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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1891, p. 2

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piplifpiifm i88i 33 ibb ssiv i- i r wv af w- ili boxx btnmtnoi starch leth la iturtiottrn tht at mtaiim oi i twj bnratvtjs kctoa oo um isth kirch the wife of atonjt brnds jenifer of tdsogiiter itawktil tn xjastwtaoq thebnd itaicb enwlrsorafrjsba marshall ptedastitr ma rsi ep wclrobufirviutt ai th hanseactoo on the ui umb b rev j w rae aatttm by htv m l lsateh mr welter ucunjalln to alar human stotv til of nasaagmra dted lura tlbfcltteresmeoc mtiakircet aclan on ratrt tnorntns tut uirth vstrlek lamb aged n ysart tft ctoit jfm flrcss tndbsdat mlticit so 1831 1 1 prohibition at the election l notes and comments th cudian ijium o boiotiu at faction hu bote idop ted mote oc tm cxnpletelv by tventyoo utet of ihe ftdjotuiafimioa la all cvt it bu fiivea euui satisfaction md it h expected uitvtt wjm lone u he rtraiiuitu lutw will liopt ibit rtform seventeen eiecuoni hive taken pltoa an lee the local prohibttiou law pted lit th last wesioa oi ui legislature tad ia fteea of utem majority of tht elector bfcve voted for prohibition id most of thatc pucet howtter very w oc no li- j cease hid pretibuslj been iuaed within three year said one of sir john macdonaldt iapporteri today mr dalton mccarthy will be the leader of the cootetrauve party and mr uccixthyi poucruutoftlieparty after his uperieaoe in xorth stmcoe uccvxuiy feelt confident thai oatano wiuiupport him ottawa fm pit the occupations of uie renresenulirei in the pronnctal parliament may be interest- ins- here art the uur farmers s6 merchant 15 lawyers is docwrt u printer g lambennen 5 miller z stone quartsrmea 2 contractors 3 cheeaemen drow i carriage bailder l baker l auctioneer i tanner l hx grippe appears to be more than an ordinary passing epidemic ai iu frequent recurrence and re appearance denote iu teverity in the west at present ray be judged by the fact that the south dakota legislature had to adjourn becaaae twenty- fire of iu nwmbers were prostrated by the disease and two vere dead bylutatxountt the diert hid reached chicago on iu way euttard where it u reported as having avorned an epidemic character some one with a love of sututicx who hu been digging ia the aaditorgenenii l report finds lbs the twelve mem ben of the government cost the country daring the past fiksi year r3i9fcul for aajaries cah hire snd trstelliog expenses ai the csiaries amoactedto eu0o0 the irui poration of the ministers east abont 7000 bat even three ministers are net eqaal to one high commissioner in the milter of expense- we spent nesify 2g000 opoa onr representative to eauud last jrtr it it estimated that th houst now contains mor prohibitionist membfn that btfore thftroj tmphrfy- tbielecuoni are over and the parlies are bnsy ootinting noses the prohibitionists are in this oooht they were uot in good ftghtih trim for the contcet their organisation wis little better than no organisation at ajl for political parposcs thoydida littlo guerilla fighting hott aud they mast have surprised thmiklvcs with the result notwithstanding the larik of organisation lock of plan lack of leadership prohibition ists asserted themselves in this election u never before in the history of canada the leaven ii certainly working and the inde pendence manifested means a dead break with the old parlies sooner or later if the question is not made a direct issue in almost every oootutucucy whore a member who voted against prohibition sooght re election he found that ho was deserted by a number of party friends who either re fused to vote or voted for hit onpouout so far as ontario is couoeruedwo have kept the matter well ia hand and are able to give our readers a pretty relisue report of the results we have trusted to friends in other lirovinoos to work them up bat we are not yet ia j receipt of details the classifioatioa which we make is as a rule based upon direct corrcspoudcnce with the candidates but iu a few cuscsjvc have de pended upon the advice of fncuds hero is a trial division list of the ontario members for prohibition allen allison beith bornham brown barrod bain cameron charlton cartwright coalsworth dand- son edgar edwards fairbairn grieves german kynian hargrafl henderson lu- gram jamissoo landerkin lisher mc gregor macdonald huron mcmillian mcmujlen mulocjc macfcenrie moncrieff miller obrien patterson rowand ross reiiuyckman roome somerrule suthcr- land spolin stevenson truox u against prohihitioa burdett bowman bergin bowel carpenter casey camp bell corby cochrane cocxbom denison ferguson k leeds ferguson s ren frew gibson haggart ennes livingston rurkpatricfc mills mckeil mclennan masson montague -mckay- macdonald kingston marshall madill macintosh mccarthy proalx robilkrd semple sproaletrow taylor tisdaje ttwhit woodwhite cardwell white renlrew iwaflacc i cannot classify cralg dawson feath- erston hodgins htttchins o we cannot give a detailed statement of quebec bat so far as we have facts it is quite clear that we ha made important gains ia that province if the other prov inces have done as well wj can carry pro hibition in the present hoase there is lots of encouragement to posh the petitions at any rate the annual record of the bradstreet mercantile agency for the year- 1890 is a very interesting httfe pamphlet has a tabje showing the business failares in canada during the past year with the causes there were 1g2g failures of which not kss than 90s were due to lack of capitaj 312 to lncompetenoe 9g to disaster or com- tnerciai crises 68 to inexperience 51 to reck less granting of credits u each to neglect of basroem and spaluida outside 3h to failares of cabers so to fraudulent x- pq 29 to ondoe jooropetion 9 to per sonal extratsganoe- there are now onder construction in ths carted states six new naval vessels which wfltcost altogether 18000000 more than w000000 a they arer first the new york which will be finished in time for the grand reriew in new york harbor in 93 commemorsiite of the discovery of america the others are the indiana the u and the oregon and two others that have not been named they are called at present respectttdy crosiers 12 and m die oregon will be the most exp of ab these new cruisers costxng the sum of f318000 prpvincial treasurer hsfcourt pressnm ms first financial statement to the house on tuesday andthere was a debate subse quently betwem e curka jos toit g morter g- b smithy dr wyhe and e i daris the total assets of the province are set down at 15mw3l and the liabilities now pay able 822032 learine a mrplaa of assets amooatidg to 95809 99569 the esti mated receipts for 1891 are 830822 60 a sum which falls short of the receipts for 1890 by 12is32i the estimated expenditures for 1831 amount to 13491027 3l we bare received from the department of agrieultare the printed reports of the tenant farmer delegates- of england and scotland to the dominion of canada which have been printed by the dominion govern merit for distribution in england and scot- and the general opinion of these visiting farmers appears to be that if people are detng fairly well in the old country they hsu better stay there but if they are not making beadwsy there and desire a change the they are recotnmendeil to try the canadian- north west in preference to any other country being advised first however to come and look around ooe year before locating or bringing oat their families last week the a frjffpcan consul in can- ada receited cat bine official envelopes which seemed plethorically bursting with importance they contained many pages of typewritten foolscap sjid it is said in cluded instructions to the various console to make diligent enquiries info the effect the redaction of america a duties on certain articles manufactured in canada hid on the canadian market- the consuls- are now gathering information and soon the aatfaorities at washington will be in the possession of the asked for data the con- su were also directed to gather faforms- tion regarding the number of american dead letters received in canada and re- mihed to the states- the men who rule the town the business which jcame before them at monday evenlriffs meeting- the regular meeting of the council on monday evening was given pretty largely to the hearing of deputations who had com plaints tomake or favors to ask at eigul oclock the councillors filed in and took their places in the absence of reeve lowry mr pearson was moved to the chair the clerk read the muicles of the pre vious meeting and they were confirmed the chairman of the committee oa fin aoce presented their fifth report and the following accounts were ordered to be paid m bead barrel coal oil l iclj i v e smith rent of poaad 133x lam fgowim kent 4 co lamp for reading l room sjg essjs the salvation army made apphcatioc for the useot the town hail on the ilth 12th and 13th april atreduced rates after some dfseassion as to the frequency with which religious bediis apphed for the use of the hall at special rates of late it was deemed inadvisable to make exceptions and the caretaker was instructed to adhere to the regular tariff rates mr arch mcnsb was present and com plained to the coancil of the great annoy ance caused by boys congregating in front of the solvation army barracks especially on sunday evenings thereby blockading theahewalk and the freqaent use by them of language unfit to be heard ab the pro- visionfi of bylaw ko 17 known s the nuisance bylaw fix a fine of from 50 cents to 1000 and costs for such conduct chief dan was instructed to warn the offenders and if thzt is not sufficient an example will he made of some of them i messrs il h warden and jnd cbisholm made application for a sidewalks on park avenue stating that the street was almost impassible at present the chairman of the street and sidewalk committee promised to look into the matter reference was also made to the recent flooding of the cellars in the vicinity of the comer of guelph and mill streets council adjourned at 830 pm the queen spring trip lokikis march 23 qaeen victoria left windsor castle to day tu routeta grasse in the department of the alps maritime france tweotyfive miles west of nice the queen goes to the sooth of fradce via cherbourg and not via calais hd paris as was announced shortly after the arrival in this city of the empress frederick at grasse the grand hotel has been rented and placed in order for the accommodation of her majesty cut his throat with a penkntfe aroor day according to the report of the ontario commissioner of education har bjcome one of the most interesting and profitable holidays of the school season in a very few years- he says every rural school tn the province will have iu pleasxut olalybower where the pupils can find sbejur front the scorching son daring the summer montbx and where thetr taste f of the beabtifal in nature will find some graiificatioo there ere hopes that quebec might rival this bat they bars been dsstrayed chiey by he action of the got sraofnnrtproclatirjingt tiflttwuw do bs observed by the people stagey bseaao they ooojd oos bsve any imwtok oftt neb tctioo had boukil warromi march 21 the neisbborhood of kings coart near watford wasitartled yesterday to bear that a yoaat man earned walter lewis had attempted lo commit suicide lewis u employed in the mill there he had dressed himself in the moroiagt in tea ding to go o watford and left the house to get something in the barn later be was found ia the stable with his throat cut from ear to ear the weapon used being a imall peuknifr no reason can be assigned for the deed- talk 0rthb day aiepltom ofth woridi delnc durlnc th wmk i th cutiu ihon r jmpdbuina la omt ftrluln nd inund tt w0t000 i quran victor hit wjodnor tatidkjr for oruir lit iho mutb ot franc oaring lut moaili goodl valotd it is- ulooo troic ezpofted rotu cunidi i tht ra count in nioolft que lift mr ttduo litbcnl with majority ot out mr lnwii sprlnxer ol htmlltoa hu bnntppointed raxlitru of wmtwotth um jury tu tlit uu of th ulopu wrtok mujotoj vcrdlol of toclduul dmth tlio nw ciuidun pulbo utniblp enir of lodli hu rttolltd uoog kong ffm rituu of bnutford wu u1m t pint lutiou by i nuiht tuln on moudiy mr e llir itlmir of onnrttill hu rtiiud ur john drtdljr loootodt him nicholu flood dliia m 1 hu joined tbe royil tetnplir of ttmpenno it hsi tbo loctl oiiltob byitn wu defottod in tiltonbarg oa kridty lut by majority ot fortyooe qeorge mabiooick ot pttrolti tl under trrnl or dnplicitiug hi vou at he dotnt- nioa cloctibil i woodboaw of auouter wu floeti5 uid oou for allowing men to throw dtoe in hi barroom tbe monument to thi late hon john konjuiy will be unveiled at winoepeg on qaeeu utrthday thosktaforityi there wilt be no pro- teit iu regard to either ot the notnt eiectioua iu hamiitoo jamea kane a dellveille hoille lulled hi i wife sanday by atabbtng her to the heart with a cuviog knife ur laarier hu uoeptod tninviutioa to attoad the annual banquetof tbe hamilton young libenla on april 2nd the coffer dam at the stall sic llane cinal ae nay wadueay nlfht and work wilt u delayed ix week the diicoter of nickel on four mill north- weal ot the village of flerm hu created coutiderable excitement at kajkerton leeway douajd ilcleod ol kincardine townahip wu aentenced to fourteen year for bamburning halt t million gailoua ofmouaaet bu bn tnniiportcd from cobt to philadel phia oa i petroleum uok itttmer the firil etttbyterian chnjch in st karyr hat extendod an auanamout call to rex t a coagrovt of port hope at dorchester an elderly lady named met boqe wu struck by an expreti trtin and ioauqtly killed idohday afternoon bfr julioa scriver liberal wure elected to the house of commons in huntingdon qvt- on ifoaday by l majority of iijl an iuvestiatioa wu besaa oa 5ttardty into the wellind pctoflice irrtculahtioa and the aatirant poatmuter robert bowet diiappeued a poater ia fein diitributed anuouocing a reward of 2000 and a free pardon to any but the real offender for the arrett of the healop murderer theetiztni ot winnipeg are afiuting for a ntore vigarom poficy of immigration and will petition the government to adopt enlarged methodt sir wilfred liwsoa aaya while the whole iriah rent roll ia idooow the amount paid to the vender of atroog drink approiimale 12000000 frederick carrollton fitztimmont t na tive ot erockrilie ont anot and killed detective giikiosoa of piuborroa saiar- dar night he u is caftody amongst a party of english immigrants who arrived in afontreal this week were a number of gypsies ho are on their way to the orthweat and british columbia on safarday wm 0 itove and robl murray two metcalfe township fanners had aquarrel on the road which retailed in the former receiving i fatal blow oa the head mr howlan who resigned his teatin the senate to become a candidate for the com mons in prince county p l and was there defeated his now been reappointed to the senate the state department at wuhington hu decided that it will not treat with newfoundland separately in regard to reci procity and the fisheries but only in con junction with canada the western statet are having new ex periences to the drought the cyclone toe blizzard and mortgage has been added the eartneatkeafoofana having tbe nov elty of a shock on friday canon wilberforce preaching in west minster abbey said that no scheme could uinmiat darkest england so long u we were content tojeave the man-dettroy- tng drink system where it is today in london patrice haley who wu sent to the peni tentiary for three years for stabbing mis ellia in garafrtxa last summer died there on thursday his body wu brought home to fergus en saturday he wna sentenced on oct 19 18 and to hu served half of his sentence in accordance with the timehonored custom exspeaker oaimet retains the chair which he hu occupied in tbe house of commons for the put four years u a souvenir of bis term of office a newchtir has been ordered to replace- tht one tbout to be removed mrs quigley sister of arthur dey who wu hanged at weliand ont dec is lut for the murder of his wife by pushing her over the precipice near niagara whirlpool died at rochester last tursday she confessed to holding mrs days drets skirt over her face and poshed one thoalder while day pnshed on tbe other 1 found dead in a snow bank j- 0cbx fjjxs msrch 23 section fore man john t hawkins of balfantyue town ship came serosa a dead body boned fn the snow he brought it to tbe ceihp tnd searched the pockets of tome clothes hefatd on and found some ptptrs on which wu printed arrow office barkt fiili also a book with pictures of apples tod other fruit and tn envelope with the name which at far u could bemede out wu gofdie tbe body had been torn by wo vet and it now in a frozen state at camp no 2 ballautyne tbe remalnt are so pouted to be those of ctpt g c goldie wll known in barks falls and magneuwan auotion s oh wbodino an ktqutnln boy of thirty it amttmd aspo in a breton of promlto cm i thtoouri room at the qnelph attuu wu orowatd tut friday whtn a breach of promltt mm wu called the plaintiff it a farmer daughter jfarguret pray f erin townihlp and the defendant james millar t farmtri too inetquctlng township living tbout tu mile apart tho plaintiffs itory it that in the tall of 1800 the tnd the defondantbeoame engaged tnd the mnrrltgo wu ftxed for january 88 millar frequent ly sailed on her and wat regarded as her toobpted lultor preptrtliont tvera made for the marrutge on both tides on janu ary 10th millar wrote mitt gray tnd tpoko about btokiog out bnt before the letter war received he again oalled on ber at this interview he claimed that they had t quarrel over the dale of the mtrriage which interfered with an suction tale to which miss ortyi family wanted to go according to millars itory the told him that her brotherinlaw was going to have a sale on the 28th tnd her titter tnd family wished to go to tht salend that her father thought an auction talo tnd wed ding wis loo much or one day in one family her titter wat to bo the brides maid and she wanted tbo wedding to be on thca7th hit itory was that he was to tnxioat to marry her on the 28th that ho wanted them to go off alone and be married on that day bat differently from most grooms for whom it it ttld tho wodding cannot be soon enough the 27th was too toon for him they parted however quite friendly but on the 19th ho wrote her thtl he had ended the engagement that he had rued hit bargain i he ttld however ho had nothing against miss grays character at the trial millar tried to show that he bad cause to break the engagement ta thcy never could agree and much- amusement was caused by hit manner of givingtvidenco and the reading of two love letters the first one wound up with kisses but the keen eye of the judge noticed thai there were no inch endearing terms in the last letter and considered in the face of the evidence and the wording of the letter that there waa evidence of breach of engagement after on absence of tn hour and a quarter the jury returned a verdict ofs00 damages for the plaintiff it is said the pair arc each tbout thirty years of age crip closes the churches insrrowlnsr nalfe i a positive and permanent care for in growing nail no ptjn sent pott psid tor lie stamps or silver address hoiot srranc co oniaii oil pittsunu march u the grip it spread ing there is scarcelylvbntinesteitablish meet which does not report from two to twenty hands laid up several chorches were closed sunday because minister were iii and anable to procure substitutes at the shady side presbyterian church prayer was offered for the grip sufferers last night saved his life by his pluck pout akthcu mirch 21 j a hunier brtkeman on tbt canadian pacioo hallway running between fort william and white biter was in tbe act of descending tbe jtd- der while the train wu in motion at port cardwell and had joss put his footon the lut rung when he slipped and fell toitbe ground his feet on the rail and right uuder tbe wheel by a superhuman effort he threw himself forward and grasped he brakebeam drawing hit body forward i nd his feet from onder the wheels bnt lot before he bid sustained severe injui n tbe wheels htd atrnok hta breaking i be ankle tnd cutting sod imsahlng bl feel to a fearful extent he was removed to st jotepbt hospiu where he now lies thb old b 1 am always sorry for the old baby the little fellow who turf to bstwivigdlaf btby before thti pink thing lnwhlu skirts and flinoil bltukil wu brought to th front door by tht ifbrki u ws know new babies always are his wlilmt ruled the house tbenwhtt hi wanted he had his eonnlng wsyt were mentioned in hli pre enot it wu a crime to scold him and he slept wih mamma tnd 1st on gnndmti itp now he hu a orlb in whioli he often wakens it night to or ntwbaby lies olose to mammas tiaart bat ae is banished he etnnol often find a pltoe on graodmii lip through thediy it iionoupledby tbit llanuel blanket when he ebouts he it instantly hushed he will wake the baby i mamma stays upstairs is be believee to play with that new btby how can be tell bow her betrt yearns for ber banish edonef he thinks hlmeelf forgotten he it too small to play out of doors with tbt other boy papa goes twiy early norse says dont and go sway when he toddles upstairs his listers go to sohool belly ii cross bervintt always are cross it inch timet nobody can or will mend hit wagon or spin hit lop people will oome to call for tbe baby he li no body now he understands this u well u any grown person can and he cannot be expected to comprehend particulars be can mike no allowance for the odd behaviour of his elders 7 i believe the seeds ofsuspiclon and ill- temper are often sown in tbe little mans brosit during this awful trial and that be thinks lets of his fellows constancy for tbe reel of his life and i tdvite you if yon desire to be a benefactor and to help one suffering mortal out of trouble and torrow to devote your attentions yoor oompli- menls your smiles to the old baby when you go to the house at which i new one bu just arrived ir xn sawed his head iv twain several men injured by the gyra tions of a circular saw moaarsnrau maroh 23 mr peter gokey with t party of men wu sswing some wood with hit curcular saw in the yard be hiud mr tbomu eutwoods carriage ahop at north williamsburg when the boxing which held tbe arbor ot the taw gave way owing to the saw pinching and the saw left its position and with lizhloing speed tore its wayacrots the iron table be hind which were qokey tnd several otkerr were tt work it ran up gokeyi left arm crossed his breut tnd right sboalder gokey mty recover but iiamson hess who wu handing wood to gokey had his head nearly split in two it seems that the saw took the course of t semicircle sad thus struck him ftir in the ftce and then sfter passing over his head plowed a deep furrow down his back hess is in critical coudi tion the gaah in his head wu so deep thst the base of the brain ooald be seen both men have families the other men had a miraculous escape the large oil anco wheel passed over ones shotlders tnd grazed those of another same old storv boy revolver didnt know twas loaded other boy dying hi tttqy hatch 2c henry borrows aged 13 who ires with bis parents at 103 robertstreet wu shot this evening with a revolver in the hands of a boy companion named callin young catlin playfully pointed the loaded revolver at burrows when- the weapon was dircbargod and the bullet- entered burrows neck below- the chin the injured lad wu taken u sf josephs hospital and aftr considerable probing the bullet was extracted the doctors have bat slight hopes for the re covery of barrows to my many customers in acton and tipnily i would respectfully call your attention to my immense stock of choice new spring goods which t can confident ly say are the finest i have had the pleas- ore of ahowing as i bare made special bargains in the purchuing of them i sm offering ipecisl inducements forspnng and willie pleased to meet all my old custom ers and manknew ones and u i am giving my special attention to the cutting i can ware yoa of perfect satisfaction and good fitting clothing every lime r- e nrxsoy guelph the minister ot education hu iasued an interesting tnd valuable report upon com pulsory education in canada great britain germany and the united stales appen ded is a summary of answers received from all the cities tnd towns in ontario regard ing ihe effects of truancy every esse except oue the tniwer was that compulsory attendance tl school would tend to the reduction of juvenile offences the excep tion wu london the mayor of which city said compulsory education would make no difference because all offences were com mitted after school hours dr stirton the wellknown dentist of guelph hu taken into partnership bis brother d stirton lds a recent gradu ate of toronto college of dentists fand they have decided toopen an office in acton they have obtained apartments in mst- fhewi block upstairs tnd are having them thoroughly refitted and famished this office will be la charge of tbe junior partner and will be open every week day 171300 in gold for a wife king of medicines a cure almost miraculous u when i was it rears of age i had a severe attack ot rheumatism and after i recovcrcc lid to pjqu crutches a year later scrofula la the fyrra oft white sweulngs appeared on various parti of ray body and for 11 years i was aii luvajid bcluj counaed a my bed 6 jean- tn that time lea or eleven sores apt larcd and broke eaiufny me great pain and suffering i feared i never should get well early tn isk i went to oueajro to rlsit a lister but was eoiiflned to my bed most ot tbe time i was there in july i read a boot a day with a circus in which were statement of cures by hoods sinapartlla 1 was so ira- itced with the success ot this metliclac that i licefded to try ft- to joy great gratitkatljn the sorts soou decreased and i began to feel belter and in a thnrt time i was up and out of doors i couiuiactl to take hoods sor- lanarilla for about a year wlieii luring iwed six bottles i had become so fully released from the disease that i went to work for the flint l walling mjp co and itace tbeu 1live xot lost x sccqle dat on account of sickness i believe the disease ueapedmromtiiyystemialwaysfeeiwtil am fa good spirits and have a good appetite taraoow27yearsof age and can walk as well as any oue except that one lioib is a little shorter than ihe other awuig to the loss o twuc and the sore formerly on my right ley to my friends my recovery seems almost miraculous and 1 uikik hoods sartaparilla is the king of medicines willuu a lrile s x bsilroad st eendadrlne tnd hoods sarsaparilla souvrandnuajtilstzfarss freparodoty br c i hood t co apotimonu lowu xass ioo doses one dollar the last week of kirch finds as vithsbelvesandcouaters fairly groaning wiui the mountains of new materials tbst bsve come lo band we have been asked whether we are not a little an fain e m our prospects of doiog a large a very large business urn spring- well perhaps we are still we are satisfied that tbe pablic appreciate good reliable goods and we have determined to mark the prioes so low that the goodi most go the old saying that goods well boaght are half sold it no doubt a truism and we feel confident that both in oar large european importations as well u in our large cana dian parebsses we have obtained immense sdvintaxes over ordinary bayer and we have gauged our prof is with a view peciaj- ly to greatly enlarge our business e r bollert co last week we opened direct importa tion from a noted parifian manafactorer of beautiful co tames in high class hotel- ties yoa sboald see them sad get first choice also a range of new fabrics in black dress and mantle silks which we compared with lines at fully 25 per cent higher in prioe and found them the best vajue also a large range of ladies spring jackets in plain and faocy cloths elegaot designs aod very moderate in prioe also tbe most charming things in french sa teens and chillies perfect pi eta res in designs alio cue alter case of spring afillioery materials aod fancy goods which oar large staff of milliners are manip ulating and taming into the most novel effects dae notice of oar spring millinery opening will be given e r bollert c0 wt will give to the first person telling us before fane 1st 1891 where in tbe bible the word wife is ant found 110000 in gold to the next ijo00 to tbe third jioo to the fourth 2000 to the fifth llooo to the sixth 110 to tbe next 25 meaoh to tbe next 25 2 each to tbe person leodiajg in the lut correct answer we will give 1100 in gold to the next to the list iso and so on stmeu from the first with your antwer tend 26 eta in silver or 27 cts in stamps for a box of dr coles blood and liver pills tbe best blood liver and stomach pill ever made sore core for sink beadsche dont gripe kemember the presents are absolutely free being given- away to advertise dr cole per fect fills and family remedies at tbe close of tbe contest the names and addresses of sll the prise winners will be published we refer yon to the tbe traders btnk of orilla send at once and be first address home bpeoifis co orillit ont dont forget thst t hi hsrdlng can supply yoa with choice clover and timothy seed at lowest market prioes biurets ualsaea lr aalej ttrerywkrn j to the gentlemtn we went to say that we just opened out tome new ebadinct for sprtog overcoats they are- very elegant moods also very nice things in trouser ings tnd specially good values in fine salt ings qnr merchant tailondg department increaaet its business each yetr reliable goods stylish designs sure fit tnd low prioes are tbe catching features give ot a trial order aod we guarantee it will not be tbe lut our stock of- boys tnd youths ready made clothing it fully stocked with tbe best goods to be bid for the money if yoa want t suit thtt will give wear come and seewbtt we offer we tlto show tbe very newest styles in spring hats 8carft ties shirts and geutilfarniihtngi generally and invite yoa to favor u with your ptiroutge e b b0lleet co 26 ft 27 lower wjrndham st guelph new spring ioods vvo hnvejust odoned a largo lot of hens atd boy fjt hats in whics wo aro showing extra valoo wocnn aave yoa monoy on theso goode now pitinu andjsateent all tho indies should eo tbeie goodi aa ihey will save monoy here great rango ot new dress goods we fire showing a line of all wool dubego 45 inches wide at 85c kegnlar prioe is 60c cottons ciittoimdes and tickings these are lines we make i big drive in now parasols and umbrellas at right pricfihe j ladies rubber circulars worth 450 only s800 new kibbons gloves and hosiery our boot and shoe department is full of bargains teas full assortment of groceries remember our 25c and 50a henderson mcrae co 7scton ladies of halton next week miss campbell who has so successfully conduct ed our millinery business for a number of years will be pleased to meet all our old customers and as manynevoriesasmay favor us with their patronage we are receiving and opening up a splendid stock of the newest and most desirable styles in spring hats bonnets flowers ribbons laces and other p millinery novelies we shall be pleased to have you call and miss campbell will endeavor to satisfy you in price and style v the leading millinery store hollinrake son 7unlaton be it ever so humble theres no place like home speight st son have a large stock of furniture suited to every pocketbook in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich we have a full line of furniture for the parlor the bedroom the dining room the kitchen in many styles and prices excellent value always j a speight mcjaser spring arrivals ju8t opened up light overcoatings scotch tweed suitings i cheviot and serge suitings shaw ft crundy ssse guelph to farmers and threshers pan on your tfaqh the well-knowa- 9 gold mwz31 mannfaetvireditquiinohyollvmkby wi v i aiiuivwcr co toronto ssmi jgito jabntiittattii j d bttrton beimtov oftkametibm block next fottoaw aeton ooee open ersrv day and tat van astsst i bttstoi ni t d brrrtos uj i l0d0eb8 waited eomfortabls room wltb altuog roecs if sw tired ia eoeveblent locslltr appljii fee fbbu omcs special notice all otstdot teeeoots dot settled tmfstt lsoj ot fsbruary ou kslly bros- will bt bues in to tbelr tolldlors lor ooueettan i kelly bbo fahm for sale bbixo lbs tut half ol lot s3 con 8 xantt- log lo ufa county of halton ja- mo tens nor or lass prams bouse sod-batj- btrn within miles of aeton on o tb for ptrtleolsrs spply to i w eluott btrristtr- wtn march ljtb 11 job pblotg ikclfdlvo books fsmpbleu fostenbfll heads circular e 4c txeeuted n the best styleof tbe srtal moderate priest sad an 1 abort notice apply ot sdaress 1 r h f moobe fszx fust offlerlettsi acton lodge no 204 looj meets lo trie oddfellows hall latttatwt block evesy wednetdayevenlbi vuttag bretturen alwarelcome for ropy of enswir tntlen aod lawtyapply to the ouderafcqedortsy ol tbe memkeav w weijaus a h ivobmjl m o itwltstiy c agents wanted bt the dominion illustrated in every cananitn town and village- specie inducements offered to sddltlon to eornmfsslesj for partleolars address the sabasuon lilho 4 pub co fnblisbers mratkal frank burces8 l house painterpaper hanger sign wnter etc is prepared to exeente orders in tny of tbe above itoeautbermstmandetsndatreasonablt terms every job baring my persooal attentjoa i ean sasur esatntqers eomplete tt a qrainlng in sh woods a specialty orders lelt at my lesidenee vain 6t ixtttl wu receive prompt attention picket wibe fencing coitf from 60 oents per rod 16i feetl up for tbe fann or ptrdtis tbere ii no team i durmble uid luting bttiii u trlil order and ire uiure foa mti- laetlco will be tifl rwoll dikooflt to the trtde price list and partict- lan on applittatioq addreci j m dooley k co cueloh ont acton- livery bus line tb ondertlsued napeetfnlltaoliciu uwutna ace ol tbe public and inloznu tbcm tut well equipped tad stylish rigs otn tl wsyi ba securtd a oonrfortable bna tbmts au men 9 sum- sass bob pm grtol tmtlan gtrvn ta ftr7 orar the tula of oomnjerda tratal- en fullj met 1 jomwiliamri or a wilford halls health a1iphlet disease cored without if cdicine j matthews actop bat been appointed unt far tbe sdreulatitsa of dr hiil eeltratedhsmlih pajnpblth bkn be keeps on band tbepaaiphmelabimbttbe treattmnt it adtisot tre enre for diaean itb out medldna tbe prioe for tbe fahipbw u four dollars and a guarantee far sirca that at tbepnrbagrunotntianail after potuac tbe treatment lot mjacienttoqa ptratniee for on pamphlet with a pledge nerer aadta to vet tbe treatment or euow it to be oaed in bis fazbq7 tbe wiuord ball treatment vitboot inodkiw for tbe talon rfot from tb nse of this tnat- ment please enquire of ant of tbe fouovinf parties actox ber drgifford bstt b b cook o mulbotjand mrq hnibouand johnbazter un john bsarrer wuliazn bematreet tc moore ntcuoore jatnea alattbevs mrs jar if attben ftm uollen bobertlfearb kobuelsam tbomaj oameron hra t cameroo wbgrippe james vartm mrs jlfartln wmiiaae icrlwlabe ouwr names will be added weeklr -t- new wall papers for 1891 iw packages m already received thi spring kewpatteniatbels4esidesaensandcbeapat than ever borden to match all onr paptn and prices away down dais b0 uksto be i guelph j g nelson wants to see u you t for he has what will suit you ix 3ih li dry goods boots shoes and groceries ipsi a ntiavl 8oi4angir l v- gawgtjpf twp w3wsfflflgj5p9kw

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