ikaftlj i v volume xlyko 1 1 acton ontario thursday september 13 1888 8piinn c fjjc rtart jrojrf5s rcrufcrj- eyerv thursday 1iorxixg ttraa-r- free press powtfl pr1ntinq kquse actos oktauio subsprlfittqk rates ojftttib fir sv uovm iict tnkcekosrkkjcr invariably t- a ivrtw it cotvad is avirec us tc to crcjj so pr coa- timed vil sh arret re iij ctrcit it the abvcrtttnmqratcp itict ii i g an j ko i j ti haeli v03 ioibcims vvi unclic- iju liw 700 ii3 unca i co 31 1 iw 1 acton banking company i storkt chpistir k co -bixkers- actou ontario a alxaul iatixa uustxsss thixsactfd koifstrloasia iosassaotss s053s i notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits for sale cheap tl to m jan or br if no rqics cs lisjfe- iir rriil w limjiiiii k 1i crepar4 liraitlfce cci s3ijd cntaylsi ialix i psna bnfisefc v rrf v rjy ajtgtmt 12i arrss docker pltiil ire vzx 9 mv r ii cmlilakc rnficuvat nini ex- ti- ati-ofli- lfomllirltf i urefmscsu 1 ipcciflc jircrr claw for coatnsi urertitcxsaltcitm utaililiotvriisuutctoi3iiiicrcct hp itooee justness bircrfoqr rrr h lowry mb mcr s cosece t lc tcid el ricicrick johx liw50k gliadcite of friairr scrm acw 0r- 0ccla klr antiiir2cjixuifocistdr ailalucicctoriixrftiirirjr tttcpj tt terms ear j l bekkett ld devtistl f c csftrio tossstok ifcleak btristercsci kottrc ccvcvirs tc prin izzls to a efbjosetox wi a sicixix 1 j ah05yat bjxxiitrr soiictros xoticr 1rruc- llpscy to lcxs omci dlts tccsicy ii sirjt ohiltokaiilaat baird ej srslcorir tbrosrro xi geogetotts eiz tiieet eiii toronto t riilas f sznrjy ill j eusi sj asa alaasp csai 1 m m l 4- t- k sj- 3- i k i- te ml iroii and lcfigsswii xt visit astbi i august 27 i throat cceed b xettitethoff r i ii- t1dger0 ciesox i co baeslsttei solicttoes i xotaties oomlci5ibertccrcrtbiaiaiiiac se rfcpiooed ijtt calic at liijreoc aiext5 secured rol ixyexti0x3 eexsr gsist ottica civisl trcsry ters prtnicc xo ttlen xo ray ttth existeer far the cizziu eft wcniaa c3 hiio- orden icf n lh fncs pces cflce aetrs cr ilia eot i 0 te fircrblc ursuid k tit iocki rzicsoi iaitczi2 ami of joo tzi crtrds joksdati aechttect gcre0rt omcc qzect ecjrl irirrilurlic p tjteaxcrs xuxax i stgeartttre gcetiboaliria accassi scots ol ti le ic to orlu periaiiaiii o evtrv ae tio ciisfuliy ltrci rjm icchsrtiitriuiotaaulipatlie i iiosfcujrtjiibjiiivtuilttlot- uj inie cltts- cedar raiisandfoticeposts staves keadirigshlngtes washtufas tertubsporkbarrels wood flour feed cud ci uiaj fa iccic liccs the f unit it i j ad t better jiicc uui taqmas c moores lojliytyjtbisiinljctwjtcliucf jo to ccd 03 hi vca tuc tudcocdtolu rotsvkup5x- rjuvu froai ua li uoit iiv toaic trn iid ucocilleicujoucy i sachiioet r a sittp jeiutcr iryhcw nd titiclo hctcrtcjiawia pood ccjitlasgoiaic a sac- cciiesu itlc ut ulc luccorcij tabscmqore acton onu picture frames -at- witers brothers witees 2pqteers cards xis giiss bvrflei uirrors alltisrs materials viir i kcvtons waters brothers 5 trk32ih- stssei guelph wellington maraie wofe 5sc e7sit3 hamilton clark plioitletoes wbolcsile cd rezil i persia sttrblc gnmite jd everyiiiiaj irtsininc to cemetery prort direct impcriers ol ill lind ofgrjaiislid hrbcj hviniily visile ti e cifsygnite qsarric6sibitirscrclijtiieesire tioct of grjytai rivj lziti- liouiettbeidrtoaet croisfi nrs tt cf mzzzticr tcylar s lets tuts ccfitt ttlu tntil luricr cotc ll tt prices ltcit loe leowb j pclirio fcr ia- tlict-g-a- idsits tilih 00 7 it 7j6u- eisf 03 20 fi t0 ail irorj tzd riztttitllzjdtiii ttrilus tictls thytbicsi ibltlifco vil tiorte toctll td fie csbicrc priis tli ejere e re giret ocr itjccr ire frou cotoriicrccstleiow til gliicrticiicn j liyery full lines m dolis carriages childrens carriages i express waggons hammocks j window shades wall papers borders etc etc j at j pays ibooksto re t i quiilph day 8ell8 cheap witdi tbis johnc nelson the meeceakts protective aud callqctiug assgciatiok of cakada- head office hamilton ontario esiiuishwlihl is lzi asittlca c lisincrs tud jtrofrtsjcstl ice2 btrilg lor is tibjcc tle j collection o debts adto rrevcut ht dcmbcrs frra citicg bid dtliu liy fnruitbicc tbtcj ttjui liftt c jitrtic tiio do coi iy uercliictc cd oibtrs utviffj ktoiuis tocolleclicn ccdittotljtiradvtnurc to iitcujc dclers es jicecnxjb i sccouuu tre be js collected thrtu it tlt cocld ecl le coiceciiuk2t ether vy siiiiy luitreotist lbiib ijcta ictd tad ihea rticrttd lv tuc iti k rs c3 pot i5tr rtico tlje uitrcltal to ctcju ticuweljtfi lej cohtcud liicrfij lllif iocitocj jfcrchtlitiilistoloctlje bcrs lr peciitis rioxo to ccr uetctrt ti htinilicvi receive by retcm ttl isil r ticklers ccrtiictte cf cccibertbij etc tetti- moeitls it j j b mills co mahagiera n itlffe kaklaaardee seop j lklli sleett actoit j aaettfcivettijtirttrkxltioi3 wiadiiitrtlictinikiocrvkvt iitrf i jwaej tad jim ia entrlat vrcadues ladies ud cbildreat hsir tiy crt jerokdektot3rui artittj john williams haying ttldttcjtlctorjijiinftbtjivtry ilros tkidij ci tbt iurio o c yutjhc td do my rtuoi to iliie 31 cuituiure mcnabcb merchant tailors first class brick the nndersisccd lai his fiicndid nisr hrict m hut in aicrxiian tad inttulr tnniiibioatotie3claj0inictstiisfitm3 p- beawhotre hasldlnstriddctiivtriicltk lrict u remomile prices siiould ordcrfroza johivgneys erie httdpo guelpb basiaess college j gueleh ontario ost- clinic a oiri- ezimbsl m zoatcff5 ajikrta oat pj 7lij oci qbg i pi- edvtnl 03ta loopresf i to csp itiifcwraa vd i the ykeia of edactiios rrrefci ic tt cce aaenectatl andciufciitirrsilctl ck- tojia t very mtrfced decree tije reqcireweis of ma prosremite tzd ojliercitl ti xn iiroof nftiitqsybe lieniiaaei- liiti uosi trtiiig uiemieites of tbe kpericr fcdviiiies orcrtd u ibegaupu ecicccoirteilrlcrm rex 1 or ctacr ci ixxe rxtjai vzlix q tiiacsslire re e fouid oh zzhkizzj tbs irrescribed carncatiiu retdy tad elci4tiy i-tjcppej- cr the conoid ferilar of ii rziizxttslc- otdios to the iiorrijc ot ac naalw need be waff onerijloyed to i5cui tieir trtizhs tcaoolu 14 t nie- t pitiitcrt to ciriljie tsa 1 iiie irerecre ua rgso addrwk 1 f uificcoemice mr prizciri lumber shingles and lath coal wootf 1 pneet wood tnd cm deirertd well equipped and stylish rigs j can aiwavs be secured first cliss otitfi for con a coiifortaj birs irc til iiy tzzlzs end ciijhifls a if ordered give us a cil have isatred poecssion of llieuafiicewoj ihit wclltnowo ettnd i the east end tailorshop j tnd kill contince the basicem wilii n desire to pewe acd ettisfy all cceioi mere boui m to qcility fifyle snd i prices of coods l a fair fcbireof pablie patrouaeis re-pect- allv tolidtfid john williams btietildo i pause aud consider tlti it kill jc to yen ou interest to lutrbake bosctrdde we c2 itf ncctcllv luora tbe ihtbitacts of acioa tudtttasncesccantry thtt etre ciia ia fell nwz craer tnd ia t better p2itioa tizi before the ere to ci1 all erlsrscs traced iocs to iijiisblijie5 lumber will be dressed chisyoa rlit edfouljis tatde vriih nettaitscaddkttilcl 1 kii wetre thottirrtd to gil til orders jcxab g0 w barber bros paper makers i i georgetown ont kfvr 1 efecultt of machine finished book papers dfirji t3is worlb is very fvxny tult wcridu vcrjaaay for no utttcr low lanch ioccy iituucaralgbfliiliixtd tied be hud ap tllthctiic i to hie ltidoit hn ii itriiilii to cacji cp tritiiaat tiulali till bo raties his life ibiirdcafceuff khoaldlf basabuait ho who ctnii i thoutad merely tlilnki two lioajti j dolur jcirly would io jast lho cjuiti ta mike fcipiiiats couiiilctc i hut bis fsccuic wbt it doubles ocjy multiple hit trouble forhitautfiothca iacrtxsiug uitic ihk boui cdi worce to uioct it it ran ia deb tai borrow flaih today tnl broke lojorreic fiotadcrjcc every tsbich wcy to jksiiouo tbo dty of doca sjadjjy uioacy crc he nuktsit aud ttcn woatlerius htt itktt it till he civics up the riduic look fcr rest rith- ia tietouib r oh this world ffi very fuuay to the iverio tuui whose money dottat cjaiteity fortlie dtudas that he dots befcro he ihoald ud ho tills hhateir br trj inc just t little uibirl cyis thtu is suited to bit pocket tad bin ova ctcrutl good sthct jamitn llrabtng high peade weekly kews the paper used in this journal is from the above mills r to barbes bhos- i pumps v mutual fire insurance company oashcrtaotlec tdfrom loastsrerjeace in the j hceiatiiireicelcoaujetthitreeia give lit- j iffictica ftrv iac- sj cne on fith your 1 orucrc cad le1 to roll the bl toa siouey laitestheuiorceo trheihcrthcltsitcs cr ao tuflsebeage slaaaffer or ike imr 0 i -tkv- r oostyuesjl pees zs i scales kvfi cqtoir 07 wllikssos tstulrslroi isto headoffrce cuelphi s 0i ifkripuoci of jirostt o iho freninm koe syitets j pwstuae goes davidson praam t secrefsr- johntaylop aeent 73boj r j holmes butchecs main street defion nmcb ic mncsccing lo uie dux of acoo tluit licr tivo crowed cod polnitfwlnllcrflopoij3fin stroel cui rtpieperedtooaaoct a ttrcetiforrtrd luf- fbc bpifou ao toimi iii camomfartlio foior o thtii ouronijo porfoct utiifituolil rs- ta llhe found in rock pwttnllt ucft yoar w teemed put b j- holmes weatlngv 3tr t jtltchell deirds to inform the- people of acioa and ficrtoandice ilrsihe is prepared to take ordtrpfor wcaviustl kieds of fancy eag carpet fkooellsboetin sbirtic and dress good ttrin crpjfjditvrihor plain also bed blankets aud hcreebhntetstwo yards wide acd ovr acd i will tia ran tee liut iwillcivegood satisfaction to ail firmer and others who will favor me with their pairoaaje t 5iitchell btthees nokte amepjcak washinfg machine vutacu in czsdi unncisiaicift tiient iicrfcct wihcr and wricjr in ibe world- fttajtc tb- ict wlicrevcr inlrpdocd comwtliiou diroei vo of s challcnso for rciajicvticblvaiivrttjitrwstbjacinacmneeycr idrcutdoacnli tivcnlv jionntcd machiiic now in gu krerj machine sacrificed to pre catlafactioa machine with wringer t3 nijiotit wringer w- corroaixruicaca wliciwd fiend for circular david shultis bockwood p o oonermi agodt for tbotoniliimof fstjtj8ins nimnrcyi erauiom cdclptl and efts of pttdfcli t just arrived oooa a large quantity of th purest hellebore and the finest quality of paris green also- a fine assortment scotch and english i turnip seeds of at- iiyecgairttjsns oius and bookstore acton ontijrio the cjjidnw jop iv jlv cm aixinnicioii wbiltiovdy pufic i cried looking from foj seat in hrj bqiicce vragon to- wteds t botzsc ncstlinc in a perfect bower of roses and climbins vines chided by lirge trees and eet ini pardeu thit stretch ed fjir back on loth siiies from a wide iawji in front 41 yits drawled uie farmer who wfis caxrjing me and my trunk from the rail way station to dr cqnroys yaas thats the widder joyces ikec old joyce he made power o money in califotny way back lime o the fcsjgold digia and he left the hull cnt to his vridder dont seem fair komehov- they do say thoaih said the farmer as if latins some comfort from the gossip they do say that thell loose it ail if the marries biin hi5 jane will fcet it then j 41 andho is ilis3 jane i asked 41 shes ozd joyces sister alleys lived with him an kep hoase till he was married lives there now a cantankerous old maid as ever yoa seen bat somehow they jog along together the jytidder joyce does a heap o good roticd hre with her money aoall meet her liixly everv cay for if theres sickness shes jsafe to be aroand and my profession would call me where there wis sickness surely pcrhtps vrhere there was only trouble i was a physician and canting down to femwood as partner to dr conroy whose advanced age was making it necessary fcr youcger heids and hands to help him the old doctors ijettingalong in jears mr bunoe said preset tiy 4 here we are and he drove in at a giieway and cp a shaded avenue to af large comfortable hocse lira conroy the doctors eons widow a gentle lady bf fifty yean gave me a cordial welcome ana i wis shown into a pleasant bedroom tnfl iuformed that the room beyond was my nrirali sittingroam and study after a bsth and chance of clothes i threw myself into a ideepczshiooed arm chair and my mind went hick over a path 1 wanted to close forever and had boped to forget in my new life i bad ban tea long veers in active prac tice in a large city i had met fair women beautiful women women of intellect and culture women whoa charms were undeni able and yet in all tiose ears i hid been enable to forget one tace and one voice that had won my heart and kept it for life there had been no tows broken no false faith when grace ktevenson tnd i hid part ed 1 loved her with the entire devotion of a life bat i was a poor man only beginning wmake my headway in my profession end she was the only child of a rich man for one brief year i had known perfect happiness in th- hours when i was near her then the had fane abroad and i saw her no more later i heard through mutual friends that her father bad failed and died and that grace was teaching school somewhera west hut even then i could c5er her enly poverty and the toilsome life of the trif e of a man struggling with fortune- vthen years later my tmele died and left me a moderate fortune i could find no clue tq grace stevenson how i wished then i had told heir my love won some return and promise to wtitfor better for tune but after alt i had no proof that she loved me beyond some fitting blushes and a smiling welcome her tee as i had seen it last came be fore me as i sat in my cosy chair at dr conroys thinking of her instead of the new life tqd duties hefore me i was one of a party who went down to the steamer to bid her larewelljand my last memory o her was in the saloon oljtlie vessel sur rounded by her friends she wore a enitof navy blue with a small bonnet of velvet the same color her golden hair in fleffy curk on hex forehead her blue eyes misty with unshed tears her color brilliant with ex citement what it cost me to say gmd- bye no one knew j and i could not forget dr conroy gave me a heart- welcome aad dinner over took me jto his oscc to gire me some idea of my new duties after a long talk he said when there ts any call for charity send to joyces mxs joyce and iss jane will supply food bedding clohss money anything needed sfua jane never leaves the house has spine dlsecse but krs joyce ia the ifldy bountiful of fern- woocl 41 miss jane is your patient then 44 when she has any doctor hut that is very seldom the disease is chrenic and not very painfuhand she knows that what she needs is perfect quiet she iaa crosa- rained old witch but gives freely to the poor keeje iha most of her temper for her friends j twice i had j heard of this womans temper and knowing neither of the women i felt a pity for the widdcr joyce as mr bnnce cilloq her the victim of a crosa old womans whips and tantrums some how i pictured tho widow in my mind as mek qnict wo naa of no great force of character who tc ak delight in gontle chari ties i fannied h r with gray hair anil a aort of bolfjnno c nrnme going abont doing good l wp r jano weathpr when 1 went to itoxnwooa and there waa ypxy little sickness social gatherings tbcro werfl m plenty aumn er hoarder being rapidly taken into hospi able care and pis nicaj drives boating pw ies berry parties aud every variety of cot ntry ploaqre col lecting thpyoing peoph at all imea the atw doctor was ir vited ererywbere butlbcing anxious to dc bis duty went bat teldm to the parties topvhich ha was sum mencd ivwa dr conroy iimself who urged me to be mora sociahle uct acquainted wi i the folks here while yoa have time he said and let tlicni look upon you as friend if ibey ever need you for a docto it wo in fallowing iiis advice that i found myself one of a i rge garden party rcocjviug introductions feriwood people anic a very pretty brnqette o teen daughter of the le place siaudingcpoa of ground we were loci around us and my com cue of ler another till ste said the lady in dark b e standing by that large iron basket cf iow s is mrs joyce the widow joyce as evt ryene calls her is she not bcutifcl 1 i locked in the direct a she pointed out a tall graceful woman thirty with golden hair head and carried in rip f twentyeight or parted on the fore- ling waviegmasses to ajthick coil behind u dsr a round hat of to dozens of the atting at last with seventeen or eigh- ding kwyer of the slight elevation of ing at the people anioa pointed out tide brim large cvitable advance of an i had loved dark blue straw with a blue eyes were looking thoughtfully forward over the scene before he and a sweet sen sitive mouth was half t thetic pleasure ikautii il indeed she seem ed to me but it was z at her beauty that stirred my heart so dot ply 1 in the face uualtered save by thej time i recogciced tbe v for tcn lojg years and knew that the widow joyce vts g race stevenson but i was not prepai 2d for the deadly paller succeeded by a b iraing blush that greeted me ts my hoste if rs joyce her celfi in a moment c gloved little band sayir 41 pr hale audi re we have not met for after that i aooepte endin my rounds of du grace joyce i loved hi even eeeing he of charity in t was i always a brig but it was m her own i introdaoed me to ossession returned d out a daintily dfricndsal though jy years every invitation y i constanliy met more deeply than cr 2utle miristratioss eociaf circle where she particular star me she seemed to rae he dearest miss tne joyce was not slandered by the gossip her temper but grace convinced that it was s iffering that caused her to be so dimcult to she prides herself t pan never consult ing a doctcr or tatii g ny medicine grace eaid and vet needs advice and opiatck from the first visit was my friend and t attributing it to a mosi of which 1 am cow hea lily ashamed when grace marries all this wealth will be miss joyces not et range that sheen roarages a possible lovr and it was miss jan mas snow was upon th i me xo her confidence a her phecian sore eviry day i called stjiv cedect of long years who when christ- ground admitted d asked me to be she heeded one ing to repair the and the old lady learned to lean upon ro as a ccrraia mea- re of success was my reward it was in one of cup confidential talks that she sidto me vjry do yon nat yoa t fcr the same reas years sgo i said quii herl to give up euch a b 3uc as she has here to take the modest ouejl can cjcx i am who talked about told me she was am sure she often made miss jane vas no surprised unworthy motive k grace to marry a that 1 refrained jv i cannot ask cotjt rich man miss joyce and it will be rnauy long years befon a femwood prac- it s a place where ce to woo her to tied would make me so there is but little siefness and but few weilthy patients jbat is it fair to g win her love and give cr no choice if i knaw her heart as i lb ink i do love would came first if i could be sure ehc loves me i sa3 see how fond i art cf yen to betray her said miss jane ently she told ray brother when he i sked her to many hhn that she had give 1 her first love to a man she never hoped m meet again bat david joyce was not ilnis to give up what he aid set his heart c her to be liis wife and he persuaded se was neariv fifty years older than shcus but he worship ed her and in aquic and was his tender until von came to fe way she loved him faithful wife not nwood did i guess who had won her hcat years ago kow i know so i tod my love nd my darling pnt ting her hand in mine ear of eer tatly han my wife in the moc ready for her we vr re very happy two sons and a fairhaired idcls of tho invalid at kine years after jui marriage miss joyce died and kit all she p resigned the grani- and cime to be t cottage i mads irlwere given tons e great house- sseed to rav wife history making ix china a writer in a recent issue of the north china flcraldol sbanghiii ays that cbiacse history is compiled by a permanent com mission of accomplished literary men who are always at work upon it in 1737 an imperial edict stated that history ought not tobe written for the emperors use onlyand remain shut cp in golden caskets and marble chambers j it ought to be made accessible to all officials that they kntfw tbe mind of the emperors and tbe kws or the land from tbe chinese standpoint history is divided into two paru ooe an exact narrative of events the other a re cord of what the emperor has said and doe thk division originates two seta of publications one in which the officers speak the other la which the emperor is the spokesman in the first the industry cf the bureau cf history is run in the collection cf- facts but sere it alwsy dinger that the re corder may be under a strong coart icflu- ence historical candor can scarcely find a pkee in reference to nations cr persons who have been in conflict with the court with this exception i he array of facta thus accorded is most valuable the edicts published in tbe second series express the mind of the emperor he isalwavbaman who has the advantage of good training and ff his style ia tolerable and if he hap pens to be fond of wriling his edicta him self they will all be transmitted to future time in full the scribes who stand writ ing when be speaks translate iiis spoken words into omcial phrases and his opinions and decisions will then pass into official history partly written by himself and partly by the scribes of the cabinet besides these there are various series of historical works the first haviog been pre pared in the eleventh century to popular ize the subject and place the chief facts of the chinese annals within the reach of common readers who have not the oppor tunity to study them in fall the last of these has just been published hdeals with the reign cf cieukcfrcm 1736 to 179j and is in sixty volumes every important public matter is recorded under the day on which it occurred the emperor has as usual the lions share ofthe talking and there is room for him to bay a good deal in 120 chapters some of them very long- eaileou jcews rufuts parictaius icucuinr ticked up andtyvcd how much have rauro ads cost xine billion dolkrs who built the first locomotive in the united states peter cooper how many people are employed by rail- roadi mote thin a million how long does a steel rail last with average wear about 13 years what ia the average daily eamin of an american locomotive about i 103 what is the cost cf a pakce sleeping car about i5g0q cr si7000 if vesubuled what road carries the largest number of commuters hiinoiscetral 3m12s in 1s7 what is the average cost of constructing a mile of railroad at the present time about 3c000 what is the highest railroad in the unit ed states denver and rio grande mar shall pass 10s52 feet what is the highest railroad bridge in the world eiczui viaduct en the erie roadsoo feet hick what ia tbe longest railway bridge fpan in the united states cantilever span p la ugh keeps bri3ge zli feel what is the longest mileage operated by a f icgte system atchison tcpeka aud santa fe system about 8000 miles what is the longest american railway tunnel hocsac tunnel on the fitchbarg ruilway four and threequarter miles what line of railway exten3s furthest iisi and west canadianpbcific runniug from quebec lo the pacific ocean what road carries the largest number of passengers macbattan elevated railroad new york 52o000 a day or 19u25000 yearly t how many mils cf railroad in the united slates one hundred aud fifty thousand six hundrvd miles about one half of the mileage of the world what ate chaaces of fatal accident in railway travel one killed ia dfl000000 statistics show more arc killed by falling oat cf windows than in railway accidents whats the fastest time made by train xinetytwo miles in ninetythree minutes one mile being made in fortysir seconds on the philedelphia and reading road what is the fastest time made between jersey city and san francisco three daysscven hours thirtynine minutes and sixteen seconds speeial theatrical train june lsg sothafr once more ehcreijms in the ho and enjoys tic wealth that were once the inheritance of the- idow jovce am a babysaccopftllsiutexts it can wear out a ote dollar pair cf kid shoes ia twentyfour tours it can keep its fitter busy anvertlcg in newspapers for a dnrse ill can occupy simultaneously loth sides ol the largestsized md manufactured it can cause its fatter to be insulted by every boardingboas j keeper in the city who never take children which in nine cases out of ten is very fortunate for the ili j it can make itself ok like a fiend just mamma wan 3 to show what pretty baby she has ill can make an ole bachelor in the room aajoiniag use langua e that if uttered on the street woold get tiary for two years it can ro from the ptflce thkee cjs fast toote for papa- good lorning my little man and whom ih you 1 ote for today so said i neighbor to little jimmie lam bert a tre fiteyearold it was viluce ejection dnyi and the neighlfor was od his ay to the polls jimmfe rtraightened himself up and wai puxrled bat for a mo menta wight thousht structhini 44 1 im coin to vote for my pa he said as itthere could be no doubt about the propriety of lbit igaeis you arehardiyhigenoagb re plied the man uughinc but you migbl trj- y j jimmios old plays suddenly grew stale here was- a new thicg tliat men wete doin and he wlnted to do the same for all pky is but an imitation of real life whether it be the play of children the b artery cr of grown up people on the stage bat he was sotelypuzzledhow to doit afld after trying several things aud calling them vot ing he said to his little sister fonrtein months jtcnger thatfbimself mamie lets go an vote dawn town id en they went bct mamma saw then xow mrs lambert was somewnaf out cf temper that day for mr lambrt while fuddled wrtfi beer si the saloon had jut made a peculiarly unfortunate bargain he bad tradell his cow one main sapport of his family for a washing- macliin a which some smoothtongued guzzler assured him would do their washins before breakfast meaning of course if they commenced early enough mrs lamhert was knead ing bceadaud brooding over the- matter whea bhelipied hertwo childreu just turn- iag into tpe street jim due she cried james henry do yon har me come into the house james henry obeyed bnt reluctantly im coi k to vote for pa he said by way of apolog v i wish yoa would vote for him retort ed mrs lambert as she went into the pan- try after some sanr thai he wouldnt have anysaioan ii go to this wiis taken at once by jimmy as his mothersbermissiou to do the voting forth what three l2ttlskttt 1 ricr 83 dow vrro cnjillcl np t- ttie ftrr aud two litlhidrtftj wofti tleeplng loft as easy aiijiart ctuldtlmiror driau5 of ec 1115 ovnr so nice dolls aadfiif2arylums rats aiiaiftic j tlic night win on tad lh iabtnia ji tin stctipyi xui coctess si is tttea and babies m afo ia ije nicaiolxdlqc 1 cncsa 5o she vit nrsiir3 just a ilery bifil cr- l2c iaeuiient dept bj ihclauei fl thi casiurur usasircsssa4 irecttlmtc im afraid afocrkittvci s fallen out fbo3 the c liic tiist made iiar iiwnr 1 iioir iiie tlax mdl i w ruder rba ecu the tnsttcrlic ne i7rva2l0 r ft tht ihil ho cc lielow ua ilzvc lini titwi irth iribhtwe airj viisj i yixi u the step ahov kni 2 sotctr cat to cins or love tim v- t- iiuhtjtsaineacloi 3 ef smoke ttc miirti s srear ilann tots asi- c i iicgjr rnjghttay atoko fitt tsjju uigt sbae to harml cz i th- virk to tcr rca ad vt a baikc cf sli- iz cisipac t b tiie lirec utile kio aaj iirtssiicd iac vhe jeiryu3 wcxict upcaho or fist forhiist jy iiv i bouse and tw litile ctiuxed mere patlseroc toiheiiimcijieri heart cro he slept wheke a gieg makes a 304take- there are girls wjio instead makiofi ihemsejyes usful aud calmly iiesiiog in iheir maiieu dignity think oolj rffifluidg aried aud use questionable neani to achieve their purpose forgeuin j uie pro verb tite more haste the lest apeed this sort of girl not infrequently i aebmea a fast style of talk manner and dresa in ym blaxe ere iiagsisd 4od kissed tight fttnigbt jaaies e it her of talk manner and crier lo make herself attracti e the oppcaite es in doing so she great mistake fish may iribbf bait but they will not allow theaselwe to be cauga a loud girl may tffttact tea- tiou and have half an hoar lot jopaurity bat she ia a type of the shortsigbiednesis of with adjjslippmg out of the door he was j eoceo jex meo 6f the naaer sort soon ca ajh way to the hall carefully lead- may imac themselves with w bat no ingmamjfi bythehicd n worth hivics woawttinfrt minj the nal question of license or no liceqse j ipg her there i3u hberiy that makes or was befoj j the people and as the contest ed lo be very flose- the excita high each side had compaied and was j beetcg that their last jrought iii the large room was lookiig on passing tickets jly of voters oc discussing the situation in load kuei jimmy still hold ing mamies hand timidly twitched a mans coat accljooksd uhta his face i wa a lo vow lor my pa he said youif to small my little man to is it cried a eecoad lambcrtk children responded who sam some cc dobl ng for a t ew candidate him vet rooua give smith give give the boy a free and a liberty that makes aa alaves aud the girls who tike liberties wrtb xood- esty o speech and irfaniier and who cross over the boundary into masculine tertixorjf are not more free but more enslffredf than befre and the approbation of men which is the end ia nzn ismost py the means takb to gain it whatotet men may be themselves they like gentleneaa modesty and parity in acasd thought in women iiciiohors a handj ihings to have gloves guil frames prison windows amalnmonialclub the broniaiick is deaths door qpncd with skeleton rah the exilamatiaas around ibei- j a man alwuy3 feels put out when we is us a speech widvbrawby gun i ukea ia v what ofice dees your f wanl v j h6 a baa bq and so siivins by tood the little ones side n till hes broke x z f ia uj w dandv lines two rows df yoanfi men bv side i ton the judges table all were t v t j cn drss parade at the diorca ooor i tt t always put ok uclil tomorron that something to cause ttcshmsrr meet some a v i- i i v i which shtfuld cot be aouo teday a who had just comeiasod with tneir bal mulu h lot ia tueir hands cojoying the diversion j s t t p w the rest wj thats no sign it has s plenty otnerve h pooilittkthsaidoinasvm it said o b fu w vhwpertf ittosuggest tbsk the oever fln b jimmies lipi v its never too late ta mend- tbe way tnmuny people poptpo ie mead- ins indesuetely 1 there ore several large coin co lectors in bai gone fai trembled but he ir i wan to vote i which ti j the united sate jcy goald is probably enoug an aged to say my pa mmies doii io fote fcr our pa re peated mamie in a promp clear voise 4 wbntjo to ilooa t the mernmeat was over an almost i krgest piinfuuwe crept cer that assembly of doctors whu cm spen onw one ha men as f in the i oiqe of helpless cnil4- ecsm mu hood they- hid heard the voice of god j duierent tqnjaef n- j t people who have seen- two lovers ny woaftnnnc ofycz help these babies i reutie u iv j h t wc ij uoodbve iftver hiveaaytroablaeiterwards cried anllnsaman sure aal vea moind j j to help im meseh vih beheiiicgia eternity 6ivfl em sone tickets shouted a voice it was a happy ihought and no sooaer said than done j iire public meeting in xew xokc ill joont for jea me ktile man con- j cosufrcm 53oco to cio- th bf m tinned tbe irishman and he took a jty rent of hall raii expenses of speakersj from jimmie s hai d folded and voted it j dkorallonj advert ialng printing andetcat- then what o wild hnrralr weal ar from mj that eroudl an dfneer rapped for broker coaversiug wilti well iuforraea men o voted now wholl vcfte forte handled the political funda cried the gunsmith 1 cscd by the great parties in this mty and iflectfon expenses the boy has for theittle cirl tbajfs me lmknotherlj comparing and averaging their statements we coaslile that it cost about i1000q jotv imijoar mxu little one 1 and ihrto assembly district iii rqn a presidential hands were outstretched for ballots drawtcaaijirn in new yorkcitjor3boat250- ing tbei from mamies cloecdfist i coo this 3 exclusive of the official elect- auotller cheer up r ion cs peases vhich foot up 5290i000ior yoa must remove the children gentle- c and unied states dffiriik chamber men add stand back a little commanded j m ivins in hs book on thej cost of lec- one of tfas jadge3i rising as they were 1 t v c estimates the total coat of lifted d wn aaothir cheer erose with cries ly iverace- year at 500rexclajivepl good f that it and all eyes were j personal meuiionof ciudidated it issjid the outride world cardinal manning has completed his eightieth year when a banker fails in china all tbe partners andempoyees are beheaded governors island in xew york harbor is suggested as a site for a public park jthe building of a great ifitcrnational railway throughout south america is being projected l in the vc vcars ending with 15st bos- i snd th prohibitum boned was elected byl ingcr30 ton sent to africa 3500000 galicnsjlnn- j thirty- majority ana so jimmie did he turned cward tba cornet band teachers blackbird on winch a local artist was sketchi g icoatli le tbe wo children with an insc iptioa ovr and under like this voteraattektios fle be voteit r 0zzjjl bo e ffoxt gto siook pain lie gave at mach as s40 ix in va n did the ether side try to dampen vy rre widely varying ide ottoae the tntjmskacl the ciildren triumphed cb national committeesf colrobt him in the peniten- farthcatend of the room to the foot of tlje stairs ia the hall adjoining quicker th m its mother can just step into the closet thescrare some of an do bat ttcre a e other things aswell i baby can make th commonest home the tightest spot on eat b it can lighten the nrdcus of a loving i lotheri lifejiy adding othera it can lla tea its dirty jitua tace id oat again he things that a baby galost the wiudow hat the tired father efore he rouiids tli toxicaticg liquors s the erst railway line in persia ten miles long has been completed from teheran at j acostofvfoocoo over 95000000 persons travelled by rail- way in india last year 9000000 being thirdclass passenger eighty five thousand peopk have visited the eiagara l park i canadian sidet since tbe 21th cf may last there are uoi congregational churches 100g ministers and a membership of ioi jst in tbe united states there are 122000 institutions of learning in england with an attendance of nearly three and a half millions the popalatien of chicago including its suburbs is over a million and in 1800 it is estimated it will be 1200000 an old musket lately shed oat of the ohio river bears the letters db and is believed to have belonged to daniel boone an english writer estimates that 1000 children arb yearly murdered iu england by their parents wr the sake of tbe inaar- ance vote fo his pa a id wpn sektted a rukcncal hove pane m such a way can see it as a picture corner tea babies ire great institutii pa particukrly ones whsnasssd said hod lnatkudw ppised it would cost a party from 1000000 to 52000000 m yof hewitt said that a kationa committ e working economicailv coaldrun apresit ential cam a f pitore ard carpet dealer m a saial f f5o0co0 0 naubnal inland uty hit upon an effective way a few pqbiihed ft bi 0 partic years go of mcjeasing his busmess the takidr ftu m 0 all the sales r the firstjyear in his new location mrt roash ate a footed p to cumotbmgsw an old st louis geotleman offered the following advice to uil men in search of wives bide- ou iboso stroetcan and when yon see a girl who rings tho bell for the oar to stop aud to step off in bo mud aid yet smiles and ahowa piqdsesse a4 natozttf get her if yoa can ujsj th ps est test oi a women then li that tammaay and the cocnty democracy spent together about 170000 m nominstt clavokndihe first licie 1 ii no aectei that mayor hewit gavehiswhalefialaryaa mayor am juutir to 520000 w the oarty and 1000 mere and ia the tfilden cam desper te and in order to raise something of a 11 jag he hired a horse and truck ind btarte to move coasehold goods even if he could wt sell them every time oppor tunity offered he directed the customers to bis ph e for sundry pieces of oil cloth and furmt re andtsey so well bnited thattfbey began to buy larger bills and our persever ing fri idfoaedbis busioes3 increasing ton- siderb y he rroved to a better location and n w does 1 1000 a year and is steadily growi g his ore u in an undesirable situat on bqt tc is prospering and j his actioc showed w lat pluck and perseverance n tra le will do nnder very unfavorsblajcir- cumsi inces 7ic carptt trade aniihe- about 200000 f xc to whis y luicea u tbe hefiest curse a some a mmbnitieb some oifhew coturr apiuenin be oandlbis side q the tropi i l ray little mu igood morniji- 1 peasi otly reali rkedan old seotlemu u beeuppedaud ehtued alixtjeboy oo ibe ieid j hve ypa w ill ten t yee iijriitoorjbot ill the only gejbiiii liiiitqiy jihi an xew tbe fiui up of coast delen fl gmffl with devices for flndiaa poiitinoa i now be i- aitaled in ensland the co t is estim- ted tu be abont 52do a fittn ly meniil of tbie inveutioa tn csccr locat dinanypro- miuent position is able by ek jtrioal witge loskito a sfiipirliich aay be intiiible rom the battery itself ma orwatkinl position ffndprliaa txin ado rtod by le british governneb andbo laa reeiwd in award of lij000 sv the ii iltini7po alio to be paid a royalo i oot jj tor the neit ten yeara ifrs inquire ootuiuslmn ibrjl wort toronto ai jj years i hato doctored lrt pomnult jind dyspcjeii witbout seltum nfw i iben tried korthrop s ljmat ttgawdt wooverjati4ho orblwl fronilliu trdicine in sich i cuu 0 ritliljsm itltjij eicpressiod ob r odta it sifuiikmiijely pntlw i lyagepirepcayrdohvtbl to0 v