m t iy pi- fh- i irirr wit tmt jfm f rfcg thuhr1u september i8 sljf jgonng fotksjj jhwle andjokelets llilf an hopr wuu lh to hen the ww bardock pilli core ici hcsdaoh ly rs oltung tti totiwen liver and boweli wild oats i ar fair jxralli trjtti trow broad and w and an eve that wsi linming with iiitdecrt ight i and hit face wwtucd to filowwith ihc upaith of uumid i and i ttd h will eracc and onoblo man kind j he u natnrei ova ittng we met ytii mln i tf ib ytwui iuttd with bowl that was flowing and rod toliia hand tie filled i apda and again did ht qnat aid hii friend patwed wood tiim na id with a laugh j he u otof hiioats j ah uii to was pn bright and lit ctntni loo red i and i gated obc couth iiu fcouagaidroad and aainis h laughingly lifted the bowl i turned from lie scene wttua caddoriagaoal it xxi terrible mod i wo met bat once more- 1 found irr the itiwt a corpse half enveloped in mud and in lt a fool bloiled thiacj bat t ur la the me a 3mkbln that told of hit bovboodi graco he had rotped the direcrop i oh pjnth who ire owing woioautdo you tnow tiui the terrible teed youare planting will hare jroa thought hor your god will require ibtnc day an account of the life yoa are throwing ifaj hare yoa thought 0 raahyoalhj it will toon be- too law there u na time o wsstc r then throw- down the cap da not loach uo not taste i it is filled wtth destruction ajid krrow and them w no better remedy for woryuot any kind ti children of j adulli tfeufphf lowywonnbyrup mubam beef iron aod wine it prtpai- sd crom the trosb boot soluiblc iron and part cherry wine combined tthehaioo aromatic spbsspis stindnguesaro mosl aanoyiur bocaaia w uoucesbic ur low bulphtir soap heaht and cloaniei the akin from naftltaba i have been cdrodot chronic diarrhoea by the u ol dr fourier eitract ol wild strawberry tnied aboiit twftlw boluei ot it and am now entirely iroa irotn the diacasc william kcliren clearwater man i mfckmsbnrtrwftrinlwiir f if you a ian gald and weak and afpatlto p or m fleof iron and wiae r tbwio jewre i 4 aj an it vigor un tonloit it reoofiiuio4 by tho kodical profeuton aa the boft atreagthei iu aiediciuo tbui far prodoocd it if ia aluablc ai a blood ndmuiclp n alter ofcpeciall fa thoae oaks wbero woakncu i tbcrcaull of impcrfoct or in- food of t aatiur fevcru or exocta of any tori it pontalm the naurment of beef hie itimauat propcrlioi of viina and the tonic pomn of iron and 1 adaifrably cal culated q build np tho emaciated tystcm aorieilro motqibl arc yoa diiturbed at night and broken of yonr roat by a tick child aufferingand crying with pain o cut- lingteetirt lit to and at once and ifct a botueof for children teethinr iu value it incal culable ill will relieve the poor little 6of- oror iraraodiatoly depend apon it rjf there is no ratsiaka about ft ii cures dyaonteti and diarrhasa regulatca he slomachjand fiovcli cares wind colic oftcut the game redacca inflammation and give tone and energy to the whole ttyitem ilrf wimlows soothing by- rup forthildrcn tocthtng la pleasant to the taato tuid ia tho prescription of one of the oldest lcil fomalo phyiicians and uobca fn ihe unttod btite and ia for sale by ail dnigguu throogbont the worlds price twenty five ccnta a bottle be iare and aakfor itfa wlxslovra soothixu statrradl take no other kind ntin throw it down threw it dovnrda not it will ooa lc too utc lilt it eyes my his tboposil alected some tnontha aince a centlemaahkd the miafortano 1o losajiii wife a litcnxr lady of some repalatioi ijter criering foe a cptlple of veett a brifihtr idea ehlertd the head ol tha widower h thoofiht heconld do tometfaing to lessen his iorrow- and for that purpose he called upon a udy b hia acqoaintasce and reqoeated to speak a void with her in private thinking she vaa aboat to receive a proposal the lady prepared to listen with becoming resign- tion myrrha said he with downcaat u he took her hand jyoa kner wifer res it u notrooa for a man to be alo ic eerhapa not did yon ever reflect apoo that put of the marriage service which requires couples to cleave onto eicli other bou1 dealh parts themt i m i hare j i have often reflected a poa it myselfv kow death has parted me from my wife and i feel very lonely i ahonld think it likely i think i most do something to restore to me her kind ftortvttinns tad the mem ory of htr numy virtaesv he presacd the ladys hand snd sighed she returned the pressure and also coffered a sighto escape her ily deax he said after a long pauscr m come to the point tx once hxvc a proposatto make 1 u tes ah she said crashing and covering- her face with her htodsj i have concladed- to write my wifes biography kow i have bat little skill in literary exercises and if yoa will correci iriy manaacript end write the headings of the chapters i will pre yoa 5 she sprang from bis side and her eyes flashed with anger u iiiee yoa hanged first vii then i wont yoo yoa n she left the room not being able to ex press her rage the widower sighed look his hat and went home 00ggrv 7 mmmmfmmfjmmmm iv t castoria for infants an stllflpit ohtotluninlldiitsdtooiildnstht j ol itml eint ooll omtlfum i rodomoend it u inpertor to anj pmcrlpuoa ttownteme il a aacttmld i nion w8fc0lfortsssmou7iikir wiestajoriooj sniini canon v kumj street n y cudtunej ihefjjidoldccnl yoaucer u the dsyi go bj- when orced or the rati secret he noilly lold os ko eipcctioj it iroald ho pauishrd bat uert il it itrt g never sliokjsiij- other kind bat imperiil creim tsrtir diiinf pow der to be aicd its uic oalrjelisblc bold by ill rtocert it it extremely istcrestiij to visit wme of the lesdinfi maartctari hoasei in to renin pcrhtps tlic most jinterestior and surprising o them tre the eitensire orei- mealsiettinedgussind decorttive works of the itcciasltnii son j it is from the esuhlitiimcnt thtt the finest trinaorct htve eotne for lie principsi cdilce liroaghoat oar conntry a dxca veart desr sirs for twelve yesrt i laffcred from dytpepsit ind iivermmpitnt tnd wis so weik i wall not lesve my- bed for eight months snd htd little hope of ever beinc cared three venn sgoltried bardock blood bitters snd m thinkfd tosiylenjoybocdheiuhiiidrisesjli y 0 uve lh6 livei o llje who ire ifflictcd to try b bttjt hry children ind themselvef from much hirriet hobbs sfnir avinae broctooi 1i1ilct tmable ind eipcasc let them pro ont care i botue of biefcles anticactariplive sytap lad whenever a child his tken cold his i coagh or hoirseness give tbe kfs w3fw lhn msducis o ncsloct a coach or ooldwhicli ii cltily sabdned if liken fn lime becomes when left to ilsclf the foreraaner of conscraptionandprems- taro death inntmmitioawheaitilticks the delictjc liisae of the langf and bran chill tabes irivels wilh pcriloat rspidity then do cat deity cet i bottle of bickles anticool imptke byrap ihe medicine thit ctsdi this formidable foe of the homia bo y inddrives it from the system this medicine promotes t free ind easy cxpectoriuon glibdaes the cocrh heals the diiessed parts and exerts a most wonder- ful inaoeiice in cdriag consumption ind othoraisejset of the throiind langs if exhausted vitaity tun scifxce ok irii tte ei1 mcdiciu vtoij c uic igc ou stiiihoodxcrtoj srl iliyslcal dcbuily ire- maturo uoeiiw hrrort ci youth and ciejcucm ij crfcsc3ttcqucut thtreo 33j- 1icebvo ii irtscwiit for ill dicw noliljl tih olr 61j by uil feilcd illasrituc wihijic fnc to h ycmtjrtcd inlddloacd uj kcj uevr tho cell aad jcsciicj ifoi twtruj to the tuthor by i kitio141 lfiial afoeiatioa adirt v o itox 103 hot ton sfw- rr dr w ii- iah- kkkprdaa hmiril ifticjtl collie 13 ycari lfictcc in ilcnton vlin isy l tgaialtcd ecrdejuially kc0v uicjs cf xtia omccnotlslnnchii dtan kt truauuon csma gives loep and promo dl 1 sustopendcrut light spring iyerc0atiiigs in worsteds ahe mtitton beautiiul design and rawety oflshades jfade np iirtlie latest s shaw d6 crundy yles merchant tajlorsuelph tlaving doliars which miftht otherwise be ihown away by resorting j to ineffectaal medicines are saved by parchuing that ineipansive specific for bodily pain and remedy for affections of the throat langa stomach liver and bowel dr thomas eclectricoil whihdoes not deteriorate and is ihoroagh and pare 1st brtefabd c ue rist dysperisiaijsdresdfal disordered live misery indigestion is a foe to no good natttre f the haman ttigestire appsxatos is one of he mcstcompucatedsjidwonderfql things in exis it is easiiy put oat of order greasy flood tough food eloppyfood had cookery mental worry hie hoars irrega- lsr habits snd manj other things which ought not to behave made the american people a botionof dyspeptics bat greens laagnst flower has done a- wcderfal work in reforming this sad bnsl- ness and making the ajnericaa peaple so healthy that they can enjoy their jmeis and be happy eenmnber xq happiness withoat health- bat greens angast flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic ask yoor drocgist for bottle seventy- fire cents aiinlaiiisc saeceu it is the doty of every person who has used bovtwt german sjrvp to let its woa- derfnl qualities be known to their friends in coring consumption severe coaghs croop asthma pueumooia and in fact all throat and long diseases no person can use it withoat immediate relief three doses will relieve any case and we consider it tht daty of all droggists id recommend it to the poor dying cbnsnmptirei at igast to try one bottle as 80000 dozen bottles were sold last year and no one case where fairly wai reported sach a medicine as the oernfau syrup cannot bt too widely known ajayoordroggistaboatit sample bottles toury bold at ten cents begolax size 75 eents sold by all droggists and deafen in the united states and canada- daacervos cnmftrfelu coanterfeits are always dangerous more ao that tjey always closely imitate the original in- appearance and name the remarkable success achieved by kasalbalm as a positfie care for clarrh land cold ia the head fees indeced nnprincipled parties to imitaterit the pablic are cautioned not to be decered by nostrums imitating nasal balm in name and appearance bearing such namesis kaai cream kaaal balsam etc askfor nasal balm and do not take fniiomdealersmayurgftqponyoa for byjdraggis or sent postpaid hn rettiptofjprice50caod u by addroming pttlford k co brockviile onfc 1st eld rarurtie tha has bcea popalar with tie people tor thirty years is dr fowicw extract of wild strawberry foe all varieties of sam- raer complaints of children and adalta t seldom or ever fails to care cholera morbat diarrfaesarid dyirentery wheezing gaspingsaiterertfrorn asthma receive quick and permanent irelief by using soathern isthmsccre sold by all drug gists or by mail on receipt of price- k ilcese wyebridge writes i have sold urge quantities of dr thomas eclec- trir oh it is ased for colds wre throat croap 4c and in fact for any affection of the throat it works like magic it ii a sore cure for burns wounds and braises oat of sorts symptoms headache loss ol appetite f nrred longae and general disposition these symptoms if neglec ted develnpe into acote disease it is a trite saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pdocd of cure and a little attention at this point may save months of sickness and urge doctorts bills for this complaint take from two to three of pirmeleef vegetable fihs onjgoing to bed and one or two for three nights in succes sion and a cure will be effected cubjaniparrtrdrtctet ire oftea inherited bat the tkstie itself may gain a foothold thrf agh impure blood bad diet anventikted rooms etc keep the blood prjreandthecircalatioa perfect by mean of bardock blood pitters and thus ward off consumption which is sm ply scrofula of the langs- prompt cexaiu i was very rick with bowel complaint last sammer i tried other medicines bat all was no nse until i tried dr fowlers wild strawberry the next day i was like a different man geo h peacock strocd ont if yon eocjd see year own ecsjp through anordiniry magnifying glass joa woald be amazed at the acioaat of dost dandruff and dead ckin thereon accumilated the best- and most popalar preparation for cleaising the scalp u ayer hair vigor james h gilmour of t gilmour co wholesale grocers brockviile aajs i harj used tarns rac elixir for a eerere cold and cough which it immedutely relieved and cored lu rndhbd prtmf of the beneficial qualities of burdock blood bitters is found in the thousands of auth entic testimonials pablished by the pro prietors the original letters being in their possession they can fornish proof positive as to their genuineness at any time i with a feeble appetite- and imperfect di gestion it is impossible for the body to se cure the requisite amount of nourishment ayers sarsapariila not only simolates the desire for food bat aids the assimilative ftfc kcsi sajtcamfan f he suaerlat browni mooaebold panacea has ho oal forreiievideiiaio both mternnl and sternal it cures patti in the bide back or bowel sore throat rheamatisin toothache lomhao and anj kind of a palo or ache h wil mostiureljqalck en tbe blond aud heal as u anting ower u wonilerfai bronhcweljodpaij aoej- being acknowledged j fhe great pain believer audof ilmbe bha strength of any other elixir r xiowent in the srorwj sbimld lie lis erery fondly bandy for ose vjira wanted mm it realljifs tbewt rrmedy in the jrid for cranpfu the jtiwijcb afalwaolassfftlffclpiu organs in the formation of good eoand tissue blood and syrup according to directions best of all cough nedicmes ayers cherry pec toral is la greater demand than ever no pre araon for throat and lang trouble t is so prompt in lis effects so agreeab c to the taste and so widely known- aa ihla it is the umily medi cine in ihousands ol hoasehoku- i have suffered for years from a bronchial trouble that whenever i take cold or im cxrised to inclement weath er shows ttstif by a very annoying ticfclinzjseasatiaa in the throat and by dintculty in breathing i have tried a jrreat eu-nj- rcmcjiea hot none does so well as ayers clwrrr pectoral whicli always pives nroaint rrliet in rctaras of nry old f omptaiat ernest a hcpler inspector ol public hoods parish ter- re lionne la ix coiiider ayers cherry pectoral a most important remedy for horrie use i have tested its curative power in my faintly ininr lime during the past thirty ycancand have ncrcr known ft to fail j it wkl relieve the most serious affectioi of the throat and lungs whether in children or adults mrs eg eklserly council bluffs iowa twjniy years ago i was troubled with al disease of the lungs doctors afforded me no relief and considered my case hopeless i then began to use ayers jcherry pectoral and before i had finished one bottle ibund relief i continued to take this medicine until a cure was effected i believe that ayers cherryl pectoral saved my life samuel griggs waakcan iii sirjyears ago i contracted a severe cold whichseuled on my lung and soon developed all the alarming symp toms o consumption 1 had a cough night sweats bleeding of uie lungs pains iii chest and sides and was to prostrated as to he confined to my ted most of the time- after trying- rarioasi prescriptions without benefit my physician finalir determined to give rae ayers cherry pectoral i took ii and the effect was magicaljsmed to rally from the first dose ofxbis medicine and after using only three bottles km as well and eound as ever eodney- johnson springfiekl 111 ayerjs cherry pectoral raspxazd ar- dr j 6 ayer k co lowell mail 6qldbyildrectlli price il ilxuttkfli graphic libra ptjs-t- issued history and life apprecicftiag tho demand for a convenient andt brief i history of the life of president cleveland i we hove just issued a if page paper especiahr devoted to illostrationa em- bracinra splesdid poetraitoftbe pbesidekt end a kagk1ficest fic- tuae opj lra clevelakd both from the most recent photographs ihutfratiors of clevelainre biethplace room tx which he war rork htr buffalo office habriage ceremoky cocktet hoife at washtsgtos andotheiwjpicturin tho noteworthy events of ms ztti carter j tbe letter ppik trives a c05ctbe hts- tory of life ad every pub lic act pf gpove clevela5d give holloways corn cure a trial it removed ten corns frotn one pair of feefe without any pain what it has pone once it will dp again caiuc and effect many persons wonder at the tired woru- and weary feeling that oppresses uiem with oat any apparent cause it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach ia either case the ttomach blood and liver are not performing their regular functions and with many person they will foliot a dull heavy headache nausea and many other symptoms that precoife a well developed case of- dyspepsia purify the blood cleanse the system of the closed secretions by using meacharus mandrake mixture prepared by t b heachanv 133 rongestree a chemist of nineteen years experience flia third p of the tjrvnlb daily jfdiii noted for waat advarffiscment u yoa wantto boy or sellanythln if yon want a situation a mechanic a iruaiuess machinery lodgings if yoa have lost or fonnd anything or if jou want to mt out where anoue is advertise in- the daily vail and read the adn the third page of that paper thi charge adafarale brail itrsgsisjat 2cr is two cents a word each jnaartio i ad- no g xarttg toir op itbewited statesttailff ryesents tiw itreet tariff rpeech of the hon roirer q ilills of teaaa snrnmarizirg tho famous uius bill and is sat off with a num ber of powerful tartoocf each naiuber if made up of sixteen pages beeutifnllr pririted on paper of extra wag a t so as to be eauily preservrd ipd the nort convenient- farm from whlrh to gather at a glance the substance and effect of tbe whole tariff question these pabhcatfons ahonld he read by every american citizen and tho low price ts pee copy within the reach of everybody the daily graphic lparlpiacehy lxttlfc i dron tbe mall cuuia its fa stampa fa sbaphio kce1 and 2 to toronto 8team uundby 106 york bt tozioaito shisfe collars and cufp aspootoitr opt ol bvb von pnmptijr uttsiai to led ntnme tbtinatnctioni cfc pi haepb proprietor sstdortoftmi hoojfc band to onto depot dr chase hie a world wide rcrctatio tt i ihvjcita tui actir hit uaciraie uilii livtr cure it alxicnirhcf cjelical ttill cru- tl tie dii- coei o the kiicey aci liver saiutcus or kidney coifplilkt dlttru- a tea acdju2s in licltcl s 5ui it ir wiiclit ia the bladder ltd ho ci tic twcii icajis uruiecftcnolrtrucd fiit n to crs- wruly it nibt aii2 ftl iktwss hot dry iliz pile coctic2 il tul vlitc dc- oititf tlroljdiuleiis tur iorli ciitvtiisa- uaatrilttlivenicaltsdiiari ic symptoms or liveb cohplaihtiln tilir ihoulizr uidtjitidce anaw ovziri n vcirj- tinxl fevhti to lic cr cntrriicilicli ujt- pctlticdijciiicafrote i-iuj- i kovs clhlj lftsrlea10injtioi cr prtur lircr crt5ad wlica coabill fuiriidtv tvat- diim u ia dr clues livr iv vill ujoti ixifitirtly cure ell kiiicjliir jrolljjft it tufaliko a chana ttinuiiiicc uic cuzzi liver strenflheet the kidcr tjd iivrcij the whole body fici liytll deilcc et triji 1- ccqit eioot which tdoue is wonbtlc ncucr krdke5 liver pills xaxen ilzr lfrcr tro neta4c price 25 l dr chiles nyliz ccamy yet ngeajilormt one pill ados st uiitrstiic onlr kii- illk mij thlv act cjtctuuly liy l thr iurv ki ircr- c 1j3 cartivc- eoi by till dealers teojmakds ok co pi adfokdot iliai worcesilki umbrjdced clwvrto dictionary civithtjftithcut dta cj rict iulz edition of 888 enlarged iidditsoz ofanfwirojcis biographical dicionary cf ccrly uf l viltrici tul c inw 11-0- tiaacit gazeteer of the world c0tiecac31fj ccxzrlilr liio i over 12500 xew words j recently itlutctlkrviih aitable of spcowordeid gener al cfse with their synonyrdes- invfrcinrd wtte jvcoy ccrr ivu itllucc the vauonihticutni tifajctrlrau literature irvicf wbiitier tai othir eniictnt am rsthcr follows wtrccrtcr- it jtrtms the utiecftll crcit llh ttjur it is astborifret th iridji- iriris la inpers c tlc eerily cd d tiic natloui dt- inrttsctit whiiirci j j roi sxij ur xlt lrwkixirm j b lifplvcott tokkv prjdlflcrr 715 tnd u startct etritt ihusjlliimo authors cox mtccficinrcrs of trusses astificial liubs ici ppiiiuccs for ill do fcnntcicrteilciuii iloiy i ijl ijikm kip joint eiscaicdieriecsnjthjkrec l ad aklckrorliinej liyw 1 lc gsh pet vic txso cruiches 17 phurghst toronto or fowleks ext of temberry cures holera hdleramorbus ramps fabhikea ybemtery and all summer complaints and fluxes pf the bowels it is safe and reliable for children or adults asking kellyl brother j j merchant tailors juil passed into stock the finest assortment olr- imported and domestic saitinga paatlnga and overcoatings that luvo e becu ibon ia ho count- we arc now in a position to suit any person reoainnfi liny thing in clothing- oar lriccs re bight and we will gnsrantce ctcry garment to be perloct both in fit ind finiih no tfisuli hun dreds o patterns to jeloct from we also cany tho finest stock of xeckties collirscnfls and shirks to be found in any hoase west toronto or a share of yoor pardnage wo remain sincerely kelly bros butter and egg- wanted kejlly bros headquarters harve8t tools iuxfc a rail lino o scythes lgr and cradle f0i1ks j and 3 itonsii fokk eaktjlgsbaksl wood and wire 10h hoes turnip and field scythks and g hixdstoxes grind btonn filtoies uast he f01iks and diuga iotatoe foitks spades shovels etc j machine oils j tlie lgrtt stock in artoa iaendinc ci populak nilaxds at price tsadofx i aii prcparod to dr qnial quo tations to tuheahei acd iillh hex in qaandties ol 5 pallons and upward that cant he ueat cotuc and lee bamplcs and get qaotatlons builders 8upplie8 j hcapi bf kailsi alikindvi hiwif5 strip t all scrciv hojkl butts solid and loose pin scltews locks litcheshat and coat hooks e aiix u00i1 holleiis window gliss allsiac cat to order tree otpliariai iahjiguiicrloutu elc alio a ino lot of cutlekv and gcatral hardware cr0cerie8 j i a complete liotk of choice teas scgai1s tobbacoes and soialie casxed xibods and general grocerie our jlotto is quality not qcastity- our xc teas in 0r5en japan and black beat them ail peochens prepared paints cutta percha i the two most popular 1iixd iautts iauie karlcel ready fcr use a fall line of all colon joitln ako dr colon 00 titvzthxc and vaminhes j j brushes a lull line iacudifit white wash kalsomese paint yatnish st0yeboot uokse and cloth agent fo 1 b laurances perfected spectacles j bjpiearso attraoiiyei bargains bring thousands of oubtomers to the right house j the aeanngnt sale ol sumner goods during the month ot aacnst will enable thousands of purchssers to secure deaintble goods at greatly reduced prices goods are all marked in plain figures showin their former and premot prices miny lots of goods are really selling off at exactly half former prices only a few of the many bargains tan be mentioned here but bear this in mind if yoa ire in need of dry goods houiefamiing carpets jfiuinory or afautles yoa ean live money by coping at once lo the bight honse the assortment of goods uidiirioty of mrle to aelect from a feature lorwhicb the right house it celebrated see the twoyard wide white sheetings fine doth at 23c the hooeycomb towellings t 6c worth 6c i the large sire towes at 8c the white quilts at 60c and 81 a lot of turcoman and cross stripe curtains at bargain prices some of these selling at nearly half former prices bee these cheap curtains fashionable dress bonds at specially rednced pncm- scclbafijc dreas goods formerly sold at 12j uress goods at 15c formerlv sold it 25c large lot of colored ores grain silks at an immense redncticn in prices see these ciieip bilk dresses prinurednped 1o bargain price a largo lot of eemnants of woollen ureas goods and prints at bargain prices suitable for schooldresses ot yonng girls come ind select i few of these eitn cheap eemnants see the very cheap goods offered in tbe carpet department a lot of mate rednced to 37j and 50c each worth moch more elegant smyrna and axminster rags at greatly rednced prices painted window shades at reduced prices j over one hundred remnants of carpets at special sale prices sew seasonable and desirable goods jast opened oat these goods poxchesed by mr thomas c wattina in europe are now readv for lalei many scarce goods srilltbe found m the list heid il a choice lot of kew ribbons silk plashes black satin merroilleut black faille frmncaii cream strawberry cardinal and black cashmere newest makes ot portiere curtains a pretty lot of new colors ind styles in prints printed cashmeres and cretonnes new slosquetaire and swedo kid gloves in tin shades alio blick aew taffeti silk gloves a isrge asiortmient ot ladies and childrens cashmere hosiery see ihe nsw make of ladies cishmere hose they will please you a large let of new towellingait 5 and 8ch worth much more money new fino linen tnicbon laces made nain piece of 12 yards each new embrmderiei and allover embroideries new braid trimruinbsbrid ind beaded seu- new shapes in lediea collars new bleached and unbleached sheetings new black india jjnslins checked muslin jjainsook yiotoril lawns ind other white goods a special sale of seven cues of grey flannel to be sold it remarkable low prices the mods are ajl- wool and from ne of the best mills in canada be sure ind sware some ot tbese cheap flannels also white blinkeu at special prices di ring this month remember the rightflonse is oneing street east one door from hoghson many make mistakes ind ge into the wrog store ask when inside if yoa ire in lie right honse look on the windows for the nime which is 1 t hamilton aug tsotvt as olivtsixisrs- wbol wool are wool ldiehouse woollen mills now prepared to pa the highest market prices for all wool offered- in cash or coods ertreirkxs we have a large and well assorted stock of i blankets tweeds flannels stocking yarinjs knitted goods etc j j in great variety selected expressly to supply the requirements of the farmers roll carding spinning weaving and in fact ill kinds of c as torn work done in oaraaail fromptsiid8atibfactory manner 15 ao magnificent displaiy millinery mantles dress goods carpets curtalins etc mckay brothers hack drcu goods 7 10 20 koc ay xev sfriroerimgoodt von- cliaialinirs to li 13 90 u 75c 61u0 uo sow woi acotk3t2is30c xeplain dnw goottf 10 m h1330c kovl1inuialii3e kew tajxjatry cariieu3aos5to kow uni8eli cariku75ceiuolj0 sow wool canott37i30 90 tic wlioo rtjo niw lco cu tains upod 1 jj09l25 ls0 i00 sud new scrim haircloth 10 u 15 soe ntw cnntdn pols t3f iujo a 1509sp yew ilillinary vary cheap new jonoy jackou extra rajao s3m new style injdreaiiar imckay 448vking street east hamiltonj l baixwiit grand tryrit opuoauri mised lotamjl express ttwam1 paimallijow amf tbrolrlupnjn haal l aeoom to oo pm jt jg ohteajoespteudoeinotit and brampton tuts arclettia ochng west a is ata and s going eaittoo aln audsl pj fiii ami atftdrjfe c oores qhronfc p diiiyt qmtlvtnek ara i h qoisj triiinj frotn ft livrdrfr li tccl jtoniuh aud uoveii h m j ijyrptptja or tndigestionb aotsj he snnshe hmrtbam ari tref ach bheuaatisa tas of i ppatrart kerroilt debility kansca rtffl jicra inz n jlorunj fflccti ciitl jitttjitiroinniut tfaiil rtrt uqvo teta tf j e lloulri s3 c u f the great bum drcharmlijffl crajciii tibiil phi ehfti srs5pjillt tor tic tirt of 5fftrfali sa 1 1 alt stia lxca tumori wil later anil9ijrm htnulie ihiijfc of litis kidnrri bladilrt and ttirf teesrf- w7rtiiiiu tit iie clirrtoil net j- -3t- cirtti ind ml iiezet m ihtotj pritcij ami toptirrfosilitloa r ca vtiosjaakftir jjg sarajarillatahc uotc rr ilti javib lawrence co fle meut i a p00rwstbir eatidltjlls pmilki or after jiknerj for njtcfiili 1 dips dscrd frttj wntlofil ktctioaot itecutricj thcx to iomxiafe trt if ia and indtrf m rtixzirriorsttitnu 7isaf ar rin ifufn rirsteu w isfritlsht dnis 4 liwwtsco- lfc lf hinds h0y antaljowi the treatmgni instfl h8tos soh tows i takui lsiutyauyfcirt oiojera iiarrfcom cramp ind ftn itx- ftomach uccl cosmhuil pabtifftt ifcj tjpcpnftlndieii3on si tcnat cocjfci c used esterxallt i eanjkc cnts lion scalds aad fiim asttreita fr tbe joinu- twthaeht piln i tlp faim wriatndrbenaatiinr fs soiiljtljisv lapamil7 licdieiaei thomc iariavltf 25 ccrrj ret be jfo f dctmre of ctrncrfiiimlfipt c r lip princiflt flrl spi mm emorecttbroit wd l4g boijgehlli wih nextl visit apti dqmtnion hotitr monday auclstzth oro bayonly n cataiuth thbolt tufilx- a few ocly of the hflndreds owandejdlloib t by dr wsshlnctoul ngwicbtmbr mbiirtf chronic bronchitis cuxecj tin english church clergyman spaak- ilxcnm cojqruiolft dbwa5insgtas j i fc- deui sin i am clad to po atuinfonug that rnydnnnhtcrli quito vcuepbiij akjw- la tbe wcond time bhoiias been erawjflsf- drodcuitij troubles under yrjir treatmtttt wig the ninsl remedies tailed- 1 viah to nm crtitads pjeasc acopt tc j mqjaaiw ff youtsttnly cbpetttt jithoeuft b tfcona0 11 ktrfjno mckelty kingston onu snd comatnptioq john mckejvy kingston ont catarrh- j mrs a hopping singstca oauk commmption ur e scott kingston oattaiaot wp indthnmt mrtjuobotraniearrowhnithtouottra throat -j- james piattbewa p master acton jdi 9 tarrah hlaad and throat ij- t pran berlin oat catan hew tnroat i mlas nellie ebynerlmonuebrsdts p wine p it corona oa cwarrhjmi henry scott berlia ont ajihina sf lira p wasner near bcrua onu omw head and throil jw uvt kcriher sfcjscoba oat- cstirrt aph sndthrtat i colin camply pt edwartj6ntjllfli s jatpqi staeer dattoa oat catarrh m u2si arrltitaffniisinsllw- wc uui tcad breegi uthcr fcr cs w i f wiit f rd it in jili33 rttctlejfintilv iprc cffw is- rornrsni aiti m 0i7st the 4pt scale in carada j3 0 v e r 1 0p s tyl eswlill hay t5cajes grain scales fari scales tea scales imhbkbjhbiffciss honey drawb1s ileatchoppef iwij bpichus swfjjftl aoscssa lkjrcif cwiuson afepig 60 stsptan ade jstbgf j- t9bj alaatlca sfais japa irj tfajer j vv y ulastfjcathu paper cicrj tunes iiss llsisiisesleixswssmbhl