pk ijv e3 i ri 4 lot oa jiijj uss lk wtfob yor ie wam tpt for isoejttkfttskvoira taxtl rtnn iictta i lxuldisg trxsi 1 vj liwpiiintova r verv- lotfor u vocayw verm- r 1 tie rwajisia rkuioato rees staalhj eve2bc lgricidtobflj niiobe igjttq vj ft mjuffi l3 as sastt ek3 24ii j9f of o uw i i canity 7ndzjofkcr ultra irill be ruktj i list 6fealt03l girea- ihi j hrj ti nxrwl tothep tj issdtetb l to saih iet g t irrisod 5 bl su lord ttoj0 morfa z isias or any th03t1 rfcothejdi uk 0 ps divisioh to contract reej addrii s i n- be roceivod i i laiofoctobebjk ti of ih uppers kj there oui ji e etioo airfreddo ft isn of jftootrwm j sb cndonssl or- lr 4 canal j h ti cr ssfe it i icsnot b pmar toy wsjg iry order ct iraaieaoatir ocliucrjfias nhqoj o io methodist chuhfh acton a oiptoed iu ph-d- pastor ute eerriccft ltj un kd 6i gafidty aehooltjtt fitltleclivskeoailaclmbyilu- i ptctor all wrdujly invited ijuifen ndnttw fcijttcoiuf at ttw ntlie i t- door ifttlnp ire flcsirtd nj w il 1 moore to hall acton coubfie of lecttjkes for 18889 i under the auspices ol knox church acton soltro jt horca litoa hafgs jjdfttr kor lotir souii ghooxi iq the tummoth cw of keatocly so1 bcrg hnaeh howie mctnijfia 2l object orieaulscsm 0ikev via cchrivj d uoular fh 18th- ealietscotijid hcnj ux- oiiilleti j mclean gardiner moadv jta1 saliictr tro jrin in luttlcford teckfts far jeatire coarse 50 cents tctarw commence it s oclock home gleanings ulcl frcmoiil- of la ctarcter iid all intoretuni luhksdlt november i 18ss i liaxijikofi locals i 1 colute tj lac ererthonalfal and alt fre prtis eciortcfs e first ot november t council meeting last ettuueg jt serea weeks iillchristmsx firesiiliis of 15s5 s tiari hive departed toadcr if tfce next move willbe i rise in milk sow or indian sammerand tbacks- grtinff- i a ler plcaaml days tliiswcek for a change r fall assfias at sfiltoa oa itoaiiy next 6th kovember the list 93 bihies born in a keatacky towawtrtcirls- georgetomns kifili school is bocausg the iltendanoeis good- the rihagg of allandale is agitatlii with a riew of annetioii to barrie keh stcdoogadfkle of ihc ibssia eocse has leased the ontario house ycrgasl a titerarr society has been organised among te pepik attending the model tchoof al icitoa thereh no use to get angry at umocect chaff for the more voa pet mad irhy the more people hingh fire of uiltoc s yaong msh were etch finei 1500 and costs last week far being drunk and dtscrteriy the y6ong ladies vrm no doabt trri the best possible nse of the remaining two monihs of leap tear the sacraaent cf the lords tapper ril he rr in tcfrh jj qj ilcthoiist chuzcb next sunday dicming gait reporta jlwsgg worth of new bdliinspat cp this year wilrlx is cer tainly very creditable shorting lieclcolotjer of toronw inspected the armory corea and clouiing vl coi- puiy so g acton ca tnesdar mr d faoblin leader and teacher of thrlliuoe brass and reed band iiasbfees thsagsed by resolntioa of that institica u th melancholy days have conie the forest ieares are jead the wintry blasts ate thistjing cp goes tie pnce of dr s washington the well known throat and long epecialist will risit acton at the dominion hotel on friday the igui scrember the antsorities of the bank of ccm- mcrte gire a contradiction to tte report tiafcthe10liillsof that bank hatebrea i a nmijn thanksgiring serrice for the iithtinat wooid no doubt meet frith appto- batkm cnthepartoi the members of the rarions churches in toffn- tnmnle with pc said ifrs beniley is that he lets little things worry htm he was mad this morning be the baby kept him awake all night- the merchants who advertise in the fizz eeess are now hiv at lav prices this fall in orderto draw trade while the tanners hare those t10 bills on hajitl some peopie till say things boat other people without thinking that other people can say things about some people as big as beams compared wi motes- think of it the quarter centary edition of the london adtxrfaer commemorativc of its inaogsration 25 years ao is fell 61 interest 111 niostrauoas of the oil time the cevr are qoitfi attractive he isabsentis the laconic bnt ei- preserre remark which is coapled with a report of the treasurers defalcation in cer tain halton town it tells a good deal in three wordsind hilton knows something abont it mr donald cfimeronhas dutposed of bis farm angnengyle in this place fifty acres to 5fr hcgh kana of winnipeg man formerly a resident of acton for htw ilr cameron will remain there imtilspriag twenty yjaa men in a pennsylvania town formed a foot- ball dab in three months fourteen had broken bones three were crippled for life aol one draggist jold them 116 wonbpf ointment it isj nuvnlj sport lioweter nmch mere so- than sawing wood the new presbyterian charch at georgetown which has jast been opened st iiitm of whichw500isproridedf3r a iijwo organ is o be pat in the charch at christmas tnis will in all ptdbabilitr be foand a a pretty lively debt for an ordin ary iized congregation the torotd ycthig xorsconlnju in i canada the etching of christ before pnate isia x 2lina- facsimiu of the farnons painting by the haasarian artist monkacsy whico has won him worldwide fme tfaa etching is deueaf piece of art work and would add valae tonny col lection 8ince the conlinaed rains of the- past month the gravel on hill streets new road- ay prove not to bean unqualified sacoew in lact it looks now almost u if it had ctay imported from trafalgar or kel on hjc itooe work however remains fino aodin good condition toot local bakers scooped the fkee pttsa pretty badly last week in oar last wm we were oongratnlatipg oar citizens thai while the bakers iu many other towns mgtaa bread a fancy price acion hktn were stis aatiafied with the price taia raled for some time viz ni e fix frii fssoed bread ntkrt te u eeoukiia oo nweri toifiat com yet to uiaiutftthe uuivb won by jatlph artwtry htm the militia oauc ot last week contains lbs records o the reoeral cfacicucy cf iho fleld batteries ot the dominion by which it is seen ihtt a battery fiwt provisional brigade gaclph lakes the uuhest phpa and wins tlio goveraoc-genotiua- cop and auo a cup mvtu by the proviq together wiili other prizes the result is ciccodinf lycrodiuble the cjaayuojiidfcoaipemor misa anua lyon vock roxd west flimboroli4tukcu the following prizes this year- ti coc uu and ladies wtk soaatcm cooulics fair gt thomas 2i brsmjsafiicj jarvii lair 21 sitltou faf 20 siuimc fir s3 barford fair 2g special prue fc ccucdiou ot pictarcs and specul prize for cgcrcsubject also special prize for paiciicg on china total 10 o r a ncja tine chizs a new ticre labe cimc into cftec on monday tliockinces however are kex the chicago lightainscxpfese now leaves gue3ph seven ruinates earlier the mixed train east which formerlyief t hero at 8 am is new a regular passenger train and leaves at 23 making the trip to toronto in an hoar ana seventeen minutes all other trains rcataiaabost ibe sarr2 as before a ae w jftrucss siop mr t ii matthew of lnn is abost to opea a new saddlery and harness shop in the ttore uett to ilrjtnies matthews rcsi denco opposite ifcgania a drag etnre kr matthews his beca in hosincss in erio for some lime and his earned for himself a reputation tor first class work anduraigbt- orward dcsliu he wiirbe ready to re ceive callers about the middle ot next wmfc i bctts liejjeccrrf theclothci line of lire gillilsad wis stripped d its contents on tnesday last and it didnt take long to da it either when mrs giuuind arose at 5 am and looked oat of the window tha cloth were there ten minutes later when the went to gather them in they had vanished gait i3rrcr t lively idiriiaal ought to have i good payin 5 position in a citv isaalrr irfcslfe sgltszs scdclcipil troubles the sam of 573 has beti awarded to mr p walfcr by the arbitrators in the waterworks cise the cctts to be piid by the town tho town has now been btati ia two waterworks arbitrations with heavy cot igsitit il the awardt and costs wjl iibsy b ut much less thin two thafaad drllirs hore thin this uiere will likely ba twj cr three mere cases to settle yet flfrrutr a good xxjsple fzr actczu the tajfchani villafiebyiawloraiso 57 300 dbeatcrcs for vriterworts wis vjjted on and citnei oa friday by a nujority of 10 ilirthim is tb the sitae slzz as actsa its iosl esce is tboit the rime while or ciursi advtag5 for waterworks ere eancrior mtrchim his pver li0j o a debeutarc debt while acton his olv auict 5oqcq oar citiren shoill bestir themselves to emi waer- pdrli itfsi far iire irouctioy hs cjzzjr wrzugztbr the crociuaet iulir ditcy in the cacrte of an able seraign oa saaday crcciag tosh occasion to remir thit he is noiictji more draakea- dcring the pirttwo itoihi thin dcr- tag the whcli cf his eirerieacc cedsr the ecclt act ee added that it was now barely fe for a parson to drive throagn the coaatry after aihl oa ecveral occas- i receatly he has escaped bsicg ran into when oat driving caiy becaai the harrcs driven by iatcxicatd driwrs wtre more ihlethsa tliemeathexelye george town hzrald tiae wgtzz the press is maah- of tener criticized than praised a free press u tolerably oat- spotrn ana efre2 pablic eceais to enjoy condemning ce ipipers in the iggregite merely- for the sake of hiving eomthia that it can lelibor with inpaaity the ares of caaida as a whole however does not reqatre and cots cot seek fcr a certi- acate of cbiricter bat wha seen a cer tificate is given by cae wboe standing and position emblss him to epeak with candoar and independence it is appreciated as of soma worth sach an one cim2 from pro- fesser marircn of knox college who in a speech a short ticie ego siid i believe that t- great deil of enies5 ioveciivehis beer poared npan onmewipiperfind thit snq things hive beeneiii which reasoa- abe taen oaut not to have said ic refer ence to their character i believe that en the whole in toronto and throoghoot on tario and cinida generally ere hive rei- so2 to rejoice over theligh tons of oar peodicil press haw to get en in the wcrld toe lecture by rer dr gi2crd the pastor in the jlethoiist charch oa tces- diy evening oa sacceis in life wis in every rtpsci eaaoesfal ti12 doctor was greeted with a wtu5lfid hoare cornprising an aadiine mcch larger thin is csuilly the core with lectcrera which fact is eti- denceo thegeneril popalrrity of the dec- tor in acton and vicinity eeeve storey occccii ths cazir and thsjirocccdings were opined with i hymn end prayer by rev il b cook tlo doctor was saffer- ugfro3ja severe cold bat this didnotdeter htm from entering heartily into his sab- jectand rendering his lectore interesting and profitable- he showed ihat life is what we mike it and that while every man can not be a premier and occupy the high est positions it is possible for every per son to have succesj in the sphere in which he may bepacedwhither inhiflhorhamble life the principal points demonstrated were if men woald qualify themselves for higher positions they mast prpvj them- sdves cocpeeat ia the positions at present 1 occapied hcasst toil scatcres first law i and nerjlhiug experienced in life worthy the nimc of happiness k the reealt of hou- tst persona labor the differences ia men he htrgy in their love for or aversion ef work to be successful there most be ccsfctectearaitteitort and a defiaite aim in selling cp a stacdaid be sore to have it hiji eaoogh toere ccit be a persever- ence a cheericl bacyant spirit genuine codragcigcet be coreral of yocr company andsarroanaings keep oat of debt have true genilcmanliness of character and learn that it is jagt as easy to say and do pleasanl as mean things have self reliance be studioaa indabore all be strictly tern- perate in kfcrfing to tho eecuriofi of an education be pointed oat that any person fay spending one hour iu careful tody every day foriive years could secure a first class common edacation and prescribed suitable conrses of study by which tbis could be accomplished the lectore was interspersed ilh- appropriate anecdotes and iliustratiourpttsenlcd in a y inter estitg maoner the leclore was full of interest tlirookogntiiiia- will no doubt be ofalue to the roaay young pcoplourtinf iu life wlio were pre cut ac the xloe complimentary remarks were madefy the xhairronod juv 3 wl dae afad tlie njeeliog wiis dbsed with uie benediftion nowitbijtn4nfi the my low jujcoimiou eeiiio ifflafaslpqg 1 sutme anowuiadd to tiwr gods j- thjsbtratford laitweck con tains the following item rev q b howio laie o syria now pastor of- knox chorcb bcaiseu baa taken the oath of allegiance to the british throue ho is the first turkish subject ualuralized in can ada- ha will marry on nov 1st miss saraa spur late of knulaud and hopes still lo return to the foccign mission field mr howie ii comparatively wellknown in acton ho preachisd aud icclured hero a year or o ago and is engaged to lecture again on the lfth jiupirj- next in con uectiou with tha kuoi charcu coarse on oneutal sceiiea anotaezwcaorsociair v at a church sociable in evauaton iii each ncrion wis provided with card on which were printed a dozen numbered liuw these hues arc filled out with cor- responding iiiues and each person wu ex- pectcd to talk foe five miauiea with every one whose name was written on his card at ihe eipiration of five minutes a bell was struck aud each perseri sought oat 1m next pirtncr wliosc name was on hi card this plan worked admirably wall flowers were eliminated every person however bashful received even attention the limid were brought oat cliaacs were broken up and all went home happy and good natured voting that church sociables are not nec essarily dull another cszlril bik dividend the announcement that a stcond divid end has been declared by thehquidators ol the defunct central bank will be pleasiog- iutellifience to depositors the central- bank suspended payment list koveraber aiid the first dividend of 33j per cent was piid within foar months from the -aspen- soa now coracs another dividend 61 33j per cent making a total of cgj per ceat to the depositors within ten months from the time that the banks affairs wereplaccd in the hinds of liqaidilon which ii looked upon as a matter worthy of cocgratalatioa in oil probability per ceai wili be paid voting oa the bylaw lo bonus the trunk factory cf j e mcgarviu co of acton took place at berlin oa monday it wis carried by a majority of 100 acton we regret thus loses a prosperous manufactory georgetown fcratd some of oar citi zens are prone lo wonder whether the re gret expressed above ia as sincere as the re gret felt by the fercm man when the de putation composed of himself and two other prominent georgetownians representicg th citizens of that village failed to encceed in inducing this firm to remove their busi- aess from aelou to georcetowu when they waited cpoa thcaa for lluj purpose a year ao last may s hfgntlsip he cenixxj an altercation between geo walton hostler at pratts hotel and a corn doctor nimed brady took place last fruity even ing resalfingia the arrest ol tfceiatter for attempting lo sub the hosteva a cat through the vet was sworn to by walton as tlucfect of the doctors ijtempt to woanl him brady did not ctny the charge bat stuted he was so maddened by drink he did not know what he is doing biag ccramitted by the mtyor he ws tried bfore jajje scott ci wedccsiy and for the next six monihs ii have an opportunity cf the cors vl hs brethren at ihectmnl prison uraniptoa ttirrt tls is ihe crcakeu character who soeat two or three days in actoa aboa the middle of the mouth serenzdei by the baa a list thursday evening actoj cornet t3and attired in their neat cnirttros with their iastramenu brightly baraisfied and each member wearing a pleasant srailer met at tile tovn hall and from thence play ing a lively air marched to b hiltzen place the residence of mr andirs harry s white hereon the lawn aiimewas spent in discoarsicg melodioas strains for the benefit of the newly wedded couple who with the friends present thoroughly enjoy ed the music as tll as the cnmplimcat paid aboat nine oclock upon invitation the bard boys retired to the dining room where refreshments were liberally dispens ed the pleaseat affair was concladed with god save the qaeca and the musi cians withdrew personal mention pangraiihseciikctiag visiters to sad from jlcton with whom free press jleadsrs arelftirr- orlvif arquainlcd ifrs jao eer of xisgara falls soatb is tbegaest of friends here miss ceha stafford of toronto viitad her actoa friends over sanday mr james deforesi of kelson was a guest at lakeside farm last week 5ir j s deacon psxoseiajl5- visit ed actca and lorne schools this week lr oicir ltmcnd of detroit mich ha been the gocst of hia father councillor is- mond daring the week mr samuel johnston and family of erin have removed to acton and taken up their residence on wiilow street miss tena moffatt and miss jessie war- rea were the guests of the editor cf the georgetown herald over scadayv kev c s pedey ba ule of fergcs his accepted a call to a congregational charch in london en and is now on his way bsclcto canada for his wife and child mr levi lirabert who was injured in the runaway at acton fair oa the lglhinsi is now ableto walk aboat again it will be some lime however before he can re- sumo work woodfltook is favored with two excel lent weekly nowspapen whloh are a credit to that 8obntole city as well as to their enterprising pudlisbetb it is frequently tbo cue that live towns bvo ono firttctaaa rtaper and several others of very indifferent standing for years this was the case- in woodstock and untilmr w m obeirno aauroed ooatrot of the standard th sm- ttnd rtvlcw which by the way is one of the finest weeklies on the continent had things nearly all its own way now how ever the standard stands very creditably beside it and is doing a thriving business the recent fair number it issued was a model of noaoicsh und was replete with interest children cry for pitchers castoric vthci haby ai ifct trc care her castona whea ic was a clud aba cried for castorta waien alio became 311b the dun to castorio when she hid cblmrcn the c then cattoria uueltif harivcts oc ust ib8s noariroikr 3 10 to 2 j5 flour sloae 1 to to 3 15 vuite clawion 1 13 o i 15 scot wfccst 1 is to i 15 democrat tioat 1 15 to 1 is erring wheat lutol 13 iaodscr wheat lutolu bran u cd to 100 barley 0 so to 0 to oits 033 to 0 31 0 60 to 0 peas 0 03 to 0 cl haj- 15 co to 16 50 straw 3 00 to s 00 wood per rord 00 to 50 esr pcracscn 0 15 to 0 is bntur rtifrr r 0 17 w 0 10 buttcrtotls 0 2 to 0 it cbceso 0 12 to 0 u polatoaiperbac 0 40 to 0 15 0 0 to 0 50 port fi rs to 00 lambsiiei 0 30 o 0 65 pelts 0 s to 0 0 hides j 3 so to t 50 wool 0 30 lo 0 s3 s75q will tar a fi oi dickens novels lj valarsei clolfc with ijj fcu lao i13ctri- tociojpee ciiltoacoitiiaiar al thckctcs ac2diiea gloisan- ic iclfliihcrs itce waverleyl novels il volcmes bsaal ia li ita ici tell ice illuitratiocs ctniil eiitioa cctaiaas u lh uoes appodiiei govrjic tuh ushers itie tz2 days lor price t days bookstore guklph day sells cheap better than ever the western ii commemorates its quarter of a century br sppesjit in tn ce tirclj- nsv aztiht and presecting a ntifiect sosveiiir pfctoco to each atcrilcr tsr lits cstttled the falls of niagara this bciaafcl prvaiiam which is a larse photoiithogtanhiv is iciil iach and is bcinc spc-ciallj- eiecated frus oa rate rajxr a photoeiuph cf ttis size selis tor iio aod can not l disicjraihed troi tha lithograph when placed uside it it is tciiwlodccd bjr art critics all over ctri to he lie finest t pecmien ctphoto-lttwcnphre- itodaced in the do minica will u nailed ic demlr new type throughout y illustrated department i beautiful free premium balance ie 1b38 free to all cs crfirins fcr tie year licoitt tic lor rate cf or 3 for fear espies for tbo ttra ci rationed xdenu stilled everyjehere resjjred letters coma at car riik fee free sainple pa pers terms to agent elc addreis advertiser p8ihtikc co london ont tlie free pressfubblng offer toa can have the western adtertlset andiis beaalifol premlmn together with the free pressforl889 cajr 8190 by addressing as as follovrs h p moore free press office acton ont the election cf a councillor lo fill the vacancy in gnclph tonnship council caasedby the death of mrlvirby took place on monday and resulted- in the elec tion of m carter ilr carter has served in both the county and township councils end is well qualified lo fill the position lo which he has been elected hr thomas ebbafie is now engaged in the pump business oa a larger scale than ever beside the excellent wooden pumps which has given such general satisfaction for the past twenty-five- years ho cansup- ply all kinds of irca pamp3 for deep wells windmills etc he is doing ajlively bosi- ness once more the great soccoss of oar last batordays mantle discount bale and the ready re 6pocseby the readers of the fnze pcsss lo oar invitation baa induced ns to oiler an other great mantle benefit bale on bator- day november 3rd we shall again sallow a etrsifibt cash discount of 20 per cent off the prices ot all cloth silk piubu and tweed mantles dolnjins vackets palo totr ulsters in ladles snd childrens sires importins as wo doforonr immense lfkntle trade direct from the largest man ufacturers ib germany our stock is with out a rival in the tmde toko advantage ol this great offer fur example 1 for lined dolman ll 00 lb 20 disconnt 2 20 8i ket price je e boltpbt 27ljower wyndbun st riirilif blood will cure or relieve biliousness dyspepsia indigestion dizziness dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of- the skin aaot overy species ot dise arisin tram disordered zj frmrnrr stomach bowels or blood t ifflmtn go olsmxj jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache breadmakersyeast hreat taade of this ycart took ii flnt lriot onuna fallsliousin jss7 oitr 1 gxn ladies itatc vrjllen ia say llt it fijpitsc ary jisiit ctct tscct ly uicm it makes the lightest trhitntt swcctrtl braid rulls buns and tracks itrsi panckcs linkers ia nearly every town b jcatath sic using t price five cent8 hasxab5 yellili cures rheumatism ii tbeas lpkaioiitxitsia caotalilmrofb ttqold pens 1 qoid silver and tote peiioiis new jlst lovely stock just opened b say age guelph the gclasgow house tkctont we take great pleasure in announcing to our many and patrons that our millinery show has a large assortment of the newest goods in t stock trimmings and shapes will be display tr rune miss smith whose ability is so well known and appre ciated will again be in charge this season ladies we invite your inspection believing we cln give vou entire satisfaction our full stock of dress goods ladies and ch ulsterings trimmings and a full stock of the novelties of the season is now complete drensr all mouraiag goods a specialty- we are showing something very fine and cheap in shawls and caps we also invite special attention to our very ful of staple goods special drives jnlgrey flannels boating h our stock of boots and shoes is now complete anij defies comparison stock groceries fresh and cheap in short ladies and gentlemen we are shov largest most carefully bought and cheapest stock- goods milliner- boots and shoes and groceries ever into acton come and see for yourselves we are pleased to show you through remember our famous 50c tea henderson mcrae ng the of dry jrought always co x the t warm weather has cohie i 1 v clothing ctotl is still necessai m 3renn merchan tail has jest iiilt in a ethcil liaf oflctothl v some flftyenits which he bought st bat in ally favorable iricea and with the fvpoq 0 giving his qustoroerj tbo bencflt bo wul sacrifice thelf fortbonexlfohrtoekst nnheardocuw for uuh 3 to r4 lesi uta can berpiroi elmirberc beautiful blaqk worsted buitjat s17 to 18 which cost else- wtoe 22 to 823r caladitiujic the ettxkorit always gi ploacdtc to show them j urennjm bws vuh irices right tor his i ns 13 toiuctsacj iill lmj lad tbd chcapt mac iir town t m breknali piu fall wiiitelr 1888 mammoth house gaorgetorn wmmclfiodbo beg to announcethathiy have received large portiois- of thein fall and winter impc r- tationsjtrom the foreijn aiid domestic markets ana tilt they are daily receiving fre it goods from foreign ai d domestic markets to repleiii it their stock miking tjhel sto ik always fresh and attractire the public can rely upoh the m catering to their best interest and presenting to them joie of the lagest cheapest- a id most attractive stopk tsat c in be seen inwhere we call special attention ip ourmillmermantlesridboi s dress silks dries goo s fancy goods small war s staples flannels blanke s tweeds carpet jbtjotsaiiij shoes our dress and mantle ma k ing department is infifstch ss working order under a com petent and efficenrhead with profier assistance our tailormg departme ot is no ij we have a laie stock of the kewest goo is for overcoatings andsuitinj fs excellent white cqttoi is for 5 cts per yard ifjc tory cotton 3 c per yard grey flannel 20 cts per 3 tweeds for 25 cts peryad black and colored satti merveleaux and gro gr in silks joctsper yard wq th 100 colored silks for 25c tsi worth 5octs dress goods or- 5cts and 8cts per yard wo th i2jcts and ifcts per yard large piles of other good in in proportion we most respectfully s iji- cit a isit of inspection fid wecan convince you of die extent beauty goodness rld cheapness of our stqck our grand millinery- open- ing on thursday friday iid saturday sept 27 2s ind 29 the absolute sustaiad and uninterupted prdces idn of cheap and beautiful gcofls that we can show you lis ta- ply marvellous i u wmmcleodaico mammoth hotjsi aeorqetcwn j is xm last winters goods all- down t half price j i- the right house j gsubss iriri jnrtth auwwl jwy clolh and sew u wo jell wrth t iiln ruj rvmfnrtcr ureatlv reduced canton funnel dorm from ss 1 1 20o h i nrm4ini valae bad comforten ffreatly redaced canton flannel dewn wc uh caibneregloeimmenklymdnea new arrival thi wee a ftpraent ktoahnmr aj4 the ooatdtbo oi0u1 al 17c m 80 to 90c ttsbbgnuai than toilet mau dura from 1 ad artya glove inthalataatitvlei ilireot from tko raakera mittena ilootee- uon rianneia ia onape utugry ftaonil it fsie ftirgs qm elwnell at lejo and th very oneriordrey flanud li wo thlsfinrj lb hanu lb cwh ind oflc8nkiiaiiaroafcsploahabi bmbroidorjm moorjnit gofe jto barand t the dndlrrtau ktata msss5atau ex iv i ehp i and airtatme w ln in tjomngr d mib rltom dritt sbeeanarbblrthinn blanket teeda to thooarpea and wmdowklla4 boom are tiled with hew dylce2sksr2atthvylow rtpoihbpttoe ojmoo f ijwffi mind m sufbart offfisioi manjaakeffluskt and do not grtnto tbeblgbt hoey king etreet rt c door net akjm-i- v iiowttfiwssjk t v r te4ss pisi i i li l p0wdei rure8t 8tb0nce8tj bei it i comtaihsno i aljju ammonlaup phophal esf of any lacriedtlbaierfttt e w gillett cuiuso u hnrititttcnuiitcfciiitas fegssisliims ttbk