui tnii level of the cornwall canal and for each t f the lock lections on ihe ctirawau canal- a uti k deposit receipt for the rmn of itii the rospoctitc deppsh recelptsvch inc will dot be aoeaptod mt be qnflorbed c ex totbe mlnaterselkailwa1tcd canals aidjrfilb f orf tited ti the party tendmnc declini s ftterins iatotatcact for tha wrij at the rat s atti- tbe tcrmi stated- in tlio oser cntmii a tbe dpottnwlputlmmsinirubtn tooted to the rwpecue iianiea whoto tcn4c are not thu evtpartpebtdoos ot bovevc tind it- aelt to accept the lowest or m tfndoj by order r aebajltrf i jssctotarj doijlnntt of iuiilwftvc aod canals ottaaslh augnrf 1 personal 1 31exti0s i rararrmlis ifrspcetiu tisitars to rrm aetw willi wliam trtc trtss haidcre i arcjiorr or less aciaalalctl bockwood xnrs fron o2r otu corrrapondest l viloable oov belonging lo george bol ton vtm killed at the tiatioa by a freight irtjn oa monday a number o grits went to aciononllon- day night to bear wm patterson m p eirjoand the doctrine ot the opposition in the town halli among half a doreu fined in gnelph tliia week for violation of the scott act are the names of mrs s- dnfeld and patrick lee rockwood antf d heffernan everton to the tune of 53 each bev edw reeves has a fine collection of fihrnba and plants and among these is a night hlcorniarcerecs which bloomed one night last week this very rare event was witnessed by a few of jtr heevea friends who were well repaid for the iatehonr they kept waiting xocihe ilflwer to-open- ainoog the visitors to eockwcod this week were ifis s bart toronto ilr and ifias ifaraden rtamiltrin hoore- v s mansfields jhiiiashitiesbiiuaio john wnsoni gnelph and others xy z kockwoodjacg slit 18s8 carpets j i j i iri tapestry wool and hemp in good variety and newest designs at exceptionally close figures also a splendid range of floor and table oilcloths i lace cprtains by the yard and sett and a very cretonnes and fringes to match large range of ptjr- dress goods department is ver in gen complete not only as regards cjosenjess of prices but 0 ral style and quality they comprise allwool jerseys albatross cloths self checks combination stripes plaids and tireed effects great 1sali the dissolution of partrie- shipale still continues we have large quantities o gqoas we want to convert into nonfey we are making speci j aiifl extradrdinar leffprts tq dij- complish ithat jnti v shall quote you a few spseimeri prices for example splendid c6lofe3slksfor 25c worth j6c black silks for 50c wortii 100 haclc and colored satin men eileaux for joe and 75c wort iiioo and 5150 dregc ddsfor ioci5c2xjyorth double the irtohey a fine iije for 15c original pric 30c beauiifuraibfcons for jci i i r a special of this department is our array of black goods j comprising jerseys sqleils fine allwool cashmeres 1 j jards wide and a lovely silk warp hen- rietta cloth a 125 see these j goods and you will be delighted our assortment of coatings is ver- complete a special feature bqing a range of english broadcloths iri light shades heaps iqiiitii ln assortmenui r ing in ilenerom b isandsiu is 07sbs20sb- tslwajjleadtosl m prices coodqvf iwori itttti lfeitiajr of acton union ai society a meeting ol ail the ofiiciak and direc- tod ol acton union agricnlturai society often to all wfll be held in the town hall baturday september 1st at 2 pm tbeeresideut reqaesta that there be fan attendance so that the final arrangiv oenu for the coming exiiibition may be toie with satisfaction to all concerned toidrelble ifirarznc although horptrt lfagaziit forseptem- ber a f bomber there are oo signs of torninjiia the searofa yellow leaf- on e eontrarjvall the leavee retain the vicor freshnew of summer to degree lhaf j simply laaeinatioc- the fabcies o alf ea of readers an t catered to people of eotiment practical common scow peonle wtw of foo lovers of fiction ixid tovera of hit women and brave intn- thoe and awe top will fiod articles to interest them to tfiis kumber arbnically tbeseptem- harpcrm of marked eicelleooe h fabeya hartecthome drawings oaejuhieb u nsedaa frentiffiece reaoli hyi q 0 perfection ro tbeir line gigord tni j w eic the pastors o churches acton coruct bind in their splendid uniform came nert aad after them the childrci ol the two schools trere gnded frccn the infant to the bible classes in ro- taton a class from each school accom panied bv their teachers rhile the parents and friends brought up the rear if r alexj kennedy euperintenuent of the presby terian echoo and mr thos t hoare of the jiethodit ecbool acted as matehalk and under their edjferjki on the procession rdije a most creditable appearance tee tniixch to tbe grove cp main street and through mr thos c jloores lane was re- plirfo with interest and enjoyment to the children the grave reached the teachers a d the amusement committee gave thexn selves up to securing a happy and joyous afternoon for the children some eight or t3a famous erangs were found in readiness far their use a gime of foot ball tag cw orgsnired a buse bull match was arranged and all were soon occapied in some way or olher to gain the desired pleasure and re- cjeatiox about half part four the con- piiny satdotm on the grassy hillsides for tea end it was a pretty tight tnieed to see those 500 children aod their friends grouped together on mother earths beaatilul carpet each teacher supplied the wants of his or lie claar asavthclr desfres anrtcapcif yfor the good tbigs prowded waa really snr- jirisiug still there was an abundance for rill sometime after tea the little foutsliaa- iieaps of fan in scrambling for candies and pples altogether the affair was a com- iletc buccess kot a thing occorred to mar i ny part of uiproceedingb and the feil- ag of fraternity and christian unity which rcrc engendered were most commendable u six oclock the line reformed and the inirch borne was as foil of enjoyment as hat in tbe earlier port of the day there cere no less than 507 in the procession by kfoal ccunron the return home and as ufte a number went io their homes by rther routes there were between 600 and 00 persons at the picnic the success of his uniort has been so marked that there a talk now of endeavoring to arrange for a picnic next year in wliich all the sabbath fecboojb iu tou u may be arranged io part pi pate ifrs- hi hamshitr is risitio frieoda utbridgd ifr ed heaistreet of aylmer is homo on a visit j mrs drcciks of hnrnby visited frieada here this week eev dr gifford is spending a few diys at grimsby park hiss carter of matrcaultee wis was the guest of airs- w j king this week hrandmrsj 3d femley of brant ford visited friends hens this week messrs a- fsmith and hobtxicklm esjoyicg a tisrt in manilohi and the xdrf fa west j ifrandlfrs h ifoore and eddie are at grimsby park and toronto farja few days l mrs vm hcmstrcct and miss street sptut leveral days this week at grhnsbyi mr waiter liing o gnelph spaatf ft oonple of days this week with hia brothec mr a leicg j mr and mrs charles cameron jr vent to forest last week to attend the funeral of their eoninlaw mr geo proat t mrs sara eel green and daughter of kilsyth visited friends here last week tbey returned home on monday mr geo moore of guelph who hastjeen eajoyinghii holidays spent several days during the week with acton friends j thefcze peets was favored on monday with a very pleasant fraternal call from frjrdy tsociernlieeditoroftheljqnaair banna 1- mr j t lambert editor and publisher of that excellent journal the mount forest fieimtciiaiik tcait the fkez pneta iod r caixaurrgbeax fallt the toronto industrial exhibitidc whitjfi runs from the 10th to the 22cd of septemberpromisesto be a greater success then any cfitt predecessors the number of entries is ahead ot all previous years indicating that the collection of exhibits will be morelvaried and complete than ever before british columbia manitoba and the northwest territories and the northern districts of ontario are each sending rpecial exhibits of their agricaltural mineral and natural resdurcea a very attractive pro gramme of specialties is prepared which will provide amusing and interesting nov- elities to be seen each day of the exhibition among these will be the realistic and thrill ing spectacle the seige of sebastcpal ac- cotnpanied by costly scenery troops of liv ing actors id military costame and the act ual bombardment and capture of the fort iho kational hungarian gipsy ban3 night ly displays of firewotia and band concerts and miby specialities which will entertain amuse and instruct eld and young programmes givtngiii detail the events of each day am be procured by dropping a card to the secretary mr ii j hill toronto of prints shirtings ginghaijnsl cottonades hosiery qtovbs etc millinery v this department is just in receipt yi the latest novelties to be had for the season fresh goods feeirkwopend today for style and cheapness we are away ahead a splendid assortment of boys and youthsl readymade suits just to hafid our oot shoe stock is the largest and in town i l groceries freak and ckep j remember our famouafioo tea 1 l bst complete henderson mcrae fc co the election is oves the contest wag a hot one and as usnal the man who polled the most votes was elected this- ia exactly similar ta the ex perience otjwie batcher who sapplies the best qualitiee of meat to his customers and that butcher- in acton is w e eatledge who has been elected without a contest to supply the wants of the majority of the peo ple of acton with the fceit meatthecoaatry can produce andhe is determined never to be defeated either giq him yocr cus tom yoorxabe will be supplied with first class meat of everykind in season as you may ordeiv vf h rttlewe other f riendi here ft visit on monday ifftmfafjs the l arm weather hai come but h- clothing i clothing is still necessary m breninan olivet coliiuei ss- irtmem- ah instructors irgp ubrsir b fine unseam fan term opens bebllatn winter term jan 3rd sonaorcatalopra yard millinfery taan leiarj flowek at ejstraprdin iyj iqrw prictsl parasols a liapiifr j cent ifne from 25c up factory cottons foi 3cjier yard up checked shirjvgoi for 6c per yd wor h 16c seersuckers 3d per y ard ip beautiful fast cblorec rrints- and ginghams focj6 yorth t2jc and 15c u cojtoaades and tweeds at extra irdiheiry low prices beautifb hveed at 25c per yird- j- we are slaughterin reay made clothing regar llessiof cost gents furnifflungs- a magnificent stodk fof 25c worth 100 c irpetsin hemp tinioh allw oltaip- estry brussels opr oil- 1 clothsj- mats curteinsand window bkndsin la ge- vari ety and verj lw pcdsin factwetiave the lir est and cheapest stock evero lered ixr the public our rnilliiieryj 4r sm and ordered clqthib deparfi ments are in excelhnt con dition vers busy j an 1 turning out goods to suit all lartiesii price and quality l to the farmers sve ay bring us your wool weie ball giver you the highest prict in cash or trade for any qtantitypf clean merchantable vppl jn- spection and patrc riage re spectfully solicited m aiiictli ii pte qeorqtowf jr ohs mr j tv crewson who recently grafiu- ated f rod ytctoria university has seoored the position of classical master in cotfrail sighschool he and mrs crewson left for that point on tuesday hftsthomas mcmackon of higliiaie1 atr and mrs j fyfe barrfe mtaud mrs j w barns bcckwood and mr thos mcmackou of ayr were here jester diy to attend the funeral of mrj br cameroab baby dangbter mr t james ifoore and miss mcpbail left this week to tain a course at the kormal school the opening c- institution has been delayed for however as the repairs to thebailings have not yet been completed eflv mr davey whose health has nbt good for aomfl time has gone to minioba where he will it ay for three weeks bnndiyjetev mr aulrj of toronto trkobj edhitiilaext sonda bov ux will ofiiclato and a week from bond yl tolvfifal itom oeqrgeiowo pi town hertud guelph central extlibitipii will belield 00 tha eihlniuoa groands i tatho city of guelph 1 that week wednesday thursday and friday september 12 13 14 prizes trfll bo glton for stock irodncc ladici work fin arts collie dogs etc etc 5ioodisgin thd horse kins and other sttratj- uaus vitt bo provided j forfartierimrticnlarisw iriie lists mcn may be hsfi on application to the secretary j geo howahd b- mackenzie j president secretary merchant tailor has art put in a ipecial line of dotbi for omo fifty toiu which b bought at onosa- aur vorblo itrlces and wltti the norpou of giving his cratomers the beneit be wtu sacrifice them for the next four weeks at anbeardof low prices for cfili 3 to m less than tan be fpmxhased 4 just 0pened out t liglit spriiig oyercoatings in worsteds and meltons j beaatiidl designs aud yarietv of shades madeup in the latest styles shaw crundy merchant tailors cuelh5 4 m w ii it- ziz ercent errors op youth kervoualiebultiseaunal losses and prema ture decay prorqptljr and permanently ctoed by l spbeozoke ppes not interfere with diet or usual oseapatida tuid fnllymstordtlott rigor and insures erf 0ft bent toany addreas poatdojd en elm atrtet 1p- beautiful black worsted suits at 17 to 18 which cost else- where 22 4 323 call and examino the stockjf or u elway lvs t pleasure to show them brminan always keepaj tonsaand wtuvs toimi town purest 8tcohceot bect i far uxe ic iuy q antltgr far sopt sortcnlhe v aer blkta roceib aid toeg1tta v 7 to farmeijs arid threshers iriijiitformsa tujaluapast m aj tjaeofa vourmaoninery only the wenkuopn i9 gold peehless0il ie lut lie 1 0ttilior have been awarded it saridg she lut liafle yeaza waflbomandhora power t1 es6ua are anil and hiefcly reaiiiahsndedatlliaxodel farm gpolph ftrmera ask tot themrnsodootlwr v njlactbrrtajqmttoltroiltirottll hi- -i- samuel tqcefls ft coi toronto purest 8tbowc iafbit2ff aumammqnu ufste phqshifftaw r wwf fimmfn rhji wlmsswsiaoctwef t ffl s- lenthmi- tajilj u- 5 bif ft rni n brins auitidb i and btnt 7 avff 3j v