lffipflp sft- 7- acton j v 7v0a 0 1ut0r 1arsotiaselfcnrerateno mle w an wo bonda sooi3 biblajklnftbrth fasetoraileortlallrlbtun r strastfer en risun alwaya vlcome at- toatrk when al the door flirttiaeaaredotirecteprlr to hi l moore fstmrd htmoxlnf fhr ortll shid col ottor col w kein mll aud cent btaultt were lferroii saturday to loepect the new in tta pari to which the drill 6ued jrllieir esscot to itibtvwe are in- bank of hamilton hbid office haonltoh cimn- run tr- kafkavkcso ijmw kmooj tcbsbixu cuiura us stkvkx ahtcamteh wbectoksjcav sturt rratdmit a- 0 luwuv violrc jwrv rnocroa oun ocasir q to lincna t woon a 11 lre oeoroetowrf aoenot adiwecntod and advance nied on all secarili phut on all pert of can i 1 t ckrrtn stira qarit llltrru jid fe expose o orjanwoj a uuu club tbt covttxtvr or ecikte lxajht ind old colucnov uiir cz ill ccmbl iodiu on ibort ftorbl ltsut- iltlvgs dkrautskkt dixoswml of 1 nd tiiwjds ind iu- tfrwi4nccdnqidlc oi dciou to du of wubdnvtl sfkcul deposits almiwtodvtaitcnirtto iatcreil so t uotsw oi hadnl required 1891 st gxirisd new b4reintdixquf eirfoc the k voir tmcething ktw ik i f r ind stationery j itute ve la ejl ad tc car lire tuifl trii usortmcii tbe fcliool children till tad cor uorr the plies to buj- tlictr hooj acton h4dqiurlenfar weddiaj iod bixtlday presents ceo hynds bt xtmt fvtt uss ihcrsdayjaxuaer 151881 little- lo b which caught the eyes or ears of fre press reporters this week very pd tjeicfafng now j tb aricultortl soaety meetfnj to dir t l50 it the town hill j sandiy1 qot etorm pv 1tbe big gest jill oi sao 0 the mop hf j it of kiuiraej- mih prdcheftc knot church iwt sandiy a lticlin will be hold in the brick tharcfc tccond tine nett shcrtiiiy eteaiiif j vcith the slekbihi uiis treti cime tn lsiinited ippeiruire ci the 5tili tetmstas ire barr j m wtn- itccnney exm bu fciadly finririsi the fucr piuj copies of yucoater jbc piftre iiibt af the people in l nrlnity ew the rtf fdiaa p ihe fire t arfceil od sit- crdr eten2 when caalfielis pill mill wubarped hears- km itcleoi t co hrise au lunclite idtertisement in r issue re- ferring to their syeeping winter sale xt the uncaabth hoiee georgeiovn frni ihe port hope pipers v notice tintll mb- hccirfby bu ilicncbed ictathe dry goods business r in ting pur- chiscd tfceboiaes oiitr john finning ber f j oits of douglas ilan ill preich in the itetiodis clarch neit ssnaiy naming trd evenuig ear dr giforl will preach aiisaoain scrraonsin himijtoc dr urec is cox comtorubiy eetiled it hiltienpiioe th lite residence oi dr iccgirrin sri ureh irrited usi week iad the or ippeirs to be if nmch it borne ui ainoq 15 k old ttfiidenl the bsiist charch lis ixrtnged tith the echo airtette of mcifister unirerett iagire one t their popcltr enteruinaeet inthe torn hill on friisy 6fa of febrniry pirticaiare liter ilr j a- murny has moved jislo hii newbome omill street it is i comfort- iblecor home we ire glid to see onr young men possessing the enterprise ihos to protide homelike sorroandiogs the vocng min whose horse tin iiriy wben retoedjog from thebiliicifid tet- iieetiog will ijeira sfur while that it is ajwiyi unsafe to drive with one hiiid thai pitchoot was very cngracefa and most nnpieibajitto the young lady boot mtddleton employed at bells actory gaelph hid three of his rih f brofcea ind vts othenrise injured by the eletutor catching him cm croshiag the bisement t5oor- his escape- from instant death wis miracaloos coder the heading of ltissiiigttlie following ippeired in the list inae of the frtfr oy if this sboald meet the eye of geoceehodgeiistheard of in acton oat in irjj willlie write ti his apiioas sister sirs- ass eogers jtoosoaiio kwt tha petitions to the hoose fit com- moni praying thai body to enact a prohibit lory liquor iiir are in circalatioa here a005i a hondred tignilnres were jittaohed it the close oi the service in the ileftiodist church last baoday eveaiag end many vr more hive siace boentdded- mxw tchenjfirnajaingarringemeats with 1 view to the organization of dwses for instrnctioji in vocal mosic pirticolats odofldced in few days the object wf worthy one io3 ss we adder- stand- 5tr xartens terms are reafconable e hope 1 large camber will avail them selves of this opportanily eer w b lurd pisfqr of the first 3 the n15ws at home mostly 6fft local charaoler and every item int sreatleg y 1 it i propocd to remove ttrese cotlonku will ii the teraoval npou the coud formed that a trcot i c opened up to lh park from main t tree j tot orfianttmthft tpo memhen tlccl pi tho municipal codncil will meet next iloaday at eleven oclock when the dcclstratibmf office and of qialiflcalion willbe adaiiniatered the public school board will nicelpu rvoudw- diy sltt at bue oclock4or orfiauiaation the coqqtjvcouoctl will hold the tint meeting outoetday 2tihjt 2 pm 4jcoh gun ci a meetiiic wai held ou aloiidiy evening for actou a cood mccdug w held and the club wis orcanircd wi ira membership which ensures the cltib eaeooss the officers ttctc elected is follows itoo tret john llatvcy trei ideal kdward icklia jviceprca t james moore secreurytreaitircr wn stark com- ntitlec of miucvgcraeijtv jeitvs c c speight geo wilds mfsuoti the club proposes to hive their first shoot next saturday the range will be on harvey pond any yclio desire la ucite with the club arc regies ted to hand in their mtne to mr start the secretary the uexl mooting will be iwld on tuesday evening ablu int visit la knox flundu school an oliccr of the above etliopl lus lauded the fcia priw the folloyng note mk km-ivi- i rauot vdo herewith a list of officers and teachers of kis church sun- day tfchool the rewcto of mr h p xtooiv pixijcat vl halloa sabbath scikvi association lent additional interest- to sessiioa of rjr tchewi utt ssbbau his iessoa ul k to jhe prinun- class and his words of encouragement to the teacher and ofhccre tvcr tnnch aiin bro mcwn appreciated come the president rc ports bjkl he found knox ijibbath school in a crjiiouriiiiii coaiitiaa mr i iteniersoa inixt2ii installed a supcriu- endnt dd he las a coqis of ofiiccn zud tcaichcr who intercut in the school and its schliarv is niatift a satisfactory re port will imp wa at the county convcn- itliiud tvth lion at llurliiitoi 0i the fcbniin- i x jllock flfycir olorci while acli it forrsmis ennjh to po sess- in laltrie cf grcittr importance and mtgnttcde than many of ihe towns of its aiam the province it lis cp to tins time been t way behind the ia in the nlittcr of ocrcintile bildids notr owcvcf- iniicatiiji point to aa lew era in this reliiiaa coacciltoc w b smith has aadercocfideratiodthc ertina of t tvee threeeiory bncfc block cf starts en his propirty at theconitr cf itill lei john etreeui lit friday mr smith accoxpic- ied by messrs w hsttjrevil b jermyn who is likeljto beccc sxtths priccoj exsees vita the architect inspect ed a nnenbec of new tloctsjin- toronto and selected a tine front as a model it is pro- poed to bsiii fureee kith basements the secend slorr wjji be ddcitedto oslccs and the third toeociety hais the etores are to have pitte cliss frcr t and the blocf wul pecsetit a handsome a jpeannre the architect is at j present eaiged cpoa the piins and estiffcites and iiir smith will decide in a few dkys whether leerworfc will lc proceeded with ar once or not the fixe pixshis sposen for qqarters in the cew bloc ted eiccerely hopes to be at hnme to its nsmeroqsfrignds and patrons aboni the 1st cf october ntit our sunday schools the officer and teaohbrtjln- aoton sohoolathepreffttnt yiar tle county convention at this sotatnu of tho yeiiro inood deal of interest taocutfod in tho sabbath scliools the aniiivcrary enteruiumcnts are oor the new ofllcori and toachen hase taken their places and now preparation i are being punued with vigor by tho officers of tho county association for tho annual conven tiou to be held in burlington on the 25th and 20th february the oflicrs and toachem of the schoois in acton for the present year are us fol- jowa r rtldoittkhus biruiustisuextd hoiidersou asstsfitjoitu cauiprou fiecajtruivjobe v kauoaniu tiiruivnenoeorgfl hjudi t oauxsikvuin alice llcudcnou ijlidea or sisotxc arch uaiin teicunasruoyjvv hae mrs lowty jas cohban john cameron ura c uuiltb ufi arahainuxahalstad miu it auderma urt ucqul iim j andcrtou iu pcanon utu mecluro geo hjads l itcscnvi ttucuettkmrs v uclhiil ltoberi johnson mrr cobban min uclliall ketuonirr fitrimstimlxt h l moorv asto bcic thomas t moorp secrytuejjit h llrou a ai fircrv hobort gurnej lldjuidjlvmiss lottie fpetghu amt t0 uiai l hernia lltig- oaajlarr mi etuaia u sloorc liuntn of oacimmu g ii brou tiuctrsbct drgifford urfgiforditiss frwlniid john b oincrou arthur lainc wrs jauios moore un hi v xfoore un i fraaef utm uary lirovii jirt jauics uclain uexehvk tficitriuurf a slrphenioo musuacgfcitttthcttfcuim alljt laiup jamci ixooromrtncfitjaaim itoorc jc nclsou lultlsta- etrkiuvtcxiuvt a a wordctt akst efrr j ti- wixrca ficctttmus tnk uclatoah caciixitt sfi jcio warretl t1iciantjohn warrea win griiv ti ii c wartcu vacgtc wordeu cicircti or ivit4xri sttejitjctrxpcvr h wcnhici lihituaucs laird jr oacxxitt alias stoac tmckluiun tboeisoa husos luchcl socc ctrrjeiillh alice goodalicngj laird litzic stoac ntcirlic ki itiaxttmlvt aflgus icrcuwa srriiktiur oba luxnicy lirrumix lija tom tucacci- datii iiobcrton itr-urj- uor- to iliici tklia rill acide jxeloan affiic lllar i tnc cltcluc cf cslccn of ihit ichrxit fertile prvuat c4rwiilbhiduil cveuioc the past year lias been a prosperous one with the saubath schools in actau it is reasonable to concladethat this is due in a large extent to the influence of the grand convention lield here ust february we ho all the teachers and others interested tn sunday school work who can do so will avail tlienisclvcs of the opportunity of at- ttndirii the conenlion nert month at bar- linton a sendid programme has becu amngod anontline of which will be pivea in next ise of the yccu ici s resolution of sympathy methodist charch of hamuwn died sad- denly sooday rcorning about fourroclofek after isort illness- from ueoralgia pf the heart mr lairil as highly retpecietj tfaroaghoat tlie ptoyince and was oceof the foremost preachers in his charch he was a brotherinfaw of mr asa hall of acton the affa ftrc ptii carrier boya kew years address cornea to hand this t week aiib orm of i ciieudar when we aj tfaivtbe work on it is one of h p moores neitestspecimenf it is anneeea- tjp betiowaoy more praise it bra mobce his earrfid a reoniatxoa for fioe printing ihrpughotrt the fedgtbanti breadth of the province and aofon ohoald eel proodof the possession of it artist piterbeetoii world a fc hromcerm the initajixwon of officers of acton lodge ko307 a q- w took place on toai y eteoing the 0th lost the foubwirii itiw list of officers for the curf ent term bra a a becord past uaater vfotbwuc fl francis laacter workinan fat mctarfib foreman joa ijalina orerser j h ionald mcdonald iltcorder xrzbnifiibfocirtk i j jno b- vauhrri kloarotlr jv tbo tfutda l t u adam cook inner fturi wioa6lathaputowje4- the mznfiziqlb core liev dr gi5ord wta greeted witlxaisrge acdicncein the methodist tharch at tues day evening the occiiioc of h icctare on the mammoth cate ofhentccky kev g b cooke was moved to the chair ahd after devotiocileiercises introdacedlheiectarer bev dr giftord commenced withadescrip- tion of the trip to kiotncky giving interesting and aniusing incidents by the way at i l cis capo is ha was fortunate enoagh to- meet the american association fcr lhsad van cement cf science and wis favored with an invitation to accompanva party of some fifty membrt on their pro posed eiiarsion to the cave descending to the cave the company tons whit is fami- liirly kdowh as tha short route in the evening and next day they parened the iseg route th two viiiis occupy fag some thir teen hours in which over seventeen milesof this mammoth subterranean wonder wis inspected the mammoth cave has been bo minutely described in the eeee ptcii heretofore that a repetition of the geography and formation of the cava with its many chambers pitaaiid groitoet would be sapeciiaouf dr giltcrds description was of a most interesting instructive and entertaining character 4 gave his hear- era a vivid and realistic pictsre of the won- derf ul place ia pinoramis order and one pointkif tnteres was no sooner painted in beauifol acdat frequent iatervals elogoent word pictare than another of euaf or scr- passing grindeor was echihited to the attentive and appreciative fait that the mi m moth audience th cave hid been previoutiy described in acloa would oittfrr ally lead out to think it a difficult tiak to mike the ubjectinlerefitii sgan but the lecturer oa this occasion succeeded admir ably in his efforts his witty references fy the difficulties attending the traversing of fat mans misery itod of ascending tbc corkscrew and the judicrods exer tions of tiie corpulent members of the party lent new interest to lhe2 points while his graphic description of the beauties d bridil cuanibr j and marthas ineyard the attractions of echo fiiver- and the temple the awfalncss of the ind infernal iugioas nature s embellishments of stalanttes and stalag rntfes led his hearer in their msginilbn ta view- with wooderfol distnctuess the cceoes he bad visited the lecture gave evidence of careful and minute inspection of the ppiots visited and btudioui preparation of the descriptive passages about two hours were occupied ju its deliver- at the close ilev j w kieaaid- i am sore a a feel in oar hearts that thanks aredoe dr glfford for his able eflort to enter tain aod instruct us in the beauties and wonders of lhe creat cave many of us might see ivilh heman eyes and faito realija it as we have been made to dowth our miodseyeto night he com- phroented those present ujwo the privilege vc listening to such a liurary treat wair glad the dr had returned safe and well from the infernal regions- and had pleasure hi moving a hearl y vote of ihankf beeve storey expressed pit awre io seconds iog tbe reaolntjou and in t ddihg his ijabu of appreciation fa what b ev mr rae had said he ep joyed the ieturevery mnch aod felt- that in iu deli u ry theprbad exoeeded himself the rtsolulion wai carried by astandiog vote and ibo meeting claaed wfih tlirtcnfidictlo i ut r the sesioa of si andrews charch thihesford pissed tlie following rcsolu- ticu of condolence to revlichin cameron it their meeting last week dljlu iik cjainn tie members oi or scssioa ccsirv o eirrtss in a few jiliin lord their eiuccrc and iicanfch srtintliy witli you ia vor irutcct tore riil lcavj- alictiou vce til lxrc eijicricuccd the eitow vucb foilort the dtiwrtnre ct dearir loved ones and ire fcnor ujii r ocr hxt iitad nd fcit of torrotr tltt ror tears trs ttlug end that you arc osely tci disnsoiale bccacsc ta csuniable and deirly beloved vile k removed from joaf home- god moves ia a mystcrioa rty ust be cannot err in li wty cc aomplih2 hi wic and crctl pri2ses vcur dcvoed wife is removed from ihe charch belec toth church above from workfng far the ilsster here to uuitc witli clcxied tainu fu lctisiv hi intnc jcrutajcm above wc tball miss lcr we feci that voar losaisoarloss liiie who ind a name atd a place in tlie church is uo ioo with ci ecr lame wiliioer die ai- iiouh ber place ir vacihl ecr christian ei- amplcwiirbe nnjcmbcred by ibc pocple of tbilitrord there the helped so much to t arithec the binds tf tbcr pastor for do isaay rcart aadhue c laora with soabccacschcrsat la cr plioe of worsaip is empty scr sorrow is ictnsieduy tbetbouslt that a watcher u rc- msved frcm r midst wc rosld- desire to comforj ou and etreagthn ycer haads la the ttort oat is yet before you fccliai that limq ii thort and that ne tooa lacst follow ozr departed friend to the eternal world i wc rraytbit god wi31 lilcasyodfryocrfamnj tad ia ydcr orfc and that ec jcdll gire you rtrcalh to costiace laboricg for thl uxstcr ia this corner of bis moral vineyard until your work is doce aai tica you will hear the well dene of yoar lcnl sccd tkoicls plttnaaov i gujjiattxlfell r jonx jjckar sa alki lfclur ecdeeick vottxg tbamerfonljaacthiigi editors table uoodvoalander for l01 ii out and it is mrulnly bwauftii production 61 ibo lllbographert and prfutri trti tbe mbjoot rcpresenuthjftvhildrcu playing mail oil 1 n mr a mou li ariathb potitloni otprnitoni ooloring and geharal finiih mikearaoit charrhinnpiciura but to bo appreciated il muitibo aeeu ask yoar druggist for hoods sknaparllla calender or send itx cents hi stamp for ouo copy or ten cetili for two to c i hood tv co lowell masf j harper it brothers liavo nearly leady for pablioation an ktcmailary latin dictionary by charhon t lewiij pbd the work is substantially an abridgment of dr lqwu lirgor- work published about a year ago hpace however baa been gained by the bmluiou of many detailed references and hluitrauyo cilauoui and ihe vocabulary has been extended so toiacludo not only alt words used by tho littri authors most commonly liudied io schools but also those nsed by catullus tlballui prop ortiqi and tacitus la his larger works i we are pleased whoa wo can record cauadian enterprise backed by sterling worth and character and thfs we do in calling the attention of oar customers iothe uandsomeilluftttttedsced catalogue of lbs steele bros co toronto which even excels the splendid one of lost year their premiiei are immense and their buiiuesa ualioual they offer the latest novelties in flowers bulbs vegelabla ant field seeds imougit these wo notice steeles white cave oata an astonishing cropper campbeiri saw white chaff bpriog wheal which ts io highly recommended by ihefr- pertmentil farm ottawa thoroughbred white flintcbrn highly spoken of by the u which yielded 8gtouoo qstlago per acre burpees kitra early potato the earliest out they will tor only 25c send postpaid i lb of above oals or wheat or corn or lb potatoes and i copy of the catalogue send now it will pay you or send 20c for cata- logae which may be deducted from first- order l dream of love the iceoudfuhpaga picture of pniort pauiity magaunc it a dainty valentine offering and charming bounterpirttpf miity bcaulifal and noble womca illustrate the leading article ladies of high degretf inciadicrg por- traits of tbe iriuccw of wales and her dauchlers and tho americio beauties who hc mimed into the english aristocracy molding as related to art industry is artistically and profaccly ihuslrated tlie portrait gallery shows the handsome fcilarei of the now worldfamous conauynp licmare discoverer dr ilobcrl koch and a violet luncheon tells howto pre pare aud serve euch su entcrtaiamcnt so as to hive it in good form au the de partments as usuil arc crowded with sub jects of timely iatcrest aud iu fact the subscribers to ikiavrttcf tuulj uayrnuc are alxayn sure of retting several limes their moneys worth for it combines a dumber of magazines i iu one published by v jennings dcmbrrst 15 fast hth street new york j crip 1891- at the beginning i of thft year the intelligent man especially if he le the head of the family decides upon the papers he will subscribe for this is a matter of ycry great importance i and as the amount thus to be invested is usually limited eot a iilue thought muit bo exercised if a wiie choice is to be made kext to tbe local paper for no public spfn ted cilixen will fail to support oceor ether of v home papers the journal which iffordi the- beat aifle for the money iuthis country isgnp oar national hcmorouijonrcal its weekly vieiu freighted as ii alwaysa with freah bright ind cleanly fon cf jpwd pencil ire eveuls of the most pleawrablc descrip tion in canadian homes from the atlan tic to the pacific grip is hailed with delight by the children is well is their elders and for all it is a source of profitable iuetruction and healthat laughter tbe splendid suc cess of grip which is i now in its thirly- sirlh volume is a credit to canada for in the opinion of cood judges so tar as pith and point are concerned it stands in the front rink of the worlds comic journalism it only costa 2 per year ind it pitronagc were alwiys gnnlefi iu accordance with merit itvonld be in every canadian house hold without exception parents who wish their grpwiug boyf and girls to be influenced in i right way should not overlook this powetfal agency a distinguished kasonic visitor grand master john ross robertson of toronto has accepted an invitation to visit walker lodge no 321 af am gr ci acton on monday evening 19th inst he wit deliver his lecture on masonry ib the lodflcrootn thebrethren are to be congratulated upon the honor of a viaitof a gentlemen so high np in the craft as result they will no doubt be inbpiredlo greater zeal in the interests of the order eere comirvgakd going rev and mrs rae visited friends- hi toronto evec sandaj mr w broley cf toronto ysitod friends here this week miss katie ryan of georgetown visited acton friends last week the misses ahern of toronto are paying a visit to their old home miss edith storey left last week on a visit to friends in belleville irr simon frawley of meadowvare spent sunday with acton friends miss minnie lamb of- toroutq visited friends in acton andviciniiy las week col kerns mpp favored the feei ptiia with a pleasant caulast saturday mr walter ramsey of guelph colle giate institute visited friends here on sat nrday mr and mrs john matthews spent about a week with friends iu the scotch block mr j brown- of toronto medcal coliegei was lhe oest of dr ureu over sunday mr robt lawaon is home from harris- ton speading a few days prior to leaving for cheyenne mr j lowryyof kiliarueyman spent a fow days ddring tbe week with his frieudu f he left on monday for toroototoputio a term at knox college mr and mrs john nicolsou of marlatte mich have been spending a few weeks with friends in acton and vicinity since mr kicolson eft acton with his newly- wedded bride about thirteen years ago he has resided at marlatte and has abundant ly prospered they will return home hortly a s750 cottage or its equivalent in cash will be given to the person detectin cue greatest number of errors words wrongly spelled or mis placed ia the december issue of our tfcirta in additioaiwill be given two cash prizes of 200 each four of slooeight of 50i ten of 25 twenty fire of 10 fifty of 5 one hundred of si and one huudred and fifty of il distributed in the order mentioned in roles and regulation which will be setit with a copy of december issue on receipt of 15 cents in stamps special cash prizes riven away almost every day dariue competition which closes february 1st iw1 address 0r ifuwe publishing co brockville canada children cry for pkajjiers csttorla whan dabjr u tick w em ha caitoria when ahnru a clilld abe trlnltor caatorti i whan io xetiw ulaa ahoclunj to oaatorta i whao abehad chudirt aba cato thorn oaatoriaj j 1 munlmll mu8udf llls dtnlfit will ibo at llie clarai hotel ovorjr frijay hfkoiaj altaiuioil to tho prewrvttion o ihonatoralteetli hlihoat cradei of artificial troth perfect dtrair- antoed rollicking rousfhg rush j of business kvvckb nv ocr grand winter clearing sale slnco the commencement of our grand winter clearing sale the store each day has presented an appearance ai if a whirlwind had struck tt there has been a perfect cyclone of business crowds of people thronged the place j and the great piles of goods are being scattered in all directions its yours friends to tako advantage of this one grand winter bargain offering seethe coodi your frieuds and neighbors have j bought and then ask yourself whether yoa tan afford to lot this opportunity ilip by remember the whole bf oar great slock every department on tha six floors is offered at clearing sale prices not simply a few culls picked oat here and there to give an appear- ince but right through staple and fancy goods cloths and clothing mil linery mantles and fan carpels cur tains uncus and house furnishings all go to the lively tune of clearing sale music oar big winter isle is tbe talk of the town and tbe country custom- eri are delighted because the bargains i we giro are better eveu than we adver t lise competitors are growling because bollert d co have broken out again some have eveu tried a feeble attempt of imitating on a email scale but all to no use it cant be helped our grand winter safe is sweeping all before it what cant be cared mast be endarei in the meantime people are pleased with the bargains they get and we arc pleased with the accompli hment of our parpoe viz the redaction and j conversion of our stock into money it is useless here to particularize our large bills give specific details you mutt come and see goods are piled up- iaug up and displayed all over the home all marked in plaiu fibres with former aud present prices so come and look through well giieiou h the altculion that our increased staff of bauds cm offer re lejured that we arc not sticking on prices 1 1 is not a question so mach what did this pilaj cost but what shall we mii them for to make them go out with a rush we are not playing a clearing sale we treat it iu earneat kor oan we guarantee this grand sacrifice offering to last loug iu fact by tbe way the goods are going we fhall not be more than half as long ia gaining our point as wc had expected at first it be hoves yoa to come early please allow a suggest ton all this week is mantle aud fur week particulirlv now if you want anything in this hn just take a look roand the trade post yourselfw to the very lowest you can buy a clath or fur mantle or anything in thefer line for and then come to us and wrt will try and do better foe you try this ind see if wc dont atpsolutelyno credit e r bollert co 25 27 lower wyndham st grxjelpit purify rspefial mrvieei are io progreu injab- liu bt methodiiit ohurob gudh 11 5vffi 1 r a nelson wants to see you for he ljas what will suit you ijr drv goods boots shoes and groceries a tri4l soli0ited only fqrgo but ifs a pionio wile it lasts bread cakes -and- confectionery w l wordehjr has roiaovol his bakery aud confectionery btoro to the aliop next williams boot aud bhoa store where he alwsyi hwagood itockof bread cakes buns and confectionery wedding cakes a specialty this the placr f0u chndi9s make tour purchase here i w l wordzn jr frank burce88 house painter paper hanger sign writer etc is iirtmiari to execute orders in aiir of tha above fines in the best manner andatruaionabia terms every job baring tuy jiersoual attention i can assure cuxtoincra complete utiifactiou graiaing lu ali woods a inxifty j orders left at wr rteidenco uaiu 6t actoc will receive prouiit attoutiou new years beef ashley lane arc tmaiag for oac of tiie most tempting chriitaitu dispiaji ever ioea iaactoa aad tor the tolidar will have a hue stock of i meats fowls sudi as will gatticn the hearts of all customers lear jtur chnstuias orders early ashley lake choice t furs south sea seal ofcter caps beaver caps persian lamb caps ottter beaver and persian lamb collars and cuffs ah our furs are no i selected notwithstanding the great rise inrprice of all furs our prices havenot i advanced as we bought long before the advance took place shaw crundy l merchant tailors guelph grand stocktaking sale started on saturday jany lotti and will continnc until the ist february the lines we slaughter are millinery purs dress goods i and oollens by slaughtering we mean cutting prices some lines will be offered at half regular price and others at cost ftjrq regular 1kice cut prioe astrachan jackets 35 00 astrachan jackets 28 00 2806 23 56 finest beaver storm collar ifmufp 2500 19 50 beaver capes with collar 1 g 60 7 95 persian lamb caps 9 00 6 95 do do 6 50 425 do do 4 50 425 beaver caps 4 25 2 95 dress goods robes robes robes robes robes i ii oo 700 10 00 6 jo s 00 95 650 3 4 50 4 5- 3 50 single width goods 45 to 35 35 to 25 25 to 18 18 to i2i 12j to 10 double width goods 100 to 75c 75 to 55 65 to 44 48 to a 30 to 20 i it3 wl c millinery halfthe price with you must co this is a great chance r b jermyn 1 j ii a few big cuts for the new year 189 i r i h the iinporuiicc ol a iurc coadilion is unirenfcill- known and jetuiere are ver iutc pertecojpure blood tlio taint ai scrotals salt rlicam or oilier oul linmor ij iiercditcd and truijinatcd for gtneratlons causnf untold nirerjiisoid ire also accnnralati poison aadcnits o dis ease from uie lr to lireatlilf 0 ire eat or if ft 1 1 1 j we drlolc w i if 1 1 t nothing i illll m0ic ra clifslrelr i uui proven than the positive rower of koods sarsaparllla over all dtscajes of u10 blood tills medicine rten fairl wed does cnl evcrj- trace of scrofula or salt rbemn removes tie taint which cause calarrb neutralizes tlie acidity and cures rhenmatism drives oat tbe fcmu of malaria blood pol- aonlng etc it also vitalizes and en- riches tlie blood tlius ioveroonuus uiat tired feeilub and building up u10 whole system thousands testjf y to tho superiority of hoods baraaparnhi it a lilooj partner full infor mation and statements of cures tent free holds sarsaparilla bohbyalldnwuu flfiibrs fttpareaonlr loc i i10od t co apdtbecaries lowell 160 dosefl one dollar umacmljlar nrnim how xi id oet if x had ose two or three dollars for- a i horse blanket will save double its cost your horse will eat less to keep warm and be worth fifty dollars more you can get these superior blankets at i j h wkhrthews at about the price- of commonblankets sermons grebtings behold u big line of 15 cent dress goods or 5 cents big liue of 25 cent dress goods fur 12jcent8 big line rf 40 and 50 cent dress goods for 25 ceiits big line of knitted wool goods at haltprico- fur boas at ualf price fur capes at halt price fancy flannels at 25 ccn reduced to 124 cents mens ovetcoats worth 6000 for400 pea jackets worth 700 for go00 db drivifiginsfcr woitl 1000 for 8q50 grand line of underwear 100 fo bo cleared at 50c 125 topsliirt for 75 ceul w j i- j d williamson c co 5 and 7 wyndham stguelpn 84 oswald st glasgow we are offering great uargaius iin ladies aud gentlemens furs of ail kinds new silk handkerchiefs lathes and ueiiu gloves iii kid and wnol t see oor iah drie in double fold dress coods at 26 cents it is tbo best thini for tlie money in town we are sellinr a nice overcoat as low aa fss0 that one mnally aold ft 00 and also better onea at cloae priceo be aore end aee dor i- ifens fino aud heavy ukiderweartu low as 35c each t t l for thaold weather we are aelllng mens feltboots over shoes a bottom prices ladies overgboet nndrubheiginlall the bestmapb alarreatooklofrreohgrooerieianilt to hand aoltablii for the holiday eeaiod hemember that onr pribm are always away down i i hehcjerson cr vpf the oldest drug store 8tc stand lamps piano lamps 1 i faliy tamps burners shades kmifk hxrl iimmi smiths drug store we have a very choicassortment of glassware iq fruit and flowers j- come and see our stock best cadiaand american copl oil at lowest prices- w ttshltjlifcco cor wyudliam macdvuald slii i gu0lph jalasessisrwa iiasilbbrvi3r35w k l