f c ctirjmltttfriess foung jolks riro wjirs or fabuxjig 01 1 kimit palrbanu bkuotuhl wet cpoo tw u rtnns ito dm id itt pt r hed irv of lb irrbdrifcl imtqptinfl b ttittl i hcd p ottb turulpc tuighbori all an iin pot turttxl upbr tb iwii i ci utmjamptrj ttrccnmt nh the tn ttirtt hop and nv u ult whoo bov tud tret jiaxu litci i ai ihc rctafc w rtiw4 la ui daji lotffi c t uyi titdht ginrl heat d the ttaryor diy tliu f irti iuu vac tehnftu turicwj- and wad wbwu old uthutiti bad dnliliod it laf ltyiy ii jvac tanning cou in the puir- i ixa did iqthnirawhittlitrt loos putcd twy j thoagli mentory ttwt of ib dayi tint are dot un moclr more uic muerric looting theut vn c i took u clc xt and i dint car l d int matr ttt liarcormiddunr or ug tlti it oe i ai letter asvcrtby tr i uirc vi niv ihoasliu oa ih err of tliii awdtratt they in every dui tut y- be a ftvaior uuxcm llim lut htfcti nuto ine aii wticu uui jrri over i tntll not be veicil av toy tborteooiiap bat look o the twxt tec people who board him admitted thecuinn or gixudt little method of randinc a arm aod iui him agreed that pood lortono neer lm oa the buio ma who ctitu oa hit drrnu asdtlibeft wtrto do is to work hrd tnd ft iaih hyiaf tody uid col thiakof th eiwpiis tbetctilultuioathttt flel vhile pn plod nobly on ilctrs looting iheaili f notes here and there items of central intsreat to free prt redr kulnr h rrovwrf aktaely tot ery ache tud in and olaoos throasli m1mi activity and eiperiment u ouukuuiij- wrtitin the awrata other domain taawand vondertul discoscry lit recent ly been made bymeaua ot winch ii o- thouaandi will be treed trom pain jtr- viline or netva pain core rpnmiil in a very ooooentrated form the most poicut pain reliavinn iobtilitm kuiwnto medical cjenoe andhmuce ti it i composed ot inbatanccs toldy ckplblo in origin polioari xeriline is the moil prompt ccr- uia and plevalitpiin remeiy in the world try kiliive tor toothtclic ticu ralria errmpf iclnijt rife tl tnu dent trorkv kouiilici skluwt by trorrrtri lly tiurrylug anct icurrjlng with rcttitie j wltli ourrlii the tniw- sotted lost aod l puriult of ionic ttnsll prise v ruijutctd tnd are not wiw andntid tlic uuwonlod escrclso a ttmtul iricc liai colt t belfartsr to lolo tlio ilrouj tui do lliolr duly rtfut slooj kclucunlftioy to inske l tow or tunic tlicuuclvti ridtculoul clui and lcrcne la uosrt and ncne their tntifth is i rcierre aud uoijv iinsscch tost and cvcrjdsy and all shoot hy scenes yitli slid scones sruhoal we can intern with iiesr s doabt tlillulcl wavs an host j veir lori- utaujtlul v under the earth the workmen in the deepet mines of europe swelter in umost intoiartbie htt nd yet they bite ner yet penitnted over oo seventh thoosndthtaxcol the distine from the sortioe to the centre oe tatearthji inthelotrer levels o some ot the comstoct mines the men fought icijd intj water snd ooald isoor only three or lozr hoars it s time nntillhe satro lannel pierced the mines snd drew off tome ot the terrible lieali which hid stood it i20o the deeepest boring ever aide thit it sperenberg neir bsriic penetntes only jnifeet iboat 100 eedeeper thin the fixnoa3 irtesiih veil it st loais while riiip sod mfaea rsyesjto aionlr eecrets reliiing solely to the teniperitore ud constitntion of the earth for i lev thonsind feet below the sarfice we ire ihle by meins of volcanoes to form some notion of whit is going on it greater depths there hare been many theories about the closes of volcanoes bat it is dot generally held that that thoagh they ire produced by the intense heat of the interior of the earth that they are directly oonnected with th molten mass that lies many miles below the immediate sources- of volcanic energy everybody knows that many rocks ire formed on the floor of the ocean and it has been foand tint i twentieth to i seventh of their weight is made ap of imprisoned witer kow these rocks ire buried in timr nndftc qterfayinj sttxta which serve a a blanket to keep in the heat of the interior this heat tarns the water intosaperheated steam which melts the hardest rocks and wtin the steam finds i fissure in the- strata above jl breaks throogh to the surface with terrific energy and we hive a volcano we find thit these oatpourings that hive bin for countless ages many thousands of feet below fhe surface ire well idspted to serve the fjarposes of man many a vine yard flourishes on the volcanic ishes from vesa-ria-t- and volcanic mad has clothed the hills of kew zeilind with fine forest and its plaint with luxuriant verdure the most wonderful display of the results of volcanic energy is seen in the northern corner of our own land ajregionof lofty forests and of great fertility gjldicaiws gtjrafjucal uaqtzzac pulunc teethby electri city an electric oothpuller u being experi mented with in england and is cresting an immense commotion in the world of dentistry by means of ibis new device the etubbornest and most sensitive teeth are extracted in a twinkling and with absolute ly no pain to the patient the victim grasps the handle attached to one wire leading from the battery and a pair of forceps is attached to the other wire when the forceps touch the tooth a circuit is formed the jsw being much more sensitive to a shock thin the hand the enms are so numbed by the electricity that the tooth can be pulled without the patient suffering a pirticle in order thit person receives i shock too great for his system be testa the current himself before- the forceps are applied to his molars ex periments made in the philadelphia college of dentistry proved beyond doubt that with the aid of an electric current even nerves can be removed from decaying teeth without causing pain the method is ex plained is simple society disappearing in thir democratic nineteenth century society in the oldand anstrocratic sense of the una is disappearing people of a certain class and eertain means do certain things at certain times becaose other people of the same class and the same means do likewise there is a universal tendency toward the i equalization of ioxary and of the exienmj manifestations of refinement social habits are formed on the models established by two or three great centres of civiuztibn and all the wealth thit yoa find elsewhere is a more or less pale re flection of the rpai article with the increase of facilities of communication originality ot ill kinds decreases and the search for local color becomes more tud mora hopeless ffarprfs magaunt taafflca for t70 years tliekriurmtmlictur the popuurity winch uoo isssrsintri hat gaiuej u a ptitii medicine it wonder i til u pfvtcs jut thoc elemcqlt of health uivingltodpurityiuikndiipclue restoring which evcrj body seems to ueedat this season dj not continue in a dull tired onsilmactory condition when- yott miy be i0 mach betienicd by hoodt str- aparilu tt iuri the blood and makes the week- strong audt tappow like a bra- soldier you followed your colors ves when ever there wu a biltlei noticed that the colors were flying to i flew loo why not tttut t why not treat such troubles u botlt pimples blolcher sorte humors eruptions rashes akin irralitiooi etc with bardock blood bitters it is filled with virtue as a blood parifier and goes right- to the right spot li makes the ikia bright ind cleir while also invigorating the entire system somebody asks for a good definition of a phiiospher l philosopher it a man who earns 99 dollars i week and it contented wth his inoome why suffer from disorders caused by impart blood when thocsinds are being cored by using ivorthrop t lymans vegetable discovery it removes pimples and all eruption of the skin mr john c tux olinda writes korthrop tfc lymans vegetable uiscovery is giving good sitif fic tion those who have used it tay it has done them more good thsn anylhimg they hive ever uken it is i mistake to suppoee thit the clock strikes with its hands the third page ol the toronto dui mauis noted for want advertisements if you want to buy or sell anything if you want a ti tuition a mechanic i hosi nesa machinery lodgings if you hire lost or ound anything or if you- want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to ronto dailf 3fail and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the care istwo cents a word each in sertion address tkc hail toronto can ada whuuksrfi oiiriioa tht following it taken from mr d dins winnipeg km being persnded to use haggards pectoral balsam for a troublesome cold i was entirely cired by the os of iteo bottle there it room for everybody in this big world friction comes from the fact that too many want the front rooca- thit latent force or ficid which penne- ites all mitter and which bears the con tentional name of electricity is widely ippreciited and recognized as a means of cure in various diseases its efiecu in the form of dr thomas eciectric oil are shown by the relief of pain both eu- ralgiac and rheumatic at well tijhc throat and longs and in various other healing ways it ix supposed thit the ili highlanders are so freaentlyseclectedfor active service on iccdont of their fiude physicians meet with no more common or dangerocs malady than catarrh it begint with i cold in the head often resists all forms of treatment and runs from simnle irritation of the mucous membrane to chronic infiamition and destructive ulceration before clarks catarrh core was known the doctors adopted a ion course of con stitaiional treatment with their patients but now they recommend them to go to the druggist and get a package of clarks catarrh care when the druggist cannot supply the remedy will be sent by mail on receipt of io cent clirfc chemical co toronto new york it is one of the remarkable facts in riding that the carriage is always tired before the horses constipation claims many victims ward off this dread disease by the use of small sugar coated burdock pills when needed 0 0 tucttiam a co oirrsmy horts wu no afflicted with distemper thai hs could not drluk for four dtyi tud refuted all fond filmpty apply 1d miiuitds liniment outwardly oured him feb 1687 cirt hsuoeut cikx c 0 kiciubis co oumi have used your minahdb liniment for bronohitit tnd astlimi and it has cored tne i believe it the best lot o p e i mis a livixoitcsf i if yoa want to bay or sail a farm ad teniae in the torouto hvetty uaiu that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wauts to par- ohiae advertisements of this olisi ire in- strted n the toronto weekly mail for five cento a word each iosertion or twenty cento a word for five insertion- address the mall toronto canada dreatrehedy rheumatism neuralgia solatica lumbago baokaohe headache toothache sore throat frost bites 8pralns bruise burn etc sold by pnieriiti snd dealen eterywhere fftr cents i botile dlrectlonila 11 iauiniutes the cfusus k vt6aet co btisttt hi canadian it toronto ql facryiirinf says one ot the best housewives in nsw england we feel the neceasily of liking a good medicine to pnnfy the blood and we all lake hoods sacsiparilla it keeps the children from hamors my hatband says il fives him a good sppeule and for myself i am sure i coald never do all my work if it was cot for this tplendid medi cine makes me feel ttrong and cheer- cat mi i am never troubled with headache or that tired feeling as i used to be one daihu bottles of the best known blood hemedy will not work such a change ta the esse- of catarrh as one pikig of cltrks catarrh cure all the wise talk about catarrh being oooititcucntl or blood disease depends entirely what the advertiser has to sell if yoo have catarrh tin my form try clarks catarrh cure md yoa need not take a cartload of it before any benefit is derived druggists keep it and recommend it price jo ceclt sent to my address by the clark chemical co toronto kew york i think taid the editor in a worried tone that i will drop jcurnalitmand take up astronomy why well astron omers always eeein to have more space thsn tbev know what to do with use the safe pleasant md effectual worm fcillar ifolher gravea worm erter- micilorj nothing cicala it procure bottle and take it home the bcicly of hiving children in the hose it that whenever you want tmali chance van an find it in the childrens bank editorial evfdenre gektltic- year htrgyaxds yellow oil is worth its weightin gold for both in ternal an j external cse during the late la grippe epidemic we found it a most excellent freveative and for- sprained limbs etc there is nothing to equal it wir pricrieetox editor rtisjrit y delhi ont i iriffrowlne nails a positive and permanent care for in growing ksile ko pain seat post paid for 13c ttamps or silver address horn bicctnc co otillu ost children cry for pitchers castoria when baby was iicfc se gmtc her csstoris wbcc lie si child she cried for castoria when she became kiss the dime to castoria when she had children she eee them castorla 70liagidrart wife we will gire to the first person tellioff ns before jnne lit 1801 where in the bible the word wife is first found 10000 in gold to the uextijooo to the third 2ixxi to the fourth 2000 to the filth ji500 to the skth 810 to the next is 5 each to the neit 25 2 each to the person sending fa the last correct answer we will give f 100 in fold to the next to the last 50 aod so on same as from the first with yoor answer ierjrr2s cts in silver or 27cu in stamps for a box of dr coievblood and liver pills the best blood liver and btomsch fill ever made sure cure for sick headache dont gripe kemember the presents are absolnielf free being eiveu away to advertise dr cole per fect pills and family remedies ac the close of the contest tb names and addresses ot all the prise winners will be published we refer yon to the the traders bank of orilla send at once aud be lint address home specific co oriilia ont i hear that jones taa gone into augar speculation he will never sacceeed why not lie hasnt got the sand for a sogar speculator plies a positive care thonsandr of testitnon ials so purge ko suppository sent post paii for 27 cts in stamps address home specific co oriilia ont kow free form pain vzw ercs i have been troubled with lame back for about u months and thought l would try hsgyards yellow oil which cured me am now free from sll pains and recommend yellow oil very highly frjlvk piuteb winona ont new view of poverty poverty is ercept where there is an actual want oljfood and raiment a thing more imaginary than real the shame of poverty uhetlnuue of beiug thought poor is a great and fatal weakness tvz the spire of st helens church kyde islaof wright which was built at the be ginning of j the last century was shortly after stack byligbtningand it was believed j that a large bell was broken at the same time this week churchwarden calloway went into the bellry and ont of curiosity examined uie bell instead of a crack he 1 fennd that piece of wood winch had been broken from tiie wheel was pressing against the bell and stopped the vibration on re moving this the bell after being muffled for 170 years rang out iu a way which oston- x iihed the iinabitajita pall mall bulgr ubeeban oscoda midi writes i i hava u id pr thomaa eclectnc oil on borss or aiserent diseaaes and fopnd it to te jtat i yon recommend it hsi done joauce to l i every time and is tbe best o3 br ion i wr rmd saiikmluj soppo ing yoji suffer from some disease suppose it is dyspepsia or biisiousness or constipation or bad blood sappose yoo earn that bardock blood bitters has cured thousands of cases of these and similar complainl dont yon suppose you ought to try it 1 it cannot harm you and in nine cases oat of ten it- caret tatasusts itstasatm fr sale icntrirfcere hrs h hall ksvsrioo n y writes for years i have been troubled with liver complaint the doctors said my liver waa hardened aud enlarged i was troubled with dizziness pain in my sfaonlderi constipation and gradually los ing tuh all the time i was under the care of three physicians bot did not get any relief a frjend sent roe a bottle of northrop fc- l mans vegetable discovery and tbe benefit i bave received from it is far beyond my eapectauoii i eel better boar tbas ever i nave dorse for years uaflalo mllcomluj with his wild west show causes immense excitement nearly equal to that caused by the introduction of that wholesome and pure article known as the imperial cream rakw powder sold by all tbuly 0alled tie greatest medicine world ibsolately gaaranteed u daiiard or mossy rafaadsi pamphlets testimonials etc fbze ity b1d1h hicjtojue iuucb c iu 120 ktog st w toronto ont bob ksjoiaotuera tor toe oondslos ftcbware of impoaltlonal 6sm nrr mark unsightly pimples blotches tsu and all itching humora ot the ikiu arc removed by uiiog dr lows sulphur soap u yoa bsvea cough or cold do not neglect it many wiljioala trace of that hereditary disease have drifted into a consumptives grave by ueglecting wlist ss only a slight cold had they used bicklce auti-con- lamptivt byrup belons it was too lale- their lives would have bu spsred mr a w levy mitchell writes i ihiokbick les anticonsumptive syrup the best pre- paratiou on the market lor coughs and severe colds aboutaii years ago i caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and for three months ihad a cough i bad a physician attending me and gradually grew worse until i was on the verge ot consumption and bad given up hopes of being cured when i was induced to try biekles auliconsumptive syrup before i bad taken one bottle i found myself greatly relieved and by the lime i bad finished the second bottle i was completely cored i always recommend it for severs colds snd consumption at the theatre sanao what makes that woman wear such a large hat kodd shes probably heard that all the worlds a stage and wiihea to wear a hat big enough to obscure it clarkl llgiitnluk liniment will relieve the painful torture of rheumatism in the joints or muscles it should be well rubbed in with the hand and the part covered with a piece of flan- nel the pain vill cease with the first ap plication and its continued use will euect a marvelous cur this remedy needs but a trial to convince the most skeptical that it is wonderful preparation sold by all druggists j price fifty cents clark chemi co toronto new york r lows worm syrup hss removed tape wormi from 15 to 30 feet long it alio destroys all other kinds of worms owing lothe unprecedented demand for plate glass it has advanced conubcrably in price- lessra mccaaslsnd sac tor- oolo fortunately made a contract before the advance for a vers considerable quantify and are thus enabled to offer their patrons this season a very decided advantage in price the quality being sa perior to any ever previously imported a package of four dozen fishing flies were sddreaaed to senator mcpuercoa of kew jersey by new york customs asicuds- tbere are no niea on the free hit eiriug clmiiinff be particular every spriog to clean the bouse but never mind cleansing the blood until some troublesome disease takes bold of you this is poor policy whenby using burdock blood bitters tie blood will be ihouroughly cleansed the body strengthen ed ind future suffering prevented spring arrivals mammoth house georgetown at the jflurds liaisons far sale ererrwkere great bpring arrivals of dress goods bilks irillinerr mantles fancy goods staples prints sateens a beautiful lot of fancy sateens fast colors for 12jc worth 18 our sateens cannot be distinguished from silks and our erin f s excel in design price and quality having bought our cottons shirtings cottonades tickings aud denims beforethe recent rise we are enabled to offer them afc the present wholesale prices carpets oilcloths rugs aud curtains cheap and in large variety geuta and boys readymade clothing in great profusion and very low prices our suitings spring overcoat ings and gents furnishings were never more complete the cut- tiug fitting finish and price ot our genu garments have a fro- vincial fame we call special attention to our varied and large 6tock of dress goods and dress trimmings our dressmaking department is in full swing tnrnihg out exquis ite gowns jackets and mantles oor millinery department is complete with all the lafest novel ties from the different centres of fashion inspection invited oar european goodsjiavebeeu imported by ourselves our cauadithi goods have been pur chased before the rise on the most advantngeons terms we prom ise aud will give great bargains inspection ahdpatronage respect fully solicited i w mcleodco akobobtown- cast0ria far infante an children tteeomramdllusupettatoeronrasxsrljiuon i jjj wcrmatalos step and promote dl- msfcoistbtout i wul injurious medication ti oaxtica ooarixi tt hurray street k t clhvt oa matarlaium llk choar foftni of land- ity bu a basil of insineachy at a meeting in liverpool in snanlulpobllcly aaid i do not bajlava than is an bowrt man id tba world who rmlljr btlltvm thai wi are til limply roattat ud to out of ailstenc at death if tbtn la a real ma terlsllit in this aodleor i woold ilk to see blm a man root np andibooted well her la one corn np hersj said thstradgtllsl i want ail that people to see man wbom roothar died like a dog and that waa tn and ol hw yoo an a liar snooted tba man aha ra one of tbe beat women lrt tf lived and aba li in heaven today ii tha fallow waa fairly caught in tie own trap ha qolte got for tba momanl bil own creed t tbe moat agreeable reatofativa tonlff i aud mild stimulant is mllburni beef iron bus1n ess in full swing in ci and trunk railway eiprvii passeng mall tbrougl aeeom 00lliv aoln e thlst 1990 10 bsst moani r ii sm 11 w sm fxji goj pm joisowirr esrrrii tio aas fsprni 103tn tbrt esprens 33 pjn hall 0 05 pjn t is rum 10 olpm accorn tmaorclosixn kiili t0 30 am snd 6 so pm 10s0sro and 530pm m uhle wrntloto cffct od oct 27lb every department of the golden lion millinery our millinery opening was a grand scc- oeas but now that it is over we expect the ladies to feel as free to come in and inspect it u they did lut week we did not intend j to say anything eulogistic of our display but since some one is accused of indulging in j bombast and eothusiaatic eelfpraiae toj save the reputation of the accuser we will just repeat what we heard from scores of ladies last week that our millinery is by far the fineat in the city and what we con sider equally high praise very much the cheapest v we expect fully as large a crowd this week u last carpets great line of tapestby car pet o s0 pieces worth from 65c to 9c to be cleared st 50 cents the greatest bargain ever offered in tapestry carpet in the city uxlok carpet 30c up all wool 70c up brussels 90c up lace ccrtaixs akd pole com plete 1100 all the kice xew curtain goods in great- variety dont fail to see them clothina j oor ordered clothing rjermktinent haa j- begun to boom and with the advent of nne spring weather we expect a still greate rush we would adviae young men wanting suits to order tbem as early as poaailile- we are offering a special 1900 suit j op scotch twmd f p the very beat style with the fineat trimmfnga alne i wale suitings also special v at 1900 fixe haib line and fancy stiupe pants very special at 1500 j d williamson cfe co 5 and 7 wyndhamstt3nelpli 84 oswald stqusgow sprina jackets x measured by inches the differences bettveeu a jacket that fits and one that does not isnt mucb its an impassable gulf to many jacket makers jast he same very likely you know it to your sorrow try on one of our new german jackets however was ever anything cf the kind neater or trimmer not only that but theres style to every feature of it ftora the set of the collar to the hang of the sleeves we hear only words of praise for these garments you will think perhaps the finest and handsomest jackets aud wraps in the city must also he the highest priced but this is not the case we do not go to the trouble of importing our mantles trom the german manufacturers without being able to do better for yoa than those who arc uotin a position to buy them so closely you will not only find these goods attractive and stylish but the prices moderate the sales of our spring jackets so far have greatly exceeded our expectations and we ask our customers to make their selections at once before he assortment is very much broken we keep full hues of spring jacket cloths in all shades- r g b ryrn 5t go cuelph canadian printers read ca n furnish you with the best presses for country news and job work to be had in this country and at lower prices than for an other new cylinder press coke to rcton knd see our improved country prouty press kt ifliork r the free press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster work we have run the pronty for eight years and the longer we run it the better we like it it is simple easy to run easy on type easy to handle coat liltle for repairs and is easy on the printer s pocket book we call it the best press to be had in the world odayfor the money come and see oor press at work if you desire samples of work send for them aud we will gladly furnish beta we oangive yoo voor choice of a number of different sizes and styles of presses at all prices f think of it i a new 8 col folio or 5 col cjto power press fori only 600 to 700 or an 8 col book press lor 800 full particulars from h p moorel agent for canada acton ont arayena milk food mimustflslkessdeal eheastesl ast4 fass4 is mlkr milk r ear rtw4 bmta ask rsu drtwslst tar uixijd ajulffsjaroodssiatmssroj tonics itivssarl a psssptalet of brlonsatioq aadsj itnct ot the laws showing how loi obtain rsients cavssm traded us munn a 00 381 brodwav wtwrsrt t 10 mackinac j summer tours placc srcamtfif low rtt jrr trlp per watk btta itroit mackinac isund xtot zrimiac etvta detroit and cleveland uut thm strip inf iit sss al ipat 0j ojjb illustrated pampkiets satm ssd excunioit ticket wm be ftaslalud i by rcttr tick asvas or jiaarcs j a schantz asst 0 p a drrserr ssjoi the detroit i cuieuld steam iii co the largest scale works in canada over ioo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales iliffloyed show cases money j drawers lie jt choppers j ahd butchbs supplies aonzsss ix ttl write it leroa c wilson son 6 o esplanade street east toronto ont lafeiiioa mis paper c cr7 i3 rca mil pboi estanodj forcstsnh b tbe tlfittmlff to tjaaaad iv t catarrh powder purest stronce8t be8t contains no alum ammonia lime phosphates of any lnerioiib esalshats ew gillett ssbsjs stajfietiltilebjarkikilitlsteaxxi b b b burdock blood bitters lp a purely tbrclable conipountlposs5ssing ljifcc reublbspoirtrsoteramheorgwii if tli etsteni nnd controlling tlieir sec- it so parities tho blood that it cures ai voo1 humors snd diseases from a com- ijoa iimpl to the orat mrofuloua sore and lii s combined vih its unrivalled regulating clean iinj and jiarifvin indnence on tho rieorclioni of xz ltcr kidneys bowels lad it in render it uneqciued ai a care for all iisvases o tha skin from one to two bottles trill euro boils jiimpies blotches nettle rash scurf tetter hiid all the simple forms of skin disease fiom iwoiofourboulesrillcnrc saltrheum pc ecrotna 6liingles erysipelas ulcers ab fceases running 60te3and all skin eruptions ii is noticeable that sufferers rom akin diseases arc uearly nuvnys bciatatedby intolerable itching but this quickly subsides on the removal of tho disease byb3b passing on to graver yet prevalent diseases such us nfu0u3 swellings humors and scrofula v have undoubted proof that from three lo sit bottles used internally anil by outward application jilutd it the skin is broken t6 the affected parts will effect a cure the crcit mission of b bi is to regulate tha lircr kidneys bowels ind blood to correct acidity and wrong acfton ol the stomach and to open the sluiceways of the system to cary off all clogged and impure awre- tious allowing nature thus to aid recovery and remoro without fail bad blood liver complaint biliousness dyspenaia headache dropsy rheumatism and every species of disease arising from disordered liver kidneys stomach bowels and blood yo guarantee cvty bottle ot b b b should any person he dissatisfied after using tlie fin t bottle wc whl refund the money cm application personally or by letter we will a is j be glad to send testimonials and in formation proving thtj effects 61 b b b in the above named diseases on application to t uilburk co toronto oat