iprafi fei wgfflumtymtft church aotoh lawof a drrroridiiapild p8toa paotteieebnreriiooe pabue sorriest ifcso ajnj and 6j0 sondar rfnwl t bime claatiwdnewd br tbt paftorullmrtiajlrlnttted ravelcome at strufwl ani tbittm a linn when at the door fljftjtnfs are desired aprir to tl tuoore rtvfetmrd ijr bank of hamilton hbiborrre ihakiltok cartraljub ir4 sltayxtk rraavji fvxtx aotmoo i tcrsbctu i ciunxxu- n si 6tktbn tv am cuhifji dlbectjjbsjorx srawurr rrealdeht a q binajlt vleyea jok pfcocron cbxa bosrr otoboicbat ivooo ab lra oeorobtowk laknct- r sttt discoabtal aod adraoetis made on all aaitablc wariueiu drjut in all parts o cax- lmttie vxrrki 6riru gamr uarrux aad uit costtskxt or kmorc lboobt and acid courfcnov made on all acrotttble potuta on moat ta rotable usrwt- i svyisgs bkfautukxt detohtsweird hf l ana branii aud in terest alleard from date ol poail to data of ritadrawal 1 sfbciau deposits llwreceiwdal current rataa ot utcrotl no notice ot withdrawal reqnlxtdj h icvatsox kent eo hykdjacros withes the uaur trader of he frkk risv i rtty utsrry imaiaad happpvc yai iteiimfitretejtoai xmis xv year wedding an j llirtlidivrprwett thnrrdatijiuui 1881 little local jfrieflets which caught the eyas or ears of free press reporters thts week the boys afcd girls resumed their school duties yesterday wed may we be ui may we never see heres to the year and the fiudc eom- ptnie f acton has had tool ogi too for two days this week lie hotels wen closed ou-jfon- day and wedoesday hr charlton of toron a will preach lathe disciples church sjaia netf san- dav morning and evenlng- juiitchyi the town h ad puei the irew year in ind ciuzeas w 30 wen eeren- idei paid them fiq to gt rid of their ncbl s ttie kflji tenipurs of temperauce oontarae to add to theh membenhlp three were initialed at the laectincof afon- day evening- mri iwbt bailej- an old resident el eramoaa died iajrtejtdaj- noraing at the age of 77 yeariani 7 months she has been tiinij for f put foor weeks with panjrtis the exeeatire of the faaaaian press awnriitiha win hold t mrgting a toronto tcmonow to cake irnnpeniesits for the umsai meeting to take plaoe at tome date a february george ilcphersoa the son o ur arch lfcpherbon who was so- badly iojer- ed iiy a runaway horse during the haying j last kimmer receired an ugly fcici 6a the head from a hone last fridky l wdlie ganey son of ffn tm- gar- ney met with a severe accicentron friday fer a tail on the ice heeimetootbe hack offais head and wasxeodenti insensible for atimthmt is now gettiok arer the effect of tbebiow -r- v b d gmordv ledture on the yarnmoth care of kentucky will be de- kreradtiii the mitfabditcfatirch next toes day erggrpg those who harre beard the tocdnv epesjc teryiighjy of it r- at the regular meeting of the uoyal tejqplart of temperance on monday evec ing- the hearty congratulations of the council were presented topc dr- lowry npoa hij election to the esereship of this municipality i the milton crfbrater jpropoonds the following qeery in its last iaiue- fflliich of the bold acton youthf m it who dared to kiss one of our youu ladies at an assembly in acton a abort time ago dont all tpeakiat oee t the goderich jili commenced its fortythird year with the kew year tne signal is one of the foremost country week lies andkrvd ifcgillicuddy the present proprietor deserres credit for its progrezs under hiw guidance do not forget the claiinir of oar adter- fcers the person who nererreads the adrertisng colunms of a clean paper misses more thai be or she thinks- oar patrons are reliable and for your interest their interests and our interesta we ask you not to ignore them the aaiual meetine of vaokra vapa aricttltoral lociety will be held in the iownhahon thursday x5th january at ope oclock a large attendance of the members and friends o the society is re- queeted j the election cx officeii and directors will take place- 1 the holidays with theix festive gather- 1 fags and merry- majrinv hare gone few ocx hands the xew tear is given in all jta freshness with itsincalcuiahle possibihtiefl for doing and being- when it ha reached perfectionhi days may bur burninghopes and earnest endeavors have something like a perfect realization mr jamergrant hawtpnrchased from mr fohn matthews his cartage business foe i dumber of years mr matthews de- iitered the freight aud eipress for many of t owmitiiant4andtnanicturersxdtheicrj general satisfaction mr grant is accne- tomed to tins class of stork and will no f doubtdoliis utmost topleifeallcustomery l f rthe mist and ice caused a good deal of trouble tmoog the ulefirspil ind telephone wires on j kew years day the accoma- latioo of frost was sorprisiiig aod poles crosabataand wirea werebfokendtwnm all the news fa homi mostly of a toottl character land every item trfereatlna- at uie llifih school tiitrtnce ciiiiui- tioat at ghrlsttnu thd ollowinp oitndu dates wtre sucoeeafut lt moalpttw a lwrui lj file- lunneu passed the banttey b langan c klotay luclarrlage c entrance m hebeui d jackson d holmes rcoom mended ooly 1g erf 39 oandidatct pasted or wettrtoommeodpd rac afammotb cav kverttnoeuie visii ot rev dr gilford to the mammoth care of kentucky lut august the people here havs heco aoiious to boar the p lrticolars tot hit inresligations lu this sunless world aa opportunity to bear hfm jwill be rivcu ncxtqolayj cvtinlng iuithe methodist goiirch tjio ladies aid society htve arranged witk the dr foe his lecture and the admisiion tee ts fixed at ten ceuls 10 that ttouo tnsy bdebarrod from hearcug it tltt ptople of kastaca wcya are lod in their praises of dr gtf fotdi effort there a few uokki ago j death ftt fornwr kcaideof- j the death on kew yeaii ore ot mr wm milne ot tjtnley sou of the late charles milne ot kiqaesing retuqnd ono who u well koown aud highly rottpeoted fa acton and vicinity some ears ago while in bed jacket mich mr miliic was takeu with bronchi lie hid xetarued home about the middle of december he gradually grew worse lower and on line 27ihmrsja gtcphoisoa and mrs james mcltm his sisters heret were calledj to his bedside they had the ailisf iction at spending a few day with him prior to his departure from this world for the better ce above the funeral n held itst friday and was ten largely attended messrs a stephenson james melttn jsmes u warren and r d warren atleqded from here deceased leaves awifeand four children happily wctfdef qa the alteruoon of ketv years day merry company tasembled at the home of mrs d swackhameryoijrig street to wit ness the nuptial- ceremony by whicli 5fr k p mclam aud misr koiy swackhamer were united in the bo ads of matrimony the rites icerejper formed by her dr giltord agisted by lier jjwbae t5ie bride was assisted by miss susanna sinclair while councillor j a speight atteudl the groom after the ceremony the company sit down to the excellent wedding repast- and in the evening the appy j3aple proceeded u their- home at the corner fiiia and church striretj mr and mrs mclim arc highly eateextwd by ocr citiraas and commerce life together under verj comrortable aaspices tbe bridil presents were nuaieroca and evi denced both beauty and alility kupx church ss entcrtxmnut the last ot the series of local sards y school christmi entertain men is was held in kuox church on ke years evening asiru the case with its j predecessors it was attended with success although the rain fell heavily the churcfawasfilledtp the doors the programme was well arranged mjxi each camber girc eriience oc careful training not baly in word bat ia gesture as well while the- costumes sssumed- ia several pieces added to the effect of the eabject presiinted- lliv j w rae presided and in his uiatl entertaining manner announced the various numbers on the programoie as follows p2jlvu1 krvc iv i qikziixcbcixs j tlceciiooi i eeciliti win side ue yoson jecaie ltrrlyztl two ami tiro more z rciutioii son- please reineapiizsr sir kellie eowryj 5 uissiqczry ffrnig pear he peunies fsii gtrlrof tbe faltmt fjs 6 eciiatioc tc test esc of tency ilibelraeu 7 eeciatiac thebaachofgomes eefs e clorzs tacfrepiatrt song thcschooi1 9 eciltiojl go setilerliie flowers ui4jeic0btl it 5g r tic little on i jeoaifi smitii u uecitaucc iii were 1 kiss i lubel grtzu 12 llecitottbieicitheltiltcidiou i tcxe liltxfi girli 03 sacsi the biet5sers child t jenme eencedr i tiie juiztfiri tessou sii boys l six girls- 13 baciu lduonr ie verne i sess htnnealcildicoliesestboali 0 dtrectiooi the linetrien have been busy erer- since but much work is yet to be none before good working ofder it restored the readers of the ypw firf will remember the imnonncemeit last july of the death of mr dbbtt hiu of pern brother of mr c hill icton on sun day his partner injiie fowwed htm the funeral took place on toesday uritcbe ranalns were followed to the tomb by niany frienus who esteem the memory of aeceaspd eer geo diark conducted the fa serai sertices an amofeixig incident dec acred b the knoi chexch stmdaybchcirenteriainmed 00 kew xeavs erening ajladyin leivfoa iwbertooi in mistake the ilecuot card of omotth candidates instead of the admisjr oo tickc t she had purchased tbe goo4- fn i oorkeeper lold fair he ha0 er vwl r canrassed ahd be lady famj w1 i hererror rhwedjvpay um i infoieaabe eouw twuefatijatdi 35 cbotti jit bccitstios lskililioa iiasoc jc etcititioa 1 soag iiiitciujion 3 song 1 2t diios 2icuorce ocff tolhelcc tlc school tcebgfires ifilel eo tjc golden iiclb xcilie hjcdr a little tilt xith esas annie hrade howpctsfepeiitherchraiiciav lilj- existed the little giris dolly lewis orr j rtteob old uifd if rias tbem in ozt fuiarts jennie ecniedi jsytregir t he tountry afcwjnd nawa hemasuppllad by corra- pendente and exohapfctat ba the ami u si ida meeting ot tl e methodist sunday bohoot hew wa hell on new yoars kre and wai a signal in oosa the chorch was crowded to the do in and an exoellent programme we prov ded stir ring addrauei touohlug babuth school work and ohristtan effort gen rally wore made by revetj w re dr jlfford and mr h l moore president ot he haltoo county sabbath school allocation and by uev v j migwooda pasur several recitations were glnen by mr ilowes of salmonville and the jbabbnh school scholars the musical portion of tbe pro gramme was supplied by the cl olr ot lbs methodist chutch acton and lhemuiei kicsiin the choir ably ent joed their reputation and rendered a namt er ot grand choruses and quartettes i in jeiile kicklin sang in good style ev- john ball occupied the chair while ue igperio- tendeut mr k beawcek aud mr wra grantloottod well after luocom ortot their guoiu proceeds w crewsons corners a concert was fd fen atcrewao s corner under the auspices of the method ist church maid of lbs sunday school on lew years eve mr cano the iiupcrinleulcnt of the school occupied the chair- ttsro was a graqdcelecioaot vocal aud in itru mental mosic maloaartettes ere given by the ileed brothers of ospi inge mr harry gibbons and tbe misses s rackhamer gave several selectibus ot vocal nusic and miss liiiie bensou ot kvertou charmed the audience with coaplc ol soli sever- al rcciulious and siaging wew given by the tcholsr addresses wd given by revs hart and hirnwell all enjoyed themselves wcllfaoul the old year was nearly expired 1roeeeds about t20 the services ot the church hai e been dis tarbed of late by several nuroy youth tlie matter has baeu referred to mr waters j p and he has informed the offenders that any future misdemeanor lot this kind wili receive its just pdimhuient a social will be held at the borne ov mr robert brown on tuesday evening 13th inst- 1 nassacaweyaj kxcellcnt missioriary eermias were preached on sabbath last in the methodist churches at ebeoezer bethel aid caoip- belirille on the nasaagaweya circuit by res mr fair of eramosa miseionary serrices were held at bethanys cor whin and abtrfoyle by rev mr hirvey and alderman w g smith guelpi these congregations listened with pleisure and profit to their earnest appeals to tend help to those who are deprived of the ospel aud so much need il kassagaweju circuit raised for tins purpose last year f272 and of this amount the ebencrei appoint ment paid 10255 never wee liberal contributions more ueeded for tlris object than at the present time when tie heathen world is yearning forbetier systex is of a vil- iitlioc which can ocfy reach tbei 1 uiroagh the preaching oc s pare and elevating christianiiy people at benezer are still tail ing about the lecture on the mammoth cave de livered here by kev dr ginerd and they adcise their friends ia and aroa id acton to hear it the first opportunity tiey have of doing so the roads here arc very slip wry now and even the ihorses are hadksiidilg and the ladies gotniedawn hil times rather suddenly georgetown caii you write it yetv the thermarceter is frigidly in lined- b r foar bon cbne come awa r tbesciiool 25 eecitioii the good old year uaryaemlui 7 eeciiatioa a child and the flcwen 5isic qahtner tejluoncd i voaag jatiicrclirietiiias- one hoy aad six girl osoosu the prettiest eong of all three gitiej n keciiiijx the tell tile f jtisf hame zl dialie oifi ilz all ccrutina kciheroou and iliixl iioss tl chores r goodhre om year the school zr dialogue the old aad new year roar boys and two girls when the progrmme had been exhausted and 4 he cbrulujan tree denuded it was found there were several items not before announced the first was the presentation br hrd henderson to miss cassie me ghan on behalf of the congregation of a cheqee for tf la recognition of her eervfces as organist the past fwb yesrs at miss mcphairstofiaest kev mrybae rephed thanking the donors in suitable words for their handsome present a second present ation vas made by mr uae to mr alex ken nedy of a beautifulupholstered chair from the s s for feq or elevenyesrs mr kennedy has fulfilled tnedaties of soperia- teadent of the sabbath school in the most paip staking manner he was consider ably nonplused at this expression of esteem heartily thanked tbe school and said his sole object in the work was that of honor- iag bis sarionr and doing tba yoatb of tbe oommnuily good this event did not exhaust the liberality of the people of knox chorch for as mr kennedy took his seat mr mcgregor advanced toward mr rae the ijiteemed pastor of the congregation audrto fitting terms handed him a cheque for 9q it was apparent that the recipient was entirely unaware of the intention ofj the people io behalf as a resnlt bis words were 1 few bat sincere and hu greatest gratification in the gift wafl tbe fact expres- ed in the presentation lha all the people bad participated this ended the proceed ings the doxology was sang and rev dr gilford prononnkediiie benjdictiod 1 t ei special servlon wil be oamfnenced id the plmlplea church liortly tutarmen ibiute will be held here on the lotb inst tfae annual meetiufl of the k in town shp agricultural boctily will b held at galea hotel hilliborj on krldfy al tun olrjok at the last regular meeting lodge no 9o7 0 q f- the ofsoers were elected d campbell is g vg tbos akioi p 8 c overland ristftticis and neijsr of credit follow id a broddylgj wimbrougb os scott a dcxtttr miltpn mr david dewar i of the commercial hotel died on new rears evt after a short illness al mr a green of nelaori wki driving on themodotain on chirlitmai day a rifle ballet fired by tome unknown perton struck and splintered the shaft of his cnjttor levi king of trafalgar jwu committed tor trial by w h lindiay jj p on a charge of stealing two turkeys and two geese the property ot cuarleaj maw a neighbor lie was brought before jndge miller on tuetday pjesded guilty sent enced to two months imprisonment and warned that it convicted again he would get aix years in the penitentiary cham- ptqh knatchbull the xew year was uidiered in with peals from wedding bells in this riciiiity on new years day at flje residence of the kev mr blair robert m wilson to jauey eldest daughter ti mr wm ander son about 150 guest kvcra present to do honor o the occasion- and the bride was the recipient of many valuable and hand some presents the happy coupls- startout iti life with the best wishes of all present for their future prosperity and happiness on dec 31st mr john phillipb nassa- giwea was united in the bonds of wedlock to linac daughter of mrdancaa mclar- lane of puslincli at eden mills ou dec 2l liisj wife of james anderson of a daughter the recent thawing- and frwizing hae made the roads in u jvery slipperyand somewhat dangerous condition and as a consequence some very uudigiiinedioaitions have been indulged inon the ice mr- neil mcplioderuu an old jcissaiga- vveyaii is home ou a viat to frieac s for six weeks he has been ia buffalo dakota for the ptfst five year he orns 330 acres thert and has just retired from the general mercantile business mr mc- phederan is county justice ofcaskcount dakota and clerk of thi toru ofbuffaio rockwood mr j luudy niagara falls isj visiting in own mack larrish has ret arced to hi s ladies at toronto university mr and mrs w it storey of acton spent new years in koekwood robert- file wart of rockacod pi ssed the december examination for entrance at guelph high school and f now 00c of its students mr l5ftas of chatbam visttei eden mills fronds this week mrs mulligan and mi stall othiffi sre visiting their mother mrs stul mr and mrs samuel cole mi n were serenaded by the rockwood brass iand on monday evening and pecuniarily rewarded that insutation tor its efforts we arc pleased to lern that mr john siuclair a formerly of the iuckwood schools has been appointed heid master ol the btrathroy highschl the regular monthly serwces ware held ia the rc charoh ljt sandal the xmas decoratioor which still remained- ia effect blew his eye uxmtuiov jan i moses linton sr made preparations jdr ahehoot today abiodg other things ire got a cartigeiso large fer his rifle and id making ap trfcr to drive it in exploded it resulting in the lots of one eye add probably the light of the other- we have been merry with- feasting and visitors for a fartnjgiit now lets j think of lent the salvation army held a waichtnight service on new year s eve aud when the deacon struck our town chimea the big drum joined in the chore bob engelsshoot ou ew yjara did not on out much as the weathtr was a little too damp for that kind of fit 1 how- ever an undaunted few braved it inclem encies and of the few jim back took the honors carryingoff four turkeys j mr c bennett bartender at the clark house cut his hand very seriously while opening a bottle on new years ay dr anld was called and dressed the wounded member the bottle always works rhis- chiel messrs frank andchariie barclaj will freernsn jim mcleod j p i ell bob adams and will carrique were iome for new year all look weh and pr jsperous miss kate mcdermid was a gue rt of the drummers on the occasion af their anneal ball and supper at harr iion on tuesdaj 36th dec ske pronoinces the affair a rich success mr david cook of esqaesing and his family been have sorely affiictoa by illness during- the past year there scarce y having been a day which did not see some member of the family unwell a sthe last victim she was so ill on new ye irs as to ruirethedoctorstendaiioe eextend the handof sympathy io mr cooc m his constant affliction anahrrfajlcadedly odoroui nature was venrfated in aurpohce court i t vcezk or would have been but for a time y settle ment it vas a 6qded atfemt to feet your own door yard clean at the expense of your neighbors fort ana t dy the weather was cool or perhaps his worship would not have been so lenient a 00 and costs mr r e harrison spent sonij of his holidays at his father at zimm rman jjhe proprietor of the biggar h rase ap peared iopolice cboit on satorua charged lwifh selling oa sanday the witi esses oil were there ou that holiday bat one went to see a sick man two there to e a man that wasnt sick and a fourth to find his dog the nerval lawyer makes iui excellent witness and an evade a question in a highly prof essiot a style case dismissed the hooks can have it go on rec 3rd that their hall pnd supper on new y ars eve was the biggest success of its kind ver held m georgetown there were peo jle from everywhereand nowhere but of areehis was expected as the ball was pt btio and noboaies can go as well as somebod as the supper prepared by the clark hi use was excellent and it took folly two hou s aud a half u satisfy the crowd andnow the election is ov jt r and webster ia victor it was the mos exciting contest een in this township ii a long while and as the re tarn shows a v vcy large vote waa polled as there was no to the efffc of a on the making ci pants had by place gave a very pretty interior ot the church j an abortive charivari for the beq rather ancient coaple took place guelph read monday night after nighthideous for some time tbe parti retired without the expected boodle mr walter scott jr of eramoja his collar bone broken oti thursday horse which he was leading througa a nar row doorway crushing hfm at the election for councillors in era- mosa monday the namea ot mr m loree dan talbot and r hamilton headed the list mrwmhindleyja oew mu and a comparative stranger in a great par of the township came up to some thirty vntea be- hind hamilton the election of daniel talbot in place ot mr wm armstrong wassomewhat of a surprise as arustroog was probably considerably the ableit man in last years council and mr talbot may thank that same last years council for bis election to this as he was deposed from the aaditorship without any cause salii factory to the majority of ihe elector the sys tem of pi am ping far a single candidate ii becoming quite hecorrect thicg hare of coarse it is qaite right and consistent with the tactics of a brave man to ask his friends to plump for him when there arenas good or better men in the field taking it al- together with tbe exception of i reeve mutrie it is generally conceded we hare a pretty weak council foe wm r- i wo uro offering groat bargains in ladies aud gontlem of- nilkinds o j now silk hnudkorclicft ladies aud gents glovee and wool see oar big drive in double fold dress goods at 25 it ii u10 boat tiling or lio money id town cents wo are aclling a nioe overcoat a low al 1850 thai one oloallj- aold 4 1500 aod alao better ouea at close prloea be lure aod tee oar mciia fjiio and iloavy uudprwear as low as 35c cdcli for the cold weather we ire wiling mens foh boots over shoes at bottmu prices ladies qvrshoct and rubbois iuall the best makes alirceitockoffreih orocerie jolt to htdd milable for the holiday aeiaou remomber that oar prloei are alwayi away down henderson mcrae fc co kcton for hew years jqbiftt new goods gold pencils pearl and gold pencils gold stone rins gold band rings i co to a few big cuts i v for the new tar 1891 u b s ay age watchmaker gu el ph ths l6hding storte for christmas groceries and christmas novelties lg matthews was never in as cood a position to supply the public with groceries fruits tionery ot the finest and purest quality as at present leave your here and yoor holiday fare will be of the best quality a ad confec- orflers the past two years i have led in fiue hanging lamps crockery china and glass va for christmas presents aud my stock this season is if possible more attract s than thaj of previoas years christmas sales are already being made i am now oiog a strictly cash business and my prices are low cash prices splendid oleograph ic chromes in embossed gilt frames 22 x 28 are given away to each customer when 15 worth of goods have been purchased ii new thiugin clinstmas decorations very cheap sec l g matth them new years is- here and so is- thhhrdinfcs fine newistock suitable for the holiday trade beholds big liue of lo cent dress qoodsjor 5 cents biglinc ot 25 cent dress goods fur 123 ceirts big line of 40 aitd otcent dress goods for 25 cent big line of kuittd wool goods at liilf jirice fllr boas at llalf price furcapes at halt irec r fancy flautiels at 25 cents reduced to 12 oentst mens overcoats worth jg00 tor w00 pea jaxkets vortlt700 for g500 db driving ulster woith 1000 for 865b grand line ojfunderwear 100 to be qleured a 50c 125 top sliirt for to cents j d williamson co i 5smd7wytidhamstguelph 84 oswald st i ic the oldest drug 8to k i til- stand lamps piano lamps fairy lamps burners shades wick smiths drug stor c 4 i we have a very choice assortment of glassware for fruit and flowers come and see our stock- ibest canadian aid american coal oil at lowest prices w a smith co cor wyudliam macdoiiald gu6lph rthe new year cam in a very demal fashion after ail bain and slush and fog of the densest variety prevailed while the icy sidewalks rendered walking a perilous adventure ft t jtue lniiiarj-iic- c ketitlitihelfloodr i pure comijtioa is jiutversailly snar jiud yet uiere ziz eryfcwfcoilewtia have perfectly pure blood the taint of scrofula salt rlianuor other foul humor buieredited and tranimiitcd for generations causing untold sintertac and we alsoaccimmlate poison and gennsjof dls- uie pir we tliose who bave not icspocted his stock bavo no idea of lbc boaotifnl and useful novelties lie has ia fancy hanging lamps r in great rarity glassware china and crockery in all the latest patterns choice assobtllirr ok i groceries fruits nuts pebls etc itu well known that harding giyes the best possible valub for cash to every customer oystees in season irrp election here georgetown en tbasiasts wet t out in every direction in support ot the popular candidate dr webster it iswrtby of not that at norwiwp todies- tbi one 81 and the other m came to the oils and rrarked their ballots unassisted 111 the evening when tlie refrrns were oi uouticed the crowd went wild aud it wafe m re excdti infitlnsparuameitsriovwot a full return is given elsewhere j wisi the utc thd ease from urea i we wo eat 01 wo drink no tli ug ciuslvely than the t p power of hoods sarsaparllaover till otseaaes of uls blood li 1mij fnlrlr yohr tlila raeilcine wlien tried doea expel erciy tail rheum removea uie catarrh neutrainea the acidity and cures rheamautm drlvea out the pons of malaria tood pol- aonuig eta it nlao yltalizea and en- rjches the blood urns feeiluj and liulkllug u hwuaindi teiyir up ute garnparula as a mood snatlos and statementa food water re li mort con- proven itlve race of scrdtuli or int which causes id troomlne fa t tired tbe vliole rten iperierlrro bonds lurinor fill lnlor- caresenttih hoost now ext vo orr if i had ore two or three dollars for a si horse blanket will save double its cost your horse will eat less to keep warm and be worth fifty dollars more you can get these superior blankets at clargek shipment of tablefcoversvi table drapes mantle drapes wool felt and chenile i in applique and embroider openeduday at i i r b jemyoiis these are beautiful goods and well worth the attention all who wish to make theifhomes beautiful at a moderate cost f i of these goods are below rtgdar prtces j h at about the price of common blnketst sarsai umylmlwtuflatmti ptafamlatljr bj c i hood co apotl karlu lenhvui ioo poses rio m h- to farmers and threshjers oseonvoursjaotanervonty the wellknown peeeles30il tried it diirliik the laa wafigonetnaaoraepoweri thmouinoe4udhilyrmmmendmttthemais 1srni guelph firmen uk for themoaeiujouier co toronto chenile table- covers reversibl wool table covers felt table covers applique trimming beautiful table drape only so 85 to 5 1 50- 00 up 25 up furs fijrjs firs beaver muff and sicrm collar from 856 to 25 00 bokarreri muff and storm coljaf 6 36 astrachan muff and storm collar 5 5b and up opossum muff and storm collal 7 25 and up boas in lamb coat and opossum muffs in seak jpefsian lamb astrachan bjpkarren opossum goat and coney ii t three year a big line of gentlemetfs fur capft cheap the millinery departmtnt is booming and the stock is very complete 1