Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1891, p. 8

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ks t foung jmki ioueuykliut la lost like silk jotibbsyxja ft last uk milk fehiqiy ftlbuijt dov johnny low comer standi w johnny tiitt itii thumb fotnitgr dottblotqji bis handi ly jobpnytteni jotmnyrttooki am verj- lilac jhmiy wood is bot jofconj- wr lib brcaaftst bck jtiinfijo qoccibott jotiqdyhmtt fops pftapct johnny nunc u tad jolttinr doe not tare for thtv- johnnr vtuad tobuntl calf uitiw jcrt eld j4uiiiirttktroafel joannr ibowd touy im told jobacj- ittue toogutv jotlnq ute dottl lohonj- lomvl johnny bttuiwx qtiiw r john oft brandm tittf ctw her last difihu pfpc m no rbs hbre and there karris or oanarl intaratt to fr pram ttotiiart li uln their thadt roow b wall tor talkative jpeopu to ot tlit trora and profit by example to to kep torn thins vx on live unfiml prosper id l loo may live looker u yoctreootf otst only imperial cream tartar baking pow der auwayt reliable purest and best catarrh i in the haul it a contutotioigti duetto tad requires a eonttitntional remedy like hoods sarseriarilla which parises the blood- wakea tin weak strong l restores health try it now le key stone regular action ol the bowels i the key stoneof health the nse ol bb3 in- ores and j carta constipation dnpepaia i mm f williams uo bloor street tor onto writes have used your burdock blood bitten lor constipation and pain in the head with great jtaooess i improved from ihe seconj doee j keep off lie claps wet wintry weather causes chapped haicu tore throat croup colds pain in the chest twellingt etc for which a certain care exists in hajrytrds yellow ouvthe heat pain expeller for internal or external use keep jit on hand in of emergen ciea every bottfe is a little giant in enratrre power weak eyes and inflamed lids indicate an irnpore condition of the blood the beat reniedyis ayecvsarsiparilla it vitalizes the blood regulates the secretions and ex pels all scrofulous hnmors from the system try it price 1 worth fo a bottle 1 cash friz tlie proprietor of boniockblood bitter will gin a prixe of fire dollars for the cleverest sod best essay not to exceed 100 words opon the merits of bb3 aa a enre for disease the eompetitioa will close 1st jan 1s31 after which the sncceasrnl essay will be poblhed iith the anthort name if desired i they will also pay ft each for any of the essays they may select and pub lish nq restrictions try yoor skill and addres t mjuns 4 co toronto ont is there anything more annoying thaa haying yoor corn stepped npon is there anylhing more delightfnl than getting rid of it hbupways corn cere will do it try it and be convinced ujhedjeaj hints the qnickest shrest and best remedy for rhenmaiism neuralgia lnmbago sore throat sorens and lameness is hag yards yellow ofl- it quickly cores sprains bnnsea bama frostbites clulhlains etc far crotrp colds qnmsey etc take 10 to 30 drops on sogar and apply the oil exter nally also when immediate relief will re sult s chidwick of arcadia wayne co writes i have had aerere attacks of asthma for several years t commenced raking dr thomas edeetric 00 the first hose relieved me in one hoar i coo tinned taking it in- feaspoonfal doses for jl few days and have not had an attack of ft since how nearly one year t ea the wormt by uiinu the ule and and reliable iiithelmintlo kreemsiii won powders worr la said to kill more peopla thati work but litiness kills more than worry and besldea li it tin meanest kmdot death to alt victoria carbolic stive it a great aid to internal aedieine in the trealmeul otecro- faloosaoags and absceaset of all kiodt when a bee is hamming aboat yoa ou a ahar key lit meant mischief and yoa thoafii jail make a bee fltt o with any ll log handy mil burns beef iron and wine is pre- parte from iretlr beet soluble iron and part sherry wine oonibined with choice arom itict it snatt hot be supposed tha the giraffe and t le boa coostriotor are cheap creatures to boi rd because a little food poei such long way with them rest and comfort to the sunerinr browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cores pain in the tide back or boweltvsore throat rhenmatiam tooth ache lumbago and any kind of pain or aehrjrt will most surely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful brownt household pan- aoea being acknowledged u the great pain reliever and of doable the strength of any other elixir or ianiment in the worfdv should be in every family handy for ate when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomadi and pains and aches of all kinds and it for sale by all druggists at i cents a bottle mrs homespan on hearing somebody remark upon the hauling ia too english preserves exclaimed thats just what oar little johnny does in my preserves 1 there ii do better remedy tor worm ol my kind in children or idalu ihiu dr t will yoa tell me asked an old gentle man of a lady wbat mrs s maiden name was why her maiden aim wsa t get married of coarse exclaimed the lady i lady ccrujuius4co gisrsmy horse wta so afflicted with distemper that he could not drink for four days ai refused all food simply apply ing hinabd6 ukimekt outwardly cured lira i feh 1837 cxrr hnrrrtt ckict c cfacaiais ico h get x i have- mod your wtv likd ekt for bronchitis and aathma and it is cored me i believe it the beat lotf pe l has a lrrnorrox acu pril charged withthrowing dirt in a man i eyes said be was merely trying to enltira e the complamts sight that is not a f xthe eye sir fertilizer ban xk pillicore nckheadache by re golaxin r the stomach liver nd bowels stndent what proof is ibere that nature ihhora a vacuum t frofeasorsfter deep re lection the presence of tommy fools in the world bather than have ttcuuirj nature filled up with them mr l b mceinnon painter mount albert sayr last summer my system got tmr regnaled with the lead and turpen tine use i in painting mybcdy waa cover ed with scarlet spots as large sa a 2o cent piece i nd i was in such a slate that i could i carcely walk i got a bottle of jtorthrc 3 lymans vegetable discovery and at c nee commenced faking if in large dotes i nd before onehalf the bottle was used the re waa not a spot to be seen i never felt better in my life a pap x published in southern illinois ead these unex 5rto2bottiesoib bb will care head ache mo2 bottles of b3b wul core bihots- nest 1 to i bottles l b b b will care con- stipatiou lioi boulesof b33 will core dyspep sia- i to 0 bouiesot bl b will cure bid blood v i 1 to c bottles of b ij li will ctfre scrtf- in any esifc relief will be had from the first few doses ve havent had any rain for forty forty night the ohio is so loy t have to carry sprinklers to lay yun cant set too if ueh says daysanc that boa the dasi to inligorate botci tne body and the brain as ilhe reliable tonic milbarne aro matic qt inihe wine teach oar uftk onesfhnt the iifte boy la rags b s heartfa spite of rags if yoa vaht to boy orsell a farm ad rertise in the toronto ifa3fy mau that paper niches 100000 farmers homes every w fc and yoor advertisement should meet the rye of someone who wants to pur chase a iverfisemenai of thisclaas axe in serted in he toronto iteecfy jfaif for five cents a w ord each iuaortion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the maitltoronto canada for infantt and ohhdren castoflauto well aasftodloohlldrtii that i irecommeajuueurrwtoaiiyrsorlr41oei i known to ma b k aacatsvu d i lllcwordsisturah omtorla enrttootlo oosaupauoo gour buomachihantoaa swaatloo iu1u wordatslttsaiiep asdpnxaottt ffl- wllhoutmjurtoutmeojoatlon ttt otnaot oonjua 7t murray btrtet k t m the third page of tbertoronto dollf iai is noted for want advertisements ifyouijlntto buy or sell anything if you wail a situation a moohtnio a buti nest machinery lodgings if you have lost or onnd anything or il youwani to find not where tnyone is advertise in the to ronto doily hail and road the advertlatv mention the third page of that paper the ohargeua tffo centt a word each in sertion address tie hail toronto can ada a fact worth knothnff is that blood dis eases trhlcli all other rcmodios fail to can yield to ayors tiarsaparulau fresh confirma tion of this fluto uicnt comes to j handdaily ereu such decpscatod and itubborn com plaints as rheu matism rheuma tic pout and liio hkc aro thorough ly eradicated by the use of this won derful alterative mm it irvtiir iiodsc 110 west 125tu direct kevr vork ccnifles aboot two years ajo after saitlriiij for nearly ro yea from rhcumatia pout bein able lo walk oulv with prcat ilboninfcrt and lavlnjricl torious rctflcdu itidiuli mineral waters ffithita relief l mav by an alvcrtie- incnt in a cu ui tikrtht a uua had itecn nikvcd cf tlitt distrcssiug com- ptalut after lonff sutterinj by laklug ayers sarsaparilla i the lcclded to make a trial of hit modfaacand took ft ryilily fjr cighl iiwntlis i am preost4 tj sar iliat it ecccted a coin- plciccarcnif l tlatl iive since had no return of the ttiwc mrs u a sark kashoa k h trriies ouc year ao i was taken 111 rith rhcamatim utiug- confined to my hoose six moaihs i cue out of tho tidms very li3i debilitated with no appetite and uiy system disordered fa every way i couitucnccd to ilw ayers sarsafurill1 niil bupia ta improve at ccr piiaii i- rtrunth and soon rc- cqvttii it i rnl health i cannot say ti vzri ufrsijo cf this wellkuawn i icitc ilai z fn deal of medi- cc ut iuii hzs done me so liuh jo1 ayers sarsireiiilla i fch it uiifictiit euccts before i hod csiie- ituisied oa boctlc iaad i can fnxlv tesi if v llxst il u uic best llood- modicin- e know 1 t lwward gr woodliad texas- j ayers sarsaparilla fkztxaxd bt dr j c ayer it co lowell matt price til umltts vtanii i i fouls kothing so suddenly obstracts the pres- piration as sudden trtnsiutions from heat jrcold heatrarifiet the 61ood quickens the circulation and increases the prespir- elion bat when these are saddenly checked the consequences mast be bad the most common cause of disease is obstructed pres- piralion or what commoaly goes by the name of catching cold cooghr colds sore throat etc if attended to in time are euily subdued but if allowed to run their own course generally prove the forerunner of more dangerous diseases ninetenths of the consumptives dale their affliction from a neglected cold and the diseases caused by wet feet damp clothes or expos ure are more generally supposed one of the moit efneaciora medicines foe all dis eases of the throat and longs it bicklea anticonsampation 6yrup it promotes a free and easy expectoration which frees the i ungs from viscid phlegm by changing the secretions from a diseased to a healthy stale coai c an oldphyilotaojrretired from practice aving had placed in hit litndt vy an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy or he speedy tod per maneut cure of consumption bronohltls catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affcctlous also a positive and radical cure after having tested its wonderful ouratlve powers in thousand of oasts bat felt it bit duty to make il known to hit suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will tend tree of charge to all who dealrelt this recipe in german french or english with fall directions for preparing and using sent by mall by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a notts 820 powers block rochester k y i winer gfcdods at the lugiit hojiise i ohekltlt and other makes of cartalnt down from 116 lf 10 from 11350 to 5 from 17 omj- j ladles msutlet frt m mw to 1060 fnim10 tow k from 119 ij mantis olosht f rom j9 to 1160 from 1560 to ii m from 1160 to si from flu to is from i85s to 1150 boys astraohan ii to tfoltdlmlb from 1160 to hi from 1135 toll from bvwouo ajmistwirvj yij fa taia 00 bonmt blbbdnt from 80a ta 60a j from 65a ttjoo from 50a to s6e from 45a lo 85o from a tc jj j from mo to uja heni wool unasrshlrts from so to 60a chlldreni do from o as fsm 40nil to bed comfortert from ii to is from i 3jsr to 176 tf from 5a to soal bilk platl et from 13 to 1105 from 1176 toltlf tna 1105 o mj f ij soa im goo to 46o ltft oioudtfrom 16 to 1135 from 13 to 76a roo 1 1160 to 7a ffo lt vjljtz 811k pluhss from i1j0 lo 76a brocaded silkplnsbss from 60 to 1176 striped v1mb from too to ttt from 1186 lo 75o from i 85 to 60a and ii to 60o feaftotrimmidj from 40o tt a j and 11 lo 6o beaver usli from 1160 to 60o birdt frot h85 to 90a from ii to 75a ltoa fancy wings from 75o to 90a from 60a to 85a from 16a to jho and s6p k i 10a all fvph to le88 than half ppices bemnant8 of bbu88el cabpet8 powh f grand oomoaasr bscrta timbiiitss1 rsssenier li u am i ktirss tnrouh etpo op pm 1 mtfl jsoeoa 10 otpuyaei oolnwestroajnna6j nsjffi oetnj eesl103ijbl and 5 vejui t- this time labia w4ftisto effect witsl iso listed u tho brokers say a i 100 dotes one dollar hoods sarsaparilla is alwtyt a fair equivalent for the price national pills are a mild purgative acting on the stomach liver and bowels removing all obstructions mrt h hall narvarii n y writes for years i have been troubled with liver complaiuf the doctors said my liver was hardened and enlarged i wrj troubled with dixzinett pain in my shoulder ooo- stipition tnd gradually losing flesh all the lime i wa under the care of three phys- ideas bul did not get any relief a friend sent mp a bottle of northrop dr lymans vegetable discovery and the benefit i have received from it it far beyond my expect ation i eel better uow than i have done for vetts lawyer have you got a verbal con tract with him l lal indadc i have but i didnt bring it wid me for the razon that i didnt belavc its wurth the paper its written on ilobertgeowalts mjl mdmbc 6 of albion house quadrant boad can onbury n london fng writes i can not refrain from testifying to the efficacy of st jacobs oil in cases of chronic rheu matism sciatica and neuralgia piqket wire fencing oasts from 60 cent per rod 16i feet up parlho firm or girdec there u ao fence 10 durable uid luting sen jodiif svtrhi order indweimnre na utif fictioniriubcuifl reiuil discount ta the tnvte price liili ud riruca- inoatiipiicatien adareu j m dooley co cueldh opt doei eiierlencecoaat ot a good thtng this im eminently tha cisewitii poisons nervilfne the great pain care it is honest remedy for it contains roost powerful the porest the most certain psin sabdoing remedies jcnotfnto medical science it is honest for it does all it claims to do it it honest because it is the best in the world it only costs 2o cents lotrjrit and yon can bay a bottle at any dmg btore j xerriline cores toothache neoralgia pain in the backr and side all pains are promptly relieved by poisons xeniline its a wprt a lffaiui i mjnisfer lookias into the box after the collect on remarked aleiander the wppenani n it evidently present vet responded mother some of the sect of the kicoih itans also it does in every line of business and especially in componndiag and preparing medicines this is ill nitrated iu the great snperiority of hoods sarsparilla over other prepirarioas as shotn by the re markable cares it has accomplished the head of thefirm cf c ihood co isa thoroughly competent and experi enced pharmacist harioff devoted the whole of his life to the study and actual preparation of medicines lie is also member of tho itasschqsettfl and ameri can pharmaceutical association and con tinues actively dwoted to supervising the preparation of and mankinc the basinets connected with hoods ssrsaparilla hence the superiority aud peculiar merit of hoods sarsapirilla is boil npdn the most substantial foundation- in its pre paration there is repeeseofed all the know ledge which raodera research in medical science has developed onmbtoed with long experience bainwork and experiment it is oniyneceaaary to jive this medicine a fair trial torcaliie its great carative vaiqe machiue and bepaii shop crindell dickie80n sate ihetr new steam machine shop new in full running onjer and tre prcnarod to do all kinds of repairs to macmnery bouera agrionltural implements etc steam or water pipe pitting 3u the thortast jiowiole notice retiairs kept in stock for all llie leading makec of acrlcultoral macbines- we have both iron ind oodorkhi inichln- irybsve bad loop experience la the basiacss jid can cuarantee satikiacon in all ordevs en- rustedlotii binder bepairlng a specialty orindelt ft dickresok from 70o to 60a fi ma from 10a to from 860 to 00a fi 00a to 660 fti 36o mulnr ry 1 hats from 1160 60oifrom83o b1illinery dtirtvrs iu uzob 4 oss usm rpiulo mnnianidve nubojrw ztiil i ark i to 90o brussels bobdebs fbom 1180 u 75e bemoirau of- tapestry carpeulowb from 6ato 75a fw wj 00a tapestry bosdtnlrom 90o to 00ofrom 70cj to 6o0 magolfloeot chenulo curtains down from 130 to l gp jypx from w75to kmlfrom 110 to 0 the hod8efdbnino goods have had an enohmotjb sam tbi 8 ak- 58 packages of new goods arbived the last two weeks con8i6tingof 5 cases oapfjf er8 whloh will last so yean and save the worth otthemtelves fn oarpeu svery year4 10 cases wuto oottont 3 cast throsd 80 casts oonulnlng sheetings pill6 bottom cottonados denimt twklogt airning strlpot cboef oou skirtlogi flanntlettes wigan ladlet vetu fihirtingi canton flaodelt in bleached dnbiotobod and flannels sto 1 oaae elder down flannel 1 case pins 1 case brats window furnlswngtljj ootjotr warp 10 bales bass and j bales grey cottons please enter the stores onlyone dooe king and hugbson 8tbeets low furnishings 3 bales oottoir warp 10 bjjjs bats west of hughbon street 0obnebof himlltonjtn 8th 1891 nbv thomas q twatki2sts 1 gtoolds j nsrdbby goods r ohieip j c3rooid ordepod clothing departments for tha fail ad winta- txadtj irebavo now in ud the fiumt nvafeo suitings youctoxiiid four eyes ou overcoatings and pantings wtiauvtjr jou want fa clolhnj il will pay you to eoiua tons as prices sreruihtflt rtt and ityle right gents furrtishings kcw bbiru collars cadi ties and vurlunrcar iu abundance ready- made clothing iu sicui youths boj f aid cbiidrcus suiu aad ovprcoau wt have a very large itock at very lowjtriees kelly bros acton oil btrcct acton sear harvey uill l jtr i ufof nad bf jolra 8 ttr tsuj- m uulr b-o- k trsil na lewrh j-su-tlj- utr irii ftvjta j ta fits djvil urfrfjtsul su-wi- tsjonp ml lltkttii atvrif ptraitlti- i j crvnltjksuf otie dollar for 50 cts c b ryan cos half pi4loe sale tables asfast as por opponents copy otir vzy of doing busi ness we originate something new the latest is our half j price sale tables jwhich will without doubt very much in- terest the ladies fdrihe next number of days we start today by setting aside several of our large tables down the centre of the store on these tables will be placed many liaes offered will be about two thousand yards of dress goods come and see the striog of bargains from one end of the star to the other j j 1 the sale will continue untileverything has been dis- f posed of remember tb0e pl4ce g b fevmn 5 co our buyer mr jeffrey sailed on saturday for the old country we are fhe only dry goods house in guelph sending abuyer to europe for spring wi remedj- forcalarrli b the j iteeaxlerttbraadcbtatwst catarrh bold by drocstsu cr ii bj- null st i e t nal wrrcn ta v fl a fc 6ain dis ases are most annoying becaose so noticea lie dr lows sulphur soap heals and teinses the skin a fashin jsble lady in boasting of her new pais ial residence said the windows were all n stained glass thats foo bad exclaimed her oidfashioned grand mother rat wont soap and turpentine use the tu iut out v rheumatism neuralgia sciatica lumfaa backache headache toothache irjlorti throat frost fijtte sprains brui8e said i and dealers e caatdlaaj toronto pni aonce 7t unxnixs are yoo distorbed at night am broken of your restby a sick child suffer ng and crying with he pain of cutting tet th if so send at once and get a bottle o mrt wintlowt soothing byrnp for children teething its value ft incalcula jle it will relieve the poor little sufferi r immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake aboot it it cores dy mtery and diarrhoea regulates the stomael and bowelscoret wind cohc softens the 3oms reduce inflammation and givea txi is and energy to the whole tyttera jlrswilialowisoothiiigsyrnp for children witting is pleasant to the taste and is the pi escription of one of the oldest and best fen ale phytlciant tnd nurses in tho united states and it for tale by all druggitu tirooghout the world price twentyfive euts a bottle be tore and ask for hoi wrxsuiws booruura smor aad take no itber kind a neglected cough brings on oonsomption the most fatl and prevalent of all phys ical ills thst flesh is heir to to check the malady in its early stage before tho deadly tubercles develop themselves iu the lung use dr thomas ecleciric oil which aso annihilates bronchitis asthma catarrh piles kidney troubles and soreness of the muscles and joints hlnams unfmeat for sale everywhere iriemror of germany is a photo grapher like tbe princess of wales i murals ui laarat rr ule rvrrjwtjrre ten pounds is two weeks think of it a nah prodncorthere can bo o taostun pat that scotts emulsion many have of pure pod llrer oh aad of lime and ttofefcs b yttotjt cpmsumptlon tcmrjiu bpichmjcooah o ma 1 1 ml i wr i-iir- w n f nfllllll ff h tf mtouirr mio4 la thir i if iii 1 arwillnlrtbitwtttlrt7firta87- i is i ooc na du tt wfc tuj- u em- v fkniihvttttihlortvrtiirt joe v riai vo n drtti j iriptir tnobhaff trrall fnnr lime 10 itte ort tw l ib it- rfaotri iir nrntni rvta iu la mitmk tad epordf n i iiwtiatrsiliiij t j it cm- mtt ioiwrtt h lhi taleico ahjib7a ansa tsult called thx greatest l ht lately otsrautecd is cliskl or mousy nfasded fatephlets testimonials etc f5s r bioin nicnode sauta co lil li king- st w toronto ont loie afannfacturen for the dominion sir kware of impositions 6te our tradomarfc 111 canadian pinters head i can furnish you with the best presses country and at lower prices for country news and job work to be hairi han for any other new cylinder press 1 covie to hcton knd see our improved country proiity press ktt work atqr hnl ton obm airr srtni mtit u wort f at by auui fifr aortia fttru jmt jto ifaititi towtlo ikla- v na mbm rrdurti wll why 7m1 faarcrara otrrfsoo0a till vtw rn do fat notk and lira ton lwrtrtrbn kteau fttmrnrr nn mlj nnior fnn ft is sjifuritpt nvtuvmkn tat ifttn yoa tan work in tiartr linn tx ill lb lira il nmiiryilrt-tiori- aaaaarssssbbi tj ohknoirrj tmostf thru 7 7 hi lw rtnimurt ftw ueiuk coilox hno farttuud1alu9 hacvards yellowoili ures rheumatism fbeemahs tlrbbk powders aitjiteatonttouta contain tnrircma fi rilfvo ii a safe sum uid ebeciiat 0v trenre worst la chiwienoraouli vhe ubgest scate jn canada ovr 00 sfyles hay 8caus gfain scales jfarm sffaus tea scaler ikflhoreoshowcm aw bbtcmei aooassa vulc c wilsof 6 0 ettputnape j iicaska oils taper e- err i s3000 tt east ontcroht too tpflft 1 a vrllt i vrjk lts ii ww ttwfia ihriraw tralisrhrrrfttt 1wi lsi tv j yf w iwrallitn htrfttt swt brtyjjtsi rkarrklafamit at- ihin but ttorkir hv r4f umfus sri j srvl sjghafarr wfc rw tattrlbt orr tm homifrktil piillrtl c allea tki 4 aatmcl hajaatat j 4 dulms pow er thecooicsbistfriend a new from cover 3r ook to cover yxoptu ty of tkortrttel irmtmykj las atbstiav tk jsaso of- tional dietioaajt editorial work i kas bwes in aotivpr tms toara not less t dni paid dio been riragadtip prwnantlob bexore wraa prisstesu critieal oottpoxisoi btstabjctatit dfartloausr oot g ft c jtekriaji a co publlikcta ift springfield haic a f sold kyloll itookklltc hlc rsled wmphlrtftt 0 burdock regulates the j stomach ilver ondbowt b unlocka thesecretonsl jurlfleatrie ibiood and jefnc ires all ipt purities from a hplmptejti thcworst serofi loussoce blood -5- curi dvspepsia bl constipation s4lt rheum hetburn s6j d2imess shelvatisw si iousness iache rofula rstomao fiopsy m diseases bittkrs the free press isprinted on the aliove press and the work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press we have ran tho proiity for eight years and the longer euy to handle oosts little for repairs and is easy on tho pri i oday for the money come and see oar frets at work if them we oan give yoa your oboloe of aarnben of jifferem think of it 1 ja new- 8 col foho or col otf an 8 col book press can do better newspaper or poster work we run it the better wo like it it is simple et ly to ran euy 00 tyw iter s pocket book we call it the best pro to bo had iu the worlrf yoo desire samples ot work send for then an 1 we will gladly fnrniah sizes and styles ot presses at all prioes col qtojpower press for only 6oo to 700 tor 800 full particulars frorr 1 hfvmq0rp sii jtlm hirsts pain exterminator wl fosrnvqypre ouimr pills ii tipi-iet- bw0aa4awttw v joroxttj suiiiercwip agent for canada acton 0mt wsess ij- pw tim

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